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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 26, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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to malice, the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gymnast them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the a. this rattle tags, the palestinian rid crisen building and con eunice with thousands of people with sheltering thousands of killed in use drugs. the i'm told mccrae, this is l g 0 live from also coming up video images of palestinians, stripped and detained fines. ready forces at a sports stadium and gaza is ready right across the occupied the west bank. the palestinian is killed up to soldiers storm the also can.
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the and one person is killed in the ukrainian is strongly called the coastal city and russian controlled crime in the it's 12 g and t that is 2 pm in gaza, where the israeli army has been bombing the southern city of con eunice and artillery strike has hit the headquarters of the palestine read crisen society. thousands of displays. palestinians were sheltering their attacks on residential buildings and con, you'd us on monday night killed at least $26.00 people. video has image showing tell us any and strip to the underwear and rounded up by is riley forces and the sport, stadium, and cancer. it comes as the you in sounds the alarm about as well as the treatment of detainees. and the army is writing cities across the occupied westbank, including 2 columns,
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hebron area and to bus one. palestinian has been killed and 55 times. honey mach mood joins us live from profit and southern gaza for the licensed via can just bring us up to date with the latest bombings, especially the one on the palestinian rid crisen that happened earlier. a within the past, the hours the on the main building, the headquarters of the power, right? any not located in the western side of finding the city. and you know, i'm a district, an area that was designated a paper work deleting residents inquiry and more inquiry back, leaving this thing. coming from the northern part, think of the city, but over the past few weeks and has become a major side rated relentlessly, restrict targeting residential homes and neighborhoods and more of the fire bills
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destroying the majority of the infrastructure. this attack on this building targeted the upper floors of the the. busy thing and just causing great deal of damage to old equipment and the medical supplies and the medical equipment inside the building and forcing 1000 of people who work inside the building in the core of doors and in the courtyard of the vicinity of the area who put their tens this filtering in that area and take it into the records into displacements. the vast majority of people ran into nasir hospital. the other made their way into all of my was the area and evacuations on the western side of the city. simulate tenuously at the same time. oh, there are a tax in the district and the southern part of hon, uniform residential homes, were targeted and destroyed, forcing more people into displacement reports of tens of injuries into nonsense hospital. just putting more pressure on the hospital that's already running out of medical supplies,
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running out of space as injuries are pining up in the corridors. in fact, there was a statement by a doctors without borders. this driving, particularly on unison, did it. but it's becoming increasingly difficult to accommodate the large number of injuries. it's just within the past couple days as we've seen. surging the airstrikes and the variable large as well as the artillery sitting across the gods of the minex concentrated in the central part of the timing city just within the past hour. renewed artillery selling as well as areas environment. getting systematic campaign we spoke on the phone with a couple, i wouldn't miss it from a grease count on the as the represent cameras was talking about people started to evacuate. there is becoming increasingly and large the on safe for them and their families. some were hayden there toward dated, but obviously the, the western side of the cities, the vast majority, people are coming to rough thinking that postal was despite the fact it,
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despite the risk involved in their journey from the central area here. but those people decided to leave as their homes were becoming a potential targets for these really mother trains. thanks so much for the update that is honey mckinley for us in reference, southern gaza, as well as ready forces are facing renewed criticism over the treatment of detainees. off the video image, the palestinians stripped to the underwear and round it up and gaza. for more on this, let's go through sort of how that who's live for us in television sorta. this is another video of palestinian men and boys being held prisoner being stripped of the clothes. what is the reaction thing like the yeah yeah, that's right. as he says, a humiliating video, once again for palestinians, but already feel that they are constantly humiliated even before. uh, this will on the goal, is that not only in uh, gods,
