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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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i look back in the place i news on the optimism of 2005 when he is released to the destruction of towards the echoes of the wall sconces fated hopes. on l g 0, the wild food program bones, it's in a race against time to avert salvation. so millions in gaza the times that means i then this is i'll just do a live from the hall. so coming up this route carries out relentless strikes dogs, things to my policy, and boy, a refugee camps in central garza, humans who sees continue a tax on shipping and the ride. see us says it's song 3 boats attacking
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a container ship president changing thing says in his new year address, china will surely be re unified just 2 weeks before a type president to votes. in taiwan, the united nations says it's racing against time to prevent 2300000 people in gaza from starving. the world food program is wanting basic services, close to complete collapse, palestinians facing a possible fireman. warning comes as these riley ministry says, it's expanding ground operations against thomas and pulse of garza in the morning strikes it, hit residential homes in my policy and the site on the refugee camps in the center . more than 21800 people have been killed since the war began. the buff
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bother has flattened in poles in the historical landmarks. strategy troops are for the to have deliberately destroyed one of the oldest mosques in gaza. that's crossovers and thought about assume it joins us some bravo and southern garza. so take us through is proving to be a bloody end to 2023 and gaza today to yes, i mean obviously it seems that 2020 for you will be in touch with a new new flood. you'd say you've got full of policy and victims been killed by the is very many trees operations. of course, the goal of the strength we have been hearing the sound of explosions of the east valley attacks. of course, the goal is a strict learning prosecutor, in cartoonist, which had been the main focus of the military area, taxed by the is very fine to just were at least since any hours of today is morning around the 26th house thing is being reported. killed with dozens of those who have been injured, only is con eunice as beings or corporations. and the attacks have been carried out
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on the vicinity of and most are hospitalized. also including the main open vapor, who's been con, you were to switch, you would move, evacuation hold is being shipped today for residents and some such and neighborhoods just leaving more to run, seeking refuge and to be saved from the east, very palm and got a similar look, situation continues on the middle, a areas of the gaza strip. we are taking a balance of rage, most of us as, as the which also right now tend to be boxes zones for their residents. have been on the on relenting funding since the early hours of today's morning and as the is what his thoughts is approved and even met it, treat ground inclusion to these areas. and these ongoing attacks that will be finalized at today ends in 2023 have claimed the lives till now moved them from one to 1800 pounds themes being killed alongside with more than 56400. others being gold. and this is completely surging day by day due to the military attacks. it's more growing. and what is among palestinians that the uh,
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the palestinian and right and especially the gaza strip. well, this move day is a fighting guys because when the prime minister benjamin to, to have had earlier set a due to the expansion also of the administrative tasks from gaza strip until the chief, the military schools that they had set since october the 7th and thought of going, can you tell us about invitations being extended to policy? the infractions that they had over to kyra to yes, uh, send me diplomatically, efforts made by regional and international med, yates's continue. i did not stop since day one of the were just to narrow the gaps of arguments between the mazda movements on these very side. and we have been hearing the number. busy of proposals, mishita it by different regional in the data is, according to egypt, she media outlets. they have proposed 3 faces of proposals that might impulse
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analogies inside goals are the 1st phase that include the release of 40 is really captives from gaza strip. and every time they use, but the authorities will release around $120.00 pounds 3. and that's a news item. the 2nd phase will be a creation of kicks, acrostic governments, and the 3rd phase, the there is going to be a complete sation of many treat apps on the ground, including a complete is very what the trouble advertising of residents from southern areas to the houses and the north and central areas are the goal of this trip, and also this initiative was continued by the agent sion authorities. so now as they have invited past the infractions to hit to cairo, but to this very moment, there was no need confirmation by the policy. in fact, you know, from the how much moving forward, because let me get you out regarding to any agreements or any proposals that had been agreed uh by them and also the east valley government. they did not confirm
