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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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these laws actually encourage more violence. 7 personal stories for a global audience. this is my you house easy way. whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the the on has them speak of this is when use live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. st. baffles across central and southern gaza. i must like to say they have a clashing with his rainy troops in fine use, trapped in limbo palace thing is too afraid of violence to attend to that homes in the north. aust stuck in terrible conditions intense across the southern city of
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rough economic warfare is ralph's strategy of withholding tax revenues makes life even more difficult across the occupied westbank passenger plane, but seem to flames off that the lighting with a small and across the tokyo, apple 5 people are killed the weed beginning garza with a number of people killed in his ready attacks has passed. 22000. another 4 have now been added to that. they were killed in the headquarters of the palestinian red crescent. the ongoing of hi, my says it's killed. several is ready soldiers using mines and also destroy tanks. is ready. army says is killed several. how much members and 31 of its soldiers have been injured. hun units in southern gaza is under intense fire from his way the tanks and wanted yes,
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that's where the palestinian red crescent is based. a baby is among the dead. there move videos are emerging of watch but destruction, the nose and guns of this footage, trying to stay direct neighborhoods and bodies lying in the streets of gauze. a city palestinians who chose to stay in northern gauze of despite his riley ami evacuation orders have described being forced from their homes and then having to shelter in the un run school. they forced us to leave during the night. we left the shows up there. they kept us on the seats for 2 weeks without having any sense. gods would punish these is right why they are killing us. they wanted us to go to the stock number, but we rejected. and we insisted to stay here and i would never leave. i told my children that we would always be here and we would never leave, even if they planned to tailor the memo georgia and the go to my, you know,
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when we 1st came here, they was electricity and water is ready for the scanner and killed off families until the citizens, i lost my brothers and my cousins, and we had to bury the know these ready for the system, the schools and the state of the 12 days that withdrew and left the shelter like this. look at the destruction room, it's huge. now there is no electricity, no volta and no food. we have nothing to watch here. we are under a ceiling. how is your thought apple i zoom is in rough. i in southern gauze as far as so todd, at the right questions headquarters has been hit yet again. it just took us to what happened here. oh yes. husband the one of the causes of the palestinian ready to visit society. in con, you just had been heads for the 2nd time, or this place had been a show for palestinians who have been evacuated from areas of confrontations alongside with con eunice. i say to you now as far as policies have to report it
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killed in this attack and a non post house seen others have been injured and they have been transported to another hospital to receive treatment. now these kinds of attacks are not the only attempts that had been carried up against charitable, non governmental organizations, despite the goals district previously, similar attacks had been carried down against united nation one shelters, and alongside with mass destruction. also for a number of non governmental organizations. inside the gaza strip, making new safe place across the territories, specially in con units which had been during the last couple of weeks. the center for the is really military operations across this very densely populated area where that is very forces that trying to gain much more control over that sexy and so what else that has been happening in, in the strip the tawny, bring us up to date on that of the as different conditions that course the gaza strip had been completely changing throughout the
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last couple of hours with the northern part to the goal is this trip. these really military forces had been with it throwing from some specific areas in gauze and now getting to move back lines and the eastern areas of the i know great segments of the chart. tori, this is step, is considered to be a tactical step made by the user, the military and the pot to mitigate the damage that had been inflicted to the it's very you could've, especially among the areas of, of the troops across the gauze district, which is considered to be very costly for the use very military, alongside with the medical branch which had been now the center of vegas, very military operations. that is very forces adopting the same systematic agenda sites that had been made in also in the northern part of the gaza strip. to have been also destroying residential houses over civil use, hats using military could be quite cool to is to open fire against residents who are working on the streets of the of mcgraw's, the rates. and i'm so wrecked, refused refuge account, and this is exactly what was happening at the north of gauze where you were at
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least 70 palestinians have been reaching unlocks the hospital, endeavoured by, as a dead body killed by the is very far. busy as and also rough as a waste of, from the is very binding into during the last couple of hours. because when the forces have targeted on agriculture lands in this area, which also gives us by clinton's occasion, that the military operations in the southern parts are intensifying. the more growing also statements have been released by the east video officials regarding more days and prolonged days of finding inside the gaza strip, which will definitely excessive base, the humanitarian conditions for it back to reason, the software and segments of the inc. i thought it was soon in rough for us. thank you. it's called the weather is adding to the hardship, displace palestinians facing many and now living and make shift tens. honey. my mood has moved from a what's a collection depot in russell? we're not only bonds are creating more tragedies for palestinians,
