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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 27, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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what was that was the service display and you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust the community often as the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of the israel's bombing campaign. target central guys, more than 240 pounds of stadiums are being killed in the past 24 hours. that's changed every hour, the know about this and then this is all just even life and go home. also coming up, running out of places to bury the dead. people lay their loved ones to rest in nice graves. no light oven is ready as actually occupied. the west by 6 on arms,
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palestinians are killed in a drones striking to hold them. plus i'm on the i shouldn't been dish bed, i'll bring you the latest updates on as well, strikes on residential areas and something the to 11 gmc, that's 1 pm in gaza. with these really armies being carrying out a heavy bombing campaign in the center of the straight for one of the targets was a school sheltering displays, palestinians, and all my gosh, a refugee camp. at least 5 people were killed. there's really another tray, he says it struck $200.00 so called targets across garza in 24 hours and the death toll continues to rise almost $21.00, fives and palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the war casualties. some is rarely raised in the occupied westbank are also mounting. drones strikes, killed 6 palestinians, and the notions refugee count meal took on my clothes in rough or in the southern
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gaza. honey, the desk told at the moment that in the last 24 hours, 240 policies killed as we were just saying, that's 10 every hour. a yes, ongoing. how's hold of slaughter of how a student across the gaza strip and there is a fear that this number is going to grow as the aftermath of a re, residential buildings. being targeted of the chances of people surviving under the rubble is very, very little. and we've seen this within the past weeks where people after days and sometimes weeks were removed from the, from under the levels already disease. so we're expecting the number to go up in the next hour or so. but so far in the aerial bombardment, systematic campaign of tv or killers, selling an area bombardment concentrated in the central parts of the gauze and say, merely the requisite cans and my ivy as well as the res refugee camp. and also the
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very area that was designated as a safe area for people to move to, to avoid being bombed in those records. you can a, namely we're talking about the city of theaters, but that's at the eastern part of the central part of the gods trip. but again, people on the arrival of their in shelters and the residential home that they took as a richard, there were bomb and they were killed. just shattering and his sense of safety and security for a more display, as than evacuated, to making a decision to take the, the cost of the richard world and coming all the way to the valuation zone in the western side of rough city. what we're seeing, it's a pattern of ongoing, not all the people are being killed and their homes are being destroyed, but also a system out. it's got tax on rather than own on public facilities, including evacuation centers, manage and operated by on or what just within the past few hours,
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the school in the directors you can show during 1000 of display as how senior was targeted. their reports about 5 people being killed in tens of injuries. the rush do a lot of hospitals and this is not the 1st thing we're seeing this father designated shoulders manage and operated by on what we're targeting. people were killed inside the court yard of these evacuation centers and the northern part thing garza, as well as in the central part and the southern part of the gaza strip. d at this patterns is old. consistent with what school, what would these really narrative of in black thing? so much pain and damage across the gaza strip, eventually forcing people into a small area and eventually forcing them into exposure and very consistent with the narrative of the top leadership in israel. all the way down to the military. and i mean, we're also hearing a story about palestinian bodies being handed to bike by israel. what more do we
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know about that? yes, we're talking about it. some ag bodies. uh, what did they do? do were kept to buy these really military for more than 40 days, and those bodies were killed your at the beginning golf. but the, the big, the 1st weeks of, of the war and as is branded military, was a reading at a storm in hospitals, particularly i see for hospitals. some of these bodies were removed from very gray . a very grays were created by just really military. the bodies were dug out and taken 5 is really military to on disclose the area just yesterday and late afternoon hours the work release they were returned here and according to the media office, they've got belong to the government associated with the government based in gaza, talking about these really committing a honey as a crime by taking these bodies. if that's a greeting, they're great 1st and then taking the done to school there. yeah. and the performing surgeries where it is sold their organs and that's based according to
