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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the senior i'm us officials saw that i really have 6 others of assassinating and a drug and striking say, lose his way of being playing the honest demands have been demonstrating across the all to why the west bank following a movies. the alarm darren jordan, this is out of here a lot though it was, are coming up at least 5 people are killed in on his radio, on the palestinian red crescent headquarters in southern gaza on the us cools.
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comments by some is randy ministers to resettle palace demands outside of casa in pharma tree and irresponsible. the joint strike in the capital level known as assassinated, solid rory, a senior official in home. us as well as being blamed for the strike several how much members were killed, as well as 2 leaders of its ongoing the custom brigades. when the driver turned into the building, located in the southern bay route, sometimes of the here i, my says it was a terrorist that's we would like to reaffirm that the assassination will jack by design this occupation of the grape commander in which i had shaved, solemn allied woody and his brothers and call liza nadia, the hum us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism in every sense of the word. it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty,
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a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation and desire in this occupation. the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance. after there was an a hold of us the latest on the scene of that trend strike in southern bay route. the lebanese arms group has the law is promising a response for the assassination of how mazda is number 2, so last, rudy, along with a number of military commanders and how mass members they were killed in that apartment. as you can see, this was a surgical strike, as well does not claim responsibility,
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but it is believed to have been responsible for killing those men who were apparently holding a meeting. now this is a security breach as well acting on intelligence how mass of course and ally of hezbollah. it has really develop the military infrastructure in this country with the support and help of hezbollah and husband was calling this a serious assault on 11 on. and that is also a dangerous development and the ongoing conflict between israel and the access, the so called access of resistance now has the law has joined the back of a gets is to help relieve how mass and gaza. there have been rockets that have been fired from siri and territory towards as well as the whole season. yeah. man. they have been firing drones in this house as israel all these different from trying to
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relieve pressure on how much in gaza. so it has all of the statements, they are alluding to the possibilities of, of an escalation on all these fronts because has the laws response it's, it's, it isn't a difficult position because if it's response triggers, a full blown conflict with israel, then it will face the opponents in 11 on, and they will also be accused of dragging lebanon into conflict, and of hezbollah does not respond, then its credibility is at stake. because even before the conflict began along the border of the south lebanon border, has the law has had promised that any assassination of 11 is a palestinian, and a running and official 11 on will. and this is a fierce reaction. now tomorrow the head of hezbollah has on us for our love. he was his plan to give his expenses, to give upon speeds of late on wednesday to coincide with the 4th anniversary of
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the killing of the head of the running. and could this force cost them so many? what will he say? all eyes really are on has the law, but no doubt this is a major blow to have massive military infrastructure 11 on israel. the that has, well, i will respond, but it will stop short of a bragging the country or, or dragging this into a full, full blown war. what has the, has been doing so far in the south really has been calibrating his actions. this is no doubt the serious escalation as a turning point center for their associate of the southern suburbs. a beta. israel has not accepted responsibility for coming, allowed a speaking to the us news network. i miss nbc senior advisor to these ready prime minister ma gregory, have this to say about the striking by which we can speculate if you large. but let's be clear is what has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear
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the israel has in the past, of course, uh does we tell us when they're in foreign countries? and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief and stuff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre. there is a legitimate target or the federal joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem, having da still no official confirmation from israel. but it carried out this strike officials been signed, anything of no official conformation from these rallies. but that's because the cabinet secretary has also told members of the is really government and the coalition to not speak about the matter. when asked about it on tuesday night, is really army spokesperson. daniel, how got
