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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 27, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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i'll just say is my last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the, [000:00:00;00] the alarm has and see, cuz this is the news out live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, israel's plumbing campaign target central concept more than 240 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. that's 10 every hour. running out of places to bury the dead, people lay their loved ones to rest in mass graves. no less of pain is really
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a tax and the occupied westbank. 6 palestinians are killed in a drone strike near to academy plus bring you the latest updates on this one strikes on residential areas. and at least a 160 people often fund dead in a series of attacks by gunman on remote villages in nigeria, the it is 10 g m t that's mid day in gaza, where these really ami has been carrying out a heavy bombing campaign in the center of the street, one of the targets was a school sheltering displaced palestinians in as much as the refugee camp. at least 5 people were killed. these really minute treat, saying it struck $200.00 so called targets across casa, and 24 hours on the desktop continues to rise. almost 21000 palestinians have been
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killed since the beginning of the war. casualties from is really rates in the occupied west bank, also mounting drunk strike. there is killed 6 palestinians in the north sheriff's refugee camp near the academy as well. adam fisher is standing by an occupied east jerusalem. we have m o hahn in til academy in the occupied west bank. but 1st let's go to hunting for mood in a rough in southern gauze. so any bring us up to date on what's been happening there of the how the most so far more death and destruction is across the dogs are just important to point out for our viewers. there are more bombs and less on day. it says that the security council passed the resolution of increased humanitarian 8th grade, but over not nearly hour of this morning, renewing aggressive attack from the controlled area of the gauze and straighten. mainly we're talking about the old, the wreckage accounts,
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including the city of there is but a where the vast majority of people are never out of a raise. refugee can as well as the view of were told you evacuated to. but the very particular area of the what was told to go to avoid bombing b came on there. he'd be bombarded where people were targeted upon their arrival, the latest from the directors. you can work a school that you and designated shoulders for displace palestinians are removed from the northern part than gaza within the past weeks came under heavy artillery. silly as well as arest, right within the vicinity of the school, there are 5 people reported skilled as the where i am the court yard of this full queuing for some food and water. there are a number of injuries who were brought to a lot the hospital and that house is really packed over one by the large number of injures being, arriving within the past few days. and since the uh, the sellers in the area of the bargain on it still are showing of the,
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at the central area in newness, we're in the vicinity over not there. that's all that is and you're dealing with fuel the hospital just 200 meters away from each other. came under tv ariel boulevard when, overnight, and aired hour this morning. again, had gras say he'd be fired gold around both vicinity of the 2 health facilities, making it very difficult for ambulance and paramedics, the room for people to try to run for the life from bad areas so far. the death and destruction continues and seems to be the most prevailing element of this war. and he wouldn't meet, we hearing about palestinian bodies be handed back by israel. here's the really weird the bodies, the weird as taken by these really military either within hours of their burial in
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the back yard of a ship, a hospital as it was very difficult for people to take them out and buried them. they would come under heavy a gun fire and, and as fibers shooting at them and other works within hours of their a killing were taken by these really amount 3 of the parts of the northern part and gaza. so these were kept by these really military for the past 14 days or so, a on no, not on identify people as family members were unable to given the, the, the disabled communication and the fact that we're a few weeks where the entire guys and don't know if that went to complete and total outage, nobody knew about anything about the faith of, of those, of those body. but as of yesterday they were released. they were returned to gaza fully to seize the bed. the government, media government, the office here in gaza. describe this as a heavy as the crime as they were evidence of,
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of the oregon being stolen and from those bodies. eventually those 80 buddies would have brought into a mind the grave here in the city. and those who are able to identify reclose that to say that they are related to some of these bodies pay their respects and the repair proper funeral as they were buried in this. not the great honeymoon who lived for us in a real fight in southern gaza. thank you. i as of these very minutes, he says another 3 soldiers have been killed in battles in northern gauze or that takes the number of israeli troops killed now in gaza to a 154 since the beginning of the ground campaign at the end of october, how much says it's fights is, are using guerrilla tactics and listening is ready. so just, i'm using the knowledge of god as to rain and tunnel network. adam fisher, his life was an occupied east, jerusalem. so and what more we hearing on the site is ready to casualties.
