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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the columbus, ohio rahman, you watching the houses that are in use on line headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. fine. take all the strings of goals of the military. we can get some os release to the video, showing baffles with is really false as of ground operations are expanded in the strip. the u. s. military attacks 3 through the boats and the red sea killing at
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least 10 sites of israel from baldwin. all styles are destroyed, more historic landmark, so you look at the impact on how the science coats will advocate incumbent president felix dissipated as being declared with the of the presidential election in the democratic republic of congo. go position is described as, as a show. the yes ring in the new yeah. hang. co welcomes. 2020 full in style. the welcome to these are the number of palestinians killed and israel's will. and galls that is moving $22000.00 mold and $56000.00 a wounded. fis, spackles all taking place in central gauze or between is very false is and to most
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find has been happening as these really military says is expanding ground operations. the united nations, as warning, is racing against time to run 2300000 people in gaza from solving the world world food program says basic services in the strip are close to complete collapse and the u. s. navy has killed 10 who the fight is up to the group attempt to contain the ship in the red sea, more than a 100 drain. and we saw the types of being carried out on vessels passing through the vital shipping lane since november. topic out there was a correspondence in rasa in the southern gauze that with the very latest of the focus really has been a target called the attacks on the comes through the day and also a text in it around con eunice of the yes, these attacks had been carried earlier today, the still ongoing till this very moments where these very minute 3 forces are expanding the military operations in the summer and segments of the gaza strip. now,
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starting with con eunice, with 35 palestinians have for reports of killed since the hours of the day is morning where the attacks of the military rates by these 24 planes are guided into the main key urban areas on areas of confrontation in 5 units where people are still slipping from this area, so it would be the south of the gaza strip to run is to be more personalized and also the middle governance of the gaza strip had been on the winds, minute treat, and to re schilling does the out sooner unit have been striking these areas and especially a great, i'm so rough and besides the refugee camps, now they are destroying the main, linking gross between a refuge account as well. so that being dropping police, that's where residents informing them to seek to be self to guaranteed own safety. but the general sentiment among palestinians and the ongoing unrelenting bindings that they are no longer safe as they have been hurt even in areas that are designated as
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a safe starting on the ongoing military attack. so during the last 24 hours had claimed the lives, at least 150 pounds themes being killed along side with a more than 200 others who have been also wounded and receiving treatment in gauze hospitals. others be to start warning from the w h o about the risk of time and we've been hearing about this spotswood, full smooth and a few days now. time right coming. what evidence is that on the ground that people are really desperate and really suffering to? yes, dollars in the south are completely desperate hungry, fast states looking for a stable source of humanitarian aid to keep flowing into gaza strip to help them to deal with the ultimate so because really unrelenting bombing that we're talking about, the very restricted access to the goal of this trip in terms of the human, a, cherry and aids. at this point, the on resolution of increasing the capacity of the humanitarian aids at trucks
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into gauls. up till now we have been witnessing similar rate solve humanitarian voice to the goal is to strip without any talk without touching any noticeable change of the numbers of the uh it looks that are entering the territory on daily basis as people have forced to be forced to deal with all kinds of different and difficult situations that have been going through. they have a force to line up for new hours to get some access to food supplies and the arts to be spending only days searching for clear access to drink couple water. i've been involved, residents in the south is increasing day by day are taking about more than 85 percent of goals and become displaced as around 40 percent of palestinians are now in the bed firm and the despite all weddings by the international organizations. and also the mount, the promised to the ministry of health, which completely appealed to afford an edge, an immediate sufficient amount of human to target and medical supplies to the got
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the goals and install it, which are 3 used to protect palestinians from the after max of the is really ongoing balancing of the chart to reach, which definitely will last for the for the is coming later as is body forces had destroyed by 70 percent of guns was residential houses. of course, the territory that a couple was in the same process. thank as these 10 who the fighters have been killed in the tax by the us military on 3 of the boats and the southern red sea. now that was carried out to who the fault is assaulted, a musk shipping container of the us responded to his distress, cool to the fullest as a talk thing, ships in the red sea to pressure as well into a cease firing concept. now here's the attacks of basically hit ships near the bottom, and that's strange about say now was the passage between the m and and booty that connects the indian nation and the red sea. so, so this has more problem to booty with several countries, including the us, have military bases. is there
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a growing concerns about the effectiveness of the multi national naval force year in the rats? now do? yes, it says it has formed this international task force that 20 countries agree to join this population. however, so far haven't seen any other companies accept the us and u. k. signed in the will shift region to deter, hold ease from attacking the 2nd to west of cruising through the rest, the sofa. the fights had been between americans and with the store, the american warships had been the only ones that had been engaged, unified, a guest who is and now today for the 1st time they've seen that us, they said they didn't really sunk 3 small boats. we don't need to who with ease but they also killed the crew. so means they killed the members for the 1st time in the red sea seized escalation started here. we do not know as of now whether these are going to be the 30th or not even so far. they haven't claimed responsibility.
