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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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has all but to indulge large scale is really police surveillance and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east ridge to live with movement being restricted, and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. the face puzzles and central and southern guns almost as full. so say that the only thing is really troops in con units the products of their life with headquarters here in the coming up in the next 30 minutes. they struggled as the volume in southern guns are displaced, palestinian families have little access to food, water, and sanitation. israel target cities across the field combined westbank an
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overnight rates. at least the palestinians have been killed. and the japan, a passenger plane passed into flames after a runaway collision with a small craft in tow. kid 5 people are reported to dine. the welcome to the private lead palestinian red crescent says several people have been killed after israel attacked its headquarters in the southern city of con eunice. now the number of palestinians killed since october has now passed 22000 according to the territories health ministry on the ground, best intense finding. the most of the weight and size is killed. several is by the soldiers. by exposing a mine field and destroying tanks. as many military says it's killed several homos members along causes coastline. well, in the know the extent of the damage is becoming clear and areas where it is. maybe soldiers have been leaving. but they obtained from gauze and city shows bodies long
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in neighborhoods that have been reduced to rubble. turn a couple of his name is in rough ends up in gauze, and stunning by 4. so a topic tell us more about what the red cause of the saying about the cycle nat building. yes, uh so hell a new day. you best thoughts, we can you attacks on this time has been directed towards one of the main causes of the palestinian really primitive society see what she does charge to the organization that is providing medical and humanitarian services for guys as of course, the territory. this is the 2nd kind of attack that's being carried down against this institution where the names have been reported killed in this. i talked with others who have also been wounded. this is not the only attack that had been carried out at during the last couple of hours where the is very many trees elyse pressing were own with this military offensive. of course, the cost was the trip and at least during the past 24 hours, 200 palestinians being killed along side with more than $330.00 others also been
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wounded and the military focus right now directed towards the middle. good for nathan gonzalez. this trip i had had been witnessing also a systematic destruction of its residential neighborhoods alongside with the military, with the military existence of the policy and finds is to have destroyed those as all houses. today's 1st thing people to flee more to the southern cost of gauze and even find you just the 2nd largest city. of course, the territory had been a since up with the military reasons. i mean, during the last couple of hours the, onto the re shooting with this area did not stop has the, is really a military officials are looming with the option of expending the frontier on the ground inside calls district for more, more months. just this is completely was a fig get typically on the way of living inside the gaza strip as these ongoing attacks at post mass destruction as, as 70 percent of gross us residential houses being complete, your partially destroyed, we're talking about $62000.00 residential units being leveled to the ground and
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this is, this is complete because it, it to be a collective punishment for thousands as the attacks on the goals this trip did not continues that did not stop even in 2024. it started out. what was the force with that to update some rough a. thank you. the cold weather is adding to the hardship of displace palestinians many and all living and make shift tens. honey. my mood has moved from a was a collection definitely in rough. we're not only bombs are creating more tragedies for palestinians, but now we're looking at a new slide, told width and possibly flood. the weather is making the misery of the palestinian people more visible here at this. that's all the nation. water, a spacious and rough. i city were hundreds of palestinians excuses early hours of the morning. literally, we're looking at hundreds of people gather every day in a new, in a new normal defined by displacement and tear over people. the queue for more than
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half a day to get a gallon of drinking water. and at this particular they've given the weather and the difficulty is to create and on the ground this of land or operates on solar panel and with, with the sun out of the house of the side is big and it's very difficult to operate efficiently as there is a need at least 5 solid hours of ongoing sun life to keep these definitely nation station operating efficiently. electric going bit. yeah. here. let's have we evacuated from big law here we set up tents in this area. the water i'm getting is for 200 people every day we q 4 to 6 hours. today we arrive to your early hours of this morning, but i'm not sure if we'll be able to get any water at the station because it's operated by solar power. and today it happens to be raining. there isn't enough electricity to operate these purifiers these getting clean and drinking water is a challenge by itself for hundreds of thousands of palestinians. the current
