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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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0 in unsettled time upfront takes on the biggest cities of context to what is happening now. it is of complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0. the special lives in central and southern cause i'm a sponsor site about sizing is riley troops in the city of con eunice, the, until mccrae, this is, he'll just say we're live from doha. also coming up as well. target says he's across the occupied with banking overnight. rides, at least for palestinians, had been killed and several arrested. more trouble as well as prime minister as the
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supreme court rejects the controversial that would have restricted its control over government. and at least 4 people are killed in dozens injured as russia targets through crimes to biggest cities in a wave of missile strikes. the israeli forces have stepped up, strikes and southern guns overnight a day off the announcing plans to pull out some troops. the center of this trip is a battlefield. fighting between is ready forces and the wing of a mosse is taking place around 3 refugee tens. since monday, stevens, the palestinians had been killed and more than 100 inches below, but as well. meanwhile, there's 2 minutes area in crisis and gaza is dealing with agencies, say really, unless is riley bombardments, of preventing badly needed supplies from guessing in of more on all of this, honey marquis joins us live from rafa in southern gauze. and now, and i mean,
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i understand you are at a diesel, a nation pine. can you explain the issues that they have facing their yes dom. well, not only the tragedies that keep on folding, creating difficult conditions, living conditions for the displace palestinian in the funding department. now there is a new applied woods, palestinian as the weather is getting more colder, as well as there is a possibility of heavy rain cold within the coming days. we are looking at hundreds of people gather here at this. definitely nation water was 7. if you're a fire is just that operated by this company, a behind me right here. it. when we looked at the numbers of these water purifiers, the small, the nation is stations. and the number of people who gathered here, it just sitting the needs are great but the whole, but vailable is so little compared to the dire need of the people here don't the day is that particular day given that it started raining, go over night,
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nearly hours of this morning, making it very difficult for this the water. definitely nation in plans to operate efficiently with limits the entire plan who runs the solar power solar panel and in order for it to, to operate efficiently. it needs a, a constant good, solid, 5 hours of sunlight then, and then in times of rain and cloud to whether it's just the capacity of discipline to reduce do less than 50 percent, which will create more difficult conditions for people in terms of their ability to get the drinking water. this is one of the, of a few desolate nations stations in the southern part of the gas service. i'm not mistaken either. probably the only one operating at this capacity is just given the large number of displays a force of weight, a palestinians into the southern part within the past few weeks. the un, unfortunately, the living conditions and drop by 50 right now as people are squeezing this,
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a small sliver of land is getting worse by the not only it's difficult for people to get water from here as the queue for hours and sometimes half of the day is spent right at this definitely nation stage and just to get a gallon or 2 gallons of water and go back to provide with their family. you know, we, according to what we heard from people that we were preparing this report, people are worried that because of the, the rain on the cloud, what are they won't be able to, to get. 3 more than a gallon today, which is not enough for an average palestinian family made of 5 members, including the parents. okay, thanks so much honey. we really do appreciate that update from reference. southern gaza. mazda is military wing, says it's fine, just have killed. civil is rarely troops and battles in the gallons of strip, because sombre guides in videos showing fines is attacking is really military vehicles and con unice since or volume. is there any army says at least $172.00
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soldiers have been killed since its grounds? invasion of guns of sconces on october, the 31st. the israel says it will appear before the international court of justice to challenge accusations of genocide a lower account joins us now. she's outside the can. is it in west jerusalem? and what is israel's reasoning full of this? and how contentious is that decision there? the, well of course this is a very difficult decision for israel because they are a cigna tree to the genocide convention. so that for a sense of the they should be taking this very seriously and date. there is a lot of pressure on the of course, south africa has to petition say that, accusing them of war crimes of indiscriminate bombing and then actions towards the genocide. so we have had a statement off to many discussions among the top bras is that is the story. it's
