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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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the you values including human rights and the rules no could be threatens. natasha butler, i'll just sarah paris for the world has been welcoming in 2024 non skies had been lising out. those people celebrates then you. yeah. like i'll be able to see if he takes a look at some of the highlights and with that 2020 full was of to a colorful starts done. and in australia, more than 1000000 people rang. and the new year in sydney hub, taking in a display of 13 and a whole $1005.00 at the q. i was lisa in 12 minutes of pilots and music desolate above victoria hall, but the longest and largest display. if the
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a sick taking the show and tie 12 as a couple starting midnight or through that i was fired with sparkled over the ty, capital and cook of more than 15000 tighter techniques, lifts up the world's tallest building in dubai and, and cut off fireworks laces and drones sold over the city of lou sale. soon, the celebrations moved to europe with tens of thousands of people sold the french capital famous chums, eliza, and firewood, split up the update film. in end of your speeches, manual lead is called for peace pointing out they've got a pretty poor point. let us continue to pray for the people suffering from wars. ukrainian people murdered the palestinian and he's really people's his student
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needs people and many others. london. welcome to 2024 with its biggest ever firewood celebrations, then moved to the americas as brazil. welcome the with 5. it's over the cooper cabana beach in rio de janeiro and new york posted it's a party on time square with the icon. you close up there with messages of unity and reminders that despite the challenges and ongoing conflicts, so many people face, at least one thing is shaped by all the hope of the media and even more days to come out as a well, that's all for me. tell them, mccray, for the moment as a was a website out, is there a dot com has the lightest on all our top stories. so mr. dan will be back with much more about coverage on the war on garza and the days of the big news that's up to the listing post of makes. the
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president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for on god to say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line you're at the listening post where we don't cover the news. we covered the way the news is covered. in 17 years of doing this program, we have never seen a story. anything a like israel's war on gosh, the extent of the brutality civilians children slaughtered in their thousands. but this information, the sheer volume of it designed to defend the indefensible. the complicity of so many western news outlets repeatedly exposed for failing to question his really
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propaganda and then spreading it to this war is a watershed moment for the western dominated world order. and its media eco system, which is why ever since the 1st shots were fired, we have coverage. nothing else. we're closing the book on 2023 now with a compilation of our reporting on gaza so far. documenting the information war as it is played out, our starting point. october 2nd. what we are seeing out of the wreckage or from mazda is attack on israel is on press. the orange riley's killed on a single day. then at any time, since the countries creation in 1948, the way they died, we have been told, and what has been alleged about from us and the atrocities the cause. it turns into
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a slaughter. entire neighborhoods. white by is ready bones, moral boundaries have been on unwritten rules have been rewritten, and the limits dispensed as though they are now obsolete. like yesterday's mates. the vast majority of his relays were obviously not alive during the holocaust, so this is their 1st experience with atrocity of this magnitude. there is an undeniable amount of rage and anger of fear, but also it has become a cause for unity in israel. the netanyahu government has called from us as a salt israel's 911. the prime minister who sees no immediate benefit in a public examination of israel's military and intelligence shortcomings targets his sound bites at the enemy instead of monroe to the whole bundle. it has been those
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though i must have asthma and lock out. hold on to suddenly middle to the bottom. if i blame. no, no, no. it's ok about is your quote mccomb shoot me a mental boiler from us you off full vehicle across israel's ministers are on message. the enemy is home us, but the punishment and meet it out will affect all gardens. 2.3000000 in the living soul. and how much money and muscle in mind and daily. so how many pilots? i don't know what the defense minister is promising. they're cutting off a population supply of water power for its hospitals meets the legal definition of a war cry. despite all of that at a time of war and then yahoo government can rely on the as really media to match it's calls for ventures even take them up and all the issues sufficient that does
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that tend to be shows with large panels for hours on end and there's been a high uniformity of message in terms of almost one not being shop focused on it. that seems to get some of the same time. there was been this constant drip feed of how comfortable when so wrong people whose families in the military what, what missing what perhaps capture takes into gaza. a superior and saying we've had nothing but the show at the in the days after the attack, some of the coverage in the global media spirals, k, austin, one of the most prominent, disturbing stories was that for most fighters be headed is really incense 40 and it
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came out when the, as really military took the international media on a tour of a kibbutz and confided us were scores of his readers had been killed. women, children, events, children, maybe has these really channels are 24. ran the story 1st, based on a claim from one is really soldier because of children come to the swimming. journalists were given no other information. these really army repeatedly would not confirm the allegation, but in went out any way. babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated. and it kept going to keep out. that'd be flat on cuz he could, he calls people trying to do because he thought you allegations that 40 babies won't be edit among the western officials who echoed the story. the president of the united states never really thought see,
