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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 1:00am-2:01am AST

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so yeah, i don't think this, but the file must have had to fill out like a me, it's a really does have the most the not clue of them and it been is that a low just get the men a minute and we'll go freleigh hazy on the, [000:00:00;00] the come on has them think of this is the news live from the law coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 12 people are killed. mine is really strike a house in the as the way the neighborhood in central garza was targeted. that's all rises in gaza, so it is the level of destruction. 70 percent of homes now and routes
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the. the ongoing of how much release is video showing is really tanks being targeted as fighting intensifies in southern guns. we will continue a fight thing until we achieve the objectives and goals of the war. is there any problem is that benjamin netanyahu says the war on gaza isn't ending anytime soon? and the phone has been displaced. family separated from the loved ones by is riley forces struggling to meet basic needs. the beginning this news out in gauze where nearly 22000 palestinians have now been killed since the war began. the ongoing of homicides released. the video showing
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that fights has clashing with is really vehicles on the outskirts of the city of han, eunice in the south of gaza, of that comes off day. is there any war? planes carried out in tens as strikes on han units. israel's military says is expanding operations, they have to target how much fine has. but many civilians have been killed within the last hour they've also been strikes is central gaza at least 12 palestinians killed when a house in the as a way the neighborhood was targeted. thought apple, a zoom has more leveled flattened, destroyed residential areas and thrown out hun eunice turn to dust and trump effects to the relentless as troy companions by his very forces on the 2nd largest city in the south of the petition caused a strength, the civilians among the devastation be wilted
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and perplexed by the new realities that surround them. the situation is no better for palestinians seeking refuge further south and roughly 850000 people crammed tightly together in mid shift shelters and tents. the on site is 100000 who have arrived in the city in the past few days till expect on by the next morning, the spread of diseases is likely to increase with children being most at risk. i am thinking kansas city, the biggest in the strip and the commercial and entertainment helped pass plus a destruction from which may never recover. says israel's campaign began on october the 7th, nearly 85 percent of gauze was 2300000 residents have been displaced. is rarely a strikes have intensified across the goal is a stripe with menu or residential houses and areas in con,
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unit decimated. this comes as the east valley forces or expand things in military operations for palestinians have been repeatedly told to go to the south seeking safety areas. the have been hit making the idea of safe happens, full concepts for civilians. intimacies stripped target as in l. g 0, roof off, southern gauze. 70 percent of gauze homes have been destroyed by israel's relentless bombardment. tonic sent us this report from gaza on the latest strikes. the attacks had it continued the inside gauze, a stripe in particular incognito. it is on the long side with the middle areas of the territory. now starting from con you, in a city where the confrontations down on the ground continue um, its ongoing, unrelenting plumbing by the is where you ought to be. and also by the flight to just that were destruction of presidents of houses in these areas, continue and the injuries have being transported to a loss or hospital to receive
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a treatment spot. the fact on the ground, the, that the use of the forces trying to get the a to talk big credit on the city for out the destroying the key pacific infrastructure, the and also to force residents do not have any kind of existence any more to end to move further to the south of the causes trip, any particular to rough off, but also the boom bottom it's in the middle areas. it continues to where a 3 power scenes have to report the killed animal. so a right to refute account of to have the destruction of their residential building, that they were taking refuge in science as people who have been losing and evacuating from these areas to ruffle off to receiving different evacuation. otis, have been getting through difficult a journey to reach roughly and also they did not find a very good show, touch roommate, insight, but they are forced to deal with the often months of their displacement from the as
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the unrelenting bottom. it also continue on my cause they refused to come this area had been previously hit by the military and since the 80 hours of today's morning as well as focusing on it's been bought meant in this area. as people have very limited options, either to remain in the house has been killed by the is really meant it treat or to survive along with the family members. heating more to the south. it to roughly in particular and to, to be away from the is where the bombing, despite the general sentiment among policy, is that there is there any safe place of course console. this is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel should take control of the philadelphia, colorado, on gauze as border with egypt. it is a 14 kilometer strip of land. on the southern tip of gauze to philadelphia, philadelphia, colorado. well, to put it more correctly to the southern stoppage point of casa, must be in all hands. it must be shuns, it is clear that any other arrangement would not insure the demon of transition. let's see that we seek a spring, not to laura khan, who is live,