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well, that's a nice many coming from the israeli army just a few hours ago. 3 more dead in northern guys, a one officer, 2 soldiers died during fighting in a part of the strip that these really said more than a month ago, that they had virtually complete military control. this proves that that's not the case because really i've talked about how there has been intense lighting in the northern parts of the strip. how at times it's not just been building to building a speak to street, but at some points actually face to face. but of course it moved their operation into the central pots of gaza and then the last few days. and now you said that we're going to expand the. busy in the so as well, i just say this takes the number of debt to a 15491 since the end of the c spot on december. the 1st now the majority of poles continued to show that these really people support the war and guys that they support the goals of defeating of a mass. but there's really government will know that every time there is
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a loss in these really ami fighting and gaza, then it might just tip the balance of support away from the war. being aware of that. and certainly there's been criticism of the way that the army has conducted the war. went by the israeli cabinet, one member of benjamin netanyahu, whose government actually in the last few days, said there should be more strikes that too many soldiers dying on the ground. though the intention is that this warble horn for several months we have that from daniel, had got it, and he is really army spokesman just last night. we've had it from benjamin netanyahu as well. he says he speaks to the families of those who have died. all of them, he says, i've told them to continue fighting the war. otherwise their sons most would be in vain. and benjamin netanyahu insist that that's exactly what he's going to do. the war will go on for months and the war will go on until benjamin not now to believe that israel has inspect today. alan. thank you alex. thanks you an occupied east
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jerusalem. i'll fain at funerals have been held in the occupied west bank of for 6 palestinians. they were killed in and is really drunk. strike on the north ships refugee camp near to catch them. soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching the site is a force is also detained. 12 pass thing is cross the occupied west bank on wednesday . let's go now to e mail con, who is in the notice chance refugee camp into account in the occupied west bank. so i am running. this is just the latest in several res buys, really forces that has occurred across the west bank over the last few weeks. but this one does seem particularly significant. it is and let me show you why the rate actually began around midnight, but at $130.00, a drawing strike actually took place above that a came in and this is where it landed. you can just see the crate to that. now there are
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a group of about 6 palestinian men that between the ages of 17 and 29 years old, they run on. it was simply watching what was going on and it would keep it at a safe distance look at where i am. the line of sight tells you where the radius takes. you know, it isn't really clear. so they were keeping a safe distance. when that drain came in, when it came in, it hit them hard. uh, one of the paramedics who was 1st on the same, has just told me that there were bodies everywhere. the 6 men were injured. one of them had, had lost as foot and they tried to help them, then they moved the bodies. here you can see the rubber gloves from the paramedics and they were picking up the bodies. now these writing, these actually didn't allow the ambulances to come up. this fall eventually about an hour and a half later, they had to physically grab them and take them down to where the ambulance is. what, but that was the only a significant incident,
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jewelry and this right. what we've been told by a paramedic is that a is really soldier entered his ambulance and stopped a palestinian in the neck in his ambulance. he witnessed this that we tried to get him on camera, but he's very afraid of retribution. so he was told to his own camera, but the incident has been confirmed by the palestinians, and the man is still in the intensive care unit. so this is the 2nd rate in just 24 hours in nor sam's camp. but this trying strike, this is a pat residential area, just take a look around for these kids. you know, families were sleeping here when this strike came in. and as i say, the lookouts height, this is the men here. as soon as the train started came and didn't sign the child's name, or on con, lifeless in the occupied westbank. are these ready army? and has bull are intensifying attacks across the board with lebanon,
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and is really as strikes as killed at least 3 people in been to bail in 711 on has bull and isabel had been trading flying along these riley lebanese border since october, 700 and 26th, as bull appliances, and 11 as many soldiers have been killed, sofa 27 lovelace and his really civilians have also died. alhashan is in southern lebanon for us. so out of this fear of, of the escalation and a why the war is, is something that many people have been particularly worried about what's, what's the latest you are hearing it. it hasn't actually this intensifying situation, whereas the tension is raising day after day more casualties. are being seen, but as you said in the near the you like for around 3 people by killed and it's really walk plain that talk on a residential area in the town of vintage been just behind me. that'd be these
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really. this is the 1st time that the and it's very striking, hitting vintage being since 2006. however many lebanese thousands of villages on the board, the been hit by is very well plains or drones. and it's becoming really very dangerous to go out. and especially the clothes are you off to the board that because you don't know when a drone with hit your call yesterday into the which is out on 17th you will meet us from the board of the couple of civilians within the call when it drone hit the sites them and they were injured, so things are really intensifying now. also has the lives of talking. it's really minutes feed targets on the other side of the board. the on the board, the uh with with, with ms size anti tank guided miss size. and yesterday, the online the tax, according to this really mid $39.00 is very sole just in just one of them severely injured them. there's also an end is really civilian who was injured in the thought . on the other side of the, the is raney's also has been i've been hitting
