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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 28, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the these randy armies conducting one of its largest rays across the occupied westbank . there were only going on flashes in a sense of the
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hello. i'm darn jordan. this is on tuesday or a life and don't know. so coming up a number of palestinians and his radius old to have been injured in the fighting, one of the targets of the rates have been running exchange officers. dozens of people are killed in on his ran the strike targeting areas near the hospital in southern garza as well diverse reinforcements and causes death total keeps timing more than $21100.00 to means announced the neighborhoods in the southwest sheltering the is there any forces conducting one of the largest raids in cities across the occupied westbank since the war and gaza began. its full asses have entered ramallah, jeanine, hebron novelist until caught a. and these are pictures coming out of ramallah where classes have broken out several of palestinians and then his radio
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soldier had been injured. the rates have become an almost nightly i haven't since october, 7th for the apartment. and ramallah has described some of the things that have been taking place as he picked up. some of those been just in the right hand, the modifies of off the we treated and transported for injured palestinians who were shots in the chest, shoulder black and sensitive areas with point $2.00 to $3.00 kind of rounds. were able to get the injured to the hospital, and 2 of the injuries were transported by all colleagues from the palestinian red crescent. let him and con, joins us on the phone now from ramallah in the occupied westbank him runs. have you seen this huge increase in the scale and the tempo of his right? the miniature rates across the westbound club and i just focus through what you've been seeing and hearing as well. the range began around 1 am in the morning where i am, haze cool down the street and leads into the center of them. i love minora square
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where i see how it is there is office is based. um, what i am in the morning. uh they came these ready falls, these came in and they clean the area using some homes as it relates and gas, you could smell the take off heavy in the ones they'd come. they use tax season surrounded the garden, called health the streets to my hotel. and then about an hour later, they both in reinforcements. i can use this area where i am directly in front of me . it's a staging post for the raids that began with much more intensity in the center of the model. what we're hearing is the rates have been directed at money exchange places. you can probably just had another explosion in the background that the money exchange places these right used to belong said have been used by resistance groups to finance the activities. but they're also just part and parcel of daily
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life in any big city in the world. but the size of this rate is very unusual when the reinforcements arrived i counted 20 um vehicles. uh, that's a significantly larger amounts of vehicles that we've seen in ramallah in a very, very long time. 16 of those by on the day coast and went into where the rates were taking place, about half a mile away from wareham. as the crow flies, there was a huge explosion around about 3 o'clock the local time. that explosion, we now know was i can start a commercial property. it was a controlled explosion to enter into the building where money exchange place was been rated when hearing the owners have been detained, the records have been taken. um, i've seen since i agree myself to his radiologist with the very large bag.
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take that bag into one of the vehicles as i'm speaking to you right now. there are fix is ready vehicles on the street, but they actually change direction. they looked like they're getting ready to withdrawal and this rate is still ongoing as you had crashes and the explosions that in the background of them are. and since since october, 7th, it's worth pointing out. we've seen over 300 palestinians killed hundreds, arrested by his ready forces across the west bank. what is israel? the objective here in stepping up these nightly rates as well. it's really fell, says the radar mounted against people who they believe part of the resistance. so they going into places like noon or something this refugee camp janine refugee camp . they're going into all the full on a refugee campaign. and they hebron and into jericho as well. and they go in and what they do. it's very typical and they'll just describe the scene here in ramallah as well. uh,
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they go in with lots of um vehicles and lots of soldiers on foot. and they've been a rush to people out. $44800.00 people up interested central time of the 7, at least tall for those or how old without charge on what's called administrative detention. so that's one of the the rates objectives. however, in the newer sam's come back into a car and i was that in the off tomorrow to the joining strike bags. he killed 6 palestinians though. uh they were on, on local residents, told us they had no history of being part of the armed resistance. um these right, these called the militants and said that that's the reason they were attacked also in the same rate. and he, um, is there any soldier walks into an ambulance and stabbed a palestinian, the nickel. busy as he was in the ambulance, um hey, there was
