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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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or you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like. and it's my job defense life on how and why the fis bottles, and central and southern gaza. the boss has lots to say that's my thing is really troops in con units. the ups, the whole rahman you're watching, obviously are life headquarters here in the also coming up a struggle to survive in southern guns that we have from displaced palestinian families with little access to food volta or shelter israel and target cities
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across the occupied wes thing can i have an i rates, at least for palestinians have been killed. and in japan, a passenger plane bus into flames after a runway collision with a small at craft in tow kids. 5 people reported that the welcome to the program, the number of palestinians killed and as well as well, and garza has now surpassed 22000 according to the territories health ministry. these really only has stepped up strikes in southern gauze of the day after those plans to pull out some of its troops on the ground as intends fighting. the masses of doing says it's killed. several is riley soldiers by explaining a mine field and destroying tanks. these very military says it's killed several homeless members along causes, coastline. in the know the extent of the damage is becoming clear, right?
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and areas where it is where the soldiers have been. lead leaving video obtained from kansas city shows bodies lying in neighborhoods reduced to rubble. honey about nature draws the line from rougher in southern gaza. so it's just begin with these really pull out of the troops from gaza and the aerial bombardment that continues in the yeah, there are confirm reports about as really uh, troops of pulling it from parts of the northern part things and golf and city. i'm just the, the tragedy for some people who ran to the is the area of the world at some point controlled by these read by him is really a presence and, and the military a vehicle and on times just do a did steve remaining family members who i'm their bodies are ready to see the, on the side of the roads or in the middle of the roads of their neighborhood just to double the tragedy for many of these do. but at the same time, while there is a report about these uh, withdrawal with it from parts it goes through,
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but looking at more in tens and type thing going on in find eunice. and the central part of the goes to the for this is largely happening under heavy it covers a variable environment, particularly concentrated on the central part of the gas trip. don't directly g cans are equally bombs so far. even the city of there is but where people were told to evacuated, to, to avoid being bumped. also came under the bombardment. we're looking at a very complicated situation in terms of the large number of injuries. people are still a trap under the levels a very overwhelmed and exhausted a health facility. the only remaining facility there is a lock, so it hospital or mid sized hospital, unable to offer the sufficient medical attention and the treatment needed for those are critically injured in hon. units way within the past few days, there's really military force, more troops on the, on the ground and, and, but there seems to be heavy, intense confrontation going on. and we've seen some of these,
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these videos and footage by the palestinians fighting groups on the ground, conducting effective counter attack, the spring time spent, and killing some is really a soldiers as well. and then retaliation of dissolved as the massive ears try. it's taking place everywhere and in the city of fine units uh along the borders the it's, it's still the same, more artillery selling across the borders just from the city of bates handling all the way through rough city where more agriculture lands being raised, nor residential homes are destroyed all for an effort to make that part of the gulf stream running habitable and eventually a part of and announced the plan of creating a buffer zone in days from part of the causes of tiny little elia we so you and what can any be described as a displacement, come with need to know, facilities as a whole and with these that a winter weather still impacting the way you are. how miserable is that situation
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for those that are displaced of the we're looking at the double suffering or a triple suffering in missouri for, for some parts of the, of a rough estimate, the where people are, are squeezed into this small part of, of the city. we're looking at an area that is running out of space running out of a basic needs and supplies on top of that. the rainy width uh, whether that is causing uh, the living condition to be very difficult. with larger, the vast majority of people are largely unprepared for this cold. i remember when people were aware, when the vacuum waited they, they just ran for their lives without taking any of their belong to so unprepared largely without suitable closing for the cold weather without the blankets, without he thinks it just they the whole a point of above survival becomes
