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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 29, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the fish really strikes target, russell and southern guns are destroying homes and killing at least 20 people on how are you suppose that this is obviously, or live from the also coming up
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a desperation in gauze as displaced people face growing hunger and dwindling supplies. of protesting for peace, hundreds to announce and tennessee is demanding an ends of the war. on washington announces sanctions on sons accused of fumbling uranium funds to humans who sees the it is ready strike is at a residential building and rasa at least 20 people were killed. in the attack and the other 28 hospital in southern garza, many of those injured children, a young girl was pulled a line from the rubble and a warning. you may find the images of her rescue, distressing the to go was rushed to the q 8 hospital and has been undergoing treatment the striking of building, sheltering displaced palestinians. these were the count succeeds in the minutes following that strike.
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the correspondent target was in russia and he has the latest on what's been happening, a backpack had a kid in one of the areas that considered to be very densely populated, incidental, roughly. and this is one of the most bloodiest attacks that it took place today in this area was designated as a safe zone. but main meanwhile, meanwhile,
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these attacks continue in such areas despite all the evacuation waves that had happened earlier today to rough uh, which becomes very overwhelmed with if activities and long as long as these minute treat campaign has been expanding to reach are roughly as well in terms of the military strikes, the majority of hospitals inside garza's trip had become out of service due to the east when you unrelenting plumbing, and also to the expansion of the military ground operation. inside garza, they have destroyed and the majority of hospitals in the north central areas of kansas city. and now the situation is excessive, facing, even in the north. as a very limited number of hospitals are still operating right now, and they are struggling also to keep providing treatment for thousands of presidents as now we're talking about only 3 hospitals. right now is rough. i keep operating. i know providing a treatment for around $1000000.00 palestinians,
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especially with the more evacuations that are taking place from time to another, to reflect so completely the situation that is very di, us, around 2 sides of the hospitals inside garza had become completely out of service. and if the situation becomes a, it continues there is there any change took place in particular in the south of the 2 or 3 to mitigate the medical crisis situation day by day will get much more excessive. pay to then difficult as there are more, there is more pressure on the medical teams on hospitals to keep providing medical treatments waiting to die in one of the goals as low a sense of meaning hospitals. that's to you as assessment of patients seeking treatment in the territories shut to medical system. relentless is ready for abutment. and when dealing supplies mean there are no longer any function, your hospitalization, other than causal. there isn't enough split on just
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a few to run generators, pounds 20 laces and according to your least thousands, the children have have their lives and you tell you to be down to unsuccessful. i've been to the north. i was in the hospital just a few days ago where the health work is back on teeth and do the basics anymore. so you have rooms invested by flies. you have people who will die of injuries, but should not be killing people. natalie baptist hospital because of the better than with patients so much dis just now use to house the intake of faith coming into cause though not nearly a match for the severity of the health care crisis. we have some medication where you don't have like the village to choose which, which one is the best to lose what the about it's available. but of the, of the saved in human terms. the best option for you, a vision single use big old medication which can cause scientific causing motor bleeding with the heart of the patient that other than 10 of them. otherwise she
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would leave him, would like suffering from being in the south. another wave of into it arrived at hospice, a rating at 3 times its capacity struggling with the same shortages as the leaks in the north trying to help these palestinians families from kansas city seated israel's evacuation early in the move. so the would be 6 the that we were sitting and eating when we found something falling over our heads. none of us are him aust, numbers or anything. i wish we hadn't come to con eunice. i wish we'd stayed and got the city there wounded here and there were wounded there. i wish we had just stayed in kansas city for tools in the south are the only ones that are still partially functioning, even as well as expands incremental defensive politics from the palestinian ready
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prisons. society tends to move on to the jump courses with talking to this week. within the schools, doctors are forced to step over the bodies as they rushed to the next patients, hoping that some will survive. while the courtyards of the hospitals have become a perio science place of morning and instead of being a place of feelings, topic about zoom out. just a rough, rough off in suffering causal will displaced and hungry palestinians continue to queue for food and rougher people that say the situation is desperate with you and agencies wanting that the entire population of gauze is facing the imminent risk of finding honey. my mood reports, the health available is a small, the demand is a great displays, palestinians it from northern, on central, gaza, q up at the school, in rough or in the hopes of being given foot or even just water.
