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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the bottles raging, central and southern dogs where the casualties keep going up and number killed and israel's aggression is approaching 22000
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on the clock. this is out 0 life and also coming is ready for us as a storming cities across the occupied west bank of the kids and some for to be targeted as well as the janine refugee camp and number of posting into being israel. supreme court strikes out of controversial laws that would have limited student judicial oversight of government and the magnitude $7.00, that's going strikes western japan residents, lea, some test. so there is the so then the number of people have been killed in is ready attacks and does risk continuing to rise is now $0.21 with garza has been turned into a battlefield with fighting around 3 refugee comes between his rating forces and the weight of a mass and is not set to end any time soon. the spokesman of these rarely armies as will, will continue throughout 2024. meanwhile,
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the humanitarian situation is continuing to us and agencies say that the relentless is ready, bombardment is in, during delivery of by the need to 8 and then not daily enough is entering the charge target but assume has more now roughly, and something cause so exhausted, guns are complete in a very desperate needs to suit as they are right now. i consider it to be a very critical 11 of segments that they are exposing to due to the fact that they are having access to a very limited number of humanitarian aids and the numbers over humanitarian troops that are entering the gaza strip on daily basis. because i could say that to be not fairly enough to help palestinians to survive and to keep we often that so these very ongoing attacks across kansas trip. also the relentless plumbing, of course, that there are 3 of us that killed the ability of the humanitarian organizations as like going to still operating as only the southern part of the territory is
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receiving the humanitarian. a 12 in north and the middle areas are no longer receiving any kind of the space due to the ongoing attacks and confrontations the on the ground. the reality is that trough has been the center of these aids, where more people are getting on the riving to this very densely populated area. as there is going to be much more demands on these to humanitarian supplies, where families are really struggling to have access to such one. and this is the reality that the united nations of the humanitarian organizations have been wanting about the need to mitigate the military and restrictions against the flow of the humanitarian supplies into the goal is to use to prevent the assignment that is moving on the horizon for organizations as confrontations interrupted between israeli forces and palestinians and the occupied westbank soldiers, storm jeanine, refugee camp as well as the cities of healthcare and sofa. let's costello to come
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to us all who to joins is from occupied east resume and run the tell us what more you can become about these x rays. the arm flash is still going on in front of the a and janine but let's focus on for the for a 2nd where there are reports of multiple arrests, but also quite disturbing video coming out of a young palestinian man being dragged by is really occupation forces and then getting kicked in the head after he was shot and visibly injured. these really military then prevented medical workers and ambulances in conversely, from reaching this young palestinian, who was subsequently arrested by these really military medical workers. and those who are working in ambulances at this hour are saying that even their medical vehicles, the ambulances themselves,
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were targeted by these really military. and they were shot at. it's no surprise though, this is something we have seen continuously in these almost nightly rates. these really military preventing medical workers and ambulances from reaching the wounded . this is just a continuation of the aggression and the raids that these really military has been conducting almost on a nightly basis for the last 2 or so years. they say it's an effort to crack down on armed palestinian resistance. but as we have seen continuously around $5000.00 arrests alone since october, the 7th, $320.00 palestinians killed. and these really are me and politicians a like say that these raised are only going to continue or, and how do we leave it there? thanks for that. i'm just on hooks in spite is true. so thank you. are young palestinian man has died while it is rarely custody? the 23 year old is the 7th. the palestinian presents dies since the 7th of october
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the the abraham has moved from bethlehem in the occupied west back says october. the 7 star city infirmities know very little about the conditions of their sons and daughters. that is really custody, and the little they know is enough to make them worried and concerned about a bus. so 23 year old he has been detained in may 2022. and he has been announced that by these really present service physics over the 7th palestinians have not been able to go and visit the family members. the relatives in his way to jail on the vehicles representation has been limited. the lawyers have not been able to visit those prisoners in jails. they can sometimes see them via video conference at during trial, which is making palestinians worry. then of course, when we see the 7 prisoners die, that is really deals just since october, the 7th. this mix, the worries of the families increased specifically that we've seen many policy and
