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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy say them. this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes . the world food program owns it's in a race against time to vote salvation for millions in gaza. fannie mae, nothing. yeah. as, as this rel should take control of the philadelphia cargo, covering all of garza's folder with egypt. evans who sees continue
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a tax on shipping in the red sea, the us says it's songs 3 bugs. so talking a continued issue resolved so do from the democratic republic of congo is contested election. the opposition is cooling for protest, saying the vote was rig plus ringing in the new yes. in the while, some in style, the to the united nations says it's become a race against time to prevent starvation. so the 2300000 people in garza, the world food program, warning basics services in the besieged tower tray are on the brink of complete collapse. it says, palestinians that are facing potential firemen comes as these right. imagery says it's expanding its operation in parts of gauze. that's
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a target of how much fighters. early morning strikes had residential homes in mythology and the silence refugee camps in central garza. at least 12 people were killed in those attacks. on 21800 people have been killed since the ball began. the bombardment has flattened important historical landmarks. the robber faults is right. the troops deliberately destroyed one of the oldest mosques and gaza, targeting its minarets, quotes, jobs, and even documents. well, how many my mood joins us now live from rough off in southern gaza. so 1st of all brings up to speed with the latest attacks. what kind of off them off if they left behind them of the yeah, sammy with looks like there is a series of relentless error strikes the mainly concentrated in gaza and the southern part of, of the gaza strip of starting with the latest and find new and is that particular
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area that is very close to nasir hospitals? in fact, it's between a residential home between the your daniel field hospital that is 250 meters away from the main gates of nozzler hospital. and not that out for that itself. a residential home was targeted and destroyed 13 people were killed from one family along with other evacuation, were sheltering inside the residential home. we learned from our stores and nothing has to be though that those where the relatives and a lot of that particular families that was targeted. so, so far the 13 people arrived to nozzler hospital in and pretty much a torn apart and in pieces. given the intensity of the attack, we were told it was more than one at one in more than one air strikes. targeted that residential building. there are other multiple other injuries who are also rushed to the hospital just adding the pressure on an already over well hospital
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with so nominal vendor has been poured into the hospital since the beginning of the we're in a different a, a talk near the, in the gaza european hospital, that's an area between hon units and drug for have the at the edges of rough city. and the southern part between hon eunice and the entrance of rough, a hospitals, and what a fire boat was created around there with massive multiple airstrikes, please to people to we were told to young girls where in that area were killed and were rushed to to see your vi together, if you're in a hospital and with more than 10 of injuries, a critical injuries, also rush to the hospital again, we're looking at that example of an over one hospital and that will do with injuries. and already it critically occasions inside the hospital. but the 1000 of, of backed waves for sheltering inside the hospitals in an earlier texting gaza where in 2 separate locations enough they to
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a neighborhood the densely populated neighborhoods in eastern, the southern eastern part of gauze, a city where a $48.00 people were killed in a tax on multiple residential buildings. those buildings were full of displays, palestinians, and evacuated from gaza. city. and the northern part of been sheltering in these residential homes for the past 2 weeks as their areas and their residential of blocks were completely flattened by ongoing, is really airstrikes and near the college complex and families from your body. it was also killed as it was filtering in inside the residential. but we talked about 15 people from one family. how much of the family and how many, what do we know about reports of an invitation for palestinian factions to head to egypt for tools. this will within the past hour,
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the different reports of from ma'am edition media outlets talk about an, an invitation by they gibson government to different palestinians, the boxes and political leaders in the golf district to participate in what looks like a wider talks and discussion about the gibson, a proposal of the seas a buyer and this has been going on for about the proposal of the cease fire was put in a table by the gibson. 3 government as a mediator of, of what's going to happen within the coming days and then is there were discussion and none the going forth. then back between how my son based lemme jihad, as well as a gyptian government. but now there seems to be a progress into this proposal in which those policy and foxes and political leaders are invited. we are trying to get hold of the leaders on the ground political leaders and factory members just to confirm that they have received an invitation
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and to confirm that if this. 1 news coming in from egyptian media outlet is accurate and they are actually things to talk of. 1 in, in, in the coming days. all right, we'll leave you then. thanks so much honey. my mode is rosemary tree is continuing to expand the ground operations in northern central and southern gaza. tanks and troops are present to know the areas in the north and south. fed locks in intense baffles with palestinian fights is a northern gauze of the south. heavy fighting is being reported. the southern city of con eunice, the refugee cabins, have no site that provides them of ozzy. refugees have experience. most of the attacks in central gaza and the trajectory of its advances suggest israel is aiming to divide the gaza strip into 3 areas. the north
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central region and the south is the larger magneer is a metric unless joins us now from brussels. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, if we look at this operation that's going on right now, what do you make of the level of success, which is what is ready for us as a having or whether you have seen a very impressive level of professionalism and lots of objectives within these are already the occupation forces, and these are the guy that they told us officially that they have a buyer and control of the knowles of guys that and from the 27 simple to do they, they all bomb being actually guy. yeah. they broke into guys the whole so in the middle, a dryer d and today the volunteer her deep the on the top and we know that all under the