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but now we're looking at a new slide, told width and possibly flood. the weather is making the misery of the palestinian people more visible here at this. that's all the nation. water, a spacious and rough. i city where hundreds of palestinians excuses early hours of the morning. literally we're looking at hundreds of people gather every day in a new, in a new normal defined by displacement and tear over people. the q for more than half a day to get a gallon of a drinking water. and at this particular they've given the weather and the difficulty it's created on the ground this of land or operates on solar panel and with, with the sun out of the house. of the site is big and it's very difficult to operate efficiently as there is a need at least 5 solid hours of ongoing sun life to keep these definitely nation station operating efficiently by electric been video here. let's have we evacuated
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from big law here. we set up tents in this area. the water i'm getting is for 200 people every day we q 4 to 6 hours. today we arrive to your early hours of this morning, but i'm not sure if we'll be able to get any water at the station because it's operated by solar power. and today it happens to be raining. there isn't enough electricity to operate these pure fires. getting clean and drinking water is a challenge by itself for hundreds of thousands of palestinians. the current situations are making it difficult for them as they were forcibly displaced by the ongoing work for their living conditions are hard to avoid with so many lars, the only prepared for the cold weather without suitable clothing keeping or blankets concerns over survival r. hi honey. my, most of the, of the rough evacuations on these really ministry says it's carried out, asked strikes in syria,
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that's off the 5 rockets will find from siri and territory. late on monday is what i was a tax target in what it described as syrian military infrastructure on the outskirts of damascus to a side of how to joins us now from a tele visa. so what more do we know about these strikes for a serious well, it happens in the early hours of this morning and these re, these have confirmed that it was then that carried out these strikes. it's very ras for them to really statements, especially when it comes to syria. this isn't the fast. they've certainly have to have the types of syria in the last few days. but it's the 1st we've seen of a statement saying that it targets is ami a target that. and we've also had that concern from the syrians side saying that it happens outside of damascus and that some damage was close to materials. they said not giving any further details,
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but this is also another from the israel says it's fight, seeing they say in front, but it's 7 front. so they are fighting, obviously in gaza. they said also against palestinians in sutton, the in conflict janine in occupied westbank. but then you also have several countries where groups are being bucks by iran, syria being one of them. iraq as well as the full season. yeah. months. and then there's another threat. the biggest of them all and that has by law in southern level, and that's been firing rockets every single days. pretty much since this was sausage and all of this in retaliation they said to the will and gaza, they say these attacks will continue until as well. stops the will completely now in the last few hours. and so to me today we've had sirens golf in some of those northern border towns including show me where hezbollah, real kit hits one of the buildings that closing some damage and in the last 20
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minutes. so, so they have also been sirens along the southern towns coming from us in gaza. and that was off to a 2 day law. so it's still very much which is route putting out a tax in several countries because this isn't just about cause only, it's also involves iran. and so how do we know these really will cabinet as well? we'll be meeting this afternoon and the rhetoric that's coming out from some somebody's really politicians that they were insisting that they are not going to stop this war a yes, and this comes off a few days ago, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu like she wanted to discuss what they call the day off to once the winds down, what will happen next? who will be in control of gauze or? and that was some of the decisions they wanted to at least start to discuss. and then you had the finance minister smoke church who was enraged by the saying that
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it needs to be part of a wider discussion that involved the security cabinet that involves him. also, you have national security minister, it's a mob been given that very clearly wants it to be included in the will cabinet earlier wrong when the war started. but at the end of the day, the war cabinet is that because those are part of it. 5 members have a lot of military experience. we're expecting to find out hopefully more when those me things happen in the next hour. but the fax is that, so you have to us pressuring israel for a plan looking full. would you also have someone in the background europe that's been wondering what happens next because the to the civilian deaths so is increasing. and also there is concern when you have problems have benjamin netanyahu a few days ago saying that they want to be in control of the philadelphia access, which is the area district between the gaza strip of new south and egypt. and also when you have troops are supposed to be coming out, being pulled out,
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which is what happens yesterday. but while that's happening, you also have uh, the defense minister. yeah, i've gotten who's been speaking in the gaza strip in the last few hours to some of those troops that saying that contrary to the belief that they all winding down operations, they aren't. and they're going to continue fighting, not just in the north, where they say they are now almost in full control, but also start seeing this focus towards this. the south of the gaza strip side of high life. was there in telling me thank you. as i've seen yeah. how much politically to a smile. he says they are open to the idea of both gaza and the occupied westbank being administered by a single palestinian administration. let's go straight to nita, i mean, and anita abraham, who is in uh in bethlehem in the occupied west bank. so need to tell us more about this. it's basically we've been hearing
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from palestinian officials and from him. also officials similar lines when it comes to how, how mouse is going to be playing a role in all of this. and even after the war ends and you'll have many palestinian officials tell you, that's how mass needs to be a part of any political future. let's not forget, that's how mass is not a minute. it's a movement that has an ideology that has social institutions and has a presence in the palestinian society. so any talks about eliminating it was really being marked by the palestinians would say, how could you even delete an ideology? this is why the popularity of how much has been on the rise. you know, people here say, what did we get from the palestinian authority by playing nice towards israel. we got nothing and said, we got more illegals. really supplements,