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detainees when they were released from is really jail. describe very difficult conditions. some were saying that they were subjected to physical and mental to torture and is really jailed. and indeed, when the swap deal happened between these really captives in that'd be seems because it's true in exchange for palestinian prisoners. we've seen those prisoners miners being a sick, being tired is showing very deep uh, fatigue. they say that the food was not enough. so that's why the families of prisoners have released a statement saying that they've pulled the red cross. it is responsible and accountable for the situation of their sons and daughters. it is really deals new that but he is just the to the occupied westbank. this is real supreme court is struck down a little passed by the can. that's it. that would have limited it. so besides the government decisions, the amendments supported by prime minister benjamin netanyahu triggered months of process. critics. when the changes could encourage corruption of
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a treat to appointments of important posts. for con report stuff. occupied easters for the 1st time and it's ralph history. supreme court has notified a basic rule. one of the series of laws it serves as the countries um listen constitution. on monday, a defined is quote over ton. the reason the standard bill 8 judge is supposed to pay $37.00 again, just to submit a so you're, if levine was one of the architects of the law from the ruling saying the decision to publish during the war is the offices of the unit c needed for the fighters, but opposition the yeah le paid for support of the court decision. blaming the divisions leading the october 7th attacks the supreme court. the best way to say it's a, it's a voice that they raise its voice, but they, they're fairly clear in loud way and put an end or they, what's called
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a legally juris the care reform that any else government try to, to implement. and if not demanding the israel's parliament, the kinetic approve, the bill in july of the vote was 64 to 0 of the opposition little bit because boy, because of the vote and still doubt some shows he's shame to what's the government moving sleigh. so there was a show full, some tens of thousands of processes, some escalation to finance and arrests. the good news is the bill eliminated adoption under which the court could override some government decisions and blocked appointments. support has claimed the court to use the power was under the caustic, but opponent said the quote, the ability to block the problem entry overreach was an essential part of israel
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system of legal checks and balances to do with the 1st piece of a load up package. of judicial reforms, and it's rebecca for now called the rest of the government's proposed reforms into question over crushing blow to the colorless and government people hoping times the protesting for months. we'll see this as a when i don't the language here as being about unity during israel's war on gone to the supreme court decision could once again create a whitening gulf between the coalition and public opinion. laura found out a 0 occupied east jerusalem. a delegation from yemen, sushi group is in the writing capital for high level talks around for a ministry says a who is the space person negotiate to met with the writing and for a minister who's saying, i mean i have to lock in. he repeatedly think that he sees for the support for palestinians, the reiterated 0 support for peace towards between human and saudi arabia. well, that may think comes off to run to the war ship to the red sea. the major shipping
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route is becoming increasingly militarized. on sunday, the u. s. navy destroyed 3 bytes belonging to human sweetie, group dr. the talk to much and ship the rating back to fees are talking vessels linked to his ro, around says, is for sure, will secure shipping right side. our reports now from 2 peachy scenes like this are becoming increasingly frequent in the port of g. of this dress. me so i have guide the destroyer. is it a fruit in before embarking on this next mission interrupts? it's here with the other us and they will watch those too comfortable with the tax on commercial ships that have brought the maritime traffic here to in your stance. we've seen the decrease in what we've been monitoring anywhere between 30 to about 40 percent of what the normal ship traffic is. if you're testing the region have for some of the world's largest shipping companies to suspend the operations in the red sea. they have rerouted ships around the southern tip of africa,
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$8800000.00 of buttons, of orange fussing towards the t every month. so imagine how is it going to go into house to go all the way out on africa and the price increasing, and who's, who's, who's, who's going to pay for the price of the end people. because someone is going to pay the price of us has formed a multi national test 1st to deter hostings from attacking commercial ships after keep ceilings or from. but many countries that they agreed to contribute to the task force did a sent warships for the tax are intensifying and the effectiveness of the question is being questioned. there's still a lot of unknown questions for the coalition. what the rules of engagement or how many vessels are going to be a part of this and how the whole entire coalition coalition is going to work. well, if you said they're not aiming to block the st. bucklin the tech and ships linked