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a scene that was described as horrific by the paramedic who's now very worried about retribution against him once he reported that incident. so these are. busy the rates that are going on this is the kind of tactics is that the is right? he's using 42 raids and nights. that's now the official figure, this thing given by the palestinian authority. that is a far larger figure than we've seen since before. all the time we said before october 7th, you may have seen one to a, perhaps at night i have a fairly shortly. now the rates like i say, increasing and frequency for the 2 of them a nights on average. then the radio as you taking place, ensuring the day which never happened before. also that taking a little longer. that was a raid last week in geneva. that last stayed maybe 60 hour. okay. um, cuz i'm a mom just just described to audio is what sort of places a being targeted in these is right. the right. i mean,
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you mentioned money exchanges being targeted was the thinking behind that. and just as probably press other places, individuals up and hitting as well, the money exchange basis is unusual. i have to say that's something that i haven't really seen before. these ranges of long said that the resistance groups use the money exchange places to finance or the activities, but normally these rates are part of and the risk campaign across the occupied westbank. now, let's just take a look at what that means within the during the sci fi though, is a prisoner exchange. done for is really comparative held by mass um the amount of um, the pieces that they released in the fee spot exchange in the same period during this is why they arrested almost the same amounts of people. so this is a, a balance going in and getting people other resting people. the rest campaign is really what's driving this,
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this money exchange thing here in the sense of ramallah. that is actually a new tactic on me. but so we have seen this in previous years, and like i said, these ratings do you think that the resistance groups use those money exchange places to finance their activities. all right to him and con, lifestyle in ramallah, in the wide west bank, just updating us the on those latest is ready. raids, let's bring and run the cooler easy. distinguish public policy fellow at the american university of b realty joins us from boston. i asked him, run was describing that remy. we've seen this huge increase in the scale and the tempo of his radio rates across the west bank since the war began. what's your response to the latest raising of what they mean on the ground running? it is clear that these really are very well, very concerned that the situation and gas is going to keep spreading around the rest of power as time. it's already had spread sort of the spread around the
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region. you have the this, i'm sorry to bother you with these in the i'm, i'm a being actors, militarily. you have as my love and then you have a groups and the rack and syria, and they don't want the west bank to erupt in a big uh, bond and the father. there are groups already working in the separate lives of challenges. camps in the west bank, these are small groups. they usually don't have more than 15. 2025 members. maybe they're young people, they're not veteran fighters usually. and these are respond to any us military resistance groups that have sprung up in the last 3 or 4 years. because the israelis have put in jail so many hundreds of the previous generations of leaders of military uh, accidents. uh and uh,
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and this palestinian authority is not really doing anything to protect the ballast and so they feel that these young people have to take things into their own hand. okay. um to put up the kind of them so as possible. run these, we always want to stop this. they don't want to go. yeah. run it. that's an important point. jamaican and israel says it's intent in gaza is to destroy how mass. and it's clear, it seems. the objective of these raves across the west bank is about the right to catching those policy. and i'm groups that in the west bank that you've just mentioned as well as gaza. i like to try to do that, but the, i don't think it's going to rather kid a resistance by occupying, subjugated and humiliated and degraded human beings who have suffered these conditions for 5060 years. i don't think you're going to stop them from resisting from fighting back somehow whether peacefully or militarily. so this is really the story of human nature over the millennial which is degraded and occupied. people
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will resist whatever they can. they're, they're being more careful in the west bank now because they've seen how vicious israel can be. they've seen their own leaders on their own parents, arrested or killed over the last 30 years. and therefore there been more cautious about how they do resistance. they're not doing the kind of resistance that passes during the or has one law, but they're just basically trying to do a combination of small, a military action, a set of provides explosive device, set it up to blow up a pass that is really cheap. for instance, the military jeep or maybe try to get a sniper to hit a as rarely soldier. these are legitimate targets of international law and i checked if you're occupied, you can, i'm trying to sort of symbol symbolic action. the sense that gives the community a feeling that somebody is trying to do something to get us out of this terrible situation, right? because the p n a, the balance,
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the national and sorta is not doing it. so it's really a combination of this thing. but these can grow right quickly, these pools because of the frustrations, okay, exists, do the situation and gas. all right, let's talk about the outside westbank and ramallah in particular, it's always been slightly, installation hasn't had, i mean it's the seat of the policy, mental pharmacy. it's economy has thrive the head of gaza, but given that she a scale of israel's rates or the night has this, do you think the best bet protective bubble of the westbank because of this has, this has happened before. it's not the 1st time that this happens. and they've been on, remember when they ask out of factors they are, they surrounded him and the headquarters. so this is designed to send the message to the whole population as well as possibly to part of the arrest
