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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the on have them see care. this is the news live from the hot coming up in the next 60 minutes. the areas around 3 refugee camps in guns that have been turned into baffled zones. another 150 pounds of things have been killed in the fighting. israel's top cool strikes down a controversial new little,
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then limited judges oversights of governments. and iranian worship enters the red sea as the tensions mount over attacks by humans who these on commercial vessels at at least 4 people have been killed off or pa for us. quite kid japan destroyed buildings and treated c nomics the a. but we begin in gaza, where the number of people who been killed in his radio tax keeps rising. it is now at nearly $22000.00 central. gaza has been turned into a battle field with fighting around 3 refugee camps, between his ready forces and the wing of how much it's not set to end any time soon as spokesman. so these radios, he says, the war will continue throughout 2024. some truth will be withdrawn in the coming weeks, though, as the focus of the conflict tons to the southern parts of the strip. meanwhile,
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thousands of vaccines are now arriving and gaza to reduce the risk of contagious diseases. among the displaced populations, cases of polio, with bella and measles are on the rise of thought. amazon is in a rough off in a southern, a gauze at force. so thought it a new year, but still the same relentless bombardment for me as well. the yes husband uh, the unrelenting bombing of the gaza strip did not stop, but it continues with more high intensity in comparison with the previous days. as the is very minute tree are, is right now, cost in treating the military strikes on the middle gover nights and all the southern parts of the goals. this trip with a very notable reduction or the military attacks in a north and central areas of kansas city. and now they are a making and carrying out a very limited in the ground inclusion to be a break. and those are right on top of that as the refugee camp. and this is considered to be
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a gradual military invasion for these areas. as they are destroying residential houses, we have to report things. that's 30 palestinians being killed, at least in both of us, a rock and a, and as much as the underwritten by a town which are a decent to each of a few kilometers away. as the east. very forces are trying to define these areas for out destroying the main, linking growth between such areas, just to take a proper control and to be granted a full military mobility of the ground. but they are also to adopting the principle of using excuse to fly a power to force residents to fleet more to the south. and this, of course, military campaign had been a combined by dropping of leaflets with more evacuation orders to head, to seek refuge in roughly in default south of the gauze district. but it's also worth mentioning that these attacks are also continuing. and one of the 2nd largest, biggest cities inside guns a strip which is kind of just
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a few kilometers away from the saved zone, which is rough, which also witnessed a similar tax within the last couple of days. now hon. you just had been witnessing more mobilization by these really minute treat and there are more furious attacks had been carried up between both sides of the palestinian fighters and the is really a occupation. so we just was trying to advance move to gain control over the key residential neighborhoods of con eunice city. i'm an ongoing resilience by the palestinian scientists to block the entry of the is really so just now these ongoing military attacks during the past 24 hours had to clean the deluxe of move, done 150 pounds to the ins. and this, of course, any of these kinds of attacks will continue, and the ongoing day would be a is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has a statement that the fighting will continue for more months, insight goals, a strip which of course we'll get your rate. all aspects inside goal is a strict, including the humanitarian and the middle. one,
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definitely. speaking of the humanitarian situation, the been more warning, some of the world food program over the risk of famine, to give us a sense of, of what people are dealing with there in terms of being able to find some find food to survive. and just access to basic needs as well. that's what the united nation and other humanitarian organizations have been warning for out the last couple of weeks regarding the a b, mitigate single restrictions of human to target access into goals. and just to avoid their reality that more than 40 percent of palestinians being on the verge of famine, to do to be very deep shortage of food outside medical supplies inside the gaza strip. not policies have been evacuated from separate pots being cropped right now, roughly this very densely populated area, but not cold kinds of basic necessities we're talking about. at least 50000 women,
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knuckle kind of 60000 pregnant women, lot old kinds of admitted. cuz this is these that, that lead to the deterioration of the medical conditions. and the looms signed with children who are completely become very fast, the hungry a due to the also the fact that the parents are only 1st to line up for new hours to have a very few access to a humanitarian supplies. and according to the world food program recruit, that's adults and site goals. this trip are for are open in some cases, of course, and neglect and refuse to take me with just to guarantee that children will have enough to feed on. and this is completely disappoint view as view and resolution of increasing the numbers of your humanitarian aids to the gaza strip. and of course, as the fighting of the battles on the ground. continue mode it your ration of humanitarian slides will resemble as well, and will remain touchable and the ongoing, also
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a restriction of the humanitarian access to the gaza strip. thomas, thank you thought it was room in roughly as high as well as high court has struck down a law passed by the connected the would have limited issue. additional oversight of government is what has no written constitution, but the court has long used a so called reasonableness, stand it to decide whether government decisions are legal parameters to benjamin netanyahu wanted an end to the stand it off to the cool block. some of his cabinet appointments because of the past criminal convictions. it's ball widespread protest throughout 2023 was quick. explain the move would increase corruption. lower con is life for st. occupied east jerusalem? so laura, where does this leave then? this aspect of the legal reforms as well, you know, at the moment this is