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situations are making it difficult for them as they were forcibly displaced by the ongoing work for their living conditions are hard to avoid with so many lars, the on it prepared for the cold weather without suitable clothing keeping or blankets concerns over survival r. hi, honey. my mode. i was just did a rough evacuations on now these are the military size is covered out as price and serial that came up to 5 rock is the lowest from the syrian territory late on monday. now, as well as the tax hits was it described to syrian military infrastructure on the outskirts of damascus, its archive, it joins us now from telling me what more do we know about these strikes in the serious? are us right? a read statement from these riley's is not the 1st time they carry out a strikes on syria. they said the bates cargo starts on specific targets. they
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didn't mention that it was minute true. but then we heard from the syrians, state media confirming that it was actually syrian military infrastructure that was because that happened in the early hours of the morning. now, israel has said repeatedly in the last few days, not just from the prime minister himself, but also from the defense minister saying that they are fighting a war on 7 fronts. when they mention that it includes syria, it includes iraq, becomes the rebels in yemen, as well as the biggest problem of the moments of pop from the will in gaza. it's his butler, the uranium box group that space in most the southern 11 on on the northern is ray the boulder inside just a few hours ago. a couple of attacks were carried out, but hits the board, the town of tional may. now most of those residents have left quite a few, but nevertheless it hits infrastructure. there's also been casualties in the last
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few days along that northern border and then parts of those 7 fronts. of course, it includes iran itself, which is rob blaine's for lots of these groups. a box by iran, a carrying these attacks against israel. all of these groups have said that they would continue to do so as long as israel carries out its full on garza and they won't stop until then. now we notice a certain that hezbollah has been one of the biggest threats to the appointment as well. has said that if, if it is subject to mastic effort, start what it will. so consider minutes reaction against nothing. i'm sorry. we know that the delayed rule cabinet meeting is going to proceed some time during the day and we expect the defense minister and the finance minister to be very vocal in it. yeah, absolutely not because a few days ago, the finance minister as those smokes rich has been making headlines when he was very much against the wall cabinet that tried to start discussions,
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at least amongst themselves as a 5 member will cabinet as to what will happen once this will winds down and what they called the day off the off to that after he was up in arms about it. they then decided to delay that meeting to today. it will include the security cabinet. so you've got to me things that will be happening very soon. one which is a will cabinet that will discuss it and then they will discuss it with the why the security cabinet. now all of this is happening where they keep talking about the day after, and that's because the us has been pushing for answers as to what the direction is rel wants to take is. but at the same time, you have the minutes to defense. you. i've got a lot who's just been to ring gaza in the last few hours speaking to the troops there in the central parts of the gods district. saying that on uh on like what many people are thinking. but uh, actually if anything then not uh, stopped paying the come pay and then not stopping the boys,
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that they will continue. and the, the idea of stopping is rolling that stuff to back cause them taking some of the troops out of garza for various reasons. yes, today, but also the saying that they will continue to fight hard, not just in the north, not just in the center, but most the in the south now. so we're kind of that fully up there. thanks very much from tennessee. what would you like nines to do by salt and barrack has again, a professor public policy at thomas and police at university. can we just expand the what? sorry i was talking about which was the several fun. so the is riley cabinet talking about the will as they say, it's all the describe issues with syria. and then obviously the much will, serious notion of dealing with has belong on. i know them both of us to start with syria and what concerns israel the well, they sort of is unique here in the region. maybe even in the world in that it feels it has the freedom to act in a pre emptive way in order to prevent a new threat to its national security. it's, it follows that it's a bit to the american presence and you know, that they the,
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to maybe nations that have this ability to justify from time attacks like the ones to doing on syria. so what they may be going for are potential supply lines from iran to most likely has below that stuff across syria. so they'd be attacking those to try and undermine the ability of communication between in between it on and his beloved. now imagine if egypt were to take the same position, given the threat to his special security as a result of what's going on and goes up the millions of people now pushing on this board to, to present to jeff, given the attacks by 0, the world would be up in arms based or if the junction were to intervene and was going on and guys that to prevent it's a, it's for out as far as they present, but is right. unfortunately is seen, it feels that they have this infinity to act on any effect that are targeting 3 for