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an occupied east jewelry slim. so laura festival, what more we hearing on this attacked? we mentioned earlier on the as a way to neighborhood in central gossen. now we know that a home has been hit in the also a neighborhood in central garza, as you say. and we have seen pictures of all the rubble around the house and it's the same pictures we seen time and time again during the war. children, people being pulled from the rubble. so as far as we know, 12 people happy killed so far. but i also want to make light of what's happening here in occupied east jerusalem and a place called so one just outside the old city that has pain in his way the race to see if they assigned the coffee of the red shelby family. say the is right, the army broke into that home. they took away some money and they have run sites the place as well. uh,
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they said that they were accused of shooting fi works towards the assessment where i'm is re, these are illegally living. but they said this is to columbus as a way, so it's absolutely impossible. and we know the is, are the only have deployed that. and now that also deployed in the, at to chrome in the occupied west spying. but the un rights to folk attack has pointed to the fact on says say that it is a deteriorating situation across this regions while across all parties through some of the west, by as, as more and more find those coming from these. right? and on the nets and yeah, who's speech earlier he, he said that this did, the israel should take control of his car during the southern gaza strip. is this a new development a this is a new development. a lot of what a such a day wasn't very new, but it was only when he was pressed by these really press during his conference. but he said a kid as
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a full team come to strip the philadelphia route in 2005. there was a disengagement by israel from that and then how much to close up now. egypt was able to go on one side of the border and how much the out, the now israel says it wants to take over the security situation that so when and what that means we still don't know. we'll certainly keep an eye on that was he also made likes the fact that there are obviously captive students like gaza or a 129 people being held by him. us and other grades. and he did say, but it's going to take some time. but it's important that they continue to bombard because the strip that they maintain as a church situation in the no. and the also going to continue to push into the south . this is going to be very bad news for the kept as families who have been out protesting on almost a daily basis. being thousands of people today and tell a b,
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i was at a protest yesterday in western re slumped. many, much to the way some to columbus is from to tennessee to jerusalem. many the same, they weren't as seats find that's the only way of bringing out the captive. so this is going to be pretty bad news. there's a lot to impact from netanyahu's speech, but the other main thing. and so he said he will continue to galvanize international support and he's fine for us for its continued support. however, the by the administration has been under criticism from the democratic policy, foot bypassing congress in selling weapons, a $147500000.00 worth of weapons too as well. and this has happened twice in a month quite around this from the us. so here in this, you know, who also said that he will continue this boy o firms from the newest. again it's has the law. if they continue to hit back, you said they will hit some honda and also in the occupied west point,
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he says race will continue. i work on life an occupied east. jerusalem, thanks very much. how many of the people who are fleeing to rough? i have been separated from the families that are struggling to meet the basic needs . bob rank apart brings us the story, a one woman who was forced to leave her home and cause a city. i mean a sham, like a raphi is struggling to raise her children in despair of a crowded tent city in rough time is really sole, just arrested to husbands during the 1st evacuated from god to city. not one of the mess. yeah. i was walking with my brothers and my husband told me to stay with them while he walked behind with my father. later my father told me is really soldiers to come. i was crying and people said that the rest of him completely naked. i don't have any money. soldiers took all our ideas and important documents. israel's blockades on food medicine and few entering costs that has made it difficult to
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survive and become upon the benefits i want to feed. the girls and their father is not here. she used to provide everything for them. we are dying of hunger poverty and everything. there's no shampoo to wash their hair. look at what's happened to them with infections because of dirt and filth. wesson's thing had children sick and hungry as not knowing what the husband is alive ended on. so it's been 55 days and i know nothing about him. i want the red cross to bring us news about him. is he alive or dead? i only want to know about him and be reassured, amina is taking on the role of bread when we're not totally, well, you know, to tell you, luckily, our license completely changed since their father left. i'm no longer capable of raising them without him. i want him to be the one to race them and stand by my side to support team. she is my support is really plumbing. has continued been rough with college students and meant to be safe. yup. more and more disposed
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families of streaming into comes, each of them carrying their and loss and instruction about what the future holds proper. i'll just say era to thousands of palestinians all taking refuge in a make shift 10 cities and did it. but in the central gaza strip, with very few resources and supplies many all living day to day include that a visit to be come to see how people are coping. we're currently in debt in bella, and we are in one of the 10s area in this area where hundreds of palestinian refugees came here and are internally distaste after this really forces us areas like to say dogs and my kazi, to evacuate from those areas. as you see, it's totally dark. we're using our own lights to walk through the 10s. and this is the only way these palestinians have lights and can cook food. and we have been
