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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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not see, and with what evidence they have so far. and yes, on the fringes of this way, the public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the senior homeless official signed it all, ruby and 6, others are assassinated in a drone strike and they were here's where it is being like the other cities have been demonstrating across the occupied west bank following other res kim. the know about this in a, this is all 0 live from go home, also coming up at least 5 people are killed and then is really attack on the
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southern guns are headquarters of the palestinian red present. the us says is really ministers are being inflammatory and irresponsible officer calls for palestinians to be re settled outside guns rescue efforts, continue in japan officer at least $62.00 people were killed in a powerful hours click on new year's day. we're going to be reporting live and the wide spread damage the senior. how much the officials saw that all over it has been assassinated in a drug, the striking, the lebanese capital they moved israel is being blamed for the attack, but it hasn't acknowledged responsibility. several homeless members were killed in the strike as well as 2 leaders of it's ongoing. they all are some brigades, a drone target at a building located in the southern bailey, the suburb of dr. yeah. how much has been fighting is really forces in gaza for almost 3 months. it says the attack was
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a terrorist act. and we would like to reaffirm that the assassination will jack by design this occupation of the grape commander in which i had shaved, solemn ally to woody and his brothers and call liza nadia. the hum, us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism in every sense of the word. it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation. and desire in this occupation the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance is in a hot or has the latest from the scene of the drawing strike in southern david's.
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11 is the arms group has the law is promising a response for the assassination of how mouse is number 2, so last, rudy, along with a number of military commanders and how mass members they were killed in that apartment. as you can see, this was a surgical strike, as well does not claim responsibility, but it is believed to have been responsible for killing those man who were apparently holding a meeting. now this is a security breach as well acting on intelligence how mass of course and ally of hezbollah. it has really develop the military infrastructure in this country with the support and help of hezbollah and husband was calling this a serious assault on 11 on. and that is also a dangerous development and the ongoing conflict between israel and the access,
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the so called access of resistance now has the law has joined the back of a gets is to help relieve how mass and gaza. there have been rockets that have been fired from siri and territory towards israel as a whole season. yeah, man. they have been firing drones in this house, as israel all these different from trying to relieve pressure on how much in gaza. so it has all the statements, they are alluding to the possibilities of, of an escalation on all these friends because has the laws response. if it's, it isn't a difficult position because if it's response triggers, a full blown conflict with israel, then it will face the opponents in 11 on. and they will also be accused of dragging lebanon into conflict, and of hezbollah does not respond, then its credibility is at stake. because even before the conflict began along the
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border of the south lebanon border, has the law has had promised that any assassination of 11 is a palestinian, and a running and official 11 on will. and this is a fierce reaction. now tomorrow the head of hezbollah has on the front left, he was his plan to give his expenses, to give a plan, speech a lease on wednesday to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the killing of the head of the running and put this forth, cost them so like many, what will he say? all eyes really are on has the law, but no doubt this is a major blow to have massive military infrastructure $11.00 on israel. the that has, well, i will respond, but it will stop short of a bragging the country or, or dragging this into a full, full blown war. what has the, has been doing so far in the south really has been calibrating his actions. this is
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no doubt the serious escalation as a turning point center for their associate of the southern suburbs available. i'll just say to spoken to the sister of son are long moving. she's told us about their last phone call to son country. so go to the last, franco, between me and him, was on october, the 7th that don't, there was a room is that they actually assassinated the shape. so i quote him. and when he picked up, i felt relieved. and he told us not to be afraid. i told him about the news that we received. 3 told me, nothing happened. we are fine, and all tanks were ready in the settlements. so we felt relieved. however, we knew that eventually they were going to assassinate. tim does nothing but because really is not willing to do those co trojan base code infants, they school babies and the mothers bellies. so of course that going to kayla, come on the agenda lock i have is a senior advisor to be is really prime minister who's told us news network m s n b c. but israel has