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other solver and nations around him. so he has not the 1st time they bomb the ones that repeatedly over the last few months. and i've been as well, and it's a, it's to, to, and just, i'm just the payables. the one thing that we've, we've seen, certainly some groups like has blog, uh they have the ability to adapt and change a news and surprise when we least expect it. certainly when it comes to israel's tactics, i would assume that has blah, has several backup plans. should the supply lines be interrupted by is really the bombing of the supply lines either in syria or anyway, the southern level, what is there has been bombing the supply lines ever since 2010 when the civil war started in, instead of yeah, so it was locked into it for that, but it has been like continues because they have creative ways of getting the supplies or alternative routes. but i don't think in this particular war,
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hezbollah has no interest in engaging as earning direct for a also, iran has been trying to avoid the confrontation with his ro because they understand where nothing you hope comes from nothing. yeah. who has obsession is in everything iran, or if it's in your fair program. and the only way to do it is to get them in direct confrontation with the nice states, his brother, united states, all the way to that media train in the right is a set and ready and ready to, to going to war. and he's looking for an excuse to irritate the radiance to a level where they engaged directly in this conflict to yeah, america's trying to avoid it. the writing is, are trying to avoid it. has a law, has developed the tactic over the last few months where they engaged as a, with a low intensity conflict, enough to allow the policy is a little bit of relief. you know, they have in there as a result of these low intensity engagement with, as well as others having to tie up much of its military resources in the north.
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there 7 to 80000 is really displaced in the north. most of them are working in agricultural set them and so forward is becoming an issue uh, food supply and his route. so the summit of all bases the united states and they are on did not want to confront each other and then yeah, who would love them to go and try to go at each. we might not want to do that now, but how much is the time in any of the united states? for example, when it comes to israel, because it's pushing israel to start a low low intensity campaign in whatever form that may be. but also, joe biden wants to make sure that israel doesn't become a gauze, it doesn't become the central piece of an election argument as he heads towards his own re election. i mean, he wants to really focus on his own domestic issue so he can fight the republicans, the reasons why you find time balance for him. isn't that odd thing is when do you think the cutoff pointed these handed his face to nothing? yeah, i don't think he has control over idea of this. nothing. yahoo,
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if he wishes he will lead them into confrontation and in the united states and fortune would be in war in the middle east for a few months to come. you can see what they've done in the red sea, mean the red, see the house. these were very clear about their target, their targeting. is there any ships that targeting specific, you know, very, very specific. and the still, the us when the blindly and mobilized campaign and, and in the red sea. now, if the house is attack these, the american ships, they will be compelled to, to respond and they will and get, you know, and they themselves deeper and different of conflict in the regions. another mentally sold it to the bank and presidents that often side wouldn't buy enough, they wouldn't to get involved. and again, let me see what happens anyway. hopefully that won't happen. so it's about that. thank you. thank. well, so head ham albany is on top of economic times the occupied westbank will tell you why the palestinian oversee is on the verge of bankruptcy. also somali reacts and relieves with deal between the break away reach of somebody,
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not then the agents on access to the red sea, the color, the rain clouds, a gathering across central parts of tronic say, some secret cloud just putting through here. and that will continue to tumble its way for the race was just pumping into this area of high pressure, which is just not going to the way the cloud and the rain and make his way across the korean peninsula easing out to the east, tennessee. so q c, hong to sing some wet weather, the quakes, those things, some of that wet weather to as we go one through. why the say that western side of home shape it will scott his way across the be some snow for a time because that western side of homes you put brightness up, refreshes up as well with the winds coming in from moving north west of the direction to actually have us guys coming back and across the creek peninsula into
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a good pots of china at the state home comb with the top the temperature from 90 degrees celsius to try to across a good possibly in the tribe event. now i'm seeing some lobby showers driven in on the north face the months in which this weather will be down towards the midnight punch. last, the march of java sinks and big and heavy showers could cool some light plus study . i'm looking too bad. they're close to for the piece that they lose on. we think a little unsettled over the next couple of days on several web spots and to push his way into the northern plains of india, the fall problems of smoke problems. there was since they remained here called a personal impulse as well. still the few showers the into southern spring, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to observe, lisa, who, rob, nevermind to the voluntary stories, the palestinian, but presence of several people have been killed. of israel attacked its headquarters in the southern city of con eunice, over 22000 people. how the students have been killed now,