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a couple of people who they may have identified whether accurately or not, and to, to arrest them. but it's really, i think it's more preventive and security work to try to send the message to the rest of the population. we're going to do this every night. now. we've done it every night for the last, whatever, 40 nights and we're, we're gonna do another much bigger scale if anybody tries to try to defy these really sorry, it is. uh, that's my sense of what is probably a it meant to do. the thing is trying to do is the philosophy of design is around the state of israel is to get as many of the color is out of atlanta, palestine as possible because they want a jewish states that your desires and this and nothing. yeah. who is government set it clearly last year in their statement that the only the jewish people have sovereignty them for wides in this land from the jordan river to the mediterranean, which is israel and the occupied west, back and east jerusalem. and they've been using all kinds of tactics to get people to leave, to, to make life so difficult. picking on her plate,
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travel are students who learn to college, have depression, 5 check points on that section 4 hours to get to the college. in the west bank, i'm 4 hours to get home and just the opposite is pressure on the servants, and they're using all these different tactics of which this is the latest and most dramatic rami. let's talk about some of the politics briefly. i mean, what are these raids mean for palestinian president? what our boss in ramallah, i mean he remains deeply unpopular to many palestinians. how much political pressure does is put on his leadership. and also the policy and all sorts of it should put a lot of pressure on him, but he seems to be impervious to political pressure. he, he seems to be like an automated singer who just does his daily chores on bus, the 112 years here and makes his speech. i heard him last time. he was actually pretty unimpressive. pretty boring is too old to really do anything serious. he is politically disconnected from the 5 hundreds of people. well,
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he said almost nothing about gas up. so he's a man who is not really a political act or any more in just a symbolic figure. head on this really is walked up in the boston house or is that what they want? they want to list action less meaningless palestinian self governing authority that can take out the garbage and fix the electricity lines when there is electricity. um, so that these rarely can go on with their shuttle ma'am, from alex and slammed them and letting their stuff loose free. so he's, he's not really going to, i think, react in any significant way of making a speech. he might call, you know, the central committee of the, of the below which is really, again the non non existing body is just on paper. what, what has to happen is the combination of re, re configuring and re legitimizing the whole t l o. which includes that type of thing. so worry about the piano that represents
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all past and ends at the same time, re establishing the wrench between gaz. uh and uh, the west biotech. uh, they've been separated years. so these things are going to take time. let me just the final thoughts to you and be brief if you can. uh, what does this mean in terms of the broad, a picture as to what happens off to the woman? there is a risk conflict we're seeing on folding out, springs and gaza. these increased these regular rates across the west bank like we've seen tonight and, and as you point out these ready, 5 minutes that dismissed any possibility of a 2 state solution was always telling us then run me about how gaza, how the westbank will look after the war there's no way to tell it really depends on several things. first of all, what happens when the fighting stops? and yeah, that will then yeah, some people 1000 isn't guys, will be able to rebuild their society. willow, new governing mechanism. come into being that it has printed ability to can be defined, why the us and israel,
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it has to be defined by the palestinians. will there be links of the west bank and east jerusalem in many ways? these things are oh for us to march right now. there's no way we can answer these questions. what we do know is that the person is want national unity. they want a pillow to be as a functional and credible and they are perfectly willing to negotiate a permanent peace with israel, based on the our peace plan. and we've already accepted israel's existence. so we know those things. the question, how much is we're going to go along with co existing with there's really all the palestinians acceptance and if there's a good deal of them, the person is, will accept that. because, you know, they don't want to just keep fighting. somehow they want to live in a normal life on sort of these really easily as readily as must not be happy campers was given the way what they've suffered unworkable. still suffering hand if they get pull out of gas and without really achieving their goals, which is a possibility. yeah, i can't run the career live for staff in boston or run me as always huntsville
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thoughts and to go and alex's you bet. what only has 600 pallets to me on the scale by and he's ready. drone in the occupied westbank were buried. 7 7 hundreds of people gathered for the funeral procession and is that you have to count them. the victims were targeted during on his radio rate on the notions, refugee camp. witnesses phase, right. the soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching them at least 90 minutes. the something funny. i was the 1st one on the scene and that was the young man on the way. say if my son was on the stairs, he was wounded in the neck. say if he was playing his final prize, i put my hand on his neck and felt the posts. so i told him that he will be fine. he stayed like that and did not respond. but he kept praying. i still school in the neighbors. there was no one except one young man on the way. he was also calling on people to help
