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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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the community off to the side, the cool values to produce outstanding gentleness and elders. the integrity in the pursuit of the is really what planes pound garza with strikes, pushing the number of palestinians killed in the conflict close to 22000. i suppose that this is andrea 0 life and also coming up the street battles between hamas sponsors and his very forces in central goza is relevant, which he says it's expanding its ground operation. southwest decided,
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let's shoot it as rails as by rogers of rockets a find from guns at, towards tennessee plus and fisher and west to respond and he's being described as the great survivor of will. 2024. be the end of his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his political career. also it had the world rings in the new year with fireworks marching up landmarks and the skies. but in palestine, the celebrations of muted as the war on gaza continues. people march to the center of ramallah demanding a ceasefire. the war on goza ends as a new. yeah. and the strip has come on to ariel on budman by is rarely forces the guided by slaves. the jet struck the central part of gaza, the number of palestinians killed in news where the offensive is nearing 22000 more
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than 56000 people had been wounded. the meanwhile, 5th street fighting has continued in central gaza between hama, spices and is where the forces is rarely made. the tree is expanding its ground operations southwards. honey, my hood is joining us live now from rough uh, in southern gaza. uh, how do you, can you bring us up to date on the latest, on the strikes of an item, the current state of the fighting of the this harry, it just stuff as the world, the solid, great thing a new year. uh and, and with fire works then this passivity is everywhere. palestinians and the gods trip are running for their lives. they're looking for places to shelter in and take them as a refuge of from down to predictable bombs. the overnight in the central area of
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the gaza. strip has been pounded repeatedly, but over night we're looking at an area that was designated at the same zone for power experience. the fact we do, namely, we're talking particular about data velocity where a residential home was targeted. everything is all full of of this place. how opinions and in fact we use it from different parts of the northern parts and gods city. the reports of 5, how the senior were killed in that residential phones in a different area strikes and artillery settings that the eastern side of the, of the gaza strip. in the central park, particularly looking at more refuge accounts being, being targeted so far within the past few weeks we're looking at city. is that a good a child's record? you can be in the target a then more residential homes being destroyed, more displacement of palestinians. in fact, as of now, we're looking at a large segments of the population. more than 85 percent of the population is displaced and, and the vast majority been lived in tents and then open at largely sand. the area
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here in the city on this particular new year's eve, goblins are looking for a space for 11 in which their families will, the prospect not buried under the revels. not wrapped in white skies and is also worried about the state of the aid program. the amounts of food and water in medicine. i mean the whole food program has been wandering again about the risk of some and what kind of length. so people going to to find enough to survive on it was very so far we're seeing people if you in line for long hours that in different a operated and managed honor was centers in and drop off city. but it just given the number of spencer is very, very small compared to the large number of people who are in need of this house. we've seen them doing for half
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a day or sometimes for 2 or 3 days just to reduce their for available assistance. and when we talk about what are available assistance, there is just regular amount of food we're talking about at food coupons and just a small amount of, of rice, a small amount of, of, of bread and it's use just to get them. it's food. it is, there are reports about people here, a living on one, me like they. and sometimes they go with their children for one or 2 days without any food. the, the help here is very, very small, but the demand is this is so great. given the fact that the of the vast majority of, of guys a population has been squeezed in this, a small sliver of land in the southern part of the gaza strip. so we're looking at the infrastructure, the, the facilities that they have available at food, then a human to turn in a then look at the large number of beaut, or need of this just important to point out that people lift everything. and ga,
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the northern part of now from the central part is that adding more pressure on evacuation center, literally the walked away from their bones under the falling bombs with nothing in their hands. okay, honeywell, who the in rough are in southern garza, thank you very much. i, this is where the army says summers of this will be coming home from gauze of this week. it says it will withdrawal 5 combat brigades taking part in the ground battle . so the troops can gain strength for future fights. the army says the released reserve us will also help revive israel sluggish economy that can be looked manually into some of the reserve as soldiers will return to their families and their jobs this week. this will allow us to get into the get relief for the economy and will allow them to gather strength ahead of the coming activities in the next year. few months. a must has ongoing his fight, a barge of rockets at least 20 of them. it's a central and southern israel. the israel
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says 10 of the projectiles where it just started by its missile defense system. because some brigades have claimed responsibility for the attack. israel's national ambulance service says no injuries have reported being reported so far. laura han has more now from occupied east jerusalem. and there are these 20 rural kits fired from gauze. a outer cassandra gates has taken responsibility for doing that out, that we know where they all because there's an app that you can use that shows a map of where the sirens of sounding and when the fire and sounds people tend to dock. so this is the mapped out so they tend to take shelter. so the, a number of the folding along the gauze, the envelope and types of like a stair out and just south of i stalled, but many of them talk just south of tennessee and the slide was spread across a large area of so a customer,
