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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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competing war caused by targeting health facilities and goes up the target structures. the most ration is an appeal to the international community to take action against israel. the the hello robin, you watching me all just it renews. i life my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. battles, rage, and central and southern johnson and the casualties keep going up. the number killed and israel's aggression has now risen again to 21978. thousands of vaccines arrive in the gaza strip as the spread of disease and months displays. people rise as the whole sort of writing more shipment is the red sea as
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tension now. so have a tonic spite who fees on commercial vessels and other use people in japan. i told a fleet to higher ground as a powerful as quick damages homes and figures. sonoma is the welcome to the news our, it's 1500 dollars, gmc, that's 5 o'clock in the evening, and also where the number of people who've been killed in his riley attacks keeps rising. it's not just on the 22821978 central garza has been turned into a battlefield with fighting around 3 refugee accounts. between is there any forces on the on thing of how boss adult set to ensue? the spokesman, 3 is right in the army, says the ball will continue throughout the 2020 full. some troops all being withdrawal, so they can regrouping tons of fighting gossen lights in the and thousands of vaccines have now being brought into the strip to reduce the risk of contagious
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diseases. amongst causes displaced population cases of poli, rubella and measles, around the rise. that's cause i have a to time recover his aim, who's a nebraska in southern gauze, it with the very latest and time to create a new year starts. and it's the same story to stop 2024. that ended 2023. the sound. this is what exactly is happening right now inside guns, where the attack did not start with intensity. goals are starting from the news. total 600 parts of big territory now during the week varies the, the increase in terms of the rates and the numbers of these very minute treat as strikes and often re shooting on the southern part of the gauze was strictly inside new destroying thompson. he is killed in the off to the destruction on the
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residential house this area missing move on to read a campaign. and by that is why you, for that to present to be destroyed or is it. busy is very few seems like it takes me to this area. 6 eliminating the palestinian scientism, the situation is getting much more difficult also in the middle gulf roommates of the gaza areas. now we are talking about and my guys, they had been why the attack during the last couple of hours were hundreds of people have been evacuating to the southern part of the gaza strip. i'm diesel tax also had been directed towards residential houses were 7 palestinians, ripple took killed and oh my god, the refuge account in the last hour. and we have been also informed by residents that the author of the shooting of the areas did not stop as they are saying that they have been doing through very difficult circumstances as they are no longer able to live the dis, ongoing hill on the ground. due to the east valley bombing in these areas,
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and this is systematically what was happening of another in part of the district using very exclusive military power to force the residents to hit to the south. a so you can safely, as they are destroying a little the residential buildings of these areas alongside with the infrastructure that just to make the bible. 1 and how would you be willing to coming days off? so the end of the will exactly is a topic as the cold product continues behind you. we can hear that loudly. and they have been obviously concerned about the amounts of a truck coming in. it's one of the things that we monitoring everyday with you. what is the state you sold those trucks coming? not just with food, but also with this mil supplies to oh yes, definitely. so hale, this situation is getting money, move die as a buy date,
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as the horses, as much as, as how things were those organizations would be, uh, united nations which are completely uh, issues this morning. and the possibility of predictable from inside the boxes are the only thing read is inside the territory we're thinking about people in the gaza strip has been suffering from high levels of the food insecurity in gauze as they are also considered to be the highest records. it's due to the uh, around the world, which is completely a very difficult on the ground beside the territory where people have been unable to afford the basic necessities rotating about very limited to humanitarian access to residents inside the people in the territories, especially in the southern part which is the only area of the right now, receiving humanitarian aids by the united nations, are facing difficulty to have enough amounts of food that would help their families to survive as a,
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one of the latest reports issued by the united nation. and also said that some palestinians have been living complete day and night without having anything to eat . this is practically what we have been seeing on the ground as people online or in long trees, just to have partial access to food food to consider to be the main mission for them within the day. as the is ready on the 1st, who was unrelenting, the scale of loss and displacement for those people. and literally what bothers themes are hoping is to have to be a food. it's a very, a sustainable humanitarian access which can guarantee the prevention of the looming to famine offers balls that covers even that for us in rough as thank you, let's go over to the parties to resubmit lower con, a standing bind. it does seem as far as is rarely officials are concerned, laura, that the will on garza is set. you go to continue welling to 2020 full
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oh, well absolutely. um, a few members of the top bras in the military have referred to this as well as is ready politicians. daniel has already the spokes person, so it's where the forces says that he's actually withdrawing a number of troops. he hasn't given a timeline. he hasn't said exactly how many, but in order to prolong this war and continuing it while in 2024. now there is another possible reason for doing this and that's the economy. we have spoken to an economist about how the reserve is out. troops have been taken away from that jobs, and it's really affecting certain sectors, including construction, agriculture, and tech. but this also relies on a huge posting in what full. so it easy. tens of thousands of people who come from the occupied westbank and also garza and an international workforce. they've all gone home so they are bringing volunteers to work on the line, but it's simply not enough. however,