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the statement, is something that is not alien to these really military and has been done in the past and many, many times. so those bodies were taken to rock by cities where they were released and a massive wave was dug here at where the, where buried. unfortunately, the vast majority of those bodies are an identified as they are fully dis, sees complete. we're talking about 40 they, they weren't get fighters, really, military just being released. so you could imagine that the conditions that they are and seeking and buried in this and this not degree of similar remaining family members who we're able to identify some of them. not all of them. the vast majority haven't been identified at all. and they were buried without, without knowing who are the families or where they are defending from honey. thank you very much, honey. my moods talking to us and we're offering something doesn't a footage obtained biologist data shows power steering's in the saint cloud. one
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district of guys and city trying to bury their dead and the rubble of their own homes, dozens have been killed and is really airstrikes, with many, still trapped up. lots listed under the slide on a monday. how these really forces told the residents of the island area that they would be fine, and then they dropped a bomb on them, which killed $35.00 people. a lot of them are still trapped under the rubble of those destroyed houses in the occupying forces are currently in this area about a 100 meters away from this area. and they are shooting an everyone who tries to cross the intersection. the destruction is significant and it covers the whole area after these really forces intentionally bombed it. i mean, what have you on that? as you can see in this area, your ongoing street battles going on between is really forces and palestinian fighters associated with it. and i'm sure that here you can see the burial of people in one
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of the targeted houses because their families can not get to cemeteries to bury them. they're trying to dig a mass grave. so we're burning people who live in this house. we are currently trying to dig a mass grave sort of has. 2 what did they do? these young people who's responsible for this? look at all the bodies of young people. no, there's 2 more bodies on the streets that have been la you there since yesterday. no ambulance is no, nothing, no food, no drink. but i need, i know we are going not to get more wounded and the people do. you want to see that that people come come, let me show you my house. no votes, no food, no flower will have nothing to eat or drink. look at our clothes,
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sick people are not getting their medicine and not being picked up by the ambulance . this has ethnic cleansing, 30 or 40 people have been killed here. let's go on to the rubble. almost 50 of them are children, you know. did they inform you before they blew up the house? no, i saw them yourself through the window. we went out quickly and it destroyed the building . is really military. it says another 3 soldiers have been killed in bottles. in northern garza that takes the number of is there any troops killed in garza to a $154.00? since the beginning of the run campaign of the end of october on us as fighters are using guerrilla tactics, i'm pushing is very soldiers and using their knowledge of god as to rain and tunnel network and fishes get more from occupied east jerusalem is 3 more dead in northern guys, one officer, 2 soldiers died during fighting in a part of the strip that is really said more than a month ago that they had virtually complete military control. this proves that
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that's not the case because really i've talked about how that has been intense lighting in the northern parts of the strip. how at times it's not just being building to building a speak to street, but at some points actually face to face. and of course they move their operation into the central part of garza and then the last few days and noticed that they were going to expand the war in the south as well. i just say this takes the number of debt to a 15491 since the end of the si fi on december. the 1st now the majority of poles continued to show that these really people support the war. and guys are they support the goals of defeating of a mass, but there's really government will know that every time there is a loss in these really ami fighting and gaza. then it might just tip the balance of support away from the war. being aware of that, and certainly there's been criticism of the way that the army has conducted the war lead by the israeli cabinet. one member of benjamin netanyahu, whose government actually in the last few days,
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said there should be more strikes that too many soldiers dying on the ground. note the intention is that this warble one for several months. we have it from daniel had got it, and he is really army spokesman just last night. we've had it from benjamin netanyahu as well. he says he speaks to the families of those who have died, all of them. he says, i've told them to continue fighting the war, otherwise their sons most would be in vain. and benjamin netanyahu insist that that's exactly what he's going to do. the war will go on for months and the war will go on until benjamin not near to believes that israel has expect to. studios have been held in the occupied westbank for 6 palestinians. they were killed and is ready. jones strike on the notions refugee camp. near total, i'm city soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching the sides is very forces also detained, to 14 palestinians, across the occupying west bank on western state them on cons. life for us in notions,
