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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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of the offense that our pasha lives and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how was fine with the young man regions. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care state the, [000:00:00;00] the civil romany watching the, i'll just it renews online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes bicycle, the streets of golf. so the military wing of homos release as a video showing baffles with this way. these policies as ground operations are expanded in the strip. the us military attacks 3 through the boats,
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and the red sea can at least 10 sizes. the incumbent president, speed extension katie, has be decided with the presidential election in the democratic republic of congo. your position is i've described the votes as a shop, the 1st ringing in the new yes. sydney welcomes 2020 full style. the welcome to the news of the number of palestinians killed and as well as well and goals that is naming 22000 mold and 66000 of us a wounded fist bottles that taking place in central gone. so between is very full, says and thomas fine to is that happening as he's very minute recess is expanding ground operations, the united nations, as warning is racing against time to prevent 2300000 people in garza from stopping
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will feed. click on says basic services and the strip of place to complete the colors. and the u. s. navy has killed 10 who's the fighters after the group attempt to contain the ship and the red sea mold and $100.00 drain, and miss all the time being carried out on vessels passing through the vital shipping lane since november, to cover as a correspondent and rough in southern gonna garza and standing by for us and on top of it. conversely, as night falls, everybody waits for whether they will be more intense building of the gaza strip. and that has been quite a bit today. so yes, uh the, what we have been getting through today is very difficult as to use very plumbing. of course, the drones, as trent did not stop by the main focus of this attack was conducted against the middle govern needs of the goals. this trip where the is where the author to read something in the heart of the enzymes or retro to de camp with a dozens of us in the re, uh,
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shows that destroyed residential houses closing all the entries of thousands of palestinians. so have been transported to receive treatment to the locks the hospital endeavors by now. also, corpses have open fire against residential neighborhoods in, in a breach. refugee can a forcing the residents to leave the houses and to hit more to the south of the chart turn where new is actuation or just have been issued for them as these attacks, as will continued in the southern parts of the gaza strip. in particular, it to be more precise, him had units where the body forces had mobilized smoke or guides to flight, to this very densely populated area, to eliminate the military infrastructure for the palestinian fighters who are trying to confront they've made it to your operations. the which is getting dave, which are getting day by day you much more furious and just i really encourage you to, since the beginning of this morning, more than
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a 30 pounds 3 and being killed and those and others have been also injured. now these on getting a race of attacks, continuing the site, the goals are stripped as a new year is about to begin these attacks. do not till now in the other cause a carrick, there is a real worry about simon, according to the w h. o. and the lack of food and general medicine in the region, even though the helping you and declarations o u. n. a grievance full a to come in through the rough or bold. what is coming in is exhausted. palestinians nowadays depends in only the human a terri needs provided by the united nations that are getting into casa for out truffle crossing guns. we have been seeing throughout the last couple of days, or let's say you since the, the un resolution to increase the capacity. and also the numbers of the humanitarian voice into guns that we did not touch. a very cleat change in the
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numbers of the humanitarian troops. despite the fact that russell had been more populated with residents and evac curious especially that the united nation had raised alarms regarding that 100000 palestinians have recently arrived to rough off, which also the gifts i play uh solely to a site that palestinian style are struggling to find access to food, to move with that. but what we have been seeing also is that's a very limited amount of humanitarian aid being handed over to palestinians. and for the i do see that curious as they are receiving a humanitarian aids each couple of days that could be barely enough for one meals for families. and. busy we've been knowing palestinians have been getting through complete days and nights without having anything to eat. and this is completely in human conditions for gone. since as we have been seeing exhausted,
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hungry and thirsty people are only doing the best during the day to get and to afford food and water for the families. and this is only the main focus for palestinians. and the ongoing funding of the goal is a strict set of covers enforce the in rasa. thank you. this will serve as a use if i'm a shea garza advocacy offices. so that will reach and refugee counselor is also a documentary filmmaker. he's one of all, it's for his films on garza and his home. thanks so much for joining us, mr. emotional. just begin with how you are managing to feed yourself and your family right now. thanks for giving me that. i might think it was. it was similar to other more than 1500000 people are being displaced on p. yeah, it's dated mission now to come around to find our families in order to live in and yeah, they have a name. we can go out with the wish list. we go on, whatever we find, we, we get out and bring back with us as good as i think we're living. and i, yeah, sorry,