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a history of targeting what he called total risk unfolding. so that we can speculate if you large but let's be clear is what has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear, israel has in the past, of course it does we terrace when they're in foreign countries? and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief and stuff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre. there is a legitimate target. can i speak to a lot of khan who isn't occupied east jerusalem. busy israel doesn't usually publicly acknowledge responsibility and incidents like this once the reaction be no, and this is no different necessity. not just confirming anything at the moment, but many are close reference. and yet not long off to this talkative killing. we
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have the spokes person of the as ready, ami daniel. her diary, now he's got you the question of where the israel has killed the had the it was to talk to the stuff nation. but he did say that they on high a lot and they all prepare for anything that we're not hearing much from the is ready to connect that members at the moment of the secretary of the class that had also to be quite a few voices all coming through the wood, what one from danny dental and, and he actually finds the is ready for sits, but also the security forces of shouldn't bet on massage at for killing rory as somebody who's ready quite as also the finance administer bessler motorist. he said, we will kill all of israel's enemies. but what happened isn't far from what israel have the same from the beginning. they will root out her boss and it doesn't matter which country they list the number of countries. and therefore they said they will
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extend that long um, away from gauze us nets and yahoo ends, defense minister you go on. have also said they are fighting a war on 7 fronts, listing left and on as one of them out. so they all, certainly racing for response from has fall off considering this happened on lebanese soil. lot of the same time that our rates going on in the occupied was by you've been reporting on them over the last few days or so. what's happening with these ones you have has been raids. um it since don't, this is certainly something's not unusual. as israel says that it is trying to reach out slight it's from the occupied westbank. they went in today to to cut them jeanine, kalki, leah and south to hebron. now into a quarter of a balance to columbus has east you have north show comp. these right is came in with only full day, says associate,
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tearing up the streets. uh they is also being some snipers on the roof of a school. they surrounded the hospital, wouldn't allow geron list to access this whole school knows that to report what's going on. they also met with armed confrontation, full sizes inside. many of the camps, including now personal self and hyper on like half made menu arrests. now, just to say, of course, it's a very large dest hole in golf, but there is also climbing depths hole in the occupied westbank. 324 people have been killed since october. the 7th of it is that we think they're locked our feet from nora. will try to get back to and coming programs, not in the meantime. palestinians have been gathering the cities across they occupied westbank to protest about the death of saudi a level of the demonstrations that taking place and the streets of ramallah elder. janine have it on a novelist, knew that abraham is more from bethlehem and the occupied wife by to the
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palestinians. i've taken through the streets and several of the cities in the occupied westbank as well as in his home town of idaho, where we've heard his mother and his sisters speak. they were clear and sending the message that this is what sol, how do, what do you want to, by taking the path of confronting and resisting these really a few patients. and they mentioned that the, his blog is not better, is not any more or better than anyone that has been killed in the b c's, cause a surface specifically children. now when it comes to how he's being remembered, he's been known as the guy who is responsible for it out for some of the gays and the fuel cards westbank itself, he's been seen as the mastermind behind the capture. i'm feeling of at 3 is really subtler as in the have run into year 2014 and indeed received. also, the war on galls of that has falls out in the and is william zone,
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how the city is of gather do basically more name and talk about him. but he has also been in idle as someone instrumental, and this was specifically at people i have seen these really forces raised into his house below. it's up also after the war. and this is the 2nd time in a row. you know, people, if you're look phones, the at many of come off of meters because they say that they are the same when it comes to receiving the consequences of resisting these really occupation. they're not different than those fighters on the ground. and they are facing similar phase, not only when it comes to the fascination now, but also when it comes to being in prison, solid and already has spent at least 18 years and is really jails. 15 of them in one time and that has been released, there's been also ported outside of the occupied left bank where he spent his time