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usually when they conduct that tax, they claim the responsibility. there's a huge escalation. now that is going on either. that's it. so the number of attacks are good in just the last 24 hours. that would be 3 attacks. and on the other hand, yes, it is increasing. it's never naval presence here. he's saying they're going to continue taking this is very length ship, so no one, no what's, what's going to be the way out of these cries, as however, the question now is what the usa is going to remain in a defensive position or shift into an effective one, if it's amazing, a discrepancy position. so this is not going to be much change here, but if it's shift into an offense, one that called escalate a few slides more in the region. and that's cause further the temporary distribution. christmas out of that, i'll just give which us
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a military base of toys to a us led coalition, full size being attacked in the wrong to drive and struck the base and the bill of providence causing damage. now no casualties being reported since october. the 7th us forces and then our lives in iraq of increase. we become under attack. well as well as military has been expanding, is ground operations in northern and central and southern garza. tanks and troops are present in all of these areas in the north and the south. they locked in intense bottles with the palestinian fighters in northern garza, in the south fight. it was intensified in the city of con eunice, the refugee kinds of new threats. but as on because he had experienced most of the attacks in central garza, these really all these advances suggest that it's moving ahead with the plan to divide. the goal is to strip into 3 areas that all the center and the south. elijah benya is a military on the west in brussels east, as it is rarely ami, is still far from reaching its goals. in garza of what we have seen as
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a very impressive level of professionalism and lots of objectives within these re, the occupation forces. and these are the go they the told us officially that they have a good bye and controlled and those guys that and from the 27th of october and today they are gone being i should guy. yeah. they broke into guys the whole so in the middle in john d and today's a volunteer her deep. they'll under a talked to him. you know, the under the dock and the so one day we hear nothing. yeah. and said we don't want to occupy. oh guys the another day we hear him saying we want to give you a has a lot knowing lowering down the objective, do something really very practical. and then saying that we cannot come up with that. we can stop us from fine. we saw none of that,
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as they can see the final with is the guys that have all these things with victory information offered to the public ad us indicates how these really ami is really struggling in achieving any issue is victory and any objective of the mission objectives that make them yeah, put on the table to free all the prisoners add to the feet. i'm us. this is why we see the movement of the room from the nose to the south and then the injection of. ready troop in the south which means. busy that on the top it for the for this team there is a says and this isn't exactly what's happening. a very minister of finance does allow small, rich sizes. riley's will leaving gaus, he told as well as on me, right. if we missed in coverage, the residents of gauze it to me great as they live in hardship and poverty. these riley is wanting to return to gauze that because it is a beautiful place and they will turn the deserts into
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a prosperous place. so i thought about joy's not from television on the train, what's going on and he is ready to capitalize goals. the finance minister making very clear his position regarding the palestinians in gauze and what the future might have in store for his riley's the, of the sorrow. yes. and it doesn't seem surprising to hear that from him. this is someone who has also been, even though he's a fine on some of the sequels of inputs and talk charge of the the expansion of the legal is ready supplements. and that was part of the coalition deal. part of this fall, right, government. now this is also someone who in 2005 was protesting against the israeli settlements that were broken up when israel pulls out of gauze or because it had all supplied cars are at the time they pulled out and handed over a pile, which was when her mice had one the election in 2006. and when that happens,
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those is riley supplements. uh the settlers had to leave. it was part of the platinum part of the deal he wasn't getting set. if it's not to him, he's from is the background and being up to him, he wants to see people leave because they're in fact, he said the other countries in the region should take them in his words because it so if they are suffering, he said, unless the sentiment that some of those, especially on the southern board, is when one of the war cabinet members had visited a few weeks ago, had asked whether we'd be able to eventually see the see i'm it does, we have flex everyone in the will cabinets, but certainly it speaks volumes when you have someone like kids who just a few days ago, falls prime minister benjamin netanyahu to re schedule a discussion of what happens to gaza off to the was the so called de hasta. because he protested saying that this discussion shouldn't just be a will cabinet discussion, but it should include all the ministers,
