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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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let's say the city that's on, if that's possible, i would have to switch the fresh vessels in central and southern gaza. a mazda is full, so say the funding is really trips in conyers, the ultimate cry, this is l g 0. live from doha. also coming up a struggle to survive in southern gaza. we hear from displaced palestinians families with little access to food and shelter. israel target's cities across the
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occupied west bank and organize raids, at least for palestinians have been killed in japan and passenger pines this into flames. on the runway and talk to us and then it pulls up to reports of a collision. the, the number of palestinians killed in israel is war on gaza has now surpassed 22000 according to the territories health industry. these really ami has stepped up, strikes and southern gaza, a day off to it, announced plans to pull out some of its troops on the ground. this intense fighting mazda is ongoing, says it's killed. cyril is rarely sold just by exploding a mine field, and destroying tanks. the israeli military says it's killed several homos members along causes. coastline are in the north. the extent of damage is becoming clear in areas where it is where the soldiers have been leaving. video obtained from the
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kansas city shows bodies long and neighborhoods that are reduced to rubble of more of this honey mcmurray joins us live from rafa in southern gaza. and honey is where it might be pulling some of his troops out of gaza, but the aerial bombardment and the fighting on the streets is only intensified. can you just bring us up to date with the latest? the yes tom of the past hour is just what makes sense increased then then 1050 on the scale of bombardment in the central part of the guys for and the city of han you and is the largest city in the southern part of the gaster. but we're talking about more more buildings being targeted residential buildings as well as other public facilities infrastructure to reports about many people have been killed in these air strikes. the in addition to the ongoing non stop constant artillery is showing
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they've been going on for several days. now i'm at the, at the borders line from the sprint site of the entire gaza strip. that includes eastern of, of bates handling as well as eastern and jabante. 3 the gaza city as well as these print parts of the southern part of the gods. but there is also the parts uh of the gothic, where these really military unknowns. it's pulling gets the troops and from that it came under. also, heavy relentless air strikes were more residential buildings are being part of reports of, of people being killed in several other injuries where to rush to hospitals. but we know that are not functioning hospitals in the area. what's. busy going on, people are brought to these. for example, i see for a hospital if they are in gaza and what the, the, to get they are i just a basic 1st aid intervention. because there isn't any medical, a sophomore can get it with the, the option of the 3 to 5 members of the south of the medical, the staff seem a bit of a so the, the, the faith of those are critically injured is very,
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very uncertain. and the likelihood that the they are surviving is very, very slim, as most of the injures are very difficult to deal with, but most of the intense fighting is taking place. then in the city of ton unit where it is really military within the past a few days just so i pushed more is more soldiers and increase the numbers of the tale and m d. and they were talking about $30000.00 soldiers on the ground, the operating and not old in the eastern part of finding those of the son of finding the central part of the fund. is it close to the vicinity of not that are hospitalized? a detox about is really the troops pulling out, but at the same time, there's an intense bombing going on across the central parts. an hon. you can see, honey is we can see the with a has really turned the can you just, i guess update us on how it is impacting the more than a 1000000 people that a sheltering and, and make shift camps at this point in time. of the
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yes, we were just reporting from the valuations on the western side of roof i city where we witnessed the difficult living conditions of, of this place. the palestinians in this part of, of the city were hard living conditions at largely a population display policy and unprepared for this cold weather. we're talking about basic stuff like, uh, the suit of la clothing. uh, hate thing getting blank because just to keep them warm but like concerns about survive. those are becoming very, very high as we're talking about. and then vast majority of, of this with palestinians of women and children. given that the nature of how they, the community or to the palestinian society is socially constructed, lived, the vast majority of the population are made of the women and, and it still didn't. so we see in the risk of this freight of diseases as well as mountain nutrition, on the uh, the, the fear of the sprint of phenomena as
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a result of the cold weather and, and across the jobs trip. the weather can get cold with that's possible. heavy rain falls can cause the floods in certain areas. it would over one over as infrastructure and, and the terrible over whelmed the drainage system or sewage system, the, the, the chances of causing a flood in the streets when we walked in between those tense, within and, and monday roads. and it just didn't make the whole movement of everyone a little on children and women and elderly to walk in and between these, between these $0.10 as well as the main roads are black with many things as people are looking for. is it not the space to set up there since and as of now would one more than $1000000.00 people rather have running out of a space literally. ok, thanks so much honey. we really do appreciate it, honey minutes. mood for us in reference, southern gaza, as israel says, it has had military targets in syria, in response to rocket launches from syrian territory. let's get more on this from
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lucon. she is outside because they said west jerusalem. and this being a risk statement from these really forces, can you explain exactly what it said? well, we know that israel has been building syria over at many years, actually and, and quite frequently recently. but it is extremely rare to see any kind of statement, especially from this ready ami that they are specifically targeting the syrian army . so they said that they, they weren't elaboration on it, but they said they were targeting specific infrastructure belonging to the all the in this comes off the hills, all the defense minister, you have guidelines and also to the right department as to benjamin netanyahu saying they are fighting a war on 7 fronts. this includes syria and all the regional day, but so i'm also looking at a possibly a 3rd step now in garza that has the must talk about a trip with rural that's around $40000.00 troops currently in gauze. so looking at
