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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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se, this is where we live, i'd love to find out is there is mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from alpha 0 new at using. is it the and so you know how much the official salary all are movie and 6 of those are assassinated in a drone. striking bay with israel is being blake, the madison needs have been demonstrating across the occupied west bank following up to these killing the
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madison. this is all to 0 life from doha. also coming up. nobody needs a new front in these regions. the president of united security council speaks to our diplomatic editor about the assassination by roots tensions in the right see. and his views on israel's actions and gaza. us as really ministers are being inflammatory and irresponsible doctor calls for palestinians to be reset to both sides, cause i don't strike in the capital of lebanon has assassinated the sally. i'll move the senior homeless official, israel's being blamed for the attacked, but it hasn't acknowledged responsibility. several homeless members were killed in the strike as well as 2 leaders of it's on the all for some brigades. the drone target at the building located in the southern beta suburb of da here,
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i'm us has been fighting is very forces in gaza for almost 3 months. said, says the attack was a terrorist act, as we would like to reaffirm that the assassination will jack by design this occupation of the great commander in which i had shaved, solemn, allied woody and his brothers and call liza nadia, the hum us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism, in every sense of the word. it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation. and desire in this occupation the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real
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quick resistance is in a call to has the latest from the scene of the drill and striking self and baby boot 11 is the arms group has the law is promising a response for the assassination of how mouse is number 2, so last, rudy, along with a number of military commanders and how mass members they were killed in that apartment. as you can see, this was a surgical strike, as well, does not claim responsibility, but it is believed to have been responsible for killing those man who were the apparently holding a meeting. now this is a security breach, as well acting on intelligence. how mazda, of course, and ally of hezbollah, it has really develop the military infrastructure in this country with the support and help of hezbollah and husband was calling this
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a serious assault on 11 on. and that's, it is also a dangerous development. and the ongoing conflict between israel and the access, the so called access of resistance now has the law has joined the back of a gets is to help relieve how mass and gaza. there have been, ross has said, have been fired from siri and territory to which as well as the whole season, the evans, they have been firing drones in this house, as israel, all these different from trying to relieve pressure on how much in gaza. so it has all the statements, they are alluding for the possibility of, of an escalation on all these fronts because has the laws response it's, it's, it isn't a difficult position because if it's response triggers a full blown conflict with as well, then it will face the opponents in 11 on, and they will also be accused of dragging lebanon into conflict,
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and of hezbollah does not respond, then it's credibility is at stake. because even before the conflict began along the border of the south lebanon border, has the law has had promised that any assassination of 11 is a palestinian, and a running and official 11 on will. and this is a fierce reaction. now tomorrow the head of hezbollah has on this fellow, he was his plan to give his acceptance to give a plan speeds of late on wednesday to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the killing of the head of the running. and could this force cost them so many? what says will he say, all eyes really are on has the law, but no doubt this is a major blow to have massive military infrastructure $11.00 on israel, the that has, well, i will respond, but it will stop short of a drug in the country or, or dragging this into a full,
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full blown war. what hezbollah has been doing so far in the south really has been calibrating his actions. this is no doubt serious escalation as a turning point center for their else's data. this others have as a beta not very good, who is a senior advisor to be, is really prime minister and he's told us news network m s n b c that israel has a history of targeting what he called terrorists on the following. so we can speculate if you large but let's, it'd be clear is run, has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear, israel has in the past, of course it does we terrace when they're in foreign countries. and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, might see from stuff have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre . there is a legitimate target. we're going to speak to laura con,