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refugee camp using their reporting on rates previously and run that. we've seen another one, this one particularly deadly. that's out. so you, roy, this is the 2nd rate in 24 hours. the rate began around 10 a midnight rather. and then one, so it c a m know is the joining strikes that came from that direction. there were a group of men 17th 29 years old, 6 of them who were just actually stood here when the joint strike came in. that's where. busy actually hits that there was bodies everywhere. according to the power medic, we'd just by picture was a 1st person on the scene. he says that people are bleeding. one of them had his foot and almost blown off. now these right, these wouldn't allow the ambulances to come in. so they tried and can just say as a robot drops, that they were trying to help them for an hour and a half. they couldn't get, the ambulance is here,
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eventually that to pick up the dead bodies and take them down the road to where the ambulance was. but it was too like, 06 men died in the sense take a look around. this is an incredibly tight area. so this was a deliberate co show, these people would get a survivor, a drain strike and this narrow area, well is that type of a crowd. this is a nice set like an area for that somebody is houses everywhere, little kids, families would have been a sleep at that time. and in fact, there was no clear line of sight these guys why she watching the right. they weren't taking part of it. now these readings have said that they were mid attends, but we know that they were completely unarmed, and people who have told us they wouldn't not fighters actual. but this wasn't the only incident. there was another incident as well. that was really all me. so jet ran into a palestinian ambulance and stabbed a palestinian man in the neck whilst he was on the stretch of this was witnessed by the paramedic. we've spoken to the power emetic he doesn't want to pay on camera because it's. busy full of retributions,
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but it's been confirmed by the hospital. that man was lying on a stretch here. he was injured already when the soldier busted and stabbed him in the neck. he's now in the intensive care unit m on thank you very much. indeed. that's him wrong. con, talking to us some notions refugee as it was to teach, prefers minnesota, as in washington, dc, is held, told for the us national security advisor, jake sullivan. hi to jo castro's following developments. round durham are set to be one of benjamin netanyahu is closest confidence, and the former is really ambassador to the us that behind closed doors with us national security advisor, jake sullivan, and according to the white house read out of this meeting, the to discussed hostages. the transition to a new phase of the war and gaza and of governance and security in a post war guys of the us has been clear on what it wants to see happen. and that is for the is really military to focus on high value of mos targets in gaza and
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move away from the devastating war of high civilian casualties that it's so far inflicted. and the bottom ministration has also said it wants to eventually see gaza and the west bank united under the govern is of a revamped palestinian authority. benjamin netanyahu has outright rejected that idea, saying that putting the palestinian authority back in charge was a quote, pipe dream. and that is real, would maintain security and control of guys up this talk in washington seeks to bridge that white gap between the israel and the us a challenging endeavor. how did you all, castro out a 0 washington? going to bring in awesome. but audrey has a profession of international affairs. i come to university, very good to have you with us. i want to ask you about just the heidi's been talking about their did benjamin nothing. yahoo and his correlation have always been very clear or they don't want to see in gaza once the fighting stops. nevertheless, the us and other foreign governments have been saying, no,
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this has to be happening a lot quicker and things have to be moving forward. now we say wrong time or israel strategic affairs minister in washington talking to the national security advisor. is there anything on the argument to suggest that this is another attempt by the us to move things along that to try to move towards some sort of change in emphasis and the fighting in gaza? if not bringing the whole thing forward? it, is it clear that the americans, uh american frustration is not happy, is not satisfied with what is what has been doing recently because of the criticism across the board. i said it's 2 points to that to by then is in this agreement with that. i mean, i hope the 1st one is how this should be done. and they need to move from an old out or into something now and something to on the target. how much people in order to protect disobedience because the told him that was a well, maybe 21000 people as kevin. so this emery can administrate,
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he cannot support for long. and the 2nd thing is, what goes is going to look like when the work comes on in and out with the americans as what are the items by the way, want to go back. they want them to have a key role in managing the 1st of gavin. and why is that is not satisfied with this . i mean, nothing. your personally is he brand so many times actually the one wonder why the 2 state solution. he doesn't want to be a to go back because this would unite you guys are with the was bank, which he actually were willing to leave for 10 years to drive a wedge between gazda and, and rest of the policy man occupied territories. i mean here that was back. so the 2 points of disagreement. that's why the tension between the americans mysteries and nothing else is in the rise. and this visit is one of the objectives to mitigate this tension. and maybe try to find a common ground in your background as an international fairs. i want to ask you about the comments website. it shows the transmission of your beloved made in the
