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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the fellow until mccrae. this is the news our line from does not coming up in the next 60 minutes. palestinian groups and living homes has belong balance or respond to senior mazda official. so i'll
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a really is assess the nice it in the drawing striking papers the citizens have been demonstrating across the occupied with bank following a res killing. these 5 people are killed in and is rarely attack on the southern guns. a head causes the palestinian rid, christmas, and rescue with its continue in japan. after at least 62 people were killed in a powerful as quick on new year's day. the lebanese um group has belong as promising water. it's cooling a response and punishment for the assassination of the top him, us official. so the other the was killed in the drawing, striking the liberties capital papers on tuesday. he was the deputy chief of a mazda is political bureau, and was believed to be a found to all of its military wing that cassandra guides is ro, hasn't acknowledged responsibility for the strength. but it says, ultimately does a targets following the october. the 7th attack,
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several homeless members were killed in the strike, including 2 liters of the cassandra guides. the drawn, targeted a building located in the southern bayard city. if they come off, has condemned the attack, cooling at a terrorist act, and plunging to continue its resistance against his ro a little after. and we would like to reaffirm that the assassination will jack by design this occupation of the great commander in which i had shaved, solemn, alive woody and his brothers, and call liza the hum us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism. in every sense of the word, it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression
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against our people and our nation and desire and this occupation, the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance. the killing of sell all other the is the latest in the history, all of assassinations? ultima suffices and commodities. michael apple has more studied solar allowed. rudy was one of how must his top officials. he was meeting other leaders from the group in the bay route suburb of the here, when a huge explosion destroyed a floor of the building. had been a target of israel and its allies for us. and so israel did not officially take credit for the assassination. it was the latest in a long line of targeted killings of how much leading light rudy is believed to have been one of the founders of how much is all i'm doing. the cassandra gates,
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the us state departments had a $5000000.00 bounty on his head since at least 2015 has how much is 2nd didn't come on. he was known to be a top is ready targets. another person should be on israel's most wanted list. is this man, he's the us in law leader of home us in gaza. and the person israel holds most responsible for the attacks on october 7th, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. colson was a dead man walking the groups found is shake off. may the sending of the laws, these all the run, t c, were assassinated in 2004, dozens of other homeless commodities and leaders have met similar fates of the as part of a white, a campaign against several palestinian goods. there's a sense that they can kind of, we can the palestinians and eliminate their leaders and keep them kind of defeated
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and divided. but, you know, we've seen that, that those policies, those violent policies haven't worked in, you know, in suppressing palestinians general desire for freedom from occupation off to the october 7th to texas and the depth of more than a 1000 is released mostly civilians. israel seems to no longer be willing, just the blockade homeless in and pickle fits lead. as it stated, am, is now the groups complete destruction, considering them legitimate targets no matter where they are. i don't think that any of those us today as, as an agent who's ever a game changer. now we face a very complex situation to reach it, but it's the single, but it's the was assess, the name is on the 3rd or flip and on. and the question is where, which is but not take with the desk total in gaza topping $22000.00 palestinians.
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they may feel their full on these rails killed us like level l g 0. we have teams across the region covering developments for us the, the abraham is standing by in the over, in the occupied with bank lower con, isn't occupied east jerusalem. but 1st, let's go to the hush and who is standing by in the quota. in southern living on we have we heard anything from live and a is officials? yes, it was the nice 5 minutes. and as you me a call to condense the talking, that's the, the official line from the news government. of course the nothing and the best situation because they've been over the past 3 months trying their best to keep 11 on away from the tool to collapse into the confrontation. the situation in the south was always alarming to the government invaded with, however, they went and in talks with hezbollah and all the time and called the nation,
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should not take this situation a step further and fought in mid gates as i've been coming to the liberties a capital with a friend in short, americans or from all the west and capitals just to try to push and, and pressure the lebanese government to establish a kind of a is a situation to was between hezbollah and the tool to confrontation. now, the lebanese government is in the situation where it's have to deal with, with, with, with this us as a nation directly because they know this is going to trigger a series of, of, of events. and they want these events to be contained as much as possible. because for now, the living is government is dealing on several layers with, with different challenges, the challenge of the, the, the, the refugees on the challenge of getting the country into this situation. so yeah, the needs government is condemning guns. that's the most they can do for now,
