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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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was waiting in dense investigation to get compelling insights into human folds and untold stories from asia or in the pacific one. 0 one east on. i'll just see around the and the 73 people are killed in bloss. so there's certainly honoring around assassinated general. pass them so i'm on a the kind of them are kyle, this is alex, is there a night from doha. also coming up. i'm groups in palestine 11 and a 24 tele ation after a senior home us official solid. a laurie was assassinated in a joining strike in bed roots. israel continues as phone bomb and so have gone to
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a central and southern regions within 22300 of palestinians have been killed. so simple fig. on parents rush the new bones to hospital as probably needed vaccines for going to goes up for the 1st time in the beginning with breaking news out of iran, where officials are saying that at least 73 people have been killed in 2 explosions during a ceremony. honoring the slain of ronnie and general customs the money. the applause struck as hundreds of people gathered near his grave sites in the central city of come on, and other 170 people were injured. site media were quoting, and iranian officially described as
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a terrorist attack. tuesday monks full years since the top general was killed by us drone attack near the airport in baghdad of a spring, 2 based off of causation. as an iranian political analyst, who is what they run in. foreign ministry is international relations faculty. and he joins us from the time. ron must also festival, can you fill us in on what happens as far as your away or how long it takes for having the one the couple of boxes uh the designated actually a few 100 yards away from the symmetry of the city of trim on just a few 100 yards away from the burial face of all he was mocked at general. uh, slowly, money and uh on the pass. people were moving to join the procession. the anniversary of the dead. there are people there and there are stations that there by the people
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who distribute foods and dreams and everything. and finally, the 1st bomb, which was more powerful, apparently designated and a number of people were marches as the rescue squad. washington seems um uh, the 2nd bomb also exploded to kim and most of aliens who have rushed to the scene to help the one that the that and it has the soul for march is over 73 people all most. so all of the civilians including jack, please, to 7, a children, and also a $171.00 and $1.00 that so hard the numbers could be rising. but of course they have been as far as we know, and as far as the it's been announced by the officials. we have not cared of any official or military of casualties because the police and law enforcement and others, they were stationed at this imagery at the gates of the symmetry
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a few 100 yards away. and now the procession the anniversary moved it had uh right away. and now as live cameras are showing from the symmetry, the the anniversary continues very peacefully by the motors. just thought how important this ceremony is. this come memorization of the death of sla money. it is highly important because so, you know, when i made a general lieutenant general, so when money was bought it, uh, he was given interest sections in different cities in the wrong and it was a number of 25000000 people took part in that precision. the largest ever we hired on there, and the history and people loved him adore him as my or him updated our telegrams to go to his burial place every day. so it's highly important that makes the event more paramount and more important or more vital because definitely this is being
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a major breach. and a terrorist attack on the really, incidentally, is which will not, of, you know, be on response and without the response definitely are the ones there. i'm a sense of these 2 goes the harm it's security and especially with killing me or what you mean. citizens has always been in red line. so considering the events in the last 10 days, it seems that we should be waiting for about 10 ron's response to bills in charge to these attack. so we're just getting an update that now the death toll has risen to 81. that's 81. people killed in these 2 explosions, you say with some certainty that these were bottoms, that they were remotely designated. indeed. and around the of media we're seeing reports that they were all set remotely destination. but oh,
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do we know with any such and see that fact or do? is that still speculation that the state generals or who do we think might be behind it as well? um, um, official reports are be silent about this investigations are on the way by the ring . any found this ministry? to clarify, there is doing any suicide. bombing or bolts have been removed funds, but definitely at least one of them has been bomb attacks that some of the, you know, friends on the scene, i be saying that they, it seemed to uh, bags under that. and they are sure that the 2 had been bombs renewed, slee exploded, but there is no official report about that. also, about those constructs behind that kind of interest. there has been no official report to you long as you tell your administrators, going to speak to the really and media in about a few minutes now. but my personal gathering is that this is been his real. this is
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the most thought definitely for me. this completely clear, considering the events in the last 10 days, the terrorist attacks they started the damascus, then the in the root. now, in a wrong they have failed apparently to find the different areas, officials and military's that's their protocol, that's their program and plan all they've got whenever they do so they go quarter public in order to create a trap, kindly or to me, it's completely clear that yahoo has failed in his war on garza and he's half empty handed in front of design is inside the occupied territories. is government is very much fragile and my collab soon and you know, god knows that his political carrier will end up getting behind jails soon. so he, after this year in gaza, he's trying to, uh, well, you know, show that he has