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i didn't mean to interrupt. i was good does. how does the process begin to find food and water? when from the time you wake up in the morning? and so it seems, and the lens and the condition of displays. so even degree is shopping from uh to see the space and different areas that people or what the thing is like for me just so they can establish that then. yeah, they can say that it shouldn't, that are without any means of protection when he lost the wrong half that they need on this done to arrive through the month and then they don't go with a wish they sleep when what we buy. we've got a small amount of people who are looking to have the financial needs because of the prices are very me, i'm imaginative, is who nation was really english. and they said in, in beautiful or imagining busy to which and often being displayed on the,
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on this map is barely able to identify. and to find something here, you have to look and go from a place to just to find if you manage to find this gets for the children because it's between food and eat on the water. became a really big fan thing to find that it's might even expensive as you put, find it again to the market, is what people who receive it as a bunch of really good. it does indeed boss in english the, the exchange is getting used to that as committed in, in the for the human to an actors that come up focusing on with other wonderful. so we've got the issue and food. ok. but honestly, the situation instead of a difficult, if i say, mean, especially in the okay use of, i've got a site that the communication link is quite good 3 and quite broken. so if we can
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get the answers quite sure it's about 6 thing that would be great. so we'll try and get through as much as we can while we have the connection with you. agencies are talking of hung, got so many in gaza. what sorts of evidence do you see as a documentary maker that, that people are really on the edge? the for the man you need to understand is to spend one minute investigates outside of the find that the but i looking for any at this. so what to the, to be, if we find gene and the cleaning also investigate, you can see, but i'm living on the sewage and i'm 4 or 4. this is not even the please e n. as in indian, if you spend 5 minutes central time outside the house, you would understand me is to be displayed on this matters and i'm in september, he's not living here. people come they do people in dollars
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a have hope that things will get better. oh, do they believe it's just going to get was yeah, it is. and now we are more than a to do from this. not this payment be a little of a few other things can cause to provide well on the whole lives and and be on we thing from the world outside that i've been that way. no one who find the civil wine and we understand the solutions with the people outside. so the building does, i believe this, and it is not uh, between mazda and infinity, the international community often dispense. and that's what the boss i'm looking off to be more or more hopeless. and we are expecting the what was the come use of . finally, i just want to give you really the waves to the outside will to the listeners the thing times the politicians are. we know that watching we know governments of
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watching this channel. we know that they are watching the pictures that we are broadcasting. i'll just say era, so i'd like to ask you, what is your appeal to them while you have that retention right now? yeah, we have in the meetings and we are just asking them to stand the disability decision maker on this. but unfortunately, the only what we see of the orientation of this stuff is deputy wish getting. it's mainly political. i'm looking at the same thing deeply. it other people who are living a situation they have the sponsibility is to find the symbols mediately looking for a ceasefire. inch to be for life and dignity. also we need the pen solution because it's not like to find our citizen this day. we'll take it from the. the old has failed and then have the responsibilities, hopefully with the coming in the page. now i,
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i just seem to be in the database for the dishes on the lease of reading the coming year. i have a whole that the, remember for a 2nd our situation and the said to them here, we'll see what does happen for the moment. you said how much thanks for joining us from gaza. thank you. at least 10 who'd be $5.00 to $7.00 killed and attacked by the us military on 3 of that boat send the southern red sea. now the, here's the vessels had assaulted a mess containing the ship, and the us responded to its distress. cool. 50 volts is a talk thing. ships in the red sea to pressure israel into a sci fi and gone so. well. goodman's military spokesman will, and other countries not to interfere in you have any effects in the red sea. yes, a home the american enemy shall bear the consequences of this crime. their military movement in the red sea to protect is really ships will not prevent human from carrying out its religious humanitarian and ethical duty to support the people of
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gaza. we call upon all countries not to follow the strangers because of the us, the consequences of which will touch everyone. on another note, with the grace of god, our you. many forces were successful in performing an operation in targeting a container ship that was heading to israel as a consequence of the crew, not responding to our warnings. now here's the attacks of most the hit ships. now the bible bundled straight thoughts and not receive passage between the m and in japan. you see that connects the indian nation. in the red sea, i speak to russell sort of engine between what several countries, including the us have the minute treat bases, increasing number of incidents happening in the region. way you are a renewal that must be raising questions and adding to the tense nature of the situation of the media distribution here is they by the given much more complicated. so for the use that now confirming that
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this seeing that while they were conducting an operation against one of them last ship, which they claim that it was heading toward israel. so the ship didn't, those are the calls and they decided to stop with while they were conduct the patient. the forces are being attacked and usa has killed tens of the members. so this is the 1st time in the red sea. we're seeing the killing is happening since the beginning or the escalation, so it's 10 who if he's members, are now killed by us, is this is confirmed by us and by with these as well. well, the other hand, these are seeing that the us a better the full responsibility, caustic cases, and also do percussion. so what are the consequences? what would be the procedures as of no, we do not know yet, however they've seen think of a retaliation, and that is definitely causing the now here because people here believe that if this escalation continues, if it gets deeper and deeper,