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because most of the, of the, uh, the, the, the, the, the, the nuts aren't and it's hands it, it's just the need for is that everything is happening going. and you're in a southern living own where we know that it has been fighting over the last several months. we know that his below has obviously said it will respond. have we seen any sign of how they might actually do so? yes. as well. the daily business of a talking is ready, a military positions continues as normal from yesterday even yesterday and, and the light that was separate or the tax, however the retaliation for beginning of the yeah, it's a bit. it's a bit complicated because hezbollah is mainly a dealing with this situation. a complex situation with us that is 1st default and is really
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a talk inside delivery needs depth mainly in the southern sop known as the boss here. and this is the, the, the center of it, school man, this is one number 2, that is an attack on the, the, and the resistance which his father had already. so this is going to be a kind of a situation where it fits but low would have to wait. it's options. and over the past years we've been seeing is really is playing and this and this margin, the margin of security attacks. whereas the of assessing a did several of either below or or allies to hezbollah. and the problem is that the security leverage that is right, is what has shown over the past. yes, wasn't matched from the other side. and this is raised lots of questions about the tenants. and if today this is going to go ahead, i mean without the response from hezbollah, the question of the tenants would it be bigger and bigger and could really draw more attacks from is as you touched on,
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this blog has been very careful to calibrate it's responses to as well so far along the border, they are over the last several months. how could this change that this while the fact is that this attack was outside what's being called as the rules of engagement. it's an outside the box a dock. so as well as reading the options of an outside the box, the response doctor would mean maybe an attack that's going to go beyond the 7 or 10 kilometers. a depth inside is what this is, at least from the picture that we have from why we are all because of us. and the issue is that we are just analyzing for now. of course today that will be a speech by how sudden a feller later. and he is actually going to talk of this issue. and of course we'll hear
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a lot from the fellow on how this is going to happen. and what's going to happen. this is in case there is nothing that is going to take place from now to the speech, and that's why actually we are here on the border watching and observing. but of course we'll update you with the latest. thanks so much kelly. uh, we really do appreciate that, that is at a hush and for us in the core, in the southern living on palestinians rallied in cities across the occupied west bank to protest against the death of some other the demonstrations have taken place in towns and cities including from allah auto to jeanine hebron and nicholas for more on this is bringing the, the abraham, who is in other in the occupied with the bank. and you are in l ovaries. hometown, what has been the reaction there to his killing? not only am i in allied with ease hometown, but i am at the house where he was born and raised the we're going to be speaking in
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a bit to his mother. this is his picture as he was imprisoned by israel. in total, he spent 18 years in his really presence before he has been deported outside of the occupied westbank. and as we were talking to the family that are expecting mourners to come here to idle in the next hour or so, i was asking them if they think that this is something that they were expecting. i have here his mom asha. and she has been described by the family member as, as someone who has so much patience, i'm going to be asking her. she doesn't hear very well. so i'm going to be a bit louder. although as a comparison to kind of mustang, thank you very much for coming here to into a time you expected. listen to this. yes ma'am. how that while he was expecting this,
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i said we just can't do the house on the paper. you sent it to him, so we were bits good about his the net existence limit investors. right. and this has been says long time that we are aware of this who was aware of the have that who macklin wish me to ask you to do extra my lumiere. yes. of goals because it, he was expecting this was it difficult for you to be defaulted or to be in the janes and there's really nothing. nothing being in the jane was van. it's all valid for me. no, no precision because he is in a prison. amazing. the j u haul and when he was doing that on the days type of thing, dog, he was released within muslims a bit to them being in, in the day in prison. going, the whole kennedy said when he left, you was the and he,
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us to me that i speak to whether to return back to the date or to be defaulted. i told him, know, you better to be able to to joe is that can, so we will get married model, heck, and new wife will join new data and how much is it? okay. and the other thing, the dental willard at this time, he has 2 daughters. and one, so how sad are you today in many she county very well, but she said, i'm really sad. she says that it's not easy for her to part her son. she was telling me earlier that it's difficult, as we say, she's an old lady, 81 years old and it was difficult for her to hear all of our questions. let us talk to his sister, the leg and puts eva. it's got a sob issue,
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behavior to what was the difficult point in his life. and the difficult point in his life was the one that was arrested, the skin and the he was still good and he lost 45 kilograms. we didn't even recognize him when we saw him and the he wasn't in the jade for some long time. the separated fulton is, but he has a strong belief. and the difficult thing is that he was seeing his uh, uh, brothers and his companions being assassinated. and this was difficult for him, i think a law or might say in a while he was in prison, it was legs putting the whole situation around him. i was expecting the for him to best fascinated. yeah. couldn't pull somebody.