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this whole process and ministry and also is ready. officials, the national security advisor, talk to you how to be. he use some pretty strong language against the he said this is an upset law suit constituting a blog post, but they will go to the court and they will be in a counter. won't that being accused? don't. okay. the supreme court to own another? no. it has rejected a controversial that would have restricted his control over the government. there is at the end of this aspect of the legal reforms or what is missing. yeah. who planning to fight this to where it's not necessarily a case of fighting it. that was a much launch a suggestion old. but the additional i have a whole stripping away the supreme court's power. the nothing you know who i'm his coalition government helping suggesting that since last january. now they paused
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the reasonableness, stand a bill out in the is ready to connect it just behind me. they 164 to 0. and that's because the opposition did. boy called the vote, that was right. i agree about this. so now at the time we was surrounded by tens of thousands of his radius who a huge and disappointed with this bill would strip away the aspect of reasonableness that's allowing the supreme court to do anything unreasonable that they could then overrule them, including government decisions and appointments, so we have had many comments out for and against this is all haven't yet said or that the coalition government hasn't yet said that they will take any action. and if they all to bring in any also due to show a whole lot is going to take many more months is certainly what happened during the war on guns and benny guns from the is ready cabinet, has always supported over turning this little. but he said, let's deal with this off towards, but again,
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at the streets here where if we weren't in the shadow of, or you would see many people out, here's my report to the 1st time and it's ralph history. supreme court has notified a basic rule one of the series of laws it serves as the countries um listen constitution . on monday and divide this quote over to the reasonableness stands of bill h. joseph's space in favor 7 against justice minister. your if levine, who is one of the architects, have been the slum, the ruling saying the decision to publish during the war is the offices of the unity needed for the fight has but the opposite. shanita. yeah. le pied for support of the quotes decision blaming divisions leading to the october 7th attacks. then we'd like to be meeting the israel's parliament, the kinetic approved. the bill in july, follow by. the vote was $64.00 to 0 of the opposition little bit because boy,
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because of the vote and still doubt some showing shame towards the government moving sleigh. so there was a show full, some tens of thousands of processes. some escalated to finance and arrests. the bill eliminated adoption under which the court could override from government decisions and block appointments. support has claimed the court to use the power was under the caustic, but opponents said the quotes, the ability to block pull them entry overreach was an essential part, is real system of legal checks and balances. the 1st piece of a load up package of judicial reforms and it's rebecca so now called the rest of the government's proposed reforms into question the reasonable understand the bill was top just behind the and these ready to get us in july. and then over time did
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a major blow to netanyahu's coalition. the supreme court decision could once again create a whitening gulf between the coalition and public opinion at a time, the quantity unity during the war and garza. laura comes out to 0 west through to them. at least full of palestinians had been killed off the confrontations with his ready forces in the onto pod with bank. it had been showing a ride near the city of kalki, a at least 7 palestinians have been arrested as rarely soldiers, also storms, the janine refugee camp in the city of sofas. bennet smith has moved from ramallah in the occupied west bank to the where at least a dozen res, across the occupied westbank overnight. the most serious of those was in as on the town to the east of calc kalia in the north of the occupied westbank. i did not ride the advice and confrontations between palestinians and his really security forces and improvised explosive device was thrown at it is really military jeep and
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of the consequence of those confrontations for palestinians were shot dead. now these rallies have kept those bodies bodies, not an unusual practice when it comes these rarely, military affections, october 7th, they've withheld $46.00 bodies of palestinians killed in similar raids. and since 2016 they've got a $194.00 bodies that they've refusing so far. to return to the families, there was also another vitamin right in jeanine now pretty much nicely. now it is a sensor of palestinian resistance that the well, the violent confrontations on the gad, improvised explosive device was thrown at him. his riley, military, g burnett, smith, alger 0, ramallah, of the conflict in guns that has shifted thousands of lives. how many of us on palestinians and managing to make a living against the owns mohammed found reports of the long term. and what if my name is i've done my job is to 10. and that's exactly what this 15
