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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 28, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is the news our i'm sammy's. a them live from del, coming up in the next 60 minutes from north to south israel on leashes. more
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destruction across garza, at least 50 palestinians have been killed in as strikes of the the, the gym poles for protection. the red crescent size is right. the shelves of once again hit areas near its hospitals. in the south least 10 people were killed. un says 40 percent of guns population on now at risk of firemen and unlawful killings for you. and also these relative stop using this proportion of false against palestinians in the 5 west by an addition of tennessee news that characterizes many of the setlist action is very disturbing and must seize immediately
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the it's 1500 gmc, that's 5 p. m. in gaza. what health as far as these sites, 5th, the people have been killed and dozens wounded in this right. the attacks across scows are on the 1st day. is there any bombs continues a pound. the area 17 people killed in hong units in the south bay fly here in the north and then move on as a refugee camp in central garza of old been hit the think it's not that it's closed the in the mid sconces, healthcare facilities that are continuing to be targeted, the palestinian red crescent says at least 10 people have been killed and a dozen injured in an attack near the hospital in the southern city of con eunice.
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the habits where the perfect scenes from inside gauls as hospitals of a well medical stuff struggling to contain the endless flow of casualties seeking a life saving care of the world health organization teams on the ground. se gauze as population is in great peril. it's urging the international community to do more . let's go lives with all the club. i zoom in the alpha, you joins us from southern gaza. so the you and warning talked about 40 percent of the population in gauze at now, facing family. and what does that look like on the ground? the yes, absolutely. uh, the more evacuation orders that have been issued for the residents of the areas. and also the previous one from the north and central areas of garza city,
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had excessive pay to the situation, especially the humanitarian $1.00 in the south. much more right now. as the know weeks of restricted and food access in the gaza strip have cooled, the native intervene, and the growing concerns of finding inside for the besieged in place are taking about that people inside the dollars trip are suffering from acute food in security as they use the old, the local main bakeries with food warehouses alongside with the routes that we're transporting the humanitarian aids to the gaza strip. the families inside the south of the guards district are facing out of forcing full so are forced to, to deal and to, to we do it with the very that your rating quality for food and water to them. and also with their ability to put due to the deep shortage of if you insight garza,
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i'm, i'm, i'm, it's also the very limited amount of humanitarian aid that had been entering the territories since the last couple of weeks to respond to the un resolution of increasing the, the numbers of the humanitarian aid trucks, insight goes up on the fact on the ground that this resolution did not practically have been taught triple 8 inside the gaza strip. as we have been witnessing the same and similar numbers of humanitarian troops, that won't be sufficient to match the needs of the effects you read in the south of causal and thought it is rainy. officials have been talking about casualties amongst the soldiers. what are you hearing from palestinian sources about the intensity of fighting going on? the yes, absolutely. we've been hearing throughout the last couple of days and just for a couple of hours, the sound of explosions and flight exchange beams. can you this, we can hear that from our location right?
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well in rough, which also gives a clue sign that the situation may tell me that it's getting much more difficult as confrontation on the ground. continue, as we have been reporting that israel made some tax, it comes with the troubles of, from some, some areas today. they had made more confrontations, more quite exchange, the invoices and the east. very minute treat the military author the reaction. actually there was a dish of houses in the rage. i'm also a rock for to dekalb along side with the are trying to also eliminate the ministry infrastructure of the policy and find those as they had fairly set as a goal of the military campaign inside guns by the areas right now, which considered to be the main focus for the confrontation is con units, which is the 2nd largest city in golf out where we have the seeing different videos for the policy and fine to i think that is very artillery vehicles throughout different onto time. besides, they are also trying to use different explosive devices for us to pull the interest
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of those vehicles inside cars. so one of these resources off completely intensifying their applying a pilot where they are attracting thomas city, insight as, as both of both sides are witnessing more casualties. a move victims on the ground in hon. eunice, in a brace and also in a ship of one neighborhood, which had been one of the main central areas for the confrontation instances. awesome. all right, thanks so much time to come by soon, the of last spring induct. i'm how much i'm deal. he's an emergency and critical care consultants. he's joining us live from the also hospital in han. you and it's good to have you with us. so, so we've had a number of reports of strikes near hospitals where is that leaving the health care facilities? the thank you for having meet up to one of the situation here in the south of the is about it is us for us. is that it got the think i'm not sure somebody was gonna describe what's going on. uh no,
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but they feel safe inside the hospital. no, no, no, that was then we lost out of date to their son for, for the music and his thumb looked at his own lives as though they cannot reach those which ends before the 2 main things. one thing is that the hospital is unsafe, the ship almost within scenario as opposed to be something that is, was getting on the feet unsafe. so the kind of a $10.00, but then on the other reason this is the displacements with displacement or that would look like for leaves our position and, but instead of one situation, the has to ski wasn't familiar. you know, at the beginnings, no, for any physician though, we still have one thing as because he wants to book his good so. so this in the event will leave him inside to, to leave the month of the sky. you will need. and even within t will not have what that he will not have enough for so many kind of stuff is bought from the community. and the situation is when it got this little bit inside
