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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, is really will planes, pounds central goes with strikes as prime minister benjamin netanyahu indicates a longer one, the binary pulse of business own your 0 life. and the also coming up fighting on the streets of gaza. the minute she wouldn't have home us release is a video showing see
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a specialist with his reading courses. this side of the student, israel is ben rogers of rockets aside from gaza towards television. and while the world rings in here with fireworks lighting up landmarks and skies in palestine, the celebrations and uses as a war on gaza continues people march to the center of ramallah demanding a ceasefire. the gaza has again being targeted by is really war planes. the guided by slaves, the jet struck the central part of the strip. the number of palestinians killed and israel's war on garza is nearing 22000 more than 50. 6000 people have been wounded . of the meanwhile,
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via sky thing has continued in central guys and between homos fighters and is very forces is where the military is expanding its ground operations southward. target was who has moved from rough uh, in the south. the tax software, as the goal is a straight continues at the end of the last day of the 2023. we're palestinians happening on the white military attacks by the east valley forces. we clearly understand that the middle areas of the gaza strip had been a widely attacked quite east, very forces where the onto the re shooting of these areas did not stop since the early hours of today's morning. and also the residents that have been informing us that the as rarely met it, treats strikes, did not stop where i think different, but i exactly around a full palestinians being killed alongside with those and others who have been injured. and this is completely considered to be a wonderful the wide attacks that have been carried out to the. similarly, the situation if cutting is continues where the military attacks against these
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areas had been intensified, were only inside you this more than 30 pounds city is being killed. since the 80 hours of today's morning and this is completely has been uh, also a searching to during the last couple of days where these really pushes are right now, making a very, please checked in the military operations from the north towards the middle and southern parts of the gaza strip as moved through gates by these very many streets had been mobilized to take full control over. now these ongoing military attacks at increase the numbers of palestinians being killed, to more than $21000.00 palestinians, including $9000.00 the child alongside with more than $6000.00 women since october . the 2nd is where the army says summers this will be coming home from gaza this week. it says it will withdrawal 5 come back brigades taking part in the ground battle. so the troops can gain strength of future fights, is where the government says it's released. the reserve is also to help revise as
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well as the economy pedigreed. ultimately leading to some of the reserve as soldiers will return to their families and their jobs this week. this will allow us significant relief for the economy and will allow them to gather strength ahead of the coming activities in the next year. you might or how much is um the wing has 5 barrels of at least 20 rockets into central and southern israel. israel says 10 of the projectiles were interest that did buy its missile defense system because um brigades have claimed responsibility for the attack. israel's national ambulance services, no injuries have been reported. so far. leucon has moved from occupied easters of what's happened around 4 hours ago and they were at least 20 real kits fled from gauze. the outer cassandra gates has taken responsibility for doing that out. now we know where they all because there's an app that you can use that shows
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a map of where the sirens, the sounding when the fire and sounds people tend to dock. so this is the mapped out so they tend to take shelter. so the, a number of the fulton along the gulf, the envelope and types of like a stair out and just south of storage. but many of them talk just south of tennessee and the simon spread across a large area. as a customer, kate said that they've done this because of the ongoing genocide in garza to civilians. 5 for gates are being withdrawn at the moment. many i usually taken in and out on re deployments. but according to daniel, how gary, who's a spokes person for the is ready for says he says that they all withdrawing them in order to get ready for a much longer war. this rhetoric is being reiterated by benjamin netanyahu. the is ready, prime minister. he says that they are looking for a prolonged war,
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but they all recording these was office. i'm around 3 at $3600.00. i resolved to know making it the largest military deployments for israel, f a. but it meant the many of them left their jobs and what that's doing is it's essentially denting certain sectors of the economy. so such as agriculture, construction and tech. uh, no. they also were like both in special workforce but a huge palestinian workforce. and according to, at the con, is ready for acosta. they are now considering taking away a palestinian employment from the fact us. and instead of sending in international from countries such as china ad, the actual line come all those. uh uh, so they want some tens of thousands of people in however, the palestinians from the occupied westbank before the war of to see and gaza on east jerusalem. rely very heavily on this employment in order to provide for that
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families with the economy is really struggling in places like the west bank. so this is going to be at seems a very tough here, and with a prolonged war as well going through 2024 more pain. the mystery to people in casa norman finkelstein is a political scientist. he says he sees no prospect to the humanitarian disaster in the gaza strip. and then any time in the near future there is a possibility. i think it's a likely possibility that there won't be a reduction in the amount of murder that israel's committee that will be in the headlines. the main concern right now the bind administration is the election in november. and he recognizes that the most murderous images are doing him damage, not just internationally, but more importantly,
