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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 8:00am-8:30am AST

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what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the israel continues, this will then close as strikes across guns. at least 12 people are killed in a house in the center of the street. the other ones are enjoying this as long as they are a license though. so coming benjamin netanyahu says israel should take control of the philadelphia, colorado on guns as boot with egypt. confrontations in the occupied westbank as his writing thoughts. his around 2 hospitals and 2 caught him block entrances to the north, shuns refugee camp. and the un says 2023 is the west p on record for the coming of
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children across the outside west. the is there any will plains have carried out in 10 said strikes on han units in southern garza, as well as military says it's expanding operations. the target, how much fighters levels have been strikes and central guns that piece pro palestinians died when a house in the out of the way the neighborhood was it. and with the continuing his way, the military onslaught 70 percent of homes and gaza had been destroyed just there was tara, god bless you as much leveled, slapped and destroy. busy residential areas to throw out hun eunice, turn to dust. i'm 12 effects to the relentless best try companions by his very forces on the 2nd largest city in the south of the potential cause a strip. the civilians will among the devastation be
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wilted and perplexed by the new realities that surround them. the situation is no better for palestinians seeking refuge further south and roughly 850000 people crammed tightly together make shift shelters. and the tents, the on site is 100000 who have arrived in the sitting in the past few days. pills expect all around by the folks wanting, the spread of diseases is likely to increase with children being most at risk taking kansas city. the biggest in the strip and the commercial and entertainment help pass a destruction from which may never recover since israel's campaign began. on october, the 7th, nearly 85 percent of gauze was 2300000 residents have been displaced,
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is rarely a strikes have intensified across. the goal is a stripe, with menu or residential houses and areas in con unit decimated. this comes as the east valley forces are expanding the military operations for palestinians have been repeatedly told to go to the south seeking safety areas. the have been hit, making the idea of safe happens. full concepts for civilians. intimacies strip tarry could as soon elgin's euro roof off suffering causal as well. many of the people that's leading to a rough had been separated from their families and are struggling to meet that basic needs. barbara and golf that brings us the story of one woman was forced to leave a home in kansas city. amena shamrock raphi is struggling to raise her children in this ever crowded tent city in rough, but it's really so just arrested to hospice during the 1st evacuated from god to city. i'm not going to match there. i was walking with my brothers and my husband
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told me to stay with them while he walked behind with my father. later my father told me is really soldiers to come. i was crying and people said that the rest of him completely naked. i don't have any money. soldiers took all our ideas and important documents. israel's blockades on food medicine and few entering costs that has made it difficult to survive and become upon the benefits i want to feed. the girls and their father is not here. she used to provide everything for them. we are dying of hunger poverty and everything. there's no shampoo to wash their hair, look out what's happened to them with infections because of dirt and filth west and sing her children sick and hungry as not knowing what the husband is alive ended on . so it's been 55 days and i know nothing about him. i want the red cross to bring us news about him. is he alive or dead? i only want to know about him and be reassured. amena is taken on the role of bread
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gwinnett reluctantly. the technical name or license completely changed since their father left. i'm no longer capable of raising them without him. i want him to be the one to race them and stand by my side to support team. t is my support. is really bumming has continued in rough with palestinians and meant to be safe. yup. more and more disposed families of streaming into comes each of them carrying their and loss and instruction about what the future holds. profit the past. oh, just the era is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel should take control of of philadelphia, colorado on kansas border with egypt. the colorado is a 14 kilometer strip of land. on the southern end of guns up to philadelphia, philadelphia, colorado also puts in more correctly. the southern stoppage point of casa must be in our hands. it must be shuns, it is clear that any other arrangement would not insure the demon of translation. let's see that we seek. well, let's take a closer look at the philadelphia,
