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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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as a set some i'll just areas and those are last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it, the buckles, rage, and central, and southern garza and the casualties keep going up. the number killed and israel is the question has no reason to 21978. the thoughts that are likely headquarters here in the also coming up as well. supreme court has struck down a controversial new law that limited the judges oversights of government
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underwriting and will ship ends. as the red sea is tension bounds over time. by who these on the commercial vessels and people in japan lead to higher ground up to a powerful aspect. i'm just hoping to get saddam is the welcome to the program. central garza has been turned into a battlefield with fighting around 3 refugee comes between his body forces and i'm doing a promise that comes as it is really all mistakes, but it says the will will continue throughout 2020 full thousands of troops. so we would drop in the coming weeks, has come about success on the southern cost of the cost of strip. meanwhile, thousands of vaccines and now being brought into garza to reduce the risk of contagious diseases. among the displaced population cases of polio, developed. and measles around the rise, that's going to be like for us with our company to see my correspondence in rasa in southern
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a. so let's just begin with the on slows on the very 1st day of 2024 . it's been relentless. yes, another day that is very, very busy and very full with military attacks. of course the goal is this trip has been recorded at while these really forces had it didn't suffice. it's meant to try attacks on the emitter over night. so during the last a couple of hours were a, in a different bella town, at least 15 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of this day were also 16 palestinians. others have been killed in other my god, the refugee come. and this is the death tool till now when both towns inside the middle governance of gauze, which also had been on the wide military ground offensive bite, is ready for us, as well as trying to advance and to press the button, the military included into the main key urban residential neighborhoods in the
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middle, a governor named smells whose people have been also receiving more evacuation ordered to flee, move to the south. i'm in the last couple of hours or more attacks had been carried out on the phone going caused by people that to be afforded a safe, cory go to sleep more to the south as they are facing, difficult to get out of the houses and right now there was another explosion where appearing in rough off at the bucky ground. now this is completely a kind of series of attacks that had been directed towards the south of a gonzo strip. and also con eunice had been sent for the east really military operations during the beginning of the states where the is ready forces have 2000000 palestinians officers destroying them. residential house in hon. eunice, on the risk of reasons to find the survivors under the ruffles of the destroyed houses. also continue to this very moment of cole's target. good size, uh regular tanks that as you say it happening around you the cause the problems the
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age to get into the strip. you know, we got the wells food program as well as the w h. i talking about the, the lack of supplies coming into the problems about schools. and so yes, uh, so hell at the unrelenting bombing by the user. the ministry is one of the main reasons also for politically and obstructing the the velocity of a distribution inside garza stripe, as these very forces are taking full control over the movements of the humanitarian, a troops in which in other words the are determining which. busy humanitarian aids will get to the south or even to the northern parts of the gaza strip. now, palestinians day by day are broadening with catastrophe humanitarian conditions and also hung up a situation where it's getting day by day and much more difficult and on databases . and what palestinians are forced to deal with all kinds of different alternatives,
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like to have one meal big day. and this is considered to be completely in human, a due to the fact that they are receiving very limited amounts of humanitarian supplies for out the united nation. distribution centers and also palestinians are in a very desperate need as they are going hungry, thirsty for a sustainable humanitarian access that can guarantee a constant flu. all the humanitarian supplies that would help to prevent, to avoid the force coming from and as more than 85 percent of those as population become displaced. as long as also 40 percent of them are on the age, on the verge of 5. and i'm a new international and local concerns regarding this issue. so the conversion, of course, the rough a thank you as well into the top story that we're following right now is this rose high call that struck down a little past by the legislature this summer. but would have limited its pallets. israel has no written constitution,
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but the code has long use. the so called reasonableness tended to decide whether government decisions or legal prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants to end the standard of the cult block. some of his cabinets appointments because of the past criminal convictions. opponents of reform held rallies for much of 2023, saying that removing the reasonableness done that would increase corruption. let's get more of this from lower con, who joins us now from occupied these to reason. it does seem that the government and the high cold heading for head on clash as well. absolutely. this is the 1st time the supreme court has notified a basic lord that this was brought in and through the connected in july i was outside the connected when it was passed and they were, i was surrounded by tens of thousands of people protesting and also need this but also a big judicial opa hole that was introduced by the coalition government. they say
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taking away the reasonableness close is essentially taking away any checks and balances from the supreme court. so they can affect the appointment, for example, inside the government. but also some of the decisions on the supreme court construct and based on whether they are reasonable, they have been using the schools for around 40 years out before july. and then this was all stripped away from them. and of course now they've overtime to not to discuss more, i do have an international ex, but with me, how many definitely thank you so much for joining us. can you just explain? what does this mean for the government? are they coming to a head on class with the supreme court? yeah, it's so it's adult of collision now between that you should be the supreme court and as a government this and, but this little that was in that could, in july last year was a very important the law that,
