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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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sol jones, every time i travels and whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in at p a and i'm biased and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the 7 sessions worldwide reflect widespread outrage of israel's one garza young people have been at the full funds and drove into political action by the images and stories of palestinians suffering code visits the local use support for palestine have long term impacts. this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them. this was one girl that has brought catastrophic suffering to palestinians. tens of thousands have been killed or injured. and most of the 2300000 people living there have been forced to move or now on. this escape of israel's onslaught has triggered global outrage. younger people have been mobilized and protested with some demonstrating for the 1st time and support of palestinians, money, and good by the financial and military support given by the governments to israel. that money has been used to directly to main palestinians including thousands of children. so how important is the rule and gaza for young people in the west coast? these protest movements have wide and last thing political impact will be asking august these questions and more in a few more minutes. but 1st, victoria gave some of the reports on how young people around the world have showed
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the support for palestinians and gaza. a college campuses across the united states have been turned into places of protest since the start of israel's were wrong console. po, show a generational divide has opened up the conflict, those widely known as generation z and young millennials are more likely than the parents of grandparents to feel sympathy for palestinians and to disagree with us. president j biden's unconditional support for israel. i believe that the us on the media has been very much on israel side without realizing the policies have been going through suffering for 75 plus years. at the hands of is really is the trend that extends beyond the united states. research suggest the young people in your say more likely to be sympathetic towards palestinians and older
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generations. in contrast, these really government led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu is the most right wing in the country's history. unless say so many young people, the issue isn't only about the suffering of palestinians. boss. injustice are starting to see what's happening in palestine, not just in gaza as a justice and racism issue that this is something they don't stand for. they were against it when it came to black lives and the, you know, mark for justice, racial justice in united states and throughout the west. and they're seeing what's happening. pounds, finding similar ways from that. similar and a prism. social media has shaped young people's views at the who post supposing palestine and those backing israel were roughly equal after the attacks by him asked on october the 7th 2 weeks later, full times as many back to palestine then is ro,
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an content supportive of palestinians dominated every platform, the social media is undeniably played a crucial role in both exposing the truth behind mainstream media is propaganda that's designed to misinform but also it plays a role in exposing the contextual reality is the disproportionate power dynamics and how israel is absolved almost as an exception of a 100. well, recently human rights switch says meta has silence posts and supposes palestine on instagram and facebook. but young people in the us and in cities across the world are continuing to pray just to show solidarity and cool. so peace, victoria gates and b l. just a rough inside story. the more on this i'm joined by, i guess in washington dc is donna l. could a non resident senior fellow at the arab center, washington dc. and new jersey is eli emani,
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a black lives matter activist. and cassandra of the black liberation, collective and in london is no gonna levy rappaport, a huge climate act of us involved in palestine solidarity campaigns in the u. k. a very warm welcome to all of you, miss l could. i'll begin with you in washington dc. just how much has israel's war on gaza? would you say revitalized support among the worlds youth for the palestinian cause? yes, thank you for having me. um. so in terms of israel's recent conduct sparking so much mobile as. busy and as your reporting showed, we have a great deal of evidence to suggest that the young people and the pro palestine solidarity movement generally is growing. so for example, the crowd counting consortia, which is a joint project at the university of connecticut and the non violent action by but harvard kennedy said school as showed that between october 7th and november of
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$26.00, that were close to 2012 outside rallies march motions, demonstrations of all sorts of mobilizations in 4468 different cities and towns across 49. and us states, the district of columbia, puerto rico and guam. this is just in the united states and by december uh, j. also there, the research on the project note is that on the pro israel site, so there are also pro israel protests, but on that side it's mostly counter protest. so the largest share of pro israel activity is not pro israel rally is patrols or demonstrations. it's actually almost always direct counters to pro palestine a protest um and what this as a done in the, in the last period. um, but i would argue has started before the slightest or is it has main street, the pro power side issue in both american politics. is which is what i can speak on,
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but also in the politics of a lot of western countries. that is really interesting. mr. emani, miss l could a saying to 1000 protests across the united states since october, the 7th. of course, not. oh, communities in the us will be supporting the palestinian cause because of the same reasons. why do people who support the black live matter movement also is largely advocate for palestinians. a that's a great question on the black lives matter move in comes from the black radical tradition. and the black radical tradition has a long history of having a lot of ship with the colonial movements, and particularly the palestinian liberation movement. and we can trace that legacy all the way back to the 19 sixty's with malcolm x, who visited palestine and was able to witness the refugee camps and toward the hospitals. and when he get