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a dont' the question, but so that these really is were prepared for anything and that they were on high alert. all of this comes after rhetoric from is really officials for several months now, where they have said that no matter where, how mass leaders are, they will be targeted. whether it's in gaza or abroad, that they would find them. and these really is, are also intensifying the ground offensive in sight of gaza in the south in hon. unice, where israel's defense minister says that no matter how long it takes they're going to continue. this comes even despite american pressure, but there are no new stipulations for what this is going to lead to because as these really say they're intensifying their attacks and the southern part of the territory, they are now carrying out these targeting assassinations on lebanese soil, but also remember that can follow leadership has said that they were not going to tolerate any assassination of any person from any resistance faction on lebanese
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soil. so these really is continuously on high alert as potentially a new front opens up on the northern border. meanwhile having to is regular rates have continued across the wide westbank come back to continue his res. across the occupied westbank were following several inter got him in nablus in hebron and politically. let's begin in nablus and hebron where there are armed confrontation between palestinian fighters and these really occupation forces, but didn't sort of got him in. the news shuns refugee camp is really bulldozers seen it tearing up roads, destroying infrastructure inside of the refugee camp. and these really forces have also prevented our colleagues as you see the arabic from reaching one of the hospitals to continue their coverage there. this is just an intensification of is
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really rains across the occupied west bank since october the 7th. these have been near nightly incursions into several parts of the occupied west bank in an effort they say to crack down on our palestinian resistance and to arrest wanted palestinian fighters since october the 7th at least 324 palestinians were killed anyhow, replied west bank come to salute life as they have an occupied east. jerusalem under. thank you. it probably stands gathered across cities in the occupied westbank to protest against solid rubies. killing protests took place on the streets of my la hoover. jeanine had brought a numberless houses. there was neither. abraham has moved from bethlehem and they are provided us by the palestinians. i've taken through the streets and several of the cities in the occupied west bank as well as in his home town of idaho, where we've heard his mother and his sisters speak. they were clear and sending the message that this is what solid. how do, what do you want to,
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by taking the path of confronting and resisting these really a few patients? and they mentioned that the, his blog is not better, is not any more or better than anyone that has been killed in the b c's. because the surface specifically children now when it comes to how he's being remembered, he's been known as the guy who is responsible for it out for some of the gays and the fuel cards. westbank itself, he's been seen as the masterminds behind the capture. i'm feeling of at 3, is there a the settlers in the have run in the year 2014, and indeed we've seen also uh, the war on galls of that has falls out in the and is home zone, palestinians of gather do basically more name and talk about him, but he has also been in, i don't uh, someone instrumental and this was specifically at people i have seen these really
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forces raised into is how. * how below it to up also after the war, and this is the 2nd time in a row. you know, people, if you're look phones, the at many of mazda meters, because they say that they are the same when it comes to receiving the consequences of resisting these really occupations. they're not different than those fighters on the ground, and they're of spacing similar phase, not only when it comes to the assassination now, but also when it comes to being in prison, solid and i already have spent at least 18 years and is really jails. 15 of them in one time and that has been released. there has been also reported outside the hardwood bank where he spent his time between 13 and now 11 on. so basically this gives you an idea of why people move off to those leaders and how they are already deciding to declare tomorrow as a general stride. and as
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a day of morning where mike link is from western university in london, ontario, he says, the kidding of how much leaders will only increase the results of protestant is legally um, assassinating anybody can um, is, would generally be considered to be an extra digital assassination. which are, which is country too much international. um, the expectation in, in a modern world is supposed to be ruled by the right of law. it was that you capture people and you would only assessment goes to present an imminent threat and it remains to be seen whether or not the assassination of the i'm us military leaders in be rude, presented to an eminent front to israel, politically assassinating political leaders or military leaders of your opposition, particularly of a people who you can subjugating, doesn't lead anywhere. we know from a colonial history and anti colonial movements over the last 80 years of that,
