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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 27, 2023 9:00am-9:31am AST

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to malice the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of the previous shelling pounds, central guns, and the license to sell in spite is ready for us as it follows another day of destruction. the time is more than $240.00 palestinian lines the until mcroy. this is all just a line from also coming up, running out of places to bury the day is nearly 21000 palestinians have now been killed since the sound of the conflict lit up and is ready, right across the occupied with bank 6 palestinians,
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a killed near to car and and other news at least 160 people are now known to have died and a series of attacks by government on for much villages in nigeria, the is being heavy shelling in central gallons and says, ready forces expand it offensive deep in the, into the besieged territory. the military says it's had $100.00 targets across the strip in the past 24 hours. it follows a day of strikes across the strip that kills more than $240.00 pellets to indians. is ready forces targets at the headquarters of the red crescent and con eunice and the main telecom provider announced another communications. black house of honey mac. mood joins us live from rafa in southern gaza for more on this. and we've seen intense boeing buys roll over the past few dies. has that continued over night and
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into this morning? all yes or no, just let's remind our viewers in that sense the, the un security council task, the resolution of increasing humanitarian aid into dogs or people in, in the golf. their role is seeing an increase in the numbers of bombs. then artillery shows the truck and fired into into gall, this trip. so. busy far we're seeing more palestinians are being killed at the historic pays the men tires, generation of the children have been killed as well as the president, the number of journalists then uh, well educated, palestinian including doctors across the golfer being, being killed in just within the past few days, the central parts of the gauze is 5th, just turn into a major side of relentless is really military here, as strikes and our teller is showing. so we're talking about particular refuge
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account is the bridge and then the site where people's work sharply order to move to and evacuated to another area to avoid being bombed, but only to get killed upon their arrivals and there. but that the, the very, a particular area where they were told is evacuated to because it is safe, just shattering the cynicism of is really narrative about it. the safe area and in hon. eunice, i renewed a tax and this time around the vicinity or not the hospital and the jordanian field hospital is just the jordanian fuel hoffman. it's old a couple 100 meters away from the main entrance of north or hospital, but as of the overnight and the early hours of this morning has been a coming on their tv, relentless artillery showing and major fire belts around the vicinity. just sending waves of concern to local residents of that particular area. that is really military is exactly repeating the same exact scenario that happened to ship
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a hospital and get it under t v. fire power in a black ration for expanding the military operation. there is a growing fear that the hospital. busy the storm in the coming days as there is an increase intensity of the air strikes the around that particular area that. 8 houses both north or hospital and does your daniel the field hospital here and rough by a major, massive attacks to play it's over night, the residential buildings that those janina district. that's that the a, these trends at southern part of rough city and the generic, this is not the 1st time janina districts. they, they came a big, big game under heavy ray they, they've been barred. mid a since the beginning of the award of you can easily just set by a simple, a drive or a walk into the neighborhood. you will see large numbers of, of residential homes of being destroyed and completely turned into intervals. the
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war continue is the founding continues and there is no lit up in, in what's going on. okay, thanks so much for that honey. honey muck made for us in reference, southern gaza. the bodies of those killed in is riley bombardments, have been left on the street for dies in the shake roads, one neighborhood of kansas city. relentless attachment relatives were forced to wait before they were able to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones. people have been using any means available to transport the date for burial. he is ready time for about a 100 meters from this area. people are evacuating the injured and collecting bodies for burial on the ongoing flushes. the there was no warning before the strike. i saw the strike and ran here and saw the 3 story home destroyed. we started removing the dimensions, at least 25 people were killed from the 3 story house. there are similar sayings in the giovanni, a refugee camp with streets and
