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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 29, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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itself, one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015, at the terrible match, all the facts and the story that needed to be told from the hall. so the effect of diarrhea to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time. the forced to flee then attacked is really strikes, killed at least 20 people in before in southern gulf. the speak of this is i just need a live from the also coming up 3 layers of inspections before trucks can even enter gauze and un humanitarian chief, expressed his frustration of the difficulties of bringing a to power scheme is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu cancels
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a meeting of his war cabinet off to criticism from far right. members of his coalition, cities across you quite not talking to you in one of the biggest russian air attacks the see the israel is a war on palestinian territories is nearing the 90 day mock and it's been bob months of the gaza strip remains unrelenting. the un says an estimated 150000 people are being forced to leave areas of central guns off to being told to evacuate by the ministry. at least 20 palestinians have been killed in ask strikes, targeting homes nearby will say that refugee camp and central garza, and many more missing, most of the wounded had been taken to the hospital and did it better. because the health ministry says the number of palestinians killed in the war has risen to 21300 in southern gaza at least 20 people were killed in the attack
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near quite hospital and rough or i'll expand reports for the forensic lean thinking and hoping for any sign of life, this young girl pulled from the rubble injured parts of life, meaning displaced palestinians like hood, with sheltering in the building in rough time. when the is rarely striking it, they had come here seeking safety and steed they've released the game through debris to be loved ones. many have found only bodies. those who survive to rush through days crowds to the nearby quite the hospital bus with dozens injured meaning hit to be taken to other facilities such as the use of elijah hospital and be some good that was in front of me. i see 5 dead bodies of children. some are below the age of 3. the other 2 are $5.00 and $7.00,
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also for women. and one of our physicians doctor assigned me about that. in addition, 5 others are being transported to us from the community hospitals, which is near the targeted area. and we can only ask where the circle safety zones claim by israel's occupying, harming where the safe zones they claim to be safe. to wish they directed people in the united nation seized the remove and 657000 displays, the palestinians seeking refuge in southern gaza, most living else on the streets and rough. and for those who do find buildings to seek shelter and many like this one as soon targeted and is ready is strikes and collapse over its inhabitants. alex bid, which is there a bit like here in northern guns allies in ruins, following says days and strikes. i just see it as an associate went there and sent this report is not on the do not see muscle base. yeah. hateful come apply
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a lot unless we are in beta law here in the area that is rarely just bombs. yesterday has been destroying an entire residential block and resulting in a large number of injuries and fatalities about, well mozilla, but not either a menu to remain on accounted for under the rubble, the civil defense teams are trying to recover the bodies of she had the again, know 40000000 have them look at them to the congress because we have been able to pull out vice people along a stretch of 13 meters to parents and their 3 children. the building comprises of 2 structures where there are around 30 or 40 did both as again. so i was surprised to find out that members of my own family are under the pre good club. we are unable to discover anyone despite many attendants because we liked the required equipment to do so. a good look and not
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a little wage damage. i've seen the moment we reached the place and all we could see was a massive destruction. amount 30 people were killed, most of them were children, newborn babies and women where they were staying safe in their home. and the next thing they knew was the entire building collapsing on the show and how you have the model, but the costs of an extended and more. but we can see here the level of the destruction following the bombing of a residential block and beta law here in case you have so far the medical team. so being able to rescue 5 people with heavy yet many are still trapped under the rubble. because the rescue teams don't have appropriate equipment in the shed, are you. mm hm. and you either have, you're gonna show the so called the as in, we were unable to recover people who are still trapped under the debris. and yet this requires a special equipment from which we don't have the to promote. we need cranes to recover the bodies. but you have to avoid that. and as guy the last several who i did was you had people walk home feeling safe when suddenly on their houses,
