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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, [000:00:00;00] the color them or kyle: this is the news our life from though ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes palestinian groups and lebanon's has voted on file to respond of the senior at how much the official fellow rory is assassinated in a train strikes and berries as well, continues as phone ball, bunch of guns as central and southern regions,
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more than 22000 palestinians of pain pills since a will become as well as full so is carried out rates on cities up till com, annapolis and the occupied westbank. and in japan rescue efforts continue off to at least 62 people were killed. a powerful as quick on usa, the palestinian arms groups and hezbollah in less than i'm calling for tiny ation of the assassination of a senior. i'm us official, so i'll worry was killed in a drain strike in the lebanese capital bay route. on tuesday. he was the deputy chief of hamas, his political bureau, and a founder of its military wing task. some brigades, as well, has not acknowledged responsibility for the strike, but says all come, awfully does all targets following the october 7th attack. several homeless members
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were killed in the strike, including 2 liters of custom brigades, and try and talk to the building and the southern bear with some of the him. how massive condemns the attack, calling it a terrorist act. and it's supposed to continue is resistance against israel a little after. and we would like to reaffirm that the assassination will jack by design this occupation of the great commander in which i had shaved, solemn, alive woody and his brothers, and call liza the hum us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism. in every sense of the word, it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation. and designing this occupation the nazis in this
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occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance. can i guess i'll worry is the latest in the history of assassinations, of how my spices and come on. does michael awful reports fish that he saw the allowed rudy was one of how much is top officials. he was meeting other leaders from the group and the baby route suburb of the here, when a huge explosion destroyed a floor of the building. had been a target of israel and its allies for years. and so israel did not officially take credit for the assassination. it was the latest in a long line of targeted killings of how much leading light rudy is believed to have been one of the founders of how much is all i'm doing. the cassandra gates, the us state departments had a $5000000.00 bounty on his head since at least 2015 has how much is seconding?
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come on. he was known to be a top is ready targets. another person should be on israel's most wanted list. is this man, he's the us in law leader of home, us in gaza, and the person israel hold most responsible for the attacks on october 7th, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. colson was a dead man walking the groups found is shake off, made the sending of the laws, these all around t. c. we're assessing aged in 2004. dozens of other homeless commodities and leaders have met similar fates of the as part of a wide campaign against several palestinian groups. there's a sense that they can kind of, we can to palestinians and eliminate their leaders and keep them kind of defeated and divided. but, you know, we've seen that, that those policies,
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those violent policies haven't worked in, you know, in suppressing palestinians general desire for freedom from occupation of to the october 7th detection. and the death of more than a 1000 is riley's mostly civilians. israel seems to no longer be willing, just to block kate how much in and pickle fits lead. as it stated, am, is now the groups complete destruction, considering them legitimate targets no matter where they are. i don't think that any of those us today as, as an asian who's ever a game changer. now we face a very complex situation to reach it, but it's the single, but it's the was assess the native on the 3rd or flip and on. and the question is where, which is but not take with the death toll in gaza topping 22000 palestinians. they may feel their full on israel as killed as mike level l g 0. a lot of citizens are holding
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a general strike in morning full rate and they don't you pipe east jerusalem and the west bank, many shops, banks and public offices. i've shut down. mazda is also called for protests and other acts of resistance against israel. and we've got teams across the region covering developments for us. we have no work on an occupied east, jerusalem and festus case in rome con. he's in the bare woods and, and one says the reaction festival that we're hearing from the in 1144 on that question one, i just show you, we all this was on the side. all that alleged is really drained stripe. certainly a strike that took place as you can see the cleanup efforts. i'll still continuing 12 hours off to this actually happened that was the last a res, actual office night where he was supposedly in a meeting with other kalonde is when about start actually a half. and this is now
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a very serious scene for the lebanese people. this is a very, very busy residential. let's take a look around office shelves, home schools. oh, within this distance, within the distance of his heart. obviously, this is going to have shaken the lebanese government and they have reacted the can't take your problem is that, that you because he has off his foreign ministry to take this to the united nations security council. he wants them to condemn. there's actually science. it's a violation of lebanese, so run as a site, very strongly action coming from him. but certainly some of you to actually, when it comes from other sections of lebanese society, people quite simply ensure that this actually happened. and amazon has put a hasn't found to respond to. we seen any signal of how they might do so as well. uh, is on the house on this one loves the leader of hezbollah speeds that takes place