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a once busy marketplace had been turned into graveyards. palestinians are running out of places to bury the dead. some of the grades a mocked and others and knows jamalia has been repeatedly struck by these right armies since the beginning of the war. hell does heroes and also sherry for ports from your body. not the listing. uh, let me what i mean is your bill. yeah, but the v is really occupation forces and military vehicles have left the jamalia alba lot area and we managed to get here to document the extent of the destruction and the crimes they committed. busy while the israeli occupation forces were here, they destroyed many buildings, as you can see on the up, off your bed. yeah. but they aren't very far away. they're still on the outskirts of devali, alba, lod, if anyone tries to approach they will be targeted by as rarely, artillery and war plains more than while i plugged them a little bit what i said, the heads up, it's sort of destroyed. they've destroyed everything. woods con, describe what happened to complete brutality and bob barrick act,
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hold on for just one of the month. look there, a lot of we and one of the i am here in our lean district, which has been heavily bombed. massacres were committed and is really bulldozers have destroyed dozens of houses to canada and i show her that she had to have a month to pay for it. no, it had really so he will need the sort of heavy we never imagined design. this terrorism would be so brutal and barbaric as many houses have been leveled and innocent people are still under the rubble is really forces destroyed everything. we have been sheltering its schools and when we came here, we were shocked. i don't recognize my straight for my house now all the landmarks are gone. i actually don't know where my house is. look here, god, it's all dirt. i swear to god, buildings and houses have completely disappeared. there is no traces of most of the amount of to do and i don't know if he can still these really planes are dropping bombs here, honey, who knowledge of any and when i was on the top i needed to,
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i really didn't the with very tired the still finding shells these really forces it storm jabante a 2 or 3 times and that's still here on the outskirts on the bed. yeah, it's been in the clouds of smoke are still billowing. here in your bali alba lod because of the ongoing bombardment, the jamalia medical center, the only one functioning in northern garza has been destroyed because he is really forces left. this area totally destroyed, shaw and dozens of bodies are still under the rubble. i'd have to show you, i just see a tremendously this is riley drone strikes during an army right in the occupied with bank has killed at least 6 young palestinians. 2 people were also critically injured and rushed to to occur in hospital soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching the victims in the notions refugee can. the number of people were detained and rides in the cities of bethlehem, janine, and prone. but for more on this, we're going to go now to ellen fisher, who is alive for us and occupied east jerusalem and helen another night,
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another round of his writing brides. but these even more deadly ave. so continuing of the high end, the 2nd biggest rate on the new a shems refuge account next to to cut them in 24 hours. we had. busy address being made in bethlehem where they were rates in janine hebron as well and also to bus. but by far and away, the most serious incident of the evening was drawing stride and took cut them, which killed 6 injured others of the post to the right crow said they tried to get to the recipient, enter that of course, every minute kings and a situation like that, but they were blocked for 65 minutes by is really military vehicles. these really military would simply not let them through. eventually they were allowed to get to the scene and they took 3 people to hospital. one of them we are told this morning is in a critical condition. there were continued clashes in to cut them in new shops into
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just a note or so ago. we were told that were snipers on the roof. and that the surely had moved into a new, a chance to try and arrest people that they say were wanted. and they destroyed at least one house that we've had though. so the fact that this happened for the 2nd night in the roll will certainly meet people in new shems, deeply concerned about what me come this evening on more than 300 people have no been killed in these raids on the west bank since the start of the war and gaza on october, the 7th and more than $5000.00 have be interested in illinois understands you have an update on the latest is right. it is rarely casualties. but we're being told that 3 soldiers have been killed in a is really army operations in the north of guys that the not many details to what exactly happened to them. but the, this means that more than
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a 154 and 554 soldiers have been killed in guys since october, the 7th and majority of them 91 of them in fact being killed since the end of the seas far on december the 1st and the number of is really dead. we'll certainly put pressure on benjamin netanyahu has already come on criticism from one of his cabinet members who criticize the way the operation was being conducted. insisted that there should be more air strikes, less troops on the ground that was dismissed by both the military. i'm just really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but people are asking questions. they're saying if the idea is to free, the captives that are being held in guys. how many soldiers will die as they move that operation. busy board, so 3 more dead in the operations and guys, a nice by the is really military in the last few hours and what would appears to be more pressure on benjamin netanyahu?
