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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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wider network of roads, supplements on check points, bill to give us really the offer hon while making their lights on bearable by the day the scramble to save the injured in gaza or is this rouse prime is the size the wall will continue for many more months the, i'm sammy's a them, this is out just a live from dell hall, so coming up. explosions are kind of what i direct you. d, kept in central. gaza, following continuous is right. the chalet is ready for us is fine. twist
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palestinians as they county out more rates across the occupied west bank and east jerusalem. and japan o g as residents to evacuate coastal areas officer, a series of strong us quite its western coast line. the israel's prime minister is warning its war on gaza. could continue throughout 2024 and has dante you, you with a series of air strikes, the guided by flags will play and struck the central pots of gaza. the number of palestinians killed in these ready offensive is neighboring. 22000. more than 56000 people have been wounded. the emergency crews and the southern city of con eunice was through the night searching so survive as officer an ass strike is ready for us. is it the
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house getting one 1st and then injuring 5 others, including children? the 5th, 3 back holes between how mass fights is that is really forces have been taking place in central garza these right. the military is expanding its ground operations southwards. holheimer mode joins us live now from grandpa in southern gaza and had a we were talking about the fish band falls in central golf. so take us through them all. yes, sammy martin, devastating reports coming in from the central part of the gospel merely from directv, cams, in the central area of from the the golf serv. as more people are still searching in the revels for more survivors of the latest that tech is within the past hour or
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so, a residential home, you know, as a refugee camp was targeted, destroyed with at least 10 people initially reported it killed right away, rushed to i left the hospital on multiple other injuries and critical injuries were also rushed to unlocks the hospital and already over well health facility and the only remaining to my functioning health facility in the central area. but we're talking about more people are still under the rubble of as, as people are still searching with, with the help of, of, of people of, from the area local residence as well as the civil defense, the crew on the ground. but it's very, becoming increasingly difficult, given the intensity of deep on bart vent right now. and then the constance showing of the area as people are in on and off of the 3rd just trying to close the state. they say front of protected a from these unpredictable following chosen and bonds. and in the area,
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we expected the number to increase within the coming hours that they were told by a source. the house was full of people when it was fund. we'll talk about nearly a more of the children and women inside the house sheltering and if in an earlier attacks and they develop another bridge records, you can also at the same time, more residential homes where target and destroyed, particularly on bridge records. you can it be it is it ended up being seized by ongoing fire. both then and more. our dealership is becoming very difficult for people as to leave the area. but other parts of the, of the central part, a lot of people are leaving under these fallen bonds. similar situation in the sign units are but with more intensity, as they're not only there is an aerial campaign and a relentless air strike, but also the ongoing tungsten of color settings, as well as the and bathing forces on the ground at from one area there. and we,
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we were, we were told by people who evacuated the south. part of hon unit became like a ghost ghost town. that meant that the vast majority of people left the areas under the relentless bombardment. and as the 5 still going on and 2020 full picking up from with 2023 left off in terms of the challenges, the humanitarian challenges of hunger disease and heating. right. yes indeed. on so far, what we're looking at is a un security council resolution that was supposed to increase the humanitarian aid to the area. and then we, we, we went through christmas and now when you hear and only the situations are going to from worse to even worse than more complicated, a more difficult as more people here in the southern part keep coming in and just
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fill in the area there is the roof has running out of not only space, but now infrastructure as well as not with the capacity to receive this large number of displays, palestinians, and let alone the food supplies and the medical supplies. in fact, the newly arrived dispersed palestinians, the jew in line for hours just to read just started, just go through the process of registration to be able to receive a suspense. a little bit of food. food is found, have been distributed. i have here is going to a by uh, by owner what and rough behind so far on the way is they'll do a visual buddy that is doing and taking care of this along with the palestinian rick president as well. 6 as the other associated eric regions, right chris, sense in the, in, in the gaza strip. but we're talking about a large number of people with, with a great needs a great demands. but there's a little bit of help available in addition to the logistics, logistic of difficulties on the ground of delivering those uh these uh,