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once there's an idea in mind to achieve for people who achieve freedom and self determination. besides the nation of their leaders only increases that determination. it doesn't less than that. and we see, for example, the um, what has happened with, with the years and years at britain didn't negotiate with the higher rate until they finally did and realized that they could bring a major monument piece to northern ireland by up, by engaging in a political process that's what's needed here is a political process. when you don't offer a people whom you're subjugating any form of, of a political horizon that's going to lead to what a freedom of them you're going to expect resistance and rebellion and of the cases retaliation for this is us nation of these leaders because they've been because of the they've been in the west bank be they've been living on or elsewhere, is surely going to be a political debt. and i think most to inform the military strategist and
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commentators have said it'd be almost impossible to be able to eliminate a mazda. i sold as a major fighting force within guys that not withstanding almost 3 months of intense pounding of the it's of the district of israel's threat. that it's going to be engaged for many more months in the, in war, in gaza. but that's going to be an almost impossible strategy to continue giving. i think the world's revulsion of the slaughter of the, of most exhausted. he's a 1000000000, so they're able to, united states is awakening to the fact that it can't continue to protect israel. and definitely with respect to this is it, it is real assumes, or the united states to them is that it can find a pacified, almost any leadership to take over in, in a gas or in palestine as a whole. and not engaging in those or, or it's opponents such as i'm us and then i think it's ms. read the lessons of the
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last 7580 years. i'm a mass, whatever form it is or it's successors are going to be have to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. a bit more on the situation and gaza with a number of people killed in his ready attacks has now passed 22000. the i'm bring up i'm us says it has killed several is ready. so just using minds and is also destroyed. tongues is really ami, says it's killed, several have mass members that on causes coastline. but han units and southern causes under intense fire from his very tanks and fight digits. that's where the palace been, and red crescent is based a baby. some of the 5 people killed, but i'll just bear with the topic i will as soon as the latest from rough. can you attack against the same organization for the 2nd time and the same city where one of the heated, the main headquarters that had been hit were turned into iris here to place for the factories from the eastern areas of con, you just as the 5000 years have been killed, and this strike with those and others who have been in good and ongoing military
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campaign against the city all the time. eunice, as the, is where the forces had been mobilizing more troops. stateful control over the city . as the confrontations that's on the ground continue, at least since the early hours of today's morning 16th power stands being killed. only in con, you, in a city. and one of the latest is when it has drugs at the level to the ground, the residential building, where full palestinians have to report it to the now new to city has one of the main areas dr. you, it's very minute treat is now making a very, pretty shift of this strategies in terms of the compact in the field, where they are a cooling more per gates to find the, as they are making the kind of tax. it comes with a trouble from some set and pause and another and, and send some areas of kansas city. and they are now making more mobilization of loose loose troops to be pushed towards the middle coordinates of gauze, like including a breach of my policy and to understand what refuge account where it, which works in the last few hours have been on the white military shilling by the
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artillery unit stopped last station near the gauze as straightforward as, as the forces are trying to be much more the access on the phone inside the key a, a path and residential neighborhoods. and in such areas, confrontations that continue as palestinian fine. just trying to look at the entry of these metric truths, by attacking them with different kinds of weapons as a, the, a casualties, and dest pulled that when both sides continue to wally's. as move around, just have rockets have been fine because of strep tossed. these very surrounding settlements, that personal break here and i'll just say when we come back nobody needs a new from in this region, different month to get it and speaks to the new president to the un security council. about that i saw some nation in fair roots on his view on israel's actions in cost on why forming more than levels on the mississippi. a threatening grain supplies across the world are not state of the
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color. the rain clouds are gathering across central parts of china and see some secret cloud just pining through here. and that will continue to tumble its way for the race was just pumping into this area of high pressure, which is just nothing out of the way the cloud and the rain and make his way across the korean peninsula easing out to the east, tennessee. so q issue home shows things on wet weather, the quakes, those things, some of that weather too. as we go 13 way to say that western side of hardship. it will scott his way across the be some snow for a time because that west inside of home she put brightness up refreshes up as well with the winds coming in from moving north west the direction dry, clear skies coming back in across the korean peninsula into a good pots of china at this state home comb with the top temperature from 90 degrees celsius. so try to across