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the hospital and we, we end up with only 10 bits, central physician, and this is the trying to save lives. the thing to do anything for the coming to be allowing means to be the patients was coming out late to the hospital. but my last set of uh, maybe conflicts in the so is the long distance within the 2nd long distance. but the last time she found, and we really feel that this on school now and a tiny boy, maybe i'll send one over the ones they know about the what they kind of each of the, the vision or physician. i lived out of this house, but that is a close on service and it is all means that the head system in the south would be, i mean, 0 or most of that something that this one has to be something on the front soon. let me jump in and do this for the vision. you see, we have a no size reading, a list of what medicines are in short supply right now. in garza
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anesthetics, antibiotics, ivy fluids pain medication. insulin on the list go is quite long, which, i mean, maybe i should just ask you, what do you have left in terms of medication to work? cuz doesn't sound like quite a lot is available that you know the big and then to and then they don't have medication. the old and the labeled with the visa is the, the don't have medication. now with the question, what charlie do, i don't have the medication is that is under medication kind of bliss. mind me the sense we said no, just, no, i like, like i've done that 1st single day thing for the division because these don't have the visit. i said that, but the communication of the but this will be the cation of available on the device . the thing is, the i v one is much available, but the old one is not available. you know, the pharmacy people in the pharmacy out around is almost empty. conservation of somebody in service for conservation of 0, you cannot do that,
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they're going to stick this thing for consolidation to kind of give them medication . the pain medication for admission without mutation would save you to enjoy it, as is not available aside. the hospital be options that when you say a pain medication is not available, question pointed out when we look here and the moment is ago, pictures of, of a child on the going some kind of medical procedure. what can you tell us about reports that patients, particularly children, are having to undergo surgery with no anesthesia because it's, it's not available of the anesthesia inside though, but it shouldn't be thought of. we have something mitigation. we're using time like a bit of village to choose which, which one is the best to lose what they thought it's available. but after the save didn't, you don't have the best option for the vision. so we use bit old medication which can, for scientific closing, motor bleeding wouldn't hard and the vision at the end of him. otherwise, she would leave him, would like suffering from being you know, the mission for them be patient was to get into the he need continuous spin,
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mitigation or live for like weeks. but they would give him some of the medication for a few days. and then he will stuff on for a long time. so situation is got that sort of thing. uh. mindy kind of stuff. and that was, so we thought about this community on this. so funding much as the community is. so funding and what we are seeing is not so if you say we auto renewal mode means that it's to me on fighting between himself on disability and on our way now with the civilian hospitals look sort of in the fire, i'm sorry. can you know in the last few days yes, of the i see the thought he was leaving the hospital at home and then there was but being in the city and he just came on the admitted to the i c. and we end up not with the only one. i see you the get a go 40. i see you based on this. i've done this with and imagine how is this do? it shouldn't be difficult. and the use of income is really leading it difficult. no
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doubt about that. how concerned all you that your heading to the sold and ship a hospital faith in scenario ultimately as is where the strikes focus more on the south and the center of casa. yeah, you know, the measurements he manages just lift us without any hint that the going to is they sent they were going to is ition did the same. we are as i'm going to kind of stuff analysis of don't we don't. uh, we have nothing to do with this conflict. what the claims, a based on says, look, that should be away from this side of getting on what the scenario which if i was without is go to the telephone scanner for everyone. so i can say 60 visions, 60 bits central physicians just display is sort of to be away from this scenario. but the, another phone to this and they have commitment. they committed to that addition listed. but now when you hit on the photo and somebody needs to displays from that home, you have to go with the unfamiliar otherwise. see they would be in the city. they
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need somebody, the one, it takes them so we lost another. you can say 50 percent, 50 bits of 500 physician because of if somebody needs a know a little bit of something with his in, in the hospital the trying to save and do what they have available for the vision. all right, thank you so much for sharing with us your experiences and the situation that's going on that document on the all these ready armies latest evacuation or discover a vast area or a central garza, including on the policy refugee camp with tens of thousands of palestinians the sheltering of being told to move to day of the bar, which is for the south displaced palestinian sleeping in tents that say death would be best as in the current living conditions. camille ned, like, has more palestinians in garza know out running is ready. booms is few times, but it doesn't stop them from trying. and had them a boat, we specialize in. our home was demolished and my son was killed. we fled and the
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bombing lasted all night. became here from fun. eunice, there is no proper shelter. every time we go to an area at the target us, there was a new families and strange as crowd together. intense in the bala. as these ready ministry pushes a hand with its ground to salt farther. no, nope, looks ugly. what has it? we asked for one thing to stop this war stopped people's suffering at any cost. i think it is terrible. children are sleeping in the cold. i brought it to sable girls from i'll put a shiver, the side that i struggled to bring her here. i was walking all this way with disabled people and children. this is the height of suffering. what? death would be more merciful? how many flight the homes? without enough lin close in blankets, they thought they'd be able to return. the un is wanting old cost and using cause the risk of becoming more than half a $1000000.00 people already starving and malnourished children, especially those forced to sleep outside of hon to hypothermia. sidney,