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we were in contact with him almost every day, but because of the circumstances of the war since the 7th of, of global we haven't talked to him and i don't know when we heard about the difficult situation, who called him and he was fine, but they went to i didn't have any from science in my hub in the threatening the how do these intelligence visible? how can it kept me for 5 hours? and i was laughing that told him think well, that thing dog. and we would like lift to lift the opening and i said to them, a lot of my t is the one to decide the thing the is good for us. if you and
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the own one to be a monitors, we all want to be monitors. and what it chimed in, and in the fall of seeing in 10, it says want to be a mall to so just to elaborate further, she was saying, but as she was making her way back from jordan, after she'd come conducted hedge back to the occupied westbank she was stopped by these really intelligence. they told her this much is left in your brother's life, meaning that they will kill him soon. he told her that they will assassinate him. so basically this is part of what the family has been going through. being a sisters and the mother of solid and already today has been declared as a general strike. and palestinians are expected to be taken to the street to mourn his death. he's remembered to you as someone who has been keen on preserving national unity. he has been worn by the palestinian prime minister and by senior leaders. thank so much need it and the, the room for us the in the occupied with bank lock or give is
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a senior advisor to the is really prime minister. he told us news network and this nbc, that israel has a history of targeting. well, he called terrorists on foreign soil. we can speculate if you large but let's, it'd be clear is one has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear. israel has in the past, of course uh, does we terrace when they're in foreign countries? and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief and stuff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre. there is a legitimate target us. so to speak to laura con now who is an occupied east, jerusalem and laura, israel doesn't usually publicly acknowledge responsibility in incidents like this. what is pain? the reaction that oh,
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it's the delta instead of uh, currently israel is neither confirming nor denying it had any responsibilities. the killing all sort of a rudy put the it's very the army spokes pass and in his daily press briefing. and so maybe it's ready press at the, he's got it the question of whether they were involved, but he did say israel is and highlight and it's great for pads for the next steps. now, of course, it's not already happened on lebanese soil, but it also happens in the southern outskirts of state route, which is it has followed strong hold. that's already been across exchange of fire across israel. those in bold up with has full lot of now in terms of is ready reaction at the is ready um connects it but, but haven't really been saying moxley, happy warmed by the secretary. uh huh. he brought and then not to say anything, not speak to the media, but some people have been coming out to what,
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what's one of those is never connected to donate dental. and he's actually congratulated. massage ready, intelligence will say should back that security services on this, right. the all me to see itself the nation. old out. all right, so openly saying it, we've also, i mean it's not unusual to hear from the finance minister that doesn't those small dredge who said, you know, we will continue to fight israel at a nice up. but in terms of the killing, the rhetoric has been around that since very much like since the beginning of the war on october. the 7th is where i was made clear that they will reach out have mass numbers, not just st. john's that but they will extend that long reach to all the countries as well. we've also had these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and you'll have gone on the defense minister at saying that they are currently holding rules on 7 fronts. this includes lab and on the english garza includes the
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occupied west spines, but hardly what we do know, and it's very clear as they all bracing the hospital retaliatory strikes from huntsville. um i think so much for this or a con for us and occupied east jerusalem for me. she was a very joins us now in the studio. thank you very much for being here. the director of golf study sent out at katmai university, as we know, his belie says it will not go on publish that it is going to retaliate, what sort of response do you expect from them? and i think let me just put things in a context. i'm going to allow me just to, before we come to the as a question, i think what happened yesterday put it in a context. the timing is very critical to me. i think i am pretty sure that those ideas auto weird about the location of the day before yesterday, and they know exactly what he moves because we know that he wasn't available at least for a few months. the timing to me is,
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is linked to 2 main events happens in the last 48 hours. number one is the withdrawal is general for the american ship from the region. and that is the main international cover to the operation. and it has to understand, you know, and the 2nd one is the supreme court decision. and as i to basically stop all of the go out of a so called you with the, the, the form that the to the all was pushing for. what basically now is being concept, so i think those 2 events, i put them together that helped me to understand why that is why you decided to test the you. okay? so just on the, the us carry a great being removed from the submitted to writing. why do you think that is, had an impact and israel's, just because this was a funding is what it is, was for quote, international and support of what they're doing. number one, number 2 is, is basically saying that this conflict will not be of the generalized or the notion that lies. so by, with a drawing the, this, the said from them is that there any, and i'm any comes realize and say actually it is between you and there's right on