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humanitarian ada trucks, to where they are supposed to go. people are hungry, they're all there thursday. and more importantly, we're looking at large segment of the population of children or women, very traumatized of what's going on. all right, thanks so much. hi, mike. with the how mouse is um doing is find the barrels of at least 20 rockets into a central and southern israel. israel says 10 were intercepted bytes missile defense system because some brigades is claimed. responsibility is where i was. ambulance service says no one is reported to have been injured. these randy army says some of the soldiers will be coming home from gaza this week. it says it will withdrawal. someone come back brigades that have been taking policy and ground battles. so troops can recover strength, the army says the reserves will also help revive as well. sluggish economy sort of
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high about his and tel aviv with more as well winding down is of bringing back some of those troops who have an average estimates of about 40000 in gaza and the surrounding areas. now we know that some of them have been fighting for weeks on then. the idea is to bring some of them back to be able to arrest whether they'll be going back in. it's still not clear, but also for some of them to resume other duties that they were ready, caring the full this will and for some of those that actually hadn't finished the national service training or any other minute treatment training. and how to go in as we know from a few days ago, the military cheese had said that they had operational control of the north parts of the gaza strip. that they were re focusing on moving towards more of the central parts as well as the south. an overnight he was speaking to some of the come on
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this just outside of con eunice, reminding them of why they was that. and that was to kill all of the how must be those as well as the spices and so keep going strong. a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has announced so far, the 8500 thomas spices have been killed. but also in some news as a 6 release today that has been 29 soldiers that were killed during this war. from friendly far an accidents as 29 out of a 170. and some of the reasons that was cited included the fatigue because some of them, as i would say, have been there for a while. i'm that would be good for the troops, especially as they go into the more densely populated areas in the south where they will be a lot more of financing, not just from the ad, but mostly ground troops with that area is west of the really minute tree says it also be how much lead is also testing times suddenly full these right,
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the military, this just could be positive of being able to give that some of that of troops arrest. but also, despite all of that, you still have the military, i'm the prime minister. i'm the war cabinet saying that the will will continue in 2024. not just the months, but very much a for a lot longer than that. from how much self valley is professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university joins us here in the studio. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, let's start with what's behind this withdrawal of summer as of as well. definitely . there is a strong and achieving sort of thing and objects to and therefore there is number of those on those who came on and there is a probably a late and for tingle most often briggs and therefore, i think the middle of the creative ship is the re shuffling of its troops with the
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hope of focusing on certain narrow targets instead of an open ended coverage of the war. or, you know, it was there is a shift to going on in the military tactics. i think it is meant to indicate the data to shift one point to can and one minutes and they both going to side, you know, at the end of 23 beginning a 24. therefore, there are questions to be asked where the data is, is it projects any this can be determined by the government, the from that then he what he is trying to experiment with other tactics here on best buy. this doesn't mean the end of the war. no, unfortunately, the lingering guys or is shifting into a prof. trucks, it's conflict which may stay with us for another year. and when, and that's a new o said bluntly, the war will continue for many more months. that's an indication that he wants to
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maintain his option. so there is a timeframe more open ended for him. so, and this is also an indication that he has know that she with what he thought do with the chief on the 8th of october, is the economic cost of the will also reason for this re deployment a possibly. but i think the, the impact of the economy when trigger more, i'm if occasions late on so now you will have billions of dollars of us spend and on this ministry campaign. and guys, at the same time they use the economy, wouldn't be solved for a long time. so if there is any prediction when that's any, how would it be convinced to change his, you know, made it to mind. that's was very uh, because there is about any economy will no longer be an oldest consequences at the same time. the question though, is with these 2 shifts in the government as well as in the middle study. how does