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a victory for the supreme court at they posted the 8 to 7 judges a great with over turning the reasonableness, stand it bill. so for the, this will kind of the factory for them and of course the code us and government isn't going to be happy until that or has already been some reaction to that. but i just want to walk you back to july. i was actually outside the is ready, connected in west jerusalem as the law was past 64 to 0. and that's because the opposition had boy close to the law as it was passed. many of them walked out shouting shame and outside that was a show of force from tens of thousands of protesters. they believed this bill would create a pos to or talk with the position strips away the checks and balances needed reading a for. it's a kind of a reasonable standard on anything from government decisions, laws or appointments. and so they believe this is
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a road in democracy. fox benjamin netanyahu, whose government says, actually this is putting in the hands of elected officials. so that has been some divided at comments coming out now we've had, we've had some adjust to administer years levine and he slams this high court running thing at a time when they need unity. this is going to divide people and he says, everyone needs to be unified behind the army behind the font, as in guns at the moment and from the opposition we've heard from. yeah, and the page, and he's celebrating this as a victory and also from the counselor and forth who was some of the protest leaders on the protest me going on for almost a year up until the war in gaza with hundreds of thousands of people marching across cities across israel and they, they find all of those people for leading the protests against the law that was pos
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and now overturned. so thank you. lucon, in occupied histories, how we've had reaction from both these railey governments and the opposition, israel's fall, right? national security minister, it's a mob been giving you a call the ruling dangerous on democratic and harmful to the war effort. but all position labor party lead to a lipid said he supported the course of decision, blaming the divisions for leading to the october 7th attacks and warning netanyahu that if he contested the decision, it would mean his government had learned nothing from the war. a gideon levy is a columnist with hot it's newspaper. he says the israel system is healthier because of the top quotes ruling or the supreme court because beckoned to day for a moment. so the days before the 7th of october, namely let's forget about the war and let's remember what happens in the story. the
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last year in this year there was a very, very big the struck the over the nature is rise, democracy namely that the government and the part of bens trying to take some of the democratic measures. the supreme court affairs, re st. it's a same voice. the day to raise its voice, the fairly clear and loud way and put an end or they what's called the legal juris, the care reform that any else government try to to implement. and we a big was of more help see system because the supreme court of so clear was a very, very clear majority. so the judges photo stephen saying that the supreme court has the right to cancel the basic laws of the bottom. and if that helps eating good, i think it's a very important day for, for as far as the mobile se, but the, let's remember, we are in
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a very special time and reach the as far as the moke receives, keeping good sugar incidents and goes up. he's really defense minister, you'll have the land says people who are forced to evacuate communities near the gods. a border are going to be allowed to go home. and let's see, i'm looks outside of the models that that'd be to hold. we will soon be able to return displays communities home in areas within a range of 4 to 7 kilometers north of the gaza strip. and the 1st few of the 7 communities has already been decided and they haven't received the message keyboards goal, cuz it's dora. tell you where we are right now. is one of them email it to them off? well patrick barry is a defense and security analyst at the university of body explains what's likely to happen in the next phase of israel school. so i think the 1st one in terms of them saying that some of the reserves will be returned to uh, we generate these ready economy. there are some residents reporting the tanks. uh,
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is there any times from the northern part of guys uh have moved those. so uh and that's coupled with the, with the setting by the idea that there's going to be, 1st of all, that's going to be along where there's nothing you there but potentially another phase in the war. and that's the more interesting thing that if we look at the phase one was the initial response. phase 2 is what we've seen since the cease fire potentially phase 3. good mark, a step changing the, the tactics and the operational imposter of the israelis basically. and, and i would hopefully towards more using it stone infantry at to close with an account from us on any air support for close air support when it really needs it rather than the bombarding of civilians a seat up to the state. so, it's hard to call because we don't know, you know, we don't have the insight information, but certainly, given the international, i would cry amongst the, the civilian dest told, and this, and he's ready isn't always. now when they found the operations only have a certain amount of time to achieve as much as that of time in terms of finding their degrading their enemies before that fits against the palestinians before international opinion,
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terms against them. so it's quite conceivable that phase one and 2 were really of i degrading and destroying a mass, and which is the code using their overwhelming air power and fire power on face 3, mike switch and we'll get, we'll have to see into a more of a targeted and all those inter insurgents approach, especially concentrated in the set is against the remainder of, of how much they seem to be fairly degraded and destroyed. and the northern 3rd delegation from humans who the group is india, ronnie, and capital for high level talks around foreign ministry says the who the spokes person and negotiate to met with iranian farm. and it's the same. i mean, i'm the law. he and he reportedly site that with these for their support for palestinians, and reiterate to ron support for peace folks between yemen and saudi arabia. but that me thing comes off to iran sense of worship to the red sea, the major shipping, which is becoming increasingly militarized. on sunday,
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the us navy destroyed boats belonging to humans with the group after they attacked much and ship the ronnie and back to these are attacking vessels linked to israel. iran says this worship will secure shipping lines. this will set the reports from 2 booty. seems like this are becoming increasingly frequent in the 4th of this dress. me so i have guide the destroyer. is it a few days before embarking on his next mission interrupts? it's here with the other us naval wessel. still comfortable with the tax on commercial ships that have brought the maritime traffic here to in your stance. we've seen the decrease in what we've been monitoring anywhere between 30 to about 40 percent of what the normal ship traffic is with here at techs in the region. have for some of the world's largest shipping companies to suspend the operations in the red sea. they have rerouted ships around the southern tip of africa,