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de, thanks so much for that. ellen, ellen fisher, for us and occupied east jerusalem. the us president joe biden has cooled, the mayor of cutoff shrikes to me, been flawed. also, i need to discuss joints mediation if it's to richard truce independent and sci fi deal and gaza. the white house is the 2 ladies also spoke about securing the release of the remaining gauze of captives including 2 americans. guitar. we made you guys had been trying to negotiate a permanent cx 5 during a brief 65 day of last month from us release. $110.00 women and children taken captive on october, the 7th, and exchange for $240.00 pellets to need women and children from is riley giles to the senior mazda official. has again accuse the us of have paul chrissy in the support of israel so offensive to maddie sweetie that ought to be done by then the bite and administration practices the most obscene language of i talk. i see it talks about civilians under protection on the one hand. and then it talks about protecting nazis and
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a mattress and providing them with weapons and political protection. on the other hand, these positions make by them and his administration an accomplice in the crime. and we hold him politically and morally responsible for humanity and legality and not subject to statutes of limitations. israel strategic affairs minister is in washington dc. p health tools with the us national security advisor, jake sullivan. how does your castro is following the developments? run term are set to be one of benjamin netanyahu is closest confidence and the former is really ambassador to the us that behind closed doors with us national security advisor, jake sullivan. and according to the white house read out of this meeting, the 2 discussed hostages. the transition to a new phase of the war and gaza and the governance and security in a post war guys up. the us has been clear on what it wants to see happen. and that is for the is really military to focus on high value of mos targets in gaza and
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move away from the devastating war of high civilian casualties that it's so far inflicted. and the bottom ministration has also said it wants to eventually see gaza and the west bank united under the govern is of a revamped palestinian authority. benjamin netanyahu has outright rejected that idea, saying that putting the palestinian authority back in charge was a quote, pipe dream. and that is real, would maintain security and control of guys up this talk in washington seeks to bridge that white gap between the israel and the us a challenging endeavor. hi to jo. castro alger 0. washington for you is full. so size i have shut down the number of drones, 5 by humans whose the ripples over the red sea. the m s. c. mediterranean shipping has confirmed that one of it ships was target, says, the company says it loose at a nearby coalition task force of the attack and was instructed to engage in evasive
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maneuvers. the us launched a maritime coalition earlier this month to, to, to, and defend against, to the attacks all the way up to shopping for the planet in support of the oppressed post, and people who continue to suffer from killings, destruction seized on starvation. the naval forces of the young and the armed forces with the help of god, carried out a targeted operation against the commercial ship, a see united using suitable naval missiles. the targeting of the ship came afterwards, qu refused for the 3rd time. the warning and repeated warning messages from the naval forces. the many armed forces also carried out a military operation with a number of drones against military targets in these rarely port city of a lot. it was still a head on al jazeera. we'll have a round up of all the world news, including a parallel was a cultural identity. you try and wins it's legal bass and to keep out of facts from
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crime in the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that acts of international law. that's a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on ok parts. people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children. inside story on al jazeera, examining the impacts of today's headlines. this year. for the destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and wealth cost, john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my,
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you house. this is the way whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era groundbreaking films from award winning filmmaker watch. listen. witness. on apologize here. the . the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stores. the south is being heavy shilling and central casa is ready, forces expand, they were offensive. it follows the type of strikes across the street that killed
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model 240 palestinians, and is ready. drones drank, has killed 6 palestinians during a ride and the notions refugee camp and the occupied with bank convoys of his running military vehicles. and bulldozers have also still stones to comp, janine and head problem destroying infrastructure and useful. so say that destroyed drugs find by human based receive rebels. so for the read, say earlier the ripples climbed in the solid tech targeting a commercial ship in se, mediterranean shipping contend one of its ships was attacked. the funeral of a 4 year old boy from gone, so it has taken place and cut all the way of dial around the neighborhood. mussa was brought to the country from joseph a medical treatment that died from his injuries ex l. as on which was at the funeral, south west of the that she was from guys. and she was brought here as