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dock and the so one day we have the yeah, i'm say we don't want to occupy. oh god, uh, another day we hear him say. busy and we want to get the a has a lot low in lowering down the objective to something really very. ready to go on and then saying that we cannot the fee come up with that we can install how much from sign we saw normally the state guys didn't sign it. ready because the contributory information, the offer to the bottom, they added to us in the case how these really ami is really strongly in achieving any issue is victory. and any objective of the mission objectives the on the stable to free all the prisoners add to the feed, come us. this is why we see the movement of the room from the and also the solve. and then the injection of. ready truth and this out which means. busy that on the
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top it for the, for this team there is a says and this isn't exactly what was happening. we've also seen the focus in the last few days on the, on eunice is that operation, putting pressure on, on the how much lead is a waste so far as the us, the biggest achievement they have does is to find one bed. if you have some. busy shoes other than that, they all strongly mean telling us speak. busy but they didn't find the 2nd fat, the 2nd, they are confronted by the, the but it's junior resistance phone over the place. because the semantic control of the police team was this says he's everywhere. he's not only in finding this on the contrary. a good read uh organization more depending on the do better. but of the bro and more from under the ground just above the ground,
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takes refuge. the rubbers got hit and once and, and in france and many also goes in front of the occupation forces. and this is why this level of harassment of these. ready any occupation forces is so high that these are munich man, is struggling to face the mentor wishful thinking and aspiration. and this is why the, there is no harmony between the powers dishes and the capability of these are 80 on me. you do is experienced in urban holes as we wind up 2023, and we'd be getting the new year shortly. horn parts of asia, it's already begun. what's your outlook for this is this 2nd thing into the sort of last, the long term guerrilla warfare situation that the us found itself through
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decades ago, stuck in hello, this is hello. do you get better dues for the reduces the wedding, the german army up to 5 euro frowns. the occupation falls the main many years inside of the cities and why, why and a dog from old city and over the from villages in any guys uh we have the for the senior resistance opening the road. they are inviting. be easy . these to come in and start on monday because they want to be in close vicinity and big glasses. these really, these are the longest, the small is going to last because these really wouldn't know cheap any objective annual tennessee or they're producing a resistance to prove that it is the owner of the cabinet. um for all the different and those different flags and candidates, big,
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serious damage on them. a lot of these really allow me that is already a team or lies by the 7. so we'll go over. all right, thank you so much. olaja man. yeah. is there any prime minister benjamin that's in? yeah. who is said abroad is that in between garza and egypt, known as the fidelity car door must be controlled by israel to philadelphia. philadelphia. colorado also puts in more, correct. the southern stoppage point of casa must be in all hands. they must be shots. it is clear that any other arrangement would not insure the demon of translation. let's see that we seek. so now let's take a closer look at the car, they'll then israel says it's one of its purposes to monitor the movement of goods and people between egypt and gaza and the search for weapons. israel believes there are hundreds of smuggling titles that mean while these right the minister of finance does allow smotts, which says these ray, these will live in garza told israel as ami radio. we will not allow
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a situation where 2000000 lives that if there are 102200000 hours in gaza, all the talk is about the day off the will be different. we must encourage the residence of garza to emigrate as they live in hardship and poverty. these riley's want to return to gauze that because it is a beautiful place and they will tend to does it into a prosperous place. sort of highlight joins us now live from tennessee. so i just read out the statements by best allow smotts rich. to what extent are we seeing others in these, right, the cabinet on board with that kind of sentiment. so let me just give you and explain that as to who buys those smart searches. he is the finance minister. he's also the leader of one of the far right zine. this part sees he's also from a set club background,
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so he's very much pro supplements. he was also when he was brought into this coalition government part of the deal would be that he would have a role where that dictates his in needs uh, security parts of the ministry to decide on the expansion of settlements. but he would be in charge of that and occupied was fine. so this is someone that is also calling full and he's folder a ton of legal is ready supplements in gaza. that was the case before it withdrew in 2005 and the full how much then was elected to run garza now this is also a person that has just been speaking to is writing media. saying that the day off to discussion is the so called say also what happens also the end of this war would be very different if you only had 802200000 palestinians in gaza remaining instead of the average to 1000000 population him. well, he's encouraging, he said,
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very openly, is to allow causes to have voluntary immigration, but they say once it's in leave, they would have that option. and this is a sentiment that we've heard from many people myself when we've been in this class from some is riley's that have actually blamed egypt for not opening up its buddha to allow gardens to move that. so now people in gaza to move to egypt will of course this is an upsides i do so to me for the palestinians and certainly for the region itself. and agents would never allow such a thing. all right, so stay with us. now we're gonna come back to you in a moment, but we're going to bring in some of the use 1st because they started the armies launched new strikes on southern lebanon. plumes of smoke rose in the as is by the soldiers, was seen filming the off them off. is that a system, a series of a tanks between these are the army and has belong across the border?
