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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 28, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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for a hot while making their lights on, they are both by the day of latin america for most of my career, but no country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why the dozens of people killed is really strong targeting areas. the are a hospital in southern garza and israel deploys reinforcements into the strip. the pulse of this is, i'll just say we're live from the also coming up causes dest toll keeps climbing more than 21100 kind of settings acute as neighborhoods in the south west civilians . a sheltering all hits choosing jail over war and 18 year old is really teenager
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refuses. demands exceed military kula and protests over the war. and garza and government attacked a remote farming community in central nigeria, killing nearly 200 people and enjoying hundreds of news. we begin in central gaza is ro, is expanding its ground offensive at least a 195 palestinians have been killed by. is there any strikes across the strip in the past 24 hours in time neighborhoods have been flattened or at least 20 people were killed off to is ready for us is attacked areas near the amount of hospital in con eunice, in the south. the hospital is run by the palestine red present society. this is the 2nd time that israel has targeted. the group's facilities in recent days. and central gaza is where the ground forces i'm moving into palestinian refugee comes at least 5 people have been killed in a strong on a school in omaha as
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a comp many displaced women and children with sheltering that and these images all is ready. tanks and troops entering central dogs up the head of israel's military head. see how levy has won that the will in gauze could last for months, tart assume has more details now from rough uh, in southern guns. the is really military attack. so of course, the goal is this trip did not talk, despite the fact that we are entering the $8.00 to $3.00 days of kind of case to get to the military attacks. of course, the territory where the main is very focused right now. the, the miniature of ration had been driven from the north, up to the main central areas of gauze. this trip alongside with the south, which has been eliot designated as a safe zone for evacuation to be protected from the east, very plumbing. now it is very minute treat or 2 to re shooting of a breach of my guys. the understand rhetoric discount did not stop, as they have announced that they are starting the military limit to the ground,
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including against base areas where they are destroying and completely attacking the key. civil infrastructure loomed with residential houses as they are wishing move. evacuation orders for the residents of these areas to hit to the south. gravy can guarantee the safety. but meanwhile, the situation in the south east, very catastrophe, as hundreds and thousands of people that have been evacuating through this area which become very densely populated and move running consent of all kinds of military attacks that would reach this area. i'm at 25. since we basic necessities as well in the south of the gaza strip target position out to 0 roof in the south of the territory. these really ami has ordered thomas demands across a vast area, a central gaza, including um, a housing to evacuate. that being told to go to do, i'll by law, which is for the south. the u. n. says the evacuation order effects about 61000
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displace palestinians most from northern garza encoder who has worn out from i'm a has a refugee camp. i'm crazy. standing on is the law head, dean road, one of the main high roads that connects the north, the south of the gulf on this side is that the refuge account where that is ready for is awesome. people living in that area to be bought to wait, and we have been seeing people since the morning evacuated from the area. on the other side of the street. is people waiting for any type of transportation. we know that there has been no cards, no fuel cards to transport. and here, as you see people taking a couple of their stuff, a couple of their minds, a couple of blankets and a couple of clothes because this is the only thing they can take. and we must also remember that this is not the 1st time these people have been evacuated. they
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evacuated from the not doing areas of the gaza strip. people are telling us they're tired from being placed for more than one time. they said that there are no places for them to go as most of the you and shelters. codes and hospitals are packed with people. and we have been seeing people who are taking their time in mt areas, setting up their tents and making their own refugee camps. this is the scene right now, and people are being displaced for more than one time in the cause of the trip. this is in the city for august and because the refuge account let's take a look now at the state of healthcare in gaza, according to the world health organization, northern gaza has no fully functioning hospitals. new patients can't access the full hospitals, highlighted in yellow. those facilities are caring for existing patients, but currently off of basic 1st aid,
