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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 26, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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to coverage is where the army is targeting medical themes as it tries to get to treat the wounded and fearless journalism. change of value, grief is unrelenting, and homes are no longer a century the at least $240.00 people killed in this friday as strikes on gaza since monday. the latest target was a palestinian rid crisen building, sheltering thousands of people, the until mccrae. this is just a lie from the hot also coming up is really full. so stripped. hello, cindy, in mid and boys well being detained to the sports stadium and guns of the army says it didn't violate any international law. grades across the occupied with bank to
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palestinians kills when is ready. so just on the refugee camp, south hebron, the one person is killed in the ukrainian is tri county, the coastal city impression controlled crime in the we begin in gaza where is riley attacks of kill 241 palestinian since monday. that takes the death toll from israel's votes in nearly $21000.00. some of the licensed attacks out in the southern city of con eunice, the headquarters of the palestine rid crisen society has been head thousands of displaced palestinians for sheltering. their grieving families burying the days of the attacks on the city on monday nights killed at least $26.00 people. video has image showing tell us in the in strips to the underwear and rounded up by is ready forces and
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a sports stadium and cancer. it comes as that you and sounds the alarm about as well as the treatment of detainees and 10th street vessels have been taking place and gas with the military wing of a mazda is. it has killed a number of us ready soldiers in various and bushes. israel says 150 soldiers had been killed in its grounds. invasion, sorry, 5 legs costs to terika. i was in who is in rafa and southern casa for us and tara, can you just give us the latest on the, it rides, especially the one that hit the palestinian rid crisen building, enjoying many and killing people who were sheltering their of the yes, another plant the days of attacks had been carried jobs against thousands, of course, the territory, despite the fact that the han knew this had been designated in the initial days of the will. as i said, as of now, uh the uh, main hit cool, tough with the palestinians with the christians had been bombarded and it's worth mentioning that this area was a mass chill, tough for evacuees from the north,
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central areas of gauze and 6 pm, the city itself con eunice had been on the east by the wind military attack during the past 24 hours that had been intensified in particular in the last hour away. the majority of the attacks, of course, the territory of the claims eliza were bound more than $240.00 pounds to indians. i'm on the side with more than $300.00 each. others who have been wounded only during the past 24 hours. now these attacks had also extended to the middle areas of the gauze district, which had been the main focus of the administrative operations where the tactic right now that had been represented and using mass quiet power on these regions using author units for going on, shooting a resignation houses, which is also a, combined by an aerial military campaign by these very a flight teach us now just all these oppressions in the middle regions right now into force people to evacuate. and this is a practically out there. right now we're move on, thousands of people have been flying to roof, which areas,
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streets have become very densely populated. similar situation is in the north where they use the finishes at re positions that forces off to a gradual withdrawal and from such an areas, i'm also opened fire against the residents and june of this to try to get the reasons in particular in big town into value refuge account, but the most of gospel. yeah. terry, we've seen some pretty intense functioning on the streets of gaza. can you just explain exactly where that's taking place and, and how it's impacting civilians? a yes, of course, a street fight things on by susan districts of garza. continue in the north central and now to extend it to reach the middle of october nights, which also is all witnessing the limits of the ground, including in particular in a great richard. you can now starting from the north where the taxes and confrontations as will continue as the military information department of known to the palestinian military fighters releasing. but as
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a recent move videos showing the confrontations taking place in the valley of shape of one neighborhood. and in central neighborhoods of dollars, a city includes things i thought i took and show you as well. now these areas right now, we're missing more confrontations, which is, which are getting day by day, much more active on violence. we're stick terms from both part continue to full and what is also important to say that these really forces it today and just during the last hour had released around 80 palestinian bodies who had been taken from the symmetries. old gauls uh to be uh, checked by the uh, force and uh, department stuff. uh no, they have been right now returned and handed over to uh to the, to get through with you in the for outcome of setting up putting both that out whose people have been killed in gaza. their bodies have been taken to israel pasta digging their symmetries and the graves just to make a check that they are not belonging to thomas. send you an a militant organizations
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inside garza. so this, the question is on the ground like the situation day by day is getting much more difficult as the whole front patients continued thomas to me as have right now more, more safe place to go. um its ongoing relentless attacks also in the south which supposed to be safe. okay, thanks so much eric. we really do appreciate that upside teracon is in for us. and rafa for video has image showing palestinians trips to the underwear and rounded down by his ready forces in gaza. the postage was released by the palace and includes a news agency of more on this. let's go to sort of high that's whose life for us and television. so another video of palestinian men and boys being held prisoner and being stripped of their clubs. what's been the reaction there for almost a 2nd. the dutch videos in a show. okay. it looks like we've lost uh the link via to satisfy that we'll try
