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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the bottle is region central and southern goes up and the casualty number keeps going out, but it's not approaching $22.00 files. the, i'm about to send this is i'll just save a life from joe. i'm also coming up the another night of
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violence between palestinians and is very forces across the occupied west bank. is there a spring quarter strikes, done a controversial law that would have restricted its control over government on a mag, which is $7.00, i was quite strikes, western japan residents, free parts of the coast office, tsunami warnings the the number of people being killed in his many attacks and gaza is still wising. it's not 21978 central. gaza is a bottled field. this fighting around 3 refugee comes between these very forces and the ongoing of how much. and there's really army spokesman says the board will continue through up to 20. 24. is your monitoring crisis is getting worse, agency, se relentless is really bombardments or preventing badly needed supplies from getting in bass a even more is needed. and started capital. i zoom has more from profit in the
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southern gospel, exhausted gauze and complete in a very desperate needs to suit as they are right now. i consider it to be a very critical 11 of payments that they are exposing to due to the fact that they are having access to a very limited number of humanitarian aids and the numbers over human interior trucks that are entering the gaza strip on daily basis because i could say that to be not fairly enough to help palestinians to survive and to keep we often that so these very ongoing get tax across kansas trip. also the relentless plumbing, of course, that there are 3 of us that killed the ability of the humanitarian organizations as like going to still operating as only to celebrate part of the territory. because of receiving the humanitarian aids world in north and the middle areas are no longer receiving any kind of abuse aids due to the ongoing attacks and confrontations the on the ground. the reality is that trough has been the center of
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these aides were more people are getting under arriving to this very densely populated area. as there is going to be much more demands on dc, humanitarian supplies, where families are really struggling to have access to such one. and this is the reality that the united nations and other humanitarian organizations have been wanting about the need to mitigate the military and restrictions against the flow of the humanitarian supplies into the goal is was to use to prevent the assignments that is moving on the horizon for organizations and those move islands between these really forces and palestinians in the occupied west bank soldiers of storm jeanine refugee camp, as well as the cities of colquitt area and suffered from the south woods. joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. what more do we know about the latest weights on the of intense violence and several raids that are well into their fist? our,
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we do understand that one of the raids in jeanine has since been concluded and he is really army has withdrawn. but i want to shift our attention to it is really re, but it's still ongoing in the occupied westbank city of publicly intense fighting going on there between palestinians and these really occupation forces. additionally, quite disturbing video of 2 is really soldiers dragging a wounded palestinian man by the arms and then subsequently kicking him in the head in the shoulders while he is already down on the ground. medical workers and staff are saying that they were prevented from reaching any of the injured palestinians in the area. and they were also speaking to media saying, but they themselves, in their ambulances were shot at, in order to prevent them from reaching the palestinians, who had been wounded by the occupation forces in these raids. this is just
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a continuation of the near nightly and sometimes day time incursions by these really military in an effort to try and crack down on arms palestinian resistance and arrest wanted palestinian fighters since october. the 7th, we're looking at nearly 5000 arrests in the occupied westbank, as well as 320 post indians who had been killed since october, the 7th alone. before october 7th. the united nations had already said it was the deadly used year on record for palestinians in the occupied territories and post dr . october 7th that sent him. it is still the reality condo. thank you very much indeed homeless. so who talking to this monkey by these jerusalem a on palestinian mines died and is really cost today the 23 year old is a 7 father standing and present it to die since october the 7th. when homeless lead fighters attack, southern israel, lead abrams good move from bethlehem the occupied westbank. it says looked over the
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7 star city and somebody is know very little about the conditions of their sons and daughters. it is really custody, and the little they know is enough to make them worried and concerned about it. by so 23 year old he has been detained in may 2022. and he has been announced dead by these really prison service physics over the 7th palestinians have not been able to go and visit the family members. the relatives in his way to jail on the vehicles representation has been limited. the lawyers have not been able to visit those prisoners in jails. they can sometimes see them via video conference at during trial, which is making palestinians worry. then of course, when we see the 7 prisoners die, that is really deals just since october, the 7th. this mix, the worries of the families increased specifically that we've seen many policy and the tvs when they were released from his really jail describe very difficult