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between 13, i know, 11 on. so basically this gives you an idea of why people look off to those leaders and how they are already deciding to declare tomorrow as a general strike and as a day of morning. well, that's good morning. the situation in gaza with a number of people killed and is really a tax, has passed 22 files and now i'm don't know how much size is targeted. several is very soldiers using mines as well as destroying times. is there any on a says it's killed homeless members along causes, coastline con eunice and southern gaza is under intense fire from his very forces. that's where the palestinian red crescent is based on an attack on the organizations headquarters is killed at least 5 people, including a baby here and hospital in red present society facility clearly marks with the red present emblem on the roof in just 2 hours ago. you can
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see behind me and all around the area with 5 people were killed including a 5 day oh, child child in the world should be killed, let alone, one sheltering under the ends of the mediterranean organizations. this war has to end. you can see just behind me for diapers. this was a space where babies were living. this is a safe for children living. we can see on the, for the blood the well to be absolutely horrified, the world should be absolutely outraged the child was killed here today. whole more people were killed here today in the space that should be safe. but there is no safe space in gaza and the world to be a say that a couple assume has more from rough a new attack against the same organization. for the 2nd time, the same city were one heated,
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the main headquarters that had been hit were turned into iris here to place for evacuees from the eastern areas of con, you just as 5000 years have been killed in this strike with those and others who have been in good, an ongoing military campaign against the city of time. eunice, as they use very forces, had been mobilizing more troops. stateful control over the city, as the confrontations that's on the ground continue at least since the early hours of today's morning 16th power stands being killed. only in con, you, in a city on one of the latest is when it has drugs at the level to the ground that the residential building where for palestinians have to report it to the now. so new to city has one of the main areas dr. you, it's very minute treat is now making a very police shift of this strategies in terms of the compact in the field, where they are a cooling more per gates to find the, as they are making the kind of tax. it comes with a trouble from some set and pause and another and, and send some areas of because the city and the are now making move will be lazy,
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shouldn't loose, loose troops to be pushed towards the middle coordinates of gauze, like including a breach of my policy and understand what the refuge account where it, which works in the last few hours have been on the white military shilling by the artillery unit. stop our station near the goal is as straightforward as, as the forces are trying to be much more access on the accomplishments inside the key a, a path and residential neighborhoods. and in such areas. confrontations that continue as palestinian fine. just trying to pluck the entry of these military troops by attacking them with different kinds of weapons as a the, a casualties and just pulled that when both sides continue to wally's. as move around, just have rockets have been fired from the gaza strip tossed these very surrounding settlements. still ahead and i'll just here a nobody needs a new from in this region. the new president of the and security council tells our
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diplomatic attitude about his views on israel's actions in gaza and tragedy until he was kind of the airport as 2 planes collide on the one way the colors. we have a little bit of rain in the full cost of them, at least over the next couple days, not too much to speak. if you see some bits and pieces of cloud, the central parts of saudi arabia, east and grab it towards the gulf, we could see a shower ro to just a found run by re northern paso, cause i'm not too much to speak of. you specified certainly a possibility, high statement out of the round 25 cells use that when does pick up as we go through with this day. so watch out a little bit of lift the dust and sand. southern north, you can see things to look a little more unsettled across the eastern side of the met. it's right in your might catch a shout to groceries denarius' possibility the chat with the just around the gaza
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strip. pushing up tools 11 on easing up was the western side of syria as we go through where the stand some think of a repeat performance as we go through the 1st day. i think there's no nice pos could say model more in a way of writing, and it will tend this type of snow. is it just these is across, that is the side effect, the towards the caucasus. we bought across northern parts of africa. generate dry recipes. the cloud is flashing with the font north of the continent, but nothing too much to speak of as you drive down towards the west side of west africa as well as we go through the next couple of days. one or 2 showers. certainly a possibility. meanwhile, typical sites, i know barbara continues to move across madagascar into the indian ocean on counting the cost. what lies i have for the global economy is inflation, interest rates remain high. the china is facing deflation list. price is full power