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by 6 pm local. what do we expect in from that? we don't know the speech was scheduled before this attack actually happened? uh, they'll be a response to it. i'm sure everybody is sure, but that may be clues in previous speeches by us on the floor, like he's always maintained that amy is ready to attack against the territory. again, slipping on is the detective's. lived on serenity. you want allow it to be use as it is really thoughtful brown, but quite what that response looks like remains to be seen. but the, remember there are actually 2 things going on here. so be a how much response that'll be. something that has full of will not be able to control. a mass will choose to respond in the way that they see fit for his beloved . this is the attack of lebanese land, lebanese serenity. that's what they'll be reacting to what be about the killing per site of how the, how be about the fact that this took place on lebanese so. so like i say whole lies
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on how some those are on the speech coming about $610.00 local. okay. yeah, certainly will be watching us and bring it to view as when it happens and run the moment. thanks very much. i'm not where i go is a senior advisor upstairs. really prime minister. he's told us news network and m s n b c that israel has a history of talk saying what he called terrorist on foreign soil. that we can speculate if you large but let's be clear is what has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear, israel has in the past, of course it does we terrace when they're in foreign countries? and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief and stuff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre? there is a legitimate targets. okay,
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let's speak now to nora. com. she's lying person occupied east, jerusalem. laura, what are we hearing if and the thing from israel on the strike? well currently israel is neither confirming nor to knowing that they have any responsibility for the telling all some of our rory. but one thing for sure, everyone's talking about these reading newspapers today, and i just want to show you some of them. we have my odd if it says the subsidizes in the cost of say rich, that we also have at one that simply says eliminated and then a very popular uh, j, the paper. all right is say i need a deputy hills in as a root rate. so nobody is, everyone told me about it in general. it says apply for it's much will quite not say it's ray beach and that's at the heart of how in west jerusalem,
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the cabinet minister has told all the members are connected not to say anything to the group policy to not make any interviews for that happen some forces coming out . so what, what the usual is what the church minister think of it and also find them. some of the said that's about smoke church, the speaking about church, but one of the most part, the ones who need dental and who science as well. so this assassination, as he signs the, is right, the only student that the internal security full says, and also most of the intelligence agency. and so there are many, for some subjects, and we're waiting to have more now from the conductor, but nothing official. and suddenly neither confirming no noise has pulled out, has vowed to respond. what are we seeing israel do to prepare for any potential retaliation? yeah, i mean that was a press briefing with c is right. the only folks person daniel for gary yesterday. i know, he just say, say are preparing for this. there is a read
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a lot not just from 11 on, but also possibly from garza as well from the from us. now they have the talking about, we deploying troops and taking truths out of golf with around $40000.00 as a move on. so to let reducing that number between 25 to 30000. what this means in terms of a red light and a re deployment. we don't yet know, we'll do nice it for me. it's really on the right here. that means saying that they are going to, that they are learning pines, repairing the wind time defense system at the moment. they have about 10 factories . they also got 2 extra batteries from the us at the beginning of this more. they also have wants to deal with medium to long range missiles, as far as farm or the phone. then how much is reading reading the alarm bells from some of the un peacekeepers are all not pulled up. they set fist because that
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really catastrophic consequences if it does whiten into a one nor com. joining a staff from occupied x rays and thanks very much laura. well, mushrooms where he joins us now. here in the studio, he's direct to the golf study center here at castle university, could speak to again my juvenile salary. he was deputy leader of from us founder of custom brigades, will the impacts will his death house on how much as an organization. i'm not sure to, to have a major impact and sort of a structure function on how must have lost many of its leaders in the last 2 decades. but it becomes stronger and stronger. i think what's his, what's the significance about his is us as a nation. the fact that it's a big house is about 80, a locked in the last 15 years. in 2 things. one, he was able to bring strongly resistance actions to list them back, which was not the preferred by the eighty's. and the 3rd, the 2nd one is he pushed to that, but his tenure unit
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t one especially was but. and that was what the prophetic choice to that is, what it is. i think those 2 issues have pushed as the eighty's and kept him on the top of the list. but i'm not sure it would have any major impact on the function that functionality and, and, and, and the role from us as a player is playing and then for this thing and politics as a whole. so why do you think he was targeted and why? now? i think to me there are 2 or 2 or 3 reasons behind this. one of them. i think the timing was, was it, but it could take care of, you know, 1st of all, it's fatal. it's a instead of security, it's not really a strong base. he was, it was moving with in between church, a hoot and see it. yeah. so yeah, it was lovely. the place because it was a security was absolutely was 0. i think based on, you know, the way how we started this, it brought to me too many event developed in the last 48. i was the 1st one,