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who's an occupied east, jerusalem, laura, israel doesn't usually publicly acknowledge responsibility in incidents like this. what is the reaction being as well? they certainly not publicly and not getting it at the moment. all the money are cost referencing it earlier on tuesday. daniel how gary? the is ready for the spokes pass and he said, well, he's got to the issue. but he said they are a pilot and they are ready for anything. a mock as they are not wanting to widen the conflict which has the law that has been a slight change on israel's nose and border with them. but this is really reflected in the language for me is ready government from the very start, but they will route to of i have asked the mass of what country they're in and that they are going to widen the conflict awake from gaza. benjamin netanyahu and also you go on the defense. secretary has a rich races, but they are fighting
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a war on 7 fronts. this includes 11 on so they are certainly bracing for some kind of response. and there's also been a huge destruction from the headlines yesterday. it seems that was some sort of constitutional crisis when the supreme court road one of them both from the co, russian government. so at this is now suppose hit the headlines app. now, the members of connected housing told not to say anything on the master that he brought and then the at the connected, the secretary has borne them all. however, we have had many voices already. one of them was from danny to the on demand roof. could that's it. say the cutting edge of victory and he's find these ready for says shouldn't that i'm a slot. ok after this targeted, killing officer, rudy. and this is all happening, of course,
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at that i understand that there are rates going on still in the occupied westbank. what's been happening there, laura there are many active seeings in the occupied west bank of the moment. an interesting lake. this is one of the friends, but nothing. yahoo said they are well with his. he occupies westbank. we've seen right in the top cut on kalki leah hebron novelists. this is a daily occurrence but there are some nights washed and others out tonight. it's been in the north shunts refugee camp, which is to columbus is east on all tow comes to the center. these really forces a button on the boulders as they are pulling out roads. they have destroying infrastructure. the also being a lot of confrontations happening across the west pine being on flight is coming out. israel says it is reaching out, flight is and is preventing more escalation from them. but what we do know is that
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has been faced resistance from the end. that's also in the south and have run the happy mass rest tonight. many of these rates, as i said, a ongoing laura, thank you very much. indeed. low. com talking to some occupied east jerusalem. i hope all is starting to being gathering the cities across the occupied was buying to protest against the death of santa, along for re demonstrations. have taken place in the streets of ramallah o jeanine habit on and not less mid active in abraham is more from bethlehem and the occupied less by the palestinians. i've taken through the streets and several of the cities in the occupied west bank as well as in his home south of idaho, where we heard his mother and his sisters speak. they were clear and sending the message said, this is who i follow. how do, what do you want to, by taking the path of confronting and resisting these really a few patients? and they mentioned that the, his blog is not better,
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is not any more or better than anyone that has been killed in the b c's, cause a surface specifically children. now when it comes to how he's being remembered, he's been known as the guy who is responsible for out of, for some of the gays, and the few pards westbank itself. he's been seen as the masterminds behind the capture. um, the length of the 3 is ray, the settlers in the hub around in the year, 2014 and indeed receive also uh the war on gauze. uh that has falls out in out of wood on is home zone palestinians of gather do uh basically more name and told about him. but he has also been in idle as someone instrumental and this was specifically at vehicle. i have seen these really forces raised into his house below. it's up also after the war, and this is the 2nd 5 in a row. you know,
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people here look phones. the ad many of her mouse is neither is because they say that they are the same when it comes to receiving the consequences of resisting these really occupation. they're not different than those fights is on the ground, and they are facing similar phase, not only when it comes to the assassination now, but also when it comes to being in prison. and i already have spent at least 18 years and is really jails. 15 of them in one time and then he's been released there has been also reported outside the us bank where he spent his time between 30 and our level. so basically this gives you an idea of why people move off to those leaders and how they are already we're deciding to declare tomorrow as a general strike and as a day of morning. so that's good morning. the situation in gaza with