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the w i chose says i need 9. hospitals are still operating across the strip and most are in the south. they are pricing of 3 times. the capacity is where the army is expanding its ground defensive, pushing further into the central and southern regions. rough, how much the allowing is the general director of the hospital, the bottom, the then what is the dish or the occupation forces did target on purpose. the health system and all the health facilities in gaza as these occupation is trying to eliminate any a form of life in northern casa and central casa. so that's the civilians could not cannot live and they can achieve. their goals may be temporary recalls or long term goals. a may not displacing the civilians because it's not just about the hospitals . it's beyond the hospitals. they are targeting the ambulances. they are farming
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universities, churches, and more than $350.00 most cuz they are also bombing more. they bond more than mine, 2000 housing units, the sewage system has been targeted as well. many journalists have died. so this more than i want to, is trying to kill any form of life in casa, and may be the health care or the health facility. and the health system was at the hearts of this talk the part of gaza, even before the military campaign had 35 hospitals. the reality of the health system was already struggling into was very complex. and now it was because of the siege on costs that is ongoing and because of the political splits, unfortunately, so those hospitals have always been suffering and it will lock in medical supplies, medical medicine,
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and all the operational system was not functioning correctly is really military says another 3 soldiers have been killed in battles in northern cause of that takes the number of is really troops killed in gaza, to a 154 since the beginning of the ground campaign at the end of october. and i says it's fight as using guerrilla tactics. i'm bushing is ready, soldiers and using knowledge of causes to rain and tunnel on that. what the engine is where the soldiers have been lifted from georgia to the so rocha medical center in southern israel. since monday the facility has received at least 49 troops, 16 of them, in a serious condition off the baffles in northern garza. but home to salute the joint just now from occupied east jerusalem. so a 100 seems, has been a notable increase in the number of his ready soldiers killed and injured over the past 5 days of these really army has announced a 3 more depths on wednesday,
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making the total of his really soldiers killed since the ground operation began. a $165.00, but that figure includes 11 is really soldiers who were killed on the northern border and exchanges of fire with his vala. now these really army is acknowledging these losses saying that they are not in vain. and also saying that there are necessary goals of this war that are quite difficult to achieve, given the complexities of the fighting on the ground in gaza. additionally, we've been seeing a lot of injuries and deaths coming out of the northern part of gaza for these really military. remember, this is an area that they have said repeatedly. they are mainly in full control of . and in fact have made several announcements about being in, quote, for operational control of different neighborhoods in the northern part of gauze where they claim they have eliminated several different from us battalions there. so while these really military is making these claims there at the same time saying
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that the war could go on for many more months and even perhaps years as they want to accomplish all of the goals that they have set out to. and remember, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been repeating the same sentiment for 82 days now about what these really is want to achieve and how the war is not going to be over until then. and the main military spokesman earlier on wednesday. so hearing about expanding operations and more reinforcements being sent in as these really are a spokesperson. danielle hung already in his night. we address saying that the military added an additional group of his really soldiers, an additional battalion to the southern part of the territory in the falling units outskirts. he also said they're operating in several different parts of garza. he
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did point to hon. eunice, where he claims the military, is killing him as fighters and eliminating him us infrastructure. but he also pointed to the central part of the territory where the military has been saying they've expanded the ground operations there to the refugee camps. we're talking about on the slide on as much as the and among others of the board age. they're saying that for the last 3 days there had been significant strikes there. and remember, just around 48 hours ago, a $106.00 palestinians were killed in one strike on them as, as the refugee camp. so the is really army says that these are games that they're making. as we're seeing the death toll continuously climb inside of garza, i'm the i'm to salute the in occupied history some. thank you very much for that. now 6 young palestinians killed by and is really drone in the occupied. westbank have been buried and we have no.