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the whole digital cool gets into a into a even in the garbage and more that's cool cause most distress year. so now the question is whether the usc is going to remain in a defensive position and whether it's going to change is position from defensive to the to fast. if so, if it remains in the defensive position, then there's not going to be much change here. however, you have to se besides to go further and being a little fuzzy probably here, then the people few that these will 3 going to full fledged, more sheer. and also many people that we are see of, of the, of them. because the believe that do you se probably is going to retell, you wouldn't move to who it is, but nope, on the in the red sea in yemen as well. and they say these that happens. so the scenario that happened almost a decades ago, a full fledged wood in yemen is going to repeat itself, results of the force, the entropy. thank you. know, i mean,
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everybody's the ties to us. the coalition forces being typed in the wrong to, to instruct the base and it will prevents causing damage. the casualty is being reported since october, the 7th us forces i'm the allies in iraq have increasing. we come into a tech to these very minutes to assign on, so there's a lot of smoke which says that his writers will live in garza, he told as well as on the radio. we must encourage the residence of gauze or to emigrate us. they live in hardship and poverty. these ratings want to return to gauze that because it is a beautiful place and they will turn the deserts into a prosperous place. so every time it is monitoring events for us in tel aviv, um he likes making speeches and get headlines so. all right, and this one certainly house yeah, he's definitely a controversial member of the coalition government. this is the finance minister. the also has a role when it comes to the expansion of illegal is ready settlements in the
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occupied west spine kegal. so it comes from a set to the background and is very much pro, is riley settlements in gauze or insights back in 2005. he actually took part in a protest, protesting the removal of these riley settlers when these riley forces less to cause the off to the occupation. now, he is making these controversial statements, but also speaking to follow is that believe that israel should be in control of gauze a fully and indefinitely. now he's saying that the, if the was less of a population, then the discussion when it comes to what happens to cause a post war would be a different one in this sense. but he said that they should come up with strategic plans to ensure that people in gaza have the option to emigrate out of the lines as as to the gaza strip and also raising why other countries regional countries not
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taking the men. this is a sentiment that somebody's riley's have had a saying, that's why doesn't egypt, for example, take them in. but the fax of the matter is that is that land. an unlike all the was a where for example, when you've seen and you, right, people have the option to leave a se one that suits spots for palestinians. it's a lot deeper than that. they will never want to leave the land that has already been occupied by israel a since establishment, so 75 years ago. and for that it's just an absolutely of such a thing for anyone palestinians to even think of. now, in terms of whether that reflects the opinion across the government, it's still not clear. the prime minister himself has said that they don't sign. so a coupon goes up, but it has been under almost 2 decades of a blockades. and also on top of that, when they had originally started, this will, they said they were only off to her mouth and it was focusing on the news. it
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pushed everyone down to the south now that that's being targeted as well. in fact, there's now been a statement from these ready all me. she's speaking to some of the troops just outside of con eunice thing that this war is likely to continue throughout 2020 full and also telling them to keep going on. keep going strong. we will bring back security to this area so it looks like the will wouldn't be any ending any time soon on a discussion is going to be held on tuesday with the security cabinet to discuss what happens. pace will sort of kind of it for us that in telling me. thank you. now these really i'll be as low as new strikes on southern lebanon. francis mike rice, me a, as is where the soldiers were seen. so mean the aftermath is the latest and a series of attacks between these, right, they all be on has blown across the border. at least 179. people have been killed on both sides since october the 7th, including $23.00 lebanese civilians,
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alejandro. so this update from southern lebanon, as well as deputy leader named costs, and one is right, it's not in the position to impose its conditions on his lot and that it's not going to come out with any gains from this war. and that for the residents self know this, ready to get back to that homes. the war on guys should stop the matter. with israel's escalation targeting civilians. this means the response will be stronger and proportional to the is rarely aggression. once we have taken a decision to be in a state civil confrontation on the southern from a 9 cross and speech game just few days before how sudden the role of a wait, it's speech of the said of genuine. it's thought that crossing is setting the scene for a new stance from having the full however, the situation on the border is still tense. with eyes is really war planes. how
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long several ad strikes on different towns on the board included rom. yeah, well, several explosions. what had also towards the east in quite a killer and in your bane, which is close, it goes to us yet in the quarter and let bony with a couple of midsize from a drone launch has the la claimed responsibility for 7 elect docs on his ray the targets and positions launching rockets and anti tank guided midsize on the how should i just, you know, look what i saw 7 on the let's take a look at the days of the news now and felix tested, katie has been declared the winner of the presidential election in the democratic republic of congo opposition policy is a cooling, full protest, and we run that for katie. arrive tennessee as party headquarters of the winning more than 73 percent of the value of the country selection commission has been