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the car is ready to compo costa has said the israel is paying to replace all palestinians in the workforce with an international workforce which could really have it. so in the future, devastating consequences on their own economy would go slower, keep your message, but slightly pivoting towards these, right? the government, these really attorney general and the foreign ministry have be meeting we think today to work out how it seems that going to respond to south africa's submission to the international court of justice. the charge of genocide against these riley governments mean what, what are we getting from that meeting? if anything is whole, as we have been in touch with the foreign ministry, we haven't heard back yet. they say they're on such and so we're still waiting to hear what from that. but south africa certainly ramping up pressure against israel
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out. they know so near they saying this, you know, will crime is happening inside the mass displacement of people, indiscriminate force. but the many of these actions constitute janice paused, but today we have heard from the organization that was on the corporation. this is a very large inter governmental agency and it agrees with this petition that supporting it. it said that there is an ongoing genocide and it wants the international court of justice to act expedius slay. so the era, there is a question as to, you know, a how israel is going to react on this and be the week, the cautions. if this does go through and you know whether they will pay attention, they all signatory to the convention on genocide, so they will have to take it seriously. it's fans beside the top bras and the army are discussing it with the state attorney's office as well. box we're still waiting to hear from the foreign ministry to say what they have to say. look about to uh, florida. our list is the opposite of
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a lower cabinet for silky bodies. theresa and thank you. now it's 11 stain is the old of the palestine in the bankruptcy as well as on since the valence industry. he says the will does benefit some sectors of israel is economy in november, the ellsworth, which is as well as the largest defense company. it's a um, did a conference call with various people and said that their bottom line is doing very well, particularly for, and these rarely, military, any nice things. russia's invasion of you crying in february that i guess 2 years ago. so now these riley sales to european nations, me, sol, defense shields, other weapons has sold in fact, just a few months ago. israel sold to germany, it's biggest defense deal. evans, 3 and a half 1000000000. those us of and we solve defend shield. so that isn't somebody's kind of dr. asp. essential headwinds for israel moving forward. and i suspect what these wells been doing since october 7, as i've been documenting, and others have 2 that have been federal testing various weapons in the field in
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gaza by slow domestic audiences. but also international, a lot of those weapons will be sold to other nations in the coming months and years . so a few months ago we found out that 2022 c gets so is really um sales. it was 12 and a half billing us, which is the biggest data. pretty confident that the c gets the 2023, which we'll get in about 6 months will be very high as well. because old, as you are paying states, arab states, an asian states of desperate phrase, riley weapons, defensive treatment, and spyware. and i think october segment is gonna have any impact on any of that. now roland has sent a bullshit to the red sea as the major shipping re becomes increasingly militarized . on sunday, the u. s. navy destroyed 300 t by instead of tank, they mentioned ship it ready in about 2 days. all we're talking vessels linked to as well, around size as well as it will, so kill shipping lanes. that's cool. so i have it all correspond to it so, so that who joins us now from neighboring to btn result of the full of minutes,
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the naval vessels are now arrived. and the rainy and bullshit, the tension is surely increasing in the region. it's in did i mean you want? i'm sending it worship is not a game changer here. so running warships from time to time have been operating that cost the rest. so this what those are open to renting ships are there as, as they are open to many other countries, ships as well. however here, what method is the timing? so this is happening just one day off the dsa killed 10 with the members. and also this is happening, couple of these of the israel killed a top run in general game see over here. so know who these are seeing the u. s. best a full responsibility and consequences. on the other hand, the u. k, the fast secretary said that his country is ready to take further actions a guess, which is now we see because see that there is a trap. and in language, an escalade 3, porn dominated distribution sheer. and it's not the only one that is sending the
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warship here, but buick u. k. m usa all source and the more and more worship across the region. so far, good escalation needs of rats who remain as a local one. but when the se, or somebody has killed 1040 members that have changed, so forty's are seeing that they are going to retaliate. and that is causing concerns. here. people believe that you have the who to use every teddy 8 us a cruise ship directly. the whole target senior man that could lead to why the conflict and region seems like this are becoming increasingly frequent in the 4th of this dress. me. so i have a guy, the destroyer is a dispute. and before embarking on his next mission interrupts, and it's here with the other us naval west, so still comfortable with the tax on commercial ships that have brought the maritime traffic here near scottsdale,
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we've seen the decrease in what we've been monitoring anywhere between 30 to about 40 percent of what the normal ship traffic is, was here at techs in the region here for some of the world's largest shipping companies to suspend the operations in the red sea. they have rerouted ships around the southern tip of africa. $8800000.00 of buttons, of orange fussing to and that it see every month. so imagine how they're going to, going to have to go all the way i don't africa. and the price increasing and who's, who's, who's, who's going to pay for the price of the end people. because someone is going to pay the price of us has formed a multi national test post to deter hostings from attacking commercial ships. have to keep ceilings open. many countries that they agreed to contribute to the task force did a sent warships for the tax audit and testifying. and the effectiveness of the
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question is being questioned. there's still a lot of unknown questions for the coalition. what the rules of engagement are, how many vessels are going to be a part of this? and how the whole entire coalition coalition is going to work. for if you said they're not aiming to block the street back on the tech and ships linked to israel . region is not recently made a trist and we are afraid that this go fix when thank let's take over some of the countries, dozens of cargo shifts, or splendid at the post of jew booty for days. many don't know when they would get security clearance to enter the rats. this is above and meant up straight. we step with the that'd be in pennies a lot from east africa and connect the gulf of ogden to the red sea. yeah, ma'am, it's just 29 to them. it is from here about 12 persons of global faith passes through this straight. i'm almost afraid the fool international container traffic.