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is the american withdrawal of the a mean a military ship from the visited in yet, which is which is i think the, the fault. and that's was a major major. how to those are eighty's came to the agent and the 9th of october. and the 2nd one is actually the, the decision made by the supreme court. that is a, is where they can. so all of that lead went all the decision about the form, which gave the government motor followed over the course. and that's what was basically creating an option because before listen, yahoo inside is like, i think those 2 elements, 5 of them together. they push bethany a whole to go and create the chain, the dynamic, and bring into the elements which destination, which he only the actually made it clear from week one that you wanted us and it all of the leaders of how much outside i think she is basically creating
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a new dynamic in the war as, as a 2nd of in january 21. so what impact do you think it will have on negotiations for a, a c supply that was so starting to be bound to the balance again and also the hostage released as it puts an end to all of us. we are, we're obviously leasing. i was on the table, the 1st one is actually destination. i think we have to wait and see what pass on this. well, i would say tonight, or the 2nd one, which is i quoted, it designed escalation, which basically allowing has but one other function to go to the, to the, into the points and then gradually reduce destination by intervening, but from different parties. and this, the 3rd, the 1st one is moving toward a ceasefire. and this would never happen unless we have to main condition. one pressure from within is what happens and you know, and this, this time should,
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should happen. maybe from the minister, the institution, and the chief of the stuff and his team, and the, and also push out a problem, the united states on the political leave that as i used to move that to change the start the school. because everyone now understand that as i and the globally, the, this is edison y'all award. if it's not even about 81, i would talk a lot about as an, as well as speech related to see how hezbollah might respond. because of course, this last nation took place and it has the last strong hello sort of in a positive pay route. but how do you think i'm less might respond? i think at the end of the day how math is on the horizon and it says that from us in the west bank, i think the action would come within the gym that i see of what so called palestine . and so that is the main domain. yeah. i would say area they would respond. so i think that as far as may come, as part of this war, them now it by increasing the number of rockets on, on, instead of even either places. um maybe uh and bringing a new uh you know,
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generation of the, uh, what plans they have. uh you know, the different tools the end of the day, how much will deal with it within the address that i see off that is fine. and this is what i the 1st thing in conflict said than anything else. okay, gotcha. all right, great scale thoughts. thanks for joining associates as well. meanwhile, israel has intensified as bombardment of central and something that garza rafa has been hit hard by his way. the strikes presidents have been searching through russell for survivors. they're all paula uncleanness of also being shelled independent of citizens and the bodies of the dads have been brought to abu joseph on the general hospital. in rafa, a 2 year old child was amongst 3 people killed when the house was bombed. within 22000 people have been killed in guns. that since this task is rainy offensive on october, the 7th. i speak now to honey mackwood. he joins us from rafa. in southern garza
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and honey strikes, they've been continuing overnight and throughout the day today, what is being talkative as well, so far, what we're seeing is, uh i said targeting to residential homes, public facilities, anything that, that maintain the life of civilians across the gods from in fact what we've seen within the past week then since the beginning of, of this for the large number of people are being killed, we're looking at more than 22000 palestinians. the vast majority of them are children and women and children a lot more that it was more than a 1000, a palestinian thomas going into the codes a since the beginning of this, what we're looking at the entire generation of the children had been the been completely eliminated on the ground, it's everything is made to do to make life in hospitable, within the coming years,
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we're looking at destruction of all means of life that includes not only the residential homes, the other public facility is looking at education. secretary, for example, health facilities, charitable organization, and a good way creating a new box on the ground that this part of, of, of, of the palestinian territories is becoming uninhabitable and eventually feed into a long a nouns the plan upset, forcing palestinian out of the guests if they call it the voluntary integration of these very primitive search stated, but on the ground it's cold is pretty much forcing people out of the country or in display. think of them, the more we see of this residential buildings targeted. and then what was the more the displace palestinians come into the city and living through the worst of living conditions. but so far we're looking at smaller children were more women are the victims of these valenze that there is so i can find us,
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particularly in the eastern part kind of this was the area where more homes are being destroyed and more people are, are being killed that is, there's an entire family that was killed in the paramedics and ambulance are unable to get to that area. it's, it's, it's pretty much on their chevy, bombardments and stuff it last night and nearly always of this morning. and just within the positive events, half an hour or so, it came again under the artillery showing it was due yesterday we looked at the the charge of an organization, whole facility operates house the for the like the policy to vic preston. and they have the accommodating many displays. palestinians came under the bombardment, the more of its medical supplies, the medical equipment destroyed. in addition to many of the people who, where the work goes, now we look at the central part on eunice and roof, or a lead for the bomb. but the, the relentless air is right from the bombing seemed to be concentrated in refugee