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well palmed without any warning was shut. the entire area was insulting. in fact, the death file including women and children on my life. we have managed to recover some bodies, but around 15 to 20, mainly young children remain under the rubble. oh sure. that is what happened with them and i can only place my faith in god now many and guardians will be with them . i'm the mother to get a diploma then the sooner the. 7 better the, the, what is the, the, the, the let who know the how this is another massacre of committed by these rarely army, be them killing many innocent people and leaving other people trying with, with need the rubble south, federal government as an associate of jersey at all so the united nations head of humanitarian affairs has expressed frustration at the slow delivery
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of aid into gaza. martin posted on the ex that they were 3 layers of inspections before trucks. can even enter confusion and long queues as well as a growing list of items being rejected. all this he says, is that a crossing point meant for parent pilot, for pedestrians and not trucks. fox at another crossing points have been blocked by desperate and hungry communities. he goes on to say the constant bombardments have destroyed the commercial sector, an aide con voice have been shot to the population. population has been crammed into a small sliver of land with shelters. having long exceeded the full capacity and aid workers themselves have been displaced and can killed nothing. griffith says this is an impossible situation for the people of causa and for those trying to help them reiterate to calls for the fighting to stop. this is where the prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu has cancelled a war cabinet meeting meant to discuss the postwar plan for gaza. he's been facing growing criticism from members of his own cabinets over folks for the day off the in gaza. all right, members of the willing coalition have announced they will be holding their own meeting in protest over the planned exclusion from the discussions of alan fish as more from occupied east jerusalem once again. but there's the walk cabinet, which is 3 member strong, including as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. there is the wide uh, security cabinet, which is always been something in israel. and then there is the silver cabinet. now the walk cabinet decides on walk ins and benjamin netanyahu called a meeting of the war cabinet to talk about the exchange of prisoners that is being discussed with him us the is really the can tardies and the addictions that i to use mediators nothing controversial. they should be okay. he also wants to talk about what happens in guys that the day after the war. but one of his own members
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of his cabinet bell is they'll smell to it. who is one of the right wing, members of his coalition said, hold on a 2nd. that's a joke for the security cabinet, not for the walk cabinet. and you can't be doing that. so benjamin netanyahu realizing that he doesn't want to lose a key player in his government, which could mean either an election or benjamin netanyahu be kicked out of office, said ok. let's cancel the meeting and we will wait. and then we will talk about to a security cabinet meeting on tuesday. here's another complication, smotts which is also dead set against the idea of the taxes that have been raised from palestinian workers to be sent to the palestinian authority. the reason he doesn't want that to happen is he believes that that money will be funded somehow to guys that it will go to palestinian authority workers who will then pass it on to people and guys. and he says, not one single circle should. that should happen with complication is joe biden
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made a phone call to benjamin netanyahu on thursday night. the americans have been very keen to start pushing that money through to the palestinians, and according to media reports and israel joe biden said, look, this conversation is over, you have to get this done. but smotts it says, not a check. oh, we'll go. so essentially he's calling benjamin netanyahu. his last, do you do it? the americans are telling you or, or do you risk collapsing your government's small search even tweaked it? i think we have big supporters of america. we'd sign up for the support. but this is a decision to make. so benjamin netanyahu know, here's a big decision to me. does it give you a bite and what he wants given how strong ally he's been? or does he go against what spot? which one's on risk collapsing is government and losing the job. let's take a closer look at the the major figures within these writing many as well as long as subbing prime minister benjamin netanyahu took office again last year. off the, his liquid party entered
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a coalition with fall ride nationalist parties. one was really design is i'm a fashion form by it's a mob been to view, he's now a national security minister and a 5th proponent full settlers in the occupied west bank. these allow smotts which are you heard down officially talk about. there is a finance minister that he opposes palestinian sovereignty. local media reports, the 2 ministers say a postwar plan for gaza is not within the jurisdiction of these wells will cabinet that they are not members of the defense minister. your glance is in the war cabinet. the former general has announced 3 phases to, to the war with the aim of witching, what he calls a new security reality in causes of the war cabinet also includes benny against a former general and military chief of staff he over. so israel's previous ground invasion of garza in 2014 of how much it's always like to assess of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. he joins me now. so quite