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domestically the age cohort. roughly $18.00 to $34.00 is overwhelmingly opposed to the binding support of israel's director. so i know it will undermine his electability. and so he's concerned that about n d b is really genocide. with that, it doesn't look so bad in the media. and so now there are reports that israel will of the 3 to bargains demand that certain aspects of the show. so i will be reduced. i am not convinced, however, that that's going to have a major impact on the essence of the as rarely as so the people of garza. so there's no real grounds for holes there. in the immediate turn, though, probably the intensity of the bombing will be reduced and the intensity of the
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targeting civilians will be somewhat reduced. i'm not yet convinced that the humanitarian disaster, the starvation, and the spreading of communicable diseases will be reduced. as i said, the main concern is our media concern, how it's looking in the mainstream media. that's the only concern that the president biden and his immediate entre russia, they have no concern whatsoever about the death, the disruption, the killing off of the t. ready casa, it's only a media genic concern. now, beyond that, if you look at the longer term, israel has suffered 2 major uh blows. the 1st was on october servers. when it was revealed to be as one is really carlos florida. recently put it,
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i think he wrote an article yesterday try loans and you said it's always revealed to have quote, a mediocre army. and that was a real shock for the world actually of world to see that for all of israel's wanted. how to the military prowess, on october 7th, a rag tag on the inside a concentration care was able to out with is real. this is where the army has launched. new strikes on the southern lebanon plumes of smoke rose into the air, as is where the soldiers were seen. filming the optimum. is the latest of the series of cross border strikes by these where the army and has bought uh, at least a 179 people on both sides have been killed since october. the 7th, including $23.00 lebanese civilians. are the hush and has this update from southern
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level as well as deputy leda named costs. and one is right. it's not in the position to impose its conditions on his lot and that it's not going to come out with any gains from this war. and that for the residents self know this, ready to get back to that holmes, the water and guys should stop with israel's escalation targeting civilians. this means the response will be stronger and proportional to the is there any aggression what we have taken a decision to be in a state civil confrontation on the southern from 9 cross and speech game just few days before how sudden the role of a waited speech of the said of genuine, it's thought that crossing is setting the scene for a new stance from having a full however, the situation on the border is still tense with eyes is really warplanes. have lost several add strikes on different thousands on the board included rom. yeah. well,
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several explosions were had also towards the east in quite a killer. and you bane which goes it goes to us yet in the end let bony with a couple of midsize from a drone launch has the la claimed responsibility for several of the docs on his re, the targets and positions. launching rockets and anti tank guided midsize on the how should i just, you know, look what i saw 7, at least 10. who's the scientists have been killed and attacked by the us military in the southern red sea. who's the bustles had assaulted a mask container ship, us helicopters, responded, responded to its distress. cool. pretty forces say that targeting ships in the red sea, depression israel into a ceasefire, and garza national security council spokesman in the us. john cubby says america will defend international trade or we're going to do, we have to do to protect shipping. number 2,
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we've got significant national security interest in the region just on our own, the united states. and we're going to put the kind of forces we need in the region to protect those interest. and we're going to act in self defense going forward. again. i'm not ruling anything in or out, but we have made it clear publicly to the who these we've made it clear privately to our allies in partners in the region that we take these threats seriously. and we're going to make the right decisions going forward. who's the military spokesman as well and other countries not to interfere in what he called you have any affairs in the red sea that the american enemy shall bear the consequences of this crime? there are military movements in the red sea to protect is really ships will not prevent them and from carrying out its religious humanitarian and ethical duty to support the people of gaza. we call upon all countries not to follow this dangerous cause of the us. the consequences of which will touch everyone on another note, with the grace of god, our humanity forces were successful in performing an operation in targeting a container ship that was heading to israel as
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a consequence of the crew. not responding to our warning to receive taxes mostly hit ships near the bottom and up straight. that's a narrow sea passage between yemen and booty that connects the indian ocean and the red sea. russell sorta has more from giblin see west several countries, including the us, have ministry basis since the beginning of the escalation in the rest, the, this is the 1st time the 4th. these are confirming that their members or death killed the by the usa, and they're seeing that us. that's the full responsibility and the cost a cruise to. so what does that mean? whether it is a hands for retaliation or a he's for more actions and operations. augusta west was an even guess the american forces that is not clear yet. but what is clear is that us, it is increasing is name of the presence here, and it is determined to keep the above and meant the straight open. so for that is not the case. the many time traffic has ruled by up to 40 percent. that is
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a remarkable number. on the other hand, these are seeing that they have nothing to do with the ships that are not leave to israel, that the target to fall under the ships that are heading toward this rail or coming from israel. and they said that they will not stop attacking the shift that the link to his route until israel stop coming in gaza. on the other hand, the usa is not stepping back. so the question here is whether this is going to remain in a defensive position, or in case of retaliation, is going to change the position and shift into an offensive one. if do i say remains in a defensive position, there's not much change i expect this year. however, if it starts to be offensive, that could potentially 3 good, a full fledged, more steam to region, and that is the fear and building concerns. individual companies here as well, and they say that if that happens, us start to retaliate with these, not only in the red seats,