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7 hundreds of people that it's in a funeral procession in the city of to car him. the victims were targeted during his where the rate on the north charms refugee can witness to say is where the soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching them for at least 90 minutes. i was the 1st one on the scene and that was the young man on the way, se if my son was on the stairs, he was wounded in the neck. say if he was playing his final prize, i put my hand on his neck and felt to post. so i told him that he will be fine. he stayed like that and did not respond. but he kept praying. i still school in the neighbors. there was no one except one young man on the way. he was also calling on people to help him run con has more in the story from the notions refugee camp. the rate in norris has come, i began around midnight. it was the 2nd rate in 24 hours now it was 30 in the
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morning. they were a group of men in the ages of 17 and 29 who were just stood here. they were watching the rate. and then, and it's really drying strike came in from that direction, hitting the ground over here you can see the crate to. yeah. that's where the george strike hits. you can see the slap a note over here on the wall. now we've just been speaking to a paramedic who described what he saw. he was a 1st person on the same sort of thing and you have a wonderful gene that can arrive at the place after hearing the 1st bomb is the one . it was the biggest crime comes a lot of where the explosion occurred. we found the men lying everywhere. they were all our friends and brothers. the injuries were from shrapner from the missouri. one of the young men had his hand cut off and the other had his foot cut off. they were all young men and civilians. they went to share. the occupation does not differentiate between civilians and military heads. should the you can see the
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blood on the ground, that's where the paramedic was trying to help the people. now these res stopped ambulances coming in for about an hour and a half. eventually they had to pick up the men and take them down to where the ambulance is with. but that's not the only significant incident that happened. we've been hiring from a power medic who's told us that these really sold joe walked into his ambulance and stabbed a palestinian man in the neck whilst he was on an ambulance. a stretcher. you've lost him if you wanted to appear on camera and would count his incident. but he's a said no, he's fearful of reprisals. we've not seen something like that before. and his really entering is really sold, entering an ambulance and stabbing somebody in the neck. and we're on con, how does that know it sounds, comp, the occupied westbank or young is really mine has been jailed for refusing mandatory service in protests against the war and gaza. nutri service is compulsory for most jewish is raised and in the countries hardly mother tries to side to those
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who refuse the risk. a sort of refuse risk being labeled as traitors. lower con reports now from occupied east jerusalem. the violence, worst, sole violence. these are the words of tell mit nick an 18 year old from tennessee who is the least be the 1st person to refuse this rainy military service in protest against the war and going to get the of a successful man. i'm entail has shown me a military base and i'm refusing to enlist. i refused to be part of the war and gaza. i believe slaughter will not solve slaughter if you'd like to sub 30 days in prison instead to to by small but very cool crowd. so who can be cooled up? the surface book is ready to use, but also minority trees and psychiatric communities conscripted at the age of 18. men for such a 2 months and women for 24 and the case of a national emergency or war most can be recorded as was office and they can be up
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to the age of 40 or even above. 150000 people are in active service and 360000 reserves will caught up for the war in gulf of making it. israel's largest mobilization refusing conscription is a criminal offense, and israel a good lead to weeks in prison on a criminal record. right script, say the military officer officer, that she's a punishment immediately once everybody's from jo, they've been caught up for service again in this sense. this is the price that's gonna happen many times leading to the preston spending time in and out to jail. laura con al jazeera, occupied east jerusalem. still ahead on al jazeera. i'm at the doctors a glimmer of hope teaches volunteer to give clauses to children who being out of schools at 82 days. and the opposition and the democratic republic of congo also nationwide protests and the last weeks elections to be and those the
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brought to you by visit capital and you're locked into your weather update for the america is and we've got to talk about the storms once again. in northern argentina, the other date was in the northwest. now it's in the northeast coast of the border with uruguay. these are going to be some rock and storms on thursday, and quite a bit of rain coming into the coast of ecuador on thursday, dark, and the blue and the yellow. that is a more intense rain that will be falling and with cold air rushing out of the us, it's going to spark showers and storms from the palm is western cuba. right back into mexico, superintendent insulin, southern mexico as well. mexico city just at 19 degrees. and we could see these storms, they get pretty close to southern florida as well. but i think the worst of it will be over just the way from miami. again,
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coming into the bahamas as we head toward thursday, quite the so came from the mid atlantic to the northeast. so do you see new york, boston lot of rain in some spots. we may see a month's worth of rain in about 24 hours to the west. we go. we're also blanketed in rain across the coast of the south coast central coast and northern coast of british columbia. but it is a quite a picture as we look to the us southwest, a few showers coming in across california. so can't rule it out in san francisco on thursday with a height of 17 degrees. ok, i'm out of time. so as i go to you by visit cuts on the the