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past that yesterday it was saying that and then telling upon the materials that is early is coming under attack on several fund itself. the back of that. we've seen it, but what appears to be a ramping up of the tension. certainly the, the, the filing volumes we've heard of all the 11. and we've also seen an attack on a, on the rocks. it runs the revolution. he got a senior member. iran is blaming israel for that to attack that happened in syria. so what do you make of the fact that is realize not appears to be focusing on the fact that this is something that is, it is a situation in which it is fighting for. it's very survival on hold funds. what we have is, what has been fine think you're on for now 10 years in syria. uh, every time this bought anything that would probably change the balance of color and with to help your on come sort of get it's present, they go on to tech and so connect them with. so we is, you know, it's, comes in and in this mine was try, this is robin was on the they, they, they, um,
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they are in, in january and he ends up not in, in syria. i enjoyed the one coordinating between has the line you're on. so, and he is connected to what is happening now in the end, the southern part of 11 and so killing him was something natural from the perspective and nothing wanting. what he wants to send a clear message to these writers is that he is mr. security. he is the one who was sent up to as full and no matter what. and uh he also, he take advantage with the fact that the americans provide to him with an umbrella, the aircraft carrier as individual training in order to be there on from attacking is wide. so you want to, you know, want to take advantage of all of that and send it to your message to the region. elizabeth as well as to his own people that he's the guy, his phone guy, you kind of sent up to the challenges he can fight together alone and also protect as well and keep everything away from the boulder of his when somebody we appreciate it. thank you. very much indeed. i started heading out to 0. we're in nigeria for the latest on
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a series of attacks by gunman on remote villages. the it is the rule rather than the exception for elders to report child abuse, to search and it keeps it protects the users for years and years. so no one's ever told me that it wasn't my fault. fault lines, investigate state laws in the us that can lead to child sexual abuse and religious institutions going on, punished secrets of the clergy on the jersey, frank assessments. the problem is that, is it and is allowed to be outside that. and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is and has declared war or no coupons, people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the
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people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera hearing, the thoughts have you had any laser, he has the support of $15000.00 m samantha shaw pickering on the plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about 2 ways to tell when you closer to the house at the story the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching or does it a reminder of adult. so there's this up, at least 5 palestinians have been killed in the bombing of
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a school as israel intensifies its attacks in central gas on the building and all my gosh, the refugee camp of sheltering displaced families in the no spot of study and so being retrieving bodies of the relatives from the streets, some of the less there for days off to is really a tax and goes to the city and based on him and his really don't strike is killed 6 palestinians during a rate in nor shuns refugee camp in the occupied westbank convoys of his really military vehicles and bulldozers of also stones to kill them, janine and campbell. is there any army and has bought out intensifying attacks across the border with level and is where the air strike is killed? at least 3 people in been developed in southern lebanon as well. and i was israel have been training 5 along the. is there any lebanese border since october, the 7th? a $126.00 has of all the fighters and 11 is where the soldiers have been killed so far. 27, lebanese and is ready civilians of also died out of hash them. has the latest from binge available in southern level,
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and we are the scene of the is ready as to i can vintage bed 3 people that go to the abraham visual, come with and ali busy. this was the 3 story buildings that was hit by in his ready warplane. shortly after midnight, bit of time. and this is just spots off the whole context of confrontation going on on the southern the been these borders to the moment we have more than $23.00 civilians killed and level. and since the beginning of the tension here, what actually the country is becoming the southern part of the country as we can see here, these pictures, it's a, it's a war zone. literally a war. so in the brain buzz, it came back to live. and on a week ago, he is on his australia national. and he came back to live and on last week to take his wife shuttle to sidney. but he works as an expiration. but of this strike happened,