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including himself and all the pots you leaders and the that would be discussed with the security cabinet on tuesday. so you have prime minister benjamin netanyahu giving in to him and rescheduling that discussion. so it's a dangerous kind of a talk really because that also feeds in to the right trick that initially they said they were only going to be attacking the nose to get rid of some of these railings. then they moved into the south. and now with this philadelphia access a situation, you, there is a feeling that palestinians are being pushed out and that that's what a lot of his writers would want to see. and sort of, he sort of keep up message with focus to the know the base route on going tension that between israel and has blog and in southern lebanon. and for those is really certainly that is being evacuated from the no, that doesn't seem to be any like to the end of the tunnel when it comes to
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returning back to the homes. a. that's right. so how well haron televisions, you have plenty of hotels, it's a service destination and those hotels are fully booked with those. so have your back to a, to the know if you go around and estimate to 65000 of them as well as those from the southern towns with gaza inside. so we have 230000 of them that's displaced at the moment. now, especially when it comes to the north in the last few weeks, things have intensified on that folder and 5 prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his statement of night had sent o stock warning to hezbollah, 11 known as well as iran which box the group segment is paid started by cost. if they don't stop, if hezbollah doesn't stop attacking the northern border, and if the plastic efforts the work it would look to carry no minute trees a sufficient minute, she wise. that means that they would be willing to attack,
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let the non inside prime minister benjamin netanyahu had said before, had made a threat to those. and by route the cops and 11 on saying that if you don't stop because by law, we will the top. now in terms of those living on the northern border, you have the may of could be out small. no one of the biggest towns in the north saying that they were ton, unless the government can ensure that lives will be secured again. so this just seems like a prolonging of the situation for many along those border, the desperate to get back home, desperate to get back to schools and also the about so bonding that businesses. so we're starting to see frustration on people's feeling a lot more impatient with the decisions being made by the prime minister. the will cabinet and also lots of lots of questions for them as to what is the situation on the northern border as well as in gaza. it was looking to continue to monitor the situation across garza as well and southern lebanon with sabra and correspondence throughout the evening. thanks. are you know,
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even when that person still has rights, humanitarian law states that a dead body should be respected and kept identifiable. but this hasn't happened with the bodies of palestinians during the war. on garza image and kingdom explains a dozens of bodies being buried in a mass grave. in garza, the bodies were taken from northern gauze at by israel and eventually returned. but they were held for so long some of decomposed beyond recognition. now allow me to add that you got the money and nothing, nothing to love. it said the 80 bodies. but we couldn't count them because of the smell unfulfilled of spreading diseases in the neighborhood. in november, another 110 bodies were returned by israel, also decomposed. according to the geneva convention, bodies should be returned on spoiled, even if we heard the claim. but it is right is that it's collected piece bodies to
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check if the was the bodies of hostages. but the way that they were written and the way that they were thinking, obviously it shows a cleared violations of, of the geneva convention corpses in a mass grave. i sort of come out of one hospital with damaged bodies, right? the bulldozers and bodies that have been dead much longer have also been desecrated . this graveyard in jamalia in northern garza was crushed during israel's grand defensive. they are holy sites and they should be protected a human rights law. so it's clear obligations to protect these sites and what he hasn't been seeing is the complete the opposite. but this isn't a new phenomenon. that's certainly a longstanding pattern and the deliberate desecration of cemeteries. and we saw this on an almost systematic pattern after 1948, where hundreds of palestinian villages, including the cemeteries,
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were simply raised to the ground in 2010 minutes symmetry in jerusalem, which is dated back to the 11th century, was dug up and replaced with the convention center called the museum of tolerance. another one that is specific to of israel's dealings with the palestinians since 1967. and this includes, for example, on refusing to surrender the bodies of palestinian guerrillas over the following decades. many of these fighters were buried in a graveyard and israel kept of limits to the public. it's known as the symmetry of numbers, as people are marked with nothing, but a number is more dead bodies pile up in gaza without the implementation of international law that will be more unmarked graves imaging kinda audra 0. now these right now,
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because launching the strikes on southern level plumes of smoke rising, the as his regular soldiers are c fielding, the optima. it's related to a series of attacks between these really all me and has blocked across the board of assign retirement mentioned a short while ago. at least $179.00 people have been killed on both sides since october the 7th, including $23.00 lebanese civilians. ali, how shall set this updates from southern level as well as deputy lead and i am custom. one is right. it's not in the position to impose its conditions on his law and that it's not going to come out with any gains from this war. and that for the residents self know this, ready to get back to that holmes, the water. you guys should stop with israel's escalation targeting civilians. this means the response will be stronger and proportional to the is there any aggression what we have taken a decision to be in a state civil confrontation on the southern front?