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kate said that they've done this because of the ongoing genocide in garza to civilians. 5 for gates are being withdrawn at the moment. many i usually taken in and out on re deployments. but according to daniel, how gary, who's a spokes person for the is ready for says he said that they all withdrawing them in order to get ready for a much longer war. this rhetoric is being reiterated by benjamin netanyahu. the is ready, prime minister. he says that they are looking for a prolonged war, but they are recording, these was office, i'm around 3600. i resolved to know making it the largest military deployments for israel, f a. but it meant the many of them left their jobs and what that's doing is it's essentially denting certain sectors of the economy. so such as agriculture, construction and tech. uh, no. they also were like both in special workforce but a huge palestinian workforce. and according to, at the con,
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is ready for acosta. they are now considering taking away a palestinian employment from the sectors. and instead of sending in international from countries such as china ad at shoreline come all to is uh, so they want some tens of while since the people in however, the palestinians from the occupied westbank before the war of to see and gaza on east jerusalem. rely very heavily on this employment in order to provide for that families with the economy is really struggling in places like the west bank. so this is going to be at seems a very tough. yeah. and with a prolonged war as well going through 2024 more pain, the mystery to people in casa, he's very prime minister benjamin netanyahu is starting the new year with his lowest of approval rating. he's being 5 minutes to 16 years in total of a 3 times and office. and also they suggest, well that half of his release,
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believe his time and power should end. now pointing to security, intelligence and political failures leading to the time us attack on october the 7th from west jerusalem unofficial. as this report. the p is the sales style, protected of israel, the man who would keep the country safe with others field looking threats from a site and within but except for but in the years of blood, the state is right. it got much stronger. just printed himself as the greatest jewish leader since moses, i'm this is essentially how he is pictured himself. when in history, he will be noted as the very worst leader of the jewish people. a certain yahoo use the security argument to propel him into the rule of prime minister several times, but no opinion polls see 9 and 10 is released. but the name of october, the 7th on a failure of his government, i'm more than 50 percent. want them to resign. nathaniel was faulty. art is
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shrinking and shrinking. this thinking, but he believed that somehow we would, during that they both and with the, with this august focus magic will make it public once again. now, behind the morelli behind him is standing in israel has never been long. he said problems before. he's been kicked out of office before the great survivor always seems to state to come back the latest. just over a year ago, when he took control of the most right, when government is really history. now the majority of the population wants to see a different government, a different prime minister. the leading candidate would be pending against a member of the war cabinet. but a popular figure, not positive netanyahu's party. and this year le pete, the leader of the opposition. who said nothing. yeah. who has lost the trust of the people? i think of benny guns and you're likely bring a sense of stability, a lack of fanaticism, a d,
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a rolling back of the religious extremism that we've seen in this really society over the past years led by nothing you know, and whose coalition seemed a sole benjamin netanyahu in says he is focused on winning the war, and then the qualities the inquest can begin to benjamin netanyahu once famously said, you may not like me. you may not trust me, but i will keep you safe. now he's by taking award and gossip. a walk, which will determine his political legacy and how he's remembered by the history books and fisher, i'll just see the west jerusalem us at least 10 who's the scientists have been killed and then attacked by the us military in the southern red sea. everything vessels had a salt and a mask containing a ship. us helicopters responded to its distress. cool. people say the targeting ships in the red sea to prussia, israel into a sci fi and gaza. the us national security council spokesman john cubby says america will defend international trade, or we're going to do,
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we have to do to protect shipping. number 2, we've got significant national security interest in the region just on our own, the united states. and we're going to put the kind of forces we need in the region to protect those interest. and we're going to act in self defense going forward. again. i'm not ruling anything in or out, but we have made it clear publicly to the who these we've made, clear privately to our allies in partners in the region that we take these threats seriously. and we're going to make the right decisions going forward. who's a military spokesman, his wound of the country is not to interfere. and what he called gemini, a says in the red sea that the american enemy shall bear the consequences of this crime. there are military movements in the red sea to protect is really ships will not prevent damage from carrying out its religious humanitarian and ethical duty to support the people of gaza. we call upon all countries not to follow this dangerous cause of the us. the consequences of which will touch everyone on another note with the grace of god, our you. many forces were successful in performing an operation in targeting
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a container ship that was heading to israel as a consequence of the crew. not responding to our warning to see a tanks of most of the hit ships near the bottom of that straight. that's another row seat passage between yemen, angie booty that connects the indian ocean and the red sea. russell started or has more now from jupiter to west. several countries, including the united states, have military bases since the beginning of the escalation in the rest, the, this is the 1st time the 4th. these are confirming that their members or death killed by the usa, and they're seeing that us. that's the full responsibility. and the costs are curious as to what does that mean, whether it is a hands for retaliation or a he's for more actions and operations. a guest west has an even a guess to american forces that is not clear yet. but what is clear is that the usa is increasing is naval to present here, and it is determined to keep the above and mental states open so far. that is not