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and as well as well on cost of us according to cost us health industry. amazon wing says it's killed several of the way to choose by destroying tanks, and that's a king of mine sales. these are in the military says, kill several homeless members along garza's co sign be sole palestinians have been killed off the confrontations with his body forces. we all combined westbank. it happened during a right near the city of tokyo. at least 7 palestinians have interest. it is very solid, is also stone, the janine refugee camp on the city of sunset. bennett smith, hospital from novelist to the well, it doesn't raise across the occupied westbank overnight to the most serious of those in the town of a zone. just the visa count cuba in the north of the west bank and that full palestinians were killed in violent confrontations with is rarely security forces. and these waves have kept the bodies of those for that's not unusual. they have kept the bodies of $46.00 palestinians who been killed in similar circumstances
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since october the 7th and also overnight 7. palestinian has died in these railey prison. 23 year old abdul rahman by ash was serving a 35 month sentence, 7 prisoners it since october. the 7th. it's a high number on comes against the background where israel's parliament as legislated, huffman, the conditions, the palestinian prisoners of the national security minister. is it mobbing? give a man with convictions forward, simon to racism a membership of a terrier group of mine who is taking particular interest in telling his constituents how is going to make life much how to the palestinian prisoners? no indications yet as of the cause of death of abdul rahman. bosh, 23 years old. investigations are continuing according to these rarely prison. burnett. smith islanders era novels is rarely as waltz. again, withholding tax revenues from the palestinian authority. but the move could excuse
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me. the move could bankrupt the authority and seriously hum the economy and the occupied with spying, cuz they run cold reports. so from ramallah, the, the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the palestinian authority. will p a. but it's in danger of going bankrupt and with the public opinion, the economy, the crisis is the worst. the p a has suffered since it was established in 1993 of the deals, low accords. israel refuses to give the p a its own money to pay a ton, collect its own tax revenues, and relies on israel to do so. what economics professor explains why you fucking buddy's home, our block, we'll go from the circle, pears agreement, put a lot of restrictions on the palestinian economy, which stopped it using his own resources as it sees fit and is really is have it restrictive policy and economic growth as a result of the policy and you know, toward the, wasn't able to manage the economy successfully because of this and couldn't
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establish economic institutions to develop and independent economy. the policy and you know, authority remains the key economic dr. palestinians implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average of between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker. because israel is withholding the tax and a lot of people of the able to hold on. well, the, the sell it a, we got covers only 40 to 60 percent of our needs. so we have to look for other jobs . some workers used to look for jobs in as rarely, cities. now, that's also being taken away from us. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel. these rarely saved will release the money, but with deductions and no money to pay employees in gaza. the pay has refused this and says israel must pay oh, that's owed. the issue is driven a wedge between allies, america, and his ro. the last president joe biden is putting a tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release
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the funds to the palestinian authority. lots of the apartment is the, is also under a tremendous amount of pressure from within his own total, less than politics. the open, the right system for right finance minister. but for those small intrigues has said publicly, not a single cycle will be transferred to the palestinian authority. if it does, then he's going to quit the coalition government. and that could at the very least mean early elections, but probably the end of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose political career the us though is clay it once a revitalized p, a to take a vengeful, controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week, p a is not something is wrong ones. and currently the far as he is weak as it has ever been, and it's getting weaker and wrong calling out is that i'm an independent passenger, janet test quote, file the runway tickets and a to apple attempt to colliding with
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a case called plain. the all of those on the japan airlines jets may just have to life. but 5 people on the small across what killed vince and mobile home has more cameras at tokyo sunday. the airport capture the moment of the collision of japan airlines. passenger jet struck the coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames. but staff and those on board responded fast. and all the passengers and crew made it out alive. but several of the smaller coast guard plane were killed. joe attacked good news for panel lines informed, the civil aviation bureau, the 379 people including 367 passengers and 12 crew members had been safely evacuated regarding the coast guard plain. the captain was evacuated types 5 of the crew members were concerns. go to my store within an hour, if the passenger get catching fire, there was nothing left but wreckage but extraordinarily,