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$8800000.00 of buttons of oregon passing through and that it see every month. so imagine how is it going to go into house to go all the way i don't africa. and the price increasing, and who's, who's, who's, who's going to pay for the price of know the end people. because someone is going to pay the price of us has formed a multi national test post to deter hostings from attacking commercial ships. have to keep ceilings open. but many countries that agreed to contribute to the task force. this was sent warships for the tax audit and testifying, and the effectiveness of the question is being questioned. there's still a lot of unknown questions for the coalition. what the rules of engagement are, how many vessels are going to be a part of this? and how the whole entire coalition coalition is going to work for if you said they're not aiming to block the street book on the tech and ships linked to israel
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. the region is not recently made a trist. we have for this conflict, we take a take over some other countries. dozens of cargo ships are splendid at the port of jeep booty for days. many don't know when they would get security clearance to enter the rest. this is above and meant up straight. we step with the other, the infinity, so a lot from east africa and connect the gulf of our then to the red sea. yeah. man is just $29.00 to them. it is from here about 12 person go global traits passes through this phase. i'm almost at the full international container traffic. now. yes, is it please is name of the presence here on the other side of the space. the what would you say? we will continue talking watts's link, these ram onto the kidding in gaza, stops inside of that. i'll just the roof above a member of the states in our thoughts say a us aircraft carrier that's been stations in the mediterranean since the start to
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the what will leave the area that's bringing all white house correspondent kimberly . how can i to talk more about this? so kimberly, what does this tell us about us involvement in the region and in the, in terms of the log logic picture as it's support for israel and the war and causal as well. what it tells us is that the united states is still very much a and it's a support imposture of israel that has not changed. but what has changed is that the us allies are now more involved and invested than they were following the october 7th attacks by him us. what we seen is the, in the immediate aftermath of those attacks, we saw the deployment of the us us board, which is a carrier straight group that was immediately deployed. following back we saw the us as eisenhower which remains there. but since then,
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we've also seen the assembly of the red sea patrols, which in essence is the navy is a collective navy force of 44 different countries that include nato e, u, as well as g 7 nations. and as a result, the united states says that it can pull back some of its own of 4 forces. and so this means that it is bringing back the deployment of the us us for leaving and place the eisenhower as well as some of its other defenses. so that the red sea patrols can stay and remain in place in a collective fashion. now the reason for this is deterrence, but as we've seen in recent days, there have been mixed results. of course we have had the uh, efforts of the who cheese, which have been largely affective in the last few days. the last 72 hours. we see
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them attacking some of the merchant ships that have been going through the area. the us has of course, responded, and in turn now we've seen the response of a rod and deploying its own forget to the region. so there has been an escalation which is exactly what the red sea patrols have been trying to deter. still the united states believes that it is a long term, these red sea patrols will be effective and as a result is bringing back the carrier strike group b, u. s. s. ford. i. kimberly will also hearing that the button in ministration is taking partial credit for israel's decision to pull some troops out of gauze. so what can you tell us about that or yeah, uh what we know is that, well, the us president is vacationing in st. croix. the vice president cumberland harris has been speaking with national security officials and what the officials are saying is that they have been observing the decisions of the is real
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military and then some of their movements. and they believe that the constant communication that has been going on in the words of the us president some of that has been near daily between phone calls between benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister in the us president the, the origins of not only the vice president, the president to be more precise and surgical in those troop movements. and in those battle field tactics have now taken some sort of effect and impact. uh, there's been no secret then the language of the us mail, or rather the us administration and recent days and weeks even that they have not been pleased by the fact that the is really military has now exceeded in terms of policy and casualties of 20000 and so as a result of what we've seen is this request,
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but not with any sort of conditionality. for there to be more surgical or precise tactics by the is really military on the battlefield. but now with the withdrawal of some troops, the shift and tactics and a cutting of some fruit numbers, what we seeing is the united states taking some credit for that. but according to one official, they are saying that by their observations, this is the recognition of some gradual shift towards a lower intensity campaign that the united states, as it's been encouraging for some time. kimberly how could in washington, thank you. the . all right, let's be some of the days of the news now and at least 4 people are dead after a series of damaging us. quakes struck west to japan late monday, local time travelers, pregnancy,
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nami warnings. authorities have since downgraded those 2 advisories. as soon as i move which reports, these are the moments of magnitude 7.6. earthquakes struck western japan the ground shakes for nearly a minute. i must say it the city of what g mail near the epi center of the chicago prefecture down the power line, sparked fires. but across japan's western coast, there was another thread. well, it's a whole half bill statements a may just so now me warning is an effect for no 2 issue kind of what prefixed you . we are currently observing a large tsunami people near the shoreline and river banks. please evacuate to higher ground nearly 13 years after it's not the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in japan killed more than 20000 people here are scared in a run to hide the whole group. while shaking the tv or shaking. i have to keep