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that the government was interested in. and the amendments in the tradition system, it is now that that has been notified by the supreme court. i think there will be a lot of free precautions. it's prestone in the relationships between the judiciary and the government, but also on the social 11. we have seen a huge dispute between the, to the right, but as meaning, those sort of supporting the judiciary on both sides supporting that kind of government. now this wouldn't be we, we roll more or more after the supreme court has interviewed. especially that that decision was given eh, 8 again, 7 just as soon it's a pretty good. it's not a huge majority. this shows that the, this dispute is deeply rooted in the, as a society. and also the supreme court as somebody is now, there seems to be a dispute as well as to what they deem to be democratic of the at is where the
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government is saying. this is a democratic process because that's the ocean inch pallet they should make the decisions that supreme court to say you're, you're stripping away any checks and balances of can you tell me more about this, this what it means, the democracy see that it is the claims to be a, i've been across the country. yep. is that doesn't have a constitution since it, since it's an establishment, and that's the source for problems. and also the relationships between the different branches of the government is not clear, because there is no constitution that defines the power as jurisdictions or policies for each branch and doesn't define it. metrics and benefits between go so far. it is now this argument by the government, but this has not been crappy, is actually misleading because based on that, the argument began say that the supreme court has no authority whatsoever to have to come back to the show review on that need to stay in those uh, eh, administrative branch or of the government and but again,
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that's not democracy. democracy is having a judicial review and having free independent branches and having to be sure to review objects and bounces between those branches. i'm a definitely thank you very much for joining us, sir. of course, if we weren't in the shadow of the war and goss if it's a pc, hundreds of thousands of people who are protesting for many months against not just this box, the continue judicial as a whole lower con yorkie by the straits then. thank you. i to be published any ministry of housing goals that says about $60000.00 nipple babies or risk without access to vaccines. israel's bombardment has all but destroyed the health care system in garza leaving people without protection against child to diseases like probably a measles, but thousands of vaccines have now been delivered. although the majority of people in temporary combination administering the vaccines is going to be held. my other
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holly is the health minister of palestine, as you told you, 0 the situation. and the goal is the strict lessons by the and the medicine is only able to enter the strip through the roof of crossing in the south of the situation and in gaza. is the best way to pick you up, talking about those items, and that is only 9 hospitalized out of $56.00 looking chevy. really only the and the dental and some other uh, some other services. but it's not working it efficiently with all its complicity. it, especially in the soft uh, these are look at the in the south. they are overwhelmed with patients that the pacific is almost 300 percent and then they don't have enough medical supplies and the medicines and they enough electricity. and therefore, the solution is to select the best of it. there is no mention inside the normal because applies only those with the through the factors point and the dead for
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those who i think they use immediately, the emergency emergency kid and the medicines and what comes up like that must specialize medicine something we have and it does up 10000 patients to add 10 to patients? we did the recent, i thought because there is no on color because eh, eh, that's in fed to that to them. and if so, cause a does and or, but it's something that's a good the patients will need the when is the only thing that we don't have, they don't have it. we don't have and get the, the 10 who. okay. and then i believe that i used to work with me, they looked at these issues, i left existing only a rough rough instead of i have the images to the medicine. and that's just simply because applied to
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a nearby and the child is economy is associate professor of goals, politics that counts all university kentucky with us again on the program, china and as we have the ongoing problems of getting a into gaza. so this exacerbates an, an, an, a noise, the global public. and we've seen that in the mass demonstrations in major international capitals. this is still going to look good for these riley's as they continue to hinder that age coming in. so what about the western k of as well as into exactly the process of mountain worldwide? i mean we, we see we, we, we can see how the public opinion has been changed and more dramatically for what. so i thought his team in a position to criticize them, israel and the governments are for the companies, we're also or they are being also forced to change that one position. we see that both in the national lab and then the general assembly of for united nations, how the amount of the comforts of the boat to be in favor of the solution that is
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pushing it through something is increasing a. and also of course, the organic party that they are willing to europe and countries on even by then from the pressure from their own boat. there's that the seat that they construct this extending too much with the human cause of this not justifiable but anybody because of the way can we talk about your because obviously, you know, your opinion impact goes to elections across 20 different countries in june. uh, there's a lot riding for those incumbent political parties of where they stand on the issue of the war on garza and many will have to think very carefully about how they present themselves to the respective publics. you've got spain's prime minister very much behind the palestinians, the french of tubs a little bit. the gibbons too, as well as we see they've allowed demonstrations to happened when they would allow you to start with. there's a lot at stake, isn't that for europe and leaders historically? i mean, you have ordered the, i'm afraid that they have 27 different opinions about the foreign policy issues.