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the you're watching, i'll just remind to about top stories this hour. at least 20 palestinians have been killed and it is really at attack. rather you the milestone links on you just in southern guns. the hospital is run by the time of stein. red presents the sides is central garza, at least 5 people have been killed in a striking a school in the alma has the refugee time many displaced. women and children were sheltering and he's ready me, which he says is expanding its ground defensive in gaza using you come back message,
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both above and below ground at least a $195.00. to me. i've been killed in the past 24 hours. the jordan's king abdullah has met egyptian president, i just thought the fcc in cairo following the talks, the 2 leaders said they rejected any of times by as well, to expel palestinians from gauze and the occupied west bank. they've also cooled on these national community to pressure as well to agree to an immediate cease fire, so that a time be allowed into gaza. the leaders of t a and israel have again clashed over the war on gaza. president bruship type or do online can be actions of prime minister benjamin netanyahu to those adults. hitler saw you didn't. we have seen as riley, nancy cans in stadiums. right. what exactly is this jobs they speak have to hitler bizarrely? now what is different between you and hitler love is that it off is,
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is the any different feeling, the yahoo sex and those of hitler and then get a color the on the want. no. right, to go that these ready prime minister hit back saying, oh, the one who's committing genocide against the codes and do holes the will reco it's the imprisoning journalists who oppose his regime is the last person who can preach morality to us. as i once thought of students, the schools in the gaza strip and now filled with displaced people queuing for food and water. but one teacher is decided to start teaching again despite being displaced himself and his own school being destroyed. camille and the deadline has more the less than many adults have yet to then when displaced children in rough, uh, southern guns that crowd together in a make shift classroom that they could outside of that. we have a right to education just like old children in the world with the mental right to
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education. it has been 81 days since we've been to proper schools. we've had enough to hold off the un estimates at least 275 schools have been destroyed and dozens more damaged by israel's plumbing campaign. even though in the international schools are granted special protection not exempt them from being targeted greenville or conflict. the one still standing, a full of displaced families. the children's teaching stark on the why me has also been forced through his home, his former school destroyed. but he's determined to not you these young mines and the dates on how to behave. and so i have a lot since the wall sconces adult children have upset faces a pale that's sad about the damage, the destruction, and the pain that they seen. we thought we to the mountain and creative back to wanting to see it. so we started with games and when we suggested classes in the tense, like the idea and then they developed
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a passion for it. the school year has been suspended in gaza, as is really a tax and repeated force displacement make formal education or boss impossible. so these palestinian children community lack of does era the the, let's take a look at some of the rest of the world news now and at least a 198 people had been killed in central nigeria and attacks on remote funding communities. another 300 were injured when government torched houses and destroyed property, funerals had been taking place in class of the state. fidelity reports now from book us this is the whole community is that a community came on the attack sunday evening about 5 pm local time. and it is one of these, several communities that come under multiple attacks by government. and in this
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area is relatively quiet. i've visited some of the communities, it's been very quiet, just very few people. and some of these companies you only see young man who are just keeping vigil and trying to salvage what's his remaining of the community in the community. and then the women and children have been sent out for safety reasons. so that's the only the young man i able to you that confront any form of a tech to come into the village or to have service. some of the things you know that the remaining and here in this compound, you can see people's houses have been funds the roof, the style, and also or the valuables in the house. we also, we can't really see anything that has been established in this particular compound . all right, so yeah, you can also see somebody's card that has been actually bunch though, you know, as a result of the attack. this is also repeated several other communities that visited need some of that community so quiet. in fact, we have to have to make a diesel one of the villages because shortly after we arrived there,
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we understand. yeah, you know, we're given a security signal to leave. i certainly, if that's, we understand that to some of the suspected attack of infinity really so we have to leave right now. government is saying that they're going to deploy more security to ensure the safety of the, you know, they talk to the area to enable residents to be able to come back. but some of those were spoken to who are being taken to at the time is the thing that they're not to show how safe it is to do it on any time, soon. fidelis. and by how does your book us sent you an idea to as several people have been wounded in the democratic republic of congo in confrontations between police and opposition supports as the interest follows last week's elections. catherine. so it was at the demonstration in the capital canal, so intense moments at this opposition party headquarters in kinshasa. some presidential candidates have riley that support is to reject an extra results which are being tallied by the electoral commission.
