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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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we're going to lead a race today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species, a sharp at risk. he said, the, the, the scrambled society, the incident goes as, as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, the global continues to many more months. 5th street battles between our mazda sizes and just ready for this as in central kansas. these early mid latrice is expanding its crowned operation southward the on the pri, this is held. is there a line from the also coming off is really forces bonds with palestinians as they
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carry out more rides across the occupied with bank and east jerusalem. the solid sounds in israel is barrages of rockets of 5 from gonzo towards televi. tv's and people are being evacuated as to non. they had central japan triggered by a 7.4 magnitude. it's quite the, israel's prime minister is wanting, it's for ongoing. so it could continue throughout 2024 and has started the new year with a series of strikes. the guided by slaves will play and struck the central part of gauze of the number of palestinians killed him. he is rarely offensive as nearing 22000 more than 56000 people have been wounded. the emergency cruise in the southern city of con units have been working through the non searching for survivors. after an air strike,
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there is riley forces hit the house, killing one person, and entering 5 others, including children. the history finding between the most appliances and this really falls, this is taking place in central cancer. these really military is expanding its ground operations southwards. a mazda of wing has funded by raj of at least 20 rockets into a central and southern is room. the israel says tend, with deceptive biased missile defense system. the cosign for guides has claimed responsibility as rails ambulance services. no one is reported to have been injured sofa. honey buckley joins us live from rough and southern kaiser and tiny a new year. but really the same is riley bowman campaign. can you just bring us up
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to date on the strikes of night and the current state or funding there in gaza? the a yes. well, it hasn't been a half the new year beginning of a year for the the entire population of the gospel, but rather a beginning of a year that is as proud and then more death and destruction as of over night. the air strikes an early morning of early hours of this morning of intensive artillery, sitting a more of a restriction defense of parts and fun. eunice and more people are squeezed in the southern part of the gods have just within the past a few minutes. we, we, we, we got reports, confirmed reports of gunboats as rated gunboats of fire and get people who are close to the shore of the western parts of the refugee camp. the central part of the gods, of sir, uh, there are multiple evacuation centers at right. looking. busy over the short of the
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age of the cost of the receipt of the western part of the guster. but starting from the a, the central part western honda and us as well as western overall 5 city. but people right at that area, it came under a heavy gun board. so, but overnight, a surprise targeted residential homes and dated by the city there. 5 people reported go to from one family. that was children and residential homes. the something house also isn't something that we've seen within the past few weeks. and since the beginning of the world are patterns of a direct targeting of entire families inside the residential homes, whether they are the deluca residents of the area or displaced it palestinians, it coming from different parts of the, of the gaza strip. there is also so hard the tragedies of, after every era strikes people who are trapped under the rumbles. and that's why
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this year has started with this massive double of the tragedies of people, either pulling people from under the rebels or they are searching for those who are being killed and how gain happens to be under the rubble and to these choices. just compounding the humidity area and problems there and does of, they've been move warnings from the world food program over the growing risk of semen. can you just explain what kind of lens people are having to go through to find enough food just to survive? this is will, according to different reports that new one, the full name reports of from the united nations are what for the, the policy refugees warning of a catastrophic humanitarian situations across the gulf strip as signs of fountains . and starvation is started to be quite visible here in the southern part of the
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cost of as more people and get the get being sent. weeds in this small part of the, of the gaza strip, but would list human atari and 8 available. then list, food supplies and other survival items needed for their survival. what we look at here, people wait in lines for hours sometimes exceeds the 5 hours includes the entire day time just to get some water as well as some some food. there are reports about many families, google who just lived through one meal a did, or they go into 2 days or 3 days without any food whatsoever. there is melanie ethridge and that is started to be obvious when we look at most vulnerable groups of, of what's going on as women and children. there's the lack of, of substantial and material and food necessities that is important for them. but so far the situation is getting complicated and we don't see more aid, but we see more of the destruction and the depth unfortunately. thanks so much for