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kind of confirm pictures of the terrace here, the children just hours after that statement. the white house took it back and issued a correction after 3 weeks of punishing is really bombardment of gaza palestinians . there remain sealed off from the outside world. israel is still refusing to allow international journalists or investigators in ask yourself why since a mazda is horrific, attacked on his release on october 7th, palestinian journalist had been killed at a rate of roughly one per day. among this virus alger 0 era bix bureau chief in garza, much of his immediate family, was killed in the another is randy attack, you know, one sided war a military mismatch that has killed more than 7000 palestinians at least 3000 children. many of the fort arabic speakers watching the news of
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israel's assault on gosh, one face has been synonymous with the coverage alger. 0 arabic bureau chief way is doc, do you see the imagination this past wednesday just do was reporting lives when he got the call, the one every palestinian in gaza. dread clear when me and is really air strikes. had wiped out his immediate family, his wife, son, daughter, and grandson. they had been sheltering in the new say that refuge account in central gosh. an area is real, had designated a safe for palestinian journalists. it was a crushing reminder as if they needed that there is no safe haven less than gums. it's so scary it so terrifying to be a journalist because they're not just reporting the suffering of the people. and
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you're also reporting the connection of your friends and your family members. the we are actually the journalist performing other duties other than journalism into place that gifts surveys. so one of the most heartbreaking videos is what does as isaac guardian to children i'm just trying to do everything. that's the one that is going to be the problem i think, is trying to be the human to come for the children. this is also trying to be the journalist to report them. the story is real is, has about our campaign. it's p r. effort to when diplomatic, backing and shape public perception isn't overdrive these days. not that it's really needed in places like india. prime minister now runs remotely, has been crystal clear in his backend of this war. new delhi says it sees it as an
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active counter terrorism and self defense. just last month when the you, when voted in favor of a humanitarian pause. india upstate. indo is really relations have been on the upswing for the past few years. now. the image of israel is a high tech prosperous nation that survives in a region populated by quote unquote enemies resonates with many indians. and they've been showing their support through posts on line rance, on television, with some this information thrown in the skew, how this conflict is understood. but listening posts mean actually robbie, now on the pro is really messaging that's coming out of india. and white maps to these of, to how modified to this boost out of garza and carry out one of the most or dishes . the tax on is that a retaliatory prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office post this video online. how much will understand that by attacking they've made a mistake of the storage proportions within minutes,
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the message has thousands of shares and replies numerous. is there any post demand, mcneil, who's resignation? but there's another set of messages from indians and b, r on in or so the responses from indian phones had been extraordinary to say the least. sometimes they put up posters in which they say the standard israel. sometimes they put graphics of 2 hands in a plastic painted, which is really an engine. flags sometimes have just tried to reflect on how this concept is because there is the kind of changes that india faces, security wise when we tried to understand why is this such a wide spread interest in india with respect to this particular conference. one of the things is a shared experience instead of has been october 7th, happened. come off as a tap on the slide. in india, almost immediately spotted lives were drawn with the 2611 experience, which were to me, jo, dentist attack happening on the interesting of my own in 2008 to be it had
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a lot of sheets of our own 2611. when you had to or is coming from parks done on boats and, and creating the rampage that the did the major space. that is why i suddenly started to occupying the imagination was because that common thread was phones. the same guy that goes jihadist is la mist detritus, thinking that as well as the victim of we are victim off as well as is ryan, is fighting this war on behalf of all of us is written in spite of this war for you would meet new daily support for it is today was swift unequivocal feminist in that in the movie treated in solidarity. and indian news outlets as go on to wind on a war footing themselves channels that just a few months earlier, had not seen fit to send their janet as to color unprecedented violence in india's northeast in cedar money food. they dispatched reporters all the way to reserve
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a baby plunge. i'll be yours right now because they go to about the the ship and get that is, well that's are damaged, proclamations of vengeance and calls for mosse killing will issued from even getting into the studios upkeep on the table when it's a 10041. i'll get off get has ours is a get but just so he don't have to. okay. does lock to the left wing anti apartheid side? it is really, society is clearly in the minority these days. once the october 7th attacks took place, the country within a state of shock such forces were largely silenced. and yet on the fringes of his randy, public discourse, anti war voices persist. people like only noise, she is a journalist and an editor working with a couple of left wing outlets, plus $97.00 to magazine, and the hebrew language, new side local call. for message that is really, society tacitly approves of ethnic cleansing, and genocide,
