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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the dreams have been destroyed, and all that remains on account of the loss. garza shuts her dreams on al jazeera investigation. the gift compelling insights into total storms from asia and the pacific one. 0, one east. on out to zira the 11 he was on the roof as well as promising a response of to see how much the official solar eligibility is assassinated in a drawing. so i can be reached the time about this and, and this is all just a light from dough home. also coming up not
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a city is a been demonstrating across the occupied west bank following movies, killing. at least 5 people are killed in and these really attack on the southern garza headquarters of the palestinian red, crescent, and rescue efforts. continue in japan officer, at least 62 people were killed in a powerful as quite a new year's day. the a lebanese on group, as well as promising board is calling a response and punishment for the assassination of a top homeless official, sally oliver. it was killed in a drum striking the lebanese capital bait route on tuesday. he was a deputy chief of how much political bureau and was believe to be a funder of its military waiting, the custom brigades, israel's being blamed for the attack, but it hasn't acknowledged responsibility. several harmless members were killed and destroyed, as well as 2 liters of accost number gates. the drone target at
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a building located in the southern booth suburb of da here, hamas has been fighting, is really forces in gaza for almost 3 months. it says the attack was a terrorist act. we would like to reaffirm that the assassination by design, this occupation of the great commander in which i had shaved, solemn, allied woody and his brothers and call liza many of the, from us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism. in every sense of the word, it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation and desire in this occupation. the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real
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quick resistance and the coming of sell all the worries, the latest and the history of assassinations, of homeless fighters and commanders. michael apple has more studied solace. allowed . rudy was one of how much as top officials, he was meeting other leaders from the group in the bay route suburb of the here. when a huge explosion destroyed a floor of the building. had been a target of israel and its allies for years. and so israel did not officially take credit for the assassination. it was the latest in a long line of targeted killings of how much lead a liability is believe to have been one of the founders of how much is all i'm doing. the cassandra gates, the us state departments had a $5000000.00 bounty on his head since at least 2015 has how much is 2nd didn't come on. he was known to be a top is ready targets. another person should be on israel's most wanted list. is
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this man, he's the us in law leader of home us in gaza. and the person israel holds most responsible for the attacks on october 7th, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. colson was a dead man walking. as the groups found is shape us made ya sending of the lives these all around t c. were assessing aged in 2004. dozens of other homeless commodities and leaders have made similar fates over the years. part of a wide campaign against several palestinian groups. there's a sense that they can kind of, we can the palestinians and eliminate their leaders and keep them kind of defeated and divided. but, you know, we've seen that, that those policies, those violent policies haven't worked in, you know, in suppressing palestinians general desire for freedom from occupation off to the
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october 7th detection. and the depth of more than a 1000 is riley's mostly civilians. israel seems to no longer be willing, just to block kate how much in and pickle fits lead. as it stated, aim is now the groups complete destruction considering them legitimate targets no matter where they are. i don't think this in new york goes us in a us as a nation who's ever a game changer. now we face a very complex situation to reach it, but it's still a single, but a spin was assess the native on the 3rd or flip and on. and the question is where, which is but not take with the death toll in gaza topping 22000 palestinians. they may feel their full on these rails kill this mike level, which is 0 dollar hopkins in the corner in southern lebanon was more on the potential for escalation in israel's conflict with color. so the big question here
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is, was trying to detect hezbollah through the open, an operating boldly in lebanon, and syria, and s, as in 18. a come on to such as the uh, probably bureau chief deputy of the policy or chief of him. us saw that the oddity that we know very well that he was on the is ready. this is what i was want on several occasions that father had already is it is a target i q as in came. busy playing a great role in the autumn and an ottoman the west, back and steering the new wave of resistance in the west bank. that's why uh, over the past months they've been several uh, warnings to solve it. and i do see that he's on the list and also the fellows been saying that if this is going to happen, then there is going to be a retaliation. now we're all waiting to see how and where and to what extent this
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retaliation is going to change this dr. score here, there's a certain stop this good that's been built over the past 3 months. this started score is the confrontation operations on war to an extent. however, in a and within some rules of engagement today, the rules of engagement has been reached. so what is has, will are going to do and disregard the lock that i have is a senior advisor. so these are the prime minister who's told us news network m s n b c that israel has a history of targeting. what are you called target list on following sort, or we can speculate if you large, but let's it'd be clear as well. it has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear israel has in the past, of course it does. we terrace when they're in foreign countries and the truth is,