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at least a 179. people have been killed on both sides since october the 7th, including $2311.00 these civilians. i will go back to saw in a moment from all of this. the 1st that's bringing natalie. hi shim, cuz he's joining us from the court events in southern lebanon. how does the border area look way you on? now? are they looks on me just moments ago. we had a couple of explosions from the side, which is uh, to my east. uh well, the fact is that these uh, explosions are coming just off to a couple of i was uh since its role uh is there as well. things in the area all from yeah, on the board. the with is read with several strikes, a huge explosions that were had all over the area. the explosions came or the strikes came also after a couple of missed size, a launch from a drone to my, to the,
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to my right here in la buena. yeah. mccorda and of course today has been la claimed responsibility for one attack only since this morning on i need to uh, on the west and sec dock. so in general, this is the situation on the border. of course, it's just like every day that is that for taught that all hits from here on that well for the moment done, no casualties, reported on both sides and the officer, we had that warning from his rouse, prime minister has the law last night understand has the law has a warning of its own. take us through the statements as well. yeah. today. yeah. the hezbollah deputy, lead on, i'm costs and one does read that it's not in a position to impose its conditions on his beloved and that's what the situation is . everything the, the, the,
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the settlers in the north aren't getting back to that homes before the end of the war on drugs, the end is red, wouldn't have any gains. also in the am costs and $1.00 that if it's right, is going to increase the intensity of its bombing gulf, south lebanon has the law would have to take its own s got it is going to escalate its own response to is right. however, we have to take into consideration that this speech comes just 3 days before from the fellow's awaited speech on the 3rd of january. so it could be that name, cost him is setting the scene for a new escalation, verb and escalation from high, from a fuller that we might see. it's reflections on the front or let's find county high school. let's go back to sort of how it goes, how you've been watching the impact of this war on the evacuation of these riley's from the north take us through how the intensification is impacting that dynamic. yeah,
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so you have prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressing yesterday and is speech the situation in the nose? i'm asking people soul, so it'd be patients not just in the know but the south in terms of going back home . you have around 270000 is re these that have had to leave that home. so it's all puts often hurts. how's the with families along to the hotels in the main cities like tele visa, all clearly books because they all basically housing, those that have been displaced as a large number of the population and they con, return high and i was annoyed. so it was also decided that they would be extending those accommodations for them until february of some needs the $65000.00 displaced in the north all along the border. it's m. c. they've spoken to us. they've told us that they want to go home. the concern has been that even though they used to somewhat that has butler real kits,
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but not with this intensity. it's daily. you also have these border towns very close to the border line which they'll war it could be potentially infiltrated. that confidence in the government also co bus 7 has gone down. and also on top of that they have businesses that they just have to be there on those schools that also have these children on attending any crosses. and as a result, they want to go home and fights a few days ago. some of the northern residents had probably test is one thing to know how long this with loss of costs. for many of them, they want to be able to ensure that they can go back home and feel secure and safe . they said, well, they know that hezbollah has the capabilities and with these riley government prime minister benjamin bit benjamin netanyahu rather included saying that the only time they will be going back home is once they ensure that that folder is secured. and the he said adding so that, that if it's not not done diplomatically with international pressure, then it will be done military. and of course, that was a warning not just to has by law,
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but also iran because it facts the group was thinks that a fight on so much for her coverage today are us helicopters have sunk 3 small hosty boats and the southern red se, as the many group attempts the pressure is relevant when during the war, us navy received a 2nd distress call from a musk contained. all right, we'll try and get you more details on that story. see where do we go? now? all right, let's continue the discussion about what's happening across the region. we've gone from a shuttle cali with us here in the studio. good to have you bank with us. so let's start with alexis long coming out. the statement by, by zillow smotts rich saying is re, these will live in garza, is the just saying out loud. well, the private lead discussing in the cabinet for the post floor plans of garza, while it same is the the right wing. a vision of the future is in full in itself on
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nothing. you know, strategy, that means this, what is a preamble to equalize in gaza and within it. and then the control of is are, and which is going to create a huge discoloration. and the reason therefore, to see if the idea of that are the case and has the security instead of to is or not. and he's not fully set this 5 by the is that i is now the right wing of saying no, no, no, we want more than that. so basically it how mess factor becomes adjusted, adjusted vacation for us and put in new or impose a new control over the strip. therefore, i think there is a good on yours klein. i'm on the right, the wing, and is what i am and comply than what nothing evil has verbalize in his last speech . well, he talks about encouraging the residents of gaza to emigrate,