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colorado. israel says one of the purposes of it is to monitor the movement of goods and people between egypt and the gaza strip. to search for weapons. israel believes there are hundreds of smuggling tunnels there and has previously conducted ministry operations to destroy them. while it was established as a buffer. so none of the egypt as ro peace treaty of 1979 as well controlled the car door until 2005 when it withdrew from the strip of to which egyptian security forces began patrolling the area. but 2 years later, i'm ask him to pilot in guns that both egypt i'm kind of strongly oppose as well as control over the colorado. because it would effectively some of the guns strips only land connection to egypt. but around the color is from the american university of bay road. he explained to my colleague carried johnston. what's that? and yeah, who's trying to achieve by suggesting israel take control of the car. we don't, and he's constantly negotiating is constantly boasting his blog thing is
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appealing to different audiences. he watches the domestic audience to feel reassured. he wants to scare early with the palestinians. washer, negotiate with the egyptians. he wants to get more support from the american. so anything he says has multiple audiences multiple purposes and shouldn't, should not be taken at face value. but we do know that, that there's 2 things of these really is of always locked in the sense that the creation of their state, the american 48, that they want a territory and security of territory for security to be secure. they want to and many phases, including this government expands the land of the state of israel to include what they call parts of the biblical and different, you know, so they have this masonic biblical, see a logical drive and they have the security, dr. neither of us has really brought them secure, more that they expand, the more they control and the more they try to be secure by taking over people's
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lives, driving people out of their homes, the less secure to become because they just instigated greater and more intense forms of resistance by palestinians and, and by other people have a new use that happened with as well. and the palestine was homeless and as long as you have. so we have to just take this as one element that he's throwing into the negotiating part. because there are serious negotiations going on to resolve the immediate issues, which is the uh, that is really genocide on the salt on gas, all the prisoners and hostages and detainees on both sides together, sees far all these things. i have to be negotiated and then may be what comes after that? so this is, i see this purely as one more elements. he's throwing in there the to be negotiated with, with that settlement. so give me with the elements. i mean, how much tension does that potentially create amongst all the regional plans loc
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agent? well, the drifters will not accept giving the territory to turn up now to these rivers. they negotiated and 1979 with these junction is right of history. and that a quarter was created, the grid, the egypt with the toilet, i think the $750.00 troops and all kinds of specified arms. and they don't seem to have done a very good job because there's all these tunnels underneath it on and to mass. and traders and kind of students and people who are needing medical aid or can come in and out of gas. are you using that area? and that's what is presumably wants to stop and somebody else on the palestinians and gather, want to not stop it because it's the only outlets of the world that these various control, the sea and the west of an awesome the eastern guys of the south is the only part that leads guys a right onto an arrow territory. it's also where the leaders and schedule of mass
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and other groups of community leaders, you know, educators industrialized whatever they can come in and out of gas. and using that route is ready for us, is that still in the number of cities across the occupied westbank has been on confrontation between palestinians and israelis. soldiers during a raid until cotton is ready, forces surrounded the 2 main hospitals and the city. i'm besieged entrances to the nearby notions or if you count the cities of jericho and hebron, and i've also been targeted when need to. abraham joins us live from ramallah in the occupied west, back need a so just bring us up to date with the latest on these is randy rates as well, according to locals. these really forces are still in north shapes as well as in to cut them after they've read that it just before midnight. now we know from locals, they are that they're arresting palestinians. now these really forces have been waiting nordstrom, sir fugit camp onto the cutting, continuously looking for
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a group of on demand this often confront many charlie with these really forces. and we've also seen injuries amongst those palestinians and the thing they are know according to palestinians. 2 injuries have been sustained after as really forces re that to come and many others are still we expect not being able to be carried to the hospitals. so it's still a wait and see as these really forces are still in the area they've rated in total 8th places. here in the occupied west bank, including an alpha water refugee camp to the south of the west bank. now, according to palestinians, they say that they've rated the home of ones in alpha one who has been accused of conducting a ramming attacks against has really soldiers on fridays, they, they, they tell us that they have rated the home. they've trusted, they've damaged its contents. and basically that these rates are becoming protein