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done. both of them were killed by the is really what things of the situation maybe over here gives an indication to how the feeling is. this is this is not exclusive, just for vintage bill. vintage really was, this is this, this is the 1st time the vintage bill is being hit since 2006. but several, all the lebanese southern villages and towns are being hit on daily basis by is really what brings the amount of for another look at some of the other world news, at least a 160 people have been killed in central nigeria and attacks and remote villages over the weekend. another 300 were injured. that's gunman burned down houses and destroyed property. funerals have been taking place in the plateau state sizes that people have tried their homes. the violence is the worst and central nigeria for 5 years for their lives in bottom is in just with the latest for the governance of
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people. that's telling me that's a big field as this is more like mpeg nicholas a dentist that governor united interview on tuesday did say that's a this is actually an act of terrorism and has nothing to do with this. had to find much prices because of the timing and also because there's been a history behind, is that this has been happening most times very close to the time that to a residence or people from bacteria trying to celebrate christmas. and they're hoping that to this will not repeat it yet because the governor has. the problem is that the major us will be put in place to ensure that says such occurrences doesn't happen again. and the governor did confirm that 17 communities web funds now. and that the residents, thousands of them, had been taken to the temporary sale to us while hoping that when peace is funded, to restore to the area that they will be, that they do start the rebuilding of the community so that they be able to return back to us as a whole, i want to take you to the capital of the democratic republic of congo,
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no or clashes of broken out between police and opposition. suppose is your interest follows the general election last week, which was marked by delays and concerns about his credibility, the opposition, once the elections and node gas and so is that the protests in the capital congested as this is patsy headquarters of mont seems like he's a presidential candidate, he's one of the lead into a call for these portez, they say he said that he one of the rest of the next year. and he doesn't believe that the results that are coming out of the natural commission. and we'll be there all ready ball. um, so right now we have some supporters of my team and other politicians are basically saying that they are frustrated and they want to monitor
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on 2 different areas here in construct saw i to say how disappointed they are about what has been going on in the country we have a very huge security presence. we have. 6 lease here we have other police across around this area. the government said it will not allow for these portez to happen. we'll all morning, terry, this situation in other parts of the country, particularly strong holes across the country. catherine, so you all to 0 contest, some thousands of migrants continue to march through mexico towards the us southern border. tens of thousands of venezuelans, cubans and other nationalities have been pouring into mexico and the hope of crossing into the united states. secretary down to bringing scheduled to visit mexico this week to discuss the ongoing migrant insights from central and south
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america of the what the weather is next then inside story is going to take a look at that story. the catherine was just talking about the political turmoil and democratic republic of congo auto disputed presidential. don't forget the website, i'll just see the dot com. i'm about as and stay with us and obviously the the color i'm place to report on the web is not looking too bad across china at present . we've got some improvements in the temperatures here as well. why pressure and shots are long as it quite just a gentle wind around about too bad to cause the cream financially and improving situation that into what japan's to wanted to shout into japan, but nothing too much to speak up that you go 6 celsius and so we're up to 5 and 6.
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is that into the northeast of china. so as i said, it is trying to get some more back to we have got some west, a web just coming into a taiwan as we make the way through the latter part of the way on a shower has to have with the central areas of china as well because some shot was still affecting something pops all the india will say sleep on st. driving those showers down to lanka sinks and pick down poles. i'd be the next couple of days. the decent sawdust like a sink, some very heavy rain as we go through fraud is that could cool some low clause study, but elsewhere was much of south asia, a little bit dry weather bung with ash fine and dry folk warning smoke warning site to continue cause northern pennsylvania, up towards the new dalai, and also to northern parts of pocky start as quite to across the southern possible via radiant peninsula. but up tools to know if we have got some pretty wet weather to slipping out. so be rocking to q way. whether that all the way across northern parts of saudi arabia, of the
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examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john. unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 hospital stories for a global audience. this is my, your policy is way what these are so tied of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era is the democratic republic of congo on a past to renewed violence. the opposition wants the results of the presidential vote for knows and is planning protest. so can post election tails via verdict in the office infantry. this is inside store the


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