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a violence against the palestinians does not represent mainstream public opinion there. and for that reason, it is the perspective that needs to be heard. it's incredibly difficult to really solely analyze the impact of october 7th on these rarely society. ha, ha, how should know you have done what come on shondae, my boss. know how much about how as well he didn't say him because it, without a doubt this is conceived as the biggest tragedy disaster that the country has ever experienced. the one of the very worrying things that has been happening in israel since october 7th is the silencing of anyone who dares to speak about the context. you cannot
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detach the october 7th from 16 years of a siege in the level of counting or the amount of calories that every guys on is allowed to consume daily. what most data on october 7th was really an ongoing need for public for and heinous crime. but it came within a context. october 7th, turned me and voice a such as mine into a public enemy's. they're calling us from us supporters. they're quoting us, traitors, one of the things that really hurts the most for me is the, the, legit to my zation. of my own grief over october 7th . it's like we were stripped from
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the legitimacy to share or that's public grief. if we do not support the massacre in guys though, right now, if you're not willing to be fully part of that narrative, you're not allowed to even reef the horrible disaster of october 7th. picking up your phone these days and going through your social media feeds comes with risk, such as finding yourself. scrolling through with genesis, seeing what it's like to live under. bum bark, you know was own, that's more like a killer. where one side has almost all of the fire inventions on it, small as for the is really social media space. it has become a breeding ground for anti palestinian speech. ever since a mazda is attacks on october, 2nd, there have been calls for eventually,
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that are now being answered, and celebrate soldiers posting videos showing the humiliation of palestinian civil laughter as they pulled those cars and built taunting a terrified population. these really newspaper audits reported that one is really army unit has its own telegram channel that puts out similar stuff. material that's meant to mask the lack of progress on the baffled setbacks like the ambush in should j. northern casa, this week, the killed 10 is really soldiers. you have these really soldiers themselves posting their spoils of war on social media that are in direct contradiction to the official is really military narrative, which is one of the just world war against him. us videos of them moving homes, stealing jewelry, describing palestinian women as horror as while digging through intimate items
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inside their homes. images meant to galvanize is really society and reign more support from the homefront towards these is really soldiers who are clearly on this of revenge. and gaza, the way the studios are being perceived in these songs, the references to them as dogs and comfortable chairs in particular, references to, to a bit nicole and, and the historical context of it's totally fine. it makes you realize that this is not about what's happening october 2nd, there's something much deeper and much older that will support of this. and i think it is actually notable that a lot of profiles of stein twitter is simply just sharing. is there a need social media outputs because these rainy soldiers and is radio officials
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themselves are making it very clear what their intention is. they are celebrating out of city and us and the space and then so there is no need for, for anyone. it's kind of an explanation. they're just sharing what we're seeing. images like this, which kind of folk, the, on the think palestinian men in northern gosh, initially purported to become mazda fighters, stripped to the bare essentials bias. randy soldiers put to shame a group we later learned, including a well known doctor, a journalist, academics. these really military says it did not release the images intentionally, that some of its soldiers posted them on social media. and that doing so was needless and humiliating. however, that the telegram channel, the one reportedly controlled by these randy military has posted material that is similar. if not worse, the images have shrunk overseas audiences but not palestinian ones that see them as
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a reiteration scale down of the displacement and occupation. they have known since 1914 we shouldn't fall into the trap of the units because baseball, cuz the way that the east, wherever she, you've reached the philistines from 48. this is not the 1st time we saw them many times throughout those 75 years. these are images that resonate for me with other images images you know from the holocaust listing young's were racialized by the state of the swim, in a way that it was predicted that they will be constantly concentrated into. what we see now is a change in the scale and in the speed of see the creation of images that provoke a range and caused by millions around the world to store these genocide and they begin sending these messages to their own people. if you watch any tv says this
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whole thing started channel 121314 at particular, have done nothing but maybe it's been used in every tv, a program, political debates. my new last is 2nd affility full and show high us chimney show the whole stuff we are trying to solve. the only thing that we use we as a means when you do not, tory, everything is under control. we still command that kind of relationship with the palestinians. there are still humiliated. we're still in the novel. have my knowledge show that i'm not equally bills. you talk very fish all my life man i there. ringback be one day, right? people in the east ladies would wake up to a reality. they call me to genocide. so i think we have to ask, oh, those states a parent to say like media like you do cation of being multi lies in order to lead to such a general size. the chun, the run by the all me. i don't want to be shocked by these channels because the
