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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 29, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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to 23 devastation of concept ideas really aren't. i look back at the place i knew the optimism of 2005 when these were at least to the destruction of towards the echoes of the wall sconces fated hopes. on l g 0, the is ready as choice killed, dozens of people in refugee camps as his ground forces advanced in central gaza. the sake of this is just a life and also coming up forced to flee then from israel kills at least 20 people in rough and 7000 is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu cancels a meeting of his war cabinets of the criticism from lead is also nationalist.
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policies in his coalition government cities across ukraine on august 18, one of the biggest russian air attacks the see, the israel is a war on palestinian territories is nearing the 90 day mock and his phone bod. most of the gaza strip remains unrelenting. the un says an estimated $150000.00 people are being forced to leave areas of central guns are off, so they were told to evacuate. by the way, the military, at least 20 palestinians have been killed in as strikes targeting homes near the state, a refugee camp in central garza. and many more are missing. most of the ones that have been taken to, i'll talk to the hospital and get a better because a health ministry says the number of palestinians killed in the war has arisen to 21300. i. my name's mode is live 1st in rough in the southern gaza,
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so i had to just bring this up to date. then on the latest uh is really strikes yes. have insurance. last time we spoke, we keep getting reports of from both the lady hospitalized majority hospitalization center and roughly how about the number of people who weren't killed last night. it has just increased with more people who's to stay in critical injuries died and youtube shortage of medical supplies. and the fact that these hospitals, one of them is a small sized hospital that could not provide the sufficient medical intervention needed to save those injuries. and the other one is fully packed. anybody suffer from extreme a shortage of medical supply that bring in the number of people have been killed into 24 so far and multiple other injuries in central as part of the gaza strip, where more residential homes have been targeted and destroyed
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a by is really a relentless error strikes on that as the and then the site i refugee comes in and where people that started it were ordered to evacuated it from those area to data. but i have yet to always find themselves also under heavy bombardment on artillery . showing similar situation took place in the northern part and gaza city of the the health available is a small the demand is a great displays. palestinians it from northern, on central gaza, q up at the school in rough or in the hopes of being given foot, or even just water. the 5 refugee families are staying with us, but now we're refugees, just like them. i don't know what to do with peace or civilians who have no connection to what's happening and we have children and we can't find milk, food or water baton, even find a plastic sheet. most of the population of golf that has been displaced multiple times in the past few months,
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lease with whatever they can carry towards the charities and agents offices for schools and municipal building that have been converted into the temporary shelter . un facilities are packed full several times above their maximum capacity for hungry. there's no hygiene, there's no water. we go, no, we're dying of the cold. there 23 of us here with one mattress. i sleep without any blankets, just so my children can have them. you and has worn that in the coming months. gaza would face family in the middle of winter when people are forced to live outdoors week and hungry with little access to a sanitation conditions arrived for the doctors without borders. warren, that an epidemic is inevitable, and would most hospitals, antic, linux out of service. when people do fall ill, they will have no where to go. honey, my mode. i'll just be at
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a dropbox southern gaza. 2 people have been wounded in a stabbing attack and is really checkpoint now. okay. part of east jerusalem. the lights the same. it was shot dead by his riley forces at the scene is really military then rated. the alleged attack is home in the neighborhood of japan and will cabinet in occupied east recent. this is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cancelled a war cabin. a meeting meant to discuss the post floor plan for gaza. he's been facing growing criticism from members of his own cabinet over tools for the day off the in garza fall right. members of the ruling coalition have announced they will be holding their own meeting and protests over the planned exclusion from the discussion. our officials lie 1st in occupied east jerusalem as a on this is ready. will cabinet meeting, canceled a short notice? what? what does this telling us about the divisions?