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criticized with handling of the voting process and counting. now, we to clear the following. one categorically rejects the shame elections organized by the elections commission in december and its results at all levels to demand the organization of real elections, wind effectively independent elections commission at a date to be agreed upon bundle proceeding pottage, documents or using control center with the latest as supporters of presidents and mix jessy, katy, how come out to celebrate this? because i ration does not come as a surprise. we so the president of the, the, uh, from the start has 16000000 votes against moist could, to the us toll. yes, the competitor, he has 3000000 booth and we don't have chrome opposition leaders, particularly the presidential candidates who say that they reject those results. they say that the election is
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a sham. they say that they will not even go to court to contest their results, because they believed that they believed that this constitutional court and the judges of compromise. so they will not get justice. so they say that they are asking the supporters to come out to the street. um, you know, protests and to just to show how disappointed they are to that. and we have seen some, you know, deployment or security forces us to areas that are seen to be all positions for a whole lot of palm believe the happen one line of the selection. some of them say that they believe that this a poll as not, they are free. all said they feel that the uh paul ease uh, not credible a we have been speaking to observe us particularly uh,
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the charge that's been observed was across the country. and they said that there was a lot of iran irregularities and the laptop commission needs to look into that now the commission. and so i'll say that they have taken note of those concerns. but they believe that the, those incidents of uh, irregularities are not enough to over time. the election, this particular presidential results. catherine saw you all the 0 can show some degree. and then this also is a full and then there are all the you in group of experts on the democratic republic of congo. he says there are many concerns over the way the election was run. the fact that the opposition is decided not to go to the constitutional court, but to send it. support is out of the streets, does set things up for confrontation with the security forces. and we'll have to
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see whether they can mobilize significant numbers of people. this what i need to work is a strategy. if you get millions of people thousands of people, i would cut it. i don't think anyone's hiding, that'd be know, most problems with the come to, despite, i mean happy to have a 6 days to have the fact that these bunch of cards in many cases couldn't be read by the machines. so they did it manually. that electro rouse when published. they're not going to be publishing results. firefights things station results from 11000. i think bating stations. i took the 85000 haven't even been received yet. um. so there are huge problems and there's lots of grounds, but we have room for the opposition to say these resolves to reflect what happened . i think what the district katie's camp is going to be saying is, yeah, that's the problems, but look, go 73 percent. it's as a welding even though that some problems i still with and i suspect the
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international communities get a go along with that. the most clean native conjunctions as all of the militaries of, of habits, nuclear arsenal. in case we'll break sod with south korea. and the us addressing a meeting of the routing polity. he said a peaceful reunification with the south can never be achieved. it is kim has molten, so no longer shared 10 or blood but to hospital nations. at hor, that's how leader came to now describes north korea's view of south korea. countries once one split into 2 in a lead up to the cold war 8 decades ago. what do you think change of the thing is they call us the main enemy? include with foreign powers? we should no longer make the mistake of considering south korea upon us a reconciliation and unification. all your thoughts on your end. it's a concerning development for soul which strongly condemned north korea's hospital stand. east basically said that although we are still one people at the south,
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koreans are puppets of capitalism, especially the united states. and he is given up dealing with the south koreans peacefully at the conclusion of a 2 year n key party meeting. north korea vowed also to intensify his production of nuclear weapons and military drones that says other power, strongly suspect it is strengthening military cooperation with russia. this year young young speedily develop it's solid field plus of 18 intercontinental ballistic missile. after a record 5 launches of icbm, it also claims to have sent its 1st functioning military spice satellite into earth orbit, with 3 more planned in the new year. the conservative use on your government has emphasized that piece is art, through military strength, dismissing his predecessors, policy of engagement with the north, as big piece, reliant on the enemy's good. well,
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south korea has recently engaged in high profile military drills with japan and the united states. and analysts say that come young's ruling out of a peaceful reunification. it's attempt to legitimize the use of nuclear weapons against south korea. as washington to play strategic assets more frequently in the region and elections, luman 2024 analysts, one come young, could find new reasons to respond more aggressively in the coming months unit skim all to 0. so a chinese president, changing thing has delivered his the address to the nation, saying that his country will be very unified with taiwan, facing, considers the selves governing islands to be part of its territory. flower and sleepy has moved from basing 2023 has been a pretty challenging year for trying to chase me because of a slowing economy brought on by years of strict cove and looked down and more recently,