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to this rail. the region is not recently made a trist and we are afraid that vehicle fix we take a take over some of the countries. dozens of cargo ships are splendid at the port of jeep booty for days. many don't know when they would get security clearance to enter the rest. this is about in month of the truth which separates the other the infinity. so a lot from east africa and connect the gulf of ogden to the red sea. yeah, man is just 29 to them. it is from here about 12 persons of global faith passes through this faith almost to the full international container traffic. now, yes, easy. peasy is naval to presence here. and on the other side of the space, what would you say? we would continue talking west of link these ram onto the kidding in gaza, stops. just inside of that, i'll just the roof above a member of state, propose a usaa across care of as being stationed in the east bed. it's right in since the
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start of the war will leave the area of white house correspondent can we help it? as mona in the united states is redeploying, it's carrier, straight group, the us, us, ford. it put it's force in the region in the eastern mediterranean following the october 7th attacks by how mos on israel it is retaining the us as eisenhower in the region. due to the fact that there is now a larger collective presence known as the red sea patrols made up of the u. s. allies, namely 44 different navies, comprised of nato, g 7, as well as e u countries. meantime, the united states is also taking some credit for the fact that there is a withdrawal of some troops by israel in its war on guys of the united states gravely concerned by the large number of palestine and casualties exceeding some
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20000 largely women and children. according to a national security official, the united states says the shifting tactics as well as the cotton trip numbers has a lot to do with the fact that the united states has been urging a more precise and surgical approach by the is really military. the fact that there has been this shift in tactics. the national security official says, is an indication that the is really military is shifting to a lower intensity approach. as the united states says, this is encouraging, suggesting that this is also a sign that these really military sees their efforts as a success in dismantling how mazda is military operations. kimberly, how could al jazeera the white house. i feel the head here without 0. it made the bombardment to taylor and gaza stitches his business back together for the help of middletown. and with billions of people gary on globally for the biggest,
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like total year and history. we take a look at some of the polls that will take place in a the hi welcome to look at the international full cost, a little bit of weight, whether making its way into china away. but the next couple of dies central and southern pos saying some went to the southern north, we have high pressure up to what was the other say up towards the korean peninsula . this high, keeping it dry for the time being. but it's a type of a little further re switch as we go through tuesday. so also some showers just coming into that. no other half of japan for time is a grassy pull out of the way dry weather coming back into weather create peninsula 5 celsius. the cell 5 celsius, that's amazing as well. northern try to as a said, can we drive it? you see the right does make its way across central and southern positive flip its
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way through and that will run back towards japan as it go. 13 wedges day. so what's the weather to coming to taiwan for a time rash to shout was there as per usual, close to for the peace that morning. the west sunshine, this house and not too bad here the what? the weather will be around. polio once the game and we'll see some wet weather once again, getting into some entre could see some flooding. something called the right place or sight very unsettled, southern parts of india. oh, so it once settled for a time, but so the shell was tending to a saw some showers, the ceiling place, both right kind of as heavy as they had been recently the fault clearing spending a little as we make our way across the northern plains. but still there, the buckets done the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the other day, what you out 0 reminder about top storage. and central goza has been tied into a battlefield with 5 to around 3 refugee. he comes between his really forces and the all we give him. that becomes, is the number of people who've been killed in his radiate sites. and golden is 22