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seeing a lot of tents lighting up fire and because they do not have cooking. gosh, do do not have any type of lighting for warm and to good food, other than what's in coal and using some would like to apply or it's very cold. up . most of the people do not have winter clothes because when they evacuated from the another in areas and from other areas across of the causes through, they evacuated without any winter clothes. and at that time the weather was very warm. so some of these told us that they do not even have woods to light a fire. and as you see, some people do not even have what and do not have code and cannot afford it. and they are in the tents. but despite the fact that they are in defense, they are telling us that the tents are very weak and they do not have a plastic coverage and it's very close for them. inside of these people had their houses, had their memories,
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had all of the belongings and they were forced to leave everything away. this is in the godaddy for odyssey to do but and as we reported, we is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel should take control of the philadelphia, colorado on gauze as boda with egypt. the colorado is a 14 kilometer a strip of land on the southern tip of gauze that we're gonna talk more about this now with go debt to buy it by debts. he is a political science professor at the national defense university is expertise, includes egypt and palestine is where the conflict enjoys now from washington. thanks very much for being with us. so just to 1st of all about this, this card or because it may not be familiar to a lot of us and, and wherever it is and what, what is the purpose of it? thank you for having me. basically, garza is surrounded by is, are you on
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a long side and egypt ones outside. and that means it's totally up to you and to great extent, on movement or ease of problems, anxiety aside, which has been blocked for many years or phones as you're trying to find. and for many years, egypt has allowed too many authority and assistance to get us a so this quarter door. so this is what this is randy prime minister is, is asking for, what do you think is going to happen to you? i don't believe it would happen is there is no way egypt will accept it. is that all you do, the forces to take charge off is this a corner door, and it would be a very hard floor, is that all the forces to control is
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a quarter door from guns of flight because it is in the side of the bottle, gets up very far from is the radio board of dollars. so it would be logistically, very hard for is it i you to maintain the indian troops on this gets that because you can borrow dollars us. if we look at the bigger picture here, what does this tell us about israel's uh, military operations in gaza right now where, where things stand with that, that he is he is asking for as well as control of the, of this uh, stretch of card. i believe i can make 2 appointments here tomorrow or sunday, the soonest. the united states and europe and many countries have been putting pressure on. is that why you pull in the middle federal position and not to apply augusta? my understanding is ready to government,
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isn't the paintings. idols typical buying goes up at this for some buying and this will not happen because their corporation means resistance. and the other point by booking about his article trolling this quarter door, it shows is that is that i use the small prost egypt to on throne. is that correct or? and is, this is very bad because he's your friend is i have been working together for many years and there are no complains about is a peace treaty between the 2 countries, both of these states and fines, as that i did find minnes starting up in yahoo shows the lack of frost in egypt and egypt. i'm sure it would be a very angry, reacting to is this statement buying that. then you get to get your perspectives on this godaddy to back yet. thanks very much for being. was sent to you. i,
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a quarter of gauze this population could die from disease within a year, and that's the assessment from a leading u. k. infectious diseases exploit. the warning comes as the world health organization has recorded a 180000 people suffering from upper respiratory infections. a 136000 cases of diarrhea, half of them under the age of 555000 cases of lice and scales. and more than 4600 cases of acute joint this sandra. how many a gun check is the head of the department of infectious diseases at the university of zillow and a gold i in poland. she says the health situation of incense in the cause of strip is extremely concerning. stipulation is dramatic, and so let me just to start from the beginning, which means the child vaccinations,
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we have any spares. that's at the moment that some nation takes it in children is quite, you know, it's not sufficient. so what, there may be and many and infectious diseases, which i accent preventable last. and the despite of that's a lot like for example, results or chicken books the, there i about to $100.00. what locks house and case to so in books, in, in gas at the moment, as deputy ratio reports, reports so well, many other infections, serious violent range passions and but not only those, the diary diana infectious as well. we have very and i'm very concerned about
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that. this is, randy military has launched an ass strike on the syrian city a level authority site had caused some material damage that comes up to another is rarely strike on a board, a town in southern lebanon that was in response to hezbollah. attacking h is really military positions earlier on saturday. ali hashem is in the quota in southern lebanon. and it says, this is just the latest in a series of attacks. according to reports from syria is really war planes from above them of the to any and launched several of the massages towards the targets in a level according to the sources. the 3 people killed. however, this is part of the context of thought to several weeks ago. since the beginning of this war, how i bought, it's also part of the laws that context, the big guy with the assassination of uh, a new brand new in general in damascus. a couple of days ago. then the attack on