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a 1st in experience about the trustees that was happening in palestine and bring that information back to black america. and that continue that legacy for malcolm x to the black panther party, all the way into i believe by 2014, with the death of mike brown in fergus, missouri. when i was in ferguson, missouri protesting the death of mike brown. and we was getting hit with rubber bullets and being tear gas. it was the palestinians who were seeing us treat messages about how to deal with the effects of tear gas. and that opened up a whole new generation to the palestinian plight and brand up this solidarity movement. we united this solidarity movement that was kind of government for a few years. and this continue on to this day. and by having these conversations, by doing this collaboration, the slow movement, the sl. ready who i think is why we are witnessing this, this growth right back in the solitary. now what you're mentioning is really
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interesting about what happened in ferguson, missouri because we know that american police have trained with israeli soldiers, that there has been some collaboration to it. and you're saying that protest is palestinian protest as we're telling people, taking part in black lives matter process about how to deal with those. but those security forces who have trying to get the mis maybe right, support. they bring you in here. you in london, in the united kingdom and i was reading that the united kingdom has seen some of the we've seen in fact, over the past, more than 2 months. the united kingdom has some of the, has had some of the biggest protests against, as well as war on gaza and has some of the largest support for palestinians among the youth there. why is that? i think fundamentally young people in the check and have been witness to the decay of an academic and social systems across at least the last 15 years. it's not more
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grounded in the religious principles that underpin the verity that has taken place, the actual refugees all the hard right government is attempting to show hone in on a very serious lot of positions. as we have seen as a result, is the young people in the chase to alternate the trade by the need is the fuel to be betrayed by the media. instead of these have to tons of social media to watch, palestinians that age be forced into the coming john as well as the other john to be killed by as ro. oh. because they simply have no other choice but to document the destruction of the people in that country. these young people all rage and they could have been any one. and we have a country with a very serious historic responsibility in the power, the israel house in palestine. and the creation of it's of itself. young people who
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are growing up in this country have had some of the greatest story kind of some of the graces, national poets, like the late benjamin's us. and i dream of a free palestine and that lifetime we have not yet witness the and now be a witness think this janice, title campaigns on top of one of this young people have been seriously affected by some of the greatest tragedies in the u. k. such as the graphics hotel appliance, which was caused by the problem funding bills by the complete clinic, to produce pops the s o t 5, quite adjusted as one has used and it's competes against cause and cost a piece of devastating occurrences. and they connect to see, so yeah, this time they connect us because we are a country of migrants and we have a country that is proud to be a few of my friends. and there was so many products and you refugees living amongst us, telling us the stories and sharing mysteries with us. you're bringing all the on the we have to. yeah, we have to be, you are bringing up many important points. they had that
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a central to this discussion, you're saying that as young people who have tools and of course, one of the greatest tools that people who are in support of palestine have used is social media. and ms. l. could what role do you think social media has played in? why we see that great divide now between our older people's in the west generally supporting as well and the younger supporting palestinians. we see a lot more pro palestinian content on social media. then pro is ready, a pro is rather yeah. so right, right. so social media obviously does play a role. busy not just as a pro palestine movement, just generally because social media allows for a user to go to the source, picked up on information from people who are actually there as,
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as no dimensions. so people are looking at what the items are saying, they're going on take time, they're going on instagram, they're going on, you know, all the different social media apps to break away from the uh, more mainstream narratives um and more mainstream media coverage. and in fact, a lot of that kind of social media activity and how posted means on the ground in particular have seized on social media activity. it has been able to then impact mainstream media coverage and correct mainstream media coverage. and so that's very empowering a most for the cost of hands on the ground, but for the people who want to learn more and, and um, see and wants to break free of some of the devices that they're seeing. busy that being said, social media obviously is not a magic bullet. a social media is not a public space. they are private companies. they are um, you know, controlled by a private corporations that then we can shuttle that can change the algorithm can,
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can play around with how much information people are getting and what kinds of information people are getting. and we see that with what happened to twitter. now x where misinformation and this information around israel and palestine right now is, is so widespread on top of that social media is also very top heavy, meaning that a small amount of users can really impact the discourse. so that can be good in some ways, if you're elevating what's on the car, then that can also be bad because there are power differentials between who itself in it and who does it. people who look good people who speak english, people, you know, and so i think the and also who people are advocating for, right. because we have seen many who are supporting palestinians, especially very high profile people with a very large following on across different social media accounts being shadow band or being outright band. those who have been in support of palestine. we've also