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a becomes like a questionable here really. the gust of has a seeing a large amount of harm age, but it's still the living conditions are, are made difficult by not only the bombs but also by the weather conditions as their living conditions are quite a flight in a humane coming. that means that for us in rough, thank you so cause a southern city over off i had a population of 290000 people before israel's will began. now nearly a 1000000 displaced, the palestinians of sheltering that most was struggling to survive with basic necessities like food and water and medicine in short supply and let me consume sherry for bolts. busy newman, elbow, java, his wife, and children of getting used to a new life and rougher in southern gaza, a make shift, and his home for 8 family members for the foreseeable future. they were forced to move from bed noon in northern casa, due to his rarely strikes. life here is
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a struggle. they spend the day waiting in lines for both food and water. they can get and searching for basic necessities. i did the we begin our day and my role is lighting. the fire was woman needing the bread and others washing the dishes and the other one, washing the clothes. after preparing the bread, we have breakfast and then we line up for water, of course, salty water from a place that's a bit far out. tens of thousands of displace palestinians and a similar situation. more than half of cause us 2300000 population has crowded into its southern most city. that's off the, is red, designated the region, a safe zone. and yet, went on to ball, met you and shelters across beyond capacity. many people of pitching tends, anybody can find including long roads. both full program says it's system of supplying basic necessities to gaza is on the verge of collapse,
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leaving displace families left to fend for themselves. and i own less expected burnett. i'm a mother of 6 goes a maybe that makes it difficult for me to get food or even water. the water contain is heavy for the goes to car. we also our ability to get firewood is limited because my husband is the only one who's able to carry it in recent days, 100000 more displays, palestinians have lived in 12th. these rarely been the 3 says, is expanding front operations. targeting areas in central and southern casa families live in futile phone going as strikes and the growing threat of illness and disease. do you when says new, where is safe in the seats strip? as a new year begins, most misplaced palestinians have won this only i think it honestly my wish for the new year 2024 is for the occupation to disappear. its existence is the cause of the
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problems. the russell was the last place of refuge to displace palestine in the now many here. they could be forced from casa for good. and the consumption of eve, i should see, you know, these are the ministry size is carried out as pricing syria, best response to 5 rockets load from syrian territory lights on monday that the tax had what is the israel described as 3 in the military infrastructure on the outskirts of damascus lower account has moved from west jerusalem. well, we know that israel has been building syria over at many years, actually and, and quite frequently recently. but it is extremely rare to see any kind of statement, especially from this ready ami that they are specifically targeting the syrian army . so they said that they, they weren't elaboration on it, but they said they were targeting specific infrastructure belonging to the army. and this comes off the hills, off the defense minister, you have guidelines,
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and also it's right departments to benjamin netanyahu saying they are fighting a war on 7 sons. this includes syria and all the regional day, but so i'm also looking at possibly a 3rd step. now in garza that has the must talk about a truth with rural, that's around 40000 troops. currently in gauze. so they're looking at kind of read, applying them out out, is that the also calling a will cabinet leasing to discuss what happens a day off of the war and going. so this is the 1st time the doing it is happening around 7 pm. the same thing that have been many suggestions, a wong calling from the con out these ready to con, board costa elizabeth, possibly looking at creating plans rather than one rule. it's really put the name in the coffee and of any form of 2 state solution. or at least the old hosting, he ends up being killed off. the confrontations with his riley falls isn't occupied westbank. so it happened during a reign of the city of columbia. at least 7. tell us the means of being arrested.
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is there any soldiers also stole the janine refugee camp and the city of san fit. but a smith is a novelist with will the will, doesn't raise across the occupied west bank overnight to the most serious of those in the town of, as on just the visa count cuba in the north of the west bank and that full palestinians were killed in violent confrontations with is rarely security forces, and these waves have kept the bodies of those for that's not unusual. they have kept the bodies of 46 palestinians who been killed in similar circumstances since october the 7th. and also overnight a 7 palestinian has died in these riley prison 23 year old abdul rahman by ash was serving a 35 month sentence 7 prisoners it since october. the 7th. it's a high number on comes against the background where israel's parliament as legislated huffman, the conditions, the palestinian prisoners of the national security minister. is it mobbing?
