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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 27, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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to coverage these rarely all these targeting medical themes as it tries to get to treat the wounded and fearless journalism. change of value. grief is unrelenting, and homes are no longer a century the the ruins of the refugee camp jamalia in northern gauze. it turned into a graveyard with many palestinians simply running out of places to bury the dead. the articles of business life from the also coming up. the more evidence of torture under is ready to tension palestinian men and boys speak out about that will do to the hands of his waiting soldiers is ready for his target. the headquarters of the
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red presence in hon. eunice, bringing the number of dead, promised indians to more than 240 in the past 24 hours across the strip. and in other news, a series of deadly attacks deb of state remote villages and nigeria government have killed at least a 120 people in process states. the we begin in central garza where bodies of those killed and is ready. bombardments have been left on the street for days in the day of bella area, relatives have had to wait for several days before they were able to pick up the bodies of a loved ones. as i said, going out in the open because of the ongoing is where the strikes people have been using any means of transport available to, to take the dead to burial sites. there are similar themes in northern gaza in jabante, a refugee camp streets. and once busy marketplace have been turned into graveyards,
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honest indians are running out of places to bury the dead. some of the graves a marked others, not. jamalia has been repeatedly and heavily struck by the as ready army. since the start of the war. just here is almost all serious reports now from july. they're not the listing. uh, let me know when i'm in need of them. yeah. but these really occupation forces in military vehicles have left the jamalia alba lod area. and we managed to get here to document the extent of the destruction and the crimes they committed. while the israeli occupation forces were here, they destroyed many buildings as you can see on the up off. yeah. that yeah, but they aren't very far away. they're still on the outskirts of devali alba lot. yes. and if anyone tries to approach, they will be targeted by as rarely, artillery and war planes more. while i plugged them a little bit what i said, the heads up, it's all destroyed. they've destroyed everything. woods con, describe what happened to complete brutality and bob barrick act, hold on for just one of the month. there are
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a lot of we and one of the i am here in our lean district, which has been heavily bombed. massacres were committed and is really bulldozers have destroyed dozens of houses to canada and i show her that she had to have a month to pay for it. no, it had really so he will need the sort of heavy we never imagined design. this terrorism would be so brutal and barbaric as many houses have been leveled and innocent people are still under the rubble is really forces destroyed everything. we have been sheltering its schools and when we came here, we were shocked. i don't recognize my straight for my house now all the landmarks are gone. i actually don't know where my house is. look here, god, it's all dirt. i swear to god, buildings and houses have completely disappeared. there is no traces of most of the amount of to do and i don't know if he can still these really planes are dropping bombs here, honey, who knowledge of any and when i was on the top i needed. and so i really didn't uh, with very tight that's still fine shells. these really forces it storm jabante
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a 2 or 3 times. and that's still here on the outskirts on the bed. yeah, it's been in the clouds of smoke are still billowing. here in your bali alba lod because of the ongoing bombardment, the jamalia medical center, the only one functioning in northern garza has been destroyed because he is really forces left. this area totally destroyed, shaw and dozens of bodies are still under the rubble. i love to share to you, i just the shamella has a in the south is really artillery shells have hit the headquarters of the palestine red crescent society in the city of hon. eunice, thousands of displaced families with sheltering that and of now being forced to flee again. how is the indians in gaza? a being forced to move into an ever shrinking area designated by israel as safe as well as cube, nearly 21000 palestinians, including 8 and a half 1000 children. since the start of the war on gaza at least 55000 people have been injured. and 7000 are still missing. it was military has returned the bodies
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of 80 palestinians taken from northern gauze up the remains were handed over to power city. north ortiz, at the current, was solemn, crossing and buried in a mass grave and rough and southern gaza. what's what i like not going to not be here. the summer rushed with complete bodies while others arrive to human remains, which would be composed of just due to this sensitive situation. we could not open this mortuary container in a popular neighborhood. we are coordinating with irrelevant authorities to transfer the body to the cemetery on the palestinian health ministry and ministry of justice will document these cases as evidence of war crimes committed by the israeli army. and lodges there. as part of the zoom is in rough uh and it has more details, is ready, occupation forces. ok. first thing on with the military offensive in gauze over during the last couple of hours is really military units intensify the plumbing of the residential houses in con, unice island,
