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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the israel continues its relentless strikes across gaza, at least 12 people are killed in the house and the center of the street, the until the pri, this is l. g 0, live from doha. also coming up benjamin netanyahu says, as ralph should take control of the philadelphia cover to cover it, full of guns is boarded with egypt. confrontations in the occupied with bank as is
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ready for us to surround to hospitals and to cut them and block entrances to the nations. richie g k. the you in says 2023 is the west. dia on break with the killing of children in the occupied with the 2 refugee camps in central accounts. i have been hit by as ro, mccallski and bridge were targeted in the early hours of sunday as well says the attacks upon events expanding operations against to modify his residential areas. and con eunice was so tired of it as well as in the fall out in the east. at least 12 palestinians were killed during bombing and central garza when a house in the l. so why the neighborhood was struck in the shelling of the more on this honeymoon joins us live from rafa and southern gaza. and honey, can just bring us up to date with the latest on these as rarely strikes that have
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happened right across the gaza strip. in the last few hours of the yes, tom, well, so far we're seeing is rarely ever strikes and it's military operations targeting cities, towns and breakfast, eat cans. and not only it has killed an entire families of the 12 people within the uh, the early hours of this morning. but just within the past, they half an hour. and so another air strikes now at a different records. you can know as much as the records you come, densely populated area and it has to be repeatedly targeted since the beginning of this war. but this that we're looking at one entire family, including grand parents, the parents and their siblings, and the grand children were killed. one family, one d, as family, residential homes was targeted, destroyed. and every single member of the family lived out completely. and this is not
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a part of the collateral damage that we're looking at. we've been seeing this systematic targeting of residential at home since the beginning of this were from north all the way the south is supposedly a safe area overnight. and early hours of this morning, it more residential home were targeted and more residential. the blocks were also a targeted and destroyed for things that people into displacement. not only now people are killed, but also those who survived answers within the vicinity of the tax are forced into more displacement. in fact, some of those family members have been evacuating more than one times 3 times or 4 times. and in many cases, in some cases, sorry, a 5 times when they got here to the roof. i city in hon unit where most of the fighting intensive fight thing is taking place as these really military deployed more of it's a ground invading force it with another battalion,
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expanding its operations to the south of hon. unit city leading into more destruction and more depth and more displacement on this day after mass that we look at. the more we see an intensified offensive the from air and land and, and on the see the more displaced the palestinians we see coming to the southern part of the god stupid, namely and rough. i city where a dire situations and terrible living conditions since the beginning of this war so far, we're looking at a pattern so more bombs, more death, more destruction, and less on the humanitarian aid and list on the food supplies and the medical supply that are necessary for people to survive. ok, thanks so much, honey. for giving us a better understanding of exactly what is happening and guys at the, at this morning that's highly recommend for us and rougher for many of the people
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fling too rough. i have been separated from their families and are struggling to survive. bumper and go for it brings us the story of one woman who was forced to leave her home in kansas city. amena sham like a ra fee is struggling to raise her children in the spring of a crowded tent city in rough time is really so just arrested to husbands during the 1st evacuated from god to city. i'm not going to match there. i was walking with my brothers then my husband told me to stay with them while he walked behind with my father. later my father told me is really soldiers to come. i was crying and people said that the rest of him completely naked. i don't have any money. soldiers took all our ideas and important documents. israel's blockades on food medicine and few entering costs that has made it difficult to survive and become upon the benefits i want to feed. the girls and their father is not here. she used to provide
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everything for them. we are dying of hunger poverty and everything. there's no shampoo to wash their hair. look at what's happened to them with infections because of dirt and filth west and sing her children sick and hungry as not knowing what the husband is alive and is on. so it's been 55 days and i know nothing about him. i want the rest cost to bring us news about him. is he alive or dead? i only want to know about him, and be reassured, amina is taking on the role of bread when that reluctantly, while you're to tell you, luckily, our lives have completely changed since the father laughed. i'm no longer capable of raising them without him. i want him to be the one to race them and stand by my side to support team. she is my support is really plumbing, has continued in rough with palestinians and meant to be safe. yup. more and more disposed families of streaming into comes, each of them carrying their and loss and instruction about what the future holds. profit i passed out just