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a number of people killed and there's really a tax has passed 22000. yeah, i'm doing a homicides is targeted. several is very soldiers using mines as well as destroying tanks. it's really, i mean it says it's killed homeless members along jobs as coastline. fund units and southern gaza is under intense fire from his very forces. and that's where the palestinian red crescent is based. an attack on the organizations headquarters has killed at least 5 people, including a baby started cowboys, whom has released from girlfriend and you attack against the same organization for the 2nd time. the same city where one of the heated the main headquarters that had been hit for the type turned into iris here to place for evacuees from the eastern areas of can you just as 5000 units have been killed in this strike with those and others who have been in good, i'm. it's ongoing military campaign against the city of eunice as the east bed. the forces had been mobilizing more troops. stateful control over the city as the
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confrontation of stuff on the ground. continue, at least since the early hours of today's morning, 16 palestinians being killed. only income una city on one of the latest is when it strikes that level to the ground. the residential building where full palestinians have to report that to the now so new to city has one of the main areas that the, it's very minute treat is now making a very police chest of this strategies in terms of the compact in the field where they are a cooling more per gates to find the as the are making the kinds of tax. it comes with a trouble from some set and pause and another announcement from areas of kansas city . and they are now making more mobilize ations loose loose troops to be pushed towards the middle coordinates of gauze, like including a breach of my policy and understand what refuge account where it, which works. in the last few hours, i've been on the white military shilling by the artillery unit. stop our station near the gauze as straightforward as, as the forces are trying to be much more access on the advancements inside the key,
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a, a path and residential neighborhoods. and in such areas, confrontations that continue as palestinian fine, just trying to pluck the entry of these military troops by attacking them with different kinds of weapons as uh the a casualties and just pulled that we both sides continue to wally's as move around just the brackets have been fired from the gaza strip. thomas is very surrounding settlements. still ahead and i'll just say that we're going to have all the rest of the days news, tragedy tokyo's ton to the airport as 2 planes collide on the one with the colors. we have a little bit of rain in the full cost of them, at least over the next couple of days, not too much to speak of bits and pieces of cloud, the central parts of saudi arabia, east and gave it to was the gulf. we could see
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a shadow to just a pound on 5, right, northern possible cause i'm not too much to speak of to suppose that right? certainly a possibility. high statement out of the round $25.00 sales. you start when does pick up as we go through with this day. so we'll chat a little bit elective task and sam, southern north you can say things to look a little more on several across the eastern side of the met. it's right, and you might catch a shout to groceries denarius' possibility of the chat with the just around the gaza strip, pushing up towards lebanon, easing up was the western side of syria as we go through where the stand something of a repeat performance as we go through this day i think there's no mist pos could say model more in the way of writing, and it will tend, this type of snow is it just eases across that east, the side of the, towards the caucasus, we bought across northern parts of africa generate dry recipes the cloud, dislodging with the far north of health the continent, but nothing too much to speak of as you drive down towards the west side of, of west africa as well as we go through the next couple of days. one or 2 showers.
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certainly a possibility. meanwhile, tropical sites, i know barbara continues to move across madagascar into the indian ocean, the rejecting decades of internal conflict, the farmers of columbia as peace communities remain neutral and on but refusing to leave their villages. i set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter. in an active defiance they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to the