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a civil liberties. that is, as i said today, has will attacked the west in galilee with around 18 rockets. this is what we knew just minutes ago and, and shut off on the 7. and martha's launch to watch is ready positions, hardly hash and live 1st there in a 711 on thank you. so let's hope now to ask him and he'll out. he is the director of the mid least north africa region, a global council strategic advisory. so i'm good. see you again from it. so let's, let's talk 1st. let's start with events and 11 on. this is another indication isn't it? of the, of the real fee is of this leading to a why to regional yeah. if this isn't the regional conflict, the whitening conflict and i don't know what is a, has been law. it's actions. it's missile attacks in northern israel have as low as lead to the displacement of a $100000.00 or more is released from that part of the country and they can't return any time soon as well as is,
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isn't circled. they are also engaged in the west bank, obviously, and against from us. and because then they have the looming, continuous threat of the for these targeting is really territory. but also it's really shipping interest in the red sea. and you have israel taking its flight to runs proxies, as we saw in syria killing a top 3 new military adviser in syria. and we mentioned earlier the at the lights of strikes on gauze are and the casualties and get the impression that this particular phase is becoming more intense. the density is going up north down and that has grave implications for civilian lots of life. we have to realize the israel is in the fight of its life. it is fighting an exist dental war because october the 7th,
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through into question. the idea of political science is which is that an independent sovereign state homeland for the jews is the safest place for jews to, to live and fries that has been thrown into question by october the 7th. which is why these really response is so ferocious and they're going back to the national security doctrine, which was formed decades ago since the founding, the state, and address on 3 pillars. the 1st of the turns, which didn't work clearly, because how much did a very sophisticated talk. there's early warnings, which also didn't work because there were, there were signs, there's indications that something like this was on folding. and so they're following back to the 3rd color of that doctrine, which is the achieving a decisive, decisive military outcome. and that means neutralizing the military capabilities of the enemy and destroying the enemy's resolve to keep fighting. and that's why we're
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seeing the intention to go up and knock out some go down, i use what neutralizing the enemy there, because one of a prime minister benji mentioned nice dates of goals is the complete destruction of high msc said this several times, but can, can how much really be destroyed, at least in the short term, because you're not just talking about a group of people. it's, it's, it's an idea. it's a concept isn't a yes he did say, and then all pads as soon as on you on hold. that's the preconditions for talking about truth is, are destroying because of a destroying some us, excuse me, neutralizing from us and do you by the closing the palestinian society. these are very intangible goals, cuz as you said, how much is not a physical think it's, it's a movement, it's a resistance movement. and it's entrenched within the civilian population of cause and their operatives and their militants, number and the 10s of thousands and have a sophisticated tunnel infrastructure where they can hide. so, and it isn't
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a clear cut objective. they, these really don't have a finite objective and destroying. come us is, is not that good to get your thoughts on this ash my hello. thank you. now the number is, is riley's, who own guns has been searching since the how much the attack in october, the national security minister fall, right? politician. it's a mob been given, had personally handed out weapons. he's also sped up the process for issuing licenses. so the height of this report from tel aviv a small party tests with big demands to see less guns on the streets. it says how much does it tack on october 7 more israeli civilians all now on a drive pushed by the national security minister and box by the prime minister himself. i don't think we're everywhere and i
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don't know maybe great. maybe i don't know. security minister bank is a, is granting gun licenses via phone interviews. so it's no surprise that when someone with his hands up his shot the on, through his thoughts like this is a coach of death. and it's an existence of threats to us or what was not the time for lawlessness. that's life was prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose response to the killing of you ball call. solomon anons is riley civilian, who tried to stop palestinian attackers who opened fire on people at the bus stop. he was shot dead by an army reserve is despite putting is gone down. he must thompson is of him. come assume the presence of many arms civilians save the situation and prevented a major disaster. it happened dozens of times before. so we should continue this policy. i definitely at least support it. we may pay
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a price for it. that's life. obviously. not these righty. government allowed the false tracking of gun permits earlier this year. fonts, it since changed the rules again, move in a quarter of a 1000000 is riley's of applied for gun licenses in just 2 months. of all the wheeling gauze us a 100 approvals were given a day. now it's 3000 and the person behind all of this is rose national security minister. it's a mob been give a scene handing out tens of thousands of weapons to civilians. i'm good, the us that threatened to stop sending israel small firearms on the heads of the gun licensing authority, resigned in protest of what he described as the minister handing out guns like sweets. many his writings believes they've been abandoned by the governments and military left to fend for themselves in october, 7, believing that had most civilians been alms,