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the case. the many time traffic has gold by up to 40 percent. that is a remarkable number. on the other hand with these are seen that they have nothing to do with the ships that are nothing leakage round the best target to fall under the ships that are heading toward israel or coming from israel. and they said that they would not stop attacking the ship that the lead to israel until israel stopped killing in gaza. on the other hand, the usa is not stepping back. so the question here is whether this is going to remain in a defensive position for in case of every technician, is going to change the position and shift into an offensive one. if do i say remains in a defensive position, there's not much change to expect this year. however, if it starts to be offensive, that could potentially 3 good, a full fledged, more steam to region, and that is the fear and grooming concerns. individual companies here as well. and
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they say that if that happens, if the us start to retaliate with these, not only in the right seat, but in yemen as well for the war, could savage the region. christmas said that the 0 thousands of people into care have joined the new year march and has done building solidarity with gaza. good, good. i was doing really dozens of non governmental organizations, a coordinating the rally organizes urging citizens to be the voice of humanity and justice for the people in palestine still ahead on al jazeera, more than 100 culture landmarks and guns and going back centuries are destroyed by these really bump up with just months left in office. taiwan as president says, the future of the island lives with its people. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the challenges here with these off choose solutions gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs, i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks, we to come up to on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves
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to be treated equally. we are walking in the footsteps, our ancestors. whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords, you the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories this out within the last 2 hours because it has,
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again being target adviser. any war planes guided by slash jet, struck the central part of the street. the number of palestinians killed in israel's war on gaza is nearing 22000. at least 20 rockets will find its central and southern israel, ton of which way deceptive. because i'm brigades have claimed responsibility for the attack. and the u. s. navy has killed at least 10 whose he finds it was in the red sea off the responding to an attack on civilian shipping in the region. who the say that strikes will continue until there is a ceasefire in garza during the war on guns and more than a 100 historic and cultural sites have been damaged or destroyed by these very bombardment. it's a loss, not just the palestinians, but to the why the world as well. you mentioned kim but has more before as long demaury most in northern goals. it was a church. it's been a hardy site for 1500 years because of his right strikes. now it looks like
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this. what's happening now in guys that is the cultural genocide, destroying. so here with this as identity as the history of the people, you know, so this why is raising these symbols because this is why i don't want to sell people. and as a, to have these coordination with 0, black heritage for peace is documented over $100.00 historical sites and goals that have been damaged by 3 strikes, including the costs of polish parts of which dated back to the 13th century. it was a museum receiving thousands of visitors. yeah. that night looks like this. on the summer bulbs and ultimate era, her mom's that was still functioning until the with that now looks like this. this where i have dinner, so he's obliged to respect to their culture and here he pays off the gas. so is that season now?
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and that never happened recently is our last 2 months 3 sites on your nest goes world heritage, preliminary list have been damaged. but so far, unesco has been silent. unesco has the mandate under the convention of 1954, the head convention. it's unesco, should raise a lot of all those monuments or the 3 c across the as the sign documented, a reference would have been passed to these res, they know exactly the geographical location of these sites. a ratio of historical and cultural buildings and published drawing is not new. but to these right, these have done is really popular a systematic campaign that's been going on since 1948. it's a huge loss, not just for the palestinians, but for mankind as a whole. entire villages most and summit trees were raised in 1948 and it goes a lot appears to be what is happening again,
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image and kinda how to 0. the right time for look at some of the days of in use and aerial strikes and shelling and southern an east and you kind of killed at least 5 people. other reports of overnight strikes in west and the live local authorities in the port city of odessa say a russian drones drank damaged a residential building, killing one person, injuring several others. at least 4 people were reported killed during ukrainian showing in the russian hill city of done yet. as that one's president says its relations with china must be decided by its own people. sy, in wings, comments, follow those of the chinese presidency, didn't ping in which he talked about the inevitable reunification of the island with china. aging has been ramping up military pressure to assert itself. warranty claims over taiwan, which is due to hold presidential and parliamentary elections on january, the 13 florence lily has more now from badging. hi, when he's president trying. when was asked by reporters, what she thought about,