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time as no one would be inside of meaning. and that, that is not the present and use to send, you know. so coming to the question i think is no, no doubt. you know that as us as a nation itself, in the area what has been less, controlling is a clear message. because this is the place where i'm out of control of all of the control is to his beloved disability, totally observed and control and, and everything. so i think uh, as well as now and disappear, to push it in definitely, and regionally from the support that, you know, there's been significant in your, in your plan and your, in your, in your backyard. what are you doing? i think we should wait until 830 today and 11 and time we're send us one low. we'll have a speech to night expected to say something about this. but interestingly, in the last 24 hours or less, there is a silence both from us, from his beloved, even have it on his way. and that's to me really flooding. i mean,
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is that being backed into a corner, his blah hit with they have to respond and if they don't, what happens? there are 2 scenarios of what happened yesterday. one is to have escalation which basically having experience and been conflict and then then you'll have a as far as pricing on that as a and an inductive of, of, as of right. and the 2nd uh oh scenario is basically having more pressure on it is right to basically move it quickly to a cease fire that this is to say that is audible. so, but i think from las, by the way, a lot of phone calls and discussion happening after the assassination, to cool down on parties. so if you are something, what did these are? the parties are worth of escalations? yeah, well, you mentioned the cx 5, where does this leave the negotiations towards that i completely off the table now that that,
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that's not going to happen any time. so now they have stopped this yesterday all of the negotiations. um and it seems that um, how much when is the ceiling for that? it's uh their minds now. um and the message was clear that um no, uh you know, released to the captives unless the whole operation has stopped. and also, or also sort of dro from does, i'm not sure which would be another reminder from, from us after destination. obviously the, yeah, just in regards to the united states, the entity blinking was expected to travel this week. unsure if that is still to go here to the stage. what's going to be the message from the us to is where i live to this. i think it becomes a clean and the last 3 months that is what is becoming the burden is what i'm not many controlled. i think i'm not sure how, how they kind of defy to the region. the image of the america is being the so do you a to that because it, the, the, to the best of america has been to the eyes. i think uh the, the delay of, of the, of the visit is to see how the things will move on the ground,
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especially considering the speech of how something sort of law. what's the reaction of how much we have not had this one, how much it has. uh we have not had the from uh, you know, uh the, the, uh, assigned because those are the images that selected for good. and i already has one of those. uh, basically stablish or of a brigades in west bank. so he's a, an a main player when it comes to have somebody gave you just in what relation to that, how big a blog was this for him. awesome. and how important was l over of it? when it comes to is the treatment was upset or to a crucial because it was the person who moved to respond to the area of resistance . he basically, he has of is very interesting. this course what he said, you can find to kind of is this with using even in a small piece of, of, of, of knife. so he is, he's basically it has of this course was basically annoying. that is what it is. i more importantly she believes on for this thing and unity and that it's so annoying is what it is. i look so i think she has
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a great impact and it was back in particular. i think that is one of the reasons is up to thing is what it is a lot in the last, especially in the last 510 years. okay, thank you so much for brandon went down. we really do appreciate them. the ships of very thank you. a while attention shifted to events and living on is ready forces pounded central and southern causal with heavy strikes and artillery file of a nice day i'll follow came on to intensify as well as the southern city of con eunice. 22000 people have think kills, and goza since the sod. all these really offensive on october, the 7th honey about me joins us live from profit and southern gaza, or into the rid crisen building. hit yet again, more display civilians sheltering there have been counts. yes, well this 5, the unexpected turn of events of by the
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a fascinating oklahoma stop leader in by route jobs. and there's still expecting the worst to happen in the country to many of the report the talks about this, but put an end to the unfolding events and goals. i was just looking to the past 2 days when at a more than a 5 the battalions were pulled out of from the gaza strip. but now people are thinking, just given the events of overnight and early hours of this morning, despite the distracting news, these really military continue pounding the central part of the gospel, particularly an area that was designated a safe area for the palestinians to go to and seek shelter, but it came under tv from apartment along with and they'll say it out of the refugee camp and the other neighboring refugee camps, large number of forwarded killed. and this is what we know so far about the uh, the rescue efforts going on. no, given the intensity and the scale of the bombardment is becoming increasingly difficult for
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a time that expand ambulance due to arrive to the targeted sites and rescue a. those who might have survived these villains estate or all those have been killed from time. that's why we don't have any concern exact number of how many people being killed at these attacks. but just the number of the attack, this largest scale, the largest scale and magnitude destroying more of the residential buildings and the infrastructure we're told by our source around the site on the refugee camp. just from basement side, a group of residential, those, it's better known as i inject loads residential goals. they were targeted to 3 of these residential towers. were destroyed completely that that is a translator on the ground. more palestinians are displaced more. how is it becoming homeless? and just further complicating the living conditions of this place, how often and they will have no place to go through. but of the, from the, at the, a northern part of the refuge account. and the southern part of,