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perhaps more lives may have been saved. and sorry, shooting range is a fully books, a trend that doesn't look like he'll be ending any time soon. so the height of all the 0 tel aviv the oh i time now for looking at all the world news at least a $160.00 people have been killed in central nigeria and attacks by on groups on remote villages over the weekend. another 300 were injured when gunman burned down houses and destroyed property. funerals have been taking place in class, so states, thousands of people have flipped their homes. the violence is the worst in the central nigeria. since june, 2018 fidelis. and by, as in just with the latest, it's pretty common to people that telling me that's a big feel that this is more like a kids, nicholas a dentist that governor in that interview on tuesday did say that's
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a. so this is actually an act of terrorism and it has nothing to do with this. had the 5 most prizes because of the timing. and also because there's been a history behind, is that besides being happening most times very close to the time that to a residence or people from bacteria trying to celebrate christmas. and they are hoping that this would not repeat that yet, because the governor has problem is that the major us will be put in place to ensure that says such occurrences, nothing happening in the governor did confirm that the 17 communities web funds now, and that's the residents, thousands of them have been taken to the temporary sale to us while hoping that to when peace is funded, to restore to the area that they will be at the those started the rebuilding of the community so that they be able to return back to the us as a whole. a humanitarian crisis in sudan is deepening is the conflict between the army and permanency, rapid support forces and says it's 90
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a month in port sedan. the capital of the countries east and red seat states, a lack of medical supplies hampering the treatment of thousands of new cholera cases. michael apple reports displaced by months of conflicts. these people on all battling an outbreak of cholera, the children's pulled sedan. thousands of people live in unsanitary, make shift structures and dormitories. julia adam slade fighting in the capital, hot tomb with a door to his voice. what hospitalized with caught her on the phone down? my 2 goals are infected and took them to the hospital. when recovered, you know, they didn't make it through them. this was, wes was called her. she died a month ago. had him provides for his family as best she can. but it's an almost impossible task to keep the water bone disease at bay flies on every way, potentially spreading the disease to food and water in the hiking i. then we are
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really afraid and we try to be clean but no oldest place people. crap, there's a lot of that are contained in front of my place and make my children wash. these flights will not go unless the place is clear and the the conflict is destroying public infrastructure. hospitals included with limited supplies, doctors are doing what they can put into. so basically, mia guarantee 70 percent of the health system is so that is out of service as a result of foods and as a result of the destruction of health care facilities, we are facing a great task and a great challenge in providing services to orders to don, not all of the country has such reports that on the 7th day, the very times are limited. i'm not suitable for this number of displaced people. there was a shortage in the supplies of medicines. suspected cholera cases that sprayed to 46 locations in 9 different states in sudan. the united nations is scrambling to vaccinate millions of people while socrates appeal for more international aid mike
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level elders era. and as a sweden is edging closer to becoming a fully fledged member of nato often. so this problem, as foreign affairs committee voted to approve the membership bid. there will now be voted on in parliament, then be sent to president richard type or the one for his signature, sweden and finland applied to join the defense alliance. when russia invited ukraine spell kind of spin has been stalled by objections from tokyo, thousands of migrants continued to march through mexico towards the us southern border. tens of thousands of venezuelans, cubans, and other nationalities have been pouring into mexico in the hope of crossing into the united states. i could all skyrocketing crime rate is forcing tens of thousands of people to head towards the port with the us. all that's in america and it's alicia newman has moved from key to used car sales when whole ship it is known,
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his real name takes turns with his staff of 10 to protect his property in early october, extortionist demanded bit his pay them $6000.00 for starters not only got young, so that i think when we are in obliged to caving to criminals, i didn't pay. so they threw t multiple cook this into the car yard, which by a miracle miss blowing up the cars. not even the local police suggests that they are and protect themselves, acknowledging their unable to, but they must go now. is it over you have inquired if the new government can do anything? we'll have to join minnock with dorians who are trying to leave the country, need an advice, or over ecuador, people say they're reading for their lives. those are kind of hard to take a plane. others take a bus to the border with colombia, and from there, animals studying gap jungle considered one of the most dangerous roots in the world . in fact,
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after venezuela's ecuador is made up the 2nd largest migrants making that treacherous journey. just as to going to ecuador, we met many ecuador, and ended that in jungle. one of them was not a very small shop owner, whom games had threatened unless she paid them 3 times which he made for the vehicle. they sent me 5 times with my son, with a message that they knew where he went to school, saying they could not him. so what can i do to protect my child, except leave the country? do thirty's, do nothing to protect us? it's very tough. ecuador is witnessing its largest exodus in history as president and numbers of people for a victim to blackmail, kidnapping and murder with impunity. but some are also risking their lives trying to escape the countries acute economic crisis. it's been almost a year since henry me down the disappeared after entering the that'd be in jungle.