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chinese president, changing things new. you had a message where he made a statement about re unification between taiwan and china as inevitable. now we know that this is china is position all along with chinese positions, previous nguyen, a message had taken a much soft just on square. he said people on both sides of the taiwan straits on members of one and the same family and tries. we action was very different. she said, but relations between china and taiwan must be decided by the will of the people. because try one is democrats with the government. she also said that must be peace, but it must be based on signatures. and this is very much in line with, ty, one's position on detroit leadership, where she has posts as high ones defense capabilities, including motor noise and gets respiratory leaving that to be key to maintaining step. and it's now closed all that has and get the chinese communist party,
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which views tie as a separate, you know, in a few days time, one will be holding election and this is being watched very keenly in china. taiwan government has repeatedly borne that china is trying to interfere and it's election from a combination of fake news, military and frank pressure. and ty also wants people to be on a lot for this. and she also said china should respect the outcome of tie one election, florence louis, which is 0 patient presently felix to security has been declared the winner of the democratic republic of congo is presidential election, giving him a 2nd 5 year to an office for the opposition party say the election was rigged, and according for protests against the outcome, catherine solely reports now from contessa. as the guns are done in the midst your physics authenticity, these declaration does not come as a surprise president sit next to see katie quotes 12 medium votes. he's closest competitor moist petune, b 5,
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a 3000000 opposition. presidential candidates say the election was read 5. so think of some candidates use violence, vandalism, and corruption. they intimidated our employees doing voting. jane was to read the election in the favor. opposition only does say they will reject that outcomes and they will not even go to court because they believe the constitutional court is compromised. so they will take the flight to the street. some election observe is how raised concerns about how the portal was conducted. delays technical each is and now that you've regularities characterized the voting process. michigan, the most image should go to the electro commission president and his team must be arrested, which they've thrown in the country. it's just the right. that is why we have telling our support is to resist. the president has us call the lease to put aside
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the differences and get down to business with us. i would like to reassure you the 2nd monday. the to you of ground to 3 will be dedicated to more action to achieve commitment, size mates, transform congress some on and the see the presidents, what is cut out. so he needs to deal with security problems in the east team installation and corruption and kill a d p divided nation. cathy, sorry, all to 0. kinshasa, people around the world continue to say good bye to 2023 and celebrate the start of a new year. a new york sewer now and full drop in time square mall started for the 25th and the us east coast. tens of thousands of people the way through the housing because to get a good view of the inside. the car is also running in 2024, with a laser show and fireworks in the city of new sale. is rarely use of mount the
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stats of new year under the threat of missiles fired from the gaza strip. israel's, i'm done defense system into a set of rockets. and a ton of is about a minute past midnight. some revellers took shelter while others continued to celebrate the streets. people in ramallah have held a rally in solidarity with the population of garza. i mean, the ongoing destruction in the strip in run con, has this report, a residence, a romanella around the streets for india as a. but this is not a celebration by any means. this is this all. there are a few riley with the people of jobs or let me just show you because of the, the list of about 80000 names a fraction of the people that have died during the message is absolutely clear. another story that we all know number showing the faces of the children. this is a bounce. sure you call it up. as i say with the people are garza but the message
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is absolutely clear. the war in gauze and these and kind of the okay, patient that is all sort of needs. then 2024 is the yeah. that these people who purchased those things will happen. alls of this and i said for me, harry faucet told me the credit will be back with more of the days. news that was helping me out as more no website, i'll just 0. don't know whether it's next then inside story examines the ukraine conflict in 2024. the hello again. here's our weather report for the middle east and africa on monday. the 1st day have 2024. so still somewhat weather for saudi arabia's eastern providence. but i think the worst of this is over. we've seen a lot of hail storms as of late, but we also see that weather passed right over kuwait, as it makes its way into either on this is going to give us
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a bit more in the way of cloud cover through the gulf. but the sun will poke out from the clouds as well, including for us here, and they'll have with a height of $24.00 degrees. well from cannot you to. tate on from ask about to barcode temperatures are above average here. plenty of sun in the mix on monday. not so though, for turkey, especially the western side of the country, locked into a gloomy conditions here that's going to squeeze out. a few showers of around is stumble, more steadier bouts of rain over a southern turkey. around on talia to africa, we go also wet weather, sneaking in here through the atlas mountains that northwest slice is a bit unsettled. temperature is coming down a bit around the gulf of guinea in lagos, at $36.00 degrees and jolts and bolts around lake victoria, spreading out. so that's impacting both nairobi and kampala on monday. and then we've got this weather maker in the moves and big channel that is going to give us
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copious amounts of rain for the western size of gas car on monday. so yeah, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the war and your plane shows. and this will sign of ending with continued destruction and losses on both sides sanctions against russia continued. perhaps its economy is growing. and the u. s. political support for your claims was that is


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