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give a man with convictions forward, simon to racism a membership of a terrier group of mine who's taking particular interest in telling his constituents how is going to make life much harder for palestinian prisoners? no indications yet as of the cause of death of abdul rahman. bosh, 23 years old investigations are continuing according to these riley prison. bernard smith, alger 0 numbers is riley's once again withholding tax revenues from the palestinian authority. the me could bankrupt the authority and coal, serious home to the economy in the occupied west bank because they're more uncomfortable. it's now from real a the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the public opinion or far as he will p a. but it's in danger of going bankrupt and with the palestinian economy. the crisis is the worst, the p a, a suffered since it was established in 1993 of the deals,
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low codes. israel refuses to give the p a, its own money. the p a con, collect its own tax revenues, and relies on israel to do so. what i cannot mix professor, explains why you fucking buddy's home. our bach, we'll go from the circle. pears agreement put a lot of restrictions on the palestinian economy, were stopped using his own resources as it sees fit and is really is have it restricted policy and economic growth as a result of the policy and, you know, towards, he wasn't able to manage the economy successfully because of this and couldn't establish economic institutions to develop and independent economy. the policy and you know, authority remains the key economic dr. palestinians, implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average of between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax and a lot of people of be able to hold on one of the couple of the sell it a we got covers only 40 to 60 percent of our needs. so we have to look for other
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jobs. some workers used to look for jobs and as we're in the cities that know that's also being taken away from us and cluck. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel. these rarely cybill released the money, but with deductions and no money for p, a employees in gaza. the p a has refused this and says, israel must pay oh, that's owed. the issue is driven a wedge between allies, america, and his ro. the last president joe biden is putting a tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds to the palestinian authority. lots of the apartment is the, is also under a tremendous amount of pressure from within his are in coalition party. the open the right system for right fund on some of the set, but for the small trades has said publicly, not a single cycle will be transferred to the palestinian authority. if it does, then he's going to quit the coalition government and that could at the very least
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mean early elections, but probably the end of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose political career the us though, is clay it once a revitalized pe to take a vengeful, controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week p a is not something is wrong ones. and currently the force he is weak as it has ever been. and it's getting weaker iraq on orders that are on the a. well, still a head here on out, is there a smaller you react angrily to a deal between the break away. we submit some of the land and the theory on access to the red sea, the hello. we got some live video chat was across the amazon pace and as per usual, big some of the hits just showing up here and we'll see some of the weather to it's
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northern paul salvas. and trina power require require dental is a southeast corner of a personnel further south. it's on the one side for the fulton's pool standby, getting up to 19 degrees celsius. less moments ago went into west like the mostly wind, still in place here. plenty established in across mount show for sale, pushing up towards peru towards the equitable season with the weather coming in here. as we go on through the next couple of days, the weather to making his way across the cap and see this planck line of cloud. that's still in place that will bring more heavy showers there and some to corrupt to costa rica central america's a little bit away by and then it just makes his way across jamaica ac. using further, reese with some west, whether that's a southern positive cuba. in so hispaniola tell us have one or 2 showers to it to the east, the knowledge of the caribbean, and a lot of some sign in between. fabulous on the side across north america as well. we have got to shower clearing away from the east disabled. we have got the west to whether the coming into texas, louisiana. i will make his way further, eastwood. and then we got some very wet weather coming in across the west coast of
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the west, pushing further south with antennae to snow over the mountains. the president biden says, wants a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media on how to 0 government shut off access to social media the
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the book about 2 weeks ago, just bear with me. so romney, how reminder of all the top stories, the number of the kind of study, and skilled and as well as long casa, as now, as the past, the 22000 people, according to causes health ministry. that says, new video obtained from kansas city shows bodies lying in neighborhoods reduced to rubble in areas. what is really so just of left from us as i'm doing, says it's kill separate us by the troops. by destroying times in the mine field is really military says it's killed several homeless members along dogs as co sign as ground fighting continues, at least for palestinians have been killed after confrontations with these rady forces in the, in the book supplied westbank to at least 7 kind of studies arrested. is there any soldiers also storm jeanine refugee camp of a city of sunsets to join us is to do it by salt and barrel. coffee is professor of public policy time. i've been police at university kentucky with us on the program