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a part of initiative launched by the country government in cooperation with egypt to transport the wounded palestinians to doha, to receive medical treatments. so in this case, it's really important to mentioned that he had no family members, he has no valid this. and this significant turn out actually demonstrates the communities of his sense of compassion and solidarity. as i said, this is part of initiative launch by the cut to read government, but also we've seen a simular initiative also being observed in different countries such as united arab emirates and it took yeah. and it's really also important to mention here that this out for of support here. it really highlights the need to help the palestinians, but also we are hearing calls from this place to and the worrying guys as soon as possible. the united nations has appointed a coolant nice to, to oversee and boost humanitarian relief shipments. since the gallons a secret kind of go off, the netherlands will be responsible for establishing
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a mechanism to speed up aiden to the strip. previously, the dutch politician was deputy prime minister in finance minister. it is around has announced that it will no longer ground automatic visas to united nations employees, as well as long excuse me you, when of targeting is with disproportionate criticism. at least 136 you install office had been killed and as well as will and gaza. the deadliest is a conflict for you in work is for too long. international officials have been deflecting blame on to israel, to cover up for the fact that they are covering up for how most, in, failing to condemn us for hijacking aid, and failing to condemn it for waging war out of hospitals. they have been complicit partners and hamas as human field strategy. they have let the world down. we all demanding global accountability. and now we are leading by example. the ministry of foreign affairs has announced the visa request by you and employees will no longer
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be grunted automatically and will instead to be considered on a case by case basis. the time now for a look at some of the other world news and at least 160 people had been killed in central nigeria and attacks on remote villages over the weekend. another 300 were injured as gunman been down houses and destroyed prophets. a funerals had been taking place in the plateau stays the balance is the west and central nigeria. since june 2018. the conflict is believed to be caused by land disputes rather than ethnic differences. for data, somebody is in just with the licensed mazda burial is how being held for victims of subsidy on monday i types in both cost low cost is $1.00 of the look at them is that came and talked along with the parking lot is central, lots of states that is
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a d. i was, i was, i did so yesterday i was to start home. when the philosophy people came and started shooting guns. i also, what of the foot long the people come to do on all sides. they did not answer me. they shot guns again, then i started running, i took cover and shot back at them. so they came off to me. then i run, but they caught up with me and shocked me. i fell down as thoughts as crying that they should spam me. but they said they weren't leave me. so my back to them. and they shot me again. then i pretended to be dead and they carried my gun and left me going from where i'm standing in the capital city just. it's just about an hour drive to the affected area. here it's business as usual, but just about to particularly just away from where i'm spending people asked the morning. and then finally is i still looking for the missing one? why is hoping that they will find some of them will flooding through the bush or those the reports that the, some of them are losing hope,
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giving back to some of their loved ones, have been missing for about 48 hours and tuesday afternoon during the funeral. the security official who doesn't want to be named told me that he counted about 150 bodies, which, which is why people i said, that's a deductible, could be much higher than being predicted. some of those ones, costly to whoever you receiving treatment after the attacks have reportedly died and government is up to them full time was the k to just set up in the area. they showed that the, i know that you did attacks, and that is really just going to mobilize for reprisals to dallas in by a judge 0 just almost a week on from the general election. the democratic republic of congo. only a fraction of ballots have been counted. the volume was modified to lives and concerns about his credibility. the opposition wants the results of the presidential vote and the old and is planning protest. catherine story reports from