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but his family doesn't stop praying that he's somehow still alive. what we got full cold from ecuador and to say the so he's the body along the trail. but we've seen no proof whether they make it or not. more and more ecuadorian are joining via an ending camera then of south and central americans receipt, undocumented migration to the united states, or be owned. as the only option. you see in human al jazeera to ecuador, i said i had on august 8 of popular south korea and i to known for his role in your school winning film power sizes found that the latest from so the the probably welcome to look at the international full cost of something, all the most of which is the weather across here. but the moment spawn and dry
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coast, southern my sponsors and lovely went to sunshine here, but no so lovely up towards the north west. we have yet another named storm coming in across the north west of here. this storm is a storm, a garret sand. this bringing a lot of rain full in the cross a good parts of the island initially into northern ireland. some wet weather coming it across england, wells, snow, that's a pos of scotts, and so some heavy rain, they're up to 90 millimeters, to find a possibility. and they have us both east coast west and pause all well, could see 10 to 15 centimeters of snow in scotland wherever you are. but it's gonna be very, very when the difficult traffic of traveling day there's of course, a lot of people on the move off the christmas type of guy with that west to, with a pining in across the bridge. you saw some snow there and to the north and scuffling retracing across. know the pass to the north of the central islands plus 3 conditions coming in behind this process. a lot of the service miles, particularly present the blustery shop was, will continue to go on through with us today. and by this stage, mile to,
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into bottling some snow. the coming in across scandinavia that supports us out there. you can, you can say that try and find whatever happens with a high a t the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that acts of international law. that's a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera,
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the news the again, you're watching, i just need a reminder, laptop stories to sell at least 5 palestinians have been killed in the bombing of a school as israel intensifies tax in central garza and building. and as much as you can, with sheltering displaced, families in the north palestinians have been receiving bodies of their relatives in the streets on the left and for days off, there's really
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a tax in gaza city and be attending a footage obtained by just the and it shows policy is in the field, one district of kansas city trying to bury the dead amid the rubble of their homes . dozens have been killed in his right ear strikes. with many, still trapped. there are no ambulances to carry the wounded. sporadic street battles continue off of what they listed under the site. and i managed to have these really forces told the residents of the island area that they would be fine and then they dropped the bomb on them, which killed $35.00 people. a lot of them are still trapped under the rubble of those destroyed houses. the a month. the occupying forces are currently in this area about a 100 meters away from this area. and they are shooting at everyone who tries to cross the intersection. the destruction is significant and it covers the whole area after these really forces intentionally bombed it. i mean, when you're on has as you can see in this area,
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your ongoing street battles going on between is really forces and palestinian fighters. am i to show you doing it and show her that? here you can see the burial of people in one of the targeted houses because their families cannot get to cemeteries to bury them. they're trying to dig a mass grave. so we're burning people who live in this house. we're currently trying to dig a mass grave. 2 what do they do? these young people who's responsible for this? look at all the bodies of young people. no, there's 2 more bodies on the streets that have been la you there since yesterday. no ambulance is no, nothing, no food, no drink. was what i said, oh, but i need,
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i know we are going to get more wounded and the people do. you want to see that the people come come let me show you my house now hold so no food, no flower. people have nothing to eat or drink, look without clothes, sick people are not getting their medicine and not being picked up by the ambulance . this has ethnic cleansing, 30 or 40 people have been killed here. let's do one of the rubble. almost 15 of them are children. did they inform you before they blew up the house? no, i saw them yourself through the window. we ran out quickly and it destroyed the building of the no region. refugee council is wanting that any attempt by israel to permanently displace palestinians within or from gaza would amount to a breach of international law. he's really always expanding ground. defensive is forcing hundreds of thousands of palestinians even further south and west ending on already di humanitarian situation. according to the un 1900000 palestine is more
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than 80 percent of the population had been forced from their homes by is really a tax or evacuation or is it says israel's indiscriminate form? boardman has damaged more than a quarter of a 1000000 housing units and completely destroyed a for the 55000 making them uninhabitable. it also says more than $1000000.00 palestinians have no safe or secure home to attend to a work cause of baffling to reach those in need because of ongoing is really a tax. i say the only way to deliver humanitarian aid is a sustainable spot. how much the beta is middle east advisor for the norwegian refugee council. he joins us live now from my man. thanks so much for being with us . so talk to us 1st of all about some of the challenges that your team have faced there. a particular and as we mentioned how, how difficult it is for the, the groups that are working there to deliver any aid when there is