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any of our wife wants any kind of uh, agreements uh, a broken blankets all by also egypt as they are raising the time to end the the conflicts inside garza and to stop the blood shits in the territory. all right, thanks so much thought of cobbler. i zoom a phase right of the minister of finance. meanwhile, but is that a sponsor which says, is riley's will live in garza. you tell this rose on the radio. we must encourage the residence of garza to emigrate as they live in hardship and poverty. these varieties wants to return to the goal, is that because it's a beautiful place and they will turn that as it into a prosperous place? i saw the highlighted joins us now from tel aviv statements like that. we'll learn to go to confirm and a lot of people across the region. right? yeah, absolutely. i mean, this finance minister is also in charge of the expansion of the legal settlements
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and occupied westbank. that was part of the coalition still when the far right. the government was phones about a year ago. and this is someone who also comes from a set of background, so he's very much in favor of moving palestinians out of gaza. and bringing in these really set to is that we used to be as rarely supplements and gaza up until 2005. but when these ready forces adult, you probably cause a withdrew. they also took with them these riley supplements and they weren't allowed to stay. this is a concern, especially because a few days ago of the war cabinet was looking to decide uh to talk about. so the 1st time uh, what's called the day off, uh, what happens once this will ends and it was the christmas best uh, smoke church, but they had to postpone it until tuesday. he really kicks up quite the fuss saying that decisions. all those discussions shouldn't just be the wall cabinet,
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but it should include himself and it should include also the rest of the security cabinet. and that's why it's been postponed until tuesday. on the other hand, you also have many gotten some of the wood cabinet members that has been voicing his thoughts and saying that's what is the prime next. because the longer they leave those discussions, the longer it's unclear what happens now. someone like as a smart church is but really saying, but countries like egypt should take people from gaza and he would encourage voluntary immigration. of course, that would mean the re calibration of gaza. now when he says that a so we could sign it from, does a, into a pulse for us not. this is a sense. and then we've been hearing ourselves from some of these. riley's that one person said to me once, what do they want? we less because it in 2005 and it's because of from us that it said in the state of poverty. but if you look at the facts, it's actually the blockades of uh,
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2 decades of an old list by the is riley's that have prevented people in garza from leaving unless it specifically warranted for work to work. v is ray bee line, so exactly cultural down in those southern towns. and also the other thing is that they controls everything from age that have done and they continue to do so from age towards the end foods. so this will play into clearly many opinions that that supports the design this movement, especially including those bar, right? because in that spot, right, government, well, side of the situation hate to go from the northern border. explain how this is playing out, visit the tensions over the evacuation of his riley some be every a little cool says huge concern as to what's happening in gaza. but then on the other hand, is ro is also has a, more than
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a $100000.00 reserve is deployed along the entire boards are in the knows that board is with level known. and that's where lots of hezbollah stronghold is situated. they off of the sending over rockets and to tight ms. solve drones with explosives. there's been a number of this around 4 of those. the civilians, 9 of them, a soldiers in that area. and those are all along got pulled up as well as the south all together that comes to around $230000.00 of them. the us still displaced. if you look anywhere in tennessee, these high rise is these all hotels that's fully books. an overnight, the decision was made the set by the government that they will be expending those bookings and accommodations for those that have been displaced for those. but for the people are displays, they're all concerned they know early. unable to go home. they also have not to abandon their businesses entirely. children not going to school. there's no house
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sensors and 90 percent of caveats. shimoda which is one of the biggest towns alova and it's one of the towns. it's most ha hits, badly, lots of them 90 percent of them on there anymore. in fact, the mayor said he would protest against this on the security situation that seems to be ongoing and in the was the prime minister himself. yesterday he has said i'm today, and so the cabinet and the cabinet missing. he has said that if nothing is done diplomatically about the situation in the north and hezbollah doesn't stop, it's attacks, it was the it was stopped, axel from slicing back, and it would consider the minute treat option and it doesn't want another oral not from. but it would consider, we know that, that israel has been, it will with 11 on a few years ago. and it would reconsider if it had to. well, i think so much. so the higher don't, let's take this tale. i assume though, because he's actually in lebanon, in fact, to not go to in south lebanon, the boat has been hazy opposite. we've been discussing with sata. how's it looking