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for how does it not? he's leave me alone. let me live by that you left me live or killing me. i don't want to see the tragedy of my children when they say they want bread and i'm unable to give it to them. all money has run out. there was nothing left, said. it's time to just buy bonds and products, or a slow dest from hunger and cold metal like, oh, to 0. he's right in the army says at least 6 soldiers have been killed and 49, all those wounded. since wednesday, my sis release with each of it spices confronting is ready forces and destroy a number of ministry vehicles, as well as ami says a 156 soldiers have been killed in gauze. this is the ground invasion began. let's get more now from the side of highland to his line for us in tennessee. so another day of announcements of intense fighting and is ready the casualties. what more can
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you tell us about that sort of, of the well, the $23.00 of those $49.00 was injured in gauze and the rest in other areas such as the northern border. now the numbers of those being killed, we're seeing this every day. and this is expected, it's because the minute tree is confirmed, but now that it says it's in charge at least of the military operation in the newest of gauze where it says bar a few pockets. by how much spices it's definitely moving uh, further into the south. it says it's already been fighting in areas including time units for the last couple of weeks. it also and the statement earlier a few hours ago that was really said that it's targeted uh, how much tunnel shaw. so it says in hon. eunice that led to what? it's pulling
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a c'mon sense of belonging to an elite group of bahamas fights is and also it said that it's to manage to be able to fight hum us across the gaza strip because of its access. it's found it saying more than $65000000.00 digital files and also physical documents. it says of maps and locations and intelligence from us intelligence. and that's why it's also been able to fight. but. 7 of this, as one of the will cabinet members, many gods overnight had said that now for those that had doubted the capabilities, those had doubted the fact that you had all these reserves and as well. 1 as the you of asked for the navy on ground truth, whether they would be able to come together. he said, well this is a proof that they were able to at all so that they will be assessing up the movements in the gaza strip. and he said that it's time for that set top of course,
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this is all as they all are aware that han eunice on the south is very different area. so the rest of the gaza strip in the sense that many people were forced by these ready to move to the south. they were told it would be safe for them. well, that's supposed to be the other way of the different rasa. and you have more than 21000 people killed in terms of international pressure. that's certainly going to increase. there are reports according to his right. the media, the of us 6, sorry. uh anthony blink. and will be visiting next week as thoughts of it. so some other countries, including georgia in the u, a. e as well. and um discussions with agents of course, because this phyllis, the spot is supposed to be in a king, but seems to have been majorly sold. and really they haven't got far with that. all of this again, as you have family members of those health concept of putting a lot more pressure on the will cabinet. 2 days ago we were outside the caveat, which is the defense ministry where they were blocking people from entering the
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monitoring offices. because they know that in the south, the likelihood of that being a number, a high number of desks, the monks is riley soldiers is higher. and also there are reports that some of those held captive being held in those areas. and so the conflict the intensifying on the northern front as well. take us through what's happening on that board of the yellow red me today. we've has a few drone infiltration the, the from the southern level. and that's where the uranium bite group has been. lot is located that has been attacking the no severe as well since the war started on gauze where it says that it will continue those attacks as long as israel continues . that's war now. it seems that some residential prophecies had been hit, no casualties. reports been caveats, shimoda that's one of the biggest towns in the northwest, the majority in fights of those that had to evacuate less from that. uh yes. today
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was the largest number of has been a lot real kits and posts for the fast since this was started in. this just shows you that they have no time to push to reduce the across the board of firing or launching of rockets or drones with explosives that have injured some of those. uh, is riley soldiers more than a $100000.00 reservists on that folder. and also resulted in this now that number that figure that we just mentioned that the 49 in the last 24 hours that were injured. and also that is also in the north and not just proves and it shows that even barely gotten to say that if diplomatic efforts aren't going to be working and quoting on the international community, which is something israel's been doing for the last 2 weeks. if that's not working, they're going to have to take them out into their own hands, all of this as a dry. and we're going to set 2 quotes close to haifa. one of the towns not far the inside, the rather just stopped the coast from here, which is considered
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a space for parts of is right. and the fact that they've been able to know instructions that close says that has by law, has those capabilities much stronger than home us. alright, we'll leave with that. thanks so much. the fire, or hundreds of young his varieties are marching to the can assets in west jerusalem, demanding the government, do more to secure the return of captives being held in garza. the protest is set out from tel aviv on sunday as well says how much is still holding a $129.00 captives taken on october, the 7th, 3 of those captives were killed. vice ready forces earlier this month. laurel hall and joins us live now from outside the can assist in west jerusalem. looks like quite a crowd still behind you that laura, how is that process shaping out now as
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well? absolutely. so, i mean, now how many of these people, they're members of a use groups, but still it says intel of the, the cool house just where and then there's nothing in the 70 moment says stopping off at numerous points in the way to hold fits in the whole process until they've made it here. now they can't quite get to be is really connected. that's just up a hill, but they are outside the ministry of finance. and the other side is the ministry of interior. um it is heavily guarded. this police presence every rap, although there are many hundreds of people to fill out this purchase. we listen to a number of pages. they released a launch pad, a with all of the come to the home. they're a $129.00 of them still being kept in garza, they're putting pressure on these ready government say they want them out. now you can see just behind me, there are people holding up these banners because it's showing those chapters that
