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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 29, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the . ready desperation, grief in southern gauze as and as rainy strikes on the roof and destroys homes and kills at least $22.00 the hello, i'm darn jordan, this is out. is there a life and go home? so coming up a desperately from the you and wanting that 40 percent of guns as population is facing the threat of funding is really ministry rates. the home of an alleged
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attack of funding us stopping going to checkpoint in the occupied the services and main becomes the 2nd us state to disqualify donald trump. we're running for the presidency. the on his right strike is here to a residential building in southern gauze, at least 20 people were killed in the attack near the q 8 hospital. and rafa alex period has more or the forensic lean, ticking, and hoping for any sign of life. this young girl pulled from the rubble injured boss of life. meaning just please tell us the indians, like hood, with sheltering in the building in rough time. when the is really striking it, they have come here seeking safety in steed. they've been least digging through debris to be loved ones many have found on the bodies so
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some survive to rush through days to crowds, to the nearby crazy hospital bus with dozens injured meaning hit to be taken to other facilities such as the use of a larger hospital and be some good that was in front of me. i see 5 did bodies of children. some are below the age of 3. the other 2 are $5.00 and $7.00 also for women. and one of our physicians doctor assigned me about that. in addition, 5 others that being transported to us from the community hospitals, which is near the targeted area. and we can only ask where the circle, safety zones claim by israel's occupying, harming where the safe zones they claim to be safe to which they directed people. the united nation seized the remove and 657000 displaced palestinians seeking refuge in southern gaza, most living else on the streets in rough. and for those who do find buildings to
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seek shelter and many like this one as soon targeted and is rainy, it strikes and collapse over its inhabitants. alex bid, which is here. and there have been other attacks across guns i most concentrated in central and something pops up. the territory, starting up was zoom installations from rough, a backpack had a cut. and one of the areas that considered to be very densely populated incidental roof on this is one of the most bloodiest attacks that it took place today in this area was designated as a safe zone. but main meanwhile, meanwhile, these attacks continue in such areas despite all the evacuation waves that had happened earlier today to rough uh, which becomes very overwhelmed with evacuees. and long as long as these military campaign has been expanding to reach are roughly as well in terms of the military strikes. the majority of hospitals inside gauze was the trip,
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had become active service due to the east, very unrelenting plumbing, and also to the expansion of the military ground operation. inside garza, they have destroyed and the majority of hospitals in the north central areas of kansas city. and now the situation is excessive, facing, even in the north. as a very limited number of a hospitals are still operating right now, and they are struggling also to keep providing treatment for thousands of presidents as now we're talking about only 3 hospitals. right now is rough. i keep operating on know, providing a treatment for around 1000000 palestinians, especially with the more evacuations that are taking place from time to another, to reflect so completely the situation that is very di, us, around 2 sides of the hospitals inside garza had become completely out of service and if the situation becomes a, it continues there is there any change took place in particular in the south of the
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2 or 3 to mitigate the medical crisis situation day by day will get much more excessive. pay to then difficult as there are more, there is more pressure on the medical teams on hospitals to keep providing medical treatments waiting to die. when it goes lost, meaning hospitals, steps to your ins assistant, his patients seeking treatment in the territories shut to medical system. relentless is ready for abutment and the dwindling supplies mean there are no longer any functioning of hospitals in another. and cause there isn't enough split on dispute or fuel to run, you know, ready to step down into lasers are, and according to you on the styles that children have had their lives and to tell you to be bound to unsuccessfully. i've been to the north, i was in the hospital just a few days ago where the health work is back trying to even do the basics anymore.