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year old, you know, does. he spends most of his day manually tending a we attached to his father, a sewing machine to allow him to month close for our living. before the war, there was no need for this message was under to complete a continuous spell out almost 2 names of false to find alternatives and the full, i don't know if i up as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. i've been a tailor for 25 years and have already become highly proficient. but in light of the current circumstances, i'm trying to just do what's available. so we have to replace the motor with this we. we turn it to manually to create the rotation needed for the so when you can see it provides 50 percent of the power provided by a multiple you know what to match. it says, although his working conditions are much more difficult, now, he's not to increase,
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despises and whitening the pos to use to create complete new designs. now, his thoughts slide with basic stitching and went into his closet. that's what most of his clients are asking for. not nearly 3 months of intensity, these lady bombardment underground operations. i've left off a 100 other cities in the guise of everyone's essential amenities such as water, electricity, and food. nearly impossible to find hundreds of thousands have lost their homes and livelihoods. magic considers himself lucky to be able to work on to provide some kind of service to the community. asked about that is of working in an open streets . i mean, bombardments. he said, well if everything is by god's will, what will happen must happen. no one can escapes once a day when its hour has come, nor will dismiss its target. it's
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a common belief among what seems but much more. so now i'm on the people of god, how much fun i'm does here. and i love the look of. i joined us once again here in the studio, the director of the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs. we heard from our a correspondence honey, who is in rough uh, talking about this 2 minutes here in situation as it stands right now. he said that uh people are lining up all day at the moment for less than a gallon of water that most of the time isn't even that fresh to drink. i mean, the will continues to watch and do very little at this point in time. what more can or should it be doing now that we've moved into 2024? and what is the unfolding now? it's increasing is becoming less about thomas and about the collective punishment of the palestinians. we've have 22008000 the children. we have the ongoing starvation of the population, and i think both of us combined are highlighted how is it wants to really force the
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displacement of the thousands out of the course and pressure community has been doing what it's can at the, at the end. but it's not really quite enough at this stage. there should be more pressure on israel in this new york to and this i'm going genocide who was in south africa, take your case of genocides to the international court of justice. what else should all the countries i'd be trying to do now? well, this case is actually very important than having highlights how is or it was actually taking this quite serious use usually does not engage with such accusations. but this is because of the signatory to the i, c g. it has to now respond. and if it's actually a proven that is the genocide and actually further international condemnation, when photos look at the end of apartheid in south africa, how did duty apartheid? and it ended with a strong nationalist movement inside south africa plus combined sanctions, as well as a international pressure on the apartheid regime. i think this is really what needs to happen to isn't the end it's working. well,
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obviously south africa has stepped out table. what about other countries, are you expecting more from the arab nations, for example? well, out of nations and the some countries that while i see what went around the word from the division to, with a china, to go to russia, to add pressure on the national community. but actually that could be doing a much more to put pressure on uh, on the, on the part of things and actually maybe go back to the other piece initiative and have this as part of any of the normalization views that there have potentially going to happen with saudi arabia and other countries. okay, thank you. once again, we really do appreciate your, your time and your insight. thank you. a spell. so hit hit on al jazeera, tough economic times in the occupied west bank. we'll tells you why the palestinian authority is on the verge of bankruptcy. and we will also have the license from japan where at least 48 people have been killed to it was struck by magnitude and 7.6 as quick
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however says no down pulse continue across the good parts of indonesia and more big and heavy showers of tools west, the side of the region, one and excess of a 100 millimeters of freight coming across service, parts of the wealth and, and it stays very unsettled around them, and they peninsula into some, entre west and areas of 40 and not too bad into the filipino to drive by the states and spells of sunshine, but the usual hate of the day shall certainly a possibility of a similar picture that to into a vietnam with the most easily monsoon continued to push the showers in across the region. the showers still continue to across the eastern parts of australia, but starting to east. so if you see the still lots of storm shift to the east of abreast been that we've seen some very heavy rain recently for the heavy and foundry showers a possibility over the next couple of days. it looks lots of stones to down towards