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are inside. so as i said, the majority of them are, it's ready you to come down for the also the family members of the captive. they say there's a large gulf between what they want and what's happening on the ground currently as they continue. heavy air strikes out. henry shelling of course said very concerned about the caps of left and sides. and laura, any sign that officials are actually listening to those processes, and according to these protests is absolutely no time ages. now. there was a session held on monday and during the session the it's ready 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu made of speech, but he will get those captains released. but it will take time at that point out. many of the caps is families, but also a number of pieces sausage, boeing and charging over him. and he said not without this large ministry presence
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inside the concepts, they wouldn't have been able to release any captive. the people here are saying absolutely not. now i've listened to a number of speeches. i'd have been translated tonight and they're saying they have to ready to now and they will not stop protesting. they won't leave these kind of scratch that they've been purchasing in the almost every um city actually every, every, it's very fishy. they said they will not leave until those captives already. so it's a huge amount of and also in the pressure on the inside, but also much international pressure leveled against nothing. yahoo! now all right, thanks so much laura from the, from west jerusalem. or is there any politicians and pundits have been discussing moving palestinians in garza to other countries, including regions like south america and the african continent, connected member and former u. n. m. by so the down a down side is valid,
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received inquiries from countries willing to take in refugees from the gaza strip and interview on these re the radio station. com. that's that and says he's been in contact with a number of countries in the past on this issue such as south american countries and african ones. he added that some of them off full payments in real ton and other forms of contributions. this is not new. there's a quite a history of these ready politicians discussing projects of massive transfers of palestinians, according to the jerusalem post. this rel, secretly encouraged or planned to encourage the emigration of 60000 palestinians to latin america, was back in 1969. the classified documents of in his writing, meeting held 51 years ago, revealed plans of a massive transfer of palestinians to power the y as part of an agreement between the 2 countries. the plans included these ready funding for flights, transferring palestinians who agreed to leave garza
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a $100.00 grant for each of them and $33.00 per person to the power line government . and since 2014 is why the experts and politicians have discussed at length plans to relocate goals and to the sign peninsula in egypt. while antony lowenstein is an independent journalist and also all of the palestine lamar tree, you joins me now live from sidney goods. have you with us and to me. so let's start 1st of all with the latest comments. how serious they should. we take comments from people like dining down about transferring godson's outside of the native garza as well very seriously as he said, send me a new introduction. the fact is that this thing is really plans to remove. she huge amounts of palestinians, pretty much from the beginning. people know a lot about 1940 i the next on 15. 67 is actually been huge amounts of other examples and being in some ways what israel has inverted commas is a problem that they have too many palestinians and navy. and over the decades has
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been huge amounts of plans to remove anybody who's either not jewish or for example, black african. somebody can talk about that later. but ultimately he's route. he's takes this very seriously. and in fact, just the last few days, these really foreign minister came out and there's really television essentially said to countries e mail me, call me literally. and we're willing to discuss ways for you to take huge amounts of palestinians. and this is a serious issue that the world should take very serious notice of anthony bear with us for a 2nd one to listen in to this statement on this riley tv essentially of the foreign minister and the co head calling on officials from other countries to reach out, so want to take in palestinian refugees english, you know this on the whole into several gun maybe some gone to the 4th quarter, so not 100000, you know, all of that. you know, the, the initial,
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what's the call assumes the, all the, so was one shot because there's only and so on to how it shows you called the gist of that. but it is basically, hey, if you're interested in taking pakistan's, drop me an email. what kind of the humanise ation does that create when you talk about people not just in a few level in the native land, as some kind of i don't know much on ebay that you can just email if, if you want me to ship them off to you know, one of the most under important issues of what's happening, these rel palestine thoughts since october 7, but certainly before is actually that is really society. jewish society has been radicalized from what i mean by that is that public opinion pause long before october 7. and certainly since have shown actually the majority of these rarely use
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suppose the removal of palestinians from gaza. and this was happening before october 7. and in fact, there was a pole just this week, the found that around 70 to 80 percent of his riley jew support the idea of finding somewhere else. for palestinians who are 90 busy sites, you guys out to be removed. now he's rel, claims is somehow voluntary, but she's nonsense. i mean guys are, was being made uninhabitable deliberately. and therefore, there are many other countries that potentially i bang for still strong on or off without the deals such as website designs, documenting my book to take palestinians. and the question is, which country is alexi? take those people. if any, anthony, this is not sphere, is it takes us through the history of plans being discussed and reports that they were to some degree actually implemented to transfer policies to latin america. a look as soon as he touched on his senior beginning as soon as the
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1967 will happened, there was a containing of these riley cabinets and there was a serious discussion at the highest levels to find ways to remove what they regarded as excess arabs. that would die loose in day view, the jewish population, as he said, power glide, was examined and power, glad to be clear at the time was a dictatorship, which after world war 2 had taken in some nazi war criminals, including joseph mengel, who was the notorious angel of death, dr. at asked rates. this was no impediment to israel for tennessee working with them. that plan didn't really happen that any, a handful of telephones actually left and over the decades since then, there's been a number of other attempts to take in a full so convince of the nations that was seen as probably as rel, busio amongst others, is literally what is the long and the short of it that a, not the but you know, postings of wanting to leave. and virtually no other nations have been able to be bribed enough, but the plans of always being they and that's brain exhilarated since october 7th.