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now us is he please is naval presence here. and on the other side of the space the what would you say? we would continue talking west of link these ram onto the kidding in gaza, stops inside of that, i'll just the roof above a member of the street. the confrontations between is rarely falls, isn't palestinians have taken place during an overnight raid and occupied east jerusalem of the this was the scene is use have binding objects and these really all mean side take us the show for refugee camp is a densely crowded, urban and residential area is where it falls is also rated another town and village i call $75.00 westbank troops and to the city of alpharetta a day after boats as well to show solidarity with garza fire thing was also reported west of novelist, but the smith has more from ramallah and the occupied westbank. moving further to palestinians detained in raising the occupied westbank on the 1st of the morning of
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2024. the with 10 res actually slightly lower than the average. was it just been about 40 rates a night since october? the 7th and many rays, of course, before that also we've had again settle is dressed in military fatigues, trying to look like members of the military attacking palestinian shepherds to shepherds kidnapped essentially taken away b. nope. before they were released again, it's a common, increasingly common practice by the settlers and bold and now since october, the 7th. and they are often a back to it by the military who was supposed to stop this happening. but often just stung by on watch, the police also rally intervene, set was left to pretty much harris and intimidate palestinians. the tactic of course, to try and drive them off the lines. the un says the now on average of 6 incidents, a day, confrontations between the settlers and published it means double the number that
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they was before october, the 7th. but it's me, i'll just say era ramallah. the best thing in the days of the news though they pa, flag, quake has struck japan triggering sonoma as mold and a nice high along its western shore line. now the quaking dozens of after shots prompted large scale evacuations and calls widespread damage axles eminent triples . these are the moments of magnitude $7.00 earthquake struck western japan the ground shakes for nearly a minute. i'm at 6 in the city of what g mail near the epi center of the chicago prefecture down. the power line sparked fires. but across japan's western coast, there was another threat. what's not a whole hop real estate must a may just so now me warning is in effect for no 2 issue kind of would pre fixture
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. we are currently observing a large tsunami people near the shoreline and river banks. please evacuate to higher ground nearly 13 years after it's not the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the japan killed. more than $20000.00 people here are scared and will run to hide the whole room while shaking the tv or shaking . i have to keep everything on the table. uh, yeah, uh, i do a detailed saving my room though, but everything else will, shaking the impact of the quake leaves, holmes and ruins. roll structured and debris scattered across the streets. that prompted concerns about the safety of nearby nuclear power plants. plate down by japan's nuclear watchdog hook me know, you know, somebody, what am i still there currently? no report to the regularities with nuclear power plants. but a threat is not over,
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say smaller just our warning of possible aftershocks or another strong earthquake and say they could happen at any moment. texas, i'm gonna reach out to 0. so it's taking place to look at why the quake strikes now the epi sense of the $7.00 magnitude. quake was in the central issue, co op press, the prefecture people living in weston, japan hotel to move to higher ground as far away as possible from the coast. now the quake has extensively damaged public infrastructure, the roads and the city of which he might have been a cracked at more than $36000.00 homes and chicago up prefecture without power. so to speak, to chris gilbert, to standing by for us in tokyo. the law just as a quake recorded on the opinions here. it seems that chris, so just bring us up to speed on the latest synonymy warnings on what the authorities are saying to the public, sat about what they have to look out for now. the, well,
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they're asking local, sustain vigilant. that is the mrs. coming from the prime minister because it doesn't seem as though uh, high tide has passed in that part of the country. that the so not me, um, you know, by over a pause. a warnings are not going to become more severe. in fact, they had been downgraded from a major as of now me wanting to just, you know, so not even wanting into the end of last hour or so. and so they're asking, you know, locals to not be complacent. yes. but that may be, you know, just the tip of the iceberg. and in terms of what people in the government is facing, the major issue at the moment is the number of buildings that have collapsed, teens or thousands, depending on you know, that the reports you're looking at the government to the unified at least as 6 to 10 people trapped inside buildings and may be much higher than that, considering the government is usually quite consumed about about these numbers