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everything on the table. uh yeah, uh i do. i did feel safe in my room though, but everything else was shaking. the impact of the quake leaves, holmes in ruins. role structured and debris scattered across streets that prompted concerns about the safety of nearby nuclear power plants. plate down by japan, nuclear watchdog hook me know, you know, some i need to go to much though they are currently no report to the regularities with nuclear power plants. but a threat is not over say smaller just our warning of possible after shocks or another strong earthquake and say they could happen at any moment. texas, i'm gonna reach out to 0 of russia and ukraine have accused each of us carrying out a tax on you used a killing at least 5 people, ukrainian rockets showing in the russian health, eastern city of done yes, killed 4 people rushed us as the attackers launched from several areas,
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and ukraine says, rushing drones targeted a residential area in the odessa region, killing one person. i've talked to your customers less, this attack took place while we were celebrating our brand new. yes. who's even thinking of doing such things? what's an animal? can do such things, knowing well talk to people, sat down to celebrate the process has repeated his plea for an end to bloodshed around the world during a mass health. on monday he said women have a special role in bringing about a more peaceful planet market among that'd be sonya and then why the world needs to look to mothers and to women in order to find peace, to emerge from the spiral of violence and hatred. and once more see things with the gentlemanly human eyes and hearts. every society needs to accept the gift. that is woman. every woman needs to respect, defend, and the steam women in the knowledge that whosoever harms
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a single woman per feigns god. who was born of a one in a court in bond with dish has sensors, nobel peace prize winner mohammed eunice to 6 months in jail. the quotes in the capital bank, i found eunice guilty of violating labels, is given 30 days to appeal against the ruling unit. co founded, grameen telecom, the country's biggest mobile telecommunications company that's at the center of the child. if i did a micro credit scheme, regarded as having lifted people out of poverty, immigration policy and a swing to the far right, expected to dominate the european parliament elections in june 2024. as part of i'll look ahead to the coming year. natasha butler reports from paris on the european elections that could dictate the future of the block. a win coffee list. politician. good. so this policy one my seats and the doctor election in november. so i'm in the netherlands. were shopped to use is anti muslim. anti immigration
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rector, it could confined him to the motions of politics, but still need voters that propelled him to the main stream. reacting to build his victory at a meeting in portugal, author, you're paying for right. leaders with similar policies said it was a sign of what's to come suddenly puzzle as um, it's no coincidence, but in many european countries, elections a one by parties that defends the nation. the reality is that globalization is in retreat. nations, i'm making a come back of yes to and when he says a meeting between winning polity is between parties that are going to change the face of europe. boot up, changing the face of europe is the goal for fluoride policies in june's. your pin, paul, them entry elections. 400000000 people across the you are eligible to vote for 726 . so voted concerns this year are expected to be jobs, secure, receive climate change, the war in ukraine and immigration. emigration is the main issue linking your
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fluoride policy. some wants to try and still pace altogether. others want to wait to reduce the number of people allowed into the block. that is a model we see more faces in europe. a production on in germany is growing. there still growing notices for the next year and part of the election receipts is a shift towards the right there as well to have a very significant impact on policy making here as well. so now the far right book is the 6 largest in the you call them and behind liberal, conservative and green groups. but populace lead is all hoping to become the 3rd largest force. if they do some fear that you values including human rights and the role of know could be threatens natasha butler, i'll just say ro, paris, australia has become the 1st country to limit raping it to people with a medical prescription. the import of disposable rights has been banned. so o'clock
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reports from sydney piping was sold to the public as a tool to help smokers give up their addiction. medical industry says that's rubbish and is welcome to the federal government decision to bad. the import of disposable single use bikes into a struggle. the same thing that's happening in this country, he's hurting people, hurting the environment. and it's just a terrible thing hoping a new generation. so all these measures, i think i have countries around the world would look at what's happening here and see it as a model for helping and protecting people in their own countries. by being astride you is limited to those who have a prescription invites required for medical reasons, are available at chemists and pharmacies. despite these restrictions, the up type of a cigarettes is still on the increase study by studies cancel, cancel found 9 out of 10 teenagers had invite we've seen retailers flap the lots
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and so these products to young people. so these rules are fundamentally necessary and we all certainly keeping and we'll watch, embrace on whether we do see in fact to reduce use and access of these products by on paypal extreme. it's with that in mind, the federal government is targeting of driving black markets with flavor disposable bikes, imported from china, being sold a legally through convenient stores, as well as binding the inputs of the sizable bytes. the federal government plans to introduce legislation to prevent local manufacturing and advertising. and for march, the impulse of personal rights will also be banned. but the industry says this approach is driving the black markets, invites should be regulated the same way as cigarettes. right now you just have a random black market, 90 percent of vipers accessing products that have no product standards under the table, and buying them for your crime syndicate and weight, assigning you can tax and regulate better products that consumers can access. that argument has pulling on diffuse with a strategy now. legislating some of the toughest nicotine controls in the world.