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state of east around like these channels in israel, the around 9 and something 1000000 citizens, people around the world don't really know that but 20 percent of users population of palestinians. technically we are. is there any we have, is there any passports? we have is really uh, id cards. we are citizens of israel. but i think at the moment there is no shortage of evidence that shows that for at least 20 percent of the population of this country, it doesn't feel like a democracy. there's always been restrictions on freedom of expression and freedom of speech when it comes to about a senior citizen. but, you know, publish the 7th was probably one of the worst weeks of my entire life. the atmosphere was terrifying, horrifying. there had been a few incidents and few scenes on his way the media that i will
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never forget my entire life. i remember one guy looking at the camera warnings, palestinian citizens of the lives with me when i am currently shares. we're in the for 54 bundle discussion. we're still having a hard to meet the hon bmw a for you as our fame. i show you of here with the same color. ha, monkey i should've been done with this mind me from. i remember another incident there and is really soldier was on tv with his army uniform and he was talking to a palestinian jan unless he was from the is a broadcasting corporation. he was supposed to do like a small report on palace, senior citizens, a visitor, and then all of a sudden this guest on the panel looks at her and says something like me, she of a please though, take them to you my. but i, you want me to ask for whole any other way of the question if she suddenly stuck in it's too much in me, then obviously i misled like one hour with him. then that'd be 4 times such models and would be labeled as, you know, friends and maybe that, you know, to be
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a person that i deal with. it gets even fired. now as mainstream. there's one channel $10.00 to $14.00. well, makes uh, fox news look like the most progressive, amazing news channel in the world. it's in st. and what's happening there. i'm going to have a going to go out and introduce you and about the invite the jelly according to us . because so i have no problem with the but what would you like to barely at the moment? if you watch the most popular uh, tv channel and isabella channel as well. and if you watch, after you've watched the channel 14, you want see many differences. you can assume the answer, but my thought on income. so this for a few months, a month before. i think my greatest disappointment. if somehow it's to be honest for years and years and years it was, i would argue with the only really respected me doubt that in isabel,
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but once happened after october 7th, all of a sudden you wake up, you opened the newspaper and you see, you know, columns in an art that goes and reports calling for genocide, even in har. it's some of these people on my friends, i thought the one of my friends i go to uh through the social media and i see one of the part is just like sharing the photo of a bomb sign by here. i see all the journalists in that same outlet making jokes with their friends, or they're going to build their beats home after they occupied garza and, you know, commit genocide on the balancing and people. that's not, that's not funny. that's not funny. that's really worrying. and it's really terrifying. it's become insane. i mean, i feel like there is no talking to these people. when her moss and his lumber too hard fighters broke out of the gaza strip on october 7th and attacked his res. they transformed the status quote in an occupation that has lasted for decades, the war of annihilation that followed, the indiscriminate is really bombing,
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the starvation and mass killing of palestinians has experts in previous genocides calling this one what it is among those targeted on mosque by israel the people covering the store, the palestinian journalists, documenting what is happening have paid with their lives the failure of western leaders to stop the killing of civilians, the international media as role in failing to sufficiently question. it will not be forgotten. their reputations are among the casualties of this war. here with the listening post, we will be covering where the gaza story goes next. and how it is report knows because i thought you wanted to send unison using, but they went to this location. what about animals treatments time people are going to die. homes destroyed in brooklyn city. an area that is supposed to be safe. longstanding is really policy. just shoot anything that moves. there aren't any sit
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version garza, my supposed to sleep on the street with my children. there's no protection, there's no safe space. this printer is going to be an acute problem. but a stimulus of living on the desktop. people crowded in very small areas with a lot of diseases from the north to the south, nowhere and district the say. the business to sharpen symposium was legal, but heavily restricted. most of them are sold and they can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa trucks and it's almost like the tell me what it says. i mean, don't you know that that's what the got. so we'll see everybody is that i think i hear from them. and that is basically means that he gets it, it'd be a case a key and your name is uh,
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if that the politics you on this can be really late. but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life. and then of course the we as a but i most i said okay, evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch the boat for bringing up some fish on that. we're not too happy with their presence to say the same we will need to know mean that a send me the the hello. busy i'm sammy's a them, this is a news our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. scramble to save the in, getting gaza, or is this fails? 5 minutes to says the wall will continue for many more months.
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explosions that celebrate refugee camp incense will gaza following continuous is really shelling is ready for.


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