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5 growing property crisis. so it's no surprise. but chinese president decisions being used at his new address as an opportunity to riley the nation. he listed china as achievements of the year, including building its own launch, passenger, ashcroft and hosting important international summit and events such as the asian game. now he also spoke in broad terms on china's role in the world. he talked about wanting to build a community with a shed vision, and he said, piece and development remain the way i had put on the issue of taiwan. he was a lot more specific. he said taiwan and china will post shortly, be re unified. and so what was most unusual in his new, your address is that he spoke specifically about the challenges that china face your, from your you should have impact we up on to encounter headwinds some enterprises and had a tough time. some people had difficulty finding jobs,
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results and meeting basic needs. some places where he by floods, type phones, earthquakes, and other naturally the last is the fact that he's mentioned this in his new address shows how seriously the government is viewing china's economic slow down. there is high youth unemployment rate. the property twice is far from being contained, appears to be spreading. analysts say china could be facing decades of stagnation and ordinary stimulus measures may not be enough to fix the problems. when challenges include an aging population and weak productivity rate, florida 3 alger 0 patient. so now let's try it again. volt investigative gen, let's children pills or has donated the age of $84.00 bits to build your work extensively throughout the world to expose human suffering caused by governments in places like palestine come, bowed yet and each table his work was widely celebrated and he produced more than
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50 documented trees and his 65 year career filled out one an m e and the bathroom was now to 0, was among the many media organizations that published an at his work is still a head here on alex's 0. i'm kimberly healthcare. does the white house coming up well look of what lies ahead. for the 2020 for us election. stay with us. the . the hello again. here's our weather report for the middle east and africa on monday. the 1st day have 2024, so still somewhat weather for saudi arabia's eastern providence. but i think the worst of this is over. we've seen a lot of hail storms as of late, but we also see that weather pass rate over kuwait as it makes its way into either on this is going to give us
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a bit more in the way of cloud cover through the golf. but the sun will poke out from the clouds as well, including for us here, and they'll have with a high of 24 degrees. well from cannot you to take it on from ask about to barcode . temperatures are above average here. plenty of sun in the mix. on monday, not so though, for turkey, especially the western side of the country, locked into gloomy conditions here that's going to squeeze out a few showers around it, stumble more steady or bouts of rainbow for southern turkey. around on talia to africa, we go also what weather? sneaking in here through the atlas mountains that northwest slice is a bit unsettled. temperatures coming down a bit around the gulf of guinea in like offset $36.00 degrees and jolts and bolts around lake victoria. spreading out, so that's impacting both nairobi and kampala on monday. and then we've got this weather maker in the booth and big channel that is going to give us copious amounts
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of rain for the western size of my gas car on monday. see us 2023 comes to an end of just us teams on the ground of work at the fire report. the story from the continuing conflict frame that's that's the sound of artillery east side. this is the news. our license to the war and gods are token to you right now. the sounds of it is very from boston into the inside of the sense of how the people who need is the most on the just the on counting the cost. what lies ahead for the global economy is inflation of interest rates remain high. china is facing deflation is price is full power flooding growth, the effect to wells foss. how is rails war on gaza is impacting energy and shipping
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kind of thing. the cost on how to 0, the look like you want to have just bear with me. so rahman and reminder of all top new stories, 5th street that holds in central gone. so between this way, the full seasons about scientists, i think, is really metrics found this ground operation. the u. s. navy is killed at least 10 here if you find it isn't the red sea after responding to an attack on civilian shipping of the region. through the say that strikes will continue until the sci fi in garza found these radio because those new strikes on the southern level that the latest and
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a series of exchanges between these really all me and has put off across the this is rose warren gauze. i haven't has lightweight and also need to human lives in the infrastructure, but also to the territories heritage of the standing for centuries, the grand or body mosque in northern garza is now in rooms living is really strikes it's patty recognizable. but it was a has a famous mentor, right? the oldest and most prestigious, most skin garza has religious and historic significance, such as a cultural landmark. also reduced to rubble of the historic some robots that date back to the ultimate and they've been functioning as turkish bath. sing, gaza and what considered the place, so people to relax and hear that ailments. and the costs are all. basha is also known as precious pilots. there's another cultural lab mazda as the last. the palace consisted of 2 buildings built by the men, looks on the ultimate and before the war on gauze and started, it was the museum receiving thousands of visits as the yeah. is ball sabrin is the
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president of the heritage for peace. it's a non profit organization to support countries in conflict in the efforts to protect and safeguard cultural heritage. he will say found to the arab network, full civil society, to save, called cultural heritage, which is working should lights on the destruction of the cultural which is an identity, the promise to mean people in gaza. he describes what's happening as cultural genocide. what is happening now in guys that is cultural genocide and what pre, from the beginning of the war, we started to monitor as well. this ration of the other sites and we bought our 1st report was there seconds of november. and so far, from the 1st months of the war, a lot of extra human in on is this report. we have, we weren't able to do a different mind around $104.00 sides,