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a lot of division within that is really cabinets. not the least of which is the finance minister ah, there's a lot of smoke. c 2 is adamant, that's the money will not go to the, to the palestinian authority at this point to a how, how big a sticking point is that for, for nets and you have was this split indicates that, that of several challenges facing those. india was either shrimp at this point. there is a split between the military and civilian fed. good is within the government, documented the strategy of the guys that war is not operating well or is not given the results way on one week, right away from the 4th 3rd month. so far, it is also the split between the members will out in the coming in the cabins and those who are not. and as you just indicated, it is the question mark of how we handle the, the policy in question. so i think this indicates 2 issues. one that the
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overall strategy of nathaniel is not going to produce what he hopes that means and it'll be cation of how mess and having some control over it goes. in other words, in other words, they often concept is a delusion. this one's going to happen because we asked about this for before and no one can for see what's going to happen next. so this is the nature of the conflicts. number 2, if did is this internal division within nothing, they always cabinets and government work. i work, cabinets and, and the government, the overall one, in addition to international pressure is coming from funds coming from you. as coming even from england has no choice actually to sustain studies. cool. but before they close the school, they are for i think since this golf and has stopped since with the fall wide and that has escalated the whole ran into this war. and that's on the l a that has
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to sacrifice his for the future with it. if he sticks to his own guys, or he asked to the little girl another cup and therefore we go back to what that's what the by them told him 2 weeks ago. he has to call said that that will pass some names from this government. he seems to have dug himself a whole here from the beginning when he got together with this, when a couple of this right wing coalition together to form the government does this, is that what it looks like now? i or was a new call? the newton's phrase to every action there is a reaction in the opposite direction. therefore, if not, then the whole decided to turn is right into this. what are the, collides for the thinking system? and all he has done so far is waging a war keen and on the bus m and put a stand in a civilian and goes and did is no pointed to the horizon for the promo to arrangement
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with. it was the front of city is or visit we didn't too much of the community. look at the situation between is right and the united nations. well, the for being is a reaction. that means the emotional reaction and the honeymoon does. he has since october 7th is fading away, therefore, i think, you know, we're out in this 3 action mode within the company that's within the government. as with the, of the whole neighborhood. you know, there was nothing else has to go back to square one and come up with different strategies for his party to can future and his military strategy and goes out another go in. and it was good to talk to him how much your county thank a but still a head zone. i just need a main becomes the 2nd us state to disqualify donald trump from running for the presidency. the
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it is a tenant of journalist to produce objective these coverage is trinity. i don't think that there is a fair objective, any partial representation. the listening post covers how the news is come. why your, why your mike and i know, as you know, how you month, i included. right. i know we have are in addition to the in built valves which are part of the irrigation canals, farmers have resorted to extra and with water hoses to pump fluid or onto their fields. the practice the government considers illegal. i'm or from ha ha ha,
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i'm just thinking about it. do i say? so why would that? and that's the cheapest, anya, that we've talked about would have to switch the the plugin you're watching. i just need a reminder about top stories this out. at least 20 palestinians have been killed and many more missing off the as rainy as strikes, hit hose, the able to say that's a refugee camp in central government. most of the wounded,
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including many children i'm have been taken to the hospital, didn't at least 20 people have been killed in an is ray asked blank on roughly in southern gosh, strike the residential building where displaced, palestinians would take the shelter. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cancelled a war cabin and meeting meant to discuss the postal plans for garza's. just been facing growing criticism from far right. members of his coalition of the so called day off the in gaza. is there any forces applied to gas on young palestinians who have been trying to get into the alexa most compound and occupied east jerusalem to attend friday? pres? laura con is live for us, unoccupied, east jerusalem. so lloyd just bring us up to speed on what's been happening there of the whole. absolutely, i'm going to place quotes. what he chose out not saw from here around a 100 me says is the l oxer compound. and part of the issue has been