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that tiny honey mike. mood for us in reference, southern gaza. so confrontations between is ready, forces and palestinians have taken place during an overnight ride and occupied east jerusalem this was the scene is use held burning objects and the is already on the 5 take us visual fod refugee camp is intensely crowded in and residential area. it was ready for us as also rated of the towns and villages across the occupied with bank troops into the city of over a day off. the protest were held to show solidarity with gauze of funding was also reported width of annapolis. of a much more on this, we're going to go to bennett's method, joins us from ramallah in the occupied with bank and spend it another night. another series of rights. can you just bring this up to date with the license that has happened there? tom,
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the 13 raids overnight into the 1st day of 2024. across the west bank. one of those resulted and confrontations. no reports of any injuries. a total of now, we understand 16 arrests from those raids is actually come a comparatively quiet night as far as rates go ahead. has been averaging about more than 40 nights and soc toe. but the 7th. so the beginning of the a bit quieter and benedetto, so just the as rarely, miller tray, their full, so being a text by saint louis to a yes, this was a to settle is wearing military fatigues or settlers, excuse me, whining military fatigues who detained 2 palestinian shepherds were being told by the palestinian news agency took them away. i tried to question them some, why beat them off and then release them. now this unfortunately is not unusual these days either it's increasing and relevant in, in frequency,
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excuse me. west settlers disguised themselves as the soldiers just by wearing military fatigues. they often sometimes aided or a budget by the military or the best. the military stands buying lots and do what they're doing. and it's supposed to been coming creasing in bold. and since october the 7th, and seemingly acting with more impunity and according to the you and actually the, the, the number of subtler attacks or registered subtler attacks on palestinians is about 6 a day. that's double the number that was before october 7th. and that was already a very high number since the beginning of the and there was really no way of stopping the settlers unless these rails military steps in which it is increasingly unwilling to do. okay, thank you. at the end of business with for us and ramallah in the occupied with bank these ready? um it says summer service will be coming home from cause of this week. it says it will withdraw with some come back for guys that have been taking part and ground
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bethel so troops can recover. strength beyond me says the reserve us will also help revive israel. sluggish economy to that. it can be the manual in the some of the reserve as soldiers will return to their families and their jobs this week. this will allow us to get into get relief for the economy and will allow them to gather strength ahead of the coming activities in the next year. you must be, unless you are a hot, joins us now from television. so what does this withdrawal of troops actually indicate about the side of the war right now? the yeah, the basically, um, nothing else that they are, excuse me, they're reducing the number of troops in and around cause us, um the estimates is around uh, $40000.00 in total. that's all that already. and the, some of those will be returning by israel. uh for um, different gcs, uh to take
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a rest as well because some of them have been fi signal installed since. so for started, which was almost 3 months ago. um, and also to for that to be more true movement. uh, a few days ago the military chief had said that they were in operational control of the north of the gaza strip, fall a few areas that they still said that they were facing some resistance slipped from the homeless spices, but they have focus 3 focus that whole energy. so was the central parts of the gaza strip and especially the southern falls, which of course is why many of those had to evacuate from the north. they ended up in the south because they were told those are the safe areas. and now that has been, especially in the area like hun, unice has been on the is ready bombardment. but also within all of that, you have the army chief just overnight speaking to some of the troops in the outskirts of hon. eunice thing, but they want them to keep going,
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that they will have the full protection from the false because they had been a debate yesterday in the cabinets as, as it was raised by one of the far right. members, asking a question as to whether the uh, the post was protecting the ground troops. and um, not close quite a rule cuz because some people, so just question. how could she all spot, where was she guessing this information from? but all of that also at the time when the southern part of the gaza strip is different to the northern part because it's much more densely populated at the moment. and you also, as a result of having a larger number of those being killed, troops of being killed in friendly fire and the laces statement as 29 soldiers been killed in front of me for an out of a 170. this in cause a sense the will starts. it's the insert just on a, a separate and drones have been shut down by israel that and a rocky group has claimed responsibility for what more can you tell us about this?