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which they were affected by the surface support mean at the score. he's destroying that he was edition as identity as the history of the boy. and also, i mean we, we work in conflict and we weren't to see of you and you have been in so darn, but we never had so like that. so is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu is that a boat? is that in between? gone, is that an agent man? does the philadelphia, colorado must be controlled by israel. the colorado is a full, so you can come up with a strip of land along the southern end of casa. israel is government says one of its purposes is to bonnet tickets and people moving between egypt and the gaza strip. to search for weapons as well believes hundreds of tunnels that are being used for smuggling. a spring and stilton public health is the professor of public policy at time i've been calling for the university and the director of the global institute for strategic research get to the back of the program. it's a bold statement to make by the user id probably middest that he knows full well
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that this is possible, very sensitive agreement signed with the egyptians before he is good us. yes. well, the corner door itself was actually part of the agreement with the, with the exceptions. back in 1979, they agreed to it and they agreed for it to be controlled by israel. and then in 1993 under the also agreement. it's also for assistive discovered door under the control of those res, it went out of control in 2005 when they withdrew from from the gaza strip. and then it was a read, negotiated arrangement was reading, graduated at post the 2008 war between is rather in egypt. and in a sense where they've done is they've shifted the, the buffers on into the junction on today's junction site. so egypt was created the 500 meter wide, a buffer zone. and in fact, it was very controversial because it displaced many of these different communities
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who lived on the side of the border. they also with the help of the nice states build a battery or a new battery, a concrete is do battery or in some parts it went as deep as 18 meters underground . to prevent the policy is from building the tunnels. and that the battery or has continued for various years uh over the years it different stages where a developer from this barrier a search has was never really completed across the whole 14 kilometer. but much of it today exist. and as you remember when the buyer came to power, immediately after mercy, he had the major campaign he flooded the tunnels, closed the tunnels, and the whole are arguing that the tunnel is still in use is not correct. between egypt and, and council. now what does it mean to the situation in, in the, in the post a conflict to periods? i think it goes back to the idea that i have been talking about the earlier the and that's in the whole ones to split the guys
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a strip into zones. you were. it was split into 3 or 4 zones that are entirely circulated with is ready to control all the way to the sea. and then that is too big to break down communication between the person is too weak in them. further is not what are the output to the other communities there or for him, or potentially immobile people that can be pushed out of the borders. and as you can see, they made the environmental to even habitable, which means that people may have this may have no choice but to leave eventually there was so much touch we think about because for the egyptians, one might say that since october, the 7th, they remain relatively quiet now they've got the, the car door to consider. they've got the ongoing soul for so many palestinians in the province. so that the back crew negotiations of the house being any we don't privy to that with the israelis folding on death is now we've got new small sources on the ground that
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a group of invoice from egypt are heading to tell of eve with this statement in mind and also what's the small, richest set as well about is ratings. returning to garza is going to start ringing the alarm bells for the egyptian. surely when they learned intensity, as not talking to the opposite numbers, h would if the situation was normal, that the type of sovereignty egypt has on china is not a complete software. it, you know, even after the agreement with cum david, they are not allowed to bring in whatever number of soldiers they wish in to the zone. whatever kind of security arrangements they have when they, when they were allowed by his retrograde this 500 meter, a buffer zone is also allowed. the number of border soldier borders that as agents can put on the border. the border between egypt and the gods is not entirely under the control in principle, it is under the control of egyptians,
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but it's only for, for peoples to cross not goods to come in unless it is, you know, a very specific goods in agreement with israel. i when it comes to people crossing also is where i control the registrar for the population in gaza. so if not anyone can cross without an agreement from his row. and the mechanism is so complicated that your opinion interfered in 2000 a 2009 to co joined in the management of it. so it's not quite like a normal border between new southern states and egypt to i think the said the conditions there are very complex as far as they're concerned. and they have the fear that the smuggling could also middle tries people on the board because the weapons that this michael could also be as a new weapons sold through the trade there is that across into egypt, it's very complicated situation. be interesting to see how, what the conversation, the, how that conversation evolves in today's ad. but so the way we think he felt about it, think, well issue. i've seen unprecedented death and destruction to golf money. i'm hoping
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that the will will and soon houses or i'm just there has been asking displace palestinian children about the hopes and dreams for the new yet the h as in age of the as we stand as a 1st time around 9 feeds we sam as yeah, the next none the kids, the, the 0 with the, the high shift and the dusty. which one and the colors and have all as yeah. have you yeah. i like this, this one. i love the kind of the 7 mean. yeah. i mean i said when you yeah are you um uh in the next is done is and thats colors and how to move well avenue. if not, then that's what i'm gonna need,
