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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  December 28, 2023 5:30am-6:01am AST

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did not have money to pay for a smuggler and the name on the table. we've been told many things by the authorities. but look, here we are, we keep on working until we can get to the us border. if there is no other way, we will have to go like this as long as god gives us strength with the will. that in well meant that again, when the media is work is we migrate because we hope to give a better life to our children, into the family we leave behind. right. but if the us and mexican authorities decide to act like that, not letting migrants through, let's say we go back to a country where there's crime and there isn't much work because jobs are being caught. it means that we're always left with nothing is a good, it is if they get, i'm so now i think a large crowd of indonesian students has stoned, a temporary shelter for reading your refugees, demanding that deportation more than a 100, right? having a men, women and children were forced to leave and taking boss ortiz to an alternative shelter for he refugees are experiencing increased flexibility in indonesia.
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a close, confident as convicted for my pockets. donnie prime minister in ron con, has been re arrested. this video shows from a foreign minister, shock, mood corporation being pushed into an almond vehicle by police as he shouts that he's being unfairly arrest. ratio con, are accused of leaking classified state information to protest against the election results. and so do you have entered the 10th day several 100 demonstrators march through the streets of the capital build? great. they've been demanding the election results, the, and the old emerging electoral fraud. yeah. then as active then that's why i need to fast and, and the request is the opening of the unified victor registry list to determine that they were regularities during the election process. when that's determined, then we will see what further steps to take to eliminate these irregularities. the i'm here primarily because of the election, because if we addict sending,
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which we choose. because if a link of democracy north korea's liter kim, john has ordered his military to prepare for what for will or rather in response to what he says. a confrontational moves by the united states, the south korea held defense exercises and stimulating an attack on its capital by appealing young. the drills insole on wednesday came 9 days off to the north, tested, and it's a continental ballistic missile. the jack below the man considered the architect to the european union has died aged 98. he served as president of the european commission from 1985 to 95. during which time you are the soul, the setting up of a single market. and the accession of former soviet union in countries to these, to the union. and that's it. so in a hurry force at counting, the cost is coming up as the president biden says, $1.00 to $2.00 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody
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believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the low on several venue. this is counting the cost on alpha 0, your weekly looked at the world of business and economics. this week, the global res for electric cars is at full speed and the competition to dominate the industry is driving to political rivalries. also this week hitting bumps in the road. what are the challenges facing the widespread adoption of electric vehicles or evenings plus carmakers or investing millions to develop these electric vehicles
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. but how green are they compared to those powered by fossil fuels? so for every 7 cars sold around the world, last year, one was electric and global sales of electric cars are expected to set yet another record. this year, governments around the world are offering incentives to buy cleaner cars. all of this, of course, as part of a push to reduce carbon emissions. china is leading the race right now, but us presidential biden wants to change that. he is spending billions of dollars to boost production in the us. the euro, meanwhile, is playing catch up and investigating allegations the badging isn't playing by the rules. fenton mont ahead reports us president joe biden believes in an electric future on the inflation reduction act. american car companies are getting major tax breaks for investing electric vehicles or ebs. consumers can also get as much as $7500.00 and tax credits. speaking to auto
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workers whitening promised america would remain an industry leader and spend all foreign competition folks. in fact, took off as our nation has invested. bill is supercharge advanced manufacturing here at home, including electric vehicles. china is determined to dominate electric vehicle market by using unfair trade practice. i will not let them china recently over took japan to become the world's biggest car ex border. much of that was thanks tvs. analysts say the chinese companies could control a 3rd of the global market by 2030. a lot of their success comes down to price. they sell for nearly half the price of their competitors. in addition to us and europe, accuse beijing of breaking global trade rules. and the u. s. open investigation is the one who does it. so i suddenly, i welcome to proud launched by a you commission president us who live on the line on subsidies for chinese
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companies in china. if those subsidies do not conform with the rules of the world trade organization, europe must act. but china also controls supplies of materials that are essential for making easy components. shortly after the analysis investigation, china and post restrictions on graphite, the government claims the move was in retaliation. somewhat general, you find these government implements export controls according to the low, which don't target to any country or region or any specific sector. china is committed to protecting the security and stability of the global supply chain. despite some friction, the global e sector is still booming. for now, governments are more focused on boosting their own production for all of them blocking their competitors. welcome news for supporters of the electric transition . finch and monahan for counting the cost. sales of, of these have jumped in the past few years in 2021. just over 6000000 electric cars