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so you have rooms invested by flies. you have people who will die of injuries, that should not be killing people. lead up just hospital is of the better than with patients so much dis, just now use to house the internet, the trickle of faith coming into gone. so not nearly a match for the severity of the health care crisis. we have some medication where you don't have like the village to choose which, which one is the best to lose what they thought it's available. but after the save didn't, you don't have the best option for the vision. so we use bit old medication which can cause scientific closing motive leading wouldn't harm the vision and other than tell him otherwise she would leave him, would like suffering from being in the south. another way you look into it arrived at hospice, a rating that 3 times its capacity to struggling with the same shortages as the leak in the north trying to help the police palestinian families from kansas
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city heated israel's evacuation. for the move itself, the, the will be 6 the that we were sitting and eating when we found something falling over our heads, none of us or him, us members or anything. i wish we hadn't come to con eunice. i wish we'd stayed and got the city there wounded here and there were wounded there. i wish we had just stayed in kansas city for tools in the south are the only ones that are still partially functioning even carries any as well as expands incremental defensive politics from the palestinian ready prisons. society tends to move as the jump, caesar cortes wed talk. i said this week within these walls, doctors are forced to step over the bodies as they rushed to the next patient, hoping that some will survive. while the cool yachts of the hospitals have become
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a perio sign lease of morning and instead of being a place of feelings, topic of a zoom out just a rough, rough off in suffering cause. meanwhile, displaced in the hungry palestinians, continue to queue for food and rough uh people. this type of situation is desperate with you and agencies warning the entire population of guns as facing the imminent risk of farming honey. my food reports, the health available is the small, the demand is a great displace. palestinians it from northern, on central gaza, q up at a school in rough or in the hopes of being given food or even just water. the 5 refugee families are staying with us, but now we're refugees. just like them. i don't know what to do with peaceful civilians who have no connection to what's happening. then we have children and we can't find no food or water. you can't even find a plastic sheet,
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most of the population of golf that has been displaced multiple times in the past 3 months. lease with whatever they can carry towards the charities and 8 agents offices for schools and a municipal building that have been converted into the temporary shelter. you and facilities are packed full several times above their maximum capacity. we're hungry, there's no hygiene, there's no water to be the plan. we're dying of the cool. they're 23 of us here with one mattress. i sleep without any blankets, just so my children can have them. you and has warned that in the coming months, garza would face family in the middle of winter when people are forced to live outdoors. we con hungry with little access to his tenant patients conditions arrived for the doctors without borders. warren, that an epidemic is inevitable. and would most hospitals and clinics out of service
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. when people do fall ill, they will have no where to go. honey, my move all your data. dropbox, southern gaza. 2 people have been wounded in a stopping attack. cutting is really checkpoint near occupied east jerusalem. the alleged assailant was shot dead by his reading forces at the same. and i'm just really miniature then, right of the alleged attack, us home in the neighborhood of a trouble look about an upright east jerusalem without 0 is i'm just a little joins us live now. from occupied east jerusalem and us. so what more details are emerging about the incident these really are me says that allegedly a 23 year old palestinian man from jump on a book i've been occupied east jerusalem carried out a stabbing attack that injured 2 people. one of them more seriously than the other the he was subsequently shot dead by these really military out that check point these really occupation forces been rated the village of ship and look up booth and
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ransacked the 23 year old house. and you ins, family home, and the resting his mother, father and his sister. this is quite a controversial policy that these really military carries out, arresting family members and friends of alleged attackers. additionally, another controversial policy they carry out is the demolition of homes that the state of israel accuses of carrying out attacks. this is something we have seen continuously and both occupied east jerusalem and the occupied west bank. so at this hour, his immediate family members, his mother, father and his sister have all been taken in for questioning by these really army, after their home was ransacked and a raid, alright, to have the fluid live, the bodies chosen hemmed up. thank you. for hundreds of people had been taking pods and up pro piece around the on the streets of tel aviv the demonstrators, uh, quoting for an immediate end to the war and gaza. it's been organized by standing together. that's a grassroots organization, including jewish,