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the national lab, most of the magenta views and then, and i'm look on the server and i have to say, i'm a model. and if i just services an issue with luck is it was suitable. no, but the i actually was able enough to have in the colors and had news. and how do i know that that in them had been of that nature said that we let the, the choose some of the people still had, hey, all the news. i also missed out on the trends to go to all of the premier legal lights, a small section of a piece or something. the it is the room rather than the exception for elders to report child abuse,
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to search kit, and it keeps it protects the users for years and years. so no one's ever told me that i wasn't my cold fault lines investigated. state laws in the us that can lead to child sexual abuse and religious institutions going on punished secrets of the clergy on the jersey. the book about russia says and attack it last on the ukrainians that have car key was in response to ukraine entering the city of belgrade on saturday. now the targets included a hotel that was in your training and military command does. that's the back has
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moved from keith to waive the rest and strikes. talk to you. crane. second largest city hockey. authorities to address and strikes hit the center of the city late on saturday night. i mean, the hours of sunday the present russian made for us this new year. they adult souls simply talk souls, they boom residential areas. there are people here. how can one do such a things? the regional administration and excess of virginia infrastructure was damaged apartment buildings and a hotel that also had a plan for moving one strong kid a hotel and concave city scene to the strong approximately hit the 12th floor. only 2 people were slightly injured. another strong hit a new 3 and completely destroyed the residential buildings with head by the way of the explosion. and we, kimberly damaged where the strikes came. just i was after rush that reported casualties in the city of belgrade, same ukraine. the russian response was the talk if the car keeps empty columbia to
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the way ukraine says it's a defense is around the cap to keep involved in shooting down drones. this latest wave of attacks comes to stay is after russia targeted cities across ukraine. in march, forward to said was the most must have a very low tech since the start of the war. both sides ready confirm and ministry targets, which we can only to help with civilian infrastructure is struck. but this, the fear that this recent tit for tat could mock escalation in a will that's already been raging. now if we needed to guess a said vague, i 0, keep a 2020 so it will be a big year for elections with more people heading to the polls around the world than ever before. the continent is exempt from what's on track to be a yeah, that could shape the future. well, daughter, at least 70 countries are expected to hold elections in 2024 ninty full 1000000000 people eligible to vote. that city hall of the global population. the 1st election is due to take place on january the 7th in bangladesh and the display of the
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outcomes of full conclusion. with a victory for the prime minister shake. i've seen a, he's been in power since 2009, both has and several other asian nations will also go to the polls including focused on indonesia and india. one of the most hotly contested will be taiwan, where the outcome will likely have implications. so by the us and china elections for members of the european parliament taught you to take place in june more than 400000000 voters are expected to elect 720. i mean peas across the 27 countries and then in november, presidential elections take place in the us j button and of course, hoping to secure a 2nd time. while donald trump is planning a return to the white house. now the 2020 for us presidential election is starting to look like that. that's the one that was held in 2020 for the prospect of so many attend to that says why the similarities and does our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how chemicals. please welcome the president of the united states. the 2024 us election is likely to be a rematch between president joe biden and former president donald trump. but it's a match up. most polls show a majority of americans don't want at $81.00 biden c oldest us president to run for re election. is his age going to be an impediment to him being effective. and that is something that's not going away. biden's approval ratings have hit historic lows. trump is entering 24 with the rising lead above his republican challengers. in familiar form, he's railing against an influx of migrants to the united states. they dump them on the border and they pour into our country. well campaigning trumps also fighting
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$91.00 criminal charges until spend much of the us selection season in a court room and also offending the presidential calendar. 2 possible supreme court rulings the 1st could decide if trump can hold public office after colorado state removed him from its ballot for stoping the 2021 capital riots. the 2nd could decide if trump sum you from prosecution for alleged efforts to support the 2020 election. i think the supreme court is going to be not only the x factor, but i think the biggest factor to determine the trajectory of this race as for election issues, voters sour view of the economy still dominates bite and support of israel's war and gaza with more than 20000 palestinians killed is dividing the youth vote the by the need for re election. the
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democrats, like president biden hope, the domestic issues like protecting abortion rights, will galvanize voters after the supreme court in 2020, to overturn the right to an abortion history is also 15 inside since 1912, roughly 75 percent of encompass have one re election kimberly help it alice's 0. the white house sounds good. all the schools headlines now, his piece of i also have suffered another sick back in the premier, the title races they was stunned to, to one by full of austin. look like they will well say to heading to the new at the top of the standings as the class sucker screwed off to just 5 minutes. but for them full back as ro jimenez school, he's fit goal of the season just