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confrontations interrupted between his writing forces and kind of students be occupied with by sold to storm jeanine kemp, as well as the city of kia and self. it's several posts interest and israel supreme court has struck down a controversial law passed by prime minister, been that you know, he's right when government law had rolled back, some of the high quotes power and spot nationwide prices kind of drew off is the former executive director of human rights sports and he says a routing rear firms, democracy and as well as well. i think we have to recognize that this ruling use very important because it does reaffirm is where we democracy. if you listen to, you know, people like ben compare the, the far right to minister. they say this is an attack on democracy, but that seems to mean induction. yeah. who gets to do whatever he wants? in fact, democracy means even the executive is subject to the rule of law, subject to the limitations imposed by his rules, basic law. that's important for democracy within his real. it means still
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relatively little. for palestinians under occupation of the court is not going to get involved in how the world spots in gaza. so you know, the argument this somehow against the war is ridiculous. i'm the course is not even stopped the settlement project. it has had many opportunities to roll and rather the settlement 3 legal it hasn't done so because they saw clearly are they violate the geneva conventions which prohibit an occupied power sending their population document charge. right. so, you know, this is rhetoric from the far right now. it's dangerous because matching yahoo is dependent on this far right ministers to stay in power. and so they made push him to try to ignore the court ruling. and he may be inclined to do that. just to save his skin to avoid his corruption prosecutions. now going to the higher and a here is that all in a while, people say, oh, you know, we have to revisit this decision. everybody has agreed to hold off until after the
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war. the commission of inquiry that's going to start looking at how the doctor were 2nd happened. was there intelligence failure? who's responsible? you know, natania who benefits from putting that off. i would hope people would resist attacking the supreme court, attacking israel's democracy in the midst of all the . let's take a look at some of the other days news, at least 8 people in the dead after a series of damaging us quite instruct west in japan and late on monday local time . the trump is triggered soon on a warning, so sorry to have since done, crated those 2 advisors so such as this report. so these are the moments of magnitude $7.00 earthquake struck western japan the ground shakes for nearly a minute. the city of what g mail near the epi center of the chicago of prefecture
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down power lines sparked fires. but across japan's western coast, there was another thread. well, it's a whole half bill statements a may just so now me warning is in effect for no to issue kind of what pre fixture we are currently observing. a large tsunami people near the shoreline and river banks please evacuate to higher ground. nearly 13 years after it's not the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in japan. killed more than $20000.00 people here are scared and a run to hide the whole room while shaking the tv or shaking. i have to keep everything on the table. uh, yeah, uh i do, i did feel safe in my room though, but everything else was shaking. the impact of the quake leaves, holmes and ruins. roll structured and debris scattered across streets. that prompted concerns about the safety of nearby nuclear power plants. plate down
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by japan's nuclear watchdog hook me know, you know, somebody regarding my still there currently no report to the regularities with nuclear power plants. but a threat is not over say smaller just our warning of possible after shocks or another strong earthquake and say they could happen at any moment. texas, i'm of which out to 0. let's get more and this the from tech. yeah. his patrick, fucking patrick. good. what's it like situation, as well as we just had a moment ago, the threats, lots of uh, ends, japan's major logical agency is wanting that could be a serious threat to all the strong us quakes, and particularly over the next 2 to 3 days authorities. meanwhile, i've been saying that this is a bottle against time to try and save lives. the japanese prime is so familiar because she, the delivery address and address just
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a short while ago and expressed concern for the situation and express condolences to the victims as well. he also said that a 1000 self defense truths have been sent into some of the hardest hit areas, but they are having difficulty accessing some of them because of damage to roads in particular. and do says that's been considerable difficulty trying to reach the northern tip of notes. so one of the things that trying to do right now is really to gather as much information as they can because that isn't quite the information one would hope. but this, this moment they haven't quite figured the extent of the damage just yet. and how the cup cup does have been flying out of the area. the prime minister said they have observed that pin fives is damaged to roads and land slides as well. but you know, there is ongoing uncertainty about the situation and so for me, because she just says that he's going to be heading up