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now? as well as thought was, uh, what the thought of completed with this is randy. request that has the law fights as i pushed back from the board as to what that latania the rockies 10 kilometres. what else is red? once that buffer zone between the 2 countries has ballasa deputy chief named costs and said that as well, wouldn't have any gains in this war. and for the residence of the north end is run to get back to the homes the washer and didn't guys not know other than that. there is no other option and that is right, isn't in the position to impose its conditions on physical law. no. during this day, there were several attacks, whether from israel functions will as well claimed responsibility to the moment for to act docks one on a bad than the other on honey that just close to us here. and also there are
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reports of another attack on what's the law. however, we are waiting the has what last statement to confirm that during the day is mean is ready. war planes. i thought i'm yeah, which is another town on the border with federal and it strikes the huge explosions also in the area here in a close to the quote off the to massage, launched by a drone towards the east from here also some a strikes and a lot of often that he boom budman in different areas, which is something usually on databases. all right, we'll leave it as thanks so much ali hi shim, of us helicopters of song 3 small hosts, the boats in the southern red sea is the i'm in the group of times. the pressure is riley and to ending the war. the u. s. navy received the 2nd distress call from the bus containing the ship on sunday morning. who's the boat said got so within 20 paces of the vessel,
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shuffle the crew and tried to get on board. they also open fire on us helicopters containing the ship it over. they've been struck by hosting this island site today . hope the attacks of mostly targeted ships, news above, and went up straight to a narrow sea passage between the m and and you booty that connects the indian ocean and the red sea. so i saw the dog is live for us from debility with several countries, including the us, have minute, 3 basis. so what is this uh, the reason the escalation say about the new naval mission as well. so, i mean, the really, the very existence presence of this multi nationals task force is quite questionable share. so the us is saying that it has formed a national task force here including 20 companies. but anyways, you ality, you are only just seen the american and british warships in the red sea, and the ones that are engaged in the fight in
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a gas for these are only the u. s. warships. so, but on the other hand here we see that there is certainly an escalation. so in the last 24 hours that had been 3 attacks from what is on the russell ships that are crews into the resi. and now you're seeing that it didn't only sang a song can 3 small boards, you don't need to hold these, but also if killed the crew means force a member. so for the 1st time you as a student with the members, same direction. of course we do not know as of now whether who these are going to retaliate or not, and if they would tell you what would be the consequences, then also quite contrast and the sofa with these didn't claimed responsibility. usually when they conduct the attacks, they claim the responsibilities. so here, do se is trying hard to keep this crucial maritime gate open. but so far we cannot say that it's succeeded. it's so the number of the ship that are
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passing through does this, does matter. time passage have declined by almost about 40 percent. and also there are still doesn't thousands of the spend that is the cargo ships that the waiting for the clearance. and on the top of that was one of the largest shipping companies in the world has said that it's going to suspend this will position across the rest, the 4 to 48 hours. so what was that is happening now for the say they're going to continue at taking the ship that the lead to israel and usa is raising and it's never past this year. this is the escalation. but the question is that what this is going to remain in a defensive position for shift is position internal faster? one, if it remains the negative consequences, there's not going to much change here. but if it's chips into an offensive position that quote escalate the 4 stage a full scale war sheer, the cruise for the tennessee distribution in the region. all right,
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thanks so much for a suicide of the still ahead and i'll just, you know, screen they, they can just on ones us policies making more inevitable. and all of this the minute for you to prepare the the hello. here's our forecasts for the 1st day of 2024, and the northern indian plain has been shrouded in fog and smaller from the northwest states of pon, job right through to the eastern states, a b r. that is set to continue for the 1st day of 2024th and for buckets on it, it's still hot in the salt. temperature is above average, really from grouchy to header, out to date on we're running above average to kick off the month of january, to southeast asia, the month to reins, taking a bit of