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ok, let's remember how it's set top at the moment. there is the war cabinet. there's 3 people on that, there's a white there, security cabinet, which is always been a ride, and then there's the white, the political cabinet. now, the war cabinet deals with issues with the war. benjamin netanyahu decided that he wants to talk about a deal for captives that is being discussed with adoption and could tati mediators the us are also involved between hum us and israel. no controversy there. he told the families just before the war cabinet was due to me that everything was being done to try and speed up the issue of getting the captives back home. you felt that was important and he said things were moving, but he couldn't go into any great detail. the 2nd thing that they were going to discuss at the war cabinet was what happens and guys after the war that caused the problem with bell. this else more to choose a member of benjamin netanyahu. his own cabinet on cool as you can government. he's on the right of that coalition government,
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which we know is the most right wing and is really history. and he said essentially, hold on a 2nd. the war cabinet doesn't get to discuss that. that's for the security cabinet . this much has been dead set against having depaula spending authority involved in any way. and guys as to the war, even though that is the preferred model pushed by the united states and the number of other countries. and he's also dead set against sending any money to the palestinian authority, particularly if they're involved in gaza after the war. so he's essentially put a block on the conversation. so benjamin netanyahu realizing that you couldn't talk about it, he decided that the meeting would be cancelled. and the reason it was the why the security council, i security cabinet on tuesday. what does this tell us? it tells us that benjamin netanyahu all the way for trees, the image of the big set on the water and having to push forward with that. he's also aware that his cool lesson is still very fragile. and if someone decided to leave
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a could collapse the government and that in time to dwell mean the benjamin netanyahu is no longer is really prime minister. i don't thank you. alan fisher and occupied east jerusalem. or at least really ministry has made a red mission of faults. the 2 s strikes have carried out on christmas eve on a refugee camp and gaza, the killed at least a $106.00 civilians. a ministry official says israel requests the home to what it calls on involved individuals in his attack on them. it has the refugee camp in central garza in the statement these really minutes. he says before the strikes were carried out, steps were taken by the idea of to mitigate home to unenroll civilians in the area . it adds that a preliminary investigation revealed additional buildings located near the targets were also hit during the strikes, which likely cost unintended hom. 2 additional uninvolved civilians are drawing me now is that mikaela, director of mena region at the strategic advisory form global council and
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a specialist on middle east g of politics. so a rare admission this from these writing the military. what do you make of that? well, i think the apology really rings hold on when you see the scale of destruction. and that's been compared to what german cities in world war 2 underwent the bombing campaigns there in the cities of president and calling and, and hamburg. and those are the images that are invoked evoked by what we see today, and it was on its bombs and munitions raining down on, on, on the plaza. which when you mentioned y'all, has been in discussions with his american allies staunchest. a allied, i've been asked has been asking for for 3 things, munitions, munitions, munitions, which say, boys, meet the truck on top of us. continues to view this, this, this conflict and, and how national security circle in the us is,
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is assessing the current situation. one, they are worried about the continued denting of us moral authority as they are increasing the isolated with every vito in the us national security council. the world standing takes a hit internationally. and so a and you see an increase in anti american sent. the us is also concerned about how inflamed the region is right now. there are several hotspots, of course you have an acute torn guzman, but you have a very sensitive situation on the board that with lebanon, israel, so he's in the red sea. so this has an impact on the global economy. i mean america still fighting inflation at home and has us stripping interest in going through the software and see that are being harassed by that with you. so in the short term, this is a very dangerous for you wish us national security interest. and certainly more broadly than us is worried in the long term about its ability to sway its allies
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and how the other countries view its ability to, to, to govern in the international where the or the lead international. wonder if you can sway your closest ally in, in the, in the middle east. and i would say a lastly it's, it's in china for us is great. the strategic competitor on the stage today, looks at what's happening and the reading today with satisfaction. it sees us again, drag back into a, a conflict in the middle east, and it takes bandwidth away from the u. s. policy maker to deal with the continued rise of china. the rivalry that has technology please met the turly economically with china. that was part of the, the us pivot to china and most tend to be away from them, at least just briefly, divisions as well. and these really cabinets, nothing new there, but it looks like this is coming out in the open more now. it is it's, it's bubbling up into the surface and it's, and it's happening because of the choice of, of,
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of partners that nathan y'all has in, in his coalition. i mean has formed the, the, the most alternate, ultra right, the government and israel's history. and they are taking israel hostage and taking as much as is read off the bizarre and from us as of today and, and refusing to talk about the day after that. and so it's, it's, it's for nothing y'all, a situation where he's done this, he doesn't, i'm done because he doesn't know i'm just you doing that, but he loud. thanks very much. well, let's turn now to other news and ukrainian president. one of them is the last he says russia has launched one of its biggest attacks on his country. this is the last he said, ukrainian air defenses shut down. most of the missiles, several of los were heard any ukrainian capital kit. i said, bank is live for us in kias. so as a 1st off, what can you give us?