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. a sultan again, we just became with the legal process is ongoing. now at the international court of justice, south africa petitioned on the issue of genocide against israel. israel's attorney general and foreign ministry together did decide that they have to attend those. hey rings. where does it go from here? now, obviously it is a very intricate case, but if they do find in favor of south africa, this causes israel, great problems, of course. and the i, c, g work slightly differently from the i, c, c, the international criminal court. and that it's mandate the covers all the states simply because the members of the united nation and as well for, for them, it's very important to be recognized as a state. mean, this is the only just the only country and a lot of the talk, some of the right to exist. every other state is comfortable within their own
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foundation. and so understands very well that the artificial way in which it was created within them and the lease as also belonging is very, very important. the other important aspect for as right is that this was one of the 1st signatories to the genocide convention back in august 1949. and obviously because of their own experience in europe, the, the genocide that's happens with a holocaust and so on. it matters to them. so south african made the very, i think a smart move to bring this case to the i c g on this particular convention, which made it impossible for those right. these 2 robots at all, to, you know, brush at the side as, as relevant, which they have done for many other cases and brought against them in various you. and so for instance, on now, the issue has now developed into as well accusing in south africa of being biased and that they are there to destroy the state of israel that they are about thursday
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is to try so. so they've come up with all these accusations which they could have maybe a better way with it's had they levels it against a country like iran who has denied is arouse right to exist or who has supported. how might i set up in the south africa and the way they address this issue? they started by condemning the acts of how mass on the 7th of october. and they are purely focused on the fact that as right by the, to an up to the 29th of december, when the case was filed, has murder more than 21000 civilians without treaty as treating any, any, any clear goals. and in that they are, they seem to be pursuing a genocide against the palestinian people and specifically within gods, or they did not go for the general definition of unassuming people because that with a gain take them into loops that could be in this. and i, i suspect this is going to be in the new year, probably the most important instrument of international pressure against, as well,
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is really is under pressure right now. because in february, in, in a few weeks time, independent of what happened, don't type of the some of the public hearings through the i c j, i think to be through the i c, c of a discrimination against palestinians. the occupied territories over public hearings that yet coming back to what's happening with the south africa case. how concerned will other countries be on you might say the verdict, all the, the opinion of the i c j when they've taken a position to support his right of all of a sudden if it does see in south africa's favor european countries that can have bit of a lender on the hands of this and also so it was a us, i think they are and they should be. and what di c, j does 2 things in the immediate term. what's in the south africa's calling for our interim measures, which could actually amount to the i c j or during is right to stop this war. and then anyone who, who helps his route to continue that to war then becomes liable. would israel be
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obliged to actually listen to the i c j? if they want to be a state the colonize as a state play as a state, then they need to listen to the st. don't what happens? well, then they then have the right to exist. that's a problem. i mean they, they are calling, they are defining themselves as a state. so you'll have to live within those and orders of the state, icy i. c, j is slightly different from the un security council, and that they're, they're protected by their nice states. and they, they can veto the decisions. and this is going to go to a group of judges who are driven by mortality envelope. and this is really the last a standing order of the or with based orders that we have and now have lived in since 1945. if the i c j is not respected, then the whole thing is, is going to collapse. we shall see what happens suddenly as i want to watch in the days i had something better, can't think he will take more as they think day progresses. thank you. us with mold at 90 percent of goals as population displaced by israel as well as finding food
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and shelter is becoming increasingly difficult. the situation. so dive in the southern city of rafael. this summer being forced to seek refuge can ensue waving the animals stopping alex bad has more animals and humans seeking safety side by side is rails. religious attacks forcing displays, palestinians to shelter with monkeys and lions at rough as an am sky, if not nor, hey, well, not a lot of probably because i'm not scared and because the animals here are more merciful than the tanks and planes of these really enemy will strike without prior warning, and without mercy, with full force and cruelty against our people. there are many families who have been completely wiped out. and now all our families are staying at this new living amongst the animal is more merciful than the plains in the sky. when the, despite suffering from chronic hum give themselves time is found to care for the animals. but for many the fame and like conditions too much for monkeys have died