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a 9 cross and speech game. just a few days before how sudden the role of a wait, it's speech of the set of january and it's thought that crossing is setting the scene for a new stance from half in the fall. however, the situation on the border is still tens with eyes is rarely warplanes, have lost several ad strikes on different thousands on the board included rom. yeah . well, several explosions were had also towards the east in quite a killer. and in your bane which goes it goes to us you had in the corner and let bony with a couple of miss sighs from a drone launch. hezbollah claimed responsibility for several of the docs on his re, the targets and positions. launching rockets and antique tank guided midsize, how should i just, you know, look what else of israel's will run goals of those laid waste. those are the needs of human life and infrastructure, but also to the territories. heritage of the standing for centuries,
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the grand i'm already most skin northern garza is not in ruins. following is where the strikes is barely recognizable, but it's famous. been the right, the oldest, the most religious most king garza has religious on historic significance and is a cultural landmark also reduced through the law, the historic some robots, the date back to the ultimate era. they'd be the only functioning tech is bouncing, golfing, and what's considered a place for people to relax and heal the elements and the customer of the basha. alternate as punctures. policy is another cultural a month. that's the last. the palace consisted of 2 buildings, built by the looks of the ottomans before the war on gauze and stopped the night was a museum proceeding thousands of visitors f. the a spring insulting bounce. he's a professor of public policy. that's how i've been to the site university and the director of the global institute of strategic research could help you with this. we just want to talk about this because i just wanted your initial impression of what
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the world has lost in terms of these archaeological structures. while it's a, it's a huge loss to start with, not just for the palestinians, but for mankind as a whole. guys, it has, it played a very important role throughout history as a connecting point between east and west to europe in the middle east. and there are a lot of start depositories, as, as the rest of palestine. and i think what these ladies have done is really popular systematic campaign that's been going on since 1948 to erase. and the reference to a historical belonging for the policy needs to that land, what they're doing in the, in journals for them doing it slowly. they're digging under the of some, all they've been doing for, for years and years and years. i think now they saw an opportunity to simply remove a long body most one of the most important cultural reference for the policy is and
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muslims in the region under the excuse of the, in conflict. so the you can see from the way they've targeted those monuments, it's not random, it's not accidental. in terms of the, the destruction of those months. we've been talking last few weeks about how the international community has kept silent on so many issues regarding the war on calls that this has got to another issue. yet when architectural sites in palmetto and syria overtaken and destroyed by zillow, wells up, you know, especially look at the cultural community around the world as yet. i suppose this news is filtering out. do you expect the cultural community to be up in arms about what's happened to you? i hope so. i think it would come a little bit slower then premera. lucky because the western wild leads this sort of scene of cultural protection or by large and the what's happening in palmetto, syria, it's because they talk to a classical architecture of something that is,
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is that they recognize into was as important the i'm the most cuz layers and layers of history, the youngest stone in domini mosque is obviously older than the state of his ro, but it is built on top of a cathedral before that and the tempo before that. and there are many, many foundations and for, for the most. so i think the culture community will probably be moved. the timing is not great because of the holidays now, but what is really disappointing so far has been the silence for a few. that sco unesco has the mandate under the convention of 1950 for the head convention. it's unesco, should raise a lot of all those monuments or the 3 c across as on palestine documented, they have been marked within a culture heritage emblem, the hague emblem, which is a very distinctive emblem. and onto to those in the, in the area, but also a reference would have been passed to those riley's, they know exactly the geographical location of the sites. and they know that little
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because as well as the, as the, as palestine parties to the convention. and it's one of the eloquent ventures that as well belong to because of what's happened to the jewish and in europe. this convention came in the aftermath of the 2nd world war. and it was largely designed to protect and to make sure that also they move about objects that were taken last year from jewish families. this one can be brought back. so the whole mechanism for protection of country heritage really has. it's a foundation in the events of the 2nd world, and it has to be this whole focus that and the, the, the, the, the christian celebration of christmas that we've just seen experienced over the last week that you know, the christmas and best we have the touch of the timothy is empty, people are not in a investor had been in the holy land as such of these pictures would have been deemed across the well, the empty streets and empty churches it need and focuses again, not as you touched upon the on the day but the rock alexa and the excavations underneath it, would you been getting well not just recently,
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but for several years now. it's the $96.00. is that it has, it has focused the attention of the international community specials, especially for those to excavate and then looking for the history, but also the whole area is on the other math. i'm right, jordan's protection as well. this causes a much more sensitive diplomatic scenario. when we talk about the day with the bulk of what it means, both the jews and muslims as i like some of it does. and it has been an issue between jordan as well for, for many, many years to there's an issue as dr. contest the protection that jordan offers to the site. while the dimension of computer cognizant, georgia, is mandate on this. i'm on the site in jerusalem as of the questions that occasionally they, they, every now and then they come up with an excuse why they need to do the work. but i think going back to guys are the guys a, has offered them the opportunity,