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until their official is. you can see it's also quite cold and this is in tokyo as much colder on the sea of japan side of the country. and so even if people aren't trapped in the houses collapse, they are trapped. you sterling the house without any heating. and he's a lot of old people in that part of the country as well as we put in the report is a launch fire and one team of the roads are broken services kind of gets through. and so on top of the tsunami, a whole lot of apparel is going on at the moment for the people of a chicago. indeed, it may take us up to 24 hours for perhaps any one to really know the extent of the devastation of the injuries. certainly never pull to death right now, but obviously with those off to shocks a real possibility. what are we hearing now about sort of the issue call opinions to that, for example, in terms of the damage and sort of the rescue operation of the yeah. so in terms of the damage, you know, it is we who really are in the pull their report. there are about 10 to 30000
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households without power reports from social media. and like over polls on the ground for people who lived there was saying that, you know, the hospitals in, on data, people seeking medical attention for various levels of and you know, serious injuries. and they have been running on backup generators. you know, i've heard reports and people that i know in the area who see that and that part of the country they don't actually used to dissolves. does that much as usually on the other coast of japan with these earthquakes and saddam, it wouldn't happen. it happened and so they have learned a lot from this experience with this, leaving the house and getting to the evacuation center. they see that met part of the country. they don't know a lot of i'm very prepared for these kinds of emergencies. so as you mentioned, it is going to be the next 24 hours is the middle of the night here in, in japan. fine survive is risk. we didn't really find that the extent of the damage because skill but that
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for us the intake of course, we'll keep in touch with chris through the night. thanks, chris. so russia and ukraine have accused each other tearing out the tax on new year's day killing at least 5 people, ukrainian rockets selling in the russian health eastern city of jeanette skilled full people. russia says the attack crosby, a was lowered from several areas. and ukraine says, russian drains, talk to a residential area in the odessa region, killing one person as a back. how's this updates from the capital keys? as a new year came into effect, the training and authority said that they were defending against a russian drone attack. not the ukrainian air force says that the russians launched their record number of drones, and they said that the intercepted 87 of those 90 drones. the attack came in waves . i mean for different directions as some of those drones that weren't. it's a septic over the southern port, city of a desa, the report say one person, mcfield and others in judge. we also understand that there was damage to
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residential buildings, resulting and fires. now the training and say the west and city of eve, the central city of the nature of the southern city, of because i've also talked to 5 russian drones. this has been a busy few days for the ukrainians. defending russian areas assaults the ukrainians themselves, have launched drones that russian targets, but it does come after the friday, the 29th of december attack the wide sky russian attack talked in cities across the ukraine. now as a result of the casualties suffered as a result of that attack, the merit of chief vitaly could you cope declared the 1st of january. i dev. morning, here in the cafeteria. as i bake, i'll just 0. keith footprints as, as repeated his plea for an end to bloodshed around the world during a mess held on monday night. he said women have a special role in realizing a more peaceful planet. maggie mon, that'd be sonya. and then what the world means to look to mothers and to women in
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order to find peace, to emerge from the spiral of violence and hatred. and once more see things with a gentlemanly human eyes and hearts. every society needs to accept the gift. that is woman. every woman needs to respect, defend and esteem, women in the knowledge that whosoever harms a single woman for fame's god, who was born of a woman as the cause in bangladesh, a sentence, nobel peace prize, and then how many units to 6 months in jail. the cold and the capital kind of found units guilty of violating light blows. he was given 30 days to appeal against the ruling, the units co founder and claiming telecom, the country's biggest mobile telecommunications company. that's at the center of the trial. the pine data micro credit scheme regarded as having listed people out of poverty, immigration policy and a swing to the far right to expect it to dominate european parliament elections in june 2020 full potable look ahead into the coming. yeah. it's actually about the
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reports not from paris on the you repeat elections that could take, take the future of the block when coffee list, politician good. so this policy 1 may seats and the don't to election in november. so i'm in the netherlands. were shopped to use anti muslim anti immigration rector . we could confined him to the margins of politics, but suddenly voters had propelled him to the main stream. reacting to build his victory at a meeting in portugal, author, you're paying for right. leaders with similar policies said it was a sign of what's to come suddenly puzzle as um, it's no coincidence, but in many european countries, elections a one by parties that defends the nation. the reality is that globalization is in retreat. nations, i'm making a come back of yes to and when he says a meeting between winning fault is between parties that are going to change the face of europe. that up changing the face of europe is the goal for fluoride policies in june's. you're paying paul, the mentor elections?