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seen the conversation around free speech guessing models having me this emani, if i can bring you in on the sort of speech and free speech on the subject. people who support the black live matter movement have been accused of anti white racism, which is something that we've really said, especially on social media and when it comes to those who support palestinians. anyone who's supposing palestinians is being accused of anti semitism in the same way that those who support the black lives matter movement have been accused of anti watch racism. yes, i mean it's exactly very similar, right? that when the black lives matter movement really 1st emerge. one ways that the oppressor tries to sounds the oppressed is try to um, criminalize them and demonize them, right. they try to call the black lives and add a movement inside white or races when we was actually trying to bring to light the
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atrocities and the trauma violence, experiencing, experienced by black people, and tried to dismantle those very policies and practices in institutions to actually bring true freedom and justice and the oppressed, it doesn't want that. just like the oppressed, it does not want are free, liberated palestine. so they try to demonize. anyone that is pro palestine. demonized certain phrases like for example, from the river to the sea and try to make that anyone who is inside design is, is anti semitic, which is not true. being an anti design is not the same thing as being anti semitic . so we have to continue to educate people just like how we try to educate before the black lives matter. rubin and we'll show it slowly. see that shift where more people are able to comfortably talk about the black box, not movement. and now we're seeing more people comfortably being pro powers by then we were maybe like 5 or 6 or 7 years. yeah. no good labor rappaport. i want to
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bring you in there because you're in a unique position and that you were born in israel to a family that was anti occupation. how did you come to be involved in palestinian in groups supporting palestine and have you seen any change within the youth where they don't accept that criticizing zine as a is being anti semitic. there especially moves. so they just slicing in the opposite direction, especially in the u. s. and even in european countries. but how does the youth see that? i guess the young people around the cake and really at the beginning in many parts of israel, must have been understanding that zine hasn't been judaism on, not the same thing. actual design isn't, isn't ideology that has been subsumed in time into as well as dennis started the campaign, i guess. so though i'm into it's a positive regime as a kind of sign in the pipe chartres. but young people listening in the u. k. well,
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amongst jews and muslims who lived together in peace, they were amongst jews, christians, muslims, and all other phase who lived together in peace. and so they see that this is a whole city. the is ratings and probably students can only live alone religious the divided lines. my best friend is a posting and listen, i am an entre sinus to these existence is the israel attempts to deny. but young people living in the u. k. count denied what they see in front of the n. i uninstalled the active contentions of israel's propaganda. and many of them you get channels which i'm not criticizing this put together effects to be enough of letting people just feel betrayed by the media. and so they've turned out, let's try to understand what sign is, is and why they must oppose it without being anti semitic. all right. what else could is yoga. uh no good. rather, no good lady,
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not rotherford was giving us the situation how young people see the subject of sign ism and anti semitism in the u. k. what about among youth in america? i know that you do polling among young democrats and young republicans. how did they differ on this? and so i don't myself do pull in the united states. i do pull in the air world, but i do fall. busy busy and keep track of pull. busy and what we're seeing on the, on the question of israel and the differentiations across generations between older democrats and younger democrats is quite stark. so for example, i couldn't pack university poll showed that finance approval reading for his handling of is you'll have asked for was a amongst democrats only at 56 percent. and that's the lion's share. 69 percent of democrats, of democratic leading people under $35.00 disapprove of how by the end is viewing
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this war. but also, young democrats say that a 61 percent of the young democrats say, according to a pupil that was just released in december. so that is really quite too far prepared for 31 percent of conservatives are moderate democrats. and so we have all of these pulling points to suggest that there is this generational gap. and i do want to pick up on something that one of one of the guest mentioned, which is that we're talking about how different communities come to profile set and active as of but we really must mention the american jewish community. um, american, an american jewish generations that was activated by the occupied movements that was activated by the bernie sanders kept paid, that was activated also by organizing around the 2014 casa, or that are now playing a crucial role in organizing a lot of those you know, 2000 plus plus us that we've seen, you have up to about 7 that are, that are pro palestinian and see basically saying giving
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a message to people that i'm not just suggesting only and presiding us but just the larger kind of a maybe whatever level, they want to call themselves co signers, whatever. but they're basically saying to people that there is a differentiation. they are making that differentiation amongst the american public and saying that even if we want and we agree with jewish safety, which of course is a demand that all of us should agree with. that that does not entail the actions that are taking place right now. and that has been a very crucial factor. yeah, absolutely. we've seen that jewish war, so piece, for instance, has been one of the group that's been most vocal against that as well as doing in gaza and support for the palestinians. mr. emani, how much does the diversity factor in the youth population in america, where you are for support for palestinians? we've seen, you know, gallup polls, for example, showed that older or rather older, and why the americans support israel more than non white americans.