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camps and judging from the powder and to create the underground more fire built more destruction of infrastructure. it is all leading to an indication that there will be a ground invasion in the central pardon of they've got so when we just weight against what happens within the past, we send the northern part and god again kinda wants to ask you about the actual fighting on the grounds and whether there were any signs, yes, of the as railways, withdrawing that troops from the news as well. that's what, what the reports talked about within the past couple days. this is really a large number of israeli troops work at pulled out of the northern part. but at the same time, oldest like simulate, seems to be happening. pulling out of from parts of the north. then the dogs and dogs is to do it at the same time, intensifying the attacks on the central part. now people hear how the reactive dest they've been, even before the this sudden, terran, of the vince of lebanon, the assassination of the top from us leader. people were expecting that this
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withdrawal was, is mainly tactical because there's something is going to happen somewhere. now it could that the, the assassination a threatening to do to widen the, the scale of the war. but here and gaza. since the beginning of the words, the, i mean the gods took on the question of least seeing the worst of our news and there is a fear with the assassination. the implications going to be worst people are looking at that when we talk to them, they're looking at a more darker days coming as a result of what happened. okay, honey, my foot for installation staff from inside the guns a strep, thanks very much, honey. all palestinians has been rallying and cities across the occupied westbank to protest against the death of sala. i'll worry demonstrations of being taking place in towns and cities, including ramallah, ara jennings,
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hebron and novelist just bringing me the abraham. she's in ramallah in the occupied at westbank. i need a you've just been to. so i'll roll res, whom tone? what will people the saying about his coming? well the mother and sisters have been saying that he spends a difficult life under israel's occupation. he spent more years in jail at an exile event. he lives and spends with his own family in idaho. we've seen people coming to the morning how severe they say that he knew that he was going to be at target at that. this is the path that he took by resisting these really occupation . and this is why they are proud of him. now let me also tell you that we're seeing more palestinians gathering here in manada square, basically voicing their anger at the assassination attempt. but basically saying
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that i thought he was a mom that has always prioritize national unity. we've seen him talk a lot about the initiatives with senior leaders, including to be do very prominence. these are in fact that had, they were trying to bring those initiatives to bridge the gap between the 2 palestinian parties. but that is ruling the occupies westbank and have asked that this ruling the besieged because this trip and you know, those at times never made it to fruition. we're still seeing an internal division. but also these attempts were seen by palestinians, or at least solid already was seen as someone who would put any effort to defy a and try and bridge the gap between the 2 parties. now, you probably can see also how the stores are closed,
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how palestinians have uh declared. this is general strike. there are no schools and uh, no businesses open, no public institutions and they are starting to chat. now, in that protest, again, going back to the issue of the general strike, you know, this is a practice that has been done earlier by palestinians when it dates back to decades ago. it was seen in the 1st palestinian uprising, or in default the in the late 19 eighties as one of the ways of civil disobedience . now, the realities have changed on the ground. the fact that the strikes are not as big as before in terms of how they are in boxing israel, financially, but silver is seen as a way of collect civil morning. it's seen here by many in the occupied us. bank is the simple. i've been this whole thing that palestinians can do to express that and
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get on uh, frustration i'm listening to some of those jobs they are calling upon has been law and i've got some brigades to avenge the killing of fall there. and i do the, this is the situation and this is the same kid in the wood expecting more processors to join the surface needed abraham, joining us that from romano showing us and spilling onto the streets of the west bank. thanks very multiplied westbank. thanks very much. nita was ready for his upcoming adults overnight rains in several cities. neil complied westbank ami beckles was seen entering till com, annapolis, and the north of the territory is rarely bold as destroyed infrastructure. and several classes were reported until crim rates. a still ongoing a, a
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spring and some of the days of the news now under weston japan, the death toll from a powerful of quick on monday has risen to at least 62927.6, quite strong with the coast of chicago, a prefecture because it widespread damage emergency teams are still searching for survive as well. and the thousands of energy personnel helping rescue efforts in his ken has moved from the town of new to west in japan that we've arrived at no, to a town which is about 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that new year's day. quick mounted to 7.6, and as you can see behind me, the destruction is here. this vehicle just barely holding up. that structure that is collapsing into its left is what seems to be the towns supermarket. now this is a community where a lot of the elderly call home and we had a chance to speak with one such man in his eighties, who says he's lived here for since he was
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a child and he's never seen damages like this from an earthquake. he runs a barber shop and he told us that even though right now is in disarray, he does hold to we open any hopes that others will do so as well as not move out of the community. now our journey here has been a very slow one because we were driving around close highways and also broken us falls from the earthquake. now these are of course conditions that aid workers have to also deal with as a try to get to these northern areas where the hardest hits are, where the casualties are rising, casualty numbers have been as well. we saw some of the special defense forces that some $11000.00 of them are said to have been dispatch. we also saw several groups of ambulances with science suggesting they were from all across horseshoe island to, for medical help for those for, and hardest need. so as you can see,