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becoming part of the process of palestinians lives affecting many civilians, many children, many people who are just sleeping in their homes. yeah, anita, and away from those rates. unicef has released a report on the kidding of children in the occupied westbank. what has it revealed? it says is that at least $83.00 children have been killed since the beginning of this year. making 2023. the definitely is to year on record. as far as palestinian children in the occupied westbank are concerned. now they say that just in the past 12 years, 12 weeks, the numbers of those palestinians killed equals more than double of those children killed in all of 2022. 3 children played together here just a couple of weeks ago. now there's only 2 assignments and jazz was their friend, neighbor and classmate. short
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a fully 13 years old. they have dreams and they have plans until them is really drones. toys killed him on december 13th and i saw his body on the ground that couldn't recognize it. but my mom told me was him. i started crying, he's my dear friend. it was very close to me. i also could like to if every time i miss him, i go into the book to watch his videos. the shared this video of the saw. it wasn't the sound of studying. they see what loved palestinian folk dancing, swimming and dressing. his sister says he was killed near their homes and you need and then most of the occupied left and he was need a group of young men is 80 forces suspected that they are resistance fighters, but he had nothing to do with anything. oh, she shows us where the bus driver was standing. this creature marks the spot
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a clue through palestinian miners killed in the occupied west bank by his really forces this year were from the numbers have increased on there is a real attack since october the 7th. but this really soldiers have been accused of opening fire indiscriminate empty before that. this video shows how is really forces killed 15 your throat for time ation. on september, the 19th on aren't not posing a threat shots in the abdomen and d, no medical attention company. his neighbor rushed to help, but the bullets were fired and his direction. he shows us how he try. again. i think i covered him with my buddy, rolled over with him. my children with here. they helped me move him inside the house. he bled for 19 minutes until his last day now fits motherfucking always with him in the movements before he was shot. the
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when he was a child, an innocent child he discovered under cover is really agents in the area and ran yelling that the army was there. as the one says 2023. so the highest number of palestinian children being killed in the occupied left bank on record. but there are new statistics on how it's affecting. those were still alive. children were growing. we to some the that but he just ita. do you mean the alter type less thing? well type i shall break here and i 0. when we come back, you have many refugees and flipped the war into booty and say of rising regional tensions with some of the plans to return home. unless code full for an emergency session of the un security council. dr. reasoning strikes, can you play the russia kill stuff tomorrow night, so the
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hello hate has been replaced by some intense thunder storms in north central saudi arabia. so let me show you the picture is this was a hail storm temperature is dropped by about 10 degrees over the span of a few hours. we had some flooded out roads here. it will turn a bit quieter, across saudi arabia on sunday, but still for north central air is some showers in storms in the mix here. and i gotta tell you, some of these, what weather could leak into cats are including for us here in doha, on sunday. there is a chance. i've seen some showers here. okay, let's talk about the forecast in central asia. a temperature is coming up and ask about what the ball co at 16 degrees that is above average. for this sum of the year, turkey clouds are drifting across the country specifically through the west. so it's going to be a mostly cloudy sky. for parts of the country on sunday, in africa, around the gulf of guinea. wow. it has been hot, like, oh, set 36 degrees that is above average for central africa. we've got some storms just
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around congo pushing into the gulf of guinea. but to the south, almost all of south africa is dealing with severe thunderstorms. here a spend see along the co sign here was whether maker in the moves and big channel. it's feeding rain into madagascar, so they're real risk. i've seen some funding here over the next little bit the the welcome back. you're watching out just a real quick remind them about top stories here to sell at least 12 palestinians have been killed by is really s flights on central gulf house. and they also way
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the neighborhood was targeted, injured have been taken to the alex, the house is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, as well should take control with the philadelphia, colorado on kansas board of egypt. the colorado is a 14 kilometer strip of land on the southern end of the casa, i live in congress between palestinians and is ready forces in the on by the west bank during a raid on 2 caught them. it's very forces around to the 2 main hospitals, embassies, the entrances of the nearby miller shop for searching for us as it shop down to on to ship missiles in the red sea. it happened, as american warships were responding to a distress call from a danish condo vessel. it had been hit by separate strikes, south west of data. the us, as the attacks were launched on who was the control areas of human. now when the war broke out between who these and the saudi led coalition in yemen, thousands of people fled to jupiter for safety. many hope at peace would allow them to return home. but as long as it was rifle said our reports from our book fair has