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the latest on this strike looks like a huge explosion. just how widespread is the damage. well, there's been several strikes here in the cup till the keys. in fact, we have opened up this morning by the science of those explosions and the ad defense is an action now where we are currently is an industrious light. this way has was hitting the hours of the morning and rescue teams have been working to try and protect the fire. in fact, it's still ongoing, but if jamil can just show you some of the damage that's being done here, we understand that this was hit in the as in the morning. uh, the, its, uh, the fire as design going. um. and that has been one person killed not at this site, but in cuba and many other others have been in just not the med because you could sco has said that the defense has been in action and shut down most of those missiles that were launched by russia,
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but as i say risky teams are still looking across the capital and the damage is still being assessed. and what are we hearing? i said about the of the strikes to out you claim as well, the citizen decides on the west and even then those who hate odessa was hit. we understand 2 people were killed. the v precisely hitchens, of even the west of the country and his heart, the one person has been killed. now, the f o spokesman has been speaking. he said that russia used 18 but most to target cities across ukraine. and he said that this was one of the most must have a tax on, on a civilian infrastructure and residential building. since the early days of the war that presents the desk is also said that they've been over 100 missile strikes under your training authorities. say that they were over $150.00 strikes altogether, including missiles and drones, and ukraine intercepted $114.00 of those. now when the strikes take place,
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dismissal is on the one. sometimes the air defense is due and to set those. but as the day read, that spreads and can cause damage an injury to people. but this is one of the largest strikes instead of this year that i've taken place across the country and it has cool some power cuts we understand to north on the sides of the country. i said big live for us there in a kia thank the still ahead. on ad zeta main becomes the 2nd us state to disqualify donald trump from running for the presidency over his role in a 2021 capital at the hello. there is some supercharge to 10 parts of australia, so let me show you. we're talking in the interior here. so alice at 40 degrees. but
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the winds are now beginning to shift around. so this will be a cooler breeze and drop down the temperature and alice, over the course of the weekend, some big storms around brisbin have knocked down the temperature here. they're now lifting north into the sunshine coast on saturday for new zealand, a bit of a breather. if we can call it that on saturday before the next round of rainbows in here on sunday, particularly for the south island, then it will shout into the north island again. that's set to happen on sunday. let's go to southeast asia. it has been quite what, through the malay peninsula, as those monsoon range pick up and i gotta tell you, there are heavy rain fall alerts in play. once again, for a southern thailand, these are areas that are already dealing with some flooding, and there is more rain to come. it's about the board. so in china of gwen g profit and squealing $22.00 degrees and is almost 10 above where you should be for this point of the year. disturbed weather sliding across the yellow sea that's coming in to the korean peninsula. it's going to be a bit of a rain snow megs,
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but if we look to japan, not too bad. tokyo is coming in at 14 degrees on saturday. okay. i'm out of time. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, again, you're watching. i just the reminder of our top stories this uh, at least 20 palestinians have been killed and many more missing off these rainy s bikes. at homes near the site at receipt g camp and central garza, most of the wounded, including many children taken to the hospital daily. that at least 20 people had been killed in and is really as frank on rough by and southern guns strike in a residential building where displace palestinians were taking shelter. many of those injured children was ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cancelled a war cabin,
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a meeting meant to discuss the post floor plans for garza's that he's been facing growing criticism from far right. members of his coalition of a postwar plans in cost as well as the bombing campaign has been repeatedly targeting a densely populated refugee camps across garza. and when the war began and october, the united nations said 1.7, a 1000000 refugees were living in a territory most what in or around to a refugee camps. and then also more than $200000.00 people, were living in camps in jamalia and shed a many have since fled south, including to central garza including the bridge and the site and most as the refugee camps. these really ministry has recently bombed each of them and is told people to evacuate to one in dated by that already houses 26000 people. 88000 refugees were living in hon. eunice, at the start of october and