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400000000 people across the you are eligible to vote for 726. total food to concerns this year are expected to be jobs. secure, receive climate change, the war in ukraine and immigration. emigration is the main issue linking your fluoride policy. some wants to try and still pace altogether. others want to 20, reduce the number of people allowed into the block. that is a model. we see more places in europe. a production on in germany is growing. there still growing notices for the next year and part of the election receives is a shift towards the right there as well to have a very significant impact on policy making here as well. so now the far right book is the 6 largest in the you call them and behind liberal, conservative and green groups, but populous lead is all hoping to become the 3rd largest force. if they do some
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fear that you values including human rights and the role of no could be threatens, natasha butler, i'll just say for paris. still i had him. i'll be, i'll just have a news. i is ready as far as at 2 villages across the board in southern lebanon. we'll have a live updates on tough the restrictions on the day thing come in full and australia to come about a search. because he, in a ditch the, however, we got a good spread of savage rod across the amazon pace and that present needs a plenty of fresh, shall a cloud showing up here. but of wet weather coming through over the coming days of weather all the way across into that eastern side presented. few showers to just around the river play type of doesn't want to start with a sticky. so the degree celsius,
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i think lots of changes of what to weather will be a little further north as we go on for the next dial to pushing up into power required. and quite a crop of chavez royd up towards the north west of the continent. and we'll say some right to, into the camera in a line of cloud and shabby rain coming in as we go one through the next style. so slowly toppling a little further east west, but you can see how the rain comes right in across the greater entities, right across towards central parts of south america. and the correct to a costa rica in particular sing some rather went by chance with one or 2 showers across the used to not as to as we go one and two's that tries to brighten up behind that you can see that rain does ramp pump the full, nicaragua, not too much right in the full costs across north america. it is lossy, settled, and dry. at present one is what wintry flowers i have a tools that northeast corner they will gradually clear through. we have got increasing cloud eventually coming back into the pacific northwest, and that will run down into california. the the,
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the latest news as it breaks, echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason is worried . it could freshman with detailed coverage, less than 2 weeks. central office being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world since the start of the war, a boss number of small a voluntary groups have sprung, get to big. the don't have the result of fig organization the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book not to the all, just it renews all with me. so he'll run. the reminder of all told the story is the number of palestinians killed and israel is more on garza has risen to 21900 and 78th intensifying thing has been taking place around 3 refugee camps in the center of the strait and it comes as these ran, the army says the war will continue through 2020 full thousands of vaccines are being brought into the strip to reduce the risk of contagious diseases,
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amongst causes display population cases of totally rubella and measles. around the rise of the popular construct, central japan triggering soon on the left so long it's west and coastline. it was sent to the on the chicago of prefecture pulls and widespread damage and something large scale evacuations is very strong. so i've had 2 villages across the border in southern lebanon. plains of smoke was seen rising in the cooler on the mediterranean coast. that's right in strike is also reported to of hit cups kayla in east. it's the latest and nearly 3 months of close boldwood tanks between the as by the army and has block, at least $179.00 people are being killed on both sides since october the 7th, including 23 lebanese civilians and a half ali. how shall correspondents, as in the cora in southern lebanon with the latest, and just bring us up to speed. all we know about sort of the ongoing cross border
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fire that's been happening these last few hours as well today the intensity off is really strikes was very high, especially here in the for all that we are on the hills of us seeing the town the around 8 is ready for strikes and huge and massive fools of smoke, following explosions, notice of hearing from cry to kill it, to the east that that would also several is really strikes what things are being used now intensely over the past few days. and this gives an indication that is escalating the uh, the engagement with his blah here in the past. they used to use war planes. rarely . now, i can say that over this day, the, the airplanes were used on several occasions hitting several targets. we don't know whether the casualties in 5 killer about the attacks on presidential is also
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the town of mason trouble in the central sector once hits the hospital was a damaged, slightly damaged, and a reports from the moment that is rarely artillery is showing the vicinity of the thousands, not only message about about many of the towns on the border for his beloved. there's only one attract that they've claimed responsibility for to day on had been was done. however, there are, there were several alert sundays ready size for drones infiltrating the board up towards the areas such as of the beam and all the areas in the area and in on the board to the also the last update is that there are also alerts of rocket, long stewart's show me the west and sec to set to events in his run for us in southern lebanon. thank you. a detailed. if it's a car,
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there's an associate professor of goals politics. subcultural university enjoys is now going to see the good to have you with this guy, and we'll talk about 11 on environment, kind of just talk about the fact that we are now in the said technical month of the war on gall. so could you ever have imagined it would have lasted this long? no, i of course i never, i've never thought about that. i mean, the last war, 2014 in less than 5 weeks. and it killed much less people. now the objective seems to be much more constrained from the friday side. now the problem is that the objectives of the strategies trying to to, to achieve are basically possible to which we thought was committing. unless a car and the police asked we, are we missing quite now? so nobody expected that. but of course it was not predictable. i mean, since the signature of the how i called the desktop in 2020, we knew that something was happening in the front of me on costs was not supported by so many countries anymore. and with products of interest to some extent,
