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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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we made the rule, not selves, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be of power around now to sierra, the test bed holes in central and southern guns. i must find a site that i think is freddy troops in the city of con, use the . i'm to mccrae, this is all just they're alive from. also coming up full of trouble of israel's prime minister as the supreme court rejects the controversial law that would have restricted its control over governments. this royal targets cities across the occupied west bank and organized rights, at least for palestinians,
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had been killed and several arrest is and in japan, at least 48 people have been killed out to be struck by magnitude 7.6. it's quite risky. teams is struggling to breach isolated areas. the is ready, forces have stepped up, strikes and southern guns overnight die off to announcing plans to pull out some troops. the center of the strip is a battlefield fighting between is rarely forces and the wing and come off just taking place around 3 refugee camps. since monday 70 palestinians have been killed in more than 100 injured. meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis in gaza is only getting with 8 agencies say relentless is ready, bone bobbins preventing badly needed supplies from guessing in a lot more on all of this honey mcmurry joins us live from profit and southern guys
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are and honey so as well might be pulling some troops out of guys, a bit, the aerial bombardment as only intensified what is the latest in regards to strikes of the nice the yes, tom, we're pulling out of parts of the northern part in gauze and city, but concentrating more troops then. and then more soldiers in the southern parts, particularly in hon. unice city and continuously bombarding bombing the central part of the gaza strip. so far, uh, we're talking about at least 70 people have been killed within the past 24 hours. the vast majority of were killed the overnight, relentless airstrikes and ongoing artillery showings on as the early hours of this morning, nearly concentrated into their location, the central area of the gauze for the older records. you can scan game on their tv,
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aerial bombardment as well as the city of han. you and it says this. paramedics and ambulance were able, as early hours of this morning to rush to the targeted areas, they were able to pull out people's work killed overnight. and those who might have survived those attacks the injuries, the critical injuries that were taken back to either a north of hospitalization, sonia and as for a lot of the hospital in, in dated but left. but over all the, there is an ongoing consent artillery sitting at the eastern part of the goddess trip, the starting from the tunnel and city all the way through rough and old, consistence with the, with the efforts of and already declared the plan of establishing and, and a buffer zone area by making the entire eastern part of the gulf stream on an habitable doesn't have any of the services whatsoever. and we're talking about hospitals and schools or any of that in essentially for infrastructure that would help people stay on those here again. and very consistent with those efforts of it,
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making it uninhabitable on livable and pushing people more into small parts of the gulf visually into explosion. as many as really officials have stated that publicly and honey, just making meadows even worse for everyone. there has been bed with a heavy rain and i understand that it's very cold at the moment. how is that impacting that moving 1000000 people that are having to live and make shift tends right now. yes, well we're expecting that we're there to get more cold air and with the possibilities of, of heavy rain falls within the coming days. and it just as applied that a weights that tens of thousands of palestinians that pushed into this a small part of the gauze was through me in reference to pm, parts of the western side of find you in a city where the set up their tents and enlarge the open sand area, but the rain just makes it very difficult and to create the very difficult
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conditions for people to continue at surviving is like all the talks now. and then there are concerns about the survival that are very high. we're talking about these in spite of, of diseases, particularly among children. and women will talk about people's getting calls and not only now they're hungry or thirsty, but at the top of that they're getting cold, as they are unprepared with any of the suitable clothing to combat the cold of the, of the winter season of no heating system as well as a no blanket just to keep them warm on top of the the risk of the spread of, of, of winter season diseases such as the flu or any other epidemic. we're talking about another problem that is facing 1000 of people here, which is the access to clean water data. there's few of these definitely nation of stations across the southern part of the guster family, concentrating and re fax,
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the data. and the old operates and, and run on solar panels and a solar panels. these solid good 5 hours of sunlight to continue generating power. so these stations count, operate efficiently with possibilities of, of a cloudy days and rainy weather. the chances are very high that these are spatial, it's not going to be work, work into the maximum capacity, which will force 1000 of people here. i do not have access to clean water to drink from another problem that will just bounce the, the misery and ongoing suffering of this place. policy and just di circumstances, they think so much, honey. honey mcmurry, for us and reference southern guns are a mazda is military wing, says it's fine, just have killed. several is really troops and battles in the gaza strip because i'm very good in videos showing fine is attacking is running military vehicles. and con, unisons, you body of these really is to is at least 172 soldiers had been killed since its