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the he watching. i'll just say a real quick i mind about top stories here. there's uh, there's many ami is conducting one of its largest raids across the wide westbank since the wind comes up again. forces into the cities of romano, janine at braun novelist until congress is where the army has targeted money exchange bureaus and the i'll provide westbank cities of ramallah i'm to cotton at least 15 palestinians and on his ready soldier had been injured and crushes broke out during those rates in ramallah. meanwhile, in the gaza strip, israel is expanding its ground defensive at least a 195 palestinians have been killed by his reading strikes. in the last 24 hours. and time neighborhoods have been flattened out a 0 starry cobbler as whom as more details from a rough ox in southern joseph. the is really military attacks. of course, the goal is this trip did not talk, despite the fact that we are entering the $8.00 to $3.00 days of kind of case they
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get to the military attacks. of course, the territory where the main is very focused right now. the, the miniature of ration had been driven from the north up to the main central areas of causes. the trip alongside with the south, which had been eliot designated as a safe zone for evacuation to be protected from the east. very bombing now with the east, very minute treat or to the remaining of a rate of as you understand, rhetoric discount did not stop as they have announced that they are starting the military limit to the ground and quote, and again, space areas where they are destroying and completely attacking the key civil infrastructure looms with residential houses as they are, which we move, evacuation orders for the residents of these areas to hit to the south rate, we can guarantee the safety. but meanwhile, the situation in this house is very catastrophe, as hundreds and thousands of people that have been evacuating to this area which
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become very densely populated on the move running consent of all kinds of military attacks that would reach this area. i'm at $25.00 since we basic necessities as well in the south of the gaza strip target position out to 0 roof in the south of the territory. meanwhile, these really ami as old and palestinians across a vast area of central gauze, including a gauzy, to evacuate. that being told to go to a deer out by that which is for the south. you and says the evacuation or the effects about 61000 despite the palestinians, most of from northern garza, in country has more from the on the going to the refugee camp. i'm crazy. standing on is the law head, dean road, one of the main high roads that connects the north, the south of the gulf on this side is that the refuge account where that is where any forces off people living in this area. so you've got to wait and we have been seeing the flow since the morning if that's the way can some the area on the other
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side of the street is people waiting for any type of transportation. we know that there has been no cards, no fuel cards to transport. and here, as you see people taking a couple of their stuff, a couple of their mass, a couple of blankets and a couple of clothes because this is the only thing they can take. and we must also remember that this is not the 1st time these people have been evacuated. they evacuated from the not doing areas of the gaza strip. people are telling us they're tired from being placed for more than one time. they said that there are no places for them to go as most of the you and shelter. schools and hospitals are packed with people. and we have been seeing people putting their 10 in mt areas, setting up their tense and making their own refugee camps. this is the scene right now,
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and people are being displaced for more than one time in the gaza strip. this isn't the very for august. and because the refuge account israel has said it's expanding operations in central gaza. i'll do 0 is i'm just sort of joins us live now from occupying the east. jerusalem hemmed up. so is israel spent some expenditure raise right across the west bank. we're hearing that more is ready. reinforcements are being sent into gaza. what more can you tell us? this is really army spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy? well speaking on wednesday, said that additional reinforcements have been sent in to the southern part of the territory on the outskirts of han, eunice, the army says that they are quote, achieving things. they're in the form of dismantling from us infrastructure and killing him, us fighters. additionally, these really army has been saying for a few days now that they were expanding their operations into the central part of
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the territory near the refugee counts. you're talking about as much as the refugee camp at what age refugee camp and the flight of refugee camp. and remember, much as the refugee camp just around 2 days ago witnessed an air strike the killed at least a $106.00 palestinians in one single instant making it one of the deadliest knights there since the war began. additionally, these really armies saying before a 3rd night in a row, those camps were hit quite hard as these really army is looking to quote, eliminate any sort of how much infrastructure in the central part of the territory . these really army also says they are continuously operating in the northern part of gaza will trying to deepen their operations now, both in the center and the south and home to the head of israel's ministry says this war is likely to continue for many more months. what more has israel set about its ministry operation on the ground and the focus now shifting to central and southern gaza?