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and come back to a little later on in this program. though since the beginning of it's what we're on gas with these ready ami has detained hundreds of men and boys. some palestinians released by the military have been talking about the treatment of the hands of his riley soldiers, accusing them of torture and humiliation. a warning view as may find some of these 1st hand accounts distressing the oh. hold on. exactly club now with my with dish will be when i will just you the in the box you little this got so push. now is it going to be, do me a little more say if you're able to has, you know, with the desktop, the bins and all the sir allow you just to show our product not being 0 via and then on which is the center of the way of assembly and the check engine is just enough to show level,
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not any damage of it that can much in the whole when they own a well, how do we know that another both of the book says the level of myself. i've seen a guy just kind of a field trip when i go by to us. who by do a so my oh, shut both jarvis while you always. all right, good. we have bottles. 2 bottles of your whole positive shape you? yes, me the, but i think i'm on the bush about to the new whole spot when i got the sort of how i got this to go about it, but i did love i like it was so by that you had, i guess about a little here but they also on the how many, and i'll also gather the we are the most the fall under the model. small got down on the see the you were blue on the previous evening and then my on my you body of what was left on my machine on exams. you go to the heart of the,
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on the mountain. so what do you. busy what do you the all of us on this? no, me the now no, no. on the on the north this i'm oh no, the the so that i hear you, i'll be there, you're good. you oh if you have any used to work with them, show you if the driver was useful i guess. yeah. my yeah. the uh huh. yeah, he, uh yeah, the, the feel the viola and then this lady often the little dana i can get it from oh oh what's the shed which i'm
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going to study? i mean with this man. if i really i love the chase. i like, i mean the national as much as they are small but of us on the mother of i some of the had him the head is ready forces have killed 2 palestinians during a ride on a refugee camp south of hebron and the occupied west bank residents of our 4 confronted troops during the operation, and these $55.00 palestinians were arrested in incursions across the territory on choose day. or ron has one that is high and will pay off to see him in the all around the revolution regardless, killed in an in strike in syria. we're ozzy, the southeast was killed in the suburbs of the capital, damascus. he was considered a close ally of general cuz some sort of money. the revolution regards commander who was killed in the us, troy to attack in 2020 the
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following, his killing supporters of the iranian government gathered into ron calling for revenge. israel has carried out hundreds of strikes on targets inside the government control tons of syria in recent years. la. uh that any is a research at the center for strategic studies and cut on pieces around will respond to the assassination of one of its top generals of killing and tapia ran in general in the foreign land is a violation of international law. israel has uh, has stepped 11 uh move further into the red. so it's, it has cross direct line. so iran will retaliate. but how is it wrong is going to retaliate to this assassination? is, is not clear at this point, but what we can save it certainty is that iran will retaliate at the time and place
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of its own choosing. it could be in, in, in the, in terms of your ramen allies of attacking israel. it could be an act of revenge from within is the ram. and it could be in your range in expansion of its nuclear pro. uh, so there is a number of options iran has, but iran is not going to show any emotional reaction. it runs retaliation will be based on calculations not to motion. general more savvy was a top fee. got an influential fee good in colton. a thing runs a regional policy of creating a strategic depth, and that's means that he was a, an influential figure, coordinating it runs efforts with the general. so they mommy and in the post. so imani era, i'm, you know, and being involved in uh, in uh,
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action steps that the time is real and improve. you know, ron's regional, the tolerance policy. it's the rocky government says u. s. s. strikes carried out on monday. well, hostile accept with home relations. the u. s. military struck a number of sides south of baghdad, killing a member of the group, backed by or on. the iraqi government says civilians were among the injured to strike comes to a drug and targeted advice housing us troops on monday or i need a fax groups have been attacking us assets in the region during the war and gaza and protest against us support for israel like mood, abdullah heat has more from baghdad. once again, a few little was held the 4 victims of us at us twice and a rock this time. the strikes that took place on monday, talk to the military facilities. 1000000000 going to his beloved gauge or could
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have, has been law, and it's affiliated it on aligned with the groups in babylon and province in central iraq. according to the a centralized command. these ada strikes out in retaliation for it. dozens of attacks that would kill it. i would like those iran aligned on the groups and targeted us and coalition forces military facilities in a rock and city it since october 17th and caused several injuries. now these 8 on a line on the groups accuse the united states of standing as a major back care of israel ministry campaign against it as, as the government of iraq see prime minister him the so yeah, so denny, it considered as those ada strikes it, violation of iraq's sovereignty in a statement issued by a the prime minister's office. it's called the recent