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more aggression against the palestinians. and more cementing of these really occupation. this is why palestinians here look at how much as a 40 that will definitely have a role in the future. and indeed, when it comes to honey is remarks about being a part or accepting, being at what that one administration would be willing to be seized. because of strep, we've heard media reports that have mazda is mean, it's really that, yes, yes, and water has sent messages through the policy, the president would i best to say that there needs to be a palestinian palestinian unity. and then that's how math slamming you. had and put the only 2 reunites in one government even before the war ends and need able to humans. thanks so much for that update. need abraham in bethlehem in new york, but westbank to give me some breaking news just coming to us. now there are reports of a large explosion in southern bay routes. uh,
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local media is reporting that it hits a, uh, how much office these uh, reports that i just, uh, dropping to us on the wire service. that is all the information that we have at this point that a large explosion uh has that has occurred in the southern bay. we are hoping to speak to, to uh, correspondents. uh for more on that sir. but that's the old we have at the moment and we of course would bring we for you more. okay, well i, i'm being told we have that at audi. hash them now? who's it? who we can to, to alley. what more? tell us what more you're hearing on this as well. uh, according to i with this is who i spoke to. uh, there was a, an explosion till the moment. it's not yet confirmed why the this was drone attack or uh, an explosion i called that exploded in the,
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in the ad. yeah. daddy. all but that is in the beginning of the, the, uh, middle with southern solid daddy off my what and its of course known to be an area where i live as active. all so the palestinian groups are active for masses. has its own offices that and according to our sources, that could be an assistant ation attempt. now we don't have any, a reading uh information, any solid information on who might be the target. what, what 3 knows, that, that all the casualties people over there are confirming that all the casualties. this is the kind of turning point. if this was a drawing, a talk, invaded with southern saw that this is taking the whole situation into a news i mention given the fact that that is already a war being fought since 3 months. so this is just in case this is a joint attack,
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then we are going probably to see uh, a serious escalation, especially here on the border. and there is going to be at a time the ation. now if this is an explosion and this is a kind of a model for a security breach, then of course this is going to have another i know the calculations but taking into consideration the context just a few days ago in damascus. and the strike killed on uranian. come on to that. uh, do you see called sports commander today? this incident invaded with southern sub tomorrow. that is gonna be a speech for hot summer for lunch, for sure. he is going to talk of this issue. of course, we are waiting for the conformation such a fault with regard to who is the target of this as a nation. if we are going to just analyze and speculate down many targets, a with southern setup, whether it's has the law commander, whether it's
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a how may i ask who i'm under, whether it's and it's not me, she had to mind that especially that this, i mean, she had on come us are also active from the menus front, whereas we had on several occasions. uh the uh, media. uh, i don't think the responsibility for launching rockets to watch his run or attacking from the east side. so it's a, it's a, quite a very serious incident on the, the, the southern suburb hasn't seen and is really attacked for yes. maybe this is the 1st time since 2006. now there was the kind of a security breach years ago when a drone and has wheel locks use is varies of being responsible. then that was actually few years ago when it joined a hit. one of physical laws is the offices in and bade with southern sub. but
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today it's, it's a different situation. it's a, it's an explosion to the moment. this is the, the nature of what happened an explosion was what's the result? what's the result? we don't know. what's the reason also? we don't know golf course. it's part of this whole context. all right, for the 190 hashem. thank you. probably updating is there on that breaking a new story out of by root local media. they're reporting that and is really drawn at targeted apparently a how much office in bay roots 7, some of we will cost you more on that story as and when we get more information, at least the full palestinians have been killed off the confrontations with his really forces in the occupied west bank. it happened during a raid near the city or how can you, at least 7 palestinians have been arrested, is very solid, is also stone. the janine refugee camp and the city of south. it's funny, smith has more from that was to the well, it doesn't raise across the occupied westbank overnight to the most serious of
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those in the town of as on just the visa count cuba in the north of the west bank and that full palestinians were killed in violent confrontations with is rarely security forces, and these waves have kept the bodies of those for that's not unusual. they have kept the bodies of 46 palestinians who been killed in similar circumstances since october the 7th. and also overnight a 7 palestinian has died in these riley prison 23 year old abdul rahman by ash was serving a 35 month sentence, 7 prisoners it since october. the 7th. it's a high number on comes against the background where israel's parliament as legislated huffman, the conditions, the palestinian prisoners of the national security minister is it ma then give a man with convictions for an assignment to racism, a membership of a terrier group of mine who's taking particular interest in telling his constituents how he's going to make life much how to the palestinian prisoners no