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the boot come on board. the point between syria and iraq was 7 people were killed, 4 of them were from his beloved. and the last one that you were just reporting now, that's ok on, on a level optical to of the genocide convention was adopted by the un general assembly in 1948 and defined the crime of genocide. it has 2 main elements. the mental aspect, meaning the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national ethnic racial religious group. the physical element includes killing or causing bodily or mental home to members of such a group. it also includes deliberately inflicting conditions designed to physically destroyed in the whole or in pots and imposing measures to prevent bus or forcibly transferring children of a group to another. south africa's minister for social development told i just need to approaching the international court of justice. was
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a necessary act of solidarity with palestinians to reset the phones by what they say on the drum. and what has been happening in particular that you know, we may issue the ac and i was saved up from the government part of the closing his only to buy with the new people in the car for a tuesday. so there's a lot of money we want to see a end of the piece for me as far as possible. and the home is that a platform that is available, the government, the government, all set up. this is the available platform that we decided we need to step onto the routine for be reset and also a to these quite
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a bit in the best way. there's part of the senior over the next. the next from i will all be in call me and the people and the all the time. why don't we say those are this is that can also be s s i n s a was also be glad it's high. are they submitted by the way, to get to the, the, the s of the, of the, with the that's what happened the f b in terms of finding here. so she has the and you're the, the internet, the, the to stay with us. and so that because you know,
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quick to find peace in this plenty to join us now. once again is so med bottles, professor of holocaust in genocide studies of brown university joins just now from cambridge. so 1st of all, what do you make of this decision to, to take israel to the international court of justice. and the fact that a country of africa is, is, is the one that's pursuing it. you know, i so i, i think it's a very important move it's, it's rare that it's all happened very often, but i think it's a very important move for us because it may help actually determine by an international institution where the general side is happening or is on, on the verge of happening, which is a good enough cool for the country to turn to the, to the court. and it may put increasing pressure on the united states and on israel
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and on the international community in general, as we just said, to actually put an end to the fighting. and even more importantly, to try and seek a political solution to, to this ongoing conflict. the, what do you think is a, what as you see, things right now, what do you think is the solution to this concept? so, you know, let me, let me put it that way. first of who is who the prime minister, who has no interest in attending the conflict, because as long as the fun thing goes on, he says in power and it's a fun thing and he may lose power. he may lose his correlation. any may actually end up in jail because he's on the indictment. um, so in order to reach any kind of resolution, it's important to change the government initial and that obviously has to come from the inside. if that happens, then the, the only way to put in into this conflict is really to, to come to an understanding that in this township,
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between the drawer and then to see right now we have 7000000 jews. and so the minimum percent is the, the, the jews have a kind of democracy. although nothing else government has been trying to erode it before october 7th. and the percentage do not. but these 2 groups have to learn to live together. none of them is going away, so refusing to leave, they, they feel that they belong to that place. but they cannot find a way of sharing the place. and this is where we have to think of a way of making it possible for them to share the place. the only solution to that it would be to have to fix instead of a visual person. is there anything the only way that that could work to my mind would be if they were in close a duration, with each other with open borders and with the ability of populations to move from
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one territory to another. making a distinction between citizenship, which they would have in the real estate and residency, which they could have also. and another really on the model of the you that's, that's the only way the one case square the circles of these 2 groups. the d minds rightly a right of self determination and right and see to and have to find a way to share the space. um, what you're talking about requires a lot of political will on both sides, particularly in israel, which doesn't seem to have it at the moment because of you know, what you're saying about that. and benjamin netanyahu and his motivations, and the only other country that can put pressure on israel is the united states. and at this point, how do you guys, the political will there? you know it's, it's very hard to say, i mean, in the israel, obviously right now the, the, the response to the, to the october service attack has, has been, uh,
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why support for the operation in cancer. and what is happening does a itself to the policy and in population it's, it's very reported on it's very tc. so people don't need to see it. um it should have the same time. uh, this is huge and it goes to the 10, you know, and his government, and i think that we are waiting an earthquake and israel now will that bring a more moderate government. that's hard to say, but it would have to be with the help of the united states. i think the president biden has the right idea in mind, but i don't think that he has put together the kind of group and thinking and strategy that would bring to that about i actually believe this tragedy that we are watching right now. and it's an enormous tragedy and also be an opportunity because i think that everyone watching this realize it's that this cannot go on this