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that something would happen in the future in terms of the fact that, you know, we all are in the new. yeah. now we're hearing statements from senior military officials that this is going to be a protracted will, may be up up as almost 6 months. and that is going to be quite worrying on many levels, both within the palestinian display or as well as he is really does for the mostly for the neighbors, the regional labels. once you make of it exactly me in more weeks, this conflicts last more times this are that the conflict is to be an extent that we have been discussing this for, for, for, for several weeks already in there it's, it's been difficult to predict if any miscalculation happening any in any of the fonts. we see that some, a low level come from facial us in different scenarios, are producing victims, higher pollution control piece from the, from this all of these because at some point we had a push other act or state on ones that are close to getting both directly or indicted please, because nobody can,
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except the customer guessing their own from the weed. those are for evaluating without reacting. we are witnessing and keep himself with these, or it's rarely as leave on these people. and that's, i've, you know, the date for that one go or a mentor, that on the l, for this to produce some kind of reaction, either discourses of or either actual action in the back. you talk about miscalculations, but never to areas. you know, we all focusing on not just us, but everybody want is not northern border between israel and let them know where we're seeing skirmishes we're seeing on getting off of the fine the alley just mentioned. and then we're also seeing this radian bullshit into the red sea. i mean these are 2 areas that obviously israel is focused on right now. and so it is real spotless. where one is more configured that on the other it's more danger was on the other. i mean the leave on his front, we don't really know what happened. the last time of the was the confrontation on large scale conformation between these for i live on a live on, on, on the list,
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the people that they are interested in keeping. i mean, the kind of competition with this really is have level, which is useful, is not interested in large scale confrontational. it's not helpful for them. and it's going to basically destroyed the lead by this the economy is. so we, we kind of expect that this low level ask you to mrs. we happen along the, this long time. the other scenario, which is the, let's see, we, we saw the who is, these are the ones that they are pushing the limits. but again, the expectation of somebody who decides not engaging in the article from visual that'd be most of the u. s. u k or other kind of this. so therefore, we kind of expect that this, this go uh for the longer we though it's a big operational from the us or from other countries to the stuff that we had the by then said that they don't want to enter into it. that a good, what with that with which is a of course they are not submit it. they are not interested in entering the war
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with the doctor. but at some point, again, any miscalculation can drive other companies into a scenario into a scene, or even more about a way if they did the runs operations, lower level that's also based on our most successful team, preventing the other 2 for this more casualties, we shall see what happens, certainly in the coming days and by meant to let you out as a car. thank you for joining us. know the palace to the ministry of housing golf besides about $60000.00 naval babies, our risk without access to vaccines is what was, what bobbin has all but destroyed the health care system. in gauze are leading people without protection against childhood diseases like polio and measles. but thousands of vaccines have not been delivered all the with the majority of people in temporary accommodation, administering the vaccines will be hauled according to the palestinian health officials is very false as killed 312 health care workers. $23.00 hospitals across cause and out of service mold,
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and $140.00 healthcare centers are being bummed to $53.00 amount of service. more than a 100 ambulances have been destroyed or damaged according to causes health ministry listed in health. officials say israel has detained any 100 doctors, nurses and hospital stuff doesn't include the direct i'll be, i'll ship a hospital because as largest health facility that is now in ruins. that will follow sucka is the media and communication officer at the palestine. but present, she says the humanitarian catastrophe. and garza is any wes thing. the system is just collapsing. we're talking now about the city and the north have been a completely went without any medical services, since old hospitals went out of service. because of was there any attacks at those hospitals, pcsing the hospitals and denying access over the humanitarian aid and including medical supplies and medicines. that means over 800000 got it,
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and he is who lives in garza city. and the nurse had been left without any medical care as for the situation and south of gaza, it is absolutely horrific as kept task. perfect. since hospitals are really quickly over whelmed, there is no spaces for the new casualties. every single hour hospitals or receiving dozens of cab with it is due to red cliff bombardments. there is taking place everywhere in central causes, locked in south of gauze in jaime with us, and rock as well. and this being off wounded people lying on hospitals, creed toward bleeding fort hours. it's now the norm. my other kyla is the health minister of palestine that she enjoys us now live by side in kentucky with us on i'll just cera, ma'am. can we just start with the, the situation in garza, in terms of medical facilities,
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how dia is the situation to the good afternoon? first of all and happy new year. i was that we are doing an, a deep sort of how the, the, the and situation and in guys a is to, to look at best, you know, pick you up talking about those because there is only 9 hospitals out of 56 working partially really only the and the dental and some other uh, some other services, but it's not working it efficiently with all its competent, especially in the south. and these are look at the in the south. and they are overwhelmed with patients that the pacific is almost 300 percent of the they don't have enough medical supplies and the medicines and the not for electricity. and therefore the solution is to select the best. okay. okay, so we talked about how we saw the color. can we then we'll just structure it slightly,