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of this read to you can more fire belts are done. destroying the vast majority of the infrastructure in on old dominion was something that we've seen in the past. and the city of bit 190000. when an area comes under heavy fire bills, that means it's being prepared for a mass of the ground invasion. and that's why there is a lot of fear in the area where more than half of the population of a central parts have already evacuated and running under these under used on similar situations. i've taken place in hon. eunice with more, a troops on the ground. and just expanding the military operations in the targeting, the more residential building and also public facilities including concerned about their health organization like the power, standard, preston, society, now in dropbox, city and the eastern side of highness. more our tillery ceilings, more raising of agriculture, and then more both those ingles of the area just in the clear, is strategy of building a buffer zone and,
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and also making it very difficult and uninhabitable for the residents of the eastern part of the gas turban eventually pushing them into a smaller, we've seen here more than 1000000 people in a small part of the goal is driven by capacity just further increasing the difficulties of living conditions as this place is running out of space running out of infrastructure, running out of a basic needs to accommodate this large number of units. everything is done on the ground is basically making life impossible for displace policy. and so the powder we're seeing now is massive bombings, sheer level of destruction, but also traumatized displays population. thanks so much, honey. honey. mac made for us, they are in reference, southern gaza is ready, forces had carried out organized rides in civil cities. neil supplied west bank um the vehicles was st entering till com and nicholas and the north of the territory
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is rarely bulldozers destroyed. infrastructure and civil clashes were reported. israel has been regularly targeting the notions refugee camp near to current with rides us still ongoing. is also a hit here on al jazeera at y solon water levels on the mississippi river, threatening grain supplies right across the world. the however, got more when, when the, with a pilot you to that west of the side. if you see the cloud just tumbling in from the atlantic, some very well windy weather coming in across the southern positive indian wells in particular, northern areas of process, old pushing its way further east west. we go to an area of high pressure that straps them very cold, have in place across guided neighbors where the 2 shall meet. we're looking at a fair bit of snow the on that leading edge so that when,
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when the weather will continue to pine its way across the western and the positive as we go through, well, where to stay with that snow in place for a breezy by the south past the place to be for some present sun shines decent spells of sunshine right across the mediterranean. meanwhile, further no further outbreaks of freight be some pieces of snow using over tools the hun, gary, and play around about 6 days. and so that western side of russia must go with the top temperature in the heat of the day if we can go to that the minus 22 degrees celsius for the south rest. some ranges coming into spain and portugal from that side system padding in from the atlantic. or you might just catch your charge of the fondles west of advocate for much of north africa. think dr. pretty much summed it up probably with the next couple of days, west africa to losey, fine and dry. like you may just kept one or 2 coastal showers for the gulf skinny lake. i'll still hold the 37. the
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born and raised in garza know, have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank. both her out of her assignment you need is waiting me to 3 permits to visit one another. the thought as he hums along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church and bethlehem . but her sister jean was buried under the rubble. the 1st shilling was 2 degrees. both of those immediately, not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately. i don't accept my sense of the city, but it's christmas. why my family are facing them on and every year at victory is really tough to will come pick them and to us from all over the world this year, the lights haven't been turned on. as you can see,
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the major square is empty and the mood is not the frustration and sadness, but many here say they refuse to give up on ho of the the to watching l g 0 reminder of our top stores because our liberties um group has the lives promising water cooling of response and punishment for the assess the nation for the top from us official. so out of the was killed in detroit and striking the lebanese capital papers on tuesday. his royal hasn't acknowledged responsibility for the strike, but it says all from us leaders of targets following the october the 7th, the attack. and while attention shifted to events and living on is ready forces pounding, central and southern gods with the strikes of the nice. they all fall on came honda intensified as well as the southern city of con,
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use and is there any forces have carried out overnight, rights and civil cities in the occupied west bank is really full size is destroyed . infrastructure and civil clashes with michael link is a form of you in special russell to a for human rights and the occupied palestinian territories. he says the killing of mosley, this will only increase the result of palestinians. a legally for assassinating anybody is, would generally be considered to be an extra digital assassination, which are, which is country too much international law. the expectation in, in a modern world is supposed to be ruled by the rate of law. it was that you capture people and you would only assessment goes to present an imminent threat. and that remains to be seen whether or not the assassination of the i'm us military leaders in be root presented a, an imminent front to israel, politically assassinating political leaders or military leaders of your opposition,