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a $133000.00 is roughly hundreds of thousands of palestinians have since or shelter in those areas that were already over crowded in the hold. any reports from data, but how does things in gaza know, our training is really, bonds is futile, but it doesn't stop them from towing and had them a boat. we specialize in our home was demolished and my son was killed. we fled and the bombing lasted. all night became here from fun, eunice, there is no proper shelter. every time we go to an area at the target us, there was a simon in this and strangers crowd together, intense indebted, but now as the is really military pushes ahead with its ground assault. further north, no club struggling. why did we ask for one thing to stop this war? stop people suffering at any cost? i think it is terrible. children are sleeping in the cold. i brought a disabled girls from, i'll put a ship that i struggled to bring her here. i was walking all display with disabled
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people in children. this is the height of suffering. what death would be more merciful? as many said their homes without enough warm clothes and blankets, they thought they'd be able to return. on the brink of this pair, these families have been displaced multiple times. and now they may well be forced to move a gun, see me for how to sleep. now you leave me alone. let me live by that you left me live or kill me. i don't want to see the tragedy of my children when they say they want bread and i'm unable to give it to them. all money has run out. there was nothing left. it's either death by bonds and bullets or as to from hunger and cold in the city. i just ita did it, but he's really military has continued caring out open. i raids across the occupied at west bank the is there any portions have scanned to them
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a lot and that list from kevin from kalia and hebron cashed glasses broke out in several locations. a number of palestinians were arrested when ever he is life for us. indeed, i will, my shadow in the occupied west banks, anita, and these raids have become a pretty uh, regular occurrence. the throughout the 5 was thank took us through what's been happening. not only are they becoming part of the palestinians routine, but we're seeing also another practice that is being widely used here in the occupied westbank. and indeed, we've seen it being used here in the double massage mass, detentions that go from home to home, resting palestinians, detaining them and putting them in places like this one. i want to show you just some of the blind fools that were used on some palestinians who with the teams from their homes and brought to this area. there are also the plastic uh that was used to a class that hands and they would hang tough using those plastic. now i'm going to be bringing you to people who would in this area here, amongst more than sort,
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teach palestinians detained by these really forces to listen to more from them. we have them, how much would you add? we have missed as the hub uh the head on. and i'm gonna start with you. how much is thought of them? oh, what can you tell me what, what when they came, they went to the us very badly. they did not respect any. think they did. they acted as if no one was at home that they just opened the door. i was behind the door, they opened it, they forced it, but i was trying to open the door at the same time, but he was breaking the door literally. so i opened it, they entered, i explained to them that there are women and they should respect that. but they did not understand anything as if they were not human. just now they were very bird pirates in their intervention. they searched everything, they searched the kitchen, they went upstairs, they destroyed the kitchen, upstairs and downstairs. oh,
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the closet, they did not leave anything. then david line folded me and they took me. i was, i wanted to talk to my mom and they refused. they said they will not do the we will not let you talk to your mom. so they took me from the house and they put my ear on is a know so and here i can didn't most of stuff have you told us that you are over 50 and they kept you here for hours blindfolded and your back was a can true indeed, this is what happens has these on the i will not add more to what my friend said using the we should focus on the fact that we are peaceful. we are suffering from occupation for you. we want to live freely. so what it is, but imagine that they will just enter your house and women are sleeping girls and as children are sleeping. so how can a child understand this? so it's not just about taking us and being barbaric and violent. unfortunately,
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this has become the normal to us. so we see this as normal, but at the same time, there are a lot of details that of sending people are suffering from how much they're 2100. and at the same time they took the phone. can you tell us more about that? yes, they took me for investigation. they started in thursday, took me about the number of people we have at home to have the center. and they seized all the phones. they put them in a bag and look into their me all as well. how kindly come to them and said some for volcano one words and then they just threw me in the middle of nowhere and it was very cold. then they asked me to stay there. can you tell us more about what happened? what did they say to you pop on? did you want me on the door to the course of one of one of the moment when left the house they started threatening us and are using what since nobody was accepted to leave,