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i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief and stuff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre? there is a legitimate target. let's meet a lot of time who isn't occupied east jerusalem. israel doesn't usually publicly acknowledge responsibility and incidents like this. what's the reaction being the well, this time it's so different. israel is neither confirming or denying. it has anything to do with this assassination. of in loving of sala. a 40. no, no, not long after it happened. daniel gary, the spokes person for the army at his scholarship. the question as to whether israel had anything to do with it, but he did say they are in highlands, and they are for pads, most likely, bracing themselves, full retaliatory strikes,
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coming from his bullet, considering it will happen on lebanese soil. now in terms of is really reaction from the connected, the sex tree of the connect as all people to be quiet. a few people have been coming out of the woodwork, including m. k, danny, down on, he's fine. these ray, the army, those sort of the internal and external security services, sion bates massage for the assassination of a variety of somebody who's ready, quite se, well was a finance minister as well. so smartjets who says they will go off to israel and amaze at now this kind of rhetoric has been quite normal from israel, specifically since august, type the 7th. that was a leak function bait in december. but they are targeting from us members in every country and in many countries, including in golf up but they do have a long reach nation,
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yahoo and also the defense ministry. us guidelines made it clear that they all fighting a war on 7 different fronts. and this includes 11 on so one thing we know for sure is that certainly bracing themselves for any retaliation. now laura, thank you very much. indeed a lot of tongue talking to some occupied east jerusalem on palestinians rallied in the cities across the occupied. why is to bind to protest against the death of sally, a lot of re demonstrations and taking face some towns and cities and proving that armada over jeanine's habit on. and now this, we're going to bring in need to able to, came with who's in outlook in the occupied westbank. so the is really fundament may have been told not to speak about this, but a lot of palestinians showing their emotions officer, the kenning of solid, loudly as indeed we've heard a lot of calls for revenge. and we've seen those calls for a general strike materialize today. and the occupied to us bank were palestinians
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of said that all schools, public institutions will be close to more and the death of sala, a library. and indeed they've been calling it an assassination. he had an idle would. all we'd expecting people to go to the house of sol, at least the mother's house because of his house is you can see here, behind me has been designated by these really forces when they came here at the end of october. now, yes, saw the head already has been born and raised here in the occupied westbank. but he's never been able to live at this home because after he has been released from jail in 2006, he only spent 3 months before he was re arrested again. now later after he has been released towards the end of 2009, he came here. he greeted people before he was deported. outside the of the occupied to us banquet, he lived his life in turkey. um it late and no luck on palestinian said that they
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have no doubt as to who killed him and they believe that this was another assassination. and if i can tell you what the mood here in the streets, people believe that while israel could not guarantee itself is victory in the besieged because a strip it went to the other way. it can show its people that it has landed the victory, which has a sas, anything se, you're him, us either in beta. what's a, this is the sentiments here amongst palestinian and we've heard indeed from the family of saw the head already from his sisters. and his mother saying that his blood is not more precious than those who are being killed in the besieged cause it's true for us to kennedy children's. and they said that this is the past that he took. he knew this was going to be the end. so we've seen these demonstrations across the occupied westbank, but we've also seen ongoing is really raids as well. yes. or all
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those rays are becoming part of the palestinians. we'll see with is really forces reading different cities, different tiles and refugee tabs. now, in addition to the rates that have stopped, we have now an ongoing rate that is happening in this new shims refugee camp is off as near to cut him in the north of the occupied westbank spit. obviously we're seeing an exchange of fire between the palestinian fighters and these really forces, but in general, there is a lot of destruction. there is a lot of a field arrest campaign that has been carried on by the israeli forces. according to locals. we've had a city as have been injured that will. so these really forces have a hit with a room car, but no one was in it. so no one has been targeted yet. no, we know that these really forces have been extensively the they knew or something
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in particular because they believe that there are armed men there that they confront with these really forces whenever they, they the area. so this is the main target, but many palestinians would tell you that in other places, there isn't really a specific reason for these really forces to go in. except for showing the palestinians who has the ultimate controls, who can control their lives and who can really make their lives difficult if they were to do anything that would be seen by as well as resisting its occupation need abraham and the need to thank you very much i and let's good morning, the situation in guys, i was a number of people killed and is really a tax has passed 22000. you know, i'm doing no harm. us says it's targeted several is rarely sold or is using mines as well as destroying tanks. it's really honest as it's killed. come us members along causes coast time on eunice in southern gaza is under intensify from is
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really forces and that's where the palestinian red crescent is based on attacking the organizations headquarters has killed at least 5 people, including a baby honey martin was joining us live from rafa in the southern gaza, so the is there any attacks continuing now we're seeing an attack as well on the headquarters of the palestinian red crescent. the a yes indeed. and then this is what people have been talking about the fence about particular we're looking at $89.00 days of this war and but on news. well, unexpected the turn of events that, of threatening to widen the scale of, of this war. but it's still distracting that these really military just took advantage of the, of the distracting news and, and pounded the central area of the gaza strip on han unit massively with relentless, ongoing, non stop artillery selling inc. and an air strikes the destroying