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a rough is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said a boy in his own between garza and age of known as the philadelphia cardwell must be controlled by israel to philadelphia, philadelphia, colorado. well, to put a more correct to the southern stoppage point of cause a must be in our hands. it must be shots. it is clear that any other arrangement would not insure the demon of translation. let's see that we seek the west side to a closer look at the philadelphia, colorado. israel says one of its purpose is to monitor the movement of goods and people between egypt and the gaza strip and to search for weapons. this route believes there are hundreds of smuggling tunnels them for more on this i will appreciate is joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and when we heard from danielle briefly, but what more has he had to say about why the car doors should be back on that as well as control? well, the idea that they would take control of the philadelphia caught, it, will be incredibly controversial. it would mean essentially it's really trim spring
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based thing guys are a real que patient of sorts and that would certainly upset the united states have spoken against that idea since the very early days of the war. i know so many other international partners that the phil adelphi corridor is 14 kilometers long on the other side of the border of the egyptian security forces. they provide the right 750 soldiers to make sure the weapons don't get into guys. but clearly the as a lease, feel as to what happened in october, the 7th. that thing it junctions can be trusted with this job. i'd be have to take that under their own control and make sure that whatever is going into guys that cannot be used in any sorts of attacks against israel. so it's not the 1st time the benjamin netanyahu was raised. this idea possibly reset to can i say committee back in december, the 11th, but it's clear that this is gaining some ground with spectrum and netanyahu's government. and then yeah, it also said that they had till around $8010.00 or
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a st cloud. and in guys that during the operation, which is a tacit acknowledgement that he's killed, somebody in the region of $12000.00 innocent civilians as well. he also one has fall out that they should stop that attacks and the, nor that israel was ready to wage war via if that was the case. he was also asked about his own personal political future. he said at this moment he knew intense to residing and that he would continues to be in charge even after the war. is that despite opinion polls that show more than half of the people in israel. once him removed his prime minister and the majority of people believed him for what happened on october the 7th, but it's clear that benjamin netanyahu is staying for the time being. i'd also he wants to see israel take over control of part of the guys a strip. okay, thank you very much ellen for uh for all of that. that's one issue for us and occupied east jerusalem is ready for us as have stones,
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a number of cities across the occupied west bank soldiers full with palestinians during a ride on till cut them is ready. forces surrounded the 2 main hospitals in the city and besieged the entrances of the nearby in oceans. richard g can the cities of jericho and hed promo also targets is when they need to. abraham is lot for us now in ramallah, in the occupied westbank in need of these is ready rights have become a nightly occurrence, but they've really stepped up over the last few days or so. can you just tell us what has been happening and why? of the well basically this is the 4th rate in a week to the north, some sort of huge recap and the surrounding area influence cutting is really say that they're looking for a group of armed men will often target these really forces militarily, when they enter is there a few g sub, but we can report now that these really forces have withdrawn from the area of food, cut them, including the some settings on the north, some stuff you're leaving
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a lot of destruction as well as injuries, according to medical sources for telling us as the 17 palestinians have been wounded as a result of 2 drones strikes, one in north shoves and one in 2 is cut in refugee camps. now as we know, palestinians could not take their wounds as to the hospital. so now the numbers could be increasing as well. now was it, we also learned that these really forces have conducted mosse this tensions field interrogations with palestinians. they are in the and they've arrested for palestinians. this is believe that the group of armed men is not a big one, but it's been very difficult for these really forces to be able to capture them in a rush them. so it seems that this is part of the, those rates before setting, but let's not, let's not forget that as this year goes to and then we are talking about 40 is way the rates on average, depaula city and towns and villages. and palestinians will tell you,