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grounds. invasion of causes sconces on october. the 31st israel says it will appear before the international court of justice to challenge accusations of genocide or count joins us now. she is outside the can i sit in west jerusalem and laura as well besides the defend itself? what's the reasoning for that and how contentious is that decision that as well, this is highly contentious. israel, it is a signatory to the convention on genocide. so a sense of a it should be taking it very seriously. now south africa is post. well, it's saying that they committed war crimes and that sounds that this, the indiscriminate forming taking place in garza and also that this could all constitute a genocide, as that has been much, many talks between the top ross in the is right, the army and also top is right, officials and they came out with
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a statement late last night from israel national security advisor that he had to pay. he said that they will go ahead and add it into the quotes they will challenge at south africa at the in special court of justice. may use some pretty strong language saying this is an upside law suit constituting a blog post. but there is a huge amount of pressure leveled at israel from the in special community. the organization of islamic corporation, very log into governmental agency agrees. this is a genocide. i will support south africa and lord, not the only big decision they are in the last step allows us or the supreme court so so rejected a controversial that would have restricted its control over the government. is it the end of this aspect of the legal reforms or isn't it and yeah, who got options at his disposal? the wall benjamin netanyahu, on his far right coalition, had suggested a number of judicial,
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a big judicial opa hole. and this reasonableness bill was just positive this, this was the cost overturned by the supreme court yesterday, but this bill was passed around 5 months ago. just behind me in the is rated connect, set out many people says that this reason will fail with stripping away the power from the supreme court. next. now, who said this is a democratic process, and it was putting the power into the hands of elected individuals, spots hundreds of thousands of people having protesting for many months against this bill. you can see today in the shadow of war, of course it's empty outside these, right. it can affect any of a time. people will be celebrating this as a, when some of the protests lead us out and says they, they accept this rulings. they are very happy with this ruling, many guns from the is why the will cabinet said we should also accept this ruling um, but there were also some opposing voices. his my report for the 1st time and
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it's ralph history. supreme court has notified a basic rule, one of the series of laws it serves as the countries on russian constitution. on monday, a defined is quote over tub. the reason up in the stands of bill h tells you space in favor 7 against justice minister, your if levine, who is one of the architects, have been the slum. the ruling saying the decision to publish during the war is the opposite of the unity needed for the fight has but opposite shanita. yeah. le pied for support of the quotes, decision blaming divisions, leading to the october 7th attacks and not to be made in the israel's parliament. the kinetic approved. the bill in july follow by the vote was $64.00 to 0 of the opposition little they cause boy because it the vote and still doubt some showing shame towards the government moving sleigh. so there was
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a show full, some tens of thousands of processes. some escalated to finance and arrests. the bill eliminated adoption under which the court could override from government decisions. and block appointments. support has claimed the court to use the power was under the caustic, but opponent said the quotes, the ability to block, pull them entry overreach was an essential part, is real system of legal checks and balances. the 1st piece of a load up package of judicial reforms and it's rebecca for now called the rest of the government's proposed reforms into question over a crushing blow to the colorless and government people hoping times the protesting month we'll see this as a when and older language here as being about unity during israel's war and gone to the supreme court decision could once again create
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a whitening gulf between the coalition and public opinion. laura found out a 0 occupied east jerusalem. at least full of palestinians had been killed off the confrontations with his ready forces in the occupied west bank. it happened during a ride near the city of co, kenya. at least 7 palestinians had been arrested is rarely soldiers also assumed the janine refugee camp and the city of sofa. it's been in, smith has moved from ramallah in the occupied west bank to the where at least a dozen res, across the occupied westbank overnight. the most serious of those was in as on the town to the east of calc kalia in the north of the occupied westbank. i did not write the reviving confrontations between palestinians and his really security forces and improvised explosive device was thrown, didn't his riley, military jeep and of the consequence of those confrontations for palestinians were shot dead. now these riley's have kept those bodies bodies,