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particularly of a people who you can subjugating. doesn't lead anywhere. we know from a colonial history, an anti colonial movement. so for the last 80 years of that, once there's an idea in mind to achieve for people who achieve freedom and self determination is us a nation of their leaders only increases that determination. it doesn't less than that. and we see, for example, the what is happening with, with the years and years at britain didn't negotiate with the higher rate until they finally did and realize that they could bring a major monument piece to northern ireland by up, by engaging on a political process that's what's needed here is a political process when you don't offer a people whom you're subjugating any form of, of a political horizon that's going to lead to with a freedom of them, you're going to expect resistance and rebellion and of the cases retaliation for this is us nation of these leaders because they've been, as of the,
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they've been in the west bank be they've been living on or elsewhere, is surely going to be a political debt. and i think most of the inform, the military strategist and commentators have said it'd be almost impossible to be able to eliminate. i'm us, i'm, i still is a major fighting force within guys. i was counting almost 3 months of intense pounding of the it's of the district if israel's threat that it's going to be engaged for many more months in the, in war, in gaza. that's going to be an almost an impossible strategy to continue giving. i think the world's revulsion of the slaughter of the, of most of most any civilians and they're unable to united states is awakening to the fact that it can't continue to protect israel. and definitely with, with respect to this. and if it is real assumes, or the united states to me is that it can find a pacified i'm assuming, and leadership to take over in the, in a gas or in palestine as
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a whole. and not engaging in those or, or it's opponents such as some us and then i think it's mrs. read the lessons of the last 7580 years. i'm a mass, whatever form it is or it's successors are going to be have to part of the solution . not part of the problem of the world health organization has denounced is riley strikes on the palestinian rid crisen society headquarters and guys of director general federal said no jabrisa says the attack on the altima. the hospital is unacceptable. the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs is also criticized. the strong side is no safe place and the strip no child in the world should be killed, let alone, one sheltering on to the ends of the mediterranean organizations. this war has to end. you can see just behind me to diapers. this was a space where babies were living. this is a space for children living. you can see on the, for the blood the well to be
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absolutely horrified, the world should be absolutely outrage. the child was killed as a whole. more people were killed here today in this space. it should be safe, but there is no safe space in gaza in the world to be a to the united nations security council has repeatedly struggled to come to any kind of consensus on the war on garza and failed to pass any resolution cooling for a safe spot, now, this month, the presidency of the council, positive front alia diplomatic edison, james bice, gave us this update from the united nations in new york. it was in the security council chamber and spoke to the new president of the security council. and the collector, the he is the french ambassador to the united nations. this is an interesting dynamic because problems, of course, is a permanent member which gives it some sway. it's a weston country, and yet it has for some considerable time cold for
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a cease far to take place in garza. definitely not the view of another opponent, member of the united states. what are the prospects for diplomacy? then? what are the prospect? so a resolution calling for us the spot, he certainly wasn't raising expectations about that. at this stage, i pushed him on what israel was actually doing on cause or at the end. goals are at the moment. the fact that south africa taking a case to the international court of justice on the genocide convention, i asked him about it as well as crimes. everything which has to do with self defense and avoiding repetition of the set x is a in all of you acceptable and legitimate. what should be avoided? what is not acceptable is a violation of the geneva conventions. and the violation of the level of the wall
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of intuition on human ditch and low. so going after the fighters from him as he's ok, of course, going of to civilians, women, children, those is not, it's clear they should be appeal distinctions. well, we're expecting quite a few meetings over the month on the issue of goals as has happened since october, the 7th, but one big one has already been scheduled. that's on the 23rd of the month. that's when fronts is going to have. it's for a minister here, a ministerial meeting to discuss the situation in the region. as the british maritime agency is reporting 3 explosions near a ship and the rid, saved by sight happens 33, no 2 miles off the coast of a sob or tree of the explosions, but one to 5 nautical miles from the vessel and the injuries on the damage were report as human safety group has targeted ships in the region, which they say links to israel. the in other world news now the death toll out to monday is powerful,
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is quite in japan has risen to at least 60 to the magnitude 7.6 quake has struck the coast of a chicago, a prefecture, causing widespread damage. emergency teams are still searching for survivors more than a 1000 military personnel, helpings with risk. you. if it's, you know, it's kim has moved from the town of little in west in japan that we've arrived at no, to a town which is about 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that new year's day. quick mounted to 7.6. and as you can see behind me, the destruction is here. this vehicle just barely holding up. that structure that is collapsing into its left is what seems to be the towns supermarket. now this is a community where a lot of the elderly call home and we had a chance to speak with one such man in his eighties, who says he's lived here for since he was