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a good possibly in the tribe event. now i'm seeing some live you sure i was driven in on the northeast a month. so in which this weather will be down towards the midnight financial, less a much java saying some big and heavy showers could cause some light loss buddy. i'm looking too bad. they were close to full a piece of that. lose on i think, a little unsettled over the next couple of days and settled whether started to push its way into the northern plains or in the other fault problems, the smoke problems they were essentially remain here. cold across northern pumps as well. so the few showers the into southern frank, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back here watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here, this hour on the other, rory, a senior official from us, has been assassinated in an explosion and favorites as well. being blamed for the upside, but has not claimed the sensibilities 6 other members also can when you're talking about one of the trend stripe talking to the building located in the southern, maybe with some of the ends of the here. i'm assets cooling, the attack terms, the number of kind of demands go in is running
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a tax on cars. as boss of 22000 is read, intensifies is on bottom into the central southern thoughts of the strict the one in the past week. some is ready, ministers have been calling for the recycling of palestinians outside of gaza. the us state department has not responded to these goals by israels finance minister. best. what else? much rich on national security minister, ben cavellia. washington says it rejects the goals by the 2 is really ministers calling them and from a drink and responsible. it adds that washington has been a show. these ideas do not reflect the position of these really government as a whole. and that these calls should stop immediately after they were shop attempts, he has more from washington dc, evidently, always to meet you. they, what they did get was a comment from the bank over here already. so statement confirming that as far as he is concerned, that is the policy of these are in the government in which he is. he is the national security minister. he said the immigration of hundreds of thousands from gaza. you know, will you know,
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they live in security and protect idea of soldiers. i'm, i'm and pausing and something is there, i mean, is ready to go with. it's just loved doing it. you know, you've tried doing virus paperless itself and the case, i greatly appreciate that you as a usa, but with all due respect, we don't know the star of the american flags. us is a good friend, but we'll do what's best for the state of israel. and continue trying to humiliate bite me in some ways, despite the fact that it's the by to the ministration the bank rolls and gives the flat a color for the destruction. destruction of gauze it. but what's really is confusing about the statement. is it benjamin ethanol himself? similarly, actually, and in a closed door meeting with his party in the cottage and government, the code was apparently, according to his riley media, talking about executives. this time last week he said that they were actively discussing voluntary immigration. they're working on it. there was discussion about so they've got some sort of task force to get countries to accept cousins. and yet no statement from the state department, naming and shaming that. and you all have
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a search quite in pharma tree assignment tree, rach or rick sir. it is perplexing um but um, but it is, it's just what it is i, i guess we'll see what the i think the main concern right now is this. we've seen the rhetoric shift from the is ready to go from, from being completely all out and say, what we just want to ethically comes garza to saying we want baldwin, 3 repub creation humanitarian efforts because it's so unlivable and gauze about and i think we have to also look at the us rhetoric, which is always about full screen location, force displacement, that's force displacement the same as there's a volume treat re, punctuation is rarely, ministers means rarely prime minister. a talking about is ethnic cleansing being re branded, nope, just by the israelis, but also by the us as i'm sort of humanitarian intervention. this is something that's been discussed around here as well. we'll have to keep an eye on it. for a moment, i'm not kidding. i've seen it. how much the official solid ro, written by root, the united nations, has condemned the assassination and expressed concern over the potential expansion
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of the complex. so we have been just as you have been following these uh, recent developments which just happened a few minutes ago. um, obviously the developments are extremely wiring. um and i think this just really highlights what the secretary general had just said about the dangers of the spill . over of this conflict in the wider region, united nations security council has repeatedly struggled to come to any kind of consensus on the war in guns. and it's failed to pass any resolution quoting for a ceasefire. well, this one, the presidency of the council, passes the front diplomatic editor james base has moved from united nations in new york. an hour ago, i was in the security council chamber and spoke to the new president of the security council nicolette the, the he is the french ambassador to the united nations. this is an interesting dynamic because problems, of course, is a permanent member which gives it some sway. it's a weston country,