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and that they're more mixed race people among younger populations. yes, i think that many people of color we know oppression. we know genocide. we know i'm cool guys. ation, we know these things. we know the experiences of it. we know the strategies of the oppressor, of disenfranchisement occupation as someone and so forth. we know this weather is in united states in america or the countries that we are descended from. so we have many of us have a real, a real love and affinity for other people who are also i'm kinda nice and also going through that struggle because we experience it ourselves. we experienced the fact that when we tried to speak up, we'll often times criminalize in demonized. so again, going back to the whole black lives matter move it is by continue the same last matter that we're able to um,
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popularize that phrase as people understand that we are not trying to deny anyone else's humanity. but to affirm the humanity of black people, just just the same way that when we say from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. we're not saying that we want the death of anyone for saying that we want freedom and liberty for all people in it. that freedom and liberty should not be just exclusive to one set of people. but it should be a job with our people living on that land. and yet we've seen us congress from the machine. it's an a being sentient for saying that in support of palestinians know gallery, rapid force, you know, you touched on the, you case, historical role and colonization. and mr. emani was talking about, you know, that people that they know the oppression because of colonization. the, again, you've seen some of the biggest protests in the u. k. do you think that that's how
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much pressure or change has that led to and what the people in power are doing, as i think is leading to an enrollment some of prussia. we saw a very unfortunate vote against a ceasefire just 2 months ago, which did not result in a majority against disease spots, but the numerous flirtations were made incredibly a why. but when we go to the general election next year, a majority of the constituents who may have boosted before a serious degree, considering we're seeing how young people in particular to have been capable of building enormous pressure in the u. k. as the last 5 years alone will not be around, kind of jumps does not cause much needs. and she'll do the pretests for, reclaim all street statements. now witnessing and testifying to the connection between the refracted most in his file against the palestinians and the repressive
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crosstown. all right, to precess to this as you hold on fire. when you squeeze miss here to ensure that we continue to fight back against these crackdowns young blood turned out enough to i'm thousands, the client and justice. but now the witnessing the trusting instead would have full security, you know, one of the over the employment, the invoice for the n, c, l, charity and the owners. and this is an injustice that they are feeling very deep sleep. so we're feeling very d one across the well. yeah. but again and then to sex anality that of different justice movements. this to emani. do you think that there's anything that the protest and support of palestinians can learn when it comes to your movement and affecting change at the policy level? i think the biggest thing that all when we can learn is solidarity in collaboration. there's power in, in that,
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and that's the biggest thing that we can learn from each other is movement and not necessarily of how can we influence politicians, is what happens to learn about each other's cultures. learn about each other struggles and how can we collaborate more and more to get the things that we went on because it's not changing the course in office is about actually getting a freedom and liberal ration for all of our people. all right, so we don't have a very long left. so i'd like to ask a ms. l. could the last question? do you think that the activism that we've seen has translated into actual policy? what will it take for that to happen? and i think what this moment has shown is that all of this x activism is obviously crucial because it holds, it holds politicians and holds policy makers accountable. and especially in the united states where there is an election coming up, it can raise the stakes. but at the same time,
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it is quite disappointing to see how far are the decision makers and our policy makers have been willing to go even despite all of these protests and all of this mobilization. so i think that is something that the pro palestine movement needs to contend with at some point, which is how that translates to fit the actual power. because mobilization is only one level of, of, of political power and, and a check on, on the power sources. but it is not the only way that we can engage with politics and, and that is that, that needs to be discussed moving forward. or i thank you to own of, i guess that is donna l. could zoe emani and know gallery rappaport. and thank you to for watching, you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, which is 0 dot com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. i handle this at
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a inside story for me, elizabeth put on and the whole team here. bye for now. the a nose gauze. i bet you what did the son eunice can use the dislocation. what about animals? 3 weeks time people are going to die. homes destroyed in brooklyn city, an area that is supposed to be safe. longstanding is really policy. just shoot anything that moves. there aren't any sit varies in garza. my supposed to sleep on the street with my children. there's no protection, there's no safe space. this printer is going to be an acute problem. but a stimulus of living on the desktop. people crowded in very small areas with a lot of diseases from the north to the south, nowhere and district the same. president biden says $1.00 to $2.00 states solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's
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doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. what constitutes exempt. so we just talked, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fact runners to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have lead them in different countries. in the policy, i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefits. no intelligent services. the claimant reports that i should just trust the community often as the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders. the integrity in the pursuit of truth. we don't
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simply focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering? that's the report to us. we brave bullets and bonds and we always include the views from all sides. the or the whole rahman, you're watching the, i'll just it renews of life and my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. baffles regions. central and southern garza and the casualties keep going up, the number killed and as well as the correction has now risen to 21978. israel's top coal strikes down a controversial new low but limited just oprah size of the government. and the.


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