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a task force plus need to monitor the situation and recovery efforts. all right, patrick, thanks for that update. i patrick, fort reporting that from you take care. i us in the states, hundreds of migrants from texas have been sent to illinois to the board of state continued its policy of sending asylum seekers. the democratic military, the flight carrying $355.00 migrants landed at the chicago airport. texas is governor and greg roberts has prior size. the policy to send thousands of migrants for the north. he says to alleviate strain on this border, cities, habits has been talked to in chicago, so called saint teresa izzy. the live is co operation with federal immigration enforcement. it has signed a deal with small is breakaway region of some of the line to secure access to the red sea under the agreement. if you, if it will be allowed to use some of the lens main port of above or it offers that african base of the inches to vitals each. i'd also shipping somebody lands
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president says in return, if you, if you recognize somebody else, charts, transitional president, general invest debbie has appointed a former leading opposition leader is probably mr. success measure was a long time opponent of a child's transitional present and went into exile shortly. off the process because child's military rule last year, he's told the government's he wants to continue dialogue with a view to a peaceful, political institution. like assaults, independent human rights commission sizes and lightly february's parliamentary elections will be free. and for the commission express concerned about the governments rejection dependence. coll nobody's including full prime minister mind con and other members of his party called his in jail for corruption defenses. commission also condemned the states plumb down on descent and assaults on minorities. this is as you want of familiar back and including
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this of party walkers and supporters. lack of transparency concerning the j changes in the judges involved crackdowns on far the walk goes right to peaceful assembly in false disappearances. as a troll is about to get underway in hong kong for media type. can jimmy lie? who's charged with national security offensive? the pro democracy actors arrived into prison vine, sculpted by heavily of police, lies accused of conspiracy to publish the dishes publications. under a colonial era low last month, the court rejected has been to cost that charge. if i says life imprisonment if convicted more than 1000000000 people will vote in presidential and legislative elections across the asian pacific region. this year. from india, the world's largest democracy, to some of the smallest choices made by voters could have far reaching consequences . today, checking reports, the warning this video contains refreshing images that could effect some fuse of
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the region that's home to nearly 60 percent of the global population. 2020 full will be an opportunity for many to choose new leaders and governments with so many different political systems. is there any common thread the voters should bear in mind? i think the key here is access to power, but also how power is exercise and whether the exercise of power has legitimacy to, to hold on to hang on. the largest democracy in the world. india votes in april and may recent state elections such as prime minister and a, rendered moody. that's a good chance with the time. but his critics say he's taking india down in north star terry and pop. that's concerned many the he could, the road democratic institutions in bangladesh, political balance is expected ahead of the pose opening in early january. she could see the, the longest serving female head of government could take
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a fist to him as p. m. the united nations, as the police, to refrain from excessive force and mass arrest ahead of the vote. pack of stone could also see contentious elections in february with one form a prime minister in jail. and another recently returned from ex. so the democratic system is likely to undergo a severe test, but some say a fluid democracy, expensive and no democracy or to without pause. the alternative was we have no t cool. if a government in law, we had met with the government in thailand. and in, in most other countries, if you don't have the people people's ability to voice their preferences, dennis is, was age is on the balance in indonesia. but it's the young, not the old, the cooling, the tune for the 50 percent of the electricity under the i just don't see the low
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continuity and stability maybe at the front of many, both his minds. adult lives will be on one of the ages. most progressive democracy is taiwan, when it boats for a new president, democratic institution subscribed in recent decades. but the biggest player could be, ty, ones on democratic neighbor, china, and it's threats to take back for the claims. is a renegade problems. tony checking out is there a back to a coverage of the boy on gods and people's life and the gaza strip is being shafted by the will meet the desperation. palestinians are struggling against many oaks making a loud well as this report of the long god bless them. and what if my name is i've done my job is to 10. and that's exactly what this 15 year old. you know, 5 does. he spends most of his day manually tending a william attached to his father, a sewing machine, to allow him to my clothes for
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a living before the war, there was no need for this method, but under to complete


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