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sarah, clock out a 0 c name, and i still ahead on i just had a trouble on the boys. wiley at strikes have 2 villages in southern 11 on the hello. we got some lovely weather into central parts of summit, its riding over towards us, the west as well as the good news out of the way elsewhere is more of the same old ropey weather. really coming in across the northwest, wet and windy weather piling for head up to a scatter nave. yes. do very much only cool. so i've got a nice building wind coming in. here's the temperature is already down even on what they should be. must go at mine minus 17 celsius, add forwarding thing. live also sing some bitterly cold weather because i went to weather coming in across the republic of audit, pushing into england ad. well, scott,
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live in northern olive. not feeling too bad because we have got some way whether he will shift a little further north, which as we go on through, why does they mean? well, what, when do we have a tumbling its way and it was a good pol, defrost through the low countries into japanese thinking further south was that a bit of snow for time across the out more or less now with the leading edge of that as it bumps into that cobra, i would tools that eastern side of you must go minus 21 selves. you should be about modest say so that is cold even for russia. that's of all the south is that set for weather across the medical? some went to weather the central parts of spain, southern areas of portugal for a time. if in north africa it's generally try, you might just catch a shot, i would say, up towards to nicea. but by and large is settled and somebody of the heroes from i'll just here on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the,
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this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the
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the login. you're watching. i just need a reminder of our top stories this out. the number of palestinians killed in israel's, cause a has risen to to 21978. and 10 spikes has been taking place around 3 refugee camps in the center of the strip. it comes as these randy armies says the will will continue throughout 2020 for israel. supreme court has ruled against the key components of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has legal iphones. so rolled back some of the high close power respond nationwide protests. the controversial changes took away the quote's ability to avoid such decisions, but it seemed unreasonable the japanese authorities, i've downgraded
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a c nami wanting to an advisory that's off to a house for us quite it's west coast. it was sent to the on the chicago of prefecture, causing watch for damage and prompting large scale evacuations. the palestinian ministry of health in gauze it says about 60000 newborn babies are at risk without access to vaccines as well as bombardment has all but destroyed the health care system in gaza, leaving people without protection against childhood diseases like polio and measles . but thousands of vaccines have now been deliberate, although with the majority of people in temporary accommodation, administering them will be hon. my and kayla is the policy and health minister. she told me that i just needed a situation in the gaza strip. wesson's by the hour and medicines are only able to enter the streets through the rough crossing in the south of the a situation. and in guys a is to to look at best to pick it up,
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talking about those because there is only 9 hospitals out of $56.00 looking bus really, really only the and their dental and some other uh, some other services. but it's not working it efficiently with all its capacity, especially in the south. uh these uh, look at the, in the south. and they are overwhelmed with patients that, that the pacific is almost 300 got sent and that they don't have enough medical supplies. and the medicines and the enough electricity, and therefore the solution is to select the best effect that is normally inside the normally because applies only those which is done through a defective point. and that for those who i think they use immediately, the images, the image and the kid and the medicines and what comes up like they're not specialized medicines,
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something we have and it does up $10000.00 vision to add cancer patients. we did the recent, i thought because there is no on color because eh, eh, that's in fed to the. 6 to the so cuz a does and or put a jump in that it did. if they sent me the when is it the only thing that we've done they don't have it. we don't have in gaza. the 10 who. okay. and then i moved up. i used to work in the daily to these issues that i left the existing only the left instead of i have the images to the medicine. and that's just me because applied the let's talk now to tennis ross in new york. he's a visiting professor of the preston school of public and international affairs and the former executive director of human rights. what's good to have you with us? um, so let's talk 1st of all about medical supplies, vaccines, which we were hearing about there. and the overall humanitarian situation,
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which is, which is pretty dire, but at least on some level, the, the issue of spread of diseases and the need to get vaccines in there is, is being addressed. what do you make of that? well, i think what this reminds us is that when people talk about now nearly 22000 palestinians have been chilled since october 7th. those are only the people who have been troubled by direct bombardment. and in many ways, the baker threat today is a public health threat. people who, you know, we can by starvation, we can buy homelessness, you know, often living without real shelter in the middle of winter. and in a situation where there's no sanitation, so it's easy for things like cholera and other infectious diseases to spread. as we've just heard a lot of the usual preventive measures taken by public health officials, you know, such as basic childhood vaccines. it's extremely difficult to administer, but even if you know, even if the madison kept saying, even a vaccine come in,