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but let's be honest here. this is not encouragement. when, according to reports, molden 70 percent, if you destroy more than 70 percent of gauze as buildings, critical infrastructure wall to electricity, that's, that's a lot more than just encouragement, isn't it? that's making the place uninhabitable. we need to apply critical discourse analysis and scrutinize these phrases. basically it's important zone to number one, the population of guys that to me is truly getting all the possible reasons that life becomes unbearable and not only the infrastructure, but also the security threat, omega zones goals to the maximum. therefore, there are 2 options in the, here's what i bushes those 2, a plus median goes into one sign i or all the play store, all the real number 2,
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a is also considering the guys that becomes the source of migration and then the, the media to the indian becomes a passage from a goes up to all the places, either in north africa in the middle east, and it'd be caught up. so in the long run and it is a possibility then nothing you know, way to play the migration come to, you know, bush or to put more pressure on the europe and to provide him with what he needs to maintain disorder. and by the way, we could also take into consideration that he switched yesterday was significant when he said the war will continue for many more months. so this is going to be an extra for the truck, didn't this of the conflicts. all right, thank you so much for how much out of holly? right? i see where we are now, then. ok. all right,
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so as i was just saying us helicopters have sunk 3 small who see boats in the southern red sea. and the many group of calls trying to pressure as well into ending the war. us navy receive a distress call from a most contained the ship on sunday morning. let's go to one correspondence of sol, solved on our joins us from 2 booty. so what does this tell us about the effectiveness of the new naval mission, the as well, the effectiveness and very presence of these multi national task force is quite question about here. so practically, so there's almost nothing in place. so you have the joint operations of the usc and the u. k. but the x of these 2 countries, none of the other companies have yet set any warships here. the companies, appointments that they're going to contribute to this multi national task force are seeing that they are going to contribute that you know,
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way just to send naval officers. and that is the reason the questions and people are asking if this is a question on paper or the ality. so far we have seen the all the fighters in gauge meant with what is happening between americans and who it is not between the collision forces and the whole the so t of the attacks are intensifier in the last 24 hours. we have seen 3 attacks on the show on the, on the west of the shipping across the rats. and now today for the 1st time, yes, a has luckily sunk to the boss belonging to these, but also key killed the crew who is the member. so now it's not clear whether who is are going to retaliate or not. and that is also unusual. that's for, for with these different claimed responsibility usually be claimed responsibility when they conduct the attacks here. but in any way, we can see that there is who just condition here, and who disruption in the maritime traffic across by the end of the street. so
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according to some of the reports that is almost up to 40 person, decreasing the numbers of the rustles passing through the rest of it. this is quite true. so nothing international question, but the us easy, easy is to be able to process here. and on the other hand, movies are seeing that they would continue taking ships, links to israel on pill, israel stops ceilings in gaza. so no one know what's going to be the way out. and that are going concerns here that dresses might at tech with these not only teams were etc, but also targeting did positions within gym and as well. and so people see if that happens, it's going to be a full fledged more that's verbage in the course of the region and this wife, more and more human, he's now off fleeing human and coming to live with the for the stay for life. describe it survive so the late a rates and who's the snipers before getting on a board with her children? her husband was
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a taxi driver and the last contact with each other when the war broke out in young man. she has waited for a month to hear from him. after several unsuccessful attempts, she decided to city with her children. she sold her jewelry to pay for the dancers joined it. did you put on a good time? if you have anything to tell you, i was pregnant with this little daughter, i named a golf for months i had no news from my husband. then i found him in this cab. he came to the camp when he heard we left for our bulk. i started to work as a housekeeper in an orphanage close to the cab one, the eliza me and my husband decided to open a small restaurant to the camp. this is mistress home and restaurant as she cooks and saves you many food to have reduced money for her family, for husbands upon the job in the city of chip with you. and he was of his family once a month. okay. i mean, i, i moved into, uh, i feel like crying when i remember sweet times in yemen. and i remember the piece
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of memories too. i lost family members, i lost everything. he was seen a haggard, but i have, she says life in these refugee camp is challenging. but after these things pauses of yeah, my name's have flowed on small on steve booth coast above and ment of the street. they quoted the gates of tiers, a name derived from the long history of people who have died, trying to cross it. now more than more and barking, when a dungeon is journey to get here. that is because they fear the worst is you have to come in yemen for these in yemen, autotech and commercial west those into bretzkey. you know, sure, sort of data to with the palestinians in gaza. and do ask for them with the national task force to deter them. they're growing concerned that the war between the 2 could break out any time. dizzy administer? how many arrived a month ago of to who the tax and the red sea they fee of us would retaliate