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but in human as well for the war. could savage the region for us, we started back up to 0 to or i'd still ahead on al jazeera, the opposition, and the democratic republic of congo calls protests and a rerun is the incumbency. next to security is declared the winner, the presidential election at all similar outcomes. again, it's for them to live in a new year's day on top of the premier league, all the latest things to use with the to come in the and here's how the story goes. for the america is great to have you. storms once again, central argentina, lifting northwards up the country. fresh for the southeast corner of brazil with a breeze off the south if by and take. and you're going to show you this video of
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this impressive ascending does start. i'm pretty cold in brazil, but pretty close to the border with bolivia and paraguay. we know there's been severe storms here so that has stirred up the winds big time and we see those storms, especially flaring up around brazil's capital in brazil. yeah. through the amazon estate as well. that's a central america rain still being pushed along the coast of nicaragua and coast or rica. i've seen through jamaica and also his spaniel as well. and, you know, for the us state of florida, we've had crossed alerts in play for the northeast. it's been quite cool. miami, just $22.00 degrees in some outbreaks of showers around the us gulf states on monday to eastern canada. the us northeast. things are quiet here. pretty typical winter weather. so let's move westbound. now, temperatures have come down a bit and alberta profits is capital admin soon at minus one. and we know that ring has moved away from california, but now we've got weather coming in to bohack california. but for the state of california, prepare for it another what day on wednesday, happy new year the,
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the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a co tax to what is that for now. it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another clinic is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing lead scottsdale with offers roles permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. the
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the you watching out a 0 reminder of our top stories this out the within the last 2 hours because it hasn't been being targeted by is ready to go. planes guided by slows just struck the central part of the strip. the number of palestinians killed in israel's will run. garza is nearing 22000. at least 20 rockets will find a central and southern israel, ton of which we are deceptive. because some brigades have claimed responsibility for the attack. and the u. s. navy has killed at least 10 who's the fighters and the red sea author responding to an attack on civilian shipping in the region. that was the say that strikes will continue until there is a ceasefire in gaza. started stations is warning that it's a race against time to prevent 2300000 people in gaza from starting the world. food program says basic services in the strip a close to complete collapse view and has been wanting for some time. the not in i
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say it is getting into the gaza, leaving its population at risk of stunning, as well as could the entry of a trucks sizing security concerns uses. how much is the guns advocacy officer for the norwegian refugee council? he describes the immense challenges people are facing to find food and water. when you blow out the problem, you have that it on to arrive through the month and then they don't. ready with a wish list, we go when whatever we buy, we got a small amount of people are more likely to have the financial needs because of the prices are very me. i'm imagining. but half of the new nation was really angry, and they said it before, the imagining visit to which and often being displayed on the or this mattress alone, barely able to go fine and update to find something here you have to look at, look and go from a place just to find if you manage to find this gets for the children because it's
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the food and eat on that water became a really big thing to find that it's might even expensive to put, find it and get to the market. is what people who receive it as a well, you need the pen solution because it's not. i don't have to find our citizen disagree or think it's found the world has failed. and then the heavier responsibility is hopefully where they're coming in because they know i, i'd sincerely be in that order that we need the database politicians on the lease of the great in the coming year. i have a whole that the number for a 2nd. our situation and this it to them here. the brightness take a look at some of the days of an use. now an aerial strikes and shelling and southern and eastern new crane have killed at least 5 people. and the reports of
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strikes right now on west innovative local authorities in the port city of odessa, say, a russian drone strike damaged a residential building, killing one person, an injury, several others. and at least 4 people were killed during shelling in the eastern city of don't yet incumbent. felix just security has been declared. the winner of the democratic republic of congo is presidential election. handing him a 2nd 5 year to amend office opposition party say the election was rigs and calling for protests against the outcome. catherine story reports now from kinshasa in the middle that mr. physics and dentist who did these declaration does not. com is a surprise president sit next to see katie quotes 12 medium votes. he's closest competitor moist to be hard as 3000000 opposition. presidential candidates the, the election was read by the so think of some candidates use violence, vandalism,