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how do you distribute them to, to 1000000 people who are mostly displaced, you know, who don't have a regular address. so i think we have to understand the consequences of israel's siege and bombardment is way beyond the immediate casualties. we have to look at these broader and potentially much larger public health consequences. on the, on the military side, the israel has, is said that size now reducing the number of troops withdrawing a number of troops from the gaza into what looks like at a new phase of the war. because they're saying that this is going to continue for a month. so what, what difference if any, is this going to make for people in gaza? you know, i don't think we really know for sure yet. i mean there's some indication that he's real maybe pursuing a more targeted strategy that is going directly after senior from us commanders rather than this blog, devastation of, of causative infrastructure and buildings and,
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and the broadcasts of civilians. is that true? you know, i have no idea what does have to ask and why wasn't that pursued from the concept. and why wasn't a suspicion to use much more targeted means to go after from us leadership and not, you know, involved or a just, you know, and start with massive calm devastation across most of costa, where, you know, a good part of 2200000 people have now been displaced in many of them will never be able to retire to the homes that they once enjoyed. so i think we can help with the best, but i think we have to be very skeptical that this means much of anything. israel is under economic pressure, they're trying to bring some reserves back into the economy. but i don't think there's been any real indication from that time yahoo, that he's learned any lessons from the devastation cause so far. and then he's really got a change pups. and he's ready, government has continued to say that it's go here is to completely destroy how much . but can you really do that?
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i mean, because it's not often, and it's not just that bad group or it's, it's, it's a movement, it's an idea can, can something that like, that really be destroyed. i mean, obviously not. i mean, if they were to say or were going to in to sort of in a decapitation from us, we're going to try to attack their, their leadership. i mean, those are the more feasible goals i'm thinking, negotiates that from us leadership to we even gaza. but, you know, to say they're going to destroy from us when, as you know, it really is not just a military force. it's a click a movement more of a point by using the indiscriminate means by exasperating such a civilian told by imposing collective punishment on the palestinian civilian population of casa, they're actually doing some loss of paper, and they are generating the next generation of with the come us members, so you know the means being used, we're competing against the articulated aim and we're asked to even ask him, is this articulated ab, even feasible?
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how can you justify the mass of cost or power to leads to billions. but in that time, yahoo continues to impose in pursuit of this potentially very elusive. i want to ask you about the decision as well by these riley supreme court to rule against this key component of the government's legal reforms and rolling back this reasonable list. of course, you know, not the any, any decision that the government makes that the court consider is unreasonable, they can do that and they've, they've pushed back on that. now what, what do you make that decision or? well, i think this could take a moment and look back to where, what got us here. because overall, you know, several months before october 7th, i'm natania who was pushing through the extremely controversial law. i'm denying the supreme court the right to strike down on reasonable class at laws. and the reason he was doing that is because he needed to hang onto
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a spar right majority. that was his strategy for saving himself from corruption prosecution. and on the far right majority wanted to pursue and was settlement expansion, they potentially wanted to and next large parts of the west bank. these are the kinds of things that the supreme court might well have ruled were unreasonable. so i'm not trying to try to stymie that. now the car came back and said no, you know, 1st they said we do have a ride to enforce the basic law, which is israel's bossy constitution. you know, 2nd, they say it is in a country to israel's democratic character within the green line, within the 67 borders that solved democracy. obviously it occupied church, right? but within those borders, the court needs to be a check and balance on executive power. otherwise you're moving to our credit card . and so this is very significant as an effort to save israel's democracy. i think the fear now is, you know, isn't that, can you offer was already, what is your role in crisis by, by, you know, showing so many power strips, billions, using all sort of started constitutional prices by ignoring the court's ruling. we
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don't really know where he stands yet, and he continues to be beholden to the far right. members of this government to probably would like nothing less than a constitutional crisis so that they can pursue their extremist change in the west bank and rationally gobble up polish to the entire to get to get your perspective on this can as well. thank you. the 11 on this has bullet says, 3 of his fighters have been killed as cross border. fighting with israel's military continues, area is really as strikes had 2 villages in southern lebanon. plumes of smoke was seen rising in the quarter. a drawing strike is also reported to have hit cut 5 to fall in the east. it is the latest, in nearly 3 months of cross border attacks between these riley army and has bullet at least a $179.00. people have been killed on both sides since october the 7th, including $23.00 lebanese civilians are the hashem is in the corner where they are