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a to strikes a clear act of hostility and not constructive. and not in favor of it. the mutual interests of, of iraq on the united states. without the heads of dizzy at all, but of that well, so hit hit hit on al jazeera and susan t groups. the democratic republic of congo is people of white, the results of the general election, a wind comp to the volume the had lower. then let's look to south asia and it is a very settled story across much of the region value, any wind about in the north of india and pakistan. so of course, that means we're seeing the dens seasonal fog and smoke that's affecting the air
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quality as well. now that's grounded airplanes in the whole as those dense fog and some issues continue. we'll see some of the story over the next few days when you get even red warnings out wednesday for the fall, a push further east. it does come down, but still a lot. stay on thursday. we could also see some of that phone pushing into the northeast corner, like logically dry over here, just a few showers coming in for that pool. the wet just all the weather to be found in the south once again on thursday. some shot was coming back in with that cloud for tom a louder and more persistent rain for sure. lanka, thanks to those one. sue, when's that was move over to east asia. it is business as usual for much of the region temperatures. picking up a large mi settled story y as well, but we will see some of that went to whether starting to creep into the south. all the taiwan fly up for the north of this double digits for shanghai, p or across the korean peninsula. but a little bit of a wet weather starting to work its way across into japan. support at one degrees
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celsius on thursday of the export 2023. the world. the fascination joined us from let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha. so
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you're watching l 20 reminder about top stories this up our the is ready on the has bomb. the offices tele, sunbridge prisons, in cost is southern city of con eunice, thousands of displaced, palestinians have been sheltering. their video has image showing palestinians stripped and rounded up by his ready forces at the sports stadium. and guns of the footage was released by the palestinian crowds news agency. it comes as the un sounds, the alarm about israel's treatments of the chinese and his ready forces have killed 2 palestinians during a ride on the refugee camp south of hebron. in the occupied westbank, at least $55.00 palestinians were arrested in incursions across the territory on choose day. let's bring it in my on the shower else is there a senior political analyst at once again? was a stick to me about the rights in the occupied with bank. they have happened almost not least since the war began, but they had to seem to be more intense in the last night or so. a number of
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different areas were right. it overnight, at least 2 people killed, more than 50 people arrested. why do you think it is that israel seems to be ramping up the pressure and attention when it comes to the occupied with bank? i think we'll see something similar happens and guys on the west bank or or be it a different style of fighting while there's a general side taking place in guys on there's a low intensity warfare against the west bank against the palestinians of the west bank happening at the same time, clearly the not, the government wants to take advantage of the attention of being given to guys in order to carry that kind of action into westbank. and what does that action? it's actually mostly land 15 destruction of houses and sometimes communities on the west bank while doubling down on the sacraments to illegal
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sacraments of jews in the west bank. to try to pull up the palestinians basically shrinking it as much as possible. the land available to the palestinians in the future. so i think you're using the war and guys as an excuse, as a distraction to really push through their into the occupied with back both has that makes use of destruction in the sense that why we are all big a lot of attention to the does the real challenge, so the real genocide scenario, suffering and gaza, they are getting their low intensity warfare on, on the 1st indians. but the thing is that why does is the greater minnesota challenge on the west bank is the real political prize. i mean, is what i would like to get rid of guys. it's possible that i'll separate relations or push the guys as the site and i, when it comes to the west bank,
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it's much more difficult enhanced. they're trying to do whatever they can and hold up to control as bigger parts of the westbank as possible. why the world is not paying attention. now, the american administration has sort of invoke the bit, the issue of the secular violence against the palestinians. but the thing about these really military violence that goes about a since this, remember that uh before october 7, they were about 5000 uh, better sidney and prisoners. now reuters reports that there's some 10000 political person. so that actually using the time in order to crack down to the press, the press to fix a steel except the lights draft of the policy and 3rd, the preferred. what then is the bulldozer and the way they're both doors inside the communities, houses and so on. so forth, you know, the striking thing here, right, is that while this has happened, the subtler violence and the military violence against the partisans. and all of us
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by the palestinian authority that supposed to be taking care of the security and the way being of the palestinians in the west bank is doing nothing about this and doing even nothing about this 2nd of violets. which, if it does, it will probably get a lot of, uh, praise from both in london and washington who has been condemning such that a virus that goes to better send you this. what, why, why haven't they been doing anything and what should they be doing? well, well let's, let's talk about what i'm not doing right uh, just to brought into the top bits. this is very little squander to the beginning of 1200. this varieties of many of them soldiers, many of them killed by his there. it says on october 7, by $10.20 plus palestinians with casualties now probably over a $100000.00. right. that's why is that? is that respond? now?