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not an unusual practice when it comes. these rarely, military infections. october 7th, they've withheld $46.00 bodies of palestinians killed in similar raids. and since 2016 they've got a $194.00 bodies that they've refusing so far. to return to the families, there was also another vitamin right in jeanine now pretty much nicely. now, it is a sensor of palestinian resistance that with the violent confrontations, the gad, improvised explosive device was thrown at him. his riley military g bonus. miss alger 0, ramallah. israel is once again withholding tax revenues. it is to the palestinian authority, the move could bankruptcy of dorothy and seriously hum the economy and the occupied with bank as him run con reports from ramallah. the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the palestinian authority. will p a. but it's in danger of going bankrupt and with the palestinian economy. the
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crisis is the worst the p a has suffered since it was established in 1993 of the deals, low codes. israel refuses to give the p a its own money to pay a ton, collect its own tax revenues, and relies on israel to do so. what economics professor explains why you fucking buddy's home, our bach, we'll go from the circle. pears agreement put a lot of restrictions on the palestinian economy, were stopped it using his own resources as it sees fit and is really is have it restricted policy and economic growth as a result of the policy and, you know, toward the, wasn't able to manage the economy successfully because of this and couldn't establish economic institutions to develop and independent economy. the policy and you know, authority remains the key economic dr. palestinians, implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average of between 60 and 75
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percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax and a lot of people hold on well the, the sell it a we got covers only 40 to 60 percent of our needs, so we have to look for other jobs. some workers used to look for jobs in as rarely, cities. now that's also being taken away from us and this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel. these rarely saved will release the money, but with deductions and no money to pay employees in gaza. the pay has refused this and says, israel must pay oh, that's owed. the issue is driven a wedge between allies, america and his ro. the last president joe biden is putting a tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds to the palestinian authority. lots of the apartment is the, is also under a tremendous amount of pressure from within his own total, less than polity. the open the right system for right finance minister, betsy little, small intrigues has said publicly not
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a single cycle will be transferred to the palestinian authority. if it does, then he's going to quit the colorless government. and that could at the very least mean early elections, but probably the end of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose political career the us though is clay it once a revitalized pe, to take a vengeful, controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week, p a is not something is wrong ones. and currently the force he is weak as it has ever been and it's getting weaker and wrong calling out is there. i'm on a dell of the like a fall, joins us once again here in the studio director and foot foreign policy and security program, the middle east council and the level of face. thanks again for joining us. just on that. how damaging would that be if as well, i guess, ended up bankrupting the palestinian authority? what effect would that have? well, this is the effect of the financial expense termination of the palestinian authority, the inability to pay wages will go to the heart of how this will forward. he,
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upgrades this already very, we can from top down and this one further put pressure on them. and of course we want, we have the competing issues here. the us administration wants to play some sort of role. but in the same time, we can be a would not be able to play and you know, and this is again, part of the collective punishment that the is there. it is doing not just to the thousands but also to the palestinians in the west bank. does it show divisions between board as royal and wants to see happening at once? the school comes to a conclusion and what the us is pushing for different sienna, as your report has indicated that our divisions, linda is, or 80 cabinet itself, with the far right politicians been given here and others courting for the almost the re occupation now of guys then for the pressure on the, on the p a as one now the opening talking of uh for the sacraments and it has that as once, but nothing who is quite weak. now, in his coronation, he would like to maintain that and perhaps extend the war because extending your works well for nothing. you know,
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in the short term because he's quite unpopular and is there that if this war and when this war ends, he would potentially be out of power. and as we heard from our correspondence, uh, honey mac moods, uh, in the process that, uh, the, the troops might be leaving some troops might be leaving cause a, but the bombing campaign is just intensified in the last couple of days. a sprints, especially in the central and southern parts of the strip now might be a new year, but uh, is wireless still continuing as plumbing campaign. do you see that continuing in the near future at the very least, i see that the continuing and basically the objective here is the continued collective punishment of the palestinians. very similar to what the nazis have done in warsaw in eastern europe, to force the force displacement of the population. as you know, 1st of all, of indiscriminate, shelving and bombing destruction of the infrastructure, hospitals and schools. and secondly, you have the, the, the lack of food and supplies and basically using hunger and famine as a, as