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flooding growth, the effect to wells foss. how is rails war on gaza is impacting energy and shipping . counting the cost on i will to 0. power defines, i'll, wow, we live here. we make the rule, not the people empower, investigate, expose the question they use and abuse of power around that. go on out just there, the, [000:00:00;00] the, your thing. i'll just need a reminder of adults. so is this our senior homeless official cell eligibility has been assassinated in a drone, striking the lebanese capital. israel is being blamed for the attack, although it hasn't acknowledged responsibility. 6 of the homeless members are being
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killed in charge during the strike targeted the building located in the self imbedded suburb of da here. how much says it's a tennis. the number of pont of sentience killed in his many attacks on garza as past 22 funds. israel is intensifying is from bottom to the essential is southern fonts of history. the state departments responded to calls by has maybe ministers for palestinians to be resettled outside johnson washington. the says it reject statements made by israel's finance. minnesota best allows small fridge and optional security. minnesota is monumental event. it describes them as inflammatory and irresponsible. it adds that washington is being assured that these ideas do not reflect the possession of the whole is ready government. and it says the calls should stop immediately. sure how many times it has more from washington dc. it is a deadly oh estimate they what they did get was coming from the bank over here. what is the statement confirming that as far as he is concerned,
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that is the policy. if he has written a government in which he is, he is the national security minister instead of the immigration of hundreds of thousands from gaza. it will, you know, they live in security and protect idea of soldiers. i'm, i'm and pausing something is there any, is there the government is loved doing it. you know, you've tried doing virus paperless itself in the case. i'd greatly appreciate that you as a usa, but with all due respect, when of now the star of the american flags us is our good friend. but we'll do what's best for the state of israel and come, so you're trying to humiliate, bite me in some ways, despite the fact that it's the by doing the station the bank rolls and gives the flat of color for the destruction. destruction of gauze it. but what's really is confusing about the statement. is it benjamin ethanol himself? similarly, actually, and in a closed door meeting with his party in the cottage and government, the code was apparently, according to his rarely media talking about executives. this time, last week, he said that they were actively discussing voluntary emigration. they were working on it,
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there was discussion about so they've got some sort of task force to get countries to accept cousins. and yet no statement from the state department, naming and shaming doesn't you all have a search quite in pharma tree assignment tree rapture rick, sir, it is perplexing um, but um, but it is. it's just what it is. i, i guess we'll see what the i think the main concern right now is this. we've seen the rhetoric shift from the is ready to go from, from being completed all out and say, we just want to ethically comes garza to saying we want volume 3. repub creation, humanitarian efforts because it's so unlivable and causal now. and i think we have to also look at the us rhetoric, which is always about full screen location, force displacement of force displacement the same as, as a volume treat re, punctuation is rarely. ministers means rarely prime minister, a talking about is ethnic cleansing, being re branded, not just by the israelis, but also by the us as i'm sort of humanitarian intervention. this is something that's been discussed around here as well. we'll have to keep an eye on it. more now in the canning of senior, how much the official, a solid,
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elderly and bear boots, the united nations, has condemned the assassination. it's express concern over the potential expansion of the conflict. we have been just as you have been following these recent developments, which just happened a few minutes ago. um, obviously the developments are extremely working. and i think this just really highlights what the secretary general had just said about the dangers of the spill over of this conflict in the wider region. so united nations security council is repeatedly struggling to come to any signs of consensus and the water in garza. it's also failed to pass any resolution calling for a cease fire. this month, the presidency of the council passes to funds or diplomatic editor james base, is that the united nations in new york? an hour ago, i was in the security council chamber and spoke to the new president of the security council nicolette the,
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the he is the french ambassador to the united nations. this is an interesting dynamic because problems of course, is a permanent member which gives it some sway. it's a weston country, and yet it has for some considerable time cold for a sea spot to take place in gaza. definitely not the view of another opponent, member of the united states. what are the prospects for diplomacy then? what are the prospect? so a resolution quoting for c spa, he certainly wasn't raising expectations about that. at this stage, i pushed him on more israel was actually doing on cause or at the end. goals are at the moment. the fact that south africa taking a case to the international court of justice on the genocide convention, i asked him about his role as crimes. everything with just to do ways to save defense and avoiding repetition of the set tax is a and all of you accept a button and legitimate what should be avoided. what is not acceptable is