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constant conflict between these 2 groups cannot go on. and the only way to stop it is to have a political arise and, and the only country that can create an international coalition that would lead to and that would enable both and us raise the dealership and also, and you put a senate leadership to, to go to the negotiating table is united states because i get your thoughts. so on this, so on that or i bought tough thanks very much. i a still ahead on i just need uh why the white shroud has become a symbol of the palace thing and struggle any as wells rule on golf. the hey, welcome to our worlds weather update. we'll start with some good news. whether alerts
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have been dropped for heavy rainfall across southern thailand, it's still raining, just not at the same intensity. and i gotta tell you through a huge swats of china. we've been dealing with fog and small as cool and warm air mix together. no real wind here to wipe that away. we do have some gain changing rain coming in to glen g province to watch squealing goes from 21 to 15 degrees on monday. outbreaks of thunderstorms coming into that western side of japan. as this system exits the eastern side of han shoot island, and i want to take it back to southeast asia. right now there's been fighting in north to montrose central sumatra. and i suspect over the course of the weekend, we could see some flooding in the south of the island. let's go to australia right now, paint the colors on. we matched the temperature record, hottest stay on record in marble bar 49.3. this is also match the record for the southern hemisphere. hottest stays so far for 2023. now temperatures coming down a bit. so $47.00 degrees on sunday,
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and then we've got the storms along the coast of queen size and also for new south wales. as well and for new zealand, rain and wind here and for wellington, we could see those winds with up to a 120 kilometers per hour. it is a tenant of turn to produce object these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda for genocide. what these really military would tell, god does not see. and with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of his way, the public discourse and seeing more voices persist, sales calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, reporting in the field means i often get to witness not just news as breaking, but also history. as it's unfolding from serbia and redirect one day,
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i might be covering politics. i might be covering protests. but what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the plugin you're watching, i just need a reminder of on top storage this out. within the last hour, at least 12 pills, palestinians have been killed by is really strikes on central cars on a house in the as
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a way the neighborhood was targeted. the injured have been taken to a box, the hospital is very forces expanding operations around con eunice, in southern gaza and intensifying attacks. tens of thousands of people are being forced to flee the area. the 22000 palestinians have now been killed since the war began. is writing permits to benjamin. that's and yeah, as, as, as well. she take control of the philadelphia, colorado on gauze as porter with egypt. colorado is like 14 columbus, a strip of land. on the southern tip of gauze, gaza white sheets have become a powerful symbol of the costs of the ongoing conflict. deeply rooted in the religious tradition of the region that highlighting the rising number of palestinians killed. it is really a tax accept assignment which reports how many the most size, the volunteer we know,
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rough preparing bodies for burial. she uses these plain white sheets to rep to that of the early days of the war. the demand for shroud search beyond supply, forcing him to wrapped up to 5 bodies together in a single sheet that an hey, i'm good ziploc bag. i never expected this number of depths at all. they probably did not have such numbers in the previous words. we're talking about imaginable numbers, kind of, we're talking about more than 20000 people, not including the people missing. i think i've seen donations have allowed him to buy more trouts. but every day, items like caesars and cotton are hard to find that's because of these are as bombardment in group operations and it's land see it air block, 8 of the straight as cemeteries fill up with the dead orders are being buried in communal grades. the white shroud is important in most of the tradition. now it's become
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a symbol of the palestinian struggle. good. sort of the sure. the. yeah. let the governor of the of the big number of people killed made the white shroud a symbol for the small. i need became part of the, the polish thing plug in its influence on the wall above the significance of the calls you can of the, since the beginning of the war in gaza. white shrouds tell a story of loss. families use them to say good bye to their loved ones with a last heartfelt message, but sometimes will say not or volunteers don't know who they're burying. i can only write on a known x of i'm of which out is there. the united nations that says is right, forces have demolished more palestinian homes and buildings this year than ever before. but as smith has more from the occupied westbank,
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it took in his really military bulldoze a 10 minutes to destroy the upper j. she's home of 30 years or the justification. it'd been built without a pony. but then at most, only 2 percent of construction applications were approved in the occupied westbank . israel government would prefer it if the palestinians just left cabinet under him instead of the house had been demolished before in 1998. when i was pregnant, we were living in tents. there was a baby girl who was only a week old. they forced us out after leaving us in the cold, they confiscated everything. then we built the house again. here we are now again living in the same situation. and then there are a setlist new, emboldened since the start of the war and gone to settle a violence as so to its highest levels. since the u. n. started recording data. there are now 6 incidents a day on average. now is rarely human rights group that solemn says that this