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a break. so all of our weather alerts have been dropped here. and we've also been dealing with poor air quality along china is a young soup river valley for places like wu han, but we've got wet weather coming in here. so that's gonna help freshen up the atmosphere. it's also dropped down. temperature is in gordon. g. providence. and big down towards the ground. there are so great lin, 13 degrees for you on monday is a pacific. it does turn quieter. that snow, that wind starts to move away. so calmer conditions to be expected here, including for tokyo, were projecting a high of 12 degrees for you. there has been some flooding on into an easy as main island of java, but also look at this. we saw a tornado the other day. not too far away. from jakarta, i think the worst of the rain will be for borneo island, west kalamazoo turn and around coaching on monday. the odd. he came into meetings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that
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is better than is better than anything, thought provoking ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is something they just don't think. look is different on it, access it, you hear the story on talk to how does era. it's the the welcome back to watching out to 0 time. to recap, the headlines is where the strikes have continued throughout. sunday was full. the palestinians reported killed in garza,
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20 of us were killed in an attack on the cities. along the university of the of the minutes we conducted aerial bombings in san eunice. pocketing from us fights as the world food program says it's a race against time to avoid starvation. so guys is 2300000 people. you an agency says any, a long term sees fire and unrestricted to monetary and access can prevent the prices from getting worse. a palestinian farm is in gaza, say they've risking their lives every time they travel to work and welding they're running out of water. they believe it will soon be impossible to grow food in the area, shut up instead of the discipline. we work when possible because we need to live and provide the people with something to eat, despite the war bones and all the difficulties the list we're not safe like before . i am oldest kid, but what can we do?
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i don't feel safe when a traveler to work or when i go back home. no way safe. i have nothing to eat but tomatoes. outside the local water is the biggest problem. we don't have water, we don't have electricity and we don't have fuel. we want to just pull up the stuff on that as an eye on it. in a month, there will be no more agriculture here. only god can sort this out displaced, people depend on tomatoes, but there will be no more funding that we have to work miracles just to grow these tomatoes that we have. i don't think anybody on citrix is to we do our best despite the showing and god as our supporter when possible. i start work at 6 in the morning. we only have tomatoes to eat and a couple of times a week. we get a can of beans or meat from the schools. thank god for everything. i don't care about the palms because i have a family and i have no choice but to work to support them. it's my duty to face the
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risks and go out to work, to earn money for their sake for people who are the lineup via the bottom. but it will ask me then why about us suffering a lot from the high cost of materials on funding products. suffolk tripled in price to anybody planting something to date has no hope of sleeping, the rewards of a veritable sort of dry up. because there's not enough water. it's really difficult to become fine for the lives of let's, let's bring in now how much of cali joins us in the studio, the highest professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. good to have you with us. so let's start with these reports that egypt as invited palestinian factions, the cairo. what does that tell us about the diplomatic process? uh, smart honey lead, that of how most is going back to care for the 2nd time. and it is also out of put it into the of its name of the she had visiting the cpanel for the purpose of discussing what can be called the revised ition plan. and it
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includes 3 pots popped one quotas for a truce for a week or 2 that's going to be expanded to $3.00 to $4.00 weeks, with the hope that it will lead to upfront amendment says, fire and fox today. but i think part to in this proposal has triggered civil a negative reactions from various but a city infections include in how mass east i'm of here and being on that. i'm on that because it has called for the distribution of how most of the old policy infections in go. so that there is this far to that there's over 40 to saw you. and i think the issue of shows i have gone far away. you could have kept it to the level of fuel mediation, which is basically how to move or how to navigate from a truce towards permanency as 5, and then shift the whole process from maybe 10 minutes or part of the i'm into
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a negotiation. understand that. okay, but you go to wonder if the diplomatic divide is widening. when you listen to the recent statement by president smotts rich, these right, the minister of finance saying is, riley's will live in garza and you know, basically they could do without but 802200000 arabs and wants to encourage, encourage the rest to migrate and college being, of course, a very relative would given the scale of bombing and destruction that's going on. that means the, the issue of sham proposal and there is that are in a position are in different and finalized on to get that. yes, that is not, it doesn't bode well. so the diplomatic process that i guess unfortunately the egyptian proposal doesn't have much leverage, you know, even with the is right, 8 and older know the 5 to may be something going on forever, but for them. so at the same time, or if we, if we compare this proposal to what we can take away from the nothing else fits