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indications yet as of the cause of death of abdul rahman. bosh, 23 years old. investigations are continuing according to these rarely prison, burnett. smith islanders era numbers, ways realize once again, withholding tax revenues from the governing policy and body in the occupied west bank. the move could bankrupt the palestinian authority and seriously hom, the territories economy. as a more on con reports from a low in the market zones, as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the public opinion, will far as he will p a. but it's in danger of going bankrupt and with the palestinian economy. the crisis is the worst, the p a, a suffered since it was established in 1993 of the deals, low quotes. israel refuses to give the p a, its own money to pay a ton, collect its own tax revenues, and relies on israel to do so. what i cannot mix professor,
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explains why you fucking buddies the whole now world off. we'll go from the circle . pears agreement put a lot of restrictions on the palestinian economy were stopped, is using his own resources as it sees fit and is really is have it restricted policy and economic growth as a result of the policy and, you know, towards, he wasn't able to manage the economy successfully because of this and couldn't establish economic institutions to develop and independent economy. the policy and you know, authority remains the key economic dr. palestinians, implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average of between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax and a lot of people of be able to hold on one of the couple of the sell it a we got the covers only 40 to 60 percent of our needs. so we have to look for other jobs. some workers used to look for jobs and as were in the cities. now that's also being taken away from us and this is the trade crossing between
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palestine and israel. these rarely saved will release the money, but with deductions and no money to pay employees in gaza. the p a has refused this and says israel must pay or that's owed. the issue is driven a wedge between allies, america, and his ro. the last president joe biden is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds to the palestinian authority. but for the appointment is to is also under a tremendous amount process from within his own coalition policy. the open the right system for right finance minister, but for those small intrigues has said publicly not a single cycle will be transferred to the palestinian authority. if it does, then he's going to quit the colors in government. and that could at the very least mean early elections, but probably the end of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose political career the u. s. though is clear it once a revitalized pe to take
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a vengeful, controlling goes off of the wall. anything other than a week the a is not something is wrong ones and currently view far as he is this week, as it has ever been and it's getting weaker and wrong calling out is there. i'm on the right spring. you some of the days, all the news now in japan, a passenger jet has cool file on a runway of tokyo's, anita airport, off the colliding with the coast guard playing well. those on the japan, all the lines jet, made it off the aircraft alive, but 5 people on the smaller plane were killed from 10 am on a hand results. cameras, a tokyo's hyundai to airport capture the moment at the collision of japan airlines . passenger jet struck a coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames. but staff and those on board responded fast. and all the
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passengers and crew made it out alive. but several on the smaller coast guard plain were killed. joe attacked good news for panel lines informed. the civil aviation bureau, the 379 people, including 367 passengers, and 12 crew members had been safely evacuated regarding the coast guard plain. the captain was evacuated. tyson, 5 of the crew members were concerned out my store within an hour if the passenger jet catching fire, there was nothing left but wreckage. but extraordinarily, we all witnessing the file. how long i've been able to say 350. this is one of the newest models of commercial airline jets in the wild pacific at cost that was flying. today is just 2 years old. the coast guard says it's plane was preparing to head to the west coast to deliver a to earthquake victims when the collision happened. all run with honda were closed
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after the crash and investigation is underway to find out how the 2 planes ended up on the same runway bins and monahan how to 0. of course gilbert has the latest now from the japanese capital. the reports trickling out about what has happened. we don't go, we do not have any official confirmation of what the circumstances that lead to this crash. well, but a local media report saying that the coast guard playing, carrying the 6 personnel on board, which was on its way to deliver a to the earthquake effect, the region of japan into the runaway area. and about the same time that the depend airlines plane was landing. this is yet to be confirmed by the coast guard, but these, this is what, uh, tbs they put on tv in other local media reports. uh saying, uh the uh, depend airlines plane clips uh, the coast guard plain uh, sitting uh the rear of the plain. uh, on the fine. we'll see those room
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a remarkable images. uh, from inside the cabin calls the smoke filling up as uh, the passengers and crew began evacuating. and remarkably, the old managed to get out. there had been about 17 injuries full from the dependent airlines playing full or have taken to hospital to for smoking relation to the other mind the injuries and the risk also receiving mine injuries i can look you list of outcome from what could have now the like an absolute, catastrophic disaster, but you know, it is also a tragedy for those on board. the coast guard plain fight to us and now did die. and we also have the captain, who is reportedly also in a critical condition. it was you heard that the coast guard plain was on the way to west in japan, which was struck by a powerful quake on monday. at least 48 people have been killed. the magnitude 7.6
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quite happened off the coast of issue call a free sites. yeah. causing widespread damage. more than 1000 members of japan's military all helping rescue team search for survivors. a tsunami warning has now been lifted past the g. thank you. i. yeah, i have received reports that very large scale damage has been confirmed, including numerous casualties. building collapses and fired. include step is i, my hus safety as for the power outages was outages and communication disruptions. currently occurring. workers have been on site and are in the process of restoring them. and unit kim has more from kind of iowa in japan. this is a residential enclave and i'm going to just stepped out of frame for our camera man to show you the aftermath of that magnitude. 6 points or sorry, 7.6 quake. although the power in this area was probably closer to magnitude 5,