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that's right. it's been claimed by a pro lorraine in. 6 group based in iraq. um it seems, this is the side one since the war sausage, an attempt since inception into israel. israel says that it said in suspense, an aerial targets of the night, and this was off the bike of a few that came from syria. again, more attempts during this rule by various the rain and by groups, so you don't just have a rock fuels to have sir. and then of course you have the lebanese, a group has fall on the nose and for the us. and also you've has a time in the last few weeks by the who's the rebels in yemen, in the red sea, against any ships that they seem to be related to israel on anyway, on its way to israel. but all of this just shows you that as well is still continuing its new, almost 3 months now in gaza. and you have all of these groups saying that they will
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continue attacks even if it's just through drones as a message to israel's that it needs to salt thoughts, bombardments, in gauze are. and that seems that those are the ones in iraq, especially where they had been targeting us spaces because you, the us has been backing israel throughout all of this. then now re focusing the energies to trying to get drones to intercept as well. okay, thanks so much for outlining all of that, that sort of hide it for us in television. these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu is starting the new year with his lowest approval rising. he's been in office for 3 times, covering 16 years. let's evaluate, suggest more than half of is riley's belief, is time and power should, in now pointing to security intelligence and political 5 years leading to the mazda attack on october the 7th, but from west jerusalem. ellen fisher reports the
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p is the self so protective of israel, the man who would keep the country safe with others field looking threats from a site. and we sense, but it's as simple as in the years of let the state as well. it got much stronger just printed himself as the greatest jewish leader since moses, i'm this is essentially how he is pictured himself. when in history he will be denoted as the very worst leader of the jewish people that in yeah. who use the security document to propel him into the role of prime minister several times. but no opinion polls say 9 and 10 is released. but believe october, the 7th, on a failure of his government, more than 50 percent. want them to resign. nathaniel, this will be all these shrinking is shrinking the slinking. but he believes that somehow we would turn that they both and with the, with this august focus magic will make it public. once again, uh, behind the morelli behind him is standing and israel has never been long. he said
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problems before. he's been kicked out of office before the great survivor always seems to stay to come back. the latest, just over a year ago when he took control of the most right, when government is really history. no, the majority of the population wants to see a different government. a different prime minister the leading candidates would be pending against a member of the war cabinet. but a popular figure, not positive netanyahu's party. under your le pete, the leader of the opposition, who said nothing, yahoo has lost the trust of the people that i think of benny guns and you're likely bring a sense of stability, a lack of fanaticism, a d, a rolling back of the religious extremism that we've seen in this really society over the past years led by nothing, you know, and whose culture. and she seemed to assume benjamin netanyahu and says he is focused on winning the war. and then the qualities the inquest can begin to
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benjamin netanyahu once famously said, you may not like me. you may not trust me, but i will keep you safe. now he's by taking award and gossip a walk, which will determine his political legacy. and how he's remembered by the history books, all the fisher, i'll just see the west tourist of them. it was still a hit hit on alex's arrow that you case reasons direct action against human species to stop a tax on shipping in the ribs. see the the hello and happy new year to you. well, the changing of the year has setting up brought a change in the weather. we have got more wet when the weather tumbling into north west and parts of europe. more cloud and rain coming through your hair areas of low pressure really dominating proceedings. i more where and when do with coming
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through little to step 2 into some east and past the best of the sunshine is down to what was the south. a leather on a few showers, disclose that eastern side ultimate. it's radiant sherry, right. some of that tiny little wintry up towards opponents west to sort of ukraine and pushing up towards the baltic states. of course it's got an a very nice thing, basically cold in the coming days cold enough and most go to the top temperature minus 12 degrees celsius. there's that when, when the weather over towards the north west, coming in across solid, grassy pushing into wells, west, a positive thing, but sweeping across northern holiday to soften as we go through. right. the old monday into tuesday. and so it pretty performance small that weather coming in right down across the low countries pushing down towards the out some snow coming through the even northern parts of best spain and portugal saying some of some of that went to whether along with a good part of from the weather to me into the far north west of africa over the next couple of days. that's the most. it is lousy try. unless you try to for west africa. the