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and there is something of a history of transferring people to africa right from israel took us through that. and this, the statements that have been reported in the media closing is ready for. she was referring to african migrants asylum seekers as a threat to as well as jewish capital as a cancer in the last 20 years or so. there was a lot of african migraines, who came to israel tens of thousands, in fact because that was playing persecution and war in their continent. and this was never particularly popular with the news around because they were not jewish, of course. and that was seen as infield traders, as he said, some politicians called in kansas. that was huge amounts of protests around television elsewhere against these africans. i did a lot of reporting about this over the ease actually, including i was based in south sedan in 2015 and bizarrely enough israel and the last decade was bribing and promoting the concept to rolanda and uganda,
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giving them money, giving them weapons to take huge amounts of extra kens africans have been dumped from these are out in those countries and then left a famous to themselves. many ended up in south sudan where i met some of them in the capital, juba. and these people are destitute. they have no way to guy, they legitimate refugees. and this i think fits into a long pass and where these people are close to now palestinian, but they're not jewish. this is the case warrant that it was saying to die, lose the surf with jewish character of the country. and this was laid financing, yahoo, amongst others. and to the point now where i, for the last decade, oh, so barely any africans have been granted refugee status in israel. and there are some still there, but very, very few israel and essentially fortified and get a wise itself where it's virtually impossible for african sling dictatorships in their own confidence accounts of israel. so this has a long history, including a recent one where alonzo and uganda who are now quite close allies of these ro,
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are essentially bribes and giving them my friends to take in. so hold on. one said people from these ro, anthony briefly, what is that going to do? take us through the history of what the transfer of people is got to do with the straight. it will be as tried as being central to israel as existence from the beginning of the document this in the book a lot and this excel or rather dr. nonsense, 67. a short answer is that eventually the vast majority of countries on the planet dictatorships and democracies have wanted various phones, always, riley weapons. also the violence of treatment over oppressive tech in the modern era. and this has played in very clearly to nations right now as we speak, that i'm sure interesting and potentially taking some kinds of numbers of palestinians from guys. and now we don't know exactly which nations are being told to accidentally presume is going to be, is rarely friendly categories in africa,
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potentially the new, later in patching chain and who's madly pro israel, a file right fundamental is dictated who's just taken over that. and it's pretty clear that nations like that will want money, but also weapons because he's rouse k export asset for he is, is exporting their weapons of dictatorship and occupation from palestine to those nations. so the occupation therefore is exploded. that's a key part of his rouse, raised on veteran, and that's going to continue. i suspect he needs to come. so this serious threat to serious threat that israel is looking for nations. now i want to take 2300000 palestinians, but they might take 800010000 here, 10000 that. and that's not just the sign i which obviously these rails great drain to the point. finally, bits in yahoo justice we expect to the liquid. amazing in is around where he said openly. it's on the secret. our plan is so expelled, palestinians. this is the plan and yet sofa. that's a nice serious response in the us or any country. this is long being the plan and
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find labor at a point where it goes as being made deliberately uninhabitable. but many other nations may be bribes a strong man to take these people. for anthony stay was for a 2nd because you mentioned the statement by missing yahoo and it's, it's not just politicians. let's take a look at this opinion piece in the jerusalem post. we can pull it up now, but it explodes. why moving to the sign? i put into it is the what they call solution for garza's palestinians. and the piece claims that the sign i couldn't see the comprises one of the most when it cools suitable places on us to provide the people of gaza with hope and a peaceful future. when you read statements like the one you mentioned of that yeah, whole pieces like that. you've got to remind yourself,
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the ultimate talking about watts international human rights groups like amnesty international and human rights watch what you an expert said on october, the 13th they've called this basically false displacement a will crime, right? that's how it stands and international law. that's exactly what it is and that j. c reference is one of many and then i think goes to the heart. and what i was saying before is that there has bain over the last decades will for october 7, a. radicalization within these riley jewish society. and i speak it someone jewish myself or that not living in israel across i live outside bots. it's something that really struck me for a long time. that there were seemingly very few read lines amongst a global jewish diaspora community of costs to reduce who applies what's happening, myself included, that's those are that thing. but in terms of the mainstream jewish task for organizations who are saying what is being proposed in the us in the u. k. and
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elsewhere that another policy. right? not saying this is outrageous that you cannot remove people forcibly or cycled voluntarily from gaza. it's an absolute red line that cannot be crossed, right? all right, anthony lowenstein. goods get your thoughts. thank you so much. i thanks so much. send me the occupied westbank these right. the ami is conducted a series of coordinated rates getting at least one palestinian 9 and in doing thousands the incursion targeted money exchange outlets and an estimated $2.00 and a half $1000000.00 is believed to have been seized. and long con results from promo . yet another pre owned raid by israeli soldiers in the occupied westbank is become unlike via carnes. but the scale and intensity of this coordinated operation stands out of this video released by these radio only show what it sold as well off the money exchange outlets. this is part of the, the, the policy to punish the 1st thing in west bank. and this is close to the