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but you can see just the damage the, the ground giving way under these homes and entangled among them are cars. you can see a car just squashed under a i this located home and neighbors. here say that there were people inside of these homes when the ground shook, but as far as they know, nobody have died. thankfully from this amazing scene here, our neighbors say that the gas and water are still cut. so we see people staffers here trying to kind of bring some semblance of order into this residential enclave . but they say that they have managed to get a power back. but you should call us is a coastal prefecture of some 1000000 people on the west of japan main island of
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point of view. this is the region that has taken much of the data is not to mention tremors and after shocks from that new years they quake it on the north is the up in center of this quake, no toll peninsula. and according to japan's public, broadcaster, in each case, most of the known states holidays are being confirmed. and was you my cities, as the weather agency here in japan are wanting people to stay away from the coastal areas, at least for the next week. in particular, in the coming few days, a, a still a head on, i just need a smaller we. yes, we asked angrily to a deal between the break away region of somali land and ethiopia on access to the right see the the
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route to you by visit capital color. the right in crowns a gathering across central parts of tronic say some secret cloud just pining through here and that will continue to tumble its way for the race was just pumping into this area of high pressure, which is just not going to the way the cloud and the rain and make his way across the korean peninsula easing out to the east, tennessee. so q issue home, she was saying some wet weather, the quakes, those things, some of that wet weather to as we go one through why the say that western side of home shape it will scott his way across the be some snow for a time because that western side of her and she put brightness up refreshes up as well, but the winds coming in from moving north west of the direction to actually have a scars coming back and across the creek peninsula into a good pots of china. at this stage, home comb with the top temperature from 90 degrees celsius. so try to across a good possibly in the tribe event. now i'm seeing some lobby showers driven in on the north face. the months in which this weather will be down towards the midnight punch last, the march of java sinks and big and heavy showers could cool some light plus study
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. i'm looking too bad. they're close to for the piece that they lose on. we think a little unsettled over the next couple of days and settle weather started to push its way into the northern plains of india. the fall problems of smoke problems there essentially remained here cold across northern pumps as well. still the few showers the into southern spring brought to you by visit council. president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. this is the view that no scene has been looking out for the past 20 years to these really separation barrier cuts. her family's landing upon the village in august, they hunted several time indecent. you confiscation orders to expand the wall. the
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walls length is more than double that of the 1967 voters for palestinians. the wall is an extension of israel system of control part of a wider network of roads, supplements, and checkpoints. bill to give is really the offer hon while making their lights on bearable by the day the, the the again you are watching. i just need a reminder about the top stories this out, the number of palestinians killed in israel's war on guns that has now passed the 22000 people. according to gauze, us health industry. new video taken in gaza city shows bodies lying in
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neighborhoods reduced to rubble off days rainy soldiers have less. how much is ongoing says he's killed. several is riley troops by destroying types, and that's a nice thing of mine. field is very mentally says and killed several of us members along causes coastline. there's been a launch explosion in southern by whose lebanese media are saying and is really drawn, has targeted how much office this leads. there are several casualties. i talked to share thoughts. these have detained at least 33 people who are suspected of spying israel's intelligence agency. most x rays were carried out across $57.00 locations in a provinces including assemble to kias national intelligence organizations. as the rates are part of an operation and a disrupting most sense activity model on the chart, i just need a senior political analyst joins us again. so let's talk 1st about,
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1st of all about this attack in, in southern, uh they would details scale a bit seen on the ground. but what does this look like to you? it seems from the bits and pieces that we are reading. and again, none of it we can confirm yet is that this is on is right. yeah. so nation against one of how much is top leaders? it's the head on office, append to 4 killed already and a number wounded. i could say names, but i'm not sure we should at this point in time, but clearly the thought that was top, how much leadership, in fact, even now, some of the founders of assembly gauge these raise are claiming that some of the people that were meant to met has on the front lot tomorrow. not sure exactly. that could squared or we could confirm that the either. but clearly this is part of what these are. these have been affecting with warning against that they are going to be
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opening another front guess how much leaders as is as put it ever to where they're going to try to get to how much leaders february. and that may, if i may, it hasn't look now say that this connects with your 2nd that bit about turn to that, that therapy, hard and running. got people, they suspect to be uh, recruits of most sides. because the top top already weren't these raise not to target how much lead the pod presently in turkey. so clearly what has happened this evening in being able to assess a nation, the bombing of how mosque offices reportedly young beard was, connects to dorothy the wrong thing up suspects of most sides alternatives read after therapy has warned, is read not to attempt any assassination of how much kate there isn't there. and