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a violation of the geneva conventions. and the violation of the low of the wall of intuition on human ditch in low. so going i've to the fighters from him as he's ok. of course going of the civilians, women, children, those is not, it's clear they should be a real distinctions. well, we're expecting quite a few meetings over the month on the issue of gauze, as has happened since october, the 7th, but one big one has already been scheduled. that's on the 23rd of the month. that's when france is going to have, it's for a minister here, a ministerial meeting to discuss the situation in the region. the us military says humans who the group of far to i'm to ship missiles into the red sea, but no vessels have been damaged near the bridge. by the time agency reports of the incident just over 60 kilometers of the coast of a sub. and that a trail the hose, these have not claimed responsibility, but they really and vice group has targeted ships in the region, which they say
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a linked to israel. the i'm going to bring you some of the days of the news now in the west, in japan, the death toll off on monday is powerful. last week is risen. 2062. the magnitude is 7.6. quake struck off the close of each color preference prefecture, causing widespread damage. emergency teams is searching for survivors. japanese media reporting but tens of thousands of homes are being destroyed. we just came joining us now from the town of northville in western japan. the 1st 48 hours after anything like this are crucial. you quite close to the center of the quakes. tell us what you've been seeing a yeah. hi, rob were at no to town, as you noted, which is about 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that new year's day quake on the tip of the know,
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tell me this town. it has several levels of structures, homes and stores. we spoke to some residents, many of whom are elderly, who told us that they've never seen anything like this. the barber shop owner in his eighty's we spoke to said he's been here since he was a boy and he intends to reopen his barber shop. once the water starts running again, but he has yet to hear from any authorities saying that if there is probably because they're busy dealing with bigger problems, which suggests that the response, the government response is still very much and it's early stages. now our journey here has been one that has been very slow. we've been driving north all morning and we ran into highway closures. we ran into broken asphalt. we even experienced
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a after shock on the way here as we did overnight. and we saw several leveled homes, much like those you just saw here that have been yet to be addressed. we also saw some of the $11000.00 special defense forces that the government said had been dispatched to some of the hardest hit areas, including watching my city to help bring some much needed assistance. but you know, unlike the capital of easy card prefecture where we were yesterday, the mood has been somber. and you may see in the camera, but it is drizzling here. and the concern is that it will turn into some heavy rains. and of course with the loose end or if there are real landslide risk. so this is really becoming a race against time you. there's thank you very much you used and close to the center for that day as quite happened just a couple of days ago in western japan. thank you. are saying in japan, a passenger jets caught fire in a wrong way of tokyo's kind of dye airport dr. colliding with the coast guard playing these
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a live pictures from the runaway here find that you can see the burned out remains of the plains. all those on the japan airlines jet made it off the aircraft a life. 5 people on the smaller plane were killed since and most reports cameras are tokyo's hyundai to airport capture the moment at the collision of japan airlines, passenger jet struck a coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames. but staff and those on board responded fast. and all the passengers and crew made it out alive. but several of the smaller coast guard plane were killed at georgia. good news for panda lions informed the civil aviation bureau. the 379 people including 367 passengers and 12 crew members have been safely evacuated regarding the coast guard plain, the captain was evacuated,
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ties 5 of the crew members look themselves down to my store. within an hour, if the passenger get catching fire, there was nothing left but wreckage but extraordinarily, we are witnessing the file. how long of a nearby say 350. this is one of the newest models of commercial airline jets in the world. the civic across that would flying today is just 2 years old or the coast guard says gets plane was preparing to head to the west coast to deliver a to earthquake victims when the collision happened. all runaways. honda were closed after the crash and investigation is underway. to find out how the 2 planes ended up on the same runway. vince and monahan, how to 0. russia. it says you cranes launched another drone attack on the russian border city of belgrade. at least 4 people who had been killed and dozens more,


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