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conditions. some were saying that they were subjected to physical and mental to torture and is really jailed. and indeed, when the swap deal happen between these really captives in that'd be seems because it's true in exchange for palestinian prisoners. we've seen those prisoners miners being a sick, being tired is showing very deep uh, fatigue. they say that the food was not enough. so that's why the families of prisoners have released a statement saying that they've pulled the red cross. it is responsible and accountable for the situation of their sons and daughters. it is really deals need that, but he just the, to the occupied westbank delegation from the governments with the group is the reading capital for talks they have on this phone, an administrator who says he represented as of a meeting at on the, on foreign minister. i seen on the deluxe in is reported to find the whole piece for supporting palestinians is also repeated around support for peace talks between
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yemen. saudi arabia, without meeting comes off to yvonne to send a warship to the can you read c shipping route. on sunday, the u. s. navy destroyed 3 boats belonging to the quote, the on group in the m and after an attack to emerge. some ship press will saturate reports from people to it seems like this are becoming increasingly frequent in the port of this dress. me. so i have a guy, the destroyer is a dispute. and before embarking on his next mission interrupts, it's here with the other us, and they will watch those too comfortable with the tax on commercial ships that have brought the maritime traffic. here to a near scottsdale, we've seen the decrease in what we have been monitoring anywhere between 30 to about 40 percent of what the normal ship traffic is. if you're testing the region have for some of the world's largest shipping companies to suspend the operations in the red sea. they have rerouted ships around the southern tip of africa.
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8.8000000 of buttons of oregon passing through that, let's see, every month. so imagine how they're going to, going to have to go all the way i don't africa. and the price increasing and who's, who's, who's, who's going to pay for the price of the end people. because someone is going to pay the price of us has formed a multi national test 1st to deter, hold these from attacking commercial ships and to keep ceilings or from. but many countries that agreed to contribute to the task force did a sent warships for the tax on intensifying and the effectiveness of the question is being questions. there's still a lot of unknown questions for the coalition. what the rules of engagement are, how many vessels are going to be a part of this and that housing the whole entire coalition coalition is going to work for dc. they're not aiming to block the street, but on the attack and ships linked to israel region is not really reasonably
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militarized. and we are afraid that vehicle fix when thank it, will take over some other countries. dozens of cargo ships are splendid at the port of jabante for days. many don't know when they would get security clearance to enter the red sea. this is about a month of traits which separates the other the in pennies a lot from east africa and connect the gulf are then to the red sea. yeah, man is just 29 to them. it is from here. about 12 persons of global faith passes through this faith. i'm almost afraid the fool international container traffic. now us as he pleases neighbor the presence here. and on the other side of the street the what would you say? we would continue talking west of link these ram onto the kidding in gaza, stops inside of that, i'll just the roof above a member of the street is there. a supreme court has struck down upon elementary law that would have limited judges control over government decisions. original
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changes have been supported by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and they triggered months of protest, bought a car and report storm occupied east of us for the 1st time, and it's ralph history. supreme court has notified a basic rule. one of the series of laws, it serves as the countries of russian constitution. on monday, it defied this quote over tub. the reason the stands of bill h, judge's face and face 7 against tub. just as administer your if levine, who is one of the architects of the law slum the ruling, saying the decision to publish during the war is the opposite of the unity needed for the fight. has but opposition lead a yeah. le page for support of the quotes decision blaming divisions leading to the october 7th attacks. the supreme court, the face re st. it's a, it's a voice the day to raise its voice,