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a conflict going on. uh uh yes its course uh 50 of my colleagues have been pushed all the way down to down south to rough. uh, which is now one of the most populated uh most drastically populated areas in golf . uh, we're talking about 12000 people past curriculum and so it's almost impossible. so pray says finding the, you know, the medicine needs to meet the most needs of the populations that mind, teen uh, tells us our team tells us that there are people who have to go days without the meal day themselves on teams have been displaced repeatedly times with that extensive families, they have to build tenants on stay in tens that can hardly show to people for their worsening weather conditions, the increasingly desperate situation, of course, of the past with almost complete siege. no food. no, i'm not sure which is
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a lousy i know enough between drinking water and of course the displacement that continues to increase with a israel creeping. carsa is very tax creeping close up to the cell. and um, as, as you know, the, the un security council passed this resolution last week, calling for more human and tearing a to be brought into the gaza strip. but for no cease fire. have you noticed any increase at all in in humanitarian shipment since that time has, has that made a difference at all? it is very hard to tell. i mean, what we have been saying here is that the amounts that we shouldn't be, you know, um, preoccupied with counting numbers of ships on shipments on a trucks. but we need to see is difference on the ground. and so far that has not been achieved. the people that are still hungry,
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actually starving. we're on the verge of firemen, for half a 1000000 people. at the same time, you know, desperation means that people will not, in all the, i'm not getting enough. you know, a, it's a that includes water as well. the situation on the ground is desperate in the sense that people who are being pushed to the south have no way to go have no way to just say so. while this has been a, a step in the right direction. we need the giants try and here, and we need countries to come together so i agree as to cease find out. last thing cease fire was happening on the opposite. is more pushing of the people towards the south attends our warning. stop, you know, it is alarming how posting is, are being pushed and are being asked to leave their homes constantly and repeatedly. and that is a violation of events and national law. just briefly,
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you mentioned in the release this been provided to us about the fear of, of uh, people in the policy is being pushed into egypt. how, how real is that possibility right now? i mean, then when you think of the plans that have been endorsed by the ministry of intelligence and israel, by when do you think it was the one hand directed by the prime minister of his senior ministers on officials. we have every reason to worry. it is already happening that people are being pushed without any prospect of doing going back home. and that we feel that we, they will be pushed over the board to as you know, as it seems that there are like, you know, the x ray. these are thinking about completely they already discussing that plan. and we have made it clear that this would constitute on the atrocity crime. which means that it could be a very well crime or a crime against humanity. and this is why it is contingent or was powers just stop
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that from happening just talking about? no, i'm asking, are you from happening? what we need is exactly the opposite for people to be able to go back home safely and to be with that families not to be pushed over the games that will appreciate your time. that's my beta. and from the norwegian refugee castle to the us, president joe biden has called the mayor of cots on shift. i mean, been how about this? i need to discuss the efforts to reach a truce and a permanent see slide deal. and guys of the white house as the 2 liters. i've also spoken about working towards the release of remaining cause a captives including 2 americans. hot study mediators have been trying to negotiate a permanent, seized upon a senior. how much the official has again accused the us of the popular see in its support of israel offensive to magistrate that occupied on by then the bytes and administration practices the most obscene language of i talk. i see it talks about
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civilians under protection on the one hand. and then it talks about protecting nazis and the mattress and providing them with the weapons on political protection . on the other hand, these positions make by them and his administration an accomplice in the crime. and we hold him politically and morally responsible for humanity and click on to see or not subject to statutes of limitations. on the united nations has appointed a coordinator to oversee and increase you monetary and relieve shipments into gaza desktops, politician secret tag will be responsible for establishing a mechanism to speed up 8 into the strip tag was previously the netherlands deputy prime minister and finance minister of israel says it will not grant any more automatic visas to united nations employees as long complained that it's facing disproportionate criticism from the well body view and says at least a 136 of its staff members have been killed in israel's war. on garza,
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it is the deadliest conflict for you and work as anywhere in the world to date. and the 2 long international officials have been deflecting blame on to israel, to cover up for the fact that they are covering up for how most, in, failing to condemn us for hijacking aid. and failing to condemn it for waging war out of hospitals. they have been complacent partners and how much as human shields strategy. they have let the world down. we are demanding global accountability. and now we are leading by example. the ministry of foreign affairs has announced the visa request by you and employees will no longer be granted automatically, and will instead to be considered on a case by case basis. or francesca albany is the you and special russell to on the occupied palestinian territory. she says is what is claim? the united nations are complicit partners of? how much is what she calls blaming the messenger is the has the state, the guy, he's real as destroyed guys,