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been growing conflict and the red sea could stop on their plants to describe it survive. so the lady a rates and who's the snipers before getting on that board with her children? her husband was a taxi driver and the last contact with each other when the war broke out in the young man. she has waited for a month to hear from him. after several unsuccessful attempts, she decided to city with her children. she sold her jewelry to pay for the dentures journey, digital to look at the home and see how they have been. so you know, i was pregnant with this little daughter, i named a golf for months. i had no news from my husband. then i found him in this camp. he came to the camp when he heard we left for our bulk. i started to work as a housekeeper in an orphanage post to the cab one, the eliza me and my husband decided to open a small restaurant in the camp. this is bush ross, home and restaurant. she cooks and saves you many food to have reduced money for
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her family, for husbands upon the job in the city of jupiter. and he was of his family once a month. okay. and then i moved into uh, i feel like crying when i remember sweet times in human. and i remember the piece of memories too. i lost family members. i lost everything that she was seeing. i had that i had, she says life in these refugee camp is challenging. but after these things, pauses of humans have flowed on small, stable boats. it goes to by the end of the street, they quoted the gates of tiers, a name derived from the long system of people who have died, trying to cross it. no more and more. i am barking on a dungeon, his journey to get here. that is because the fear, the worst is you have to come in yemen for these in yemen. autotech and commercial west has indirectly in a sure sort of deputy with palestinians in gaza. and do ask for them with the national task force to deter them, their growing concerned that the war between the 2 could break out any time. a
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dizzy administer, how many arrived a month ago of to who the tax and the rad. see, the fee of us would retaliate a target tooth, the positions in yemen, which can lead to another war. again, i'm the kind of, i thought it was, i wanted to save my children. the most important thing is to keep them safe. the life in yemen was difficult. there was no food, no water. we were starving, just more and more war. we never had over a month ago. i me so i have struck their housing. yeah. man. and their daughter lost her till they don't. how much here in discount, but they say they can at least keep their children alive. instead of that, oh to 0 or bulk. these randy ministry has known some astro icon. the syrian city of a letter of authority said cause some damage, comes off to another's ready strike on a boat, a town in southern lebanon. i'll just say it was on the hash m,
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as in the cooler in southern lebanon, and says, this is just the latest in a series of attacks. according to reports from syria is really war planes from above limited to any and launched several massages towards targets in a level according to the sources. the 3 people killed. however, this is part of the context of thought to several weeks ago since the beginning of this war, how i bought. it's also part of a close that context. the big guy with the assassination of a new brand new in general in damascus. a couple of days ago then the attack on the boot come on board. the point between syria and iraq was 7 people were killed. 4 of them were from his beloved and the last one that you were just reporting now, that's ok on, on a level. now, even when dead, a person still has rights to military and lowest states, but a dead body should be respected and kept identifiable. but this has not been the
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case with palestinian, the corpse as during the war and gaza image and convertible. a dozens of bodies being buried in a mass grave. in garza, the bodies were taken from northern gauze at by israel and eventually returned. but they were held for so long some of decomposed beyond recognition. now allow me to add that you got the money and nothing, nothing to love. it said the 80 bodies. but we couldn't count them because of the smell unfulfilled of spreading diseases in the neighborhood. in november, another 110 bodies were returned by israel, also decomposed. according to the geneva convention, bodies should be returned on spoiled, even if we heard the claim. but it is right is that it's collected piece bodies to check if the was the bodies of hostages. but the way that they were written and the way that they were thinking, obviously it shows a cleared violations of,