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a target towards the positions in yemen, which can lead to another war. again, i'm the kind of, i'm not trying to get a sense of loss. i wanted to save my children. the most important thing is to keep them safe. the life in yemen was difficult. there was no food, no water. we were starving just more and more wore out. over a month ago, i miss i've struck their housing young man and their daughter lost her till they don't have much here in discount. but they say they can at least keep their children alive. christmas out of that. oh, to 0 or bulk. alright, let's bring how much i'll call you back into the discussion of goals. he's a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. good to have you bank with us. so as we enter 2024 is the risk growing the m and becomes the avenue that sucks ball regional and global pals into this conflict. it's going to be the surprise spin over the need them the is about 80 is know the americans
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know all the powers into one have predicted it has always assume the, the has the bottle is what it clashes as the norm and the vision and split over that can be contained the one way or the other, but now it has to be expensive both north and south. so you guys are, you have has been a lot and then you have a good rate seat and the food is out of it. active as a non state actors and the significance of this shift is not just security on politics. it's also trade 12 percent of international trade goes through the strait of betterment. the data for data is more than one concern. that means the whole traffic tank cars and all the goods that i've been delivered through these betterment the become very expensive. so, bro, cause and the insurance companies that london will raise the prices and also the
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cost when wouldn't do and also the cost of like on the 22nd of on december there was $1.00 increase in oil prices because of one incident. so i think beverly meant that, but i'd say autumn now the full component of excavation tension and, and the inability to control it. all right, thank you so much so shot cali. oh, straight. it's closing out 20. 23 with the last of hate is jeff with a chunk of the weather, as well as squarely is running a fever in terms of those temperatures. hi, everyone will pick up the weather story their dark cuz the read the higher the temperature marble bar matching, it's hot, it stay on record 49.3. that also matched the hottest state in the southern hemisphere for all of 2023. we know years now coming to an end. so here's your forecasts for the 1st day of 2024 temperatures down a bit in marble bar to 46, and still outbreaks of showers in storms along the coast of new south wales and especially queensland,
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that energy is moving more inland. now for new zealand disturbed the weather shoves away. so both islands that calm day on monday, but a southerly breeze means your temperatures below where they should be. for this time of year we've been talking about pouring rain for days on sumatra island. so i wanted to show you that seems coming out of north central some roger island. there has been some funding there, but i think the problem spot on monday will ship to west column intend on borneo island and coaching on the police side of the island. the monthly rates ticking a bit of a break right now. so those weather loads have been dropped and we've been dealing with air quality issues along the getting see river valley. some rain on to stay should help freshman that up and we've got so moving away from japan. so calmer conditions on monday. still ahead and i'll just say off north korea and later kim jenson wants the us. it's policies making more inevitable as the orders submitted, treat to for pass,
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the hi, this is an inconvenience. as a un, i'm back to the position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than is that at any thoughts provided? hang on. my question to you all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities, usb to in the security council. this is, it may just something look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the latest news as it breaks echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost and the reason it's worth it could for as much with detailed coverage, less than 2 weeks, central office being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world since the start of the war, a vast number of small of voluntary groups have sprung. it's a big,
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they don't have the result of big organization, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'll go back here watching out, is there a time to recount? the headlines is right. the sides have continued throughout. sunday was full. ca, palestinians are fully killed in dogs. the city 20 others whitfield and tackle the cities along. so universe feet the menchie bummed san eunice the world food program says it's in a race against time to prevent $2300000.00 people in gaza from salvation view. and
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agency says that in the long term seems fire and unrestricted, to monitor and access. can prevent the crisis from guessing was prime minister been, you mean nothing yet? it says this i should take control of the board area between guns or an egypt. notice the philadelphia car though, says it's necessary to de most fries straight after a celtic vote and legacy delays. final result. so do the democratic republic of congo is presidential election president, fedex, jessy. katy is expected to be named the widow opposition. candidates have already rejected the results. they say the vote was riggs the calling from mass protest. it's catherine solely joins us now from can shasta and so it must be a really tense wait, that wouldn't be expecting the results to be announced. exactly. the yes it