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we are witnessing the file. how long i've been able to say 350. this is one of the newest models of commercial airline jets in the world. specific a cross that was flying today is just 2 years old. the coast guard says it's plane was preparing to head to the west coast to deliver a to earthquake victims when the collision happened. all run waste. honda were closed after the crash and investigation is underway to find out how the 2 planes ended up on the same runway bins and monahan how to 0. at least 48 people being killed in west, in japan, up to the region was struck by a popular quake. the $7.00 magnitude quake happened off the coast of chicago, a prefecture, causing widespread damage. bowls of a 1000 members of japan's village trail, helping rescue teams such as the volume has as an army warning has been lifted past due to jean. thank you i yeah, i have received reports that very large scale damage has been new for i including
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numerous casualties building collapses and fire it gives i my hot safety as to the power outages on order outages and communication disruption is that are currently occurring. workers have been on site and are in the process of restoring them fuels. you just came how small someone come as our engine. and this is a residential enclave and i'm going to just step out of frame for our camera man to show you the aftermath of that magnitude. 6 points or sorry, 7.6 quake. although the power in this area was probably closer to magnitude 5. but you can see just the damage the, the ground giving way under these homes and entangled among them are cars. you can see a car just squashed under a i this located home and neighbors here say that there were people inside of these
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homes when the ground shook, but as far as they know, nobody have died. thankfully from this amazing scene here. neighbors say that the gas and water are still cut. so we see people staffers here trying to kind of bring some semblance of order into this residential enclave. but they say that they have managed to get a power back. but issue carla is a coastal prefecture of some 1000000 people on the west of japan. main island of point you. this is the region that has taken much of the damage, not to mention a tremors and after shocks from that new years. they quake it on the north is the up in center of this quaking know to peninsula and according to japan's public broadcaster, in each case, most of the known states holidays are being confirmed in watching my cities as the weather agency here in japan are wanting people to stay away from the coastal areas,
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at least for the next week. in particular, in the coming few days. this sounds good opposition leader leaves. i'm a little has been stabbed in the southeastern, so to have the sun. he's confined to the capital. so dr. say his entries, adult life threatening me to say that b was toying the size of a propos apple. when a man not seeing photographs, suddenly lunged forward and stopped him in the neck without us being taken into custody. these democratic party naturally lost the 2022 presidential election. brushing miss armstrong's on ukraine's capital and other cities of killed at least 4 people in key risk is have been pulling wounded people out from under the rubble of destroyed buildings, ukraine's main power upright as as 250000 people without electricity as a bank has moved from the ukranian capital, as we've been told, is that there are hundreds of massages launched. ukraine says that they've inception most of those, but some have money is to get through. not here in case you're told by the man
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restarted, could go the several sites has been hit now at one of the sites. and if we're going to show you the impact here, it seems like it landed right behind is creating this must've create as you know, from the authorities that 40 people over 40 people haven't injured that this uh block off without these apartments of also one person sofa has been killed at the site. no, they were fires across keith from those impacts and it started in the early hours of this morning, the air raid sirens through and tough. you could have the air defenses firing into the sky. we had those explosions, but also we felt and heard the impact when those missiles managed to get through. now ukraine 2nd largest city khaki was also here to extensive the in the mid they told people to remain in the shelters as it was not safe. i sighed, not ukraine's doing his best to talk to him to sit these missiles, but despite the defenses,
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some of the refresh themselves are still getting to. the reality is that keith, the type that has not faced this intensity of bombardment since the early days of the wolf, too small, it has reacted angrily to a deal between ethiopia in small is breakaway region of some on the land that will give addis ababa access to the red sea is expected to allow you to appear to establish a coastal marine based on the access to a port. look at issues as the deal threatens peace and stability in the region and is recording at some bass. that is, if you, if you accept a biased how's the story the ceremony and i just out of the, brought the leaders of both ethiopia and the break away territory of small the land closer to long sought goals. but similar, the 2 most of it's going to be somewhere around this because this will be the starting point for on cooperation with the brotherly people of somebody land to


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