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were sold worldwide by 2023. now that number more than doubled to nearly 14000000 and the market that is really driving this growth is china. 8000000 electric cars sold there in 2023, which means china now accounts for more than half of all new electric cars sold worldwide. so let's bring in our panel. joining us from london is andy leyland, the managing director of supply chain insights, and from beijing, i am joined also by in the mock and d as a senior research fellow at the center of, of china and globalization. let's start in london with andy lately. so, and is this major shift in the market towards electric vehicles as we've been explaining the world is moving even if slowly towards ease and yet, and yet there isn't massive demand for them yet. yes, it is growing, but it's not massive. explain that. so they may say electric vehicles, it's not just a consumer choice. it's driven by the political mandate. most of the countries with
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the target to move towards the or machine vehicles which looked at on present. i'm sure it was a good way to knology and that basically forcing the vehicle which uses images these electric vehicles, this doing technology that and united states and not just conceive a choice to consumers having to do this because that was being bills and increasingly in the future, they will have no choice all ensured. and the mach, you're engaging, china is the world leader in electric vehicles. they perhaps saw this coming or the importance of the electric vehicle industry before others did. and they invested massively in it before others didn't explain how the china came to have this dominant position for sure. and i would make one minor and then go who what you just said. and this is that it is not progressing slowly in china at all. if you look in major cities like aging and show high electric vehicles ready to
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pick with us. and i think that william gibson, the science fiction writer said the futures here. it's just not even we distribute it yet. so why did china? how did this happen in china? i think 1st of all it's the union of policy formulation and policy execution not just at the national level, not just at the provincial level, but down to the municipal and even the neighborhood level. so that was, was one very important factor, and i think a very strong, well developed science and technology ecosystem is the 2nd factor. and then finally, just the large market. so when we look at these 3 factors together, i think this is what accounts for the differential that we see and i agree with in the london that around the world, this is being adopted. perhaps it was somewhat slower pace than in china,
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and it's not entirely consumer driven, but i think people all around the world organizations all around the world recognize the importance of sustainability. and this is one of the most important drivers for the adoption of electric vehicles. okay, so that's helpful because you reminded us that there is essentially a like 2 stories or 2 speed system when we're looking at these around the world, the adoption rate is higher in china and it's lower in the us and the e u. so anyway, when they come back to you, the u. s. and e u playing catch up, essentially, what's it going to take for them to become power houses in this area and for, for them to catch up with china. i say say here city you have really sort of fold inclined in developing electric vehicles relating to vehicles to slide show. they also have the issue that it's very expensive to produce a vehicle in it. so we didn't types of live channels,
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and then i'll be all the legacy overnighted to teach with no change from child conviction, furniture variables. and that's not sustainable. so that having to make this lots transition and that's really helping new insurance on these properties base also healthy, there's a lots of trustworthy. you don't have all these legacy supply chains. the other issue that they have is that effective you, what i need to do is massively subsidize these industries to catch up with china when even then they probably won't be able to without having some homework, protectionist measures. and i think we're going to see you guys introducing in your relatively soon in the us. obviously we've already had the nice reduction of, well speaking of protectionist measures, speaking of subsidies, the europeans and the americans actually accused china of having subsidized this market. and with the e u going a little further thing in ways that may be unfair, right? to its competitors, the, the us and the e. is that a cloud?
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is this accusation in this investigation? because as we said earlier, they use now investigating china over this is that a cloud and the mock on the horizons, the badging? should they be worried about this investigation into their subsidies for, for the industry? i think it certainly is a concern for chinese easy makers because many of them are looking to be global players. so any time a major market raises regulatory competitive concerns. this of course is an issue. i think the chinese national government level, of course concerns have been raised about this as well because china has very much been an advocate for greater market openness and a level playing field. and i think we have to point out here to that, whether or not these subsidies, other forms of support and encouragement are fair or not really uh, you know,
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where you stand depends on where you sit, meaning that whose interest are being harmed to your and clearly is angie london just mentioned the europeans, especially countries like germany have long held dominant positions in the internal combustion engine, vehicle space and certainly have a lot to lose. so i think it's not surprising at all that the e u is raising these concerns and how valid they are, i think really is a very contentious question. and d, leland in london, then about the subsidies. the us, of course, has done something pretty major about it. what's called the i already the inflation reduction act and it's a set of incentives for production to be relocated back to the us, including for electric vehicles. that's working, isn't it? from the us perspective, i'm assuming. yeah. so you can get