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a child and he's never seen damages like this from an earthquake. he runs a virus shop and he told us that even though right now is in disarray, he does hold to we open any hopes that others will do so as well as not move out of the community. now our journey here has been a very slow one because we were driving around close highways and also broken us falls from the earthquake. now these are of course conditions that aid workers have to also deal with as a try to get to these northern areas where the hardest hits are, where the casualties are rising, casualty numbers has been as well. we saw some of these special defense forces that some $11000.00 of them are said to have been dispatch. we also saw several groups of ambulances with science suggesting they were from all across horseshoe island to, for medical help for those for, and hardest need. so as you can see, the weather is drizzling and the weather is expected to turn into heavier rain as
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we fall into darkness. so authorities, government workers, a workers working against mother and nature to try to minimize the damage from potential land slides as well. units kim alda, 0 know to japan as an investigation is on the way up to 5 people were killed in a pine collision. it took yos hyphenated. it paused because you've had a line slide, had a smaller co, scott, a cross as the bus. a $350.00 came into land and will it's being held as a textbook. evacuation all 379 passengers and crew on board the line to escape to safety before the fire to calls the 5 of the 6 people on the coast. god planes were accounts. russia says ukraine has launched another drawing to tack on the russian border city of belgrade, and it says it defend systems have destroyed a ukrainian miss all over the crime in port of savalst opponent. it's the latest in a series of strikes by both countries. in recent days, on tuesday,
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at least 4 people were killed and thousands moved wounded in rushes, miss island drone to tack on cave and the move eastern city of hockey. as in fact, before the attacks came in, the early hours of the morning lightened up the keeps guidelines the flesh and band of the explosions disturbing the morning cool was up the beds. people were killed and injured as residential buildings felt. the impact of the strikes of bush or the thing in the valley. thank god. my son was hiding with his grandmother in the car. we do. i went to the kitchen and the shop k through me. and the piece of brick hits me on my head, and i don't know what happened after that emergency crews back to, to bring the fires under control or not since the early days of the war has a capital faced this intensity of compartment. and despite ukraine's best efforts, using the defensive russian missiles,
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are still getting to some managed to get to bump shelters, but not everyone was able to escape that quote, to move away the rocket head just in front of my apartment, t of lucky that i am, i like i was in the bump shelter. i want to urge people to go to the bump shelters . unfortunately, my neighbor died. this is the 4th, a tech on the cafeteria him for days. and if i were to say, is the largest since the stock of the will the situation in the city is difficult, almost 70 marcellus of a destroyed. this was a combined the talk to head johns, including cruise and hypersonic themselves. the majority of them for this type ukraine, 2nd largest city, hockey was also struck again this then 70 kilometers from the russian border. it's both the brunt of russian. it strikes over the last few days. experts and ukraine, the russia has been stuck fighting weapons in preparation for this area,
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the offensive and to no one knows how long it will continue. know how much more intense food get started? big i to 0, keith, discharging prime minister anthony open easy has ordered an inquiry into why 21 year old cabinet documents about his treasures, involvement in the iraq war. still remain secret. discharge this in 2000 troops to join the us slave military operation in 2003, during the premiership of john howard astray ins. lots a lots during that conflict. and we know that some of the stated reason for going to war was not correct in terms of the weapons of message, just direction. that was a latest a rock had at that time. a strange do have a right to know what the decision making process was and my government. my
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government believes that this mistake must be corrected. donald trump is appealing a decision in the us state of mind that disqualified him from the presidential primary election. the states population official removes trump from the republican party bellas because of his role in the 2021 attack on capitol hill. they say he violated the constitution by in slicing and insurrection the full, the president's lawyers rejects that accusation. trump was also disqualified in the state of colorado. the president of harvard university has resigned off the accusations of mishandling anti semitic protest. quoting guy was criticized by house republicans during a congressional hearing in december. she refused to say with a protest as cooling for the genocide of jews by lighted habits code of conduct. the president of the university of pennsylvania also resigned after taking a similar position well, far as he's in mexico searching for $31.00 migrants kid that's from
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a boss near the us board. and it happens on a stretch of highway across the board from texas. the area is considered one of the most dangerous in mexico because of abductions by criminal gangs. it comes as the us announces, it will be up in full border crossings with mexico saying that high levels of immigration have dropped us in the us. the mississippi river is drying up the 2nd year and a rug due to severe drought. it's dropped to historically low levels, closing, sold for to from the gulf of mexico to threaten drinking water supplies. how does or is, how did your castro has more from new orleans in louisiana? the mississippi isn't just a river. it's a super high way of commerce connecting america's midwestern gray fields to have southern c port and the world's consumers beyond. the river is shriveling up.