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a total for which is a, is a work line. and finally, forcing the, the palestinians to flee towards the border with ultimate ambition. i would argue to push them out. i mean, what are the chances of that actually happening die with we know that egypt has imprisoned, cc has said that there is no way that he's going to allow that border to be flooded with palestinians and to this and i a potential a. so what do you think will happen if egypt actually puts troops on the board or the stop that from happening? when basically i think it's going to be a combined that port. you've seen plenty of there arrived in the, in the region to discuss the voluntary migration to the thousands and the absorption of refugees overseas. and egypt may be open to taking the small number jordan as well. but the thing that the re and policy here is, is having a life and it has become so hellish that the thousands are one thing and forced to leave. okay, thank you. once again for your time and your insight, we really do appreciate it. thank you. us with more than 80 percent of gallons as
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population displaced by israel's war funding, food and shelter is becoming increasingly difficult. the situation is so dot and the southern city a for alpha, some of being forced to seek refuge in that zone where even the animals, the staffing, because it looks bad reports, animals and humans seeking safety side by side is rails religious attacks, forcing displays, palestinians to shelter with monkeys and lions at rough as i'm sure i have not known, hey, well, no, it's not a problem because i'm not scared. and because the animals here are more merciful than the tanks and planes of these really enemy will strike without prior warning. and without mercy, with full force and cruelty against our people, there are many families, so it'd been completely wiped out. and now all our families are staying at the su, living amongst the animal, is more merciful than the plains in the sky. and despite suffering from chronic hum, give themselves time is found to care for the animals. but for many the fame and
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like conditions too much for monkeys have died from starvation. a 5th, it's barely a life, a tunnel, sophia, and the some of the animals are struggling just to survive. but what about humans? we have a dying monkey due to a lack of food that's just being fed by hans because he cannot eat on his own. these scenes are painful and difficult to seeing. painful for both humans and animals. yeah. yeah, near one of the lions is so hungry that the newly born cubs aren't expected to survive. this is big sees the mother may be forced to eat them all the heavy and well done that. so we asked for the conditions here it is very tragic. there was a food with water and medicine. a shortage for the lions. we tried to offer them a meal per week. sometimes we cannot have been beaten dry bread soaked and water is just to keep them alive. the situation is tragic, something like that. and then there's, there's, oh no, see if the situation is only going did was due to the lack of food votes for the
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animals. and so the displace palestinians are being forced to seek safety with them . that would be it, which is 0. the prussian missile strikes on you, cranes, capital, and other cities have killed at least one person in engine dozens, more explosions were hurting caves. and the eastern city of hockey's targets in the south and west were also head. s at bank has moved from cave. it seems to be one of the largest attacks for awhile now. they started in the early hours of the morning this, the sons of explosions run got across the cup till we saw some of the anti aircraft fly, a go up. we had the explosions but also was significant. is that have been some impacts in the capital, not the man of peeve vitalia. critical has said that several areas in the cap to
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that being hit and people have been injured. your thought is have asked people to stay in the shelters. in fact, actually as we speak, the elliot is still on telling people to go to the shelter is not the 2nd largest city clock gave the man the has said that there has been a massive attack. and they have been talking to him in the center. we understand that the awesome casualties fix the mayor of car keys, said that being got side is not safe and says people to stay in the shelters. now what significant is that the captain head? keith tends to have the better air defenses, but they were working from the early hours of the morning, but they, besides drugs still managed to get through. we understand that they all 5 crews at several scenes now from the authorities here. we only tend to here with none of the 3 targets a hit. so going to video. infrastructure is had to be they don't tell us in military targets. but this, these attacks have been going on since the 29th of december, but at least here in the capital key. this has been one of the largest attacks that