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a since that was announced, you've had $3075.00 major projects announced by the $18000000000.00 in investment and creating the $50000.00 primary jobs. and there's a lot more call. and so the price would off now just because it is incredibly generous with the subsidies that i guess was being successful in the us. the issue that it has is it's actually drawing investment away from your easily us. because you have these companies looking to set up jobs and they look at the, the incentive system in europe, and they look at the incentive system in the us. and at the moment it's a no brainer. you know, you're just to be honest. i last name city, and i'm in the us and in some respects we slowing down to that lead tvs in your one pretty major thing. i haven't asked either of you yet is about the supply chain and the mock china is also the power house when it comes to the supply chain. yes, they can build the end product, the actual car, that they are also,
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the leaders in terms of all the little step will not little but all the steps that it takes to source the raw materials in order to get to the end product. how did china become dominant in that space? sure, and that's actually a very important point. so 1st i think it's worth mentioning that the most important components in an electric vehicle is the battery. and this requires a very high degree of scientific expertise as well as manufacturing capability. and you rightly point out that china is very strong at every part of the supply chain, from access to raw materials, cobalt lithium. the other materials that go into batteries go into the other parts of the electric vehicle components design assembly. of course you just kind of plays a very has a very strong position on all of these. i think
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a large part of that again, is due to the government's ability to not only articulate and formulate detail long term policies, but to actually execute them. and one of the reasons for this is, i think just the political continuity. so what we don't have in china is a new leader every 4 years, or every 8 years with a can comments and perhaps 180 degree policy shift. so i think this is one of the most important factors, again, combined with the strong s n t sites and technology ecosystem of large market and the very deep ecosystem of every kind of supplier. you can imagine that goes into an electric vehicle. gentlemen, thank you both so much for your time today. and the mocking badging, andy leyland in london. thank you again. so electric
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cars has been on our roads for decades and throughout the year as researchers have talked to them as the future of transport. carmakers are rapidly scaling up their production of electric vehicles in response to government pressure to cut the carbon emissions. but consumers are proving to be a little slower to make that switch. so what's stopping electric cars from becoming more mainstream? well, one of the biggest barriers is a lack of charging stations, though around a $100000.00 of them right now in the united states, just as an example. and us president joe biden has pledged to boost that to 500000 nationwide. but many consumers are still weary about how far they can go, how far they can drive with their e. v. a people living in cities also face challenges. home chargers work well in the suburbs, but people in cities who park their car on the side of the road will find it more difficult to charge their vehicles. then the, there's the price on average,
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any the costs around $10000.00 more than a traditional car. and remember, this is a time of the global economy is already struggling. many countries have high inflation. that means many people are well just not keen to buy a more expensive car. while the production of electric vehicles has ramped up, demand isn't growing as fast as expected and that has led some carmakers like tesla, for instance, to cut their prices in order to boost sales. combined with government incentives, it has shaved thousands off of the sticker price in the us, but the average cost of any v remains. it is still over $50000.00. and that is too high for many consumers. auto workers are concerned about the impact of the transition to electric vehicles on their jobs. that's another concern to shift the easiest parking political opposition in the us. some republicans, like senator j, the vance of ohio claim that these are destroying auto industry jobs because too
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many are imported from abroad. he wants to roll back biden's policies that encourage people to buy electric vehicles. meanwhile, if these were a key issue in the recent auto worker striking, the us protection for workers affected by the shift, the eaves was part of the settlement with the car companies that ended the strike. well, joining us now from london is been scott, a senior enlist at carbon track, are focusing on the automotive sector. and thank you so much for joining us. there's a lot of money going into electric vehicles. the industry's moving pretty fast. what is the next significant development that you're tracking that you are monitoring? so um i think we need to keep looking as the lawn for the electric vehicle. sales is not the mom is actually a lot of people think. so if you look at the end to the
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last month, electric vehicle sales were up $0.60 a year. uh yeah. which is encouraging for, for the mortgage. um, i think if you, you, if you give it to things you know, few years back, the electric cause will be full to market as a, as an industry push push on. because you meet a couple of years. but actually the, uh, the market has, has changed now because she was up to monitoring these cause, you know, an insignificant goings, i'm assuming from the industry to a consumer. and also me because i'm right. i've been there since you're talking about demand and it's something we've addressed earlier in the show. is there enough demand? i appreciate you're saying it's increasing, but is there enough demand to make this transition happened and happen at pace because it's a whole industry that's shifting. it's i, i would argue it's not quite enough for consumers to want
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a few more electric vehicles. they need to want a lot more. but i think we'll assume that can cause the moods manzona also makes is recognized as well. for example, we're seeing the electric car investment is released. so for example, in saudi arabia, we're seeing a high end diag bills and electric assembly phones for local electric vehicle sales. so it's a good thing for, for the market. and i called, in fact of the way that we see electric car adoption to see a fully an ask of. so the beginning of the month it would be a kind of slow and steady increase. and then the rock a rising. and the next phase of the market to solving to a 100 percent. so. so the, the price of electricity sales will be the non linear and it goes to the faucet. and what's the deciding factor for consumers now when they're buying