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the se in the, in the southwell, since the east composite of victoria this area of high pressure that will not just way a little further east west. i some try, but a still in place. the phone is even full the time big, but it's not where to where the fit wednesday across that eastern side of the new south wells into web victoria still a few showers just around the gulf coast. i the sort of press but the heavy ones, possibly towards the north, scattering the showers, to all the way to was the top and the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the cell of fighting between is ready forces and the um, doing it from us is continuing around 3 refugee camps in central council. nearly 22000 palestinians had been killed since as well began its attack on the strip 3 months ago. israel supreme court has struck down the controversial rule that would have
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restricted his control of the government. the changes were originally passed by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his bride when government sparking nationwide protests. and at least for palestinians had been killed off the confrontations with his ready forces. the account kenia and the occupied with bank at least 7 palestinians were arrested as rarely soldiers, also storage in a refugee camp and the city itself. it's of israel is once again withholding tax revenues from the palestinian authority, the move code bankruptcy of dorothy and seriously hom, the economy and the occupied with bank. as in ron conde reports from ramallah, the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the palestinian authority will p a, but it's in danger of going bankrupt and with the palestinian economy. the crisis is the worst the p a has suffered since it was established in 1993 of the deals low
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accords. israel refuses to give the p a its own money to pay a ton, collect its own tax revenues, and relies on israel to do so. what economics professor explains why you fucking buddy's home, our block, we'll go from the circle, pears agreement, put a lot of restrictions on the palestinian economy, which stopped it using his own resources as it sees fit and is really is have it restricted policy and economic growth as a result of the policy and you know, toward the, wasn't able to manage the economy successfully because of this and couldn't establish economic institutions to develop and independent economy. the policy and you know, authority remains the key economic dr. palestinians implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average of between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker. because israel is withholding the tax and a lot of people hold on well the, the sell it
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a we got covers only 40 to 60 percent of our needs. so we have to look for other jobs. some workers used to look for jobs in as rarely, cities. now that's also being taken away from us and this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel. these rarely saved will release the money, but with deductions and no money to pay employees in gaza. the pay has refused this and says israel must pay oh, that's owed. the issue has driven a wedge between lies america and israel. the last president joe biden is putting a tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds to the palestinian authority. lots of the apartment is to is also under a tremendous amount of pressure from within his own coalition party. the open the right system for right fund on some of the set, but for the small trades has said publicly, not a single cycle will be transferred to the palestinian authority. if it does, then he's going to quit the colorless government. and that could at the very least mean early elections, but probably the end of prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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whose political career. the us though, is clear. it won't say revitalized pe to take a vengeful control and goes off to the will. anything other than a week, p a is not something is wrong ones. and currently the far as he is weak as it has ever been and it's getting weaker and wrong calling out is there i'm on but we have some breaking news now in japan. airlines jet has cooled fire on the runway. it's took years, i need airports, we're not too sure at this point in time if it is related to the quakes that have rocks japan over the last 24 hours will. so when we get more information, we will bring it to you. of the russian missile strikes on you, cranes, capital,
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and other cities have killed at least full of people and injured thousands in k rescue as have been pulling wounded people out from under the rubble of destroyed buildings. the targets in the south and west were also has ukraine's main pal authorize. this is the strikes of, of 250000 people without electricity. but let's get more now from se baker joins us from cavan, russia once again heading the heart of your crime. how extensive have these licensed attacks pain was quite extensive. your understanding from the matter of key vitalia eclipse code that several sites in the capital key, which we understand that there was some direct strikes we actually had and felt those in the hours of this morning. now, just to give you an idea that the strikes started around 2 30 am local time and went on for several hours. now, as i said, you can hit the air raid sirens, you can hit the anterior across to guns, fire and get those missiles. and the sounds of explosions will also be felt those