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is, we are are the timing center where we expect that the electoral commission officials are going to come here to the class. the presidential results. and already we see that the president, the next just to petty, he's sick to have taken a very wide b. i. you have me on a boat. he's close that closest competitor. moist cartoon b has a 3000000 volts. and that is a contention because we have hodge from corporate visa and lead us, particularly the presidential candidates who have said that they will not accept. this is all they say that the selection ease us um is not acceptable at all. and they also say that they're not going to go to court to contest the results because they believe that the constitutional court is monday said to handle
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such a dispute is compromised. and that they say that they do not feel that they will get justice. so they have all the supporters to come out to the streets, to protest and already in the last 2 hours or so. oh, we saw some, oh, well protected, protested coming out to this 1510. so saw and go my in know he will probate provence. um, but so the sub protests are small. we have also seen a lot of movements. uh, security forces have been deployed to areas that are considered oppositional. strong. catherine, you mentioned the coals of protests. how much concern and is that generations of the country security, the drops
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right. we obviously uh lost the connection with katherine, the united nations peacekeeping mission. and molly is officially closing on sunday, ending its decades long precedence is one of the you ends, worst operations in terms of deaths and injuries. mohammed reports. 6 6 the un peacekeeping mission known as municipal what's meant to stabilize the magic and put the west african country on the past, the democracy. but as it supposed, is lead by my quote, using the hands of military generals on several um, groups of activity in the country. if we, with 2565050 bridging the gap between what we were authorized, simple when it comes to protecting c williams for that and security. and what's the labor to do that needs to be a page that like it does have the means of we did not do a rocks, we did a lot, but definitely it was beautiful expectations and bureau that meets the mission was the and 2nd was told the number of deaths among the stoops of lebanon,
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with $31050.00 plus killed, and more than $700.00 injured. it was established in 2013 of the rebels sees the northern part of the country and threatened to take over the capitol. 15 countries, including china and germany, contributed more than $15000.00 personnel. but despite the presence violence has continued in many, including from isolated, thus nearly doubled the territory under its control. the c, a s posts tens of thousands of civilians from their homeless and the adults that dash, i still broke us. they didn't leave us any live stock or household goods. they even took our blankets. they took away everything that was essential to our lives that are in the killed. the many people of mary's military government is building closer ties with russia. and the buckner must need a group last month to seize control of $2.00. a northern thought we flooded riddles,
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had to fill for almost a decade. in june, malice, military accused municipal was sending security in the country. motors, law, municipal, somebody living in. unfortunately, most most seems to have become part of the problem by fuel and community tensions exacerbated by extremely serious allegations, which are highly detrimental to a piece reconciliation and national cohesion in molly magic wand, cbs c o u n to sleep, i'm groups, and i'm, you have started fighting over the basis lift by the peacekeepers, which civilians put in the middle. hands him, him, outages 0. the cranes med free size is destroyed. 21 russian, a tank drones targeting the capital kid in the east and city of concave. moscow says it strikes so in response to cranes, bombardments of the russian city of better go to all the on site today, but at least 21 people were killed. k of says civilian military,
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civilian and military infrastructure targets were a hit. on friday, the largest russian ass try to the on you train, killed 43 people, go into the spring and rather as a baby joins us live from key. if so, how extensive does the damage look now? roll from the pictures coming guides of ukraine, 2nd largest hole. can you see that damaged groups? quite extensive, not from the authorities. and if i gave some, this art is inside keith, we understand that they say civilian infrastructure was hit, they say residential apartments, a kindergarten medical institution, but and also a hotel was here to know that hotel, the cookie pie. this hotel is used by jordan, this is true monitoring 8 workers and dignitaries. so we understand to a 2 ways of attack, want to place on a late saturday evening and another one of the sunday morning. and the 1st ones
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that you couldn't authority say that russians launch missiles and the 2nd one, the 2nd wave of attacks, the russians launched drones. now we understand that 28 people have been injured as a result of those 2 attacks and computing one fire. know now this comes after a massive russian attack on friday and cities across the ukraine and your training . and it's hard to say that was one of the most massive area of the text since the start of the roles that the death toll from that now we understand is $45.00. but also there's been reports from ukrainian media sites and ukrainian security resources that ukraine did retaliate known to more than 70 drones against russian pockets. so there's a fear that this to, to protect that we're seeing could be an escalation in this war that's been raging, not for the needed to guess. but we've also heard that there is a nationwide a silence taking place because of the training. the start is vive, the russian mix have taken off. there's been reports of explosions in central