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a new car and they have to decide in a combustion engine or electric vehicle? do we know what it is that is driving their decision? is it mostly the price? is it the infrastructure for charging the car? is it environmental concerns? your views on that? the i think of the, the, the in the majority of cases it is a stick. the price goes and the loss in cases sticker price over the, the is, is more expensive to russians call. however, there are lots of new products come to market. a lot of g role tenses of, from a chinese manufacturer is a bobo, which is ultimately owned by the chinese manufacturers to a very inexpensive electric call, most multi products and marketing as well. so these, i can see what options are available at these options. electric cars across the
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vehicle settings, historically of electric positive stuff in the c, b, and continues. so once the options come to consumers for ease ease in the lower end of the volumes, because then i think we'll see more work option. what about the infrastructure is specifically the charging infrastructure for cars, because if people feel it's going to be difficult to charge their cars and they can't go far enough without, it's going to be too far for them to find the next charging station. of course, that's a big stumbling block at what point do you think or have we perhaps already past the point where, you know, the 4 gates are open and is no longer so much of a barrier for consumers. as i think a charging of the structure is a, an ongoing challenge for sure. that's no one that has been solved yet, but was encouraging is that we seeing more higher power charging stations being deployed in many countries. and in the us, we see a number of manufacturers making that vehicles compatible with each has the
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supercharger network, which of course has a number of charging stations worldwide. and this will enable more charging opportunities for non tesla easy drivers. and that will reduce range anxiety for many easy drivers as well. a ben stay with us. i have some questions for you on how environmentally friendly e v cars really are a quick explain it 1st. as these electric cars become more popular, many people question whether they really are environmentally friendly. know the short answer to that is yes. yes, they are because they don't run on fossil fuels. that means they don't put out carbon dioxide, which is the biggest contributed to global warming. but here's the boat. while they do pump out less emissions. that doesn't tell you the whole story. the process of manufacturing an electric vehicle need to look at that. that produces more
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emissions than the making of a traditional car. lithium ion battery is in particular are very carbon intensive mining rare earth metals needed for those batteries also has an environmental impact. digging it up can cause hazardous materials to lee count, exposing local communities. the smelting process can also contaminate the air with sulfur dioxide and why the, these themselves produce minimal emissions. when you drive them, they do rely on the power grid for their electricity. now, if that electricity is produced from se cole, one of the dirtiest fossil fuels there is then driving an electric vehicle might not have much impact on overall emissions. but as power grids get greater, so to will the eaves that they power a been back to you, this makes the whole question of whether an electric cars are more environmentally friendly. just a little bit more confusing. that is sometimes presented. can you settle this
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debate for us, especially for consumers who might be thinking of investing going forward in an electric vehicle? are they helping the planet? yes, yeah, the shift towards electric vehicles is certainly a good thing to help us meet climate change goals. if you think about the visual life cycle model, emissions come from the use phase of the vehicle is often called scripts, free category emissions. and this makes up around about $0.80 of social life cycle emissions. soon as you can reduce the, the, it's how much emissions average size presents down to, to nothing. then you're doing a very good job at reducing the calling intensity from the life cycle. so that's the 1st thing i would say in terms of the grades. the,
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the price or the cost per kilowatt hours. it often more expensive than fossil fuel trends. so they really will continue to, to be called the noise to further in the homes, the green credentials associated with ben scott joining us from london today. you're a senior analyst at carbon track or focusing on the automotive sector. thank you very much for your time today. we appreciate that. i thank you. and that is our show for this week to get in touch with us on the x formerly known as twitter at vineyards, 0 is my handle. do use the hash tag h i c t c. when you do or drop us an email, counting the cost that alpha 0 dot net is our e mail address. but there's more for you online at alice's 0 dot com slash so you can see that will take you straight to our page, which has individual reports, links, entire episodes as well for you to catch up on that as it. so this edition is counting
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the cost times several, then yay, from the whole team here in the thank you for joining us. the news analysis 0 is next to submit to the world slow down. we stand firm as homes with fits of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harness the offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the latest news, as it breaks, echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason it's worried. it could fraud with detail coverage less than 2 weeks into law. delays being criticized, behaving more like
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a number of precedents from around the world since the start of the war. a vast number of small a voluntary groups have sprung. it's a big that zones have the results is a big organization. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the of these rarely armies conducting one of its largest rates across the occupied westbank. there were only going on flashes in the sense of the other ones are in jordan, this is out. is there a life coming out? a number of palestinians and this rate is sold to have been injured in the fighting


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