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one by one in terms of all the issues we want to talk about. can we talk about the age that is coming in? can you tell us what aid has come in for what type of injuries and illnesses as well as the, the good it's called as you might know that there is no mention inside desa normally because applies only those with those 2 other factors. point the dead for those who are 18 they use immediately. the image is the image and sick kid and the sense of what comes up like that must specialize medicine example we have and it does up $10000.00 patients to add cancer patients. we did the recent code because there is no on political eh, eh, that's in pen to the. 6 to the so cause a does and or put a jump in that could be, it could be, it could be, is, it could be,
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it makes sense for me. the one is the only thing that we don't have. they don't have it. we don't have and get the, the 10 who, okay. and the 2 that are used to it could be barely to these issues. i left existing only a rough rough instead of i've the it just to the medicine. and that's just him when it comes up like yourself. number one is that is a scenario that need really sort of accidents and emergency treatment can be given . the other issue is trying to get people to the medical facilities that are operational. how difficult is it with the cause of that issue? yep. so, so, but the transport out of action and also the lack of trained medical physicians. yes. this is another issue, is the stuff, the medical stuff they are looking since the beginning of the i'm to know and many of them that they left either and what, what they,
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what this would that 7 especially if she's the woman she has to accompany, had, and families and the number to be that can because as you, as you just said that you have 300 according is good. my number's 350 who i can the from the medical stuff. what the doctor does, mrs. order it. but i'm a dix did fraud and also this number, this, this quantity or for medical monday, monday, the can stuff what 10 percent of the, the finishes a very specialized and they of all, most they unique and the and it doesn't. and they'll probably have missed most of our colleagues at least a little bit with the rich facility drugs such as the fitness center. but example that the seats is just the department. he was killed the head of the 10 your outcomes then put these, these a huge with these men because of the wood did not exist. signaling does. uh no.
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uh, the issue is that the, the ambulances and the envelope, you know, is that 201 envelopes have been just throw it because they where it could be in it. and you get the yeah, and directly, but it don't directly. and that the beloved man or the put them at the other number the but then there's what that is really a shortage of stuff, shortage. i'll say facilities and sort of subsidies apply because up. okay, now remember that as, as the minister of the health, the palestine, you will, of course, have access to conversations. you can have with the w h o with diplomats a through your government. what conversations are you having with the w h o, at least in the un to try and get more aid into gaza at this moment? a been actually with the w h o, we have been the. yeah,
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i need to get the group. we have to be communicating with them all the time and go to meeting with them even the less another presumptive of fun is done here has been 2 guys of florida, but almost 2 weeks and the visit to the hospital, we have a full of the mission at the or the day with the pin, the pin, the plan, what i've cannady should medical supplies. it was from the to the, to the fed. some of the good supplies and let them do which in turn together it was, oh no, it's not that monday. then monday is could you click on box because of the pick up the server that they have seen the or the medical supplies of the month and they let them directly on the day and then they will do it, or actually they did it acted and they responded immediately and, and as it and it would come in a very good we've got about
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a load other with other diplomats also the put them on the list of needs. and it does, and this will prepare in gaza and they send it to us and we set up this exams and then put we are sending them a do that through the diploma and to the dentist through that just does the and what would the to that just is that, that, that looking for the emergency legitimate defense kid. and that's what it is we submitted over. we have our website too, and we have a lot of and they do, they put an auto english with we put teams or what's happening and look at the needs and put that goes out for the business. so it's good to get clarification of the exact situation as you see it's on the ground. so the movement to my other kyla, the health minister full pallets on, thank you for joining us, allowed to 0. thank you. thank you. ready a still a has a all the news out most strongly in balance with david warner has called time on his career and
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a want international is all of the latest news coming up with the to the news from i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we, the effect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about go story that has become the 1st country to live in the evening to people with a medical prescription and his band impulse of disposable lights. so the clock has moved from sydney. piping was sold to the public as a tool to help smokers give up their addiction. medical industry says that's rubbish and is welcome to the federal government decision to bad. the input of disposable single use bikes into a struggle fighting that's happening in this country. he's hurting people, hurting the environment and it's just a terrible thing hoping a new generation. so all these measures, i think i have countries around the world would look at what's happening here and see it as a model for helping and protecting people in their own countries. a living strategy was limited to those who have a prescription invites required for medical reasons, are available at chemists and pharmacies. despite these restrictions, the uptake of
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a cigarettes is still on the increase study by studies cancel. cancel found 9 out of 10 teenagers advice. we've seen retailers flap the lots and so these products to young people. so these rules are fundamentally necessary. and we all certainly kidney what's embrace on whether we do say in fact, to reduce use and access of these products by young people extreme. it's with that in mind, the federal government is targeting of driving black markets with flavor disposable bikes, imported from china, being sold a legally through convenience stores. as well as binding the inputs of the sizable bikes. the federal government plans to introduce legislation to prevent local manufacturing and advertising. and for march the impulse of personal bytes will also be banned. but the industry says this approach is driving the black markets, invites should be regulated the same way as cigarettes. right now you just have a random black market, 90 percent of vipers accessing products that have no product standards under the table environment for your clients. and