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but also in the occupied territories on tons of this video. this is the 2nd one in the space of a few weeks. a couple of weeks ago, a video was released to close international outrage that was an outpouring of and god's woods seeing these videos showing caught us in young men, young and old. and clearly those that weren't able to walk easily because of the age being made and forced to sit down in just the underway when they were questions about the weather. when one of the uh, media channels is nice to meet the channels. uh awesome about you know, the fact that it's also called at the moment. um they said that the cold weather here is not as cold as anywhere else in the walls. and really, um then said the, this was the, the materials that they would ensure that the videos like this wouldn't be filmed because this does a, any videos of prisoners of war does go against the international uh, laws and the geneva convention. and they said they would then show that this
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wouldn't happen again. well, of course, another video has been released starting a symbol of scenes. this time in a football stadium, you can see that they are made to sound the embrace with distance between them. and the reason why these riley gave it last time, why they had stripped them down to the and where is that? they said it was to ensure that they didn't have explosives on them. but there's a multitude of problems in only as i was saying that it goes against international lawyers to film them in the 1st space will even take photos up. but also it's the fact that they streets the palestinians as this one of them all have mass. so there is already a sense that those are being treated this way of being treated as this. they all criminals, including children. this is what happened last time. and last time when the video was reduced, you had policies and using cause are recognizing some of those in those videos and saying this isn't even possible. some of these were kids,
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some of them well on the age so that just sort of you full video evidence the and it will be interesting to see whether it will receive any international reaction again. okay, thanks so much. sought us out of high that for us, intel of have as i mentioned, this is the beginning all of it's for ongoing. so these ready on behalf of the tide . hundreds of men and boys, some palestinians released by the military. you have been talking about the treatment at the hands of his riley soldiers, accusing them of torture and humiliation. a warning view as may find some of these 1st hand accounts distressing. the oh. hold on, i'm exactly club now with my with dish. we're going to be in my will just you the in the box you little this got so push. now is going to be do me a more say if you're able to has, you know, with us rob the bins and all of us for
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a while now you just sent me just not to show up. i have not been 0 via and then number 2 is the center of the way of assembly and the check continue just enough to see on the whole not any damage of it that much on the whole well may own. uh well i do have that on the books for the ssl cuz she had a got the kind of a field trip. would i go by to us? go by do a so my o shut, building charter is maya was all right. we have bottles, 2 bottles, if you'll hold a deep ship you? yes me do. but i think i'm on the bush about to eat your whole spot. the when i got the silver hardnet this the got a bottle, i did love, i like it was so by that you had, i guess the overhead, but they also on the how many and i'll also gather the we are the most the fall under the model small donald,
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but the suit us all the you were blue on the previous evening and then my on my you body of what was left on my machine on exams. you go to the heart of the, on the mountain. so what do you. busy what do you the all of us on this? no, me the now no, no. on the did you want me to push the flow north? i'm up north of elizabeth. i hear you. i'll be there. you're good to hear you. oh if you have any used to work with them, show you the the the i yes. yeah. my yeah. the the huh. yeah yeah. yeah. the, the, you'll the viola and then this very often the total dana,
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i can get it from most oh, oh, was the shed which i'm going to study. i mean, wireless man, if i really i love additional kind of give you the chase. i like i mean the national as much as they are possible. 1 the just mother of, i assume i'm going to have him the head, a cadets bring in the shower. i'll do their a senior political and listen. some harrowing reports 1st hand accounts of what it is like to be detained by the is rarely military cigarettes being put out the base things. one man, it's talked about being blind folded to those. he dies strides. what do you make of it all and, and how does that play? i guess, to the, uh, how is rarely so i guess see, and view and trees, palestinians, every time you think is right, has had
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a new law. it's kind of somehow fine. so it's ways to even lower grounds when it comes to it's standing as a fighting force, you know, for a long time. of course, as we all know, the i d. s. stood for israeli defense forces. in fact, the idea stands for in humane the vs. on farcical is proved to be in humane. guys are revealed that to be in who man the past 10 weeks. the kind of bombings, the kind of suffering, the kind of dissemination of everything, civil and civilian, the way it was destroyed, mostly from the air and without any kind of, you know, hand to hand combat. just the idea of this. and you, man, if you have this war that we haven't seen since seconds, world war, i mean, it's kind of astounding that one has to wait. one has to refer back to the 2nd world war and the nazis to think of anything compatible in terms of modern welfare