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off. he is and may be, they may yet be an escalation. in fact, the 1st day and the several strikes to the hills behind me, i think you we can see them on the screen right now. the around 8 is really a strikes what plane strikes huge massive plumes of smoke in this area. also a couple of midsize from drones in the same area, so don't send that docs and the hills surrounding the court. all that we are also towards the east. think 5 killer on 3 strikes, modeling that was also in the central sector. 3 is really attacks by or without the out of hillary and also drones also i'm, i'm just receiving colleagues right now. uh from is really uh that's from the is ready side of a joint infiltration from the east side. now, during the day though,
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there were several attacks, an attack receipt of this ready, a fain war strike the war plain strikes. yeah. and, and they are not caught on. there were several explosions here from the other side of the boat, also has will claim responsibility for one attack on an is ready a ministry position calls had moved was done. however, there are also reports of a mis site that was launched towards the mil to la settlement, but this went through without any claim of responsibility. so a lot of it is happening just like yesterday bought today the, the, the, the s likes were massive and it seems especially often i am costs as well as deputy secretary generals the speech yesterday. everything is being set for the new round of escalation. 6000 people have gathered in his temple to condemn. israel is a tax on gaza carrying signs in turkish. i'll make any wish. the mazda is demanded,
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a boy called of his lady products. they also said press 412 tucker, so just killed in fighting dakota san workers ponti onto in december the food shortage in gaza created by israel's blockade means as well as people facing starvation. so animals in the rough last zoo this place, people are using these do as a shelter, but they're barely able to feed themselves and not able to help the animals. some of already died and the zoo own a fee is more will fall on this for a little bit highly on well then that said we the conditions here tragic. there is a food, water and medicine shortage for the lions. we try to offer them a meal per week, but sometimes we cannot. we feed them dry bread soaked in water just to keep them alive. for monkeys have died, there's a 5th one that we're trying to save. we are trying to put in a is a still a head on that just slightly investment david, one that has cool time on his career in one day international. all of the lights of
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sports news coming up with peter the call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we want. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are walking in the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done as long as
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a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision is keywords. you the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back guineas military will as say, a constitutional referendum will be held that this year potentially paving the way for return to civilian rule into and president obama. the turnbull yet says the new constitution will reflect the values of society and bring people together. guineas
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1st democratically elected lita alpha con date was removed from power in a military coup in 2021. however, can otis devastated mexico's result, city of like a pull co in october reducing homes to rubble and killing at least 50 people. many of the cities people are still clearing up from the disaster and at martinez torres is a single mother who lost her house. this is a store so yeah, and there's a lot of pain and sorta, my name is annette martinez torres, i'm taking an electrical course to be able to rebuild my house after hurricane still the fall. i used to work in tourism. i don't do it anymore because everything was destroyed after hurricane noticed. there was no work for me. that's like outside conflict them inside the house was completely destroyed. none of the pools were straight, the structure was all bent,
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it was all over the place. half of it was down, there was not even a single sheet on the roof. everything had been blown off. of course, of course, i don't mind the course that i'm taking in electricity and will help me repair my house. we plan to build something, a little safer. now. also the neighbors have been very, very good. so you know, so that's also why i'm doing it, but i have to help others. and i also help myself a little bit. i never in my life, imagine i would be taking an electrical power out that i had other things in my mind that after hurricane noticed, it's a good solution to this when i went with the phone but up and then they teach you the basics. like how to put a light bulb in to change their could breakers to change a box or to connect switches. and like, i guess i don't think that taboo has been broken. that women cannot do things that we can't learn electricity or masonry, just because we are women. you know,
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let's go sca, you'll get us. it is. and one of the things i want to do is to do my bids, to rebuild this beautiful couple go. that has always helped us all over the phone, so i'm very happy to be able to do it to say your in india has successfully launched a space mission to study astronomical objects, like black holes, which a hidden to traditional tell us goes a rocky counting a satellite of gravity was loans from a spaceport on the island of city, high dakota, the project is costing around $30000000.00 and we run for 5 years before the 2nd emissions in the world of this nature. often that's a launch $1.20. 3 point scale was full. now here's peter the premium. the lead is little pool will be looking to move 3 points clear at the top of the table when they play new causal later. but they'll seem to be without striking, but how much the seller who has been named egypt captain for this month's efforts a couple of nations in the ivory coast. egypt 1st game is against mozambique on