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from starvation. a 5th is bailey, a life on a tunnel, sophia and the some of the animals are struggling just to survive. but what about humans? we have a dying monkey due to a lack of food being fed by hans because he cannot eat on his own. these scenes are painful and difficult to seeing. painful for both humans and animals yet. yeah, i knew what the lions is so hungry that the newly boom cubs aren't expected to survive. visitors big sees the mother may be forced to eat the then all the heavy and well then that so we asked for the conditions here it is very tragic. there is a food with water and medicine. a shortage without doing a lions. we tried to offer them a meal per week. sometimes we cannot have been beaten dry bread soaked in water is just to keep them alive. the situation is tragic, something like that. and then there's, there's, oh no, see if the situation is only going to get worse due to the like a suit voice for the animals. and so the displace palestinians has been forced to
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seek safety with them. that would be it, which is 0. the spring, some breaking you, stay on top of japan that we've been following, where a passenger jets has caught fire on the runway to case i need to apple. now the japan airlines jet collided with a case called plain 5 people were killed on the small at craft, but everyone on the passenger jet made it out to life. emergency workers have been trying to put out the blaze. bunch of salt as well from take to so in a to apple watch with runway is closed and definitely finance. so there is going to be considerable, a transport disruption in the hours to come. we're not sure how long that will last . exactly. but you know, there are still lots of questions to be onset about how this happened. exactly. and who is responsible,
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whether or not it was the coast guard playing the close the collision with the other way around to as far as we're hearing from japanese media. but you know, as i say, it has been a miracle escape ready for the passengers. a border as have said, 379 people managed to escape. and of course, that was pictures of them. queuing up to this in bako as the flights was big in dolton in smoking, the moments later seeing flames coming out of the passenger windows and licking the slot side of the plane. yeah, the other thing, of course, just to reiterate reports of saying that's because got planned was in the middle of rescue and recovery operations a full the last week and was delivering aid to 2 and a god. so which of course is one of the affected areas and so this is where the ada to japan's was at the start of this. yeah, for at least 48 people have been killed in western japan after the region was struck by a pa last quake. the 7.6 magnitude quake happens all the codes,
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the vision co op prefecture, causing widespread damage. more than a 1000 members of japan's military helping rescue teams, such as the volume is less than all me, warning has now been lifted past due to jean. thank you. i, yeah, i have received reports that very large scale damage has been new for i, including numerous casualty, is building collapses and fire. it gives i, my hus safety as to the power outages on order outages and communication disruption issues that are currently occurring. the workers have been on site and are in the process of restoring them to south carolina position lead a legal moon has been stopped in southeastern city of bu son, and i don't to say is injury adult life threatening. local media certainly was touring the songs of a post cold weather man. a spring for an autograph, suddenly lunged forward and stopped him in the neck. the man's being taken into custody leave the democratic party, natalie lost the 2022 presidential election. the russian miss armstrong,
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sonya kinds capital and other cities are killed. at least 4 people in key rescues have been pulling wounded people out from under the rubble of destroyed buildings. ukraine's main power operates and says, 250000 people all without attic tricity. a subject has moved from keith. so, we've been told that there are hundreds of massages launched. ukraine says that they've inception most of those, but some have monies to get through. not here in case you're told by the math restarted critical, the several sites has been hit now at one of the sites. and if we're going to show you the impact here, it seems like it landed right behind is creating this must've create as you know, from the authorities that 40 people over 40 people haven't entered this block off without these apartments of also one person sofa has been killed at the site. now they were fires across keith from those impacts and it started in the early hours
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of this morning, the air raid sirens through and tough. you could hear the air defenses firing into the sky. we had those explosions, but also we felt and heard the impact when those missiles managed to get through. now ukraine 2nd largest city khaki was also here to extensive the in the mid they told people to, to remain in the shelters as it was not safe aside, not ukraine's doing his best to talk to him to sit these missiles. but despite the defenses, some of the refreshing themselves are still getting to the reality is that keep the captain has not faced this intensity of bombardment since the early days of the wolf. smalley, it has reacted angrily to a deal between ethiopia and some of the is break away region of some of the lines that would give addis ababa access to the red sea is expected to allow ethiopia to establish a coastal marine bodies, an access to port will cause issues as the deal threatens peace and stability in the region. as alexandra buys explains
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this in.


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