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signed with it $2.00 and $3.00 to refugee camp, where the military operations have been witnessing more expansion as they are also receiving more evacuation orders to flee to the south where the is where the funding also did not stop today is rarely forces had also returned 80 did bodies to the goals this trip they have been killed inside guns are taking it in for a to israel, and right now they have returned it, but we bounced identifying or knowing their identity. and similarly, the situation is for palestinians who have been arrested today as they have been showing in different videos released by is basically doing this. they have been blindfolded stripped down to on the we and they were taking to disclose location for investigation which also gives please sign to how much get to your ration the north and central areas of johnson city are witnessing. and if they're willing to, this is really bumming of the cause, this trip to africa. as soon i'll just hear
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a roof in the south of the territory. you as president joe biden is colby, i'm your cutoff. shake. tell me how much i'll funny to discuss ethics on securing another hold to the fine to cut, sorry, mediators have been trying to negotiate the permanent ceasefire during a pause and i'll still of these last month. i'm asked for least a 110 women and children taken captive on october, the 7th, and exchange for 240 pounds a standing women and children from is really jails. the white house, as a israel to scale back is offensive and protect civilian lives, but it is not cold for an end to the bombardment and ground invasion. this is what was prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the will will continue. and then how mosque members will be hounded no matter where they are? he was speaking during a visit to a military intelligence unit. yes, i don't know how many and i look out with them. we have fighters on the ground sometimes also underground, and we have eyes in the sky. we say to the how much terrace we see you and we will
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get here. we are continuing the was deepening the fighting in the southern gaza strip. and i also a way of fighting until the end. i'm with the help of the most advanced technology . i'm not so right. let's get the latest from our correspondent honda salutes who's joining us now from occupied is true. so, and i'm the 1st time we've heard this kind of message from benjamin that, you know, we've also been hearing from israel's military chief as well. what more can you tell us? so he's really army chief of staff, her c. however, you speaking today saying that he actually just arrived from gonzo to hold the military and situational assessments, and that the war is going to last quote, many more months. this is something that has been echoed by these really prime minister saying that he didn't want to put any sort of time table on the war for these rallies because they had a lot of goals to accomplish on the ground. and the reality on the ground is that
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they simply haven't accomplished any of those military objectives they set out to achieve around 80. 1 days ago, these really army chief of staff, echoing that sentiment saying that these are important and necessary goals for this war. but achieving them won't be easy, given the complexity of the battles and the fighting going on inside of gaza for both of them are seemingly on the same page and the political and the military establishment saying that the war is going to continue no matter how long it takes additionally, these really are me, chief of staff mentioning that there have been losses in this war, but that the, the sent him and he's echoing, is also that of the prime minister. but there is no choice. but to keep going, you're looking at a $162.00 is really soldiers who have been killed since the ground offensive and gone. so began. but when it comes to the rhetoric on this war and how long it's going to take their seemingly on the same page. and another protest on tuesday
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night by families of some of the captives being held inside garza, any evidence that this sort of pressure that they're trying to apply is having any impact on these ready government as well. the families of these captives have been trying to up the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu since the war began. and they've been saying in recent weeks that essentially they feel forgotten. they don't feel like they are a priority. but remember, the issue of the captives is of the most sensitive and important within these really society. and these families are saying that there are a 129 people still being held captive inside of gaza. and these really is it should come to the negotiating table and be willing to give up whatever concessions the other side asks for. if it means getting back their loved ones. now these rallies
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have said there are things they won't agree to like an all for all exchange has posted new prisoners for is really captives. but remember the families of these captives saw how a ceasefire deal in exchange for prisoners and captives worked around a month ago. and they say that these really is it should continuously be working toward getting any kind of deal that could see their release. these really prime minister says the military pressure is the only way to get back the captives. but remember, in the deal there was a lot of mediation on the be half of 3rd parties. it wasn't just me, is really, is negotiating directly with him, asked. it was 3rd parties who were constantly working around the clock to secure the deal. so these really are saying that it's military pressure, but the families are saying there needs to be diplomacy involved. there needs to be any sort of deal on the table to bring back their loved ones. okay. how does that