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the war for them, the opportunity to, to totally destroy and as we saw in other forms of genocide whether be it and in europe or in africa elsewhere, people go off to the symbols because of the connection that they have with the people and the belonging to the place, they also go off to symmetries. this is a very well established pets and go cemeteries and give you a record of who was here 200 years ago. 400 years ago, 600 years ago. so what they do is they destroy those symmetries as part of a calculated attempt to erase the history of these people. we shall see how a full nowadays and certainly in the, in the days that for themselves. american. thank you. thank of the walsh, it has seen unprecedented death and destruction to garza and many hoping the will will. and soon as there has been asking displaced palestinian children about the
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hopes and dreams for the new year and then at the same them had been patient resend the 1st of cause, i'm sure feeds you out of it. now none of the kids in the 0 with the the hash of the dusty, which one and the colors and have oh i yeah. have you. yeah. i love this so yeah, yeah. that's the kind of the 7 mean. yeah. in the 2nd. yeah. it's you um in the next the stand is and that's how this is how do val avenue is now? natalie? a lot of the new yellow views are then and i'm look on save or say i'm
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a model and if i just services an issue, we're luck. is it was suitable? no, but the i actually was able in yesterday to have the colors and had news and had it. and so it was top know then with that and them had been of that nature said that we let the, the choose the site. well, still a head, hey, all the news on the end of the un peacekeeping mission. in molly, let's trip sleeve, we look at how much of the country is still under the group the brought to you by visit capital. hello. here's our forecast for the 1st day of 2024, and the northern indian plain has been shrouded in fog and smaller from the
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northwest states of pon, job right through to the eastern states, a b r. that is set to continue for the 1st day of 2024th for bucket stein, it's still hot in the salt. temperature is above average, really from grouchy to heather, out to date on, we're running above average to kick off the month of january, to southeast asia, the month to reins, taking a bit of a break. so all of our weather alerts have been dropped here. and we've also been dealing with poor air quality along china is a young soup river valley for places like wu han, but we've got weather coming in here. so that's gonna help freshen up the atmosphere. it's also dropped down. temperature is in gordon. g. providence and big down towards the ground. there are so great lin, 13 degrees for you on monday is your pacific. it does turn quieter. that snow that wind starts to move away. so calmer conditions to be expected here, including for tokyo, were projecting a high of 12 degrees for you. there has been some flooding on into an easy as main island of java, but also look at this. we saw
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a tornado the other day. not too far away. from carter, i think the worst of the rain will be for borneo island, west color minturn and around coaching. on monday, the weather brought to you by visit castle mary m. shaheen. a filmmaker and i've been working in and around garza for 30 years. as i watched the 2023 devastation of concept ideas, really army, i looked back at the place and i knew the optimism of 2005 when we used to at least to the destruction of towards the echoes of the last concept. they did hopes on l. g 0. coveted beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power that finds out well. we live here, we make the rule,
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not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that. and then people empower, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be just of our around now to sierra the the book about the meals it renews out with me. so rahman, in the reminder of all the help new stories, 5th, street bottles and central garza between his ready forces in some all spices as these really military extends its ground operations. the u. s. navy is killed at least 10 who the flight is in the red sea to responding to an attack on civilian
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shipping in the region. 50 saying that strikes will continue until let's see spot in cost. and these right now, mean as long as you strikes on 711 on the, the late system, a series of exchanges between these way the army has belong across the border. let's take a look at the days of the news now from around the world. russia site is an attack it last day of an i told the ukrainian city of coffee was in response to ukraine hitting the city of belgrade on the sun. today. the targets included a hotel housing, ukrainian, military commanders, ukraine, in authority, say 20 people are being injured. as a bank, how small from keys to waive the russian strikes, talk to ukraine, 2nd largest city hockey authorities to address and strikes hit the center of the city. late on saturday night. i mean, the, the hours of sunday the present russian made for us this new. yes. they adults, souls simply talk souls, they boom,
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residential areas. there were people here. how can one do such things? the regional administration and excess of virginia infrastructure was damaged apartment buildings and a hotel that also had a plan for certain move from one strong hit a hotel and concave city scene to the strong approximately hit the 12th floor. only 2 people were slightly injured. another strong hit a new 3 and completely destroyed the residential buildings with head by the way of the explosion. and we, kimberly damaged of the strikes came just hours after russia reported casualties in the city of belgrade zane ukraine. the russian response was to talk it. the car keeps empty. coming to the way ukraine says it's a defense is a ride. the capt. 2 keys were involved in shooting down drones. this latest wave of attacks comes to stay is after russia targeted cities across the ukraine. in march, forward to said was the most must have a real attack since the start of the war. both sides ready confirm and ministry targets. i hate. we tend only to have and civilian infrastructure struck,