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collective punishment. those exchange outlets in a winning onto the palestinians. we know it says my live in that is a tough measures and the destination to globally use by all governments to money to the money transferred from a to z. and this kind of ministration can, i can count for the exact to it, but he goes, i think what happens is part of as i, the measurement of them to define is the 1st thing is these riley defense, vanessa assigned, and all the declaring 5 money exchange shelves, terrorist financing organizations, and as soon as it did that, that's when these raids coordinated rates across the occupied westbank happens. he says that these riley's took around need $3000000.00 us dollars from 5 different locations. at some exchange outlets, it is ready for us is left leaflets comparing a mass to ice so to detain business owners and confiscated sites. these really all be carried out incursions in multiple cities,
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including hebron in the south ramallah nablus to carmen jeanine and the no one paramedic provided. and only with this account, how the modified as of off the we treated on transported for injured palestinians who were shots in the chest and shoulder leg and sensitive areas. with point 2 to 3 kind of rounds. were able to get the injured to the hospital and 2 other injuries were transported by all colleagues from the palestinian red crescent. analysts believe israel is stepping up as incursions to send a message. this is a pretty clear indication that the as rallies are going full force to try to prevent the west bank from breaking out into yet another military confrontation filled with business before october. the 7th is ready for us is conducted an average of 12 rates daily in the occupied westbank very,
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very well since the war and goes, it began, they've increased to about 50 to a day. a thousands of palestinians would be interested in all costs. how does some of the united nations is released to report condemning the worsening human rights situation in the occupied westbank including occupied east jerusalem? it says, palestinians of trusts and the cycle of fear facing the relentless force of these, right? the army and violence from sacrilege. but according to the revolt between october, the 7th and december, the 27th, maybe $300.00 palestinians were killed primarily due to his riley ministry operations, an average on refugee camps. 492 pakistan's been killed, vice ready forces this year as the highest since you and started recording such that's 18 years ago. molding 4780 palestinians have been detained. the one says best subject to culture and violence and this right,
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the jails many have reported severe injuries without access to medical care. and there's an increase in the cycle of violence treating sense as taking over palestinian lines, leading to full displacement of palestinian communities, view and cooling on israel to abide by international law and stop all violence against palestinians and farley investigate these incidents. use of military tactics and weapons in law enforcement context. and the use of unnecessary or disproportionate force by these writers. security forces, extremely trumpeting visualization of palestinians that characterizes many of the southwest actions is very disturbing and must cease immediately. i caught on each row to take immediate clear and effective steps to put an end to set the violence against the palestinian population to investigate all incidents of violence by setlist. and these rarely security forces as well that spring in time. it is called a mode. now he's
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a specialist and conflict resolution and humanitarian aid is also an assistant professor of public policy at the institute of graduate studies. good to have you back. so we've been talking a lot in the 1st block of this show about the conflicts and the casualties and the displacement. let's talk a little bit about the diplomacy show is the gyptian proposal still in play at this point assigned me the results. i'm big with the about the about it's faith so far. we haven't had a clear rejection by concerned about these loan to put us in a set time us. and yet actually one of the m. s. as in the lead that as, as a fellowship to you, he came out with a statement that the, the looking into it discussing it. so it's not that yet. and then what we have is, uh, kind of a full of diplomacy. i mean um choose the uh, the president by then called me of kata, and it seemed there was a follow up discussion center on the list of got this and also increasing
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humanitarian aid. to day, the dana king visited egypt and he made the egyptian president as well. and the key stating that the kid that came out of the meeting is know that there will be a note on us for any test scenario. so the said, the set that headline for any kind of 80 full testing is out of gone so exactly, so the well as, as if, as if the gypsies themselves out of the water. i mean, the fact that this meeting took place of the registration proposal, and that again, that the emphasizing or the position means that why did a, this is still something that could be, that was, is that connected in any way to what's being reported in his writing medias as anthony lincoln's upcoming visit to the region it's, it's, it's same. so, i mean, yes, that is a high possibility. so blinking is, is coming to the using next week and to be visiting is an anti and many other countries. and, and it seems on his agenda. i mean, it does have some proposal. it could be in his agenda,