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hey, jamie into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than is better than anything, thought provoking ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities, usb tote. in the security council, this is something they just don't think look is different on it. access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the you're watching it. i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the sound of the within the last few hours because it has again being attacked by his reading floor plans guided by slaves. the jets struck the central part of the strip, the number of palestinians killed in israel's war on costs that is near in 22000 emergency crews and the southern city of con eunice have worked through the 9th searching for survivors off to an air strikes is there any forces hit the house, killing one person, and entering 5 others, including children. the is ready forces have carried out the rights across the occupied with bank confrontations. took place between trips and tell us to meet you at a refugee camp and multiplied east jerusalem for the you cases,
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it is willing to take a direct action against the tricky rebels and human to protects shipping. in the red sea, it comes up to at least 10 who the fighters were killed by the us navy on sunday. who's the vessel was assaulted and this contained a ship. and us helicopters responded to its distress cool boots, the forces side, the targeting ships in the red sea to push it as well into a ceasefire in guns of the us national security council spokesman says america will defend international trade. us or we're going to do, we have to do to protect shipping. number 2, we've got significant national security interest in the region just on our own, the united states. and we're going to put the kind of forces we need in the region to protect those interest. and we're going to act in self defense going forward. again. i'm not ruling anything in or out, but we have made it clear publicly to the who these we've made it clear privately to our allies in partners in the region that we take these threats seriously. and we're going to make the right decision is going forward. well,
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who is the military spokesman has wound other countries not to interfere and what he calls you many affairs in the red sea that's the american enemy shall bear the consequences of this crime. there are military movements in the red sea to protect is really ships will not prevent human from carrying out its religious humanitarian and ethical duty to support the people of gaza. we call upon all countries not to follow this dangerous cause of the us. the consequences of which will touch everyone on another note with the grace of god, our you. many forces were successful in performing an operation in targeting a container ship that was heading to israel as a consequence of the crew. not responding to our warning, get some more and this is cross to wrestle, set out, who joins us from gpc. and as we've heard attention really is rising. can you just tell us about the latest escalations or indeed the pension is rising and rising here, particularly an officer of the us uh,
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killed 10 members of who is in the red sea. this was the 1st time since the beginning of the escalation and the rest seem to have seen feelings and worth after death with these statements says that the us food of bows are full responsibility and the consequences. so on top of that, the defense secretary of u. k. gunshots says that the case is ready to take further action and is ready to, to, to take the direct actions a guess to hold ease in the region. and he also says that the, the, the continue, the rest of the russian is, is risk and miscalculations. and also escalation will quote, the good region wide conflict. so then the deputy ford administer for these say that the gym, any blood has beach has being shed. and it's not wasted is prize is quite high. so no more just seen a trap,
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language is dominating the situation here and move in more. i mean, the physician is taking place. so that now the concerns at that as that of know what most diplomatic tools, what will be the way out of this crisis. okay, bristol, to given the attention i'd, like you mentioned, it must be growing concerned, solve this conflict spreading this indeed. now, the se is, is increasing his negative presence here, duty sending more warships and other companies, not under the quotation that was formed by the usa. i'll also send in some of the, the warships here to protect the west sales. so there's a huge monetization here on the other side. he's saying that they are going to retaliate and they're not going to stop attacking the lessons that the lead to israel until is ref substituting seen gaza. so it seems to be like