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it doesn't just aim to achieve what israel says and security reasons, but also to remind palestinians who has the upper control, who has the upper hand and who controls the lives and the best of it. and given all of that, to need the units, if it's released to report on the killing of children in the occupied westbank, can you just explain what it revealed? and how did lee it has become for children as well. according to unicef, they say the 2023 has been the deputy if you're on record for palestinian children in the occupies westbank. and if we are going to put that in context, we had very deadly periods for palestinians in the early 2, thousands and in the year 2002, we have more than $92.00 palestinian children killed in that year. but now we're talking about 2023 with more than 120 policy and minors pills. and know,
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according to the us that they say is that just in the last 8 weeks, the loan, the number of those policy, it in kills at least the easy read amounts to double the number of children killed in all of 2022, 3 children played together here just a couple of weeks ago. now there's only 2 assignments and jazz was their friend, neighbor and class me, show it a fully 13 years old. they have dreams and they have plans until them is really drones. toys killed him on december 13th and i saw his body on the ground that couldn't recognize it. but my mom told me was him. i started crying, he's my dear friend. it was very close to me. i also could write to every time i miss him, i go into the book to watch his videos. the shared this video of the saw. it
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wasn't the sound of studying. they see what loved palestinian folk dancing, swimming and dressing. his sister says he was killed near their homes and you need and then also the occupied left. yeah, he was need a group of young men is 80 forces suspected that they are resistance fighters, but he had nothing to do with anything. oh, she shows us where the bus driver was standing. this creature marks the spot a clue through palestinian miners killed in the occupied west bank by his really forces this year were from the numbers have increased on there is a real attack since october the 7th. but this really soldiers have been accused of opening fire indiscriminate entity before that. this video shows how is really forces killed 15 your throat for come ation. on september, the 19th on arnold not posing a threat shots in the abdomen, and d,
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no medical attention company. his neighbor rushed to help, but the bullets were fired at his direction. he shows us how he try. again. i think i covered him with my buddy, rolled over with him. my children with here. they helped me move him inside the house. he bled for 19 minutes until his last breath now fits mother. federal was with him in the moments before he was shot, the when he was a child, as an innocent child, he discovered under cover is really agents in the area and ran yelling that the army was there. the one says 2023. so the highest number of palestinian children being killed in the occupied left bank on record. but there are new statistics on how it's affecting. those were still alive. children were really no way to do that, but he just either gene the alter type less thing. well, so hit hit on al jazeera,
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most code polls and emergency session is the un security council. often thousands of civilians are killed and reported ukrainian attacks on the russian. so these bel garage and we report from have on, with more hotels are being built despite downtown and tourism, the the, it's pouring and roaring in northwest here on paper ones old. pick up the weather is story. they're looking to winfield around this weather maker. i think the worst of the winds today on sunday will be western and northern france around the codes of 10 peninsula. certainly we could see those winds pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour that could cause some damage. we also got to talk about some dangerous cold coming to scan india. this is still several days that we can up thursday morning dark, the blue and the purple,
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the lower the temperature. helsinki minus 31 is that is that is, it will be worth friday morning minus 30 to your call this night on record, on his 34. so this getting pretty close to record breaking stuff. now the complete officer through the balkans, back to the here and now we've got some warm temperatures and the double digits. today's rain in italy will be tomorrow's rain in the bulk and so i'm try it all. you can call cover over the western side of the turkey. it could produce a few showers for a standalone for the other side. emitted training a few hitting the showers through portugal in spain. nothing major. but where we have major heat is around the gulf of guinea weather alerts in place here in nigeria, like us 3839 degrees and some showers in storms along the coast, sine of south africa. and this weather maker in the moves and beach channel is throwing a lot of rain. it's about a gas scar. see you later. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is
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a context to what is happening now. it has a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that the cleansing has taken place. augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the the, the, the where you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories this hour, at least 12 palestinians have been killed, 5 is really as trucks and central cancer is the,