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january 14th. it's a really, at least very average situation that you lose your gold score of i'd be headed even for us in the past months i do and more left and became somehow fluid. and the mary's hearing tennis had started with a defeat to the last to griego demit trough in the 1st round, the prison international. both former, when is of the events, the mutual showed some clause here, winning a point with broken strings as he came back from a sit down to reach the 2nd. sam yourself has made a winning return to tennis off to giving birth to her 1st child just 6 months ago. the full time grand slam champion didn't have an easy though. she's going to 2 match points before. eventually fighting cost june me needs to monitor co patch 6376, and the 1st round of the president's national performer will number one is building up to this is a streaming open, which is one twice before. like i care if i when i lose, but i think just the process of it all or i know i change really hard on during the
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off season and i think it's one of those things where i feel like i'm playing well enough. so it will come eventually, australia best when david bona has announced he's with time and from one of the international crickets, the 37 year old said $161.00 imagines and was the leading run score at last. you as we'll comp, which a straight one he'd already decided to cold time when he's test career and is preparing for his final match against punky stone. and he's home, says he, of sidney of cities all along a boyfriend has the commission having a dream. you know, it's not always fair to the mall, but i've been authentic. 2024 is set to be a big year for one of at the lasix is rising stalls. india is and then pick a javelin champion the raj chopra. is that to defend these title in paris and will definitely ethics is hope is that the popularity of the indian athlete shows will help boost the profile of track and field in a country. still obsessed by crickets,
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who pass back reports. the phrase meteoric rise is never felt so apt when it comes to describing it as chopra. 2023 saw him crowd well championed for the 1st time, while the old site successfully defended his agent. gains title. not about 12 months to someone who bars on admission was struggling with injury. i see my painting, i did my thing was going into a, a but the goes of the entity i, i didn't do my best. the choppers journey to the top hasn't been easy when he was 12. he suffered from childhood obesity, resulting and other children making fun of him, in spite shop. right? to take dropbox logics, with the javelin, quickly becoming his favorite discipline. i really like a dining hall don't fly, but i bought so many videos, represents the last name, the deputy bubbly and i really liked these techniques and he said, i could go into the company sir. the software is designed to emulate zaliah as the soon came through and how hard he pushed himself in training. in fact,
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he's always as well known for his training clips on social media as he is for his performances in competition. when i start painting, i just wonder if i make my the don't like if i was on the and the mrs. jenny, i have available or not, sorry because paid off in 2021 with need of chop real one in the as fast as i live . pick all metal in athletics in turkey or since that olympic gold. abraham mid odds has come from strength to strength. shopper as are the $4300000.00 from endorsements in 2020, to review it. budgeting profile is seen him share screen time with david beckham to help him. mobil studios promote the black time to see what comes up forever. in india, corporate social media presence also i saw is 7 and a half 1000000 follows and instagram, giving the r c hope that he is. what does the introduction of cricket at los angeles 2020, i can help boost the olympic movement in south asia. if i am in india i,
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i goes in so many places i've made so many people. but the, when i started reading, i just want to be, this is my main focus. that far as this is now, and those powers for the 20 full games and the possibility of back to back traveling goals, like my biggest goal is to improve might. so i want to, to more i want to go by and just trump for a can win gold at the powers olympics, expect to spine in popularity to sol, to even greater hearts roll out 0. and as it goes full headlines with the time being, you can get more analogies here dot com, as well as social media channels. one of the most iconic cartoon mouses is becoming a public property of the disney has officially lost the rise to the earliest version of mickey mouse, the copyright, to the 1928 short film spain, but willy expired on january. the 1st,
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this means members of the public can freely take creative liberties when using the images of mickey and minnie from this film. modern versions of the parent are still copyright protected. that's it for then use out back in with more use into the rejecting decades of internal conflict. the pharmacy of colombia is peace communities remain neutral on, on, but refusing to leave their villages a set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter trip in an active defiance. they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy's territory. a witness documentary on
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a jersey to or the one or the domain manager for nearly 3 years. evelyn limiter. it has been investigating a sharp pen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it. and lexie though they're still but as be well, but i said less indeed this bit of a humble shirts than to become a global commodity prize doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the train just now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the wedding that much than that would tell you that we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators and of dismantling a ring a short den traffickers said he would be my gosh. okay,
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think of that. he always thinks the send me until the following is car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to lead are rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some space is a start at risk. you said you sent him to the for the baffles rage in central and southern gaza and the casualties keep going up. the number killed in israel's aggression has risen again to 21978. the problem, think of this is i just see that live from the whole set coming up. thousands of


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