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especially the phase one which concerns that release of kept as an exchange of prisoners, and also allowing human to it in a print. a break from the word for the 2 parties and then the 2nd and 3rd pages which are equally important. and i think on his visit as well as the ad. busy busy the containment of the conflict, because we have cnn escalation with the lead, benny's, the side of the, of the board of good and the, and i think the america's on what he did want this conflict was clicked to become a regional conflict. so they want to make sure that they explained to this, that i, it is that, that they don't want any expansion. i don't think that the, it's, it's nothing that us has interest because of the elections you. there's not that that's what are these don't come conflicts or the american instructors you moments as to when pain is that i love the stage. i mean, it is on has the green light to focus on god. love of love to expand the construct . be you own guys a sofa. this would be possibly on the agenda of lincoln was because of the coming to the region. all right,
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thank you so much time. i've gotta move. my pleasure. now young is variety, man is being jailed for refusing mandatory service in protests against the war and gaza. ministry service is compulsory for most jewish use. riley's and in the country is highly med. try society, those who refuse risk being labeled as traitors for holland results from occupied these tourism a violent worst sole silence. these are the words of tell, minute and 18 year olds from tennessee who is believed to be the 1st pass and to refuse is really military service in protests against the war and going to get the status of man. i'm entail how show me a military base and i'm refusing to enlist. i refused to be part of the war and gaza. i believe slaughter will not solve slaughter if you'd like to sub 30 days in prison instead to to by small but very cool crowd. so who can be caught up the
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service? well is ready to use, but also minority trees as the case of communities conscripted at the age of 18. men besides the 2 months and women for $24.00. in the case of a national emergency or war most can be recorded as was office and they can be up to the age of 40 or even above. 150000 people are in active service and 360000 reserve as will cooled up to the war and goals of making it. israel largest mobilization refusing conscription is a criminal offense, and israel again the 2 weeks in prison on a criminal record. white script say the military officer, often issues a punishment immediately once every, some jo, they've been caught up for service again and this census price that's going to happen many times leading to the preston spending time in and out of jail. laura con elder sarah occupied east jerusalem. well last spring. and now sophie, all of sophie is supposed to be enlisted in these by the army,
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but is refusing to do so. she joins us from how this, how that is around good to have you with us. so 1st of all, let me ask you, why did you take the decision that to refuse to enlist? that's where i made the decision to was use before though i made that decision because i refused to take felt in the idea of spider into policies of a brochure in the fall time and to be part of the endless cycle of blood. should i choose to a few is because there is no meat of those solutions, the blue and now with the wall that has become more than ever. and so my refusal is more important to me, the number and i choose through the fields in a very probably the quade, and hope to which they let it society, especially young people, to show them to, to if everything is an option. and the beast is an option, the only option, because it also have a medium for the stadium, $2.00 and $7.00, mid anybody chose hill and no one is going any will. are you worried about how
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receptive the public will be to your message given the minute tries ation of society given the push to the right that's going on and indeed the society is an excellent explaining to me that the least equal and refusing is absolutely nothing except in seeing and i am calling today to as says pay, think joe, i get the wishes to me man, to be late. ok. and since the roll started a terrible thing most that has been shifted to the night and that i was, i love the song. and the heart is always been a collection of activists in the last, especially, and part of thing. and it was easily citizenship, but also invited use. so m wally, but it's worth it because they've been informed me. one person is going to view my loans and they will make them think that it's a voltage and i'm waiting to know the consequences of that. given everything you've
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just said, and they sort of close that you're facing, it must take a lot of conviction to take the position you've taken. and how concerned are you about the prospect of facing almost an endless cycle of colt appearances and jail tubs? right? that's what you could be looking at and i am concerned cause it's daily experience. and but i do have the support of the missile book network, which are some supposed to start making one just sent to prison. and their company, us on the slow fest and it does have a lot, but the scope is scaling and we don't know how much time and it can be different now with the won't because the political standing islam has changed and going into
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the magic shift at the night, but as i said before, i'm confound, but it is well, and i stand with my decisions and my more was all the way. well, since your decision, of course, that a wall has started and they've been reports by multiple is riley, as well as international human rights groups. been statements by you and expos, 36 in fax. on november, the 16th talking about a genocide in the making going on is that strength and your resolve that this is not something you want to be associated with. and how is how is that playing out with others? and definitely for me, the was only made my decision making made me more sure when my decision and the well when gotten that is probably because it's horrible destruction and death and
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it can never be justified the same way. the domestic hot global 7 can never be justified. any somebody letting and it leaves us no will. but a do most paper in these land in the will change them in the opposite direction and the has been a shift to the right. and you all will be sort of mutual in general and contrast to the rest of the will tend to be more right wing. so it hasn't really made ability, but enough to want to associate themselves with it and why i want to see it was to show them that the reasons to not want to be associated with the ideas. and with that will sophie, how much of the will do is re these actually see how much of the civilian suffering do they see?