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is really military expands. it's offensive house and the oh so why that neighborhood was attacked? is there any soldiers have fought with palestinians and occupied with bank during a right onto column? the troops surrounded the 2 men, hospitals and the city embassy each. the entrances of the new fine notions refugee camp. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel a should take control of the voters on between garza and egypt, known as the philadelphia car doors. he says it's necessary to de militarize the strip adela look aside, joins us once again. here in our studio as a director of the front policy and security program for the middle east council and global affairs. thanks again for joining us for civil. we've talked a little bit about why as well would want to take control of that card or, but how would it actually would, would it involve sending troops back into the strip? yes, they would have to send to us back into the strip and part this is part of the re, re occupational because what they actually can do this. you know,
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that's really because this is or part of the camp david accords and any changes to the security protocols have to be done in agreement with us. and each cannot be done. you know that 30 years so which we know that egypt is going to push strongly back against the idea of what sort of response are we likely this year out of the united states. i would also see the potentially probably the same response because i don't think the us wants to renegotiate any components of the camp. david's reach and they do not want to see the is there a is we occupies as a but it seems to me that these are, these are pretty intent on taking parts of because as part of the postwar uh, 2nd thing can i can as well do it by ignoring the camp david accords, them just putting troops and this as it ceases when i don't think they can do it to life even after you, without the agreement of other countries, but become central stores there. and what you've seen already. now in the north of guys that it has been quite leveled and that these are ease of potentially trying to establish supplements and having a long term footprint. so i think this or part of the far right,
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is there any other points to re okay, buy it as well if it's at least parts of it. yeah. so do you see that potentially happening? that is riled retakes that card or by military force, ignoring what if a egypt in the united states has to say, i don't think or they would do it. so we might be, but if for us, indicates that it's open to it and it's not. and they may do it, but they don't think it's happened. it's gonna happen. you that 30. okay. okay. i'm to didn't. yeah. who also spoke about this. riley's middle is ready. military is killed. 8000 circle terrorists in gaza. but that leaves more than 12000 innocent civilians data as well. does that come as a surprise to you that he put those numbers out there? but what we've seen now, it's not really, it's going to be on a targeting thomas. what we're seeing now is the collective punishment over the palestinian people 20000 dead, and 8000 children, the leveling of north cars, and the pushing of cousins and the attempt to push the cousins out of,
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of the science. i think really when you look at, from nothing else perspective, he really wants to sort to continue. he's very deeply unpopular at home and we're face cause for resignation, showed this war and was really perpetuating this war forward. so why in that case, as the united states, i guess hiding in the basing that by, as we saw a 24 hours or so ago, more than giving more weapons to, to israel bypass and congress to do a lot better. they are continuing their support of the or is there to weapons and munitions and also giving is their international cover. but i don't think this is going to be unlimited. we're entering an election year now. and present by them is deeply unpopular in the us. uh no support does indicate that his is using lots of standing, especially with younger democratic voters, missed when to potentially impact his re election of us primaries were start actually in the march. so i would see that the us as we enter the new year, we put a bit more pressure on israel to wrap up the war. and this war before the start of the primary and the despite the pressure coming from inside the united states,
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owned by them, he seems to have doubled down on his support for israel. why do you think that is an and could that potentially cost them at the election? because i guess that as well as will be his focus for 2024, which of course seemed by then arrive and visit is rarely is given. these are used car, the car launch. this is of course part that was a political calculus as the faces potentially donald trump, the in the us. but i think because to so slightly shift and as we said, and as you're reporting has shown, he's losing lots of votes of democratic votes specifically in various areas. it could cost him the election. so we may see a modification as we enter the new year. okay, thank you. once again, we really do appreciate your time and your insight at l. a. delegates, i thank you. the you kinds miller traces. it's destroyed $21.00 russian attack,
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drones targeting the capital keys and the eastern city of hockey's. early in moscow say that ukrainian strike on the russian city of belgrade. them says that i killed at least $21.00 people, including 2 children. it follows the largest russian is try config. yeah. across through crime, that cube susie 9 people on friday. but for more on this that spring, and as it bake, who is live for us and keeping as it can just bring us up to date with the latest on these russian detect runs as well. there's been 2 waves of attacks on the ukrainian 2nd largest city of harkey. now the region of the administration day says that the russian, a force or be launched besides attacks using s $300.00, the surface, the surface missiles targeting the switching that we understand from them back to a hotel was his medical institution, kindergarten. as well as apartment books now. uh then uh that was on saturday nights on the sunday morning. the 2nd wave of