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and we're still blaming the un. i still wonder how the international community describe that to as well and how international me yeah, still give credit to what is really leaders, political or media thought you'd be there a site. these are should be held accountable for what, what it does is, well, it has not done any thing to keep saving and safe. let me give you 3 examples. first, football diesel has used the, the new nations that are meant to create huge destruction. even the washington post and the, the new york ties, i've given a said fab reduce investigative reports. a saying that is well, has used over 80 days, the level of munitions that are equal to 2 and of more than 2 nuclear bombs in the gaza strip,
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which let's remind is the 160 square meters to not be that by 2 over 2000000 people 2nd ego has been targeting us because we trust stake, heard stake, heard under international you. why these are your law. and again, the, the health system is devastated, which is not just great. the goal in itself, it's good to go in order to provide the support to people who are injured at the time of war. and and 3rd, israel has arrested and detained. a medical personnel. doctor's nurse is abusing them and even torturing deb. how can these be explained? this is why special report stores have the know what to do. went through the risk of genocide and the health system speaks clearly to the intent to destroy the policy and people in gaza. or us forces say they've destroyed drones,
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launched by government based, who these over the red sea. these say they have targeting vessels linked to israel and to show solidarity with palestinians in garza. countries in the region are worried, the escalation is disrupting businesses and could drag them into a wide, a conflict. that's all said don reports from the booty at the mouth of the red sea . dozens of cargo ships heavy and stranded at the port of $244.00 days. they feel coming on the attacks by governments for these men and don't know when they will have security clearance to after the rest for the tax have brought the maritime strength to cheer to any or stance. know, the chairman of that, you booty, poor set free zones of total is what i need to say is doing business with israel is challenging these days. they have to call me, they should be, let's say we are not going to attack you if you're know cutting the cable.
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if you're not going to vary for what are the a lot of thoughts collapsed, 55 percent. so they have to really pass this message on the shipping. the lines, the major shipping lights have to be confused with these economy of relies on maritime trade. with 4 ports that is regarded as one of the most important tacit countries to actually month is going to be 50 on this big parts of all walk ins. i'll leave it to the left, plus tax documents into 2 parts. put the tax on commercial westhills in the region . have for some of the world's largest shipping companies to suspend the operations in the red sea. they have to do with the ships around the southern tip of africa that has significantly increase fuel and insurance costs have cause deliver the delays of up to 10 days. this african countries were ordered to face some challenges. many posts are not functioning as
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a result of civil war and confidence. nope, suzanne was done. so what's left to difficult to do that is so there was also many points that caused all the tenuous, most going to be 10 points across some schools. most a lot is working only for we put in an editor in the economy. so we have visual shudders already before this guys, more than 12 percent or global maritime trade passes to better mount us has formed a multi national task force to protect ourselves and keep the straight open to safeguard these vital maritime routes that connect the gulf of add them to the red sea. united states is increasing is naval presence here, behind me, in the port of cuba to me sign of guided destroyer dss mason is re fluid in before i'm barking on his next commission. it was attack interested in november and
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december. yes. accuses with ease of trying to block the maritime route. but who would you say that when they try to get in the ships linked to israel? business out of that. i'll just be around a said ahead on just, you know, the, we hear from the as about johnny folks, musicians who say they wants to go back to kind of bucks in peace. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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south korean active v soon q and known for his role in the oscar winning soon power side has died at the age of 48. lee was found dead boss ortiz's. so off the he was reported missing. he'd been on the asked of the investigation for alleged drug abuse units. kim has moved from sol, messages of grief, poor again after police confirmed the death of after ease on june. his body found inside of his vehicle this morning at a park in central. so less than 30 minutes earlier, his manager had called for help. after the embattled, after left his home, leaving behind would appear to be a suicide note. now, the top after had been under intense pressure since october. that's when he faced allegations of drug use, including marijuana, which is a high crime here in south korea. over the weekend, he underwent intense police questioning some 19 hours and he, the actor is reported,
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we have said to feel that he was blackmailed by the hostess who had given him the drugs under the pretense that it was sleeping pills. now this does comma south korea is under a wider crack down on drug use after president use on, you know, declared war on drugs. several celebrities having called in for questioning in recent months, south korea does have some of the strictest rules when it comes to illegal substances with present time upwards of 14 years, even if the drug use happens outside of the country. eunice, kim alda 0. so, up to 3 decades of violence, there is a semblance of peace in the kind of bustle region as a by johnny said, despite many ethnic armenians being displaced, there is hope for a peaceful coexistence and as a by johnny felt musicians who see the area as they at home now wants to return, well, some of the things you have a has more from a buckle,
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a melodies flowing from steam springs and carved mo, reboot. this instrument is called the po for the is it music teacher and has been playing the part even before he was displeased from japan and the 1st kind of bus 4 in the 1919 silverado. unfortunately, we have to leave behind all belongings, despite all the difficulties we enjoyed. each one of us have short time to drop, royal sir. even off to fetch a year, we want to rebuild our old lives that might easily look forward to keep playing the tava to teach children and help them embrace this beautiful lot. a good for is meet with dr. maplewood, that leach for many years. it can then take up to 2 weeks to move the consent form