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look in occupied is true some. thank you very much. i the humans who cease to say they have carried out a missed on a tank on a commercial ship in the red sea. also, the vessel rejected 3 wooden coals, m a c mediterranean shipping confirmed that its ship was targeted in the area saying that a lot to the nearby coalition task was worship of the attack. and was instructed to engage and evasive maneuvers, the ship it its crew on holmes. the us launched a maritime coalition. earlier this month. you run back, who's these? i've been disrupting world trade for weeks with a tax on ships. they say a link to israel. problem of the shopping for the planet in support of the palestinian peoples oppression who continue to suffer from killing destruction siege and starvation enable forces of the many um forces with the help of a law carried out a target to the operation against the commercial ship m s. c united using serviceable naval missiles. the targeting of the ship came off, the risk crew refused for the 3rd time. the warnings and repeated warnings from the
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many naval forces. the you have any armed forces also carried out a military operation with a number of germans against military targets and allowed. all right, let's get more on this. now with heidi joe test drive, who is live in washington dc. heidi some information coming out from the pentagon on developments in the red sea. what, what have you got on that? harry, this has more information to flush out the scope of this attack from who sees base in yemen. according to the us pentagon, this was a 10 hour long, the raj of a fire power aimed at toward the southern red sea destination target is unconfirmed . but we know that the us responded with the eisenhower carrier stripe group that was in the vicinity as well as the us as lagoon destroyer taking down 121 way attack drones. they said in 3 and 2 ship ballistic missiles as well as to land attack cruise missiles. now there was a container vehicle,
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a container ship rather in the vicinity that, that reported taking that reported that it was under attack around that time there was no damage that was reported nor any injuries. and that it created maneuvering techniques. and then it was also asking for help, conceivably, from this us military presence. and of course, this is all just about a week after the us announced the coalition, this multi national maritime coalition that's made up of western powers as well as by rain that was patrolling the southern red sea. this critical route of transit for international shipping. as commercial vessels continued to be the target of these attacks from who sees part of the thinking. there was not only to have a quick response to such attacks but as a deterrent. but now, as we're seeing these attacks escalate, it may be that that's not quite heading out harry. okay, heidi joe castro,
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there in washington's verse. thank you very much for that. still ahead on al jazeera, the democratic republic of congo is on edge as people await election results. more than a week after presidential tow the brought to you by visit capital, a hello. that was not in north america. and people waking up in some of the northern states, all of the us did indeed get a white christmas and it made it beautiful in nebraska. but believe me, those are blizzard like conditions. now the storm system that brought those conditions has pushed its way further east, but still got a little bit of winfrey residue. recall some central states, but the west of that. what were the climbing up the east coast of the us is going
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to edge towards eastern parts of canada over the next few days, bringing some rain to cities like washington dc and new york. but it clears through put pretty quickly on temperatures here. very mild sitting well above the average for this time of year. now we have got to clear a day on the west coast, but you can see more of that snow piling into western parts of canada. so what to weather as well, creeping down into the north west of the us, a lot of sunshine and williams coming back in for california. that's not the case with mexico. however, we've had a lot of cold push into the northwest. things gonna cool down in mexico city as that rain runs its way across the gulf of mexico, invigorating those shot with some very heavy rain. it's going to pull across into the caribou, and you can see it running its way through in the queue. but head of that little bit wilma in have that up and you can see the rain stay with us through to friday. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the
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the the, you're watching out, just a reminder of our top stories this out. bodies of palestinians killed in his really strikes in northern garza and he now being retrieved, relatives are picking up the bodies of their loved ones for burial. afraid to come
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out in the open because of the ongoing is really on the bottom. it's just really made a tree 100 tons of bodies of ac promised abuse taken from northern gossip. the remains were handed over to the city. no storage east at the car was southern crossing and buried in a mass grave in rough and gauze south the videos of the most of the palestinian men and boys stripped to the underwear and held at gunpoint by this ready army. the video was posted by his when he journalist, imbedded with the army. it shows dozens of palestinians being rounded up by his very forces in a stadium in northern garza. some of that hands tied behind the backs. several children, an elderly man can be seen in the footage, is where the army has responded by saying, detainees are treated in accordance with international law. and this is what was arrested more than 2600000 citizens from garza including doctors and generalists since it began the war. the fate of those detained and the whereabouts remain.