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. but they're also devious. so it's just not in humans. it's also devious. and the way the is really a soldiers continue to act like rogue or the guns. i don't know if they getting the instructions to do so or not, but clearly a majority of these are, the soldiers continued to show us a certain face, a certain behavior that is not in, in band them with anything that we know about a professional army or humanitarian law, or anything decent and principal by any on. and then there's a, the farcical aspect of what all. and i think that explain why the 1st to then humanity, all of it. and the under deviousness of it is that if it weren't for the american advanced weapons, don't want to probably be lost in guys already. i mean reporting to be so cowardly . so and put them so weak 11 weeks the so this is supposed to be the
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strongest, most powerful army, endemic least difficult for the american high, high tech weapons. i'm not sure they would have one and even now with the guns even defeats have most. so the i d. f of these ready defense forces are really proving themselves to be quite in humane, quite dubious, and quite farcical. in fact, when it comes to guzzle, and just on the point to, we showed a little bit earlier, the video of palestinians being stripped into times by his ready forces and in the sport stadium and gaza. a correspondent didn't tell of a sort of hot, it was still say that we're waiting for international reaction to that video. do you think it will be as widely condemned as the 1st one was only a few weeks ago when we saw similar things. look what? oh no, we're in christmas, you know, something happens to the western world on christmas, right? everything goes on deep freeze. but to be honest, i was just watching a bbc interview and i see an interview. now with watching american british,
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french and other journalists pushed back best, you know, and we haven't seen that kind of a push back against. is there any sports person who continuously deviously in this information type approach continue? just make the same lives the same sound bites and so on. so for, we're seeing wisdom officials and i'll come more to the open and say your excuses. your justification for your in humanity is not acceptable. it doesn't, it's a directive completely by us. so there has been a process, unfortunately it's late. fortunately late is better than never. so we are seeing a certain kind of pushback because mostly these are and is, are exaggerating such a, such far such inhumanity. and i'm to be honest to them back back when in october 7, you know, is it gained quite
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a good way and sympathy on the part of the international community over the past that weeks, 11 weeks, they've wasted or good went on something new. now, there are some strong holds in certain governments like the so not government and the bye didn't government, but elsewhere in terms of international public opinion in terms of the western public opinion, in terms of even different links and media outlets. i think we are seeing change slowly. yeah, but sure, and i guess it's down to the completely disproportionate response that we have seen from is right with more than 20070 in sales that i wasn't gas. so thanks so much melanie. we appreciate it. as it was but as we mentioned earlier, is ready for us as have killed a palestinian during a ride on a refugee camp south of april and in the occupied westbank residence at the for while can confront of troops during the operation and at least one other person which shows 55 palestinian type interested in rides on tuesday
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when we're on count has moved from the north shelves, refugee camp in the occupied west, back to the right on the new or sounds refugee camp again around 11 o'clock at night and lost it until 8 in the morning of use, riley's came in from full directions into the camp itself. some 200 is ready. soldiers on foot followed by 40 on the vehicles and full ahmed bulldog uses. now what these ready, all mean telling us is the that house over the, just like the boulders that was an improvised explosive device factory. and they destroyed it in a controlled explosion. but as you can see, it's fall from control. house is what actually destroyed as well and not explosion . the fire spread and is completely destroyed. the more now the municipality is trying to figure out whether they need to tear down all of their structures, such full families, that
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a now homeless in nor sounds refugee camp. now these riley is also telling us that they did come on defy that one is really a soldier. it was lightly injured in the attack. but it is ironic that they used all the boulders this to destroy houses in this area. and this out, a civilian bulldozer is actually having to tidy all of this up the municipality. like i'd say, try to make that decision was to tear down these houses and won't come out. is there a note or sounds refugee tab occupied? westbank was still a hit here on l. just air adjoining the 5 young student. these take up arms as violent spreads across the country. the the i had