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kind of read, applying them out out, is that the also calling a will cabinet leasing to discuss what happens a day off of the war and going. so this is the 1st time that doing it is happening around 7 pm. the same thing that have been many suggestions, a wong calling from the call and these ready to con, both costa elizabeth, possibly looking at creating clans. robinson one rule, it's ready for the name and the coffee and of any form of 2 state solution in the year as well. supreme court has rejected the controversial that would have restricted his control over the government is at the end of the proposed legal reforms as well. there was a huge package of legal reforms out the woods overruled the supreme court and put the power in the hands of the it was benjamin us and yahoo and his right way governments out. now,
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it all comes down to the reasonable standards bill. that's been a reasonable, let's close use for round, for decades by the supreme court allows them to over rule any decisions made by the government or appointments, as they deemed unreasonable. now to confuse much they quoted, the reasonableness stands of bill, but this was stripping away powers. this was paused in july and this is right across it. just behind me, i was that they were tens of thousands of people protesting this reform at so at the time when they found out of course, this was basically disappointing people, the protesting across as well. since january, since this legal reform was put into place, this is now over written, so it's going to be a very crushing defeat on next. now here's, here's my reports. for the 1st time and it's ralph history. supreme court has notified a basic rule. one of the series of laws it serves as the countries um listen
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constitution on monday, a defined is quote over ton. the reasonableness stands of bill h tells you suppose in favor 7 against justice minister, your if levine, who is one of the architects, have been the slum. the ruling saying the decision to publish during the war is the offices that the unity needed for the fight has. but opposite shanita. yeah. le page for support of the quotes. decision blaming divisions leading to the october 7th attacks. and we'd like to be meeting the, israel's paul, them in the connected approve the bill in july out of the vote was $64.00 to 0 of the opposition little bit because boy, because of the vote and still doubt some showing shame towards the government moving sleigh so there was a show full, some tens of thousands of processes. some escalated to finance and
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arrests. the bill eliminated adoption under which the court could override some government decisions and block appointments. support has claimed the court to use the power was under the caustic, but opponent said the quotes, the ability to block the problem entry overreach was an essential part of israel system of legal checks and balances to do with the 1st piece of a load up package. of judicial reforms and it's rebecca so now called the rest of the government's proposed reforms into question the reasonable understand the bill was pos just behind the and these ready to conduct the in july. and then over time did a major blow to netanyahu's coalition. the supreme court decision could once again create a whitening gulf between the coalition and public opinion at a time, the quantity unity during the war and garza. laura comes out to 0 west through to them. at least full palestinians had been killed off the confrontations with his
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ready forces in the occupied with bank. it happened during a ride near the city of cafeteria. at least 7 palestinians have been arrested. it's rarely salt is also strong. the janine refugee camp and the city is self. it's been, it's smith is a nebulous with more on this to the well doesn't raise across the occupied westbank overnight to the most serious of those in the town of as on just the visa calculated in the north of the west bank and that full palestinians were killed in violent confrontations with is rarely security forces. and these waves have kept the bodies of those for that's not unusual. they've kept the bodies of 46 palestinians who been killed in similar circumstances since october the 7th. and also overnight 7 palestinian has died in these riley prison 23 year old abdul rahman by ash was serving a 35 month sentence, 7 prisoners it since october. the 7th. it's a high number on comes against the background where israel's parliament as
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legislated huffman, the conditions for palestinian prisoners, while the national security minister. is it mobbing? give a mind with convictions for an assignment to racism, a membership of a terrier group of mine who is taking particular interest in telling his constituents how he's going to make life much how to the palestinian prisoners. no indications yet as of the cause of death of the woman. bosh, 23 years old investigations are continuing according to these riley prison burnett smith. i was just a rough numbers. this is her l is once again withholding tax revenues from the palestinian authority. the move could bankruptcy of the pharmacy and seriously home, the economy and the occupied with bank as it were on con, reports from ramallah. the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the palestinian authority. will p a. but it's in danger of
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going bankrupt and with the public opinion, the economy. the crisis is the worst. the p a has suffered since it was established in 1993 of the deals, low codes. israel refuses to give the p a its own money to pay a ton, collect its own tax revenues, and relies on israel to do so. what economics professor explains why you fucking buddy's home, our bach, we'll go from the circle. pears agreement put a lot of restrictions on the palestinian economy, were stopped it using its own resources as it sees fit and is really is have it restricted policy and economic growth as a result of the policy and, you know, toward the, wasn't able to manage the economy successfully because of this and couldn't establish economic institutions to develop and independent economy. the policy and you know, authority remains the key economic dr. palestinians, implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average of between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax and