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a severe restrictions of palestinians, and most of them worship is entering the most since october the 7th. usually it is around 526-0000. in the last 11 consecutive weeks, there's been anywhere between 3 to 12000 allowed, and they usually over the age around 50 or 60. but people say that's where the at the whim of the is ready to throw just and the police are leasing the entrance to the most. now what we saw this morning is a number of the young worship because they took up this street going up this road and they stopped in the middle of the street. they began to pray and the, it's really ministry, as they have done every single week out to the is where the police came down and they started firing. take us, and we were filming at the time, we got close enough in this. let's take a look. so i just want to show you a surrounding me. there are many policy and i'm looking you kind of weird thing,
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find that tear gas at the moment. i just want to show you what's going on that surrounded by tear gas with just trying to find an exit. they have been immediately a tops had for so usually around 50 to 60000. i have allowed it to the bulk in the past couple of weeks is only being around 3000 the it's right beside this is to reduce protections. but of course you can see what's happening around there have be serious consultations on a weekly basis to hello good to see you. you made it through that. ok, but i suppose it does. it is a reflection of, of how uh, the whole issue of the locks uh most going on on friday, present such a flash point that how this has been a flash points for many years. but since october, the 7th,
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with these very severe restrictions, hosting is not really worried about not being able to access them off. but the money is ray, the jews are being allowed to access it and money if they've been performing press now onto the stages. quite agreements, ad georgia and is the custodian of the most kind, the organization, all the economic walker. how take care of the mosque. um, it allows people to visit from any religion, but at certain times. but most of washington should be allowed to go into the press . people are really concerned that this is going to now county is that they just quote 3 months and they mainly lose access to the most the ulcer. very concerned that there's been a huge amount of arrests of posting use in these areas nearby. this place is like hearing what he chose, which means we're seeing less people now coming out and not any protesting but performing prize in front of the mosque. american life and lord,
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look on life 1st period i occupied eastern and these really ministry has continued counting out when i raise across the occupied westbank because really full of storms. ramallah nablus coach had him copious and handling flashes club counting several locations. a number of palestinians were arrested me that but he has more from there. i will, i'm a charlotte near them on. and we're seeing also another practice that is being widely used here in the occupied westbank. and indeed, we've seen it being use here to ended up on mission. i mass detentions that go from home to home, arresting palestinians, detaining them, and putting them in places like this one. i want to show you just some of the blind fools that were used on some palestinians who is the teams from their homes and brought to this area. there are also the plastic uh that was used to a class that hands and they would hang tough using those plastic. now i'm going to be bringing you to people who would in this area here,
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amongst more than 30 palestinians detained by these really forces to listen to more from them. we have them. how much would you do? we have mr. sled uh, left on, and i'm going to start with you. how much is can you tell us what happened? was that to the slope, how much when they came, they treated us very badly. they did not respect us. they acted like nobody was home. they forced the door open and ended up. i explained that they are women in the house, but they ignored me in the flight. they were been very can their inclusion, fixer but they searched everything and destroyed the kitchen. then they blind forwarded me and took me. i wanted to talk to my mother, but they refused and they took me from the house and they put me here it was legit done. how much? oh, happy guy. i mean assuming that easy. cool. now that in the shop, we should focus on the fact that we are peaceful that we are suffering from
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occupation. we want to live freely, but the emotional solved us just enter your house while women and girls are sleeping. unfortunately, this has become normal to us by the ukraine. it says at least 12 people have been killed by russian and strikes president. one of them is zaleski described it as the largest attack this year with $158.00. missiles fired. he says, most of them will shut down by a defenses. i said vague has lost some keys. there was several strikes that took place across steve this morning. the man of thieves, vitalia cuz this co said that the defense had been and not sending back woken up by the side of explosions of those sites in his also the defenses targeting some of those missiles and drones now where i currently have to and just just so i just building those hits and if i could just show you some of the damage that's been