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launch the unknown palestinians who have been detained and released until the 0. the day in june, torture and abuse, a warning view as may find some of these 1st hand accounts. distressing to the oh. hold on. i'm definitely club now we're all in my with dish. we're going to be in mind. i would just you the, in the boxes you little these got so push now is going to be do me a little more say if you're able to has that now with us, rob and bins and all of us for a while now you just let me just not to she left the 0 here and the number this isn't a little movie way of assembly and the image i continue just enough to see your level, not any the image of it that getting much on the who may want to. well, how do we know that another both of the book says the level of, of success?
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you gotta do kind of a feeling trouble. nobody to us. who by doing so, my jo, shut building chart of this while you always feel like it was helped autos to follow. so if you hold a deep ship you yes we do. but i think i'm, i'm has a question about the new whole spot. when i got a sort of how i got this to go about it, but i did love i like it was so by that you had, i guess about it, but what i but they also on the how many and i'll also gather the we are the most the fall under the model, small donald, but the suit, us all the you were blue on the previous evening and then my on my you body of what was left on my machine on exams, you go to the heart of the mountain. so what do you. busy what do you have the knowledge on this? no, me the now no,
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no. on the on the north this on the north list. so that i hear you. i'll be there, you're good. you oh, if you have any used to work with them, show you. if the driver was useful, i guess. yeah. my yeah. the uh huh. yeah. he uh yeah. the, the gilbert viola and its very often the little dana i can get it from oh oh, was the shed which i mean with this man. if i really, i love the chase, i mean the national as much as yeah, i have some of the, some of the above i,
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some of the that in the head is, or it was announced that it will no longer grant automatic visas to united nations . employees, israel has long excuse me, you want to targeting it with disproportionate criticism. please the 13060 when stuff is have been killed in the war on garza the deadliest of a conflict for you and work as the 2 long international officials have been deflecting blame on to israel to cover up for the fact that they are covering up for how most, in failing to condemn us for hijacking aid, and failing to condemn it for waging war out of hospitals. they have been complicit partners and hamas as human field strategy. they have let the world down. we are demanding global accountability. and now we are leading by example, the ministry of foreign affairs has announced the visa request by you and employees will no longer be grunted automatically and will instead to be considered on
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a case by case basis. well, the united nations meanwhile, has appointed a coordinator to oversee and boost humanitarian relief shipments into gaza. secret cause of the netherlands will be responsible for establishing a mechanism to speed up aid into the strip. she was previously deputy prime minister on finance minister of the netherlands gabriella was on the reports now from the united nations, facilitating coordinating and monitoring a going in to guys. that is the mandate spelled out in the security council resolution that was passed on friday. that is a mandate for now, the humanitarian coordinator, mrs. cock with the idea that she will help ramp up or scale up a going into guys as soon as possible. it's certainly a big job, but she has a lot of experience within the united nations. more than 20 years, actually starting working for henri or the united nations relief and work agency.