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he deal with washington? i think so far, washington has not said award via the about what should happen next in terms of negotiation in terms of withdrawal us or says fire or the 2 states. so do 5. so a new year is begun. where is israel's minute? 3 strategic interests. is it best to place now when we look at the situation? it's southern bold up still very much. you know, under the line to find the golden boulder on stable and part of shipping to is right also disrupted. it's a mix, a situation. one object to which she is the populating and gaza, basically it's what can i think now about 80 percent of guys who's gonna leave any websites, massive destruction. therefore, data is this score of sold. the guys wouldn't be in the cottage,
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us more fish for that wouldn't be in cottage to migrate. and so as so disagreeing the restriction is on thought of get as far as one content. however, the middle of truth, i'm saying in terms of what are they gave them, how much and can in the so called fail or this and so for doesn't seem to be working well. and so all of these indicate those are boiling down to one thing about the more time and nothing you know is giving them send them more. layton challenges facing. all right, thank you so much for how much on holly? the confrontations between these, right? the forces and palestinians have taken place during an overnight raid, unoccupied, east jerusalem this was the scene is you've held burning objects in these right? the army 5 guess the show alfonso refugee camp is a dense the crowd. it up and residential area is ready for us, is also rated all the towns and villages across the occupied west bank troops,
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ends of the city of bid it a day off. the pros, that's for how to show solidarity with garza $500.00 was also reported west of annapolis. so that a, i goal that i somebody that smith who was in ramallah and they don't get by westbank the low 13 rates overnight into the 1st day of 2024 across the west bank. one of those resulted in the confrontations. no reports of any injuries, a total of now, we understand 16 arrests from those raids is actually come a comparatively quiet night as far as rates go ahead. has been averaging about more than 40 nights since october the 7th. so beginning of the a bit quieter and benedetto, so just the as rarely, military they are full. so being a tech spice it was to, yes, this was a to sacrilege wearing military fatigues or set was excuse me, waiting military fatigues who detained to palestinian shepherds were being told by
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the palestinian news agency. took them away, tried to question them some, why beat them off and then released them. now this unfortunately is not unusual these days either it's increasing and relevant in, in frequency, excuse me. why settlers disguise themselves as a soldiers just by wearing military fatigues. they often sometimes aged or a budget by the military or the best of the military stands by and let them do what that doing is that was a big coming, creasing me, emboldened since october the 7th, and seemingly acting with more impunity. and according to the you and actually the, the, the number of settler attacks or registered, subtler attacks on palestinians is about 6 a day. that's double the number that that was before october 7th. and that was already a very high number since the beginning of the. yeah, and there was really no way of stopping the settlers unless these rails military steps say which it is increasingly unwilling to do. the still ahead on al jazeera,
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we look at the growing popularity of europe's fall. right. policies is a set. the sites on this is european solomon tree elections, and tough new restrictions on vi thing coming into force and australia to combat the surgeon nicotine addiction. the, however, we got a good spread of show as a rod across the amazon pace, a net present easily. plenty of cheryl cloud showing up here, lot of wet weather coming through over the coming days of weather all the way across into that is to side for sale, few share. i was to just the round the river play type. it doesn't want to say i was a sticky. so the degree celsius, i think for awesome team of the went to weather will be a little further north as we go on for the next dial to pushing up into power required. and quite crow chavez right up towards the north west of the confidence.
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and we'll say some right to into the camera in a line of cloud and shabby rain coming in as we go one through the next style. so slowly toppling a little further east west, but you can see how that ring comes right in across the great around to lease right across towards the central parts of south america. correct? we have costa rica in particular, sing some rather wet weather, tough with one or 2 showers across the east and not as to as we go one and two's that tries to brighten up behind them. you can see that rain does around pump the full, nicaragua, not too much right in the full costs across north america. it is lousy, settled, and dry at present one of us who what when she flowers over tools that ne, in kona they will gradually clear through. we have good increase in cloud events, the coming back into the pacific northwest. and that will run down into california . the israel has now imposed a complete fees on god's that so how do they survive if you have no income?