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again, that makes a major difference for river traffic. last year, ships ran a ground in mode that was previously underwater. there's tough issue. there's a lot of. busy are not being overly used and a lot of those running the ground as a result, farmers have had to hold back some of their harvest for fear of overloading barges that have less water. to float in this river is the artery, through which 60 percent of us grain exports past. and all of it comes here to new orleans before it's shipped off to the global market. this river is a live line of i exports. we have a $150.00 federal chemical plants that fees the stock to the world that come back to us involves the phones and the camera you got in this piece are, as is dna somewhere out of louisiana or the midwest, the space, the ship, raw product see it as the transfer to those ray and bins over there and feed the world. a hell of a current us we exports are at
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a 20 year low and federal authorities have been forced to act. the u. s. army corps of engineers is dredging the river. bed deep and navigation channels, a project they say will continue for as long and as far as necessary. although even that may not be enough, you only have as much depth of the river as what you create through dredging and, and management. and so, as the waterfalls, you start to lose that distance between the top of the water and the, and the river by the drought exacerbated by climate change has made the work that much harder. rain is the only real solution. heidi jo, castro, elda 0 new orleans, louisiana was still a hit old l. just arrow. the war back home did not prevent the palestine national
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football team arriving in the cause of the asian camp, will hear from one of the websites
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the or the . let's take a look at some of the dies sports news now. palestine is national football team has arrived in casa ahead of the asian comp. the play has touched down in doha is one of 24 countries taking part in the tournament, despite the ongoing will back home. and the richardson has moved now from the palestinian team hotel, the palestine all likely to be the neutral favorites at this age and kept her a score, offering refresh points in a positive focal point from full that's happening in the homeland had charge of the thing saying there was a constant failing values i'd say, amongst the players about what is happening so that friends and families back home
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. the schools being preparing for this tournament at a training camp in saudi arabia, the place known stopping south friends and family in garza. and in the west bank and on the line and nobody's been to prepare for the solomon's the situation that's happening just gives us almost think about is just a matter of trying to block. the negative energy that comes from the outside. this is just, this is just how you as a full, very have to be mentally ready because see the news and the images that we see every day. this actually it's a big heart breaking up because these are the families of our friends and the family that you know, our people. and also for us it's a hard break. but i think this gives us a motivation for this asian thought, because is the biggest stage and understand the concept. so for us being able to advance from the group stage,
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this gives the whole world to see that we're doing something for the country and also gives the people back home something to be happy about with everything that's going on. so really it's very important for us now, like i said, it's more positive than it is negative for i think do you have the the team and football can provide a bit of rest, bye to the people back in dollars or in the west. but of course yes, because uh, honestly for boys it's and it's not, it's not more of an entertainment than it is life. it's a way of life for us. we live, we brief football. this is, it's not work. you know, we do this because we are trying to make our population, our people happy. like i said, with everything that's going on this, this is the states to be for the, for things to get, you know, seen for the whole world, to be aware that we're here. you know, it's just play like every other country and every human understanding. the local organizes here in council saying they'll be doing everything they tend to support the palestine, see a percentage of a ticket,
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so revenue that will be going so those are affected by the war in goals at all. so during the aging, co game days will feature messages of support to policy. this is a busy time for the palestine saying that trying to qualify for the world cup for the 1st at a time in 2026. i've taken one points from the 1st 2 games in that campaign. it keeps them in with the chance of making it. this will be the 3rd. i even couple of parents. never before have they managed to win a game. at this tournament it will be quite the monuments, it's here in town, so like could secure by historic victory in a group. it also includes a ran hong kong and the united, our veterans on the richardson. how would you say era? so the spanish football at the center of the women's world comp kissing scandal has appeared in the madrid cause jenny, i'm also said a kiss from spanish,
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purple prison with ruby alice wasn't consentual. the judge will decide if the case should be sent for trial. well, that is what for me, tell mccrae for this news out, but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the dice news. stay with us. the the latest news as it breaks time. these have been under the rebels for more than 10 hours. this is not the only area targeted by that is there enforcement with detailed coverage the wolf is keeping source away palestinian business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. exclusive reports. many here say they refuse to give up on hope in the midst of the killing suffering and pays, it's the 16 left for them. a settled time upfront takes on the big issue,
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studies of post types to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. 3 questions. first of all, 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. and nothing leaves profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 pails of line scorched find for you. real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubble of desperate stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film.
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the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the palestinian groups and living owns his beloved valves, or respond to senior mazda officials to allow duty is assassinated in detroit. and


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