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just, just to give it a little bit more detail on this more, why don't we just getting information now for people have been killed in, in a number of injuries that were targeting the, how much office i'll, they really lebanese and his really media saying the explosion targeted the deputy head of the political bureau of how much solid duty that's the information that we're getting right now. we're going to go to the alley hash him who is this southern bi route for sally? what more are you hearing on this as well as i'm in cell 7 on? yes. that all the confirmations now that the targets of this attack was sort of an odd, rudy, the deputy head of the probably did all of a mess. and of course, with this news, this means that this really is all, once again mixing the cod seo and deliver these front because it's, uh, it went to good especially that there are a lot of, uh, you know,
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escalation already going on. and in case this attack has been a conducted, whether by a plain, whether by a drone, whether by explosion, this is going to feed into this escalation and might take the whole situation in south lebanon. and laura is run into a new dimension. so the head auto body isn't just the deputy probably beautiful fatherhood oddity is one of the main commanders of hemisphere for some brigades, one of the founders of some brigades. he was previously a prisoner and his red is red, threatened several times that it's going to get him. and at the same time, there were several stances from there been a major problem as well as the criteria gentleman in the past. yeah. that and if is read is going to death and assessing 8 any of the palestinian,
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the officials here in beta with all the 11 on, then there's, there's going to be a huge retaliation. now we'd be waiting tomorrow to see what's going to be in the for all of speech, because of course, this is going to be a main and may be the main headlines in his, in his speech. what, what we are seeing right now is read just moving boldly towards the not only launching the watering. does that getting people who does that, but also accessing a thing? as we said, the context you go back to last week, when the radian come on that was skilled in damascus to me today. how much a one of how much top lead is being killed and bade root, sedated and made with southern sub i've been a significantly, this is the 1st time since 2006 since the 2006 war between principal on and is red dot is red, is openly hit think inside the beta root. and of course this is as i,
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as i said, this is taking the whole situation into the new dimension. what, there are many questions behind know, of course, we understand that this really is already threatening. that is about a long set, the threatening to us as an 8 how mosley does any with whether in cherokee whether in thought that whether in level anywhere that we're going to find them. but now with this war, as things are actually maybe being escalated in the, in a different dimension. and of course, this also shows and the way or another of that is really how does that interest possibly in escalating more or more. it's not looking right now to, to contain this whole picture, even after more than $20000.00 people killed in gaza. and one of these demonstrations of what's, what we are saying, or what we are mentioning, knows what happened. they made which a highly sites for that. so the moment it has been reporting to us from southern
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southern lebanon, of course, he was talking to us from a place where they've been clashes between his bullet flights as an end is riley forces. and now is we've been hearing and it does seem that israel is expanding this now with these what appears to be targeted killings inside favorites. well, this certainly is going to be a major loss for from us. sort of how laurie is a pillar of the organization, both of it submitted to the all manner of which political harm. i hesitated, dimension, his name totally a. but before i walked into the set, i order the have a picture of taking us took a picture of his wikipedia page. he was already announced that before i walked into the, into the onto the for the of here without, i knew of us confirming his desk. and he was already mentioned and we get paid. yeah. so i've been born in august 29, 66 on died in the 2nd of january, 2024. i don't understand how these things exactly. i figured out whether it's
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a i or whether it's the is rainy's. but certainly would not before even we could confirm he was already been pronounced that by we could these because it is that he's a major leader of how much is getting. uh cuz that's, that's an issue and would probably mean something was psychological and political to the organization. but beyond that, i think now would probably be on how much the there's has been on wouldn't be on a large moving forward. but or if this is more dangerous than this, i think is that it has just opened an entirely new waterfront. now it's already been in our sort of, uh, assassination. i can't that assassination or attempts between one and, and this option is there a near on. there's been, you know, a number of such exchanges, but the fact that, that is there
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a is starting to carry out. it's warning against on how much the, the ships, anywhere that does not just expose how much leaders that's going to expose the is that is right is as way. and the agents, because one is or is representatives outside is are now going to be also targets. mm. hm, i mean, i can imagine this sort of a war is that it's going to open, it's not quantity to target areas when you're on, on uranium is in syria and you're getting is 11 on but also now how much lead there's anyway, that means the cycle and the circle off i saw a nation has basically gone international and is going to be no way of containing it really moving forward. it's a very dangerous condition. so you mentioned that the target of this assassination of solid is a duty which was speaking to us earlier about the possibility of
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a of no further exchange of december. the deputy had him, how much political bureau at told elsie, or that they would be no further exchange of capitalists until the end of the war. as negotiations over the truth have completely broken down earlier is riley is here's, here's what he, here's what he had to say. now we're going to play back to the locus of us me when the, how the official and final stance of the movement of how much is that there will be no exchange of captives until the end of the aggression and a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire. we the homeless movement declared from the beginning that it is not a maneuver deception or anything else. the form prisoners will arrive to gaza on october 7th, were not a target. and we were ready to release them without conditions. women and children who are held captives were not our targets either. they arrived in gaza due to the