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of the geneva convention corpses in a mass grave. i sort of come out of one hospital with damaged bodies, right? the bulldozers and bodies that have been dead much longer have also been desecrated . this graveyard in jamalia in northern garza was crushed during israel's grind defensive. they are holy sites and they should be protected a human rights law. so it's clear obligations to protect these sites and what he hasn't been seeing is the complete the opposite to but this isn't a new phenomenon that certainly a longstanding pattern and the deliberate desecration of cemeteries. and we saw this on an almost systematic pattern after 1948, where hundreds of palestinian villages, including the cemeteries, were simply raised to the ground in 2010 minutes symmetry in jerusalem, which is dated back to the 11th century,
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was dug up and replaced with the convention center called the museum of tolerance. another one that is specific to of israel's dealings with the palestinians since 1967. and this includes, for example, on refusing to surrender the bodies of palestinian guerrillas over the following decades. many of these fighters were buried in a graveyard and israel kept of limits to the public. it's known as the symmetry of numbers, as people are marked with nothing but a number is more dead bodies pile up in gaza without the implementation of international law that will be more unmarked graves image and kinda out of 0. the
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2nd now some of the days of the news on north korea's lead that came, joan has announced healed the longer to see reconciliation and for unification with south korea. local media se can made the statement at the end of year work has bought a meeting in the capital. young young, you are full weekly, said that would be a mistake to reconcile and were unified with people who can still the know as the main enemy is blamed type of defense ties between so in washington for causing a crisis is us can with more from so a north korean state media posting a lengthy statement essentially and capturing a 5 day key political party meeting that wrapped in plum. yeah, we've covered everything from the economy to military goals and the new year and the food situation, but what's called what's catching. the eyes of those in south korea is north korea ruling out a peaceful re unification. saying that a military user patient is the only viable option now keeps young and the leader of
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north korea is quoted at a characterizing the nature of relations between south and north korea. as no longer that of 10 or of blood, but of 2 hostile countries to belligerents at war. also saying so is a colonized state under washington reliant for its security and national defense. k, cna also signaling 3 new satellite launches in 2024 drone production and other preparation for what it views as in available war on the peninsula. now, since the korean peninsula was divided some 7 decades ago, there has been various scenarios put on the table for a peaceful re unification. but since the nuclear is ation talks in 2019 broke down under then you as president, donald trump and leader king john in, in hon. noise communications have basically also been at
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a health with so with come young. and we're also seeing signs of north korea type meet. it's griff on north koreans accessing any outside south korean dramas, for example, a content of passing out death sentences for watching that. so with this morning's announcement, it appears that north korea is further a solidifying and formalizing its distance and detachment from south korea. eunice, kim alda sarah sol. of the story in the civil defense groups showing by government forces has killed a man and a child in a blip, a popular market and a center. the city was hit on south of the night 15 people were severely injured, including 3 children. russia says that ukrainian strike on belgrade has killed at least 18 people, including 2 children. rushes defense for the success team is also into separate in the area. must go school for an emergency session of the un security council level . the attack follows russians. largest assault on of ukraine this year,
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and there's $39.00 people are killed on friday. okay, but as long as more from the un, a c k like, well, you know, rare emergency session on a weekend to be for new years. russia some into the un security council, saturday night delayed blame for the attacks on belgrade, not only on ukraine, but also on the west lemons. we have some stuff that we have had reports that the u . k. and the american consultants took direct parts and organizing this terrorist attack, and they regularly encouraged the crating of government to carry out the bloody crimes. we have some responsibility for these crimes is also bull invite e u countries, which directly responsibility continue to supply the ukranian routing and meets with weapons. the russian ambassador held up a q r code and the security council chambers on it. these pictures of what he called a terrorist attack perpetrated by ukraine, the killed more than a dozen people,
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including children. but just 24 hours earlier, it was russia who launched a massive coordinated missile attacks on ukraine. they killed over 2 dozen people to the un said it cannot verify claims of how many people were killed and recent attacks, but called for de escalation on all sides. we enact cri, vocally con. then all attacks and cities don't and religious in new korean. and in the russian federation, at that's against dvds and civilian of destructive violates, internationally meant that a low, unacceptable and most and no ukraine's representative didn't directly mention the belgrade strikes. but continued to say russia needs to in the war.


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