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a group of residential homes at the eastern side of a new se, dot com. that's very close to call. i had the enroll the 3 of these residential buildings that are known as i enjoy booth residential buildings. a group of residential building were constructed at the time of the p, a in the gaza strip, but we're looking at more people being killed. more people are displaced and more people are injured than breast do a lot. so hospital really over whelmed health facility, but also it to elbow ratios and other areas of defense from part including dated by the d, came under tv areas bombardment in hon. eunice, and not only looking at residential buildings and public facilities being targeted, but also a charitable health organization. like the policy of it, crescent society that was targeted for the 3rd time in less than a week. uh, the 8th floor of the headquarter of the building was targeted to separate people
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who were killed and other injuries. but also we're looking at the the damage that is caused to medical equipments and the, the, the, the medical warehouse that we're hiding inside. these are these still the just furthering the, the suffering and the, the, the, the miserable situations of hosp, the colors as these a chart of both health organization who works as a sub board. it's to public health facility that has been under constant heavy, a bombings then and no. so running to the lowest capacity, a possible a threatening to further the, the, these 2 complications in the health care system to the eastern side of a rough ice. the deep since the early hours of this morning and over night non stop artillery showing continued to destroy more residential buildings, both those things, more agriculture, land and all again, it all feed into that is really narrative of, of creating
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a buffer zone. and it's squeezing people into a small area of the gaza strip time off load in rafa. honey, thank you very much. indeed. still ahead on all the 0. why falling water levels and the mississippi river are threatening drain supplies across the world. the unsettled tongue upfront takes on the biggest cities of context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question, question of 5 upfront on how to 0 hard hitting interviews. as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all . the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in
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the security council. this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era the latest news as it breaks, as always, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason is, worry take good approximates with detailed coverage less than 2 weeks. central office being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world since the start of the war. a vast number of small a voluntary groups have sprung into big buildings, have the result of fig or organization. the
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you watching? i'll just need a reminder about child stories. this are nobody's on route because of all as promising what it's called and got response and punishment for the assassination of a top. how much the official sunday all over it was killed in a drug and striking the lebanese capital a route, israel's being blamed for the attack. but it hasn't been acknowledged responsibility for drone strikes, targets at the building, located in the southern beta suburb of duck here. 6 of the homeless members were killed in the tax. the number of palestinians killed and is really attacked some garza as past 22 funds israel's intensifying. it's from boston to the central and southern positive history. the united nations security council has repeatedly struggled to come to any kind of consensus on the water and gaza. it's also failed to pass any resolution calling for a cease fire. this month. the president saves the console process to funds. our diplomatic editor james base is of the united nations in new york. now we go,
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i was in the security council chamber and spoke to the new president of the security council nicolette, the, the he is the french ambassador to the united nations. this is an interesting dynamic because problems, of course, is a permanent member which gives it some se way. it's a weston country, and yet it has for some considerable time cooled for a c spot to take place in gaza. definitely not the view of another opponent member of the united states. what are the prospects for diplomacy then? what are the prospect? so a resolution cooling for c spa, he certainly wasn't raising expectations about that. at this stage, i pushed him on what israel was actually doing on cause or at the end. goals are at the moment. the fact that south africa taking a case to the international court of justice on the genocide convention, i asked him about, as well as crimes. everything which has to do with a safe defense and avoiding repetition of the fedex is a,
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in all of you accepted. but and legitimate, what should be avoided? what is not acceptable is a violation of the geneva conventions and the violation of the, of the wall of intuition on human nature. no. so going i've to the fighters from him as he's ok. of course going of the civilians, women, children, those is not, it's clear they should be appeal distinctions. well, we're expecting quite a few meetings over the months on the issue of gauze as has happened since october, the 7th, but one big one has already been scheduled. that's on the 23rd of the month. that's when france is going to have it's foreign minister here, a ministerial meeting to discuss the situation in the region. the going to bring you some of the days of the news now in western japan, the death toll left him and is powerful. as quakers listened to at least $62.00,
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it struck the cost of the chicago of prefecture, causing widespread damage. emergency teams are still searching for survivors. more than a 5 military personnel are helping with rescue efforts. unit kim has moved from a ton of knoxville in western japan. and we've arrive that no to a town which is about 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that new year's day. quick mounted to 7.6. and as you can see behind me, the destruction is here. this vehicle just barely holding up that structure. that is collapsing into its left is what seems to be the towns supermarket. now this is a community where a lot of the elderly call home and we had a chance to speak with one such man in his eighty's who says he's lived here for since he was a child and he's never seen damages like this from an earthquake. he runs a virus shop and he told us that even though right now is in disarray,