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exceptional circumstances, and we were also ready to conclude this matter in exchange of the release of our women and children held in the occupation forces. prisons do that? well, because it has them is live for us to now and again in nicola, in southern lebanon. so as i suppose i does, gives you a sense they are highly of just the role that it will be played within the, within the how much leadership and how important he was. well i saw that already is one of the pillows of from us. one of the founders of, of assembly gives us the rep into the past. also a prison of a, in, in one of these really prisons. he comes from the west bank and actually one of the main accusations is, well, i always talk about the as the person in charge of the west bank and he's,
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he's kind of come under the focus. i'm into west bank. i already lived uh part of his life after being given least a years ago from his really prisons in turkey, then came to live and on what he was, of course became the, the deputy public bureau chief of, of how about us. and given the fact that all these really a threats to kill, i'd worry about coming in the past few years. i thought it was on the spot, like many people that knew that he played a big role within him as he's kind of the, the lee, as all and between the political and the minute 3 factions in the movement. his, his, it was strong relation with the ministry ring without the some brigades, his role and his influence within the political bureau. oh, that gave him a very important a prominence within, within the group. his relations,
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the relations with different fractions. and we saw him with the ice on the, for a long, separate locations with me that he was among the fast. how much lead us to me come in a i did the ring and the the come in i after the differences between how about us and, and iran in the past. yes. what we're seeing. yeah. also out already uh, is known to be a vote. can a and, and he's kind of a very harsh whenever he gave his, his positions and his, his point of views with respect to this war and even before. so the audio, of course, to is read is a big target. and this has been said over the past. what the past? yes. because to them they knew that this one play the big role in the west bank as we, as we said. now how this is going to change the situation that how it's going to shake
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the whole dimensions. this is the big question, especially with the fact that he's being, he's us as an aged 11 on not know as we know, that he was killed in his office with 3 off his body goods. this gives the probability that the drone has a conducted the strike makes. it makes this probability higher than an explosion, the normal explosion and the sports of cause us. we said this whole situation and to and you a dimension. now what's going to happen in the coming days? this is a very big question, whether from from us, from a, from bri gates, and impala son in gaza. whether from also from has what lined up on, on. these are big questions with no answers for the moment, but everyone kind of is anticipating something, something different because it, this is just shaking the whole, the whole, the whole scene. all right,
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for the moment daddy hash him reporting to us. they are from uh, southern 11 on that. thank you. so we go back to model, i'm a shot at senior as your senior political analyst for more and a. so just picking up on the point that i already mentioned, there was the and the, the implications this has now for so many of the actors involved in this has bola, how much an israel and so on. i mean, let's start with, with has bullet. what does this mean for them now, given the fact that this, this happened in the, in southern they were, oh, that's certainly an escalation. and the fact that happened in mid was in their own stronghold and advice. yeah. especially you've been a great the escalation, this could probably have been get it done by a drone about that we don't know for sure. 100 percent, but apparently which means according to his rate is what is really i think channel 13 today this evening was that uh the is right, the air force for the 1st time bombs built. so this is again, wants to know
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a 1st in this, in this, at all, and this time, i think overall this is an escalation in every possible way. this is an escalation on beta with, there's an escalation on his bundle escalation. we have an explanation on a new front of the war which, which involves assassination throughout the region and beyond. and i think this is going to be able to pick it to there's absolutely no doubt about that. the other thing to say about that has him, we've been following this thing now for a good number of years since the is the assess any that the found that of, from us should have my just seen. it has assessment of the number of how much the, there's prominence, how much they, there's many generally there's and political leaders. it didn't do much good. in fact, with everybody how mostly that is right. account number of knew how much the the steps up even more than bolden, more powerful, more carters might think than the previous ones. and this has been the story since
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the 1990. so it is, there is attempts for the past 30 years to distort have mouse quoted street. the ship has failed, but not only failed has backfired, and led to even more vengeful. more that is much more uh more i would say more finest. how much leaders since then, so this new cycle of assassination, which seems to be that would probably lead to more of the same. all right, we'll leave it there for now. might want to thank you. let's get some reaction to this. now out of gauze i taught it, i was them is in a rough uh for so thought, i don't know. to what extent said the then use of this is filtering into gaza giving, given how communications are right now, and what dozens are having to deal with on a daily basis. but what it, what are you hearing, if anything there, from there right now of the yes,
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the majority of guns are just wondering about if the news is that come from left and on, regarding destination of us on how i really read a are as right or not, but according to some live in these media outlets, they have concerns about the figure that had been hit in the lip on empire. it was thought i had had already at the head of the beauty of the idea of how much political grew in pirates. and this figure out is one of the most effective, a political and military figures of how much the movement approved, which had been accused by israel, that he's a standing behind a number of military operations in the west bank. and he's one of the main of the rates as of the front from the east, very perspective now at the the name of the son of hadaway has been repeatedly been circulated and he's very media pre a probably a, the, a gauze, a war on october. the 7th we had been multiply warned against the possibility of us, and i think this figure out right now they have been a white explosion. had