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the weather is drizzling and the weather is expected to turn into heavier rain as we fall into darkness. so authorities, government workers, a workers working against mother and nature to try to minimize the damage from potential land slides as well. units kim alda, 0 know to japan and investigation is on the way up to 5 people. were killed in a plane collision, not take as hot nita efforts upon airlines flight hit a smaller coast, go on that crossed as the bus a 350 came into land and was paying price as a textbook. evacuation all $379.00 passengers and crew on board. the outline escaped to safety before a fly took hold. 5 of the 6 people on board the coast. go on saying what candles? the head head on out to sara, we have from the refugees from violence on both sides of the red sea for crossing pumps and to booty. but ahead we look at the road ahead for a chinese or they make a b,
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y d is it overtakes tesla and electric car sales and skating on thin ice. why i saw kids on the front in northern india, the color, the weather remains very unsettled across much of western europe. cloud and rain tumbling in from the atlantic, relatively mild, bumping into some very cold air. turning round the wintry, still some very, very strong winds in place at the top, the pac types of boss, indicating that little area of light pressure here, their system. hank that brought the volume, whether the damaging winter clothes, southern parts of indian wells on choose a winds. gusting in excess of a 130 kilometers per hour. and one or 2 spots is not quite as intense, but damaging winds will continue as it moves across germany for denmark that's, that's no one. the leading edge, all fat pushing all the way across. the was that western side of russia,
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more heavy showers, rattling in behind costa le countries, much of fronts down toward spain and portugal, some heavier bus here, as well again to lead to some localized flooding. next area of onset of weather move, wind and rain. as we go on into with us today. we're all going to see that snow continued over tools that eastern side of your flu shot was down towards the se, but for much of the i met it's right here. it does stay fine and drive it plenty of sunshine as is the case to of course, much of north africa allows you settled in sunny hair goals, one or 2 showers, just having with coastal fringes of west africa sliding further south and staying caught in lagos. the, the, the latest news as it breaks, echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of more causing the reason. it's worried. it could freshman with detailed coverage less than 2 weeks into law relays
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being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedent from the around the world. since the start of the war, a boss number of small a voluntary groups have sprung. it's a big they don't have the results is a big organization. it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of it's randy public this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this
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space for where the story goes next. the other again, you're watching, i'll just there as a reminder of our top stories this, our lebanese on the group has gone out as promising retaliation to the assassination of the top time us official. so i'll worry, was killed in a drain strike and letting these comfortable favorites on tuesday. israel has not been known as responsive, tennessee. that's where the forces of pounds of central and southern johnson with heavy strikes over night. the algola came under intense 5 as well as the southern city upon eunice and the number of people killed in mondays us quick in western japan has risen and 62 emergency teams are still searching for survivors. and like to 7.6, quite close, wide spread damage that's getting to know, and i'll top story, the assassination of solid rory. a spa hot is a full month lebanese army general and military unless joins us now from february.
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thanks very much for being with us. first of all, how did the israelis managed to kill seller laurie in a residential building in the midst of a hezbollah stronghold? it was a mandatory and the technicians, a part issue as a mandatory. uh that is what i had thrown with for the kids is grown flu over the a by uh with um, a root, lush 3 and the size. and i bought a month when i go to, i'm just friends who are in a meeting and they hit direct the, the apartment itself. uh, this is uh, as i made it to the insurance, it's a combined with a technical advantage. the advantage us with a human and vision, the human and finish as provided information about the, the location of the apartment and the base of the meeting,
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the people who are meeting as likely a telephone number of one of the people that are in the meeting settings that i really, anyone there, but it was well the different just jump in that because as well did not make it a seamless secret that the has, the hamas leaders would talk about a target for israel. i mean, they've come out and said they will take out every single one of them. so where was the security surrounding these? how mosley those? yes i, i want to add the security the, the, the, the banking account and finish on says that the, uh, the, uh, the size, the red line at the location that was given by the, the, the telephone or any other device the, to the drawing. as i bumped things out, but i really was aware of this, the 2nd uh, the amount of months,
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the phone picnic. uh, what, what is it i and otherwise it, it would have to have the me thinking about a bit about a go based on a, a better method that i didn't want to uh, to get a table by phone or into the bios or any chips or anything like that, that's in that, that is a gap in this aspect of it. go security with the details of how much included mr. holloway? does this increase the threat to alva? how much pleases that are living outside, gone. so i'm thinking particularly from isolated hair and castle also into kids. how should they increase as secure as you know? yeah, that would be, that could have problems with the governments. i've got that i'm 30 s has already known that uh how much the the i'm about 30 feet available. and so, and they probably get that in the box. yeah. that's the wrong color of milan or