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and yet it has for some considerable time cold for a sea spot to take place in garza. definitely not the view of another opponent member of the united states. what are the prospects for diplomacy then? what are the prospect? so a resolution calling for c spa, he certainly wasn't raising expectations about that. at this stage, i pushed him on more israel was actually doing cause or the my in goals are at the moment. the fact that south africa taking a case to the international court of justice on the genocide convention, i asked him about his role as crimes. everything which has to do with a safe defense and avoiding repetition of the set tax is a in all of you, acceptable and legitimate what to be avoided. what is not acceptable is a violation of the geneva conventions. and the violation of the low of the wall of
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international human issue in low. so going i've to the fighters from him as he's ok. of course going of the civilians, women, children, those is not, it's clear they should be appeal distinctions. well, we're expecting quite a few meetings over the month on the issue of gauze, as has happened since october, the 7th, but one big one has already been scheduled. that's on the 23rd of the month. that's when france is going to have it's for a minister here, a ministerial meeting to discuss the situation in the region, the spring and some of the days of the news valley. at least 4 people have been killed and dozens more wounded in rushes, late dismissal. and trend strikes on the ukrainian capital keys in the northeastern city of hockey. detox huffman, enjoying the early morning hours on tuesday, huge and residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. the step topic strikes
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and crane and citizen the past week. on friday, a text field at least $39.00 in japan, the passenger jet test court filed a runaway tokyo's. i need to add port up to colliding with the small coast guard plain. all those on the chip on airlines jet made it off the aircraft alive. but 5 people on the smaller pain were killed. fenton monahan has the story. cameras a tokyo's hyundai, the airport capture the moment of the collision of japan airlines passenger get struck the coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames. but staff and those on board responded fast. and all the passengers and crew made it out alive. but several of the smaller coast guard plane were killed at georgia to cpanel lines informed the civil aviation bureau, the $379.00 people including $367.00 passengers and 12 crew members had been safely
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evacuated regarding the coast guard plain. the captain was evacuated, tyson 5 of the crew members were concerned. i don't suppose to meet my store within that hour of the past and forget catching fire. there was nothing left but wreckage, but extraordinarily, we all witnessing the file. so loss of a nearby say $350.00. this is one of the newest models of commercial airline jets in the world. the pacific at cost that was flying today is just 2 years old. the coast guard says it's plane was preparing to head to the west coast to deliver a to earthquake victims when the collision happens all runaways. honda were closed after the crash and investigation is underway to find out how the 2 planes ended up on the same runway. vince and monahan how to 0. so the coast guard plain was on its way to western japan, which was struck by popular quake on monday. according to the local government, at least 62 people were killed. the magnitude $7.00 quake happened off the coast of
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the chicago of prefecture, causing widespread damage. well, then a 1000 members of japan's military housing rescue team search for survivors. a synonymy warning has now been lifted. from since coast, it's embassy initially as capital. it says regular protests of emission and restrictions placed on its employees made it difficult to continue operating. jasmine it showed as old of the french ambassador to leave last 2 of us. they also have scrap ministry agreements with paris to fight on groups in the nor donald trump is appealing a decision in the us state of name that disqualified him from the presidential primary election. the state stop election official removed from from the republican party balance because of his role in the 2021 attack on capitol hill. i said he finally to the constitution binds side to have interaction. the former president's lawyers reject the accusation. trump is also disqualified in the state of colorado . in the us, the mississippi river is drawing up for the 2nd year in
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a row due to severe drought. it's dropped to historically low level of disrupting shipping and closing salt water from the gulf of mexico to threaten the state, drinking water supply. i'll just say it was how digital camera has moved from new orleans and louisiana to the mississippi isn't just a river. it's a super highway of commerce connecting america's midwestern gray fields to have southern c port and the world's consumers beyond. the river is shrivelling up. again. that makes a major difference for river traffic. last year, ships ran a ground in mode that was previously underwater is tough this year there's a lot of the harbors are not being able to be used and a lot of those running the ground. as a result, farmers have had to hold back some of their harvest for fear of overloading barges that have less water. to float in this river is the artery,


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