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he does hold to we open any hopes that others will do so as well as not move out of the community. now our journey here has been a very slow one because we were driving around close highways and also broken us falls from the earthquake. now these are of course conditions that aid workers have to also deal with as a try to get to these northern areas where the hardest hits are, where the casualties are rising, casualty numbers have been as well. we saw some of these special defense forces that some $11000.00 of them are said to happen dispatch. we also saw several groups of ambulances with science suggesting they were from all across horseshoe island to, for medical help for those for, and hardest need. so as you can see, the weather is drizzling and the weather is expected to turn into heavier rain as we fall into darkness. so authorities, government workers,
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a workers working against mother and nature to try to minimize the damage from potential land slides as well. units kim alda, 0 know to japan and investigations under way up to 5 people were killed in a plain collision of tokyo's hyundai, the airport japan airlines flight it, a smaller coast guard aircraft has the air bus a few 50, came into land, all 379 passengers and crew aboard the airliner escaped to safety before the far too cold. but 5 of the 6 people on the coast guard place were killed. russia says ukraine has launched another drone attack on the russian border city of belgrade, and it says air defense systems. i've destroyed a you training and miss all over the crime in port of sylvester pole. it's the latest in a series of strikes by both countries in recent days. on tuesday, at least 4 people were killed and dozens more were wounded in rushes. miss holland joined attack on chief and the northeastern city of khaki. and the us. the
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mississippi river is drying out for the 2nd year in a row because of severe drugs. it's dropped to historically low level is causing salt water from the gulf of mexico to threaten drinking water supplies. obviously there's hydro castro as move from new orleans in those on the mississippi isn't just a river. it's a super highway of commerce connecting america's mid western gray fields to its southern c port and the world's consumers beyond. but the river is shriveling up. again. that makes a major difference for river traffic. last year, ships ran a ground in mud that was previously underwater. there's tough issue. there's a lot of the harbors are not being overly used and a lot of both running the ground as a result. farmers have had to hold back some of their harvest for fear of overloading barges that have less water. to float in this river is the artery, through which 60 percent of us grain exports past. and all of that comes here to
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new orleans before it's shipped off to the global market. this river is the lifeline of our exports. we have a $150.00 petrochemical plants that fees the stock to the world that come back to us involves the phones and the camera you got in this. these are, as it's dna, somewhere out of louisiana, or this was the space, the ship roll product, see it as the transfer to those right and bends over there and feed the world. however, current us, we'd exports our at a 20 year low and federal authorities have been forced to act. the u. s. army corps of engineers is dredging the river bed deep and navigation channels. a project they say will continue for as long and as far as necessary, although even that may not be enough, you only have as much depth of the river as what you create through dredging and, and management. and so, as the waterfalls,
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you start to lose that distance between the top of the water and the, and the river, but the drought exacerbated by climate change has made the work that much harder. rain is the only real solution. heidi jo, castro, elda 0 new orleans louisiana. weather is next finish inside story, and you can find more information in the website. i'll just leave it all. come about us and statements. the hello. we have a little bit of rain in the full cost of them, at least over the next couple of days, not too much to speak of. some pieces of cloud, the central parts of saudi arabia eastern going towards the gulf. we could see a shower to just the founder and by re northern possible cause i'm not too much to speak a few spots of right. certainly
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a possibility. high statement that all the round 25 celsius that when does pay comp as we go through with us, they said what? you have a little bit of lifted dust and sand. southern north, you can see things to look a little more unsettled across eastern side of the minutes, right. and you might catch a shout to process the eastern areas possibility of the chat with the just around the gaza strip, pushing up tools 11 on easing up tools at western side of syria as we go through where the stand something of a repeat performance. as we go through the 1st day, i think there's no mist pos, could say model more in the way of writing, and it will tend, this time to snow. is it just, these is across that east, the side of the, towards the caucasus marcus and other parts of africa generate dry recipes, the cloud, dislodging with the far north of health the continent, but nothing too much to speak of as you drive down to was the western side of west africa as well as we go through the next couple of days, one or 2 showers. so any a possibility may well have a good side. final bar, it continues to move across madagascar into the indian ocean. the
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unique perspective of africans are willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lives of voices, you don't often hear tumble nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same. surely share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you find elsewhere, you see where the political establishment is in terms of testifying, genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is your or what does a new phase in israel's 1000 entails? it's on the is putting some truth from the stress. it says it's adults and most how this information is against him, off candice ralph to the chief. it's subjective in the will. this is inside story. the.


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