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a lot of that was out in south america and there is good news for the very south. the rest of severe thunderstorms are pointing out to see needing behind. kyra skies for southern parts of brazil is what has power white and northern arjen. tino instead is a story of sheet here, particular cross mold and it should say we have a warning solid of extreme temperatures. santiago, seeing that it does, however, down that temperature and as that wet and windy weather starts to pull back in to the very south, we'll see some of that rain touch into rio. but from the mid week, it will be improved an improvement with more in the way of cloudy skies. instead, the heavier rain picking up, of course, a very north with some pretty famous thunder storms coming in ecuador and columbia . and i was going to central america storms of the story here. we've got one that's pulling this way across the far the panhandle bring bus of rain. so the bahamas, some showers as well for cuba. behind that, we're seeing another developing system to the west of mexico. it'll creep its way across the country, looking down the temperature in mexico city on
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a 14 degrees celsius that with the arrival of that west to weather and then pushes across. and so you could time financial listing, which is the weather coming into kind. kuhn $27.00 degrees celsius, the sunny and have on at $27.00. ahead of the rain. it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with tips of global nickels reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harnessing, offering 75 percent of global carbon credits essential. committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the
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good what you notice here, a reminder of our top story is the south p. it's really um it has bomb, the offices of hello sunbridge presence and garza's sub in the city of con eunice, thousands of displays, palestinians had been sheltering. the video has image showing palestinian stripped and round to dump, buys ready for us as, as a sport, stadium and gaza. the footage was released by the palestinian could snooze agency accounts as b u in sounds the alarm about israel's treatment of detainees. and just ready for us have killed 2 palestinians during a ride on a refugee camp south of hebron, in the occupied westbank at least $55.00 palestinians were arrested in incursions across the territory. on tuesday, the rocky government says us is tronics carried out on monday with hostile acts
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that will hom relations. the u. s. military struck a number of sites south of baghdad, killing a member of an armed group, backed by ron the rocky government. so civilians were among the injured, destroy comes up to a drawing. targeted advice was housing us troops on monday or on unit backed groups have been attacking us assets in the region during the war and gaza and protest against us support as well. us around has holmes, that israel will tie up to send you mean the of around revolution, re, god was killed in an is try, can syria browsing the savvy was killed in the suburbs of the cavities? damascus, who was considered close to ally of general look, has some solemn on 8 the revolution regards commander who was killed and the us drone attack in 2020 the following most of us killing supporters of the around unit government gathered into rand,
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calling for revenge. as well as carried out hundreds of strikes on targets inside government control pods of syria in recent years. whether you guys maritime agency has reported to drones and explosions in the red sea near the port of how data in gym. and they would detect and 50 nautical miles west of the who to control pause the explosions and narrowly missed the vessel transiting through the international shipping line missile. so that is monitoring developments from should be to a dk office or the amount of time for you to patient say, is that a commercial shipping west or came on the attack by 2 suicide drones? and it says that the drones didn't cause any damage on the ship. the ship is now safe, continued its voyage, and they are crossed into communication with the uh, naval kwanisha formed by the united states. so babylon meant that that is where the incident happened is it's quite important location. it connects the gulf of r,
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then with the red sea and the united states, just to safeguard that. but that's why it's so many times root is the reason it's new will, uh, causes in the region here in the port of g 400. see us us may some the resign the guy that us destroyer just arrived the important and is now the refueling before embarking on is next to mission. yes, estimation is the load shape. you can see it on the far side of the dock do yes. a is a q as in the use of trying to blow this maritime rode the bus for these are saying that they are only targeting the ships that are linked to israel. this, instead of that, i'll just the right people to the,