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ukraine. i'm going to stand that power lines that have been affected. so this has been a busy few days. and the thought is here, a say that they've intercepted russian drones on the desktop here in chief from those fridays, it to fridays attack is now 19 and the mayor of the city has said that january, the 1st would be of the idea of morning because of the height that's holding the capital. i will leave with that thanks a lot. adjusted by, you know, screen the that came genetic as old or the minute 3 to prepare its nuclear arsenals in k. so rule breaking out with south korea and the us addressing amazing of the routing policy, he said a peaceful reification with the south can never be achieved. eunice, given reports from saw no longer shared 10 or blood, but 2 hostile nations. at hor, that's how leader came to now describes north korea's view of south korea countries once one, it's split into 2 and
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a lead up to the cold war 8 decades ago. if you got it, or do you do change of the thing is they call us the main enemy and collude with foreign powers. we should no longer make the mistake of considering south korea upon us, a reconciliation and unification. all your thoughts on you. it is a concerning development for soul which strongly condemned north korea's hospital stand. which is basically said that although we are still one people at the south, koreans are puppets of capitalism, especially the united states. and he has given up dealing with the south koreans peacefully, had the conclusion of its year end key party meeting. north korea vowed also to intensify his production of nuclear weapons and military drones that says other power, strongly suspect it is strengthening military cooperation with russia. this year young young speedily develop it's solid field plus of 18 intercontinental ballistic
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missile. after a record 5 launches of icbm, it also claimed to have said it's 1st functioning military spies, satellite into earth orbit. with 3 more planned in the new year. the conservative use on your government has emphasized that piece is art, through military strength, dismissing his predecessors, policy of engagement with the north as big piece, reliance on the enemy's good. well, south korea has recently engaged in high profile military drills with japan and the united states. and analysts say that come young's ruling out of a peaceful reunification. it's attempt to legitimize the use of nuclear weapons against south korea. as washington deployed strategic assets more frequently in the region and elections loom in 2024. analysts warren come young could find new reasons to respond more aggressively in the coming months. unit skim alta 0,
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so still had an al just era still to come and schools mind just the united end, the year on a disappointing notes. coming up with joe, the delightful. the 9 year old under was ready, bombardment trauma center is safe, displacements, scarcity, and the moments where childhood still shines through a child. because on a jersey examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class
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john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my house. this is way whether these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the the the welcome back time to check in on the sports headlines with joe now to match the united event at 2023 on a miserable night with a $21.00 defeats and nothing in forest milk and gave school so when it's a skill far as 1st win over united since 1994,
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it heats the pressure and united manager eric 10 hall clothing in your group takeover. earlier this month, the comp have over the last 14 games this season, and i've never had few points at this stage of the season. it's a different story for the neighbors month, just to see who i'm based on that home in 2023 year, which sold them when the trouble and the club broke up luxury. and who do you in alvarez school? the goal is to say beat bolton, club, sheffield, united to new, to be in the table 2.5 meters level and well place to push for that full straight title. asked and below the surprise package of the season in 2nd place. they bounce back from 2 defeats to be done. the 32 with an 89 minute penalty from douglas. louise. they've played a game move, but a level of pointedly does live people who play new cost. so on monday, i thought i'd be will things are pretty tight in the race for the city a at cycling easily. event is be driving a one. no. with the 2nd half go from the entry and revenue that moves them within 2 points of the leaders into milan. fully even just play
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a christy on rinaldo ends. the a as the top score in world football. he headed in goal number, 54 to help on that. so when the lights escaped in the saudi, probably that's too clear of how retain i'm can and by the detroit pistons have. finally ended the n b a reco time losing streak at 28 gains. case cutting and score 30 points in 12 assistance. the detroit pistons beat the toronto raptors 129-2127. that still leaves some level for the full time longest losing streak in the n. b a along side. the philadelphia 76 is to reach them all in 2016. the broan. james is also on the leasing side, and he was left fuming up to making these shots. i don't need for the referee to deny him. the 3 points just over to seconds left. it gives the ministration symbols james and the lake is using one o 8 to one or 6 to the to move on the bronze. so see nice bus that we have reply
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for the even a reply gets around them is like always those too far to replace in. like for got robots in there that making adjustments was going on. drama to the president, international tennis tournaments. as for the us open champion, dominic team had a process with one of australia's most venomous creatures. an eastern brown snake found its way onto the course in the middle of his match. but a snake captain was able to remove the intruder from the vin. now if we say good bye to 2023, let's look back at our coverage of some of the key sporting moments of the starting with an eye catching move from one of the world's biggest football is maybe one, but from experience and specialist, you know, macy's message for the friends who was officially introduced as an into miami play a full size inside the radio is the 1st the at the latest speak name to join the