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the fairly clear and loud way and put an end. or they what's called the legal juris, the care reform that any else government try to to implement. and if not the met him the israel's parliament, the kinetic approved. the bill in july out of the vote, was $64.00 to 0 of the opposition little bit because boy, because it the vote and still doubt some showing shame towards the government moving sleigh. so there was a show full, some tens of thousands of processes. some escalated to finance and arrests. the bill eliminated adoption under which the court could override from government decisions. and block appointments. support has claimed the court to use the power was under the crossteck, but opponent said the quote, the ability to blow up the problem entry overreach was an essential part is real
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system of legal checks and balances to do with the 1st piece of a load up package of judicial reforms and it's rebecca for now called the rest of the government's proposed reforms into question. although the crushing blow to the coalition government, people who, being times the protesting for months, will see this as a when adult language here as being about unity during israel's war on gone to the supreme court's decision could once again create a whitening gulf between the coalition and public opinion. laura hunt out to 0, occupied east jerusalem to start head. and i'll just say the 2024 is going to be one of them was biggest serious for elections. we're going to take a look at some of the polls that will take place in asia,
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the hello. the weather is quiet now, of course not show up north america, not too much showing up on the satellite picture a little bit of cloud just around the east coast that will not its way of the race would say some clear sky, grassy coming back in behind. we are going to see what's the weather. meanwhile, this is where the system just rolls in from the pacific, and that will bring town brightening to west in positive kind of the 3, but just columbia down across the washington state, tony to snow cause it moves across the mountains and some heavy right away, making its way into a good part of california full tuesday may well some right just making just way in across the deep south. and that will slide across louisiana into mississippi just using across the gulf coast that right. and we do have across the west coast while that comes along the way down to north western parts of mexico. we'll see some slow the i have of the mountains. there's a bit of snow down to the eastern side of canada, but nothing too much to speak of. meanwhile, across the cat, repeat what we have got some cloud in the rain that sliding across the cuba to make
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a single little bit of that. that's flipping its way through as it go through tuesday. one to 2 shouts to the chat was the longest spells of right over to was the west. so nickel rock, you with costa rica sing some heavy rain that could cause some flooding for thought . big down polls coming in here, all the way into panama. the hey jamie into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is a may just don't think, look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era
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the what you know, just need a reminder of adults stories. this are in the battlefield. a central guys are fighting continues around speed, refugee terms between these really forces and the ongoing of homeless. it'd be 22000 people have been killed by as many a time. same does. there's more violence in the occupied was fine between. is there any forces in palestinians and soldiers of storm janine camp as well as the city of cobb county? i'm south states, several of palestinians have been arrested. and israel supreme court instructed on the controversial law which would have a limited its control over the government for legislation was originally passed by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose white twin government the tracking to go back some of the posit israel's
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quotes have and sponsoring nation once process protests kind of throw off is the former executive director of human rights watch and he says the ruling reaffirms democracy in israel as well. i think we have to recognize that this ruling is very important because it does reaffirm this really democracy. if you listen to, you know, people like ben compare the, there's a far right to minister. they say this is an attack on democracy, but that seems to mean, you know, that's in yeah. who gets to do whatever he wants. in fact, democracy means even the executive is subject to the law subject to the limitations imposed by his rules basic law. that's important for democracy. we've been israel. it means still relatively little for palestinians under occupation of the court is not going to get involved and how the water is spot in gaza. so you know, the argument this somehow against the war is ridiculous. i'm the course is not even stopped the settlement project. it has had many opportunities to roll and rather
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the settlement 3 legal it hasn't done so because they so clearly are they violate the geneva conventions which prohibit an occupied power sending their population document charge. right. so, you know, this is rhetoric from the far right now it's dangers are because the matching yahoo is dependent on those far right. ministers to stay in power. and so they made push him to try to ignore the court's ruling. and he may be inclined to do that just to save his skin to avoid his corruption prosecutions. now going to the irony here is that all in a while, people say, oh, you know, we have to revisit this decision. everybody has agreed to hold off until after the war, the commission of inquiry that's going to start looking at how the doctor was 2nd happened. was there intelligence failure? who's responsible? you know, natania who benefits from putting that off? i would hope people would resist attacking the scream cord, attacking israel's democracy in the midst of all or, or the modern gaza who's shot to the size of lives. but palestinians are struggling to make