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the you want to go just need a reminder of i told stories, this are senior, how much the official, a sub hello movie has been assassinated in a drone strike in the lebanese capital. israel is being blamed for the attack, although it hasn't been acknowledged responsibility, 6 of the members of hamas. i'm also being killed in the attack. and lemme know that during the strike targeted a building located in the southern bailey suburb of commerce says it's a terrorist attack the number of palestinians killed and there's really a tax on gaza has passed. 22 funds israel's intensifying. it's from boston to the central and southern parts of the district. united nations security council has repeatedly struggled to come to any sign kind of consensus on the water, gaza. it's also failed to pass any resolution calling for a cease fire. this month, the presidency of the council passes to funds are diplomatic,
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rather than james base, spoke to the french ambassador to the un about the war and gaza. your fascination of sallie allegory and escalating tensions in the red sea in this crisis and goes uh, stopped the most uh, 3 months ago. uh, about 7 and no we have manage and 2 now not to resolve the crisis, but at least to avoid a spin over in the region when the west bank can depend on. and this is what we need to continue to do on they won a prism, michael, a friend needs to go now work very hard, tirelessly to convince the origin less dakota's, to avoid the origin of conflict, ration and linked to the crisis and goes uh and to a certain extent we manage to succeed and to get there. so uh you mentioned the events and they would so earlier today friends, we continue to encourage all size to avoid discussions and,
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and to focus on the situation and goes on to make sure that we can have a progress on the ground of the system rebooted sufficient if a city cheese resumption of adults, human energy and relief release of or low stages, it's a to, i'd say to those assassinations that took place in by root of a, a breach of the un charter. is this a breach of lebanon's sovereignty and territorial integrity? well, i don't have to comment on that. i think it's remains and clear. uh, what we need to do again is to avoid a speed over effect. we need to avoid conflict between the east side and the band on. we need to make sure that the situation is solving both of the band on remains gone. we need to make sure that you defeated, which is a you in to which is really val, since 1978 to cancel the phillips when date. and nobody needs
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a new from, in this region. of course, you're talking about escalation, we've got escalation, potentially in other places as well. what's going on in the red sea? i believe you'll now calling a security council meeting in the coming hours on that. how, where it is from particularly now, as we know, there's a, there's an arabian warship that's now petroleum very well. uh, we are very concerned with the situation in the red sea from sides drawing the can the nation of the set tax on the, on the one. as you write the said james, the security can see we can discuss this issue tomorrow afternoon at 3 pm in december, and we need to do whatever it takes to secure large time safety. it's essential. i think when nobody was there, this was conditioning, the ritzy and uh, the ritz sees, uh, absolutely vital for transportation of goods, people in the g, you, me to trade in goods, etc. so i think we need to
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a secure maritime safety in the ritzy. and if you're, well, let's get to the cause or itself. what does this documented tire in situation with so many people have been killed. building $20000.00 off of those children fronts has controlled and security council in terms of being the president for the next month. are you going to push for another resolution, and do you see any change in the us position? because the us, of course, of the ones blocking this with, that'd be to what we need to see progress on, on this file. of course, the humanitarian situation. so remains absolutely dire. the secret you can see that the 2 resolution on the human to attend. you mentioned that this crisis and to be honest with you, implementation of these resolution is the fair, the needs remains and, and, and of course it's good to see the degree to conceal addressing the human institution and guess a. but we need to do more than addressing this in terms of these crazy. so this is
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why france has been urging or so could you consume members to support assist, enable suspicion of a city to use in goes uh uh, because uh, this is what we need for the people uh for human energy and access. what we need above or is uh, a full protection of civilians. okay, well let me, let me press you on that. there isn't protection of civilians right now. is israel acting illegally in front? says viewing what it's doing now because south africa is taking it to the international court of justice in the hague, under the genocide convention. do you agree with the action, for example, what we recognize the right of use way to defend. it says uh everybody should remember that on october 6, the situation and gives a, what's called an m. s. decided to a ducky swell, to kill 1200 jews to rape women in the monstrous know.