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police harder on the area. a few young man wants to stage a march on the streets. the no one is above the lo, we're in front of cars. he's supposed to protest, but it's why the police are supposed to be here to protect us if they are here to attack us. but we will resist to defend ourselves. this has been going on for a while. police have been trying to arrest us. some of the protesters who are in that building is a proxy headquarters. all mark you call you of presidential candidate. several people, including police officers, are injured in the confrontations. finally, this mind comes out of the building, waving a white flag has a message to the police. the organizes want a choose, so they can take the injured to hospital. martin for you lou has been inside the
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whole time. he says security forces used live will act, and this is not an election anymore. we will not accept the election and will never accept it is its coming from the opposition support to see this is just the beginning and they won't stop until the voice is all hard patching saw all the 0 can shesta us secretary of state as we blink and has met mexico's president under s, manuel lopez overhead door, the tops in mexico city center on board, a security and a search and migration around 10000 people trying to cross the southern us border each day without authorization, accidentally double the number from before the pandemic so it comes as a migrant tires on it. over $5000.00 people continues to make its way through southern mexico headed towards the us. it's the biggest such group since june last year or coming today, the course to the poor us, the wilkin,
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those of us who are in desperate need. those of us who do not have money to pay for the phases. those of us who do not have money to pay for a smuggler and the name on the table. we've been told many things by the authorities. but look, here we are, we keep on working until we can get to the us border. if there is no other way, we will have to walk like this as long as god gives us strength with the will. that in moment, that again, when the media is working, we migrate because we hope to give a better life to our children, into the family. we leave behind, right? but if the us and mexican authorities decide to act like that, not letting migrants through, let's say we go back to a country where there's crime and there isn't much work because jobs are being caught. it means that we're always left with nothing is like it is. if they get almost and not a large crowd of indonesian students have stormed a temporary shelter for ranking, your refugees demanding that deportation more than 100 ro here, men, women and children were forced to leave with ortiz,
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took them to an incentive shelter. re refugees are experiencing increasing hostility in indonesia, local, say they have frustrated at the number of people arriving from me and not seeing persecution. the f, as we mentioned during the pre test, if the government is not able to put these were hang ethnics from the to region. the no i'm showed and students will fight in great numbers against the government's policy. would you mind the immigration office to pull the hang? good. i said, no, i would do it in the heat of the choose, the immigration office should sit down from his position protests against the election results. since the event of the 10th day, several 100 demonstrators march through the streets of the capital bell grade. they've been demanding the election be a node alleging electro for the protest is and opposition accused president alexander, which is policy of including to cease people on both lists. russian and he will
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politician, bond from running for the presidency in march, says she will create her own party to enable someone else to unseat vladimir putin must go. judge rejected you katerina themselves as appeal of the electoral commission decision. the bar to the commission that had ruled, but she filed the wrong paperwork done so by says she will gather enough signatures to help another candidate keep preaching from securing assist us, sending another quarter of a 1000000000 dollars in alms to ukraine, 6 year state and the blinking made the announcement also, the white house failed to convince congress to appropriate $61000000000.00 in aid to ukraine. before the end of the ukraine has won a 9 year legal battle against russia. so the custody of a valuable collection of historical artifacts from crimea. the collection was on loan to museum and honest to them when russia, annex dependents, you know, in 2014 ro, mcbryan has more now from t's.


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