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let's take a look at some of the other world news. now ukraine's here for us as a carrier 1000 is try calling the come in coastal town philadelphia. okay. one person was reportedly killed in the attack and 2 others injured according to the russian installed governor of crimea. footage posted on social media, showed large explosions near the towns pools. as a bank has more from cave that, according to the ukraine, is they same to have destroyed a major, major landing ship, the knowledge of costs in the port a fed dosier in russian control, cry man, now we understand this is a large cbs vending ship. we've had no consummation if any soldiers have been killed induct attack. no footage posted to social media shows large explosions. it shows a huge bible going up into the skype and this, which is also shared by the air force commander tenant general. because i or this
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stuff and that was difficult to independently verify some of these videos. indeed some of the details of these claims. but what we can tell you is that the ukranian air force say that on the early hours of tuesday morning that they tired that a me saw the tech on the 4th. i'll say, don't see it, and this isn't the 1st time you bring your forces. i've talked to the sites in russian controlled, try me a in last month and september. and even last yet, this that you have talked to landing ships and some bearings. and this, and as the war has continued, the ukrainian military's capabilities and range of it with us has increased and that's things to reference applied to them by their western allies. but it's important to note as this will has continued both sides. whenever they make advances with the carrier to tax, they boast about them and they pay the pay the month. and whenever they suff and he lost his attempt to pay them down. applying, carrying 276 indian passengers as a landed and by after being struck,
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stuck in fronts and connection. the human trafficking investigation, 2 suspects questioned by police as still being held by french so far as these. the flies hitting to central america left the united arab emirates last thursday and was grounded off to the tip of french officials. so 25 passengers, including 5 children, stayed in france to apply for asylum, a gun that have killed 120 people in the series of attacks and a central bridge. and if nigeria plague by religious and ethnic attentions, the attacks happened in plateau state between saturday night and monday morning. these people were preparing to celebrate christmas. the attack has also been down houses and destroyed property. now the 300 people have been injured to dallas. somebody is in a position with the latest community to see more bodies have been recovered since the attack on about 20 communities in booklets and biking. like you look at government areas of central plot to state some of those tickets to hosted to after
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the attacks have reportedly died from elisa, compiling a list of missing presence. some of them i believe, to have fled into the bush during the attack on saturday night, on a monday as to was preparing to celebrate christmas us because he has been beefed up india to prevent further attacks. and government is opinion for come. it seemed like students in may between farm us and had us in the area resulted in the death of more than a 100 people from i'm head that crisis investigator has nothing. come on and it has resulted in the death of hundreds of people here were sent to you. this is reports, at least one of the worst incidents in the area in recent history to dennis and back out to 0 about it's most of indians. and so down to joining the fight against the rapids support forces, it comes out to the paramilitary groups to control of the country, 2nd largest city. early of this month,
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the army has retreated from wall to madonna and the you insist that up to 300000 people have fled into some go in felt reports, but somebody in the young. so the news and then raised their automatic weapons in the air as they joined the fight against the rapids support forces and some of them are just children. in video, circulating online or civilians appear to be taken out. arms alongside students, armed forces, new recruits, forming a makeshift army, ready to replace the failing military. according to our witnesses, fighters from the rapid support forces or are assess, have reached areas north of so not a city with many of the displays to flip too much time for you and the dog by the mobilized individuals who answered the call of the army commander should be trained on but under the control of this with these armed forces to avoid seeing them
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converting into an independent armed group. yet they have been reports that both the army and the recess have 4 civilians to join their ranks. and the past, one thing is for sure many suit and these people have fewer and fewer options left leading of fighting last week. so the fall of one, mid dining sudan, 2nd largest city. now under the paramilitaries control, turning point in the war, 00. the armies retreat from the city left the country in a state of panic. as the recess makes breakthroughs in the south. it's fighters are reportedly stealing people's cars, cell phones, low and rating stores. there is nothing movement as the simple forces of loans.


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