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she's also helped various roles that unicef and the u. n. d p as well. but the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has said that without a full ceasefire, immediately it will be very hard to get a into guys that to the people that needed the most. so certainly big challenges ahead gabriel's onto, i'll just be here at the united nations in new york. the funeral of a 4 year old boy from gaza has taken place in contact. the lawyer, rockman abraham was uh, was brought to the country from garza for medical treatments that died from his injuries ourselves. i'm of which was at the funeral. in my same year, south west of the it's not long ago, a crowd of approximately 200 people actually gathered here. you know, to beat farewell to 4 year old. i'll say most stuff. so she was
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from guys and she was brought here as a part of initiative launch by the country, government and cooperation with egypt to transport, the wounded palestinians to don't how to receive medical treatments. so in this case, it's really important to mention that he had no family members, he has no valid this and this significant turn out actually demonstrates the communities of his sense of compassion and solidarity. as i said, this is part of initiative launched by the cut to read government. but also we've seen this a simular initiative also being observed in different countries such as united arab emirates and to kia. and it's really also important to mention here that this out for of supports here. it really highlights the need to help the palestinians, but also we are hearing calls from this place to end the world, gaza as soon as possible the
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for look at some of the other will use funerals have been taking place in nigeria is pato state. some of those killed when government attacked remote villages over the weekend. at least a 120 people were killed, was attack is burned down, houses, and destroyed property. the violence is the worst in central nigeria since june 2018. and the medic hood is believe to be behind the attacks on farm is the conflict is believed to be based on land disputes rather than ethnic differences. dennis is in just with the latest the mazda barrel is how being held for victims of such a day on monday, attacks in bulk. because each one of you look at them is i came and talked along with the parking lot. the central, lots of states for where i'm standing in the capital city just, it's just about an hour drive to the affected area. here it's business as usual, but just about to particularly meet us and we're from where i'm spending people
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asked the morning. i've been, families are still looking for the missing ones. was hoping that they will find some of them who flooding through the bush or those reports that the some of them are losing hope given that the some of their loved ones have been missing for about 48 hours and tuesday afternoon. go to the general, the official who doesn't want to be nice, told me that he can't do that by 160 bodies, which, which is why people, i've seen that so could be much higher than being projected some of those when hosted to where be receiving treatment after the attacks, probably positively died and government is i've given full time was the k g, g and set up in the area to ensure that the i know that you did attacks. and that is really just going to mobilize for reprisals today. and by all the 0, just in just a week on from the general election, the democratic republic of congo, and only a fraction of the ballots have been counted last week. so to choose
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a president regional and local representatives as mod by logistical problems and concerns about the elections, credibility, the opposition wants the results of the presidential vote and old and is planning protests. catherine story reports now from contrast between democratic republic of come goes in terry. a minister says colds by opposition to the does to stage protests across the country will not be tolerated. companies are waiting for the result of a vote marred by confusion delays and scottish is both. that is all normal. sometimes we have taken all necessary measures the ami um place on slot. we will not declare martial law, but we will ensure that security is maintained. some politicians have demanded fresh elections and household for demonstrations. of this'll be the say it's right to protect the austin supporters. he come miles onto the street in large numbers to
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show that disappointment several presidential candidates see the pool was shown. i don't want trouble. what say was easy, the companies showed tools that need this clearly with the truth of the product. security policies have been deployed to some areas such as newborn bashi in the south east. a known opposition strongholds. well, sorry to say it's only a precautionary step, but it's actually odds to the tension. cathy sorry, all the 0 kinshasa. right. turning off, look at those bullets headlines with santa a little pool. have gone to the top of the english premier e cut off to they b to barely to now barely tested the yoga upside at times. but dow, in eunice a 6 minutes, so i could kept leaving the pool on top. substitute your show top, put the game be on delta in the 90. if a minute with his 50 is live,
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a pool goal read go to points above arsenal. ok. the gaming hands on thursday. the 2042 points. that's really, to be honest, because that's about the season done. and it was absolutely all right. would be perfect, but it was a right and it keeps us now. it will be can not be more than the point from right away. be away from the top of the table. now if also means that just the united fort from 2 goals down to the title, chasing aston villa, pulls from john mccain and the and then don't care which unit owner is that side to . to know up at the break news from the united sides at half time, but they responded strongly in the 2nd half alejandro is or not to to those 2 drawer level. and then what a time to fully assess the goal for united.


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