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a lot of people hold on well the, the sell it a we got covers only 40 to 60 percent of our needs, so we have to look for other jobs. some workers used to look for jobs in as rarely, cities. now that's also being taken away from us and this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel. these rarely saved will release the money, but with deductions and no money for p, a employees in gaza. the p a has refused this and says, israel must pay. oh, that's owed. the issue has driven a wedge between allies and the erica and his role. the last president joe biden is putting a tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds to the palestinian authority. lots of the apartment is to is also under a tremendous amount of pressure from within his own coalition party. the open the right system for right fund on some of the set, but for the small trades has said publicly, not a single shuttle will be transferred to the palestinian authority. if it does,
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then he's going to quit the coalition government. and that could at the very least mean early elections, but probably the end of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his political career. the us though is clay it once a revitalized p, a to take a vengeful, controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week, p a is not something is wrong ones. and currently the far as he is weak as it has ever been, and it's getting weaker and wrong calling out is that i'm on a silly hit here on al jazeera somalia re ex angrily to day between the break way of reaching if somebody lands an 18 or if you wanna access to the red sea, the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that. and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the
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fact that is and has declared war on no coupons, people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, what constitutes extent, so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we want fees. we want, i want to the policy of the women to get 50 percent representation and even accountability benefits. no 1000 service this claimant reports for that i should just trust that unity often as the cool that used to produce outstanding gymnast them out as
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the integrity in the pursuit of the the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stores, the salad, the number of palestinians killed in israel's war on guns, so it has now surpassed 22000 people according to guns, as health ministry. that says, new video obtained from kansas city shows bodies lying and neighborhoods reduced to rubble in areas where it is rarely soldiers have left boxes. um, when says it's killed, several is ready troops by destroying tanks and a mine field. these rarely, military citizens killed several, some osmond. this alone costs as coastline is ground fighting continues because
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of the southern city of ross. i had a population of 280000 people before israel's will began. now nearly a 1000000 displays, palestinians of sheltering them most struggling to survive with basic necessities like food bulls and medicine. in short supply, we consume sherry for boats. busy newman, elbow, java, his wife, and children are getting used to a new life and rougher in southern gaza. a make shift dentist home for 8 family members for the foreseeable future. they were forced to move from bed noon and northern casa, due to his rarely strikes. life here is a struggle. they spend the day waiting in lines for what food and water they can get and searching for basic necessities. or did they own uh, we begin or day and my role is lighting. the fire was woman needing the bread and now there's washing the dishes and other one,
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washing the clothes. after preparing the bread, we have breakfast and then we line up for water, of course, salty water from a place that's a bit far out. tens of thousands of displace palestinians and a similar situation. more than half of cause us 2300000 population has crowded into its southern most city. that's off the is red, designated the region, a safe zone. and yet, went on to bowman. you and shelters a crowd of beyond capacity. many people of pitching tens any where they can find, including long roads. the book full program says it's system of supplying basic necessities to gaza. is on the verge of collapse, leaving displays families left to fend for themselves, and i own less expected burnett. i'm a mother of 6 goes a maybe that makes it difficult for me to get food or even water. the water contain is a heavy for the goes to car. we also our ability to get firewood is limited because
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my husband is the only one who is able to carry it in recent days, 100000 more displays, palestinians have of live to drop. these rarely been the 3 says is expanding from the operations targeting areas in central and southern because families live in futile phone going as strikes and the growing threat of illness and disease. to do you, when says new, it is safe and the seats drift as a new year begins, most misplaced palestinians have won this only. i think it honestly. my wish for the new year 2024 is for the occupation to disappear. its existence is the cause of the problems. russell was the last place of refuge for this case, palestinians, but now many fear they could be forced from casa for good. michel, some chevy. i'll just see the the
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opportunity to some breaking news now from japan where a passenger jets is called file on the runway of tokyo's and the airport local media reporting, the japan airlines jet collided for the coast guards, playing emergency workers have been trying to put out the place, but also more in this way, a joint from tokyo, by patrick fall, can picture do we have any more details about exactly how this happens. that also trying to get those details, but there are some other developments that we're hearing about as well. a lot of the focus has been on the face of the passengers on board that japan airlines flights. uh but so the japanese news network took care of broadcasting station is now reporting that 2 of the crew members of both the coast guard are playing dead
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ends, went told as well. but the captain is in critical condition. we still don't know about the condition of the whereabouts, all the of the 3 that was 6 people aboard that the coast guards play. and as i say, we're still trying to get more details about how this happened. exactly. reports also say that's and a, the ad pool to the runway is closed and definitely financial there is going to be considerable. the transports disruption in the was to come. we're not sure how long that will last. exactly. but you know, there are still lots of questions to be onset about how this happened. exactly. and who is responsible, whether or not it was the coast guard playing the quotes because you know, the other way around. yeah. so you just confirming what you said the, you understand that the 2 people on the coast got pine have now died. the captain is in critical condition and 3 still accounted for. is that correct?