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the 5 refugee families are staying with us, but now we're refugees, just like them. i don't know what to do with peace or civilians who have no connection to what's happening and we have children. and we can't find milk, food or water baton, even find a plastic sheet. most of the population of golf that has been displaced multiple times in the past few months, leading with whatever they can carry towards the charities. in 8 agents offices for schools and municipal building that have been converted into the temporary shelter you and facilities are packed full several times above their maximum capacity, the for hungry. there's no hygiene, there's no water. we do all the, the plan, we're dying of the cold. there 23 of us here with one mattress. i sleep without any blankets just so my children can have them. un has warrant that in the coming
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months. gaza would face family in the middle of winter when people are forced to live outdoors, weak and hungry, with little access to a static patient's conditions arrive for the doctors without borders, warren, that an epidemic event habitable and would most hospitals, antic linux out of service. when people do fall ill, they will have no where to go, honey, my mode, all your data, dropbox, southern gaza. hundreds of people have been taking part in a pro peace rally on the streets of television. the demonstrate is a cooling for an immediate ends of the war and gaza. it's been organized by standing together, a grocery to organization, including jewish on palestinian is ready citizens of correspondence are a high rights, was at the protest and she spoke to lee green, the co director of standing together. we're moving the israel, palestinian cities of missouri cities. it means well in mysterious demand of us, it's hard to achieve
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a ceasefire agreement. we're not allowed to bring back the hostage as these really all judges from guys. and we, and the killing of innocent people because we understand that the same way all fours. one more after the other, the other 2, not the only destruction in the morning. i mean the people in the year to say that only a way of a single piece named occupation saving the reality of what the industries or maybe just depending on everyone with them, we'll achieve security to me as a joyce. and we're here to say that we are combining our hands for our students to sense of these various and joyce citizens of israel. and only by working together we can build the power in our society to also change this aside. did you also build what is necessary to be a majority that the men space here in these rather you think is i'm actually going to be listening to this. when halls in israel are showing that there's an
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overwhelming support for the war in gaza. you already have some people just the same, same on you. we have the. a what you, what, how much do you think you can achieve in guessing not message how long you convinced the masses of full. a political solution, moving forwards away from the depths and destruction. so we are growing. the movement is growing, standing together is aggressive, which adds, we spot a cd and move in the news where the has been growing since the war started. because of our message alternative to this world is rarely policy and based on ending the occupation, then we understand that we cannot take the moral high ground and lecture you know, to people and tell them no, no, no, your race. the so you're fast, you know, we need to talk about also the interest of is the l e. c, the sense to end the occupation to achieve security. this way of controlling millions of, of people with millions of people that are not as rarely, citizens, palestinians, living under a doctor base. and all these really can not bring us security. it can only bring us
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resistance in violence and we states wait, let us a barrier. on thursday, hundreds of youngest ladies attended another rally near these very problems in west jerusalem, demanding the government to more to secure the return of captives being held in garza. the protest just set out on a march from tel aviv on sunday. israel says that house is still holding a 129 captives taken on october. the 7th, 3 captives who mistaken we killed buys very forces. earlier this month, 2 people have been wounded in a stabbing attack at a checkpoint near jerusalem. the ledge, silent was shot dead by his very forces at the scene, is where the media have named him as 23 year old. a young. he's really made a tree then rate of the neighborhood of java and we'll cover an occupied east jerusalem, where it says the alleged attack of his from his mother, father and sister, had been arrested by is really forces. i'm just i look to join just now from
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occupied east jerusalem and tell us more about what we know about the events so far the will be is really army is claiming that a 23 year old man from the double cab, the neighborhood in east jerusalem launched a staffing attack at a check point that wounded 2 people. one, they're saying seriously, and one moderately. now these really occupation forces have rated this palestinian man's house and have a rest of his mother, his father and his sister. after ransacking the home in the east jerusalem village . additionally, as per is really policy what we can expect it to see. next is actually a home demolition for this family, even though there was no involvement on there. and the is really army reg, you're literally carries out. there's very, very controversial policy against palestinians who are they accused of carrying out attacks?
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now those family members have been arrested. the is really our me says for questioning . but this is also policy for these really are me as they have continuously and repeatedly arrested immediate family members of palestinians who they have accused of carrying out attacks. right. i'm to salute the in occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much for that sir. and media say the suspected is ready as strikes on the southern parts of the country have destroyed a syrian army radar site near the border with jordan. serena defenses will also activated near the capital, damascus. a cerium rights group says damascus international airport was also targeted. israel has struck sites in syria several times since the start of the gauze of war. still ahead on al jazeera, deteriorating security situation in central nigeria, as the un calls for an investigation into the killing of 200 people over the weekend.