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but this the fear that this recent tit for tat could mock escalation animal that's already been raging. now, if we needed to guess. i said vague. i 0, keep phineas educate. a has been declared the winner of the presidential election and the democratic republic of congo, opposition policies on calling for protests and to re run. the security arrived at his party headquarters of to winning mold and 73 percent of the vote. the countries election commission has been criticized with handling of the voting process and the counting. now we to clear the following one categorically rejects the shame elections organized by the elections commission into seemed to and its results at all levels. to demand the organization of real elections, wind effectively independent elections commission at a date to be agreed upon bundle proceeding pottage covering sort of corresponding joins us from ken johnson and katherine. we have the results but not one that
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everybody agrees with that's true. but the people who are agreeing with this is also supportive of president for nukes, just because these they are gathering now to celebrate. but we have all positioned leaders, particularly the presidential candidates and say they reject these results. they say that the, the election itself is uh, some they say that it's not credible. and they say that they will not even go to court to contest the results because they believe that the constitutional for that is our monday to uh, to deal with these side issues is compromise. and they say that they will not get justice. so they're asking the supporters to get out to the street and you know, to test. and we have seen some of these process was process here and can shop stuff
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and go, ma, in those who also see a lot of, you know, deployment to all the security forces. i see, particularly a strong holds all the opposition. so it's going to be very interest to see, to see how things play out going forward, because it's solely for us the intern shaw. so thank you. that's spring game. good game come was sold to in cape town. he's the director of to do it because over consulting, which is specializes in african political economy. he's a member of the u. n. group of experts on the democratic republic of congo. good. have you with us on the program, kind of just begin with the fact that do you think it is now an incredibly delicate time for the democratic republic of congo? lots that are all these buying groups, both those that say we won the election and those that say it was fixed. yeah, i love the fact that the opposition is decided not to go to the constitutional court,
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but to send it. support is out of the streets, does set things up for confrontation with the security forces. and we'll have to see whether they can mobilize significant numbers of people. this, what i knew will cause a strategy if you get millions of people thousands of people. why? when cut to what see what was of ation all the election process and the vote kind of because it was a long process, a complicated world in such a vast country. and then helping set in groups like the sort of catholic protestant, observe a church as one of the mission. so the doubting the, the validity of, of the, the way the vote was conducted. i mean, what's your impression of what's being said and done of what i was, i really anyone's hiding. that'd be know. most problems with the come down to, despite, i mean happy to have a 6 days to have to file these volunteer cards in many cases. couldn't be read by the machines,
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so they would do it manually. that electro rouse when published. they're not going to be publishing results by a bunch of things. station results from 11000. i think bating stations. i took the 85000 haven't been received yet. so there are huge problems and there's lots of grounds for the room for the opposition. say these resolved statements like what happened? i think, well the titian k discount is going to be saying is, yeah, that's the problems. but look, i go 73 percent instead of allowing even though that some problems i still with, and i suspect the international communities get a go along with that in terms of moving forward, while testra katie says i one and continues his presidency. that will be this grumbling to one side going on, but he can't take his off the bowl because one of the biggest issues that the
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country faces is security and it'd be housing security over the election. the guy is taken off the board about what's going on in the northeast of the country. during the campaign edition katie, i heard him say that he was ready to declare war on rolanda. rewind, strongly suspected of simple take them to i teach re, melisha does causing such havoc and he's coming good. now, if he means that that would represent a significant escalation, because these troops are gonna be coming from side of the southern us, good development community. we expect to hear and go to church. we're expecting some bobby and troops. i need to set up almost for a rematch of the war that happened at the time of the 21st century, 2000. but we so rolanda back full asses again and goes above we're back to us, he's fighting it out income. good. so we really have to keep the price side of what
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happens in the next few months to see if the water to acc escalates whether that was just um campaigning. we're just starting to see what happens with the coming out. just think of to get your analysis of the time being gregory anthem, blue salt events, joining us from cape town. thank you. yeah, thank you. be nice to nations peacekeeping mission in molly is officially closing on sunday, ending it's decade long presence with multiple 300 peacekeepers killed. it was one of the you and definitely a separation. i'm home. it has will. 6 the un peacekeeping mission known as municipal was meant to stabilize mattie and put the width of the can country on the past the democracy. but as it's supposed, is lead by my quote use in the hands of military generals and several groups of activity in the country. if we, with $256.00, the 50 bridging the gap between what we were authorized, simple when it comes to protecting c williams, furthering security. and what really,