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and corruption. they intimidated our employees doing voting. jane was to read the election in the favor opposition only to say they will reject that outcome and they will not even go to court because they believe the constitutional courts is compromised. so they will take the flight to the street. sam election observe is how raised concerns about how the portal was conducted delays technical each is. and now that you regularities characterized the voting process. michigan at the most emission, to the electoral commission president and his team must be arrested mister, they've thrown in the country disarray. that is why we're telling our supporters to resist the president has us call these to put aside the differences and get down to business with us. i would like to reassure you the 2nd monday that to you of ground to 3 will be dedicated to more action to achieve commitment. so i've made this transform condos, some on and the see the president's worth is cut out,
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so he needs to deal with security problems in the east team installation and corruption and kill a d p divided nation. kathy saw you all to 0 kinshasa. the people around the world continue to say good bye to 2023 and celebrate the start of a new yeah. the dungeons big bench dropped midnight, taking the u. k. into 2024 people that were treated to the stunning fireworks display of the london eye. and the river times is really is about the start of the new year under the threat of missiles fine from the gaza strip. is rails on the defense system into sets of rockets and televi tv's about a minute. past midnight, some revellers took shelter while others continued to celebrate in the streets. people in ramallah have held the rally and solidarity with the population of guns
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amid the ongoing destruction in the strip. they were on con, sent this report, the residence of ramallah, around the streets for the se, but this is not a celebration by any means. this is this all. there are a few, riley with the people of jobs are. let me just show you because of the, the list of about 8000 names, a fraction of the people that have died during the message is absolutely clear. another story that we all know number showing the faces of the children. this is a bounce. sure, you call it out, as i say with the people garza. but the message is absolutely clear. the war and goals and these and kind of the occupation that is also needs then 2024 is the yeah . that these people who purchased those things will happen. alls is this and within the gaza strip itself, palestinians displaced by the war. i've tried to find moments of con, to reflect, unlock the end of 2023,
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and who to re spoke to some of the india all by the policy means are still hoping that next year is going to hold them a permanent ceasefire. i'm crazy standing where our policy means gathered every day to come and meet each other. we're. we're talking about this. please tell us the new stuff evacuated from different areas across of the gaza strip. and here is where they gather every day to watch the sunset. we see resilience and hope some people that come here told us that they come here because they feel free and they feel that the sunset is something they used to do every single day in the causes just before the war is the best place you could ever see in the words, even if flight services and place it will be the most place. i love here. how to read to me the see the precious treasure who it's priceless. it's the only place where people of cause a can breeze in fence without it explode. and the top of the stress on bottom,
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the bottom destruction over our heads a lot. if it were not for the scene, would break down even more than we already all forgot. how do i have the whole thing? who will see how we come here to vent the stretch to try to get some of the causes problems that accumulated excessively the destruction of homes, of factories and economic facilities. so we try to forget that and hope that we will return to guys as soon as god willing, despite everything palestinians in the gaza strip has been going to for more than 86 days. they're still enjoying cause of sunsets. this isn't the company for odyssey to that is the right time to go to the sports headlines now with peter, i also have suffered another sick back in the premier, the title races they was done to 21 by 4. them also look like they were well fix to heading to the top of the standings as the class sucker screwed off to just
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5 minutes. but for them full back as role jimenez school. he's fit goal of the season just to be able to come back. thank you for the day to day it's a food to feed in for for all summer they will. he didn't. so 2024 face 2 points behind it is so so and they move funded wireless helping or just one point behind them of the day before 31 of a mess. a saw open the school, the space that was in the 9th minutes and then 19 minutes from the in something mean double the. i mean we don't even do a consultation goals. a bonus is amount just 3 points of the top. it says, each $13.00 grand slams this year and sign of 2023,
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the victory in space. if a united comp time you want any singles and the mix doubles matches, the thing changes in the straight 6 here for winning with all good them a little bitch assumed be a, be china to one in the mix. 2 events of your sales trailer has been uh you know, my happy place, a place where i made the most lamb wins in melbourne obviously. and i love coming back. i love playing and i missed playing in 1st as well in front of you guys. so thank you so much for coming out and how about this? it's really at the end of these doubles match junk of which and these teammates would need to get the of good news. the now is we say good bye to 2023 us. i'll just leave a spool present as i put together a look,
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look back at the key sporting moments of the year, starting with the look at a mouth watering, move for the world's biggest football stall. i'm sure many wonderful experience. and so that was the, you know, macy's message for the friends as it was officially introduced as a, into miami play a full size inside the radio. so the 1st those to at the latest speak name to join the countries need assigned for all is to have around 60000 science and well, some of the 55 build a fence duyka focusing on football at a time like this may seem trivial. some policy is around the world, it also has a moment of unity and pride. they have beaten english when the women's world have for the 1st time spanish play. a jenny had a most so says she wants her country's football present to us. that would be alice punished to offer you a kiss or on the lips following her teams victory. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to resign. i'm not going to resign validate, present,


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