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the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that acts of international law. that's a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fact runners to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to, we don't have to leave them in different countries in the policy of it's going to
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get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you're reports for that . i should just trust the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of truth. the the come back to watching out a 0. a reminder about top stories this hour. at least 20 people have been killed and that is really striking rough. i in southern guns that strikes hit
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a residential building with displaced palestinians with taking shelter. many of those injured children. hundreds of young is really so rallied near the parliaments in west jerusalem that demanding an end to the war of the government do more to secure the return of captives being held in gaza. and 2 people have been wounded in a stopping and starting at a check point near occupied east jerusalem. the alleged assailant was shot dead by his very forces, military rated and neighborhood in the city where it says the attackers from 3 members of his family being arrested. united states as imposing new sanctions on money exchange services accused of funnelling and writing funds to the who sees in yemen. the move follows a series of foods, the attacks on commercial shipping vessels in the red sea. the group says it will continue to target ships until the israel's ends. it's war on gaza. the thumbs being sanctioned are based in yemen. enter key. washington has formed a maritime coalition in the region and to determine who's the attacks. kimberly how
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it gets sent. this report from the white house of the us treasury is sanctioning one individual, as well as $3.00 money exchanges that it alleges have helped transfer millions of dollars from iran to humans base to see group and in turn have launched attacks on various shipping vessels in the red sea, now the impact of the sections, the treasury department hopes, will be to shut down the free flow of money to the who these and in turn prevent future attacks. now this is what the treasury heart department is helping will be the outcome and also, but there will allow for the uptake of international shipping and trade in a region that has really been stunted in recent weeks. the host ease, of course, has been back in come off and in recent weeks,
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as israel has launched its war on gaza at the who's these have been in support of from us. and so these attacks have increased significantly the by the administration hopes that by putting in place the sections they can in turn restore some stability to the region. kimberly help it, al jazeera, the white house, the . all right, that's good. look at some of the days of in use now and main has become the 2nd stage in united states to block former president donald trump. from running and the 2024 election primary mains democrats, secretary of state, removed from under the constitution's insurrection. close. it's the 2nd state to bond trump from running in the republican primary of the colorado supreme court, bought him for his role in the attack on the us capital in 2021. that's got more on
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this now from patrick, i'll haine who is in washington dc. so patch a 2nd time around, what are the details of his latest dining as well. this again is just now breaking news. the secretary state for the state of maine coming out and saying from can't be on the ballot is by no means a done deal in maine because it's always going to be appealed and they'll go to the appeals court, their supreme court, the way things elections run in this country is every state has its own constitution, it has its own laws and how elections are run. so that's why you saw the colorado supreme court say, no, trump can't be on the ballot. and the michigan supreme court just about 24 hours ago says yes, you can because their laws are written differently. so now it's coming to maine just to put in perspective main isn't the game changer. and any presidential elections got a really tiny population, only for electoral votes, because remember, again, the popular vote in the united states does not decide who becomes president still for electoral votes through into biden last time around 11 to trump. it's not going
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to be the end of his campaign if the court ruled that he cannot be on the ballot, the bigger fear for the trump campaign is that we're going to step see this happening in state all over the country. this country is pretty much a half and a half, half republican controlled half democratic control republican, democrat control. so if it starts to build up steam, if you start to see more and more states that he can't be on the ballot, then it could have implications for him. for example, colorado that is this way state that could be incredibly important. now this just really makes it. busy the much more likely that the us supreme court is going to have to take up this issue. we could not host a federal election when some states law candidates on the ballot. and some don't that how the rule. most court observers think they will rule in favor of former president donald trump, and there's a lot of different legal arguments. but basically this comes down as the 14th amendment. it was done after the civil war and they said, we want to keep confederate officials from becoming federal leaders again. so it
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says, if you've previously taken it over to the united states to the constitution, and then you've take part in it is direction january 6th, then you can to hold off as a get so, but there's all these different legal implications in different ways that it's being read, so it looks like the supreme court's just going to have to have to take this up. it's this decision made not huge impacts for the campaign, but possibly huge impacts and getting the court to decide that it has to take up the case. all right, petty call. i'm in washington dc. thank you very much for that. the you and human rights chief focus took, is urging nigerian authorized use to carry out a thorough investigation into the killing of unit 200 people by on site. as of the weekend, communities in the bulk coast area of paso stage are continuing to bury the dead and address reports from the capital of buddha. with a government says it's implementing new security measures upon well known escape from this call when government attacked to the vehicle and set it on fire. others
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weren't just lucky. and the car was born with my and that's just that you said who wasn't crippled to kind of walk. so we tried to escape with some people. is i so the cause blow up the do we must going upon last hand but survived. and ida, they hit me with the machine, the cutting of my hand. they struck again and had my lift on, i took more blows down the lift when i pretended to be ideal. god, the communities in north central nigeria, batteries, they're dead. the site is on full possible survivors. many people are still missing after the series of attacks by the president is or the security forces to find the killers when one community into an issue on people's, the pin the pin. we. now,
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frances estimates that you're already doing the price is a testament towards humanity, not defensive, but law enforcement officials are struggling to tackle on fighters in the region. the conflict and participate goes by decades. it started this ethnic and religious wireless, but has become more complex in recent years. climate change politics and criminality, adding new dimensions to the conflict sizes. and so people have flipped their homes . we have tried to deploy all the thoughts that we'd know including dialogue to be able to resolve. and depending issues that are between the communities. it's clear that's not enough to stem the tide of violence, not only in flight of state, but across the north of the country, leaving this to get to this issue the fund. that's the issue of attack and contact
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attack as well, but he's not recovered from destroyed religious people. he are worried about retaliatory attacks, which would only add to the cycle of violence and displacement. how many degrees i would use, either of which i the church leaders in the democratic republic of congo, who observed as during elections on december. the 20th say they found numerous instances of irregularities. they also raised questions about the legality of the voting process, which was extended for several days. violence fled off the opposition candidates, dismissed early results, showing the incumbent phoenix choose a katy with it significantly. on wednesday, the main office ocean challenger accused police of using live bullets to break up a protest of to 11 days on hunger strikes. so it'd be as well positioned either says she is too weak to join ongoing protests against results of the problem entry election that hundreds of people have been demonstrating the capital downgrade.