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a deadlock here. so far we have seen the usa remain in a defensive position. and now there are some of the custody revisions particularly after this trip language coming from both parties, food in the crisis year. there are concerns that the us a quote change is position for the defense one twin or fence one. and if that happens. so the questions here is that is going to be a why the region and people here, particularly those sort of these individual countries around this part of the world . the see that yes, on the u. k. started to target for with he's not on the in the yeah ma'am, but yeah, no problem in let's see, but human as well. that's cool. 3 good for you, sledge more. that's cool. represent the region. i got thank you so much for that. up that that is russell, set up for us in gpc the . let's take
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a look now at some of the days of the news ariel strikes and shelling in southern and eastern you cry and have killed at least 5 people. and the reports of oven on strikes and wisdom liveth local authorities in the port city of o. just to say a russian drawing strikes damaged, a residential building, killing one person, and enjoying several others. and at least 4 people were reported, kills during ukrainian shelling in the russian health city of don't ask the taiwan president says it's relations with china. must be decided by its own people side. and when's comments followed those of the chinese president chasing, paying, and which he talked about the inevitable re unification of the island with china. china has been ramping up military pressure to assert itself into the claims of the ty, one which is due to hold presidential and problem entry elections. on january the 15th was to 90 wives, had begun hitting depends wisdom,
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cost of the magnitude $7.00 is quite a coastal areas in the city of washing my in chicago of prefix i have experienced rising ocean levels. the prime minister's office has issued evacuation orders for several areas, but for both orders for midwives of up to 5 meters could hit areas along the west and coastline. the government just wanting residents to prepare for possible fear that it's quite well for more on this. david's role 3 profess of plan to treat geosciences at the open university in milton keynes in england, joins us now on the fund. i did thank you very much for being with us. first of all, we just said that the japanese prime minister has cooled on local residents to evacuate immediately. obviously, everyone, they are taking this extremely seriously. yes, i said it's a logic. quake is shawna debt, but it's right on the coast. i'm looking at a map,
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not a coastline is quite a complicated looking coastline, so they're all phase one away. again to narrow leaving bits of coastline could, can increase that. how much is that pressure? i think it bottled towards the show. so that will be some very hard way of reaching probably have already reached some because there is so it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a nasty looking event this year we've heard that there are reports that they could the waves as high as 5 mesa is, i mean, can just give us an idea of the extent of damage that waves that lodge can do. well, if i don't know the stress you coastline, there are many places in japan that have pretty good phenomena. defenses and i have see was the can, can, can prevent both ways getting over the top. but i'd like that. those defenses are not continuous and waves will come a show. i'm do thomas and somebody if i get
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a show and then, but i can from some kind of basis before the heart, you belong, be sufficient to send the lives back. so it is quite a penny coastline, looking at what it's supposed to say that the restaurants as a faithful lives live with. busy behind uh so yeah. other people remember the 2011 uh i can just sign off on the east coast of japan when it weighs winter scenario validate. since it's quite so much, it's a thought made to why it comes to sho, get stuck lives with not a valley. you cannot to make a lot of it. i've made, it does say that little so locally. the cook damage could make some quite some way in um let her know and you said it was a much smaller uh, quite red, 2011. and quite recently, 7.5 is mine. that you not in 2011. but it even says very close to sure. which means that the people living may be sent to the website and very little warning giving it should not be wanting that as we speak it's,
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it's 18 minutes since 5th grade. those ways we already have hit the local area. yes . as well, as you mentioned, japan is obviously no strange, it is quakes and so not amazing as well. i mean, they obviously have plans in place to, to deal with things when, when the warnings go out, what will residence ends that will tardies be doing right now? well, as you say, they say they are good as quite girls entry funds, schofield and a told what to do. now when people felt the shake immediately i will as opposed to the guns and they said the table. no, no, not saw the building cause that puts you at risk of damage of the things folding on . you get the tables found in the dual frame white solution i can finish is you on the coast and the shaking goes on a long time. you know, you're close to a lot, you a quite so bad you need to guess up as little guess of hell as quickly as you can. people should be self feedback. you what i think browser way thing. so


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