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impacts when they struck. now if i just step back to frame, uh, this is one of the buildings that seems to have been hit by dave. we had the several across the 15. the rest of the team on the ground, they have been a number of people in judge, and this is a 1st aid being administered. but as you can see, even though keith has a defense is when they strike those missiles is always a challenge that the dave reveal full and residential areas. and that's what's happened. we believe in this case. now when those attacks are taking place, the warning, the sun type 2, people have keys to stay in the shelters. now ukraine, 2nd largest city, car key. that's also being hit in the med that described it as a massive attack and told people not to come outside and to remain in the shelters . and that this is uh, folding, gone from a few days of intense it strikes the most intensive on the 29th of december. but
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this arch is a nice thing that today is one of the most, most of a text since the early days of the will. like i think so much as it for that update as it beg for us and cave at least 40 and people have been killed in wisdom, japan off to the region destroyed by a powerful as quite the 7 point. 6 magnitude. quake happened off the coast of the chicago of prefecture, causing widespread damage. well then a 1000 members of japan's military helping rescue team search for survivors. so nami warning has now been lifted past due to jean. thank you, i. yeah, i have received reports that very large scale damage has been new for i including numerous casualties, building collapses and fire it gives i my hot safety as to the power outages on order outages and communication disruption is that are currently occurring. the workers have been on site and are in the process of restoring them.
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you will commit unit kim has more from kind of our in japan. this is a residential enclave. and i'm going to just step out of frame for our camera man to show you the aftermath of that magnitude. 6 points or sorry, 7.6 quake. although the power in this area was probably closer to magnitude 5. but you can see just the damage the, the ground giving way under these homes and entangled among them are cars. you can see a car just squashed under a i this located home and neighbors here say that there were people inside of these homes when the ground shook, but as far as they know, nobody have died. thankfully from this amazing scene here. neighbors say that the gas and water are still cut. so we see people staffers here trying to kind of bring some semblance of order into this
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residential enclave. but they say that they have managed to get a power back, but you should call us is a coastal prefecture of some 1000000 people on the west of japan main island of point of view. this is the region that has taken much of the damage, not to mention our tremors and after shocks from that new years they quake it on the north is the up in center of this quaking know to peninsula and according to japan's public broadcaster, in each case most of the know states holidays are being confirmed in watching my cities as the weather agency here in japan are wanting people to stay away from the coastal areas, at least for the next week. in particular, in the coming few days, the fits return now to uh, breaking news from tokyo with a passenger jet has court firewall landing at any airport. as you can see,
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fire cruise struggling to put out the blaze which has completely engulfed the entire a 350 a craft. it is unclear at this stage if anyone was on board and if they had been any casualties or injuries through is one report from local media that is suggested that the jet collided with a close god plight. we will have much more on this as it comes to hand with south korea now. positionally that lead j milne has been stabbed in the south eastern city of the sun. he's been flown to the capital sol delta site, his injuries and not life threatening local media side. lee was touring the sides of a proposed airport when a man asking for an autograph, suddenly lunged forward and stepped in in the nick demands being taken into custody . please, democratic party narrowly lost the 2022 presidential election. both are these in
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sierra leone have released 352 prisoners off to the president of them and used a pod and it follows an attack on the military. um, are you into prisons in november which the government called co? 21 people were killed and around 2000 prisoners escaped from the capital of main jail. chad's interim president general mohammed addressed d. b has appointed a full opposition lead as prime minister success smith's room was one of these long time opponents. he went into exile soon off to protest against the chance miller truthful in october last year. he's told the government he wants to continue talks to find a peaceful political solution. somalia has reacted angrily to a deal between 8 to up yet. and somali is breakaway region of some of the land that would allow at us about a to secure access to the red sea. a memorandum of understanding is expected to allow it to establish a coastal marine bodies. and access to


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