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how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war. and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of 2000. and one is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on out, is there the the i'll come back here watching out just to remind the valve on top stories. israel's prime minister is warning it's one guy is a good stretch. well, in to 2024 and sconces the new year with a series of a strikes,
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emergency crews and san units have been searching for the survivors of an attack on a house that killed one person and injured 5. all this is rainy strikes, also had bought a refugee camp in central gaza. witnesses, sage, ready forces and how to students have been fighting in the area the. is there any forces of carried out raids across the occupied westbank? confrontations took place between troops inside of sydney and use a direct g captain occupied east jerusalem. turning to all the news now and in japan, saddam is have been hitting the west in coast after a series of powerful us quakes of magnitude. 7.6 quake struck the issue call, a prefecture triggering. so nami alerts along the know to peninsula, as the prime minister's office is old and people in several areas to evacuate. the house and the government is wanting residents to prepare for more. us quite
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depends to cabinet secretaries given the press conference to reassure the public. it wanted to following and us quite a bit took place today and it's a calendar at approximately 4 or 6 pm. powerful trim is measuring up to 7. understand a scale struck the know typing into the initial calc, prevention or beginning with the nearby. she can nuclear power plants. there are currently no reported irregularities with nuclear power, blah blah. so then i humbly ask that all citizens be cautious at the risk of further acquaintance and request that everyone living in the area of what possible trim is took place into a close attention to the local authorities and evacuation order that somebody must deal on chris scale. but has the latest from tokyo but does not mean situation has been developed over the last couple of hours. we've been seeing waves arrive along that coastline of about 50, see the meters to about 90 seem to meet the summit more than a meter. now this for context at the far cry from what we saw at 12 years a go off and last major, earthquake independent armies are about 13 to 13 meters along the opposite coast
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line. so even though they're not that size, it only takes a few seem to meet as i've seen. i mean to knock people over and so people are urging vigilance. but the real development here is in the main town, all the peninsula of once a month, a town about 28000 people. a mess of fire has broken out and this seems to be spitting very quickly through the town due to the very dry conditions. the fire service is having difficulty reaching due to the conditions on the roads. uh, the local government has requested a self defense forces to assess the government has officially dispatched the, the self defense forces to assist in that area. we also have reports of many houses being collapse to people being trapped in the houses. social media. people say they've been rescued by the neighbors. these are difficult places to reach. it is obviously the approaching the middle of the night. it is very cold. and the
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developed situation is to develop team, yours, know, the hospitals. even though they're on the computer fatalities, you being someone in on data by people seeking medical assistance as well. uh, $2.00 to $3000.00 households without uh, without power. and so going into the night here in japan, it is a unfolding situation. that's basically the fire in, in watching the president fedex. jessica has been declared the winner of the democratic republic of congo as presidential election, but opposition policy say the election was rig calling for protests. catherine sawyer reports from can shasta, as the guns are done in the midst your physics and tons of security. these declaration does not come as a surprise president sit next to see katie quotes 12 medium votes. he's closest competitor moist to be fired, a 3000000 opposition. presidential candidates say the election was read 5. so
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think of some candidates use violence, vandalism, and corruption. they intimidated our employees doing voting. jane was to read the election in the favor. opposition only does say they will reject that outcome and they will not even go to court because they believe the constitutional court is compromised. so they will take the flight to the street. some election observe is how raised concerns about how the portal was conducted. delays technical each is and now that you've regularities characterized the voting process. michigan, the most image should go to the electro commission president and his team must be arrested mr. they've thrown in the country. it's just the right. that is why we have telling our support is to resist. the president has us call the lease to put aside the differences and get down to business with us. i would like to reassure you this 2nd monday. the to you of ground to 3 will be dedicated to more action to