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a good way to saying you can tax and regulate better products that consumers to access that argument has pulling on the fees with a strategy. now. legislating some of the toughest nicotine controls in the world's sarah clock out a 0. sweetening. well, let's catch up on the sports headlines of pizza. a premium. the lead is little pool will be looking to move 3 points clear at the top of the table when they play new causal later. but they'll seem to be without striking, but how much the seller who has been named egypt captain for this month's efforts a couple of nations in the ivory coast. egypt 1st game is against mozambique on january 14th. it's a really, at least very average situation that you lose your gold score of i'd be headed even for us in the past months i do and more left and became somehow fluid and the mary's hearing tennis had started with a defeat to the last 2 griego demetria off in the 1st round, the prison international. both former, when is of the events the mutual showed some clause here, winning
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a point with broken screens that we came back from a sit down to reach the 2nd. sam yourself has made a winning between to tennis. i'll be giving birth to her 1st child just 6 months ago. the full time grand slam champion didn't have an easy though. she's going to 2 match points before. eventually fighting cost june me needs to monitor co patch 6376, and the 1st round of the president's national performer will number one is building up to this is a streaming open, which is one twice before. like i care if i when i lose, but i think just the process of it all or i know i change really hard on during the off season and i think it's one of those things where i feel like i'm playing well enough. so it will come eventually, australia best when david warner has announced he's with time and from one of the international crickets, the 37 year old played $161.00 audi i matches and was the leading run score at last . you as will come, which a straight one he's already decided to cold time when he's test career and is preparing for his final match against punky stone. and he's home, says he, of sidney of cities all along a boyfriend has the commission having
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a dream. you know, it's not always fair to the mall, but i've been authentic. 2024 is set to be a big yeah, for one of at the lasix is rising stalls. india is and then pick a javelin champion. the raj chopra is said to defend these title in paris and will definitely ethics is hope is that the popularity of the indian athlete shows will help boost the profile of track and field in a country. still obsessed by crickets, who pass back reports the phrase meteoric rise is never felt so apt when it comes to describing it as chopra. 2023 saw him crowd well championed for the 1st time, while the old site successfully defended his agent, gains title. not about 12 months to someone who bars on admission was struggling with injury. i see my painting, i did my thing was going into the a but the goes of the entity i, i didn't do my best. the choppers journey to the top hasn't been easy. when he was
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12, he suffered from childhood obesity, resulting and other children making fun of him, in spite shop, right? to take dropbox logics, with the javelin, quickly becoming his favorite discipline. i really like a dining hall don't fly, but i bought so many videos, represents the last name, the deputy bubbly, and i really liked these techniques and he said i could do it in the company. so the software is designed to any legs the legs the soon came through and how hard he pushed himself in training. in fact, he's always as well known for his training clips on social media as he is for his performances in competition. when i start painting, i just wonder if i make my the don't like if i was on the and the mrs. jenny, i have available or not, sorry, because paid off in 2021 with need of chop real one in the as fast as i live. pick all metal in athletics in turkey or since that olympic gold. abraham mid oz has gone from strength to strength. shopper as are the $4300000.00 from endorsements in
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2020, to review it. budgeting profile is seen him share screen time with david beckham to help him. mobil studios promote the black time to see what comes up forever. in india, corporate social media presence also i saw is 7 and a half 1000000 follows and instagram, giving the r c hope that he is. what does the introduction of cricket at los angeles 2020, i can help boost the olympic movement in south asia. if i am in india i, i goes in so many places i've made so many people. but the, when i stop reading, i just want to be, this is my main focus. that far as this is now, and those powers for the 20 full games and the possibility of back to back traveling goals, like my biggest goal is to improve might. so i want to, to more i want to go by and just trump for a can win gold at the powers olympics, expect to sign in popularity to soul, to even write the hearts roll out 0. and as it goes full headlines with the time
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being, you can get more analogy or come as well as social media channels. it sits from me . so i'll be back with more news on the other side of the price to stay with the sale along the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool thanks. 3 questions to 1st of 5, unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without 0 zeros here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt? how many other channels can you say?
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we'll take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others, we go to them, we make the effort, we tear straight off, choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life. earliest in my life, those dentures we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we want. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserve
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to be treated equally. we are in the footsteps, our ancestors. whatever has been done before. 10 gunman, victim, as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is clear. the, [000:00:00;00] the deluxe, the whole rama knew what she noticed. it renews our life, my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the res. around 3 refugee comes in. garza have


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