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we have seen for a while. the buildings were shaking, we could see the flesh of the explosions and the impacts taking place across the city. or at least for here, people have been killed in wisdom. japan, off to the region was drunk by a powerful as quite the 7.6 magnitude. quite happened of because of issue kind of a pre fiction. it caused widespread damage and rescue is a still searching for survive as well. the 1000 members of japan, self defense forces, helping the risk to teams. so not me warning has been lifted past due g. thank you . i yeah, i have received reports that very large scale damage has been new for i including numerous casualties, building collapses and fire it gives i my hot safety as to the power outages on order outages and communication disruption issues that are currently occurring. workers have been on site and are in the process of restoring them to buckets tons independent human rights commission says it's unlikely february's
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parliamentary elections will be free and fair. the commission says as far that the governments rejected some political nominees, including full, the prime minister and wrong. com, as well as other members of his policy, con, has been child for corruption. the commission has also condemned the states come down on defense as well as a sold some minorities in nigeria, climate change, and resources, exploitation easing away at the atlantic coastline. officials say the hill heavily populated, like all state is losing hundreds of meters of its coast. each year and the resulting floods are forcing thousands from their homes. and the address reports from lagos, along the atlantic coast, my entire communities are being swept away during the ghost. more than 180 kilometers up the coast has been taken over by the ocean. most of it in the last decade, a vicious usa, the problem is accelerating. at
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a frightening piece. we have, um, i would say about uh about 15.5 to minutes of drawings and plates. uh, which is one of the things we're putting in place to, to, to deal with the current, the thing balance of the winged wave from current in that case, we've only been able to do to cover a distance of about uh, in total i would say about $15.00 to the mentors and we have a total of a $180.00 to the district. climate change is blamed for some of it. but mind me, problems like sun, my, and eco recommendation of the land from the ocean. i also beat the cost a little ocean worse. over the past 2 decades, community leaders and the folk would say the most 90 percent of that land. but there's no more land for us to move in. because many of the loan for 700, you me just community to say the bridge used to be 2 kilometers away from here. and
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that was just 10 years ago since then. they've moved 4 times and resettle in land. and now, new bits for want is being sold. white houses used to be just a few years ago. legacy, something more than print to 1000000 people living on just 3300 square kilometers. as these population increases, there is a rush for land and sand for construction. the atlantic ocean and speak to see all the targets. outside the office of the brought the boats to mine, signed the erosion i'm encroachments got was on. that's how we got some typical trouble. a big worry for not getting cost of communities is the overlapping jurisdictions of federal and state governments on access to natural resources. each one's exclusive, right? environmental is want any immediate band on the x partition of course to the areas unless that is done, they say, and i did as the most popular state. you soon run out of space to accommodate
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a growing population. i'm a decrease. how do you see that? i spoke with lagos, nigeria, well, that's it for me, tell them the christ station. so with a is coming up next then is inside story the, the hello the way with the web. it continues to pilot into western positive particular across the northwest. so we have some very strong winds pushing in across things and them wells where the systems the putting in here as well driven in on those gusty winds. and we'll see that running to some very cold air as well as every 5 pressure up and just got an atheist track some oh, take care of in place and temperatures overnight, fully back to around minus 35 celsius and one or 2 spots of northern scandinavia so
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as we go through the next couple of days, this co dash stays in place. if anything you'll see these type of just coming down further. most guy minus 17 celsius and full and got a minus 6, the full, almost 11 as we go on to was the we can follow. so that could be down to minus 14 by friday. so that's a very cold air remaining any place else. what time it is about what they should be across much of the year up to particular present. having said that, because that when, when the weather continues to drive it swaying possibilities, some flooding, raise them into positive things and them wells, frosts, ground saturated here. so we could see some very heavy rain coming in here as well . northwestern pulses find a portico also, robert, i'm settled. i was a web that'll make its way further. east was bumping into the cold grass. i some snow coming. it's a scandinavia unable towards the baltic states of the heroes from al jazeera on the go and the tonight out is there is
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only mobile apps. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the demonstrations world wide reflect? widespread outrage of israel's one gaza young people have been at the forefront and drove into political action by the images and stories of palestinians suffering code visits the local use support for palestine have long term impacts. this is inside story, the .


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