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to be almost who's completed to come back. thank you for the day to day. it's a food to feed in for for all summer they will wait until the 2024 face to points behind it is so so expensive and they move funded writers talking more just one point behind them of the day before me 31 of a method a saw in the schools, the space that was in the 9th minutes and then 19 minutes from the in something mean double the. i mean we don't even do a consultation goals. a bonus is amount just 3 points of the top it's, this would be an incredible chunk of each $13.00 grand slams this year, and sign those 2023 for the victory in space. if a united comp time you want any singles and the mixed doubles matches, the thing changes in the straight 6 here is the winning with all good,
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the middle of which assumed be a be china to one in the mix to even the sales trailer has been uh, you know, my happy place a place where i made the most lamb wins in melbourne obviously, and i love coming back. i love playing and i missed playing in 1st as well in front of you guys. so thank you so much for coming out and how about this? it's really at the end of these doubles match jokers, which and these teammates would need to get the of good news. the now is we say good bye to 2023. us will just leave a school present is put together a look, look back at the key sporting moments of the year, starting with a look at a mouth watering,
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move for the world's biggest football stall. maybe one but from experience and specialist, you know, macy's message to the friends who was officially introduced as a into miami play a full size inside the radio. so the 1st those to at the latest big name to join the country city assigned for all is to have along $60000.00 science and well, some of the 55 year old friends duyka focusing on football at a time like this may seem trivial, some promise to me is around the world. it also has a moment of unity and pride. they have beaten english when the women's world have for the 1st time spanish play a jenny had a most so says she wants her country's football. present newest. that will be alice punished to offer you a kiss or on the lips following her teams victory. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to resign validate presenters just by and football federation to us. it will be all those have been fine trouble winning mention this . he will hold a victory parade later on monday, following the european champions league when it is simple. it is
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a new thing or seem to cool with carla sales for as the thing that you all could reach. and what was an epic means fine with wimbledon fake. and he's in the waterfall for the pga to have agreed to lodge with saudi arabia, about trifle live golf because there's still has to be consequences. the auction like we can just walk in and back in when it comes to size. the asian games has no income shawnee city of home. joe is hosting an event with more athletes in most schools than any olympics. but a spare of the back. you've got room for 10 rows of runs. a chastity, woolen pulse of drama. the 10s of thousands of people funds and easily have food on the streets of naples to celebrate snap lease. first to tell in these titles in such a 3 year, what a difference, 6 weeks break from losing to india in the are thing will come much to beating them in the florida. in front of the 130000 a being fired. rebels met some stuff in his one
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a search straight formula one well the title of the victory in the sprint races and cancel to involve of late the us women seem to recollect 7th grade time to let the gymnastics little championships for south africa funds leaving the stop the from success is measured in one way are like the world cup is coming home again today that just of it says he's going to keep going on going on preventing a record 1824. i don't want to leave the sports if i'm still at the top, you know, if i'm still playing and does it useful headlines for the time being, you can get more on elders here to come. and also have a look at our social media channels as well across sites that people are sharing in the new yeah, the to the patients included a 12 minute fine. what is the color? victoria hub, the longest and largest display it ever produced. tens of thousands of people, watch the show,
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the one well can always particular fi works from its type pay one. 0, one tower. how's the clock struck midnight? display around the 5 they taught use japanese fi works to the very 1st time the 1000000 people rang in the new year and sidney hubbard taking in a display of the team and a half 1005, with thousands of people come from any voting to a fine school to wants the 12 minute spectacle to celebrate the new year with fireworks lighting up open sky towers. and of course, will continue to watch all of the countries around middle eastern europe and then onto the americas, bringing in the new yeah, 2024 hasn't speak
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a lot more news on the other side of the right until i'm from may have. yeah, thanks for watching. how does the why your, why your might and the annual as you know, high month i included. right now we have our in addition to the in built valves which are part of the irrigation canals, farmers have resorted to extra and with water hoses to pump the fluid or onto their fields. to practice the government considered illegal. i'm or from ha ha ha,
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i'm just thinking about it. do i say? so why would that and the city that's on is that the to talk about the process. this which i marry him shaheen. a filmmaker and i've been working in and around concert for 30 years. as i watched the 2023 devastation of concept ideas rarely army. i looked back at the place, i knew the optimism of 2005 when he is released to the destruction of the wars. the echoes of the wall sconces fainted. hopes on l. g 0. the
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the the come on has them see here. this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the fighting on the streets of gauze of the military wing of how much release is a video showing baffles with his right forces as ground operations are expanded in


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