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and palestinian is really citizens as well. only on thursday, hundreds of the youngest riley is attended another rodney of the parliament in west jerusalem, demanding the government to more to secure the return of captives being held in guns. the protest is set out on a month from tel aviv on sunday as well says, but how much is still holding a $129.00 captives taken on october 7th, 3 captains were mistaken. the killed vice ready for his earlier this month. the youngest randy man has been jailed for refusing compulsory military service talbot, nick is an 18 year old as ready from tennessee. he refused to serve in protest against the wind garza country. a 150000 people are in active service. 360000 reserve is southern pulled up for the war. refusing conscription is a criminal offense and israel and can lead to weeks in prison as a criminal record. finally, we spoke to sophia,
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or she's supposed to enlist in the army but is refusing to do so. she says she was against it before the war stands by her decision, despite the threats to safety. and i made the decision because it was used to take felt and the idea of surveillance policies of a bush and then a file type. and to be part of this endless, i can imagine i choose to view this because there is no military solution. the global and now with the wall this has become more of them then as well. and so my refusal is more important to me, the name and i choose through the fields in a very popular quade, and hope to which they've already society, especially young people, to show them to, to if everything is an option. and that space is an option. the only option and no one is going anywhere. indeed, the society is an excellent explaining to me the ballistic one and refusing is absolutely nothing except i'm saying, and i am calling them today. so as soon as taking june, i guess, which was so me meant to be late to cuba. and since the roles felt that it hasn't
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been most, that has been a shift to the night and that i was out of the storm. and there was always been a pedestrian of activists in the car left, especially and kind of thing. and it was easily citizenship but also invited us. so i am willing, but it's worth it because they've been informed me. one person is going to view my loans and they will make them think that it's voltage and i'm waiting to in know the consequences of that. start this up right here. and i'll just say right, when we come back, we'll have other well news. the 2023 bounce back but didn't happen on picking china is luck lester, recovery in the world. strict just code 19 looked at it's more of that state the it was supposed to be a refuse which says truly is brothers. home was allegedly the scene of torture, right?
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and even murder 101 east investigates the crimes and those set to be behind on all these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself in that person. shares so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we come up to on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be truth and equally we are in the footsteps, our ancestors whatever has been done before. can be done as long as
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a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just hear a quick reminder of our top stories here. this i'll at least 20 people have been killed in these ran the s drive on the right side in southern guns that strikes you to a residential building where the space palestinians were taking shelter. many of those injured actually 2 people have been wounded in a stumping upside cutting, his rated checkpoint of bodies, jerusalem. elizabeth silent was shot dead bodies ready for us. it was recommended
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to them right at the next attack us home in the neighborhood. and it's about our on hundreds of youngest varieties of relatives near the parliament in west jerusalem that demanding an end to the board of the government to move to secure the return of captives being held in concert. while these really armies latest evacuation notice cover a vast area of central garza including the oh, my god, the refugee camp where tens of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. that being told to move to the left, which is for the south. and as he and conducted reports, just based palestinians are also being endangered by the terrible living conditions that being forced to injure have listings in gaza. no, our training is really bones is futile, but it doesn't stop them from towing and had them a beautiful we specialize in our home was demolished and my son was killed. we fled and the bombing lasted all night. became here from fun. eunice. there is no proper shelter. every time we go to an area at the target us, there was a,
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the assignments and strangers crowd together, intense indebted, but now as the is really military push. he's had with its ground assault further north. nope, certainly. why did we ask for one thing to stop this war? stop people suffering at any cost? i think it is terrible. children are sleeping in the cold. i brought it to sable girls from i'll put a shiver. the fact that i struggled to bring her here, i was walking all this way with disabled people in children. this is the height of suffering. what death would be more merciful? how many said the home screwed up in the form close and blank. they thought they'd be able to return. the un is warning all palestinians in gaza or a twist of time and more than half a 1000000 people are already starving and mothers, children, especially those forced to sleep outside, are vulnerable to hypothermia. it's either death by bombs and bullets or slow death