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contrasts. between democratic republic of come goes in, terry administer says colds by opposition to the does to stage process across the country will not be told her research companies are waiting for the results of a vote marred by confusion delays. and scottish is both of those all know on time because we have taken own necessary measures. the ami um police are full that we will not declare martial law, but we will ensure that security is maintained. some politicians have demanded fresh and that sions and household for demonstrations of this'll be the say it's right to protect the austin supporters. he come miles onto the street in large numbers to show that disappointment several presidential candidates see the pool was shown. i don't want trouble. what say was easy,
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the companies showed tools that need this. clearly with the week of the product, security policies have been deployed to some areas such as little boom bashi, in the southeast. a known opposition strongholds. well, sorry to say it's only a precautionary step, but it's such a neat odds to the tension. kathy saw all de 0 kinshasa. thousands of migrants continue to march through mexico towards the us southern border. tens of thousands of venezuelans, cubans and other nationalities have been pouring into mexico in the hope of crossing through into the united states. secretary of state antony blinking is sent to visit mexico this week to discuss the crisis. with south korea and accidentally some cuen known for his roland, the oscar winning film parasites has died at the age of 40 eyes. lee was found dead by a taurus he's in, sol, off the he was reported missing. he had been on the investigation for alleged drug
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use. the ukraine has one a 9 year legal battle against russia for the custody of a valuable collection of historical artifacts from crime in the collection was on loan to a museum and and sedan with russia, an x dependence. sheila in 2014. but mcbride has more from keith safely returned to ukraine, completing a 9 year journey to western europe, and the hundreds of volunteer facts. some of them, thousands of years old, had been on the loan to a museum in amsterdam for museums in crimea. when russia invaded the antics the peninsula in 2014, when it was time to return them, keith went to court, arguing it would be effectively delivering to russia an important part of ukrainian heritage. it's a historical part of the crate, and it's a, it's a part of the integrated part of our history. actually,
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it could be in this history, pray me, an encounter in boston, ukraine's history a lot. the legal baffled became a kind of proxy fight over cultural identity with ukraine, emphasizing its distinct heritage and also accusing russia of wide spread abuse of its cultural pressures in the territories. it's occupied a year ago. retreating, rushing, full, seized in the southern capstone region run, sacked, thousands of paintings and artifacts for museums and churches, which keep says is a will cry. for this collection, at least its safety seems guaranteed. and of course, we will make everything possible to, to show up or anyway, i'll see it and probably to make some condition and to, to talk about defending and history. but to ukraine says, the collection will finally return to crimea when crime, this is returned to you quite
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a bit fraud. i'll just keep as well. that's also may tell mccray, you can find much more information on that website. that's out this era don't. com, where there is an extend inside story, takes a look at political turmoil and the democratic republic of congo. that's up next the the had a lot of the stones of the story across the southern africa. but before we get the, let's have a look at the middle east and live out and we could see some storms creeping up across moving parts of saudi arabia. you can see the way to weather that. we could see some of those thunder we saw was touching into mca over the next few days. popping the temperature down will be well below the average through to friday. some of that weather as well expected to keep its way across till event, pushing further east,
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across the rock into iran. we may even see some of that rain full in q 8, but i'm much dry a story across the gulf, a little bit breezy with some misty mornings, but the sun manages to blow that out by the afternoon 27 degrees celsius. that in dough and do by on thursday. now the weather is still the story for the north west of africa. you can see those showers across move in areas of all julia accrued of feel here. much water around the gulf of guinea faces like gone is what has been in and tug or seen temperatures push up. so this time, if you ever launching dry picture not so dry across the south of africa, some very ne, on the stones coming into play for them. bob with as well as pots of mozambique. we could see some flooding from that rain. and the rain pushes across south africa. that'll be some winds coming back into k tom. but it's very windy and the,
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[000:00:00;00] the is the democratic republic of congo on a past to renewed violence. the opposition wants the results of the presidential vote for knows and is planning protest. so can post election tails to be a verdict african countries. this is inside the


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