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achieve commitments. i've made this transform condos, some on and the see the president's work is cut out. so he needs to deal with security problems in the east team installation and corruption and kill a d p divided nation. kathy saw you all to 0 kinshasa. the 3 people have been found dead. then i can do full of migrants and refugees near spain's canary islands. life gods rescued. 15 survivors from the boat. the canary islands lie a 100 kilometers off the north western coast of africa. in recent months they items have seen an increase in the number of migrants arrivals. immigration policy and a swing to the fall, riots are expected to dominate european parliamentary elections in june 2024 spot of all look ahead to the coming year. natasha bought the reports from paris on the european elections that could dictate the future of the blog when coffee, leased politician goods filled his policy. one lou seats and the doctor election in
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november. so i'm in the netherlands. were shocked to use is anti muslim anti immigration rector? we could confined him to the margins of politics, but so many voters had propelled him to the main stream. reacting to build his victory at a meeting in portugal, author, you're paying for right. leaders with similar policies said it was a sign of what's to come suddenly present as um, it's no coincidence, but in many european countries, elections a one by parties that defends the nation. the reality is that globalization is in retreat. nations, i'm making a come back of yes to and when he says a meeting between winning bought has just been bought to use that are going to change the face of europe. that up. changing the face of europe is the goal for fluoride policies in june's. you're paying paul, the mentor elections? 400000000 people across the you are eligible to vote for 726. so for you to concerns this, you are expected to be jobs secure, receive climate change,
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the war in ukraine and immigration. emigration is the main issue linking your fluoride policy. some wants to try and still page all together. others want to wait to reduce the number of people allowed into the block. that is a model we see more faces in europe. a production on in germany is growing there still growing notices for the next year. and part of the election we see is a shift towards the right there as well to have a very significant impact on policy making here as well. so now the far right book is the 6 largest in the you call them and behind liberal, conservative and green groups. but populace lead is all hoping to become the 3rd largest force. if they do some fear that you values including human rights and the role of know could be threatens natasha butler, i'll just say ro, paris,
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australia has become the 1st country to limit the faith thing to people with a medical prescription and his band impulse of disposable bates, the health care industry is welcoming the move though australia has saw the highest or toughest draw the nicotine controls in the world. the sarah clock reports from sydney piping was sold to the public as a tool to help smokers give up their addiction. medical industry says that's rubbish and is welcome to the federal government decision to bad. the import of disposable single use bikes into a struggle. the same thing that's happening, this country is hurting people, hurting the environment. and it's just a terrible thing hoping a new generation. so all these measures, i think i have countries around the world would look at what's happening here and see it as a model for helping and protecting people in their own countries. living in australia is limited to those who have a prescription invites required for medical reasons,
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are available at chemists and pharmacies. despite these restrictions, the uptake of a cigarettes is still on the increase study by studies cancel. cancel found 9 out of 10 teenagers had invite we've seen retailers flap the lots and so these products to young people. so these rules are fundamentally necessary and we are certainly keeping a we'll watch, embrace on whether we do say in fact to reduce use and access of these products by young people extreme. it's with that in mind, the federal government is targeting of driving black markets with flavor disposable bikes, imported from china being sold illegally through convenient stores, as well as binding the inputs of the sizable bikes. the federal government plans to introduce legislation to prevent local manufacturing and advertising. and for march, the impulse of personal lights will also be banned. but the industry says this approach is driving the black markets, invites should be regulated the same way as cigarettes. right now you just have
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a random black market, 90 percent of vipers accessing products that have no product standards under the table environment for your clients. and a good way to saying you can tax and regulate better products that consumers to access that argument has pulling on the fees with a strategy. now. legislating some of the toughest nicotine controls in the world's sarah clock out a 0 sweetening a higher can. otis devastated mexico's acapulco region on october, the 25th reducing homes to rubble and killing at least 50 people with many mole missing. many of the cities residents are still clearing up from the disaster of its last seen as taught us as a single mother who lost the house is her story and her own was so yeah, and the daughter, my name is annette martinez torres, i'm taking an electrical course to be able to rebuild my house after hurricane.


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