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but also they need to show a call from regarding specifications like ukraine or the me, the lease. and this is pretty clear and the case. i mean, you see that the policies of european consist of what you could in are not the same . the person that they're having in, in terms of israel, i'm honest, i better for, of course, all the parties that they have risk him to some extent to this votes on one side or, or the other because it probably could be in your results. somebody bypass a we, we witness level of demonstration of the many european copies of their support. and they thought assigned by the also which see how some governments are becoming very harsh in terms of and preventing the most recent to happen or even expression of support to get a sense. or of course election will be at some point that we uh, respond to somebody some how the police are thinking about the crew will continue to and pick this as the evening progresses. and i'm going to turn into a car. thank you. well go ahead here on,
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i'll just there trouble on the boat is ready as price at $2.00 villages in southern 11 of the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific on which is the route i'm charles times the rate for hindsight, dramatize pod costs from i'll just here to invest facing re, here from some of history's blogs, notable women, and unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that god of the communist revolution of everyone in china, new my space. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now subscribe way. if you listen to pub of the
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the the much you want to go to 0. me so robin, in the reminder of all told stories. the number of palestinians killed israel's war
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on cause that has risen to 21978. intense fighting has been taking place around 3. betsy g comes to the center of the strip that comes as he is really on the says the will, will continue throughout the twenty's with thousands of that it seems all being brought into the strip to reduce the risk of contagious diseases amongst causes displaced population takes the podium propeller measles around the rice as well. supreme court has ruled against a key component until a prime minister need, and that's the only speaker my thoughts rolled back. some of the high coats, how and spot nationwide protests, the controversial changes took away the calls for the t to void. such decisions that it deemed unreasonable iran and such a warship to the red sea as the major shipping rate becomes increasingly minute tries. on sunday, the u. s. navy destroyed 3 bytes belonging to gibbons who the group after they had time to imagine ship uranium, but to these are testing vessels linked to israel. around says it's warship will
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secure shipping lanes so, so that has moved from neighboring gbc. seems like this are becoming increasingly frequent in the port of jeep as this dress me. so i have guide the destroyer is a dispute. and before embarking on his next mission interrupts, it's here with the other us naval west. so still comfortable with the tax on commercial ships that have brought up the maritime traffic. here near scottsdale, we've seen the decrease in what we've been monitoring anywhere between 30 to about 40 percent of what the normal ship traffic is with your taxes and the region. her for some of the world's largest shipping companies, to suspend the operations in the red sea. they have rerouted ships around the southern tip of africa. $8800000.00 of buttons of orange busing to ability every month. so imagine how they're going to go into health to go all the way i
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don't africa. and the price increasing, and who's, who's, who's, who's going to pay for the price of know the end people. because someone is going to pay the price of us has formed a multi national test 1st to deter hostings from attacking commercial ships, have to keep ceilings or from many countries that agree to contribute to the task force that has sent warships for the tax are intensifying and the effectiveness of the question is being questioned. there's still a lot of unknown questions for the coalition. what the rules of engagement are, how many vessels are going to be a part of this? and how the whole entire coalition coalition is going to work for the city. they are not aiming to block the street book on the tech and ships linked to israel. the region is not recently made a trist. we are afraid that vehicle fixed. we take a take over some of the countries. the dozens of cargo shifts are splendid at the
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port of jeep booty for days. many don't know when they would get security clearance to enter the rest. this is about in mind that the truth which separates the other the infinity so that from east africa and connect the gulf of ogden to the red sea . yeah, man is just 29 to them. it is from here about 12 persons of global faith passes through this faith almost to the full international container traffic. now, yes, easy. peasy is naval to presence here. and on the other side of the street, would you say we would continue talking west of link these ram onto the kidding in gaza, stops inside of that, i'll just the roof above a member of the street. the delegation from you haven't seen the degree pays and the remaining capital of a high level towards it runs. foreign ministry says the who, the spokesman i negotiates, i met with radian foreign minister hussain. i met a dalai and the reports of the st. the who teased the support for the palestinians
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. that reiterated the turnaround support for peace talks between yemen and saudi arabia. is where the strikes have hit. 2 villages across the border in southern 11 on plains of smoke was seen rising in the corner on the mediterranean coast, now droned strongly. k is reported to hit cover kayla in the east is the latest of maybe 3 months of cross border attacks between the israeli army and has been at least 179. people have been killed on both sides since october the 7th, including $2311.00. the civilians of the house is in dakota where they were fans that, that may be an escalation. in fact, the 1st day in the several, as strikes to the hills behind me, i think you, we can see them on the screen right now. the around 8 is really a strikes what plane strikes huge massive plumes of smoke in this area. also a couple of mess sides from drones in the same area. so don't then that docs and