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titus of the law. i'm to the, to make this, the, at the back as a part of the big conflict between has a, is of a while and, and then the cuts out of maybe maybe easy at all. they're both problems with the governments and what the relations with or what do we know about saw that right? because he didn't toys live in devon onto the yes is that on since 5 or 6 is a while i was living in 50 with some people from us. i'm to the left instead of a book and said that they left by their own wireless from you and said that i haven't been posted, but i'm as good as some well then when i look at that on the for my lease. yeah. but how do i, can i find that at the bottom? and it was this and, and, and they made, it says that and they buy them for him,
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for his that need to ship a new or the elected better the cheap of the pacific a little of how much. and he was active and the, the, and the is there a government that where i, where i was aware of his citizens bank i'm the yeah, hold on. does i need the 2nd to liquidate him from the city or 4 months ago. and he was expecting to be assessing a bit of instead of the tv. okay. las ha ha, thanks very much for taking the time to speak to us here on algebra. thank you. so more than half a 1000000 vaccines for childhood diseases, including patio and missiles have been delivered to cancer. the 1st time since october. the 7th. you and agencies have a morning of a risk of disease at sprinting among sconces. 1.9000000 displays palestinians. parents are heading to health centers and rafa to get influence vaccinated. let me close. i'm sure we reports. the emotional code 3 has finally made it to
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a health center and draw fault to have a baby vaccinated. a closer to those events, polio was delayed because of the on going full of to being displaced from gulf of city m on has struggling to find a clinic that this to the vaccine. the finish or vaccination was delayed because it was never brought in. or it was brought in, but in, in sufficient quantities, because the children of the whole guys a strip have to come to an offer. there were some in hon eunice, but got dispatched to it off hundreds of thousands of bringing the instance in children to this center for vaccinations. the united nations, childrens agencies unit says, says it has delivered at least $600000.00 doses. that seems to go to the agency estimates nearly $17000.00 instance have missed one or more routine vaccines and it's really blow okay during its own go in bold, has prevented crucial supplies, including medicines, from entering district the,
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the ones that were brought in include the oral polio vaccine given by mouth, it is for polio vaccine that treats duma local monia and the vaccines. for measles were bella mums, as well as to where to los is these are the vaccines that have arrived. the vaccine supply has entered garza to the ralph of border with egypt sufficient for nearly 300000 infants and children under the age of 5 over the come here. we home most so a resident of rough or is rushing to the center to have a month old baby vaccinated. the vaccine is the teen day league, and i'm worried about the girl because of diseases. so when i heard that the vaccine is available, yes, i came quickly because if it is delayed, any food that the child could contract any diseases of the much needed vaccine supply comes as a threat of infectious diseases,
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cruise and distress. the challenge health officials phase is to administer vaccinations among the displaced living in temper beach filters across the country . and the consumption leave obviously is on. the process says ukraine has lost another drone attack on its boulder city of belgrade, and it says, defense systems have destroyed. you cranium, miss hall, able to come in, pulls us deductible installations with a series of strikes by both countries. in recent days. on tuesday, at least 4 people were killed and dozens move winded in bushes, missile, and dry and attacked on keys on the northeastern city of khaki. to birthday is hosting thousands of refugees from gammon on the pm, unlike ones cross ponds and the east african nation, bald headed for safe refuge and opportunities in other countries as well. set out reports from the post town of a book into a booty life. and this makes shift pants is tough,
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but effigies will cause them home, say the heart of this month or do you have to come? when the so the next question began forming human mission. i met flat and was placed emergency refuge account inability with her 5 children. this task steed unit, so she says are worse than organs. summers temperatures here exceed 50 degrees celsius. she has been in this camp for 6 years. now she wants to leave because she says her children would have no future if they stay, since like you had you had, there are lots of problems. the things in me and around me died. i lost funding to members in yemen. the others are in prison. i want a new life for me and my kids. her sister lives in the united states as your host one day in the us near her. but other migrants apart arriving in this concert to the funeral,
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awarded between the forties and do you guys is forcing people in yemen to find safety by crossing departments bound up straight to reach you beauty? also the tool pm's for the complex and the power to in the country. those from human are trying to get to west some companies why the top young's are aiming for gulf states. these movements are for the conflict and poverty in a to up here. they're heading to a young man hoping to reach somebody or a be a suit engineer. i'm just gonna a sofa is from the to a piece. i'm have a region, drones bumped his house to somebody sold what was left a fort. he's joining the can't take off the 2 mountains. he walked 4 days to get his last destination, the toner, full book, before the board in a small boat to close the bottom end of the street. guessing the lift hill country and i don't know what will happen to me. i don't know if i will leave the listed.