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a living against big dogs. mom involved reports of the long time. and what if my name is abdullah? my job is to 10 and that's exactly what this 15 year old does. he spends most of his day manually tending a we attached to his father, a sewing machine, to allow him to month clothes for our living. before the war, there was no need for this message. but under, to complete a continuous spell out almost 2 names of false to find alternatives. and the full, i don't know if i up as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. i've been a tailor for 25 years and have already become highly proficient. but in light of the current circumstances, i'm trying to just do what's available. so we have to replace the motor with this we. we turn it to manually to create the rotation needed for the so when you can
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see it provides 50 percent of the power provided by a multiple you know what to match. it says, although he's working conditions are much more difficult, now he's not to increase despises, and while and the pos to use to create complete new designs. now, his thoughts fired with basic stitching and went into his closet. that's what most of his clients are asking for. not nearly 3 months of intensity, these lady bombardment underground operations. i've left off a 100 other cities in the gauze of everyone's social amenities such as water, electricity, and food. nearly impossible to find hundreds of thousands have lost their homes and livelihoods. magic considers himself lucky to be able to work on to provide some kind of service to the community. asked about the risk of working in an in states. i mean, bombardments. he said, well if everything is by god's will,
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what will happen must happen. no one can escapes once a day when its hour has come, nor will dismiss its target. it's a common belief among what seems but much more. so now i'm on the people of god. how much fun i'm to 0. the not we're going to take a look at some of these other news. at least 8 people are dead after a series of damaging earthquakes struck western japan late monday local time. so now many warnings have not been done. great is access on the which reports these are the moments of magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western japan the ground shakes for nearly a minute. the city of what g mail near the epi center of the chicago prefecture down the power line,
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sparked fires across japan's western coast. there was another thread. well, it's a whole half bill statements a may just so now me warning is an effect for no to issue kind of what prefixed you . we are currently observing a large tsunami people. we have the shoreline and river banks, please evacuate to higher ground. nearly 13 years after it's not the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in japan killed more than 20000 people here are scared in a run to hide the whole group while shaking the tv or shaking. i have to keep everything on the table. uh yeah, uh i do, i did feel safe in my room though, but everything else was shaking. the impact of the quake leaves, holmes and ruins. real structured and debris scattered across streets that prompted concerns about the safety of nearby nuclear power plants,
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plates down by japan, nuclear watchdog hook me know, you know, somebody got am i still there currently no report to the regularities with nuclear power plants. but a threat is not over say smaller just our warning of possible after shocks or another strong earthquake and say they could happen at any moment. texas, i'm gonna reach out to 0. it's all, it's more than this. we're joining some collapse a lot of by eunice kim. what's the latest on this, eunice? hi, rob were standing in front of a train station at the capitol of easy cala. this is the western coastal prefecture, on the part of the main island of ports you where the rent of the damage from is magnitude 7.6 or quick has been taken, including at the, at the center on the northern tip of the prefecture, at no 12 peninsula now,
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according to japan's main broadcast or an h k. most of the known states holidays have been identified at y g. my city that is that city where the fire is broke out on monday and among the dead are people and their teens all the way up to the ninety's according to reports here. but of course, the most heavily hits no till remains largely out of reach. as the main thoroughfare is connecting into that peninsula hook shape peninsula is damage. and as a result, reports say that down the phone lines are also impacting the rescue efforts on the airport. there is also not in service and well, as you can see around the families enjoying the of holidays show that japanese people are resilient to these earthquakes. the very real threat of aftershocks