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its curves and hollow out of its speeds. some of the of was also just based on the inquiry about. he says he's passionate about making the car just as his father used to do. with now not many people are interested in buying his instruments to mr. that mrs. nun but i must not to the phone we struggle to make ends meet. but i never gave up on these art. it's important them to ensure that our ancient mystical traditions and instruments are preserved on the i cannot wait for, they can return to our homeland and carry on with this job. and almost everyone in azerbaijan will tell you that they have a connection with the car, of, especially for the people and creative odds, such as musicians, painters, etc. they call it the cultural public discount to, to, to, to the they tell you that there is something in the line that has always being home
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to the best of their musical talent. yeah. good. because grandfather was the space from thank you for your can, the causal she says fingers should help people here and everyone should give peace a chance. music is very, very universe. so we can, which we can touch because share our emotions. are pain and sorrow. and i think it's very important to actually see mobile, the guns have gone silent after much suffering and pain and caught above 3 decades non violence. and now as it by johnny artist, want to break the 5 of the account. oh good. oh. so i'm going to go down to the bucket. it's got to look at the sports headlines now. his center level will have gone to the top of the english premier. the cut off did they be to burn the to now barely tested the yoga upside at times,
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but dolly noon is to 6 minutes so i could leave a pool on top. substitute your show top, put the game be on delta in the 90. if a minute with his 50 is livable, gold, red coat, 2 points above arsenal. ok. the gaming hands on says to any 42 points. that's really the so that's really cool because that's about the season done. and it was absolutely all right. would be perfect. but it was a right and it keeps us now, it will be can not be more than the point from right away be away from the top of the table. now it also means that just the united fort from 2 goals down to the title, chasing aston villa goes from john mccain and the under in don't care, which unit owner is tied to 2. now, after the break, the who's from the united sides at half time,
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but they responded strongly in the 2nd half of the handles or not to, to those, to draw a level. and then what a time to fully assess the goal for united best, most fully known that completing the 32 turnaround in the 80 said minutes united to move up to 6 with the, with some velocity points of the time when, when you called. so strike, of course, would school to take a guess, he's old club asked melting for us. 131 would sign. so for us from you causal early this year and he scored on the stroke of huff time to cancel out. alexander is ex, early a penalty for the new zealanders for twice and the space of 7 minutes. and as a 7 month when this one handing you manage a new experience to sign. so he's best victory. castiano rinaldo, inside your mind school to goals a piece as well, and also scratched the reigning champion so it's
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a has 5 to be solid. you probably are now those 2 penalties in the game 2 keys tallies will be here for clubs and country to 53 goals, surpassing the lives of hurricane and helium buffy minus hold his sides pools and fish. the goals as the wind move them within 7 points. of leaders ok, not know the deal cuz he says he's still hungry. 4 grand slams as he target another successful year. so it's 6 year old, $24.00 grand slams is tied with margaret quote for the most in the history of the sport. and he'll be looking to break that when he calls it's a record extending 11th australian opened title in january. i'm still trying to push as, as, as long as i can. and when grand slams and, you know, be a contender for top spots of the world and trying to make more history of this for that's, that's a drive. that's the motivation. and these are useful, it's headlines for me,
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or you can go to our website all to 0 dot com and on our social media channels. and that's that for me hasn't seek a roadmap since he and a couple of minutes with more coverage of the war on gaza. and the hope because what i saw the thing all kinds couldn't was into that are safe. who should i? highly, and so i'll send that, come live. hi the of mazda, of how many. so many def, off. he's image of up the any move to the, what is the, or i'm calling them valid? when did religion not in the middle of
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the thoughts providing for the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate, but there are no quick wins and events or research od hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy in the process basically entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing that and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on tools to how does era what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fact runs through what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have lead them in different countries. in the policy i'm, it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability
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and benefit no $1000.00 service. this claimant reports that i should just trust the community often as the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of the israel's bombing campaign. target central guys, more than 240000 stadiums are being killed in the past 24 hours. that's changed every hour, the know about this and then this is all just even life and don't have also coming up up and running as a places to bury the dead. people lay their loved ones to rest a mass graves,
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no light avenues ready as actually occupied the west by 6 on arms. palestinians are killed in a drones striking to hold them. plus i'm out of the house shouldn't been despaired


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