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also the policy of president alexander, which claimed victory in the snap po, earlier this month, the opposition is alleging fraud and wants the results to be, you know, the more modern we are here to show support for everyone despising for the enrollment of people elections for our lawmakers who were on hunger strike. people who are still housing prisons. we are fighting for our interests, the enrollment of the elections announcing new elections and improving conditions for those elections. western powers of issued a joint statement condemning ron's increased production of highly enriched uranium, france germany the u. k. and the us urging tire on to immediately reverse its production. the statement comes 2 days off to the international atomic energy agency release to report saying iran had optics manufacture of uranium following months. a slow down a cold and russia, a sentence 2 men to prison for reciting a poem against the wall in ukraine. out you on come,
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ogden was sentenced to 7 years in prison and you guys stopped by to 5 years on 6 months. both were convicted of incisive hatred. i'm calling for activities threatening state security to venezuela will hold a military exercise off to the u. k. deployed a warship to waters off the coast of guy on a following, a boat of dispute between the 2 countries. president nicholas, my bureau has ordered more than 5600 military personnel to participate in the exercises. tensions escalated this month of the voters and event as well and referendum back to move to make a region of guy on a new venezuelan state. that'll pull it up then it really to. it is the rupture of the spirit of dialogue, diplomacy, and the use of the original agreement as announced by venezuela. and it is the threat of the united kingdom against the noble, peaceful but brave people of the people venezuela. we spoke with foreign ministers with prime ministers here and there. they are all determined that goodness should
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stop the arrival of this reasoning ship. but instead they secretly agreed to receive the vessel of the decadent british ex empire. oh, that's a you don't know, we got it. and that's it for me for now. how are you full said i'll be back with more news at the top of the hour. you can find more information on our website, which is 0 dot com with bunch more coverage of the console. the weather is next. and then it's time for inside story, which will be examining the rising number of migrant crossings at the us mexico border the the. all right, let's roll with your weather report right across asia. great to have you along. i'm, we're beginning and boxed on. we're fall continues to be an issue in punjab, providence and also for the other side of the border in punjab state in india.
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highest level alerts issued for fog and punjab also through delhi as well. the fox has been so bad, it has canceled some fights out of delhi airport now for the southeast corner of india, showers, and storms in the mix. but really, the most intense stuff has been falling in southern should longer in the mall div some spots and seeing 100150 millimeters of rain. it's also been that the monsoon rains in southern thailand, so it's probably and so low and a $100000.00 people have been impacted by flooding here and still with the month to range. fairly intense right now. we see that rate in steer into southern thailand, northeast malaysia, where there has also been flooding. and at the same time, we'll see the rain pick up for central vietnam and really up and down the philippines. but as of now, no weather alerts issued in the philippines. so to china, we go, a few showers along the western. you can see river valley look at qualen and glenn g problems. you're up to 20 degrees on friday. and if we go to japan, also quite a picture here, same goes through the korean peninsula. and we're on the plus side of things, temperature wise and beijing see
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the, the latest news as it breaks, time movies has been under the rubber for more than 10 hours. this is not the only area targeted by that is are important. with detailed coverage, the wolf is keeping source away how to send me a business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. exclusive reports many here say they refuse to give up on hope in the midst of the killing suffering and pays. it's the $16.00 left for them. the kind of thing that migration the us is pressing mexico to do more to stem the flow of life was to the florida thousands of strides and make it into america every day . what come mexico to do to stop them and how much is this a political issue for job items? this is inside story,
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