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still lose this particular earthquake did have a shallow depth of some 10 kilometers. so it depends meter illogical agency is wanting people to stay away from those coastal areas and to remain resilient, at least for this week, especially in the 1st 3 days in fear of, of a strong after shots that could come, potentially even stronger than that initial place. on january 1st. yeah. depends people maybe resilient to this kind of thing, but we're just looking at some of the pictures. none of the damage is absolutely astonishing. really, how is the government dealing with all of this because the scale is significant, isn't it? yeah, absolutely. and we're just, i think beginning to see what the scale of this damage is. as was spoken about 5 prime minister, i flew me okesha at a press conference this morning. he said that he himself is heading the emergency
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disaster response headquarters. and that the headquarters is in touch with local leaders to discuss how to go about these rescue efforts. but there are difficulties there. he says that this situation is extremely difficult due to road disruptions, particularly in that northern section of no til peninsula they were able to get some patients out of a hospital that lost power last night. but he said, when you look at the aerial footage from the helicopter, as the damage is extensive, citing road disruptions last lives fires and just extremely large scale. you know, thank you very much. indeed. obviously we're going to be checking in with you is this situation can have on phones, but for now units came and kind of stumble. thank you very much. indeed, a little later aside because he is political opposition. lead jameel has been stabbed in the south eastern city of bu, sun is said to be conscious and he's being treated in hospital. local media is
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reporting that lee was touring this side of a proposal or kind of mosque, and i'm also gruff, suddenly lunged forward and stamped, and the next mind's been taken into custody. these democratic party naturally lost the 2022 presidential election. hundreds of migrants who arrived in the us border state of texas are being flown to. illinois is part of a policy by republican governor greg i would to send asylum seekers to democrat and one parts of north america. a. boeing 777 is landed at chicago's rockford international airport counting 355 microns brack up. his main focus has been in chicago. it's a so called site to reset the limits cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. it will be assigned to deal with somali is break away a region of small it on to secure access to the red sea. the deal is expected to mean that easy. ok, and could be allowed to use a coastal military base. some islands president says in return, if you hope you will officially recognize smaller lines, i'm gonna send
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a bias as for the ceremony and i just out of the, brought the leaders of both ethiopia and the break away territory of small the land closer to long sought goals, but similar the 2 most of it's going to be some way land is because this will be the starting point for on cooperation with the brotherly people of somebody len to grow and develop together in cooperation and ensure common security with the as we've repeatedly stated, previously, we don't wish to use force on anyone, rather, will use what we have cooperatively. the memorandum of understanding lease is ethiopia port facilities on small islands red sea coast. the access to the ocean has been an ethiopian priority since eritrea became independent 3 decades ago. leaving if you, if he has remaining territory land locked small,
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the lands president says that in return you will recognize his territories, independence, somali land declared autonomy from the rest of somalia, in 1991, but is still claimed by mogadishu, the ending of one of them on the way up, we are very happy and we thank the shipping apartment just as we sign the agreement here. we have allowed them 20 kilometers of aussie, and they would also recognize us as an independent states. they will become the 1st state to recognize somebody lined off to the signing of this memorandum of understanding. the government of somalia announced that it will convene an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the agreement to talk about which it considers a violation of its territorial sovereignty. alexandra buyer's alger 0 more than 1000000000 people will vote in elections across asia pacific phase here. the choices made by vultures at
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a far reaching consequences is 20 chang reports. now let me give you a warning. is video contains flashing images that could effect some of yours, of the region that home to nearly 60 percent of the global population. 2020 full will be an opportunity for many to choose new leaders and governments with so many different political systems. is there any common thread the voters should bear in mind? i think the key here is access to power, but also how powers exercise, and whether the exercise of power has legitimacy to, to hold on to hang on. the largest democracy in the world. india votes in april and may recent state elections such as prime minister and a, rendered moody. that's a good chance of at the time. but his critics say he's taken india down north star terry and paul. that's concerned many. he could the road democratic institutions
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in bangladesh, political violence is expected, the head of the pose opening in early january. shake a scene of the longest serving female head of government could take


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