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ok. we are now in your body. close to the see. i want to go to sonya and it'd be in find a job. every year, pose of utopia is like me, scott, to attempt adventurous regression roots from the horn of africa. crossing the gulf of pod and through him and into saudi arabia. dozens had been killed by both the gods for wife trying to cross the seal on some old state boats exhausted from a month on challenge, enjoying a week later. food and water. just making us hope they want me to estimate our end . for sab dash 0 to 0 for book to party is the 1st time time these also make of b y. d has overtaken tesla of the world's best selling produce of electric vehicles . it's live in move and it's us based arrival in the last quarter of 2023. although it has the managed to hold onto its chrome to sales throughout the fox movies as well, from badging from battery maker to the biggest electric vehicle or the manufacturer
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in china. b y d is engine closer to unseat and test drive. as the largest easy make us, although tester sold 230000 more as the b y d over the last year, the chinese brand beat its us based arrival on sales. in the 4th quarter of 2023. many of the why the sales in china and it's close tracks donations, expanding market for electric vehicles. yeah, and this is the i'm switching to an electric cost because it's cheaper and more environment drinking. it costs around $60.00 to fill up the tank for my car now, but i only need to spend $3.00 for the equivalent mileage for an electric vehicle. china has the world's largest e v market. it's also highly competitive. this is b y, these most popular model for fully electric vehicles, and it retails for about 2 sets of the price of testers, cheapest model. in china, a slowing domestic economy prompted test black to cut prices last january,
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triggering a price for that squeezed margins and some and list predict some of the smallest startups may not survive, still fits ratings report projects, the sales in mainland china to grow 20 percent. this year, compared to 2023. the government has set to target for each of these to make up more than half of all vehicle sales by 2035 full machine electronic growth. and the last, the easiest made of 36 percent of cost sales. and is going to be developed very far in the next 2 years. i estimate that percentage will go up to 40 percent this year . by 2025. they may even hate 50 percent, which would it be 10 years earlier than targeted competition is expected to intensify with new commerce, including phone makers shall meet entering the market. established play is like b y, d a now looking to further increase sales fee on china. the company recently announced plans to open an easy factory in 100,
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so it's lee how to do with aging. so head here on alex's era, the will back home is of the events of the kind of simian national football team arriving and cast off for the asian call. we'll be hearing from one of the players . the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination in due by the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the all the time now for all of us both and his on a thank you very much laura? well pal science and national football team has a ride. been cut all ahead of the asian cup. it plays session down and to has one
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of $24.00 countries taking part in the tournament despite the ongoing award back home. and the richardson that has more now from the palestine team hotel, the palestine all likely to be the neutral favorites at this age and kept her a score, offering refresh points in a positive focal point from all that's happening in the homeland had charge of the same saying there was a constant feeling values i'd say amongst the players about what is happening. so that friends and families back home the school spring preparing for this tournament at a training camp in saudi arabia, the place known stopping south friends and family in gaza. and in the west bank and on the line, and nobody's been super fast for they told me the situation that's happening just gives us almost think about is just a matter of trying to block the negative energy that comes from the outside this this, this is just how you as a football player, you have to be mentally ready because see the news and the images that we see every
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day. this actually it's a big heart breaking out because these are the families of our friends. and you know, it's our, our people and also for us it's a hard break. but i think this gives us a motivation for this agent because it's the biggest stage and understand the concept. so for us being able to advance from the group stage, this gives the whole world to see that we're doing something for the country and also gives the people back home something to be happy about with everything that's going on. so really it's very important for us now, like i said, it's more positive than it is negative. i think do you have the, the team and full can provide a bit of rest, bye to the people back in dollars or in the west. but of course yes, because uh, honestly for boys it's and it's not, it's not more of an entertainment than it is a life. it's a way of life for us. we live, we brief football. this is,
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it's not work. you know, we do this because we are trying to make our population, our people happy. like i said, with everything that's going on this, this is the states to be for the, for things to get, you know, seen for the whole world, to be aware that we're here. you know, it's just play like every other country and every human understanding. the local organizers, hearing council saying they'll be doing everything they tend to support the palestine, see a percentage of the tickets. so revenue that will be going. so those are affected by the war and goals that also during the asian cup game days will feature messages of support to all how experience front. this is a busy time for the power steering st. trying to qualify for the world cup for the 1st at a time in 2026. i taken one points from that 1st 2 games in that campaign. it keeps them in with the chance of making it. this will be the 3rd asian couple of parents . never before have i managed to win a game at this tournament,