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we owe left because we were threatened with weapon. what can you tell us more to say, that's what happened. what i understood is that i personally want to send a message because i'm responsible for this area area. so anyone who is close to her mice is very delicate because it's the time of your so we need just to stay calm. and when the kids we want to deliver this message in the like in the they are, they were tristan true. they were trying to threaten us, but at the end of the day we are old palestinians. and again, as they've been saying that we have heating so many palestinian things that the main goal of these arrest is to instill fear. look around me, you're seeing those young men, young boys. uh, this is a huge society. it's a young society, the palestinian community. so people here say that all of this is to instill fear in this young generation and kind of tell them that if anyone wants to oppose israel's occupation, then the result will be a rush,
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an invitation need. i think you need, i became life was there in the data level. i'm a child in the occupied with of the us and ministry says it shut down a drone and an anti ship ballistic missile 5 by humans who the rebels in the southern red sea. the attacks come off to washington and pose new sanctions on money exchange services accused of funneling iranian funds to the hotel that was in response to a string of attacks by the group on international shipping in the region. but who the say they will continue to target ships with ties to israel until it ends the war in gaza. watson pals have issued a joint statement condemning a bronze increase production of highly enriched uranium, frost gemini, the u. k. and the usaa urging to around to immediately reverse it's for adoption. the statement comes 2 days off to the international atomic energy agency release to
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report saying iran had increased its manufacture of uranium serial medius. i suspect it as rainy as rice on southern parts of the country have destroyed an ami radar site near the border with jordan. military air defenses will also activated near the capitol, damascus. c and rice group says the cities international airport was targeted is struck sites and serious several times. this is thought of the cause of war. the of the us states of maine has blocked donald trump from running in the 2024 election primary over the 2021 attack on capitol hill mains democratic sect. you a state remove trump onto the constitutions insurrection pools. it is the 2nd state to bother form a present for running in the republican primary balance of to colorado. supreme
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court did the same earlier this month for electoral college votes are up for grabs . in may, i get his patrick online has moved from washington, dc, or so now 2nd state, the main secretary's day comes out and says, donald trump cannot be on the primary ballot. because in this country, the states run elections and each of their own constitutions, they have their own law. so we're seeing very different outcomes. so in main, obviously, the trumpet campaign says that they're going to appeal this state supreme court. there's probably going to have to decide whether or not she has the right to do this. we know the michigan supreme court said that they can sit down from has to be on the primary ballot and the colorado stair state. supreme court said south trump can't be on the ballot. so what are the practice proximal implications of this? probably not much when it comes to the primary, even if donald trump is not on the primary about in main, according to polls that according to the math, he doesn't really need main or colorado to get his parties nomination for presidents. possibly a couple other implications. so there are more than 2 dozen democratic secretaries
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of states if they all take the same path that can make for a very chaotic election. what this means is, is much more likely the supreme court is going to have to take up this issue to decide they're going to look as more states take up this issue and say, we can't hold a federal election. if in fact, there's different ballots in every state. so this is how the spring court will rule, not clear, but it does the now even more likely that there were to have to pedestal he l g 0, washington. the mexican and us officials have agreed to co operate on tackling record numbers of migrants at the border, mx and president and i smell lopez open the door help pulse with the us delegation led by secretary of state anthony blinking on wednesday and ramp up efforts to promote legal ways to tackle the causes of migration. we went out on initial relationships with you as president joe biden is really good. he's very respectful


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