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done this, the fire ongoing and flushing teams, i've tried to track of that. but here you can see the fragments of those missiles that we've been speaking to. some of the experts investigators here this morning, what they've told us is that dismissal as they can read that dismissal as was made in may of this year. so these are new me solve the russians are using, but they have been done an injury. and those figures are currently being updated, but as i said, they have been several sites across the keys this morning. the us state, the main has blocked on some from running in the 2024 election primary over the 2021 attack on capitol hill mains democratic secretary of state, removed from under the constitution insurrection. course it is the 2nd state to bomb the former president from running in the republican primaries pallets off the colorado supreme court did the same. earlier this month. i just need his pat to go hand has moved from washington dc. so now is the 2nd state,
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the main secretary state comes out and says, donald trump cannot be on the primary ballot because this country, the states run elections in each of their own constitutions, they have their own law. so we're seeing very different outcomes. so in main, obviously the trumpet campaign says that they're going to appeal this state supreme court. there's probably going to have to decide whether or not she has the right to do this. we know the michigan supreme court said that they can sit down for a pass to be on the primary ballot and the colorado stair state. supreme court said south trump can't be on the ballot. so what does the practice practice implications of this? probably not much when it comes to the primary, even if donald trump is not on the primary about in maine, according to polls that according to the math, he doesn't really need maine or colorado to get his parties nomination for presidents. possibly a couple other implications. so there are more than 2 dozen democratic secretaries of states if they all take the same path that could make for a very chaotic election. what this means is,
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is much more likely the supreme court is going to have to take up this issue to decide they're going to look as more states take up this issue and say, we can't hold a federal election. if, in fact, there's different ballots in every state, so this is how the spring court will rule, not clear, but it does seem now even more likely that they're going to have to pedagogy. elda 0, washington. i'm next can, and us officials have agreed to co operate on tackling record numbers of migrants that they bought a mex and president on the us, men will lopez open the door, helpful for the us delegation, led by 6 year state. and to me, blinking on wednesday, the ramp up efforts to promote legal ways to tackle the causes of migration. a tornado caused by stone, garrett has damaged pots of gray to match as the in the north of england. people have been evacuated from the town of staley bridge with gusts have down trees blown off roofs. the damage cost. thousands of pounds have been left without power for
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the north in scotland. that's it for me, it has a secret. what is next? then inside story looks at the rising number of migrant crossings at the us and mexico for we're back in hoffman out here on the the, hey, they're great to see it will kick off is weather reports in asia pacific. it's a con pitcher in japan. tokyo is looking at a sunny day at 14 degrees, but if we move westward, this is where we get into outbreaks of some showers. it also cents know where that temperature does fall below 0, across the korean peninsula, not so for china, those temperatures have certainly come up quadling at $22.00 degrees that some showers rolling across the river valley. but throughout the day on saturday,
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there's conditions will improve and plenty of sun in the forecast here through india is still dealing with that fog in the northwest. so for palm job and delhi states, this has been an issue, but whether alerts should be dropped a bit for the fog is to be head toward saturday and still dealing with these birds of torrential rain through for longer. and then while the snow same goes for the northeast of august on fog issues here in lahore, for example, the temperature, it's 16 degrees, as well below where you should be. for this time, you're still more showers in storms across a huge watts of saudi arabia. in some cases, highest level there, it's issued for rain and storm this for the western side of saudi arabia. but this action also extend into central northern and eastern areas where health stores are likely and we could see showers in both great and buffering to of the zeros here to report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt. how many
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other channels can you say? we'll take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course we cover major global events, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young region. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care, instead of being at migration, the us is pressing mexico to do more to stem the flow of life was to the border. thousands of strides and make it into america every day. what kind of mexico do to stop them? and how much is this a political issue for job items? this is inside story. the
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