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country cities assigned for all is to have a long, 60000 science and well, some of the 55, the 1st duyka focusing on football at a time like this may seem trivial, some promise to me is around the world. it also has a moment of unity and pride. they have beaten english when the women's world have for the 1st time spanish play a jenny had a most so says she wants her country's football president do is that will be alice punished to offer you a kiss or on the lips following her teams victory. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to reside by the presenters just by and football federation. louis, it will be all those have designs trouble winning mention this. he will hold a victory parade laser on monday, following the european champions. me when it is symbols, is a new thing or the same to code was calling us al cortes. the thing that you all could interest in what was an epic means fine with wimbledon feed news in the waters. paul said the pga to have agreed to lodge with saudi arabia back drive or live go there still has to be consequences to auction like we can just walk in and back in when it comes to science. the agent games has knowing that johnny city of
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home, joe, is hosting an event with more athletes in most schools than any olympics there. but a spare of the back, you've got room for 10, you're always adding up at the front. a chastity woolen pulse, drumming tens of thousands of football funds and easily have pulled onto the streets of naples to celebrate snell. please 1st to tell in the title in such a 3 year. what a difference. 6 weeks break from losing to india in the are thing will come much to beating them in the florida in front of $130000.00. they indians fired vegetables next, the stuff in has one a such straight formula. one. well, the title of the victory in the sprint races in castle simone balls is late for us . women seem to recollect 7th grade time to let the gymnastics little championships for south africa funds, leaving the stop. the from success is measured in one way are like the world cup is coming home again today that just of it says he's going to keep going on going on
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preventing a record, he went to school. i don't want to leave the sports if i'm still at the top, you know, if i'm still playing the way those are your thoughts headlines. you can get more on a website out there, come adult social media channels. a oh strategy and says kicked off 2024 with one of the biggest firework shows on us. the more than a 1000000 people rang in the new year and sidney havas. thousands of people can't account for monday morning for a frames fault to watch the 12 minutes bicycle, the
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media news, even just one of the 1st places on us to celebrate and media. i work with topics and stuff like how well the seo is pro unprecedented death and destruction to gaza. hopes remains that the will will end soon. out. 0 has been asking displaced palestinian children about the hopes and wishes for the new year on the same page of the as we stand as a christians, cuz i'm sure i got 9 feeds we sam as yeah, because none of the kids in the z a was a video, how should this be?
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which one and after the colors and hobble as i have used it, i like to see this. yeah. yeah. that's the kind of the 7 mean. oh yeah. in a 2nd. yeah. it's you, um uh, the next the stand is and that's kind of this is how do val avenue is now natalie? a lot of the new yellow views are then and i'm back on save or say i'm a model and if i just services an issue, we're lucky we should have. well no, but the i actually was able in yesterday to have in the colors and had news. and how do i know that, that and them had been with that nation said that we let the, the choose the
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that brings us to the end of this news out, you can get more information that you had of it's on how to 0. don't com for back. just a couple of minutes of another full show. so they stay with us the and the finish journey that has less than broken gay involved. they thought they could make it to europe, traveling from sending go through the sahara to the edge of the mediterranean image here, the traffic and sold us 2 groups and zippy. i like slaves piled in a dark cage, only a meter high out of the 120 people that were with us on the 17 survived. the stop, what your opinions perceive as an unstoppable flow of africans, the pressure you share it to making the traffic of migrants illegal. but now the
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law criminalizing of legal migration is being revoked. the you now for years, a new wave of margaret's. this will cost that the death searching, but that would also mean more people coming to the despite the humiliation, the abuse and suffering all day and isa. they're willing to attempt the journey to europe again in search for what they hope will be a dignified life. just the room rather than the exception for elders not to report child abuse to search kit and it keeps the protects the users for years and years. so no one's ever told me that it wasn't my fault. fault lines investigated, state laws in the us that can lead to child sexual abuse and religious institutions going on punished secrets of the clergy on the jersey. i'm mary. i'm shaheen, a filmmaker, and i've been working in and around garza for 30 years. i watched the
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2023 devastation of concept ideas, really army. i looked back at the place so i knew the optimism of 2005 when these were at least to the destruction of the wars that i coast of the last concept. they did hopes on out to 0, the the wild food program boons, it's in a race against time to avoid salvation. so millions in gaza the times that means i then this is i'll just do a live from the hall. so coming up this route carries out relentless strikes dogs, things to my policy, and boy,
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a refugee camps in central gaza. humans who sees continue a tax on shipping and the ride see us says it's song,


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