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a text was known she using drones. now, as a result of those 2 attacks, we understand that 28 people have been injured in car keeps as well as one foreigner here and keep the capital. the reason the original administration says that the defense is engaged drones, and that would launched by russia and some of the day re, from those drones felt on critical infrastructure. now this just comes 2 days after russia launched a wide scale every other tech on ukraine talked in cities across the country and the ukrainians have described just as the most massive attack. since the start of the death toll from friday's attack has gone up to $43.00 here and the cap to the cafeteria is going up to 19 have to move. but these are discovered under that rather than that, that's the highest desktop here in the capitals. since the start of the wolf, the and this has been 2 days of attacks across the country by russia, and the 2nd largest city hockey is just 70 come to the way from the russian city of belgrade. so yes,
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the defenses have been engaged and the people number of people injured has been increasing. step 3. okay, thank you so much for that. that tested bank for us in case a windows korean lead a controller and says us policy towards the korean peninsula is making for an editable. kim was speaking an end of your work is probably meeting in pyongyang. he said deployment of u. s. military assets in the region, 10 south korea into an american military base. kim also announced hill no longer to see reconciliation and for unification with south korea. blaming, defense ties between soul and washington. is eunice kim with more from so the north korean state media posting a lengthy statement essentially and capturing a 5 day key political party meeting that wrapped in plum. yeah, we've covered everything from the economy to military goals and the new year and the food situation. but what's called,
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what's catching the eyes of those in south korea is north korea ruling out a peaceful re unification of saying that a military user patient is the only viable option now keeps young and the leader of north korea is quoted at a characterizing the nature of relations between south and north korea as no longer that of 10 or of blood, but of 2 hostile countries to belligerents at war. also saying so is a colonized state under washington reliant for its security and national defense. k cna also signaling 3 new satellite launches in 2024 drone production and other preparation for what it views as in available war on the peninsula. now, since the korean peninsula was divided some 7 decades ago, there has been various scenarios put on the table for
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a peaceful re unification. but since the nuclear is ation talks in 2019 broke down under then you as president, donald trump and leader king john in, in hanoi communications have basically also been at a health with so with come young. and we're also seeing signs of north korea type meet. it's griff on north koreans accessing any outside south korean drama. as for example, content of passing out death sentences for watching that. so with this morning's announcement, it appears that north korea is further a solidifying and formalizing its distance and detachment from south korea. eunice kim alda sarah sol. the presidential candidates in taiwan had sy stalsen to televise to buy the hit of elections on january, the 13th. the discussion was dominated by relations with china intentions. in the taiwan straits, all 3 candidates expressed. a desire for peaceful ties were facing the disagreed on
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how close they should be a police in nicaragua, i have reportedly arrested for catholic priests in the capital, heading to the age taken into custody since the same. but the 20th the government of president daniel ortega head spin, cracking down on the catholic clergy and political opponents. but take a has accused priests of pulsing 2, hundreds of critics of the government have been the time since protest broke out in 2018. a tourism has long been one of the drivers of cuba is economy, but the full out from a state dropping visit. the numbers is forcing a growing number of people to leave the country as a spot to downtown. the state run tourism body is building more hotels, while the homes of many ordinary people collapse from savannah l less than america . it is lucy and human reports. in the van and neighborhood of visible 30 people, lived in this woods pushed 2 story house. it's literally flowing to pieces. this resident tells me his mother was killed when one of these wouldn't beams fell on
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top of her. they let me take a quick look inside, where the makeshift staircase feels equally unstable. i've been living here since 1994 trying to get a proper dwelling, but there is nothing everywhere you look homes built for the 1959 revolution are collapsing yet simultaneously a construction boom is underway. not for public housing, but for hotels. last year, h. a norm is new, hotels were not rated and other 5 will be opened by december. and more of those follow the majority are owned in finance by guys, the cuban military's tourism company that owns 76 percent of 5 star hotels. and the majority of the rest of this world, cuba so called economic engine continues to stall,


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