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yesterday and i don't see it is enough. or there is a possibility that the need is pointing to come in game. and so basically it is a core for mediation, but this one's going to find a way. all right, well leave it that thanks so much for how much of our so many of the people who are fleeing tilt off, i have been separated from the families and us struggling to meet that basic needs while we're on go put brings us the story of one woman who is forced to leave a home in gaza city amena shamrock raphi is struggling to raise her children in this bit of a crowded tent city in rough time is really sole just arrested to husbands during the 1st evacuated from god to city. i'm not going to match there. i was walking with my brothers and my husband told me to stay with them while he walked behind with my father. later my father told me is really soldiers took him. i was crying
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and people said that the rest of him completely naked. i don't have any money. soldiers took all our ideas and important documents. israel's blockades on food medicine and few entering costs that has made it difficult to survive and become upon the benefits i want to feed. the girls and their father is not here. she used to provide everything for them. we are dying of hunger poverty and everything. there's no shampoo to wash their hair. look at what's happened to them with infections because of dirt and filth west and sing her children sick and hungry as not knowing what the husband is alive ended on self. i'll see it's been 55 days and i know nothing about him. i want the red cross to bring us news about him. is he alive or dead? i only want to know about him and be reassured. amena is taken on the role of bread gwinnett reluctantly. the technical name or license completely changed since the father left. i'm no longer capable of raising them without him. i want him to be
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the one to race them and stand by my side to support team. she is, my support is really plumbing, has continued been rough with palestinians. i meant to be safe. yup. more and more disposed families of streaming into comes each of them carrying their and loss and instruction about what the to hold off. right. i'll just say era, the officer. okay, i'll take both and legacy delays. final results due from the democratic republic of congo, presidential election present fedex. jessica id is expected to be named the window opposition. candidates have already rejected the results. they say the vote was rigged to nicole link from mass protests, cranes, ministries, as it's destroyed 21 russian attack,
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drones targeting the cap. so kids in the eastern city of concave, moscow says it strikes one response to your credit on bob's and it's of the russian city a fellow got out on saturday. at least 21 people were killed. that key of says civilian ministry and infrastructure targets, where hits on friday, the largest russian strike of the year on new crime killed 43 people presidential candidates in taiwan to face stuff in a televised debate ahead of elections. on january 13th, the discussion was dominated by relations with china. tensions the taiwan strait. all 3 candidates expressed a desire for peaceful ties with badging. but this agreed on how close they should be showing that claim sell full taiwan as its tower tray is ram, top military pressure against it's in recent years. president, changing pain of china or is deliver it is new is addressed to the nation. say this
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country will be re unified with taiwan by june, considered as the south governing islands to be positive its tower tree following slowly as more from badging. 2023 has been a pretty challenging year for trying to chase me because of a slowing economy brought on by years of strict cove and looked down and more recently 5 growing property crisis. so it's no surprise. but chinese president decisions being used at his new address as an opportunity to riley the nation. he listed china's achievements of the year, including building its own launch, passenger, ashcroft and hosting important international summit and events such as the asian game. now he also spoke in broad terms on china's role in the world. he talked about wanting to build a community with a shed vision, and he said, piece and development we made the way i had put on the issue of taiwan. he was
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a lot more specific. he said taiwan and china will post shortly, be re unified. and so what was most unusual in his new, your address is that he spoke specifically about the challenges that china face your, from your you should have impact we up on tween content wins some enterprises and had a tough time. some people had difficulty finding jobs and meeting basic needs. some places where hate, by floods, type phones, earthquakes, and other naturally the last is the fact that he's mentioned this in his new address shows how seriously the government is viewing china's economic slow down. there is high youth unemployment rate. the property twice is far from being contained, appears to be spreading. analysts say china could be facing decades of stagnation and ordinary stimulus measures may not be enough to fix the problems when challenges include.


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