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the hills surrounding the corner where we are also towards the east. think 5 killer on 3 strikes, modeling that was also in the central sector. 3 is really a tax buyout with up to out of hillary and also drones also, i'm just receiving audit stripe no of from is re, uh that's from the is ready side of a drone infiltration from the east side. now, during the day though, there are several attacks, an attack preceded this, ready a fain war strike the war plain strikes. yeah. and, and they are not caught on. there was several explosions here from the other side of the board also has will claim responsibility for one attack on an is ready a ministry position calls had moved was done. however, there are also reports of a mis site that was launched towards the la settlement,
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but this went through without any claim of responsibility. so a lot of it is happening just like yesterday. but today the, the, the, the s likes were massive and it seems, especially often i am costs and principals, deputy secretary generals the speech yesterday. everything is being set for a new round of escalation. the so it's pretty the days of the news though in japanese a forward to use of downgraded a synonymy warning to an advisory to a pamphlet, quake hits it's west coast, they quake and dozens of aftershocks prompted large scale evacuations and calls widespread damage acts those individual thoughts these are the moments of magnitude $7.00 earthquake struck western japan the ground shakes for nearly
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a minute. cause i'm at 6 in the city of what g mail near the epi center of the chicago prefecture down power lines sparked fires. but across japan's western coast, there was another thread. well, it's a whole happier state, much a may just so now me warning is in effect for no to issue kind of what pre fixture we are currently observing. a large tsunami people near the shoreline and river banks please evacuate to higher ground. nearly 13 years after it's not the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in japan, killed more than 20000. people here are scared in a run to hide whole room while shaking the tv or shaking. i have to keep everything on the table. uh yeah, uh i do. i did feel safe in my room though, but everything else will, shaking the impact of the quake, leaves homes and ruins. roll structured and debris scattered across streets.
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that prompted concerns about the safety of nearby nuclear power plants. plate down by japan's nuclear watchdog. how can we know we know somebody? what am i still there currently? no report to the regularities with nuclear power plants. but a threat is not over, say small or just our warning of possible after shocks or another strong earthquake and say they could happen at any moment. texas, i'm, or which out to 0 of russia and ukraine, who have accused each other attorney. that's a tax on new year's day killing, at least 5 people, ukrainian rockets selling and the russian health systems that have the net skills for people. russia says the attack was lowered from several areas, and ukraine says, rushing dry ins talk today residential area in odessa, regional killing one person to see it affects how your customers less this attack took place while we were celebrating. oh, are you creating a new yes. who's even thinking of doing such things?
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what's an animal can do such things knowing well talk to people, sat down to celebrate the guineas military rulers say a constitutional referendum will be held this year, potentially piping the way for return to civilian rule enjoying president. and by monday, the boy says that the new constitution will reflect the values of society and bring people together, getting stuff. the classically elected leads of accommodate was removed from pilot, and the ministry cute in 2021. the military accuse him of a litany of crimes including treason and corruption. india has successfully lost a space mission to study astronomical objects, like black holes, which are hidden to traditional telescopes. the rockets carrying a satellite, tips of a tree was low for a space full on the island. she had to go to the project is costing around $13000000.00. i will run for 5 years now. this is the 2nd dimension in the world of this nature. at last, after nessa launch one in 2021 of those stories on
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a website to to address their delta columbia back with loan using hoff not with the out. is there a news out? the weather is an excellent inside story with elizabeth put on a big summons won't, could lie ahead for ukraine in 2020 full to stay with us here on the the hello. the weather remains. losey. set fire across much of the middle east, but some places to apply to central air as much as catch a spots of rain over towards the gulf. even here in the heart of anything to write home about the what the weather will be a little further move. possibility of a few showers just sliding out of a rocked into the north of saudi arabia for a time. pushing down towards concepts read by frame as we make our way through. wedding state, just bits and pieces of january light, right? it's autism, right?
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so making its way into that east the side of the mediterranean. so gosh, i could catch you several to is a go on 3 tuesday, the shouts easing up into coastal fringes of israel, pushing right the way up across 11 on an up towards us something positive took. yeah. and that makes its way a little further raced with, as we go on through where the stands to the channel system shows across studies the side of the met cypress could also catch a shout or 2, a possibility of one or 2 shouts. the lucky ne of adults area, northern positive tennessee, but much of north africa, much of west africa, is generally drive. it stays that way over the next couple of days. not so drive to southern parts of medic escalate. we do have tropical syfy, alvaro. it making its way across the southern parts of the country using out was a southern indian ocean. by mid week. the coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i traveled,
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whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on that suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a clear and unbiased and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of that instructions worldwide reflect widespread outrage of israel's one garza young people have been at the full funds and drove into political action by the images and stories of palestinians suffering code visits locally. you support for palestine have long term impacts. this is inside story.


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