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policy of making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's a whole crime on the international law that it doesn't happen. a gun point is irrelevant. this subtle is grazing the shape of a palestinian land. the palestinians are powerless to stop in a combination of destroying homes prevented construction. and encouraging settlers is driving palestinians away. i'm recording just like us a statement that in shuttle and 1989 said clearly he was visiting visiting south africa of the time. it was advertised southwick. when he came back he said, literally, you're comfortable with people in trucks nowadays and for them outside the borders . you create the positive conditions to convince them to the and that's clearly what they, what they were doing. you know,
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implementing actually these days after the 7th through october when the power citizens that driven out the settlers move in the sacrament began with one house 40 years ago. as it expands, it eats away of the palestinian land around it. but the apple j. she's home and the photo island around her. he's in the way about expansion. lynette smith. i'll just add a photo specter john and the occupied westbank or protest had been taking place across europe in solidarity with palestinians. it's been a different story in germany, but supporters of palestine have still been gathering in the capital balance. stephanie deca was there to hundreds of people that's turned out here in the street to raise their voice as tell their message to end the war 3, pa to sign. and the driver decides shamefully to germany. support a is a, in this genocide,
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not self defense. this is just the war war crime committed by israel for years now . and they're not listening, so we'll keep going on the street as much as i would like to people to wake up with our politicians. they have their eyes clear to all of you. turn things around, what is the children and women killed for europe, and then what, what do you want by our, what? see from hundreds of people here in berlin or street. they keep raising our voices and the heavy police finding the protest. they do need to be approved by the government. we watched a very specific route taken as well. and again, they need to be approved. the people here will tell you, even though they're not made easy,
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a massive kind of thing and flags before germany had done the policy and slides. because the approach, as much as raising sentiments about germany says, is on to some people who are saying it's not about thought. it's simply about adding to stephanie decor. i'll just, they're all berlin a back to the war and goes on despite the devastation and loss. many are continuing to work to support the families. time of the shadow is a bothering roof, whose salon was destroyed in his re, the army bombing of the medicine, always nadia or loved ones lately. come across the anything i'm me, us a shot on a, i mean is all about on it all. i it shows that on a lot the know how your issue that the nurse will tell me is to shut down
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a give me i the, the oh that i'm me home, give me on sharla line on the do you when was that? i'm a no, we shall ahead of me. you is here in charlotte. this man, i gotta do all of how do you get it? going to soon, how do we show a lot of? i just got a head on i just gotta match, you know, i says are enjoying the worst. i have a premier league seasons and things like the sports news coming up with the it is a tenant up there to produce objectives. these problems which many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this rarely public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale,
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calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next. the life of a 9 year old under is brady. bombardment, trauma into displacements, scarcity and the moments where childhood still shines through the child. because on a jersey to of the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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let's take a look at some of the days of the news. now russia says that ukrainian strike on bell gone has killed at least 18 people, including 2 children assessments. he says 13 this officer intercepted in the area. moscow has called for an emergency session at the un security council on the attack . it follows russia's law just the salt on the plane this year, in which $139.00 people were killed on friday. we were at work in an office in the mall when we heard the loudest bang. i had heard in 2 years, everything. sure. and then there was smoke and sirens. everyone was panicking. then we went outside and there was a dead person on the street. well, that's making out the gabriel is on those. is that the united nations in new york forces? gabriel? what is uh russia hoping to do here as well. it's
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unusual for a security council meeting of this nature to be called on a saturday, but russia, sam baset or to the un felt it was such an emergency. he wanted to summon this meeting because he wants to really call attention to the situation to the attack on a belgrade and he that is why he essentially wanted this meeting held and ecuador, which holds the temporary presidency of the security council at least until another couple of days agreed to it, so he was very upset. he being the russian ambassador, when he gave a speech, he mentioned how many people died. 18 he said also 3 children. and he also said that it was the e. u and united states that were partially complicit in this, including the u. k. he said because of the weapons that the west provides to ukraine. he also was a little critical of the un secretary general as well saying he was baffled on why the secretary general had not issued