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as is right, it gives more than $20000.00 palestinians, the tennessee, or far as if there's nothing, nothing actionable. even serious. i mean, it goes to the united nations, but in fact, on the ground, it as far as whatever it is, whether it's symbolic or practical, or serious, it's not doing anything. now, i can't imagine that a lot of people argue that the procedural sort of thing is not strong girlfriend doesn't want to get anything suicide, but against his rep today, invoking great sort of white as a guest. but they can do a lot that is both symbolic, practical action of the stop me, the is right. the is really aggression. that gives the better sense. now why i think is both winning for and which one? why do i say that? i think what is point in the sense that the head of the palestinian or thought of the it has long side. he would never ever use violence, i guess is right. no matter what. right. even when is where the cat is a general side. yes. that's the way the foot by the westward part is that he seems to buy into the american lies about our vision of
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a 2 state solution has been promised that once the general side and guys finished that he would get our word space in the us back of course there's really prime minister says there is going to be no thank you, i won't, we don't even accept to the policy. and i thought that it's hello and accept the policy, you know, sort of the and that. but it seems that yes, so there is a win 4 and a wish for parts on the part of dependency on the thought of the that's that is run during palestine goes on livable and ballast and the west bank basically you know, sonya but truly on that is one of the control which basically means that the illusion of a palestinian state is going to be the reality in the sense that would be better with these. right? and 2nd, i was growing up to a 1000000 and the palestinians cooked up in the little villages that refugee camps is going to make anything that looks like 2 entities. mm. impossible. okay,
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thanks so much melanie. we really do appreciate that on the shower for us there, but almost a week ago and from the democratic republic of congo, the general election on the fraction of ballots have actually been counted last week's votes to choose a president regional and local representatives was mobbed by logistical problems and concerns about its credibility. the opposition wants the results of the presidential vote. unknowns and is planning protest. catherine. so it has the license from the capital can show. so of the house just attended a press conference that was addressed by the interior. um, minnesota and the government spokesman about what has been going on, especially when it comes to security and the arrangements i had all of those results. so we're waiting for, but they stockton, stockton, leave a lot of anxiety in the country and talking to me now is the government folks months past, patrick?
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um we, i thank you. we know that some opposition lead to some presidential needed are calling for protests. they have off, that's a portez to come out to the streets, to put more pressure on sidney and they are pulling for fresh elections. will the government allow all of these protests to go on? not sure they've given ones, we don't know. it's because it seem for we do the elections in the past days and then actually guarantee electronic emissions thoughts and providing results all the way to contest the need for testing. guess what? year is should wait onto the electronic condition. we finish, we have to make probably present so they can use what they know according to they know they can use their 4 to 4 tests in default of the front of just to score because that's the way louis on what the train to to we're seeing that these just the ways to make sure that i bring in trouble and to get more efficient form. and
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then that's what i've been getting international have coming to do, should wait after they come commission with finish to publish the results. and then they can see the, the way they can use words. it's negative acceptance to 4 guys to most of the indians. and so down to joining the fight against the rapids support forces, it comes off to the paramilitary group to control of the country. second largest city, earlier this month, the army has retreated from watts, but on the and the you insist that up to 300000 people have flipped the test. them getting food reports, but the young so did these men raised their automatic weapons in the air as they joined the fight against the rapids support forces. some of them are just children in video, circulating online or civilians appear to be taken out. arms alongside students, armed forces, new recruits, forming a makeshift army, ready to replace the failing military. according to eye witnesses fighters from the
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rapids support forces or are assessed have reached areas north of so not a city with many of the displaced to flip too much done for you and the dog by the mobilized individuals who answered the call of the army commander should be trained and on what under the control of the suited these armed forces to avoid seeing them converting into an independent armed group. yet they have been reports that both the army and the recess have 4 civilians to join their ranks and the past. one thing is for sure, many students, these people have fewer and fewer options, less leading or fighting. last week, so the fall of one mid dani to damn 2nd largest city. now under the paramilitaries control, turning point in the war, 00, the armies retreat from the city left the country in a state of panic. as the recess makes breakthroughs in the south. it's fighters are
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reportedly stealing people's cars, cell phones, low and rating stores. there is nothing movement as the supple forces of loans and what not any and uh that, uh, should i use offices withdrawal from this doc downs, often without putting up a fight. uh, the timing of the uh, the piece and the little kind of populations in this area is tells us that up a simple false is of and got a prediction of plunder or from use of massive depression. again is eddie is a population in areas they come to q by really tough uh, one of the few saved zones in the country. what mcdonny inches you were state was engulfed by violence in a matter of days, up to 300000 suit. and these are fled the city since the fighting began. as the air
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itself make more gains and is there a state summer gearing up to fight with an army in disarray, while others tried to escape, fearing they could be next? empty, some good food. alger 0. your cry and say a full say is it carried out on the a strong icon, the crime in coastal town to philadelphia, one person was reported killed in the attack and 2 others injured footage posted on social media, showed launch explosions near the towns port you finds it falls, come on, this is a ship belonging to a russian flight was target has really shut buffalo is in moscow and has this report the russian minister of defense have confirmed the information about the missile attack on see, i don't see a, a states that the ship was damaged a while with peddling and a ton by the ukranian armed forces by at cross guided missiles. at the same time,
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according to the defense ministry of russia's defences, uh different systems destroyed to ukrainian su 20 full flight.


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