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but to do that needs to be page definitely can. that's what it means that we did not do a rocks. we did a lot, but definitely it was beautiful expectations and bureau that meets the mission was the year and 2nd was told the number of deaths among the stoops of the lebanon, with $31050.00 plus killed on more than $700.00 engine. it was established in 2013 of the rebels sees the northern part of the country and threatened to take over the capitol. 15 countries, including china and germany, contributed more than $15000.00 personnel. but despite the presence violence has continued in many, including from isolated, thus nearly doubled the territory under its control. the c, a s posts tens of thousands of civilians from their homes and all the adults that dash i so broke us. they didn't leave us any live stock or household goods. they even took our blankets. they took away everything that was essential to our lives
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that and they killed the many people. the marys military government is building closer ties with russia and the buckner must need a group last month to seize control of $2.00. a northern thought we plotted riddles had to sell for almost a decade. in june, malice, military accused municipal was sending security in the country. my looters law. let me just most somebody living in. unfortunately, most most seems to have become part of the problem by fuel and community tensions. accessor baited by extremely serious allegations, which are highly detrimental piece. reconciliation and national cohesion in molly magic wand, cbs c o u n to sleep. i'm groups and i'm you have started fighting over the basis lift by the peacekeepers, which civilians cook in the middle. hands him him just 0. well still has all that, which is a in sport, bunch of the 9th of them. the is disappointing. nice little those details coming up with peter mc,
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but the unique perspective of africans, i'm willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine, it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, are the latest news as it breaks. echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of bulk holes in the region as well, right? it could present with detail coverage less than 2 weeks, tend to be lazy and criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world since the start of the war,
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a vast number of small a voluntary groups have sprung. it's a big they don't have the result of big organization, the of the, [000:00:00;00] the book about tourism because loan being one of the drivers of keepers economy. but the full lot from a state dropping visits and then business forcing a growing number of people to leave the country. and despite the down to the state, run tours and body is building more hotels. while the homes of many of the people are falling into disrepair from savannah, a lot to the america editor, lucy in human reports,
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in the have them the neighborhood of available. 30 people lived in this woods, pushed 2 story house. it's literally flowing to pieces. this resident tells me his mother was killed with one of these wouldn't beams fell on top of her. they let me take a quick look inside where that makes shift staircase feels equally unstable. i've been living here since 1994 trying to get a proper dwelling, but there is nothing everywhere you look homes built for the 1959 revolution are collapsing yet simultaneously a construction boom is underway. not for public housing, but for hotels. last year is a norm, as new hotels where nodes are rated and other 5 will be opened by december and more has followed. the majority are owned in finance, by guys, the cuban military's tourism company that owns 76 percent,
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the 5 star hotels and the majority of the rest all this while cuba so called economic engine continues to stall, as evidenced by these exclusive old convertibles standing idle in old havana, for lack of foreign tourists for a modest fee, we are taken for spitting by eric, who explains that millions of cubans depend on tourism. means that on my way to chain, if i work, i spend money and others make money and so on. and so forth. it's what makes the economy run the probation of cruise ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot like his other sanctions. in the last 6 months, only 28 percent of cubes. hotel rooms have been occupied and us sanctions on the only reason a piece of can see the shortages or poor quality of food, fuel, transportation,
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and entertainment are also discouraging visitors during the so called golden years when president obama was in office. this whole area was absolutely full. now, as you can see, the streets are empty, there are no tourist closed anywhere. so the big question is, why are they building so many new hotels? one clue is that while emblematic structures like the article review at a hotel remain closed, new hotels are being built with government money on property not contained in us courts by their pre revolution owners. many speculate the 2 tubes, one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist they're simply preparing for a tourism boom. comparable to cuba is pre revolution, days of feet that will take more than just new hotels. you see in human al jazeera, have that as well as the rings and around the clay. well, the does on the delivery end of you addresses many of focusing on conflicts that
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millions of civilians find themselves cool stuff in sophie light. sophie looks like he's so much suffering so much blood shape. now what has become more to be linton hasha? it is changing at breakneck speed. so we too must change. so many of us, this is a source of concern. the some, it's also a source of discontinued i take that to heart and at the same time, i know that way in germany who get through this yet don't consent. certainly, as i always hated the phone, there are still places in the world that are in the throes of all the chinese people. well aware of the preciousness of peace. and we are ready to work with the international community to promote the establishment of a community with a shad future for mankind with the future of humanity and the well being of people in mind mean pointing out they've got a pretty powerful let us continue to pray for the people suffering from wars ukrainian people? martyr to yeah. the palestinian and he's really people's his student needs people and many others. right? yeah. at the end of a year. do you dear to ask?