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a could be recorded in power roots while our re, alongside with the 3 of the men, have been killed and attacked that top target to their ability come office the in the middle of the lip of lip on. and we need to remember the threats and the warnings have made by lip and use league. it is including cost on those run let regarding any a possibility of us anything. new palestinian figures on the land of lip and on is considered to be of regulation. and a threat that must be responded to a by the depending defend these organizations, that this is completely something can you to the reign of the world right now that the main course increasing of that tax had been carried out against the gaza strip . and recently these were the officials had released a series of discipline. ready warnings regarding the possibility of assess anything how much, but it took a minute to minute treat, lead as a private who are in that tunnel and all the states around as i go by. and this is
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completely what, what caustic shuttled over the bottle inside the gaza strip that they use ready attempt right now. and these by the summation of so that not only, of course, will bring more consequences that won't be easily predicted and will bring more responses by the, by the, his blood, the lip in these organizations. and let them know that this is completely something that will, of course, look to the excessive patient of minute 3 conditions inside the gaza strip and will show the cause of palestinian organizations inside. goes on to other right now, palestinians are completely feel frustrated regarding destination of this pick up despite the fact that the more of a palestinian resistance figures have been also killed by the as many, many treat drink as if he, since the beginning of this round of fighting between from us and israel as well on the ground. todd, i sent you totally, i was you, my life was in a rough, or let's get a reaction from inside israel now sort of hide it. is intel
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a v for us? so so this the strike a level and what more we hearing about that and what's, what reaction if any, as they've been in any, as well well, this is major news even full as well because already you're starting to see politicians administered and former on box. it as a writing on social media and voice thing that congratulations to this latest news, auto is seen as the 2nd and come on and how mosque this is exactly what israel said it would be during a few weeks ago, they started saying this, they've been saying it more than once, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, making it very clear. but not only are they going off to hum us in the gaza strip, but they said they will go off to how much lead is no matter where they are in the wall. they have the capabilities, they've been able to do this kind of thing, this full. and this is a show of the,
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of the ability and the capabilities that it can do and what it can carry out. also on top of this, this is uh, you know, a step button is real, sees that it needs to take to be able to show it to the public. but not only is it off the going, the fights is, but it's going off to the head of how much it's, it's costing that's a juggler vein as much as it can't already. and this is what it wants to do. it wants to go off to sing well, but of course not only being so high up in how much this is going to clearly potentially make some changes in the way how much operates as well moving forward. we're already seeing that they are launching rockets and they'll probably be won't launching a lot more towards hair instead of eve as well as high spot. and then we may start to see more of a reaction from his bottle on that know then both the already there have been a few rockets, the types one that landed in low me that stay
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a residential building, that one any casualties. but the point is, is that you may potentially see more of a step thought they weren't let this one go full. so we have discussions that seems to be taking place on a potential si fi. the 2nd one off to the 1st one ends is when israel accuse how much of not honoring the agreement, in fact, funnily enough nets and yahoo has been speaking to the families also is how is conte suvan in this last meeting? the discussion that was held, he had said that this was some movement on that's a, that's how much has clearly had a specific request. and that it was softening was the what he use. well, this could potentially change everything. now with him, us not one thing to go ahead with this, the spot if it means that clearly that lead is all being targets is. and also they have called for one thing that to be an end to the will and garza. so definitely
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this will be seen in the major, major victory for israel, because what it's going to be sending a message, such a need to these ready public is that we said we will go off to how much, not just militarily, but we will also go off through its leaders. so thanks for that. so i didn't lie 1st there in tel aviv. let's come back to a model number. sure i just did as senior political analyst. so just to pick up a little bit on what some of what santa was saying there. why don't one of this is going on? apparently, there are still discussions about a possible seatbar. what do you make of that? were actually only a few minutes before the solution against the side of a lot already. i was listening to a speech by smite, honey, that was aired on our sister channel. i just had one more question. um, where he sounded very defiant, are basically saying there wouldn't be no data on. there wouldn't be an order this
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unless it is on uh how much is on terms. he sounded as soon as it defines what opens to various initiatives, especially to buy countries that care about the palestinian cause and so on, so forth. but that would it be how much that would be taking the less decision about how much consistencies fire. very similar to what we've heard a few days ago from a side of the road. a huge size because of the, the need the ship and how much it considers that it has absolutely no incentive to sign in to any data with those rides. that wouldn't be followed by more of the same bombings and more of the same address of uh, thousands more palestinian prisoners is just leaving time us with no option because apparently there's nothing. now government is as we've been saying for the hi.


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