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a statement about the attack in belgrade. so this was the point of this meeting for the russians. now we did hear from a clique you how are you an assistant secretary general of the un, he called for all sides in this conflict to de escalate. and so that the u. n. continues to cag, unequivocally condemn all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. in both ukraine and russia, but bottom line here is that the last couple months the security council has been primarily focused on gaza for all obvious and important reasons. but clearly with the, we're continuing in ukraine. this was a key opportunity, the russians. so to really bring this to the attention again to the security council, gabrielle is on the, at the un headquarters force in new york. thank how the governor of the cleaning and regional hub caves. it says russia has carried out 6 strikes on civilian
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targets. as a bank has moved from keith. there's been no official claim of responsibility from the ukrainians, but the russian ministry of defense is that it's air defenses intercepted getting massage, and rockets over the over the city of belgrade at this thing, the after the interception parts from the bill from the side and some plus the parts hit the city, resulting and people being killed and injured. now they've also search that had that bill for me, so have made a direct hit on the city that the consequences would have been far more severe. now ukraine rarely comments or makes the claims of responsibility when the techs guy died inside russia. but this does come a day off to russia. contact large scale strikes against ukraine hitting the cap to help keep the rest of the countryside. central and northern ukraine, resulting in maybe 40 people killed and under may have until the eclipse co or in the top to keep has declared the 1st of january as
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a day of morning following those deaths and many people in church. but as i said, ukraine has yet to claim responsibility for those attacks in belgrade that region naples, northern ukraine, and has those northern areas. those neighboring areas have seen shelving and told me a text that bruship lines on your print that this be no official confirmation from here and keeps that vague. a da 0, keep a balance from the democratic republic of congo. presidential election are still being counted with the original results expected on sunday. catherine, so it has moved from the capital, congest the people are waiting for those results. so, but there is a lot of unsaturated. see a sofa president next to security has taken a wide lead, a guess he's closest compared to some boys got to be and by all positions,
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he does have already said that they will reject the results. they call the selection shop. and they also say that they're not even going to go to court to contest this. they say that said the constitutional court and the judges are compromised. and some of the leaders, i say that they will take the flight to the people, to the streets and to, you know, through our tests, we have seen reports from that you, when a group of experts and this report that he's talking about the escalating violence in north cuba, province of people have been sleeping in the last week also. and this slicing is between government forces militia allied to the government. he had told and m 20 suite rebels. now this fighting has been going on for 2. yes. and that has, that was supposed to be a ceasefire in place. oh, good um, negotiated by that you,
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when you asked, but obviously that has gone away. $2600000.00 people in last year when areas are in go month to produce y'all's copied, all have been displaced, they are in comp for this place. and this is what a lot of people have been talking about throughout the election about the security situation. and they say that the government has not done enough to help people who leave in those areas in total. um, in the countries 7000000 people have been displaced, most of them are in the is so a lot of police saying that the government needs to do that to do something about that. an estimate to 7000000 people have fled economic crisis in venezuela to find better lives elsewhere. 3000000 have ended up in neighboring colombia, but they're struggling to adapt to harsh living conditions of the sun,
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the ramp. yet the has more. it shocks me. the plastic sheets, cardboard, and mental extend along this abandoned airport strip on the outskirts of the border city of my county. some 13000 been the swim migrants returning colombians and refugees call this settlement, home. ne bellies is one of them. of any swelling she left their country 5 years ago when she couldn't find medicine or food for children to work selling lottery tickets on the streets. and though there is no running water or simulation here, she says this is a better option for them. or they thought the vocal for me for me, i think on wednesdays. right now i feel happy because i haven't met to you when it rains. walter flows and the sides. adults on top of us like be full. it's not ideal, but i'm happy back. and i prayed a lot to manage to stay here. i have my documents now, my children, my stuff,
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the me and we have a night. bailey's got temporary protection status for a family, which allows them to access columbia health care education, informal employment opportunities that advancing remains an uphill battle even a region that has high levels of informality and we're migrant. say employers take advantage of them with lower pay or mistreatment. most families, hair led by women who make a living recycling garbage or selling coffee on the streets. so many of the boys and many said so water, often salty water that comes from under ground wells. the people use to wash dishes or take a bath. residents have been organizing to improve their living conditions. they divided the area in 2 blocks, elected local leaders and built the community they, my board is the current president, but the worst and most she says is the trip to the eviction instead of seeing them . but again, on my, by the, i say i've such