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how many lives have been taken by arm conflict? how many debts, how much destruction, how much sufferings? yeah. how much poverty? who was involved in these conflicts that listen to the voice of your conscience and let us not forget the murdered ro, hang god, the modem that across the stage that people have been sharing in the new. yeah. the celebrations included a 12 and it fine but musical and victoria hall, but the longest and largest display the territories has ever produced. tens of thousands of people works to show the bible welcome 2024 with but take you to find a works from its typeface. one a one time and the clock struck midnight,
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the display around the time pay tell use japanese fine with the 1st time the 1000000 people rang in the new. you haven't sent me harvard taking in a display of the team and a half 1000 fireworks. thousands of people come out so many meetings for fine sport to watch the 12 minute spectacle. new zealand was one of those countries to celebrate the new year with fireworks lighting up oakland sky tiles. so let's take you a but now to bang cold. why are they all preparing to ring in 2020 full in about 8 minutes time. okay. then when that happens, but the time you had all of the schools headlines with pizza, the manchester united at the end of 2023 on a miserable notes with a 21 to face. that's nothing. i'm forest. morgan gibbs white school. the when it's
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a secure force, 1st punitive united since 1994. if he's the pressure on united manager, eric 10 hug for the beginning of school. the take of the of this month because of already lost 14 games this season and they've never had few appointments at this stage of the season. it's a different story for they neighbors matches the city who i'm beaten at home in 2023 year, which sold them when the triple and the club world cup rotary and who down over is school. the goals as they be awesome. club shifting as united to now to move to the table. it brings in a, into a pack to december football, audio the and the side, the manager of packing recent reports. the pays could see football authorities, the number of games that they have to play. actually only them can change something totally to play not in the premier league, it was a few fell. ready isn't a play as can change. i see they didn't really, really wanted because the people now know where the few find everyone to say that
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you have to ease less money. yeah, but youtube if uh you too, fee for you to permanently to when, when you've interest blank or stay on the rinaldo ends with you as the top score and we'll football you hit it in goal number 50 full to help l. letha. when the latest getting the saudi protein, that's to clear up harry cain and to the member. happy. uh, was a, a good here for me. collective an individual to us go to so many goals. i have the same a lot in the side and also international theme. so i'm really proud. i will continue, i feel good. i feel happy. and next year i would try to do it again. it seems to be an incredible, here's another chunk of it. you $13.00 grand slam titles this year, signed off 2023 with the victory, and he's 1st ever united the cap match, the beat jane jean st named straight fits giving. so it'd be a one the lead of a china mixed team event of your sales training has been uh,
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you know, my happy place a place where i made the most lamb wins in melbourne obviously. and i love coming back. i love playing and i missed playing in 1st as well in front of you guys, so thank you so much for coming out. now, as we say good bye to 2023. let's take a look at our coverage of some of the biggest sporting movements, starting with an eye catching move for the world's biggest football style. maybe one but from experience and specialist, you know, macy's message to the friends who was officially introduced as a into miami play a full size inside the radio. so at the 1st, the, at the latest speak name to join, the countries needs assigned for all is to have a long, 60000 science. and well, some of the 55 year old friends duyka focusing on football at a time like this may seem trivial. some promise to me is around the world. it offers the moment of unity and pride. space have beaten english when the women's
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world have for the 1st time spanish play a jenny had a most so says she wants her country's football present to us. so that will be alice punished to officer. he kissed her on the lips following her teams victory. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to resign validate, present, or suspend football federation to us. it will be all those have designed trouble winning mention this. he will hold a victory parade later on monday, following the european champions. me when it is symbol is a new thing or the same to code was called a sales per se thing though, that you all could interest in what was an epic means final at wimbledon. faith. and he's in the waterfall for the pga to have agreed to lodge with saudi arabia, back arrival, live golf because there's still has to be consequences to auction like we can just walk in and back in when it comes to science. the agent games has no income. the johnny city of home, joe is hosting an event with more athletes in most schools than any olympics there . but a spare of the back, you've got room for 10 ro as i don't know for the front. a chastity woolen pulse of
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drama, tens of thousands of football fans and easily have pulled onto the streets of naples to celebrate snap lease. first, to tell in these titles in such a 3 year, what a difference. 6 weeks break from losing to india in the our thing will come much to beating them in the portal in front of $100.00. 30000 very indian fired rebels met some stuff in his one, a search straight formula one. well, the title of the victory in the sprint races in castle simone balls is late. the us women seem to recollect 7th grade time to let the gymnastics little championships for south africa funds, leaving the stop. the from success is measured in one way are like the world cup is coming home again today that just of it says he's going to keep going on going on preventing a record 1824. i don't want to leave these boards. if i'm still at the top, you know, if i'm still playing as it gets pulled headlines for the time being,
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you can get more analysis even come as well as social media channels. the light stays on the back. the mon, you use all the other side to the right, but until then from the news on seeing here inside of, on me as a sandwich for your time. and your company the, the ukraine christmas is quite literally coming early this year. it's decision to move away from both adults calendar to one of their lines with much of the rest of the world meant christmas day itself being brought forward to december the 25th. for the 1st time, the children had been lining up to meet nicholas in person. the original santa claus says the most common christmas wishy his is for peace. christmas shows the combined festive themes with
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a big serving of traditional ukrainian culture offer an escape. if i leave briefly from the realities of 2 years of full scale will, as with last year, they'll be no large scale events or fast jamal christmas because of the war. most 2 premiums will be celebrating the holiday on a different day to most questions. it's beginning to look a lot like a western style christmas expo 2023. the best to make sure make sure to join us and let's discover a better world expo, 2023. the unique perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets
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because of the sense of urgency that we have done no more and more lots of voices. you don't often hear trouble nations do stand with pablo sign in the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new, as he says that the stream on which is the, are the fine single, the springs of goals of the minute treating of how miles releases the video showing baffles with this really falls as as ground operations are expanded in the strip


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