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it would be quite the monuments. it's here in town, so they could secure by historic victory in a group. it also includes a ran hong kong on the united, our veterans under richardson. how do you say era? so we're going to try to resume their legal campaign late on wednesday. they are currenty top of the table and take on my oca at home. the match will be called on to last is 1st since signing his new contract, which will keep him at the club until 2026. we make the move on to and to be very happy for this renewal. it's being a very simple and normally we negotiate to just the 2 of us, me and the cut president florentine upgrades on a home, though no problems. the no doubt's, it's been a very foster noon. i repeat what i said the other day. i'm very happy to stay for another 2 years as coach around madrid. the reason is ice hockey has been growing
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in popularity in the north of india were freezing temperatures enables cases to play on frozen lakes and palms. but now this emerging support is facing a huge obstacle, as tony chang reports in the mountains of the dock filled with a glass is the the, the in this river a stunning fact drop for one of india is fastest growing sports by talking but then literally skating on thin ice here caused by the impact of global climate change. i think it is impacted the way that the season has gotten, sorta on the that also means less excess twice. so there, there are, there used to be a huge number of players who used to play for longer do is, and that is, that is the newest house on the frozen palms begin to struggle to find the food. and it's quite a bumpy ride. even for the experience cases that holds melting in the surface pools of water around the edge of the and for vice ring. some of india is professional
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players have built ranks of their own to practice, putting the skills away from the crowds, the time and temperature notes in their favor. we used to have uh, almost 33 to 4 months to pay the sport starting from november, ending in the march. but because of climate change, we are hardly get getting the time to pay the spot. feel this on service, that's an infrastructure investment. it's sponsorship or a challenge. they might have buzz international standards, going ahead. we don't have an international standard. think when the players go to play in other nations, the players of the practice, although they don't have natural eyes, they have facilities of an ice, wouldn't get good infrastructure, allowing them to practice throughout the. unfortunately, the situation is i'm likely to improve rising temperatures of melting the glasses, which in turn means that sees no winds passing over the himalayas to cool as much
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as they should. are these in the main clause is global warming, their temperatures increasing. and because of that, the, the glaciers are mounting ice all or not the uh, seemed on the water bodies. uh and the, there's not enough snow windows had been becoming milder than my lawyer. but ice hockey is a sport that demands griffin determination. and the skate has a kashmir onto about to give a tony chain, which is there and you start to empty that has made an impressive return from injury. philadelphia 76. is that player with being suffering with a sprained ankle? by that simple, double witching through the 2nd one point is f. it's helping, he seems to be the chicago bulls 110 to 9776 is that 6 said in the eastern conference now we'll talk us. come back to tennis, has suffered the set back the full time grandson champion that was knocked off of
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the brisbin international by defending champion, starting at fiscal by its reset. in the 2nd wrong. this was talk us 1st tune off to taking a 15 month break to have it 5 years. and now the incredible story of teenager news and this, this continues to run and run at the world thought championship. a 16 year old from england has reached the final he's the youngest of a plan to reach the title, decide the and the emotional scenes that madrid airport is a spanish football fan, returned home office spending 15 months in prison in iran. santiago sanchez. it had been on a track from spain to contract to watch the woke up in 2022. but he was arrested in iran following a visit to the grave of martha. i mean, a woman who died well being held by a long story for these for violating these countries and that's always full for me
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back to the summit. thanks very much in days. i'm not fit for me as well. laura kyle: full this news. but top of great will be hit in just a moment with more of today's news for you. something with the reactions who saw our youth assassination, the of religious trinkets and 7 is 9. the centuries old couple blamed terrorism is the bread and butter of drew. some light families with the war and slight constellations of men, that tourists on coming. we are next, the church on the whole. the 2nd very good location for the 2 is a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the position for the public good emission to come to visit the church of all this up because, you know, told us to 70. that should be the busiest time of the with christmas and new year round the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy,
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was terrace from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all the tree a rest of most open steps up and occupied east ridge to live with movements being restricted and it for reggie having rep precautions on the local economy. if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk post to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites and the far reaching influence of those who fund instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on
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a jersey to the the, the pillow sending in groups and living owns his beloved, valid to respond office and you have most officials. so l o d is assess the nicest new drone, striking diverse the try this is up to their life and also coming up the city ends in the occupied with bank,


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