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the whole thing is really army chief of staff personally. however, the when speaking and just a couple of days ago, coming back from gaza for a military and situational assessment, he said that the war is quote, going to continue on for many more months, citing, and that there were necessary goals. these really had to achieve for this war, but that they weren't going to be easy and they weren't going to take time. additionally, he said that there are going to be loss is experienced as throughout the entirety of the. busy or he's referring it to the depths of his really soldiers. you're looking at $0.16 the ground operation to begin. but that figure also includes 11 is really soldiers who were killed on the northern border and exchanges a fire, which is bomb love. so these really army is also in really echoing, additionally, the sentiment of these really prime minister benjamin s and young who says the war
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is simply not going to end. and for the entirety of this war, he's been saying the same thing every single day. that until those military objectives on the ground are achieved, the war on guns though, will continue to have that sort of life as there and occupied east jerusalem hemmed up. thank you. don't think i've done that has met with egyptian president abdel for to fcc in cairo. following the totes, the to need to said there, rejected any attempts by israel to expel palestinians from casa, i'm the occupied westbank levels of cold on the international community to pressure israel to agree to an immediate cease fire. so an aide to can be allowed in chicago for the need is up to you and israel, i have again clashed over the war on gaza. president richard typo. i'm like in the actions of prime minister benjamin netanyahu to those of i don't forget, let's saw you didn't. we have seen as riley, nancy cans and stadiums. right. what exactly is this jobs they speak have to hitler bizarrely? now what is different between you and hitler love is that he did it off as is the
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any different the yahoo sex and those of hitler and then get a color the other one. now we're writing on x for many switch. uh, these ready, prime minister hit back saying, oh, the one who is committing genocide against the codes, and who holds the world record for imprisoning journalists. so oppose this machine is the last person who can preach morality to us. right, let's take a quick look at the state of health care in gaza, according to the world health organization, northern gauze that has no fully functioning hospitals, new patients comp access be 4 hospitals, highlighted in yellow. those facilities are caring for existing patients, but currently off of basic 1st aid, the world health organization says only 9 hospitals are still operating across the strip and most are in the south, but they are operating at 3 times. the capacity is right, the armies expanding its ground defensive pushing further into the central and southern regions as much to allow is the director general of the allowed the
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hospital. he described the donnas situation at hospitals in garza. and then, what is the jewish, the occupation forces did target on purpose, the health system, and all the health facilities in gaza as this occupation is trying to eliminate any a form of life in northern casa and central casa. so that's the civilians could not, cannot live and they can achieve. their goals may be temporary cause or long term goals. a may not displacing the civilians because it's not just about the hospitals . it's beyond the hospitals. they are targeting the ambulances, they are farm and universities, churches, and more than $350.00 most, cuz they are also bombing more. they bond more than mine, 2000 housing units, the sewage system has been targeted as well. many journalists have died. so this
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more than i want to is trying to kill any form of life in gaza and maybe the healthcare or the health facility. and the health system was at the hearts of this talk about his gaza. even before the military campaign had 35 hospitals. the reality of the health system was already struggling to was very complex. and now it was because of the siege on past that that is ongoing and because of the political splits, unfortunately. so those hospitals have always been suffering and it will lock in medical supplies, medical medicine, and all the operational system was not functioning correctly as well. what sort of students schools in the gaza strip on our filled with the space people to in for food and water. but one teacher has decided to start teaching again,
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despite thing displaced himself on his own school being destroyed can be on the deck, has more or less than many adults have yet. then when


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