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from hunger in quote, excuse me, for how does it not leave me alone? let me live by that you let me live or kill me. i don't want to see the tragedy of my children when they say they want bread and i'm unable to give it to them. all money has run out. there was nothing left. on the brink of this pair, these families have been displaced multiple times. and now that they may well be forced to move a gun in the city to 0. but you, as ministry says it shut down a drone and an empty ship, ballistic missile followed by humans who the rebels and the southern red sea. the attacks come off to washington, impose new sanctions on money exchange services. i choose the funding uranium the funds to the who fits that was in response to a string of attacks by the rebels on international shipping in the region who they say they will continue to target ships with ties to israel. i'm going to the end of the war and gaza. obviously it was kimberly how could send this report from the
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white house of the us treasury is sanctioning one individual as well as $3.00 money exchanges that it alleges have helped transfer millions of dollars from iran to humans base to see group and in turn have launched attacks on various shipping vessels in the red sea. now the impact of the sections, the treasury department hopes will be to shut down the free flow of money to the who these and in turn prevent future attacks. now this is what the treasury heart department is helping will be the outcome and also, but there will allow for the uptake of international shipping and trade in a region that has really been stunted in recent weeks. the hosting is, of course, has been back in come off and in recent weeks, as israel has launched it,
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war on gaza at the who's these has been in support of home us. and so these attacks have increased significantly the by the ministration hopes that by putting in place the sections they can in turn restore some stability to the region. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house, syria, and media se suspected as rainy as strikes on southern parts of the country have destroyed the army right outside the board with jordan, military defense, as rules are activated, they have a capital, damascus. syrian rights group says damascus international airport was targeted. israel has struck sites and serbia several times since the start of the war in gaza or the, let's take a look at some of the days of the news. now the us state of main has blocks donald trump. from rounding in the 2024 election primary mains democrats, secretary of state,
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removed from under the constitution's insurrection. close. it's the 2nd state to bother form a president for money and the republican primary ballot of to colorado supreme court to the same earlier this month. i'll just say it was particular haine has more from washington dc. yeah, of us. so now 2nd state, the main secretary state comes out and says, donald trump cannot be on the primary ballot. because in this country, the states run elections and each of their own constitutions, they have their own law. so we're seeing very different outcomes. so in main, obviously the trumpet campaign says that they're going to appeal this state supreme court. there's probably going to have to decide whether or not she has the right to do this. we know the michigan supreme court said that they can sit down from has to be on the primary ballot and the colorado stair state. supreme court said south trump can't be on the ballot. so what are the practice of proximal implications of this? probably not much. when it comes to the primary, even if donald trump is not on the primary about in main,
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according to polls that according to some math, he doesn't really need main or colorado to get his parties nomination for presidents, possibly a couple other implications. so there are more than 2 dozen democratic secretaries of states if they all take the same path that could make for a very chaotic election. what this means is, is much more likely the supreme court is going to have to take up this issue to decide they're going to look as more states take up this issue and say, we can't hold a federal election. if in fact, there's different ballots in every state. so this is how the spring court will rule, not clear, but it does seem now even more likely that they're going to have to call him l. g 0 . washington, mexican and us officials have agreed to work together to tackle record migration official. buddha mexico is the president and that is money. lopez, orbital health folks with the us delegation that by us sector of state anthony
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blinking on wednesday the countries were around pop efforts to promote legal pathways on top of the root causes of migration. it's finished when it says it will hold a minute tray exercise off to the u. k. to put a warship off the coast of guy on a following a boat, a dispute between the 2 countries. president nicholas my do role has ordered more than 5600 ministry personnel to participate in the exercises. tensions escalated this month, often focusing of venezuela and referendum back to move to make a region of guy on to a new venezuela state church leaders in democratic republic of congo, who observed as junior elections on december 20th say they found numerous cases of irregularities have also raised questions about the galaxy of the voting process, which was extended for several days. fine and split up off the opposition candidates dismissed early results shouldn't be incumbent. felix has a case with