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but he has it. these are the signs but has its response being legitimate, self defense florist was moving a little crime. yeah. uh, what is a legit teammate is to make sure that you're not the victim anymore from to reset it as being a terrorist attack unless has acted as a tourist movement. and so as a right to defend, it says to make sure that these people are safe, that this kind of to reset, i do not, i put again. so my point is that everything we just to do with a set of defense and avoiding repetition of the set x is a, in all of you, accepted legitimate what should be avoided? what is not acceptable is a violation of the geneva conventions. and the violation of the low of the wall of intuition on human ditch and low. so going i've to the fighters from him
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as he's ok. of course, going of the civilians, women, children, those is not, it's clear they should be appeal distinctions of the us state departments responded to calls by as many ministers for palestinians to be re settled out of sight. garza washington says it reject statements made by israel's finance minister, best of the smart, rich and national security minutes. so it's not been via, it describes them as inflammatory and irresponsible. it adds that washington has been assured that these ideas do not reflect the position of a whole is where the government and it says the calls should stop immediately to hypotonic as more from washington dc. incidentally, oh, assume agency. what they did get was a comment from the bank over here. what is the statement confirming? cuz as far as he's concerned, that is the policy is really government in which he is. he is the national security minister. he said the immigration to hundreds of thousands from gaza, you know,
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will they live in security and protect idea of soldiers? i'm, i'm and pausing and something. is there any, is there any government ministers loved doing that? you know, you tried doing virus paperless itself in the case. i'd greatly appreciate that you as a usa, but with all due respect, we don't know the star of the american flags us as a good friend. but we'll do what's best with the state of israel and the company trying to humiliate bite in some ways, despite the fact that it's the by doing the station, the band crows, and gives us diplomatic color for the destruction. destruction of gauze it. but what's really is confusing about the statement. is it benjamin ethanol himself? similarly, actually in the, in a closed door meeting with his party in the cottage and government, the code was apparently, according to his rally media talking about executives. this time, last week he said that they were actively discussing voluntary immigration. they're working on it. there was discussion about setting up some sort of task force to get countries to accept cousins. and yet no statement from the state department, naming and shaming doesn't you all of a search? quite inflammatory assignment. very retro, rick, sir, it is perplexing um but um,
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but it is, it's just what it is i, i guess we'll see what i think the main concern right now is this. we've seen the rhetoric shift from the is ready to go from, from being completed all out and say, look, we just want to ethically comes garza to saying we want volunteer a repub creation humanitarian efforts because it's so unlivable and gauze. and now, and i think we have to also look at the us rhetoric, which is always about false relocation, false displacement as false displacement the same as, as a volume treat re, punctuation is really ministers means really prime minister, a talking about is ethnic cleansing, being re branded not just by the israelis, but also by the us as i'm sort of humanitarian intervention. this is something that's been discussed around here as well. we'll have to keep an eye on us managing says humans, hopefully group of fired to anti ship misses into the red sea, but no vessels were damaged. and the british motto time agency reported the incident $33.00 north regal miles off the coast of also i've been out, it's a yeah,
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the hosting's have not claimed responsibility, but they really in, by the group has targeted ships in the region, which they say are linked to israel as the going to bring you some of the days of the news, no rush, just as you find was launched. another drone attack on the russian border city of belgrade. at least 4 people were killed and dozens more wounded in rushes. miss island drone attacked on keys in the northeastern city of khaki is it's happened during the early morning hours on tuesday, hitting a residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. russia has stepped up at strikes and you pretty new cities in the past week on friday. attacks killed at least 59 people in japan and the passenger jets called fire on one way of tokyo's kind of the airport after colliding with a coast guard plain. so he's a live pictures from the wrong way of holiday. you can see the button, the remains of the planes. all those and the javan airlines jet made it off the,
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across a life. but 5 people on the smaller plane were killed fins and marketing reports. cameras at tokyo sunday, the airport capture the moment of the collision of japan airlines passenger get struck the coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames. but staff and those on board responded fast. and all the passengers and crew made it out alive. but several of the smaller coast guard plane were killed at georgia to combine our lines informed, the civil aviation bureau, the $379.00 people including $367.00 passengers and 12 crew members had been safely evacuated regarding the coast guard plain. the captain was evacuated, tyson 5 of the crew members were concerned. i don't suppose to my store within an hour of the past and forget catching fire. there was nothing left but wreckage, but extraordinarily, we all witnessing the fact how long of a nearby say?
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350. this is one of the newest models of commercial airline jets in the world. the pacific at cross that was flying today. it's just 2 years old. the coast guard says it's plane was preparing to head to the west coast to deliver a to earthquake victims when the collision happened all runaways. honda were closed after the crash and investigation is underway to find out how the 2 planes ended up on the same runway. vince and monahan, how to 0 was fencing, was just saying the coast guard thing was on his way to western japan, which was struck by a powerful as quake on monday. the local government says at least 62 people were killed. the magnitude 7.6 great happened off the coast of issues. caldwell prefecture causing widespread damage. emergency teams is searching for survivors more than a 1000 members of the military health.


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