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a into that kills us every day as not knowing if they will last day or kick us out . because these are not our property. it's set envisioned. but then when is somebody owns the land and if the nation decides we are don, this is i'm the, our biggest worry. yes, i live in the u. n. refugee agency is working with the government to try and legalize the settlement for support that. yeah, not security that it would give them security services an access to decent housing because now they feel they can't improve their houses. for example, knowing that if they get expelled, they will lose the level they have. the future of this and the other settlements remains on clear, but for now that piece that continues to be a flawed and fragile, but essential refuge for many with sled misery and despair. allison that i'm bet i just the it, i'm mike, how much you i didn't have missed out on the charles to move in to the top 6 off today. last to nothing. and for us to one of the city ground, the manchester united as missed out on the chance to moving to the top 6 of to they
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were beaten to one by nothing and forest. if the city ground far is still looking to make it back to back meetings in the league, they found the open that thanks to nick, i'm assuming kids 14 minutes elisa and marcus rash with responded off the go keep a mess to and i gave the boy away but just for minutes late. so it was morgan gibbs weiss with a decisive strike to one if finished. that was far as the 1st went against united since 1994. this is united, the worst points teddy at this stage of the season in the premium the history. chelsea was student late due to him come back as cold thomas school twice in a 3 to victory at kendall, with road fall and the school the on before seeking up. not mean by the way to 8 minutes before hall. sime easily international being method. he sick and in the sick and see if minutes showing great skill to make it through e mail. but they newton were on the charge, had a goal this allowed before roll. sparky made its 31 with 10 minutes remaining. i
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hit the post twice before making a 3 to the 10 space chelsea held on for 3 points and dimensions. the city of move ahead of us moving to 3rd, thanks to they to know victory against checking with united. the goals came from broad re and who the overlays asked me to increasingly speaking on social justice issues, but with palestine is concerned. there was a red line for many sporting organizations, australian cricket to was one collage. it is just one of those things. if it's in supporting palestinians, has resulted in punishment from the sports officials. tom size and reports. the names of those men clauses. daughters were displayed on his boots as he ran out to batch during australia as test series against puck, a stone, a compromise to what was originally the, the woods freedom is a human rights and all lives equal in the colors of the palestinian flag. causes efforts to show solidarity with cause of being hosted by the international cricket
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council on the straight investment hasn't shied away from his disappointment. when i say thousands of innocent children died without any repercussions or a mole. i imagine want to go, what did this with them? the eyes to see have told me, but i kind of way my shoes on field. because i believe it's a political statement on the big island. i don't believe this and all lives are equal. that was just one of a string of attempts from collages to show his support to the children of palestine, including the use of an image of a piece, stuff on his bathroom, choose the i c. c. rules stop place from wearing displaying organ thing. personal messages on clothing or equipment which relate to political, religious, or racial activities, or causes, collage or posts of pictures of, of the cricket as to as social media who the escape sanctioned by the i c. c. he was also given an official warning for wearing an unapproved black homebound, for
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a personal bereavement, the hash tags, double standards and inconsistent, wrong claire. i followed all the regulations of past presidents. you guys have put stickers on the bats names on the issues. and then all sorts of things and the costs with that us the approval and never being reprimanded. i don't have any agendas other than trying to sean a lot of what i feel really passionately really strongly about. this is a saga that is called the attention of collage his teammates and australia as prime minister, the position that that he put forward is one that i think is pretty uncontroversial . one that the whole lives equal to the whole lives. right. cool. i think that's really activity to find to that point. right. well, he has plenty of suppose to was yours, appealing the i c c 's decisions and says he'll continue to advocate for peace and freedom of speech. both on the field and office. consignment houses there and
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does it use both headlines for the time being you can get more on elders either dot com as well as our social media channels. but understand that with the sports update? well that's it for me has of sake of for this news out nicely a company carry johnston is here in a moment with more of the days the this is the view that no sane has been looking out for the past 20 years to these really separation barrier cuts, her family's landing upon the village in august. they handed several time. it isn't you confiscation orders to expand the wall? the walls length is more than double that of the 1967 borders for palestinians. the wall is an extension of israel system of control, part of a wider network of roads, supplements on check points,
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bill to give us really the offer hon while making their lights on bearable by the day president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis with this, anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line is called the church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women in my country
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democracy because that's the one we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts. that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the at least 12 people are killed by these very strong house in the house. the way the neighborhood is central garza was talking to the don kerry johnston. this is i'll just share


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