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i think that is know the least about what's going on in government and the entire world and media. and these were, does not show this civilian civilian damage and this and destruction at each. then the idea as in general advice to presented says a lot of the time and the most will allow me in the world. and you can see it and i'm social media because it also is there any sort of the post videos or phone guys a whole lot of videos so it can be seen, but most people won't see in mainstream media. and also don't want to see it because the 1st one to feel that they are in the lights and then they have supporting the right cause. and then it's only a set of defense and then they don't have a choice. so definitely don't see
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a lot of it. okay, thank you so much sophie. oh, for taking the time to come and talk with us. appreciate it. thank you so much for having the the, the democratic republicans, condos, catholic and protestant churches have been presenting the findings of their observation mission on the countries presidential election, which took place. on december the 20th 44000000 people were registered to vote. the electrical commission struggle to get voting materials to polling booths on time finding slab off the opposition candidates dismissed of the results showing the incumbent, felix, just a cabbie with a launch lead claiming they were full gilan a joint. now some contrast saw by catherine sites. so catherine, understand the catholic the the church has been talking about this. how is this
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playing out? i made the calls for a re ronald elections. yes, we just got off that press conference that was addressed by the charge. he doesn't, one of the things that talked about is this a reg, laurie too. so we have seen in the last couple of days and they say that those elaborate irregularities that they have seen could be enough to change. there's also they want the electro commission to do something about it to address those issues before publishing any results. so it was a big statement. it was a lot of issues they talked about. they talked about that he's looking at these organization on voting day. they said that some of both sides did not vote on time. they talked about that to some political, the agents. and um, particularly from the opposition, how, what turned out upon the way from appalling stations. they also talked about the
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extension of the voting period, which they say is unconstitutional. they talked about, you know, the materials that did not get there on to pointing stations on time. and, you know, they also, we also sol incidents where some individuals actually took away. um, from 2 machines away from the falling station and took them home to go to that. so all those issues are the electro commission, say he's investigating and it's not just about what has been happening now. the need is, was saying that the to out the full and that full prompt assess that was a lot of mistrust by politicians and other routes as well. so a lot of companies here are saying that they don't count, they don't trust the process, and they don't believe that this election will be fret, free or fair. all right,
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thanks so much, katherine. sorry. china is embassy in may, in law, is urging its nationals to leave a northeastern region as soon as possible says there's growing security risk in northern cocaine, which food is china. me and most ministry has been battling on groups that since the 2021 to it's been a major escalation and hostilities across the country since on groups loans and offensive against military. 2 months ago, the ukranian army says a panamanian flag ship has struck a russian mines in the black sea. the vessel was heading to a pool to load grain, but lost control. when a fire broke out on the opposite deck, 2 of the ship's crew were injured to crane says bratia has been stepping off a tax on shipping infrastructure. in the democratic republic of congo, at least faulty people have died in floods in line slides in the east, off the heavy rain, full rescue work as
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a struggling to recover the bodies of victims from the month in the city of boca who many people all still missing well that's it. for this news out you can find more information and all the stories have been telling you about as a to our website. i'll just do it. don't come back in a couple of minutes. so stay with us. the for dish medical staff are working in solidarity wisconsin. they say the plot sputtered gowns, they will speak for the palestinian victim, so israel's war. use the phone. okay. yeah, fluffed the horizontal for 2 years ago and settled in his stomach. kilo's $21.00 relatives in casa on october. the 14th is on the pin we live and has to be on dish
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. and we capacity the professors here accused the israel of competing war crimes by targeting health facilities in golf for turkish doctors. the most ration is an appeal to the international community to take action against israel. it is a rule rather than the exception for elders to report child abuse, to search kit. and it keeps it protects the users for years and years. so no one's ever told me that it wasn't my fault fault lines investigated, state laws in the us that can lead to child sexual abuse and religious institutions going on punished secrets of the clergy on a jersey. we don't typically focus on the public, accept the conflict, it's the consequence of war, the human suffering definitely the 4th time. it is one of the most serious spouts of violence. in recent years, we brave bullets involved because we give voice to those demanding freedom. the
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rule of law and we always include the views from all sides, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]


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