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yeah, that's, that's correct. so as far as we're hearing from japanese media, but you know, as i say, it has been a miracle escape ready for the passengers border as have said 379 people managed to escape. and of course, that was pictures of them queuing up to this in bako as the flights was being engulfed and smoking. at moments later, i was seeing flames coming out of the passenger windows and licking the slot side of, of the plan. and you know, the other thing, of course, and just to reiterate reports of saying that's because got plan was in the middle of rescue and recovery operations a full the ask way can was delivering a to 2 and a ga so which of course is want to be affected the areas and so this is where the ada to japan's was at the stats of this. yeah, i thank you so much patrick, for that update of this breaking story. that is patrick fault for us and talk here
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at least 40 i had people had been killed in width in japan after the region was struck by a powerful it's quite the 7.6 magnitude quite happened off the coast of chicago, a pre fixture causing wide spread damage more than a 1000 members of japan's military helping rescue teams. search for survivors. so 90 warning has now been left is past due to jean. thank you. i. yeah, i have received reports that very large scale damage has been new for i including numerous casualties, building collapses and fire it gives i my hot safety as to the power outages on order outages and communication disruption is that are currently occurring. the workers have been on site and are in the process of restoring them to oppression. missile strikes on you kinds, capital and other cities have killed at least 4 people and injured thousands. explosions were heading keys in the eastern city of hockey's targets in the south. and west were also hits, somalia has reacted angrily to
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a deal between 8 to europe yet, and somali is break away region of some of the land that would allow a as a bother to secure access to the red sea. memorandum of understanding is expected to allow it to you if you to establish a coastal marine bison access to a pause. well, good issue says the deal is now and voids. alexandra bias has more the ceremony out of out of the, brought the leaders of both ethiopia and the break away territory of small the land closer to long sought goals. but similar, the 2 most of it's going to be some way land is with us. this will be the starting point for on cooperation with the brotherly people of somebody, len to grow and developed together in cooperation and ensure common security with the as we've repeatedly stated previously, we don't wish to use force on anyone rather will use what we have cooperatively
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the memorandum of understanding lease is ethiopia port facilities on small islands, red sea coast, access to the ocean had been an ethiopian priority since eritrea became independent 3 decades ago, leaving ethiopia is remaining territory, landlocked. small. the lands president says that in return, you will recognize his territory independence, somali land declared autonomy from the rest of somalia in 1991. but it's still claimed by mogadishu, the end of the signing of one of them on the we are very happy and we thank the shipping department just as we signed the agreement here. we have allowed them to columbus as a bossy, and they would also recognize us as an independent states. they will become the 1st state to recognize somebody landolfus with the signing of this memorandum of understanding. of the government of somalia announced that it will convene an
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emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the agreement to talk on which it considers a violation of its territorial sovereignty. alexandra buyers alger 0. who is that to me? told mccrae for now with the is coming out next, followed by inside storing the the hell i we go to another area or a sickening cloud just pushing across central pots of china. that's gonna bring some on settled weather in here for the next couple of days. will so grassy push across the korean peninsula, eventually making his way into that western side of japan. the quite, the fact is, of course i some shy, was there, it's that west the side of hong ship it will move through. we'll see dry weather trying to push into southern most possible the little area of snow there for a time. cost less than positive punchy, maybe up towards the north,
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and then prices guys do come back in. and by 1st i should be allows you to close the korean peninsula, cold enough, 5 or 6 celsius here by using similar conditions must drive to it's a central and southern parts of china at this stage. so happy to try by the, to, into south asia. but we have got some showers down towards the the south was a south west of all, some old days. not too bad now forced for lancaster. i was noticed. watch but as a happen in recent days. possibility one or 2 showers just around the northern plains of india, fault and smoke that remains in place. it should say a little as we go on through the next dial say, but it's still very much in evidence. meanwhile, across the river peninsula, it is 10 required shows of one or 2 showers, who was that eastern side of the region could see one or 2 showers very close to us here in cotton of the i'm charles dogs. going to raise her behind the sides. dramatized podcast from i'll
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just here to best season we here from some of history's dogs notable women and unconventional antics stores in the office. i am 40 that kind of coming this revolution of every one in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now subscribe. wherever you listen to pop, cast demonstrations worldwide reflect widespread outrage of israel's one garza young people have been at the full funds and drove into political action by the images and stories of palestinians suffering code visits. the local use support for palestine have long term impacts. this is inside stories the .


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