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a significantly less than pounds of a should a joint statement condemning a ron's increase production of highly enriched uranium from germany, the u. k. i'm the us a role urgent care on to meet as a reverse it's production. the statement comes 2 days after the international atomic energy agency released a report saying iran had increased its manufacture of uranium. so the chinese government had hosted 2023. it would be a year of soaring post and demick economic recovery. instead, the world's 2nd biggest economy is grappling with a crisis and consumer confidence and crippling debts and it's property sector. and that's making it honda for many young people to find opportunities in a tightening job market between the reports in the capital facing on a freezing winter. and i can be james. most people have taken refuge indoors to escape the sub 0 temperatures. but 10 symbol is that her jewelry stat at an outdoor market. one of the few vendors left hoping for a few more sales. on a good day,
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she makes just over $30.00 or so for in the, in the has my income here isn't stable. i can make it be more in peak season, but now it's so cold. know many people come out to shop, but i have to keep doing it to make a living. during the pandemic, ken took a break from her career and finance to look after her newborn son. but when she was ready to return to work, i was unable to find a new job for spoke to other vendors who didn't want to appear on cameras, but had similar stories of folding on hard times 19 or in his own small company. but this is doing well, so he's selling surface on the slides in order to make ends meet. another were couple who used to own a restaurant that was sent across during the 1010. so they've been forced to make and sell their own bracelets to make a living. china had expected 2023 to be a year of booming post corbett 19 recovery, but instead economic growth has stagnated. and the job market is tied to that it's b in decades. there's
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a consensus that economy is quite weak and the policy response remain quite lagging and insufficient. so on the micro level, when we look at the job market, it is quite difficult. yeah. especially towards the year end. almost every company in the industry, in finance and in housing is trying to lay off more cuz it's especially tough. so new graduates, unemployment, among chinese, aged 16 to 24, hit a record high of 21.3 percent in jude. before the authorities stopped to publish and it goes, a persistent crisis in the housing sector of traditional driver, of course, is also wiggled the economy, and people are choosing to save their money rather than spend it posting domestic consumption. the government insists conditions will improve in 2024 over all the favorable conditions for china is development. i'll waive the unfavorable factors, but until then 10 similar says you will continue working at this market 10 hours a day, 7 days a week,
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hoping to make just enough to sustain her family for another day. katrina, you all to 0 staging? well, that's it for me dire in jordan for now? that's much one using the website. i'll just say about top. com. there it is on the screen. the weather is up next and inside. story examines the rising number of micro crossings that they use for the state. you got so much the in the low. we've had some rock and storms in central argentina. so this is where we're going to begin. the weather. importantly, these hailstones here coming down. this all had to do with severe thunderstorms over the area. now this is now shifting further toward the north in argentina, spreading into se brazil. and i suspect we are going to see much of the same powerful thunderstorms, powerful wins. and large hill will certainly be the name of the game here. otherwise,
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temperature is above average in some spots. so for an operates in brazil, 32 that's a good 4 or 5 above where you should be for this year and with cool air rushing out of the us. it's now digging these storms further into the central america. so believe and hunters are now going to get into some of this action, and certainly we can see that cooler air through the southern us. so in missouri, st. louis, just for degrees we could see a wet snow mix here, at least not too far away into the east. we go, it does quiet down all the wet weather in the canadian maritime provinces, but give it a few days. their temperatures here will come down, but let's go to the west. still dealing with active weather for that west coast. we've had powerful wins here, exceeding a 100 kilometers per hour. more wind and rain to co, as we head toward friday. and we've also got adapt a come in for san francisco. i'm
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charles dodd's. gonna raise her behind the sides. dramatized podcast from i'll just here to this season. we here from some of history's dogs notable women, unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that kind of coming this revolution of every one in china, new my state. you've heard all of them. power, it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now subscribe. wherever you listen to pope cas, a cub bang, migration, the us is pressing mexico to do more to stem the flow of mice was to the florida thousands of strides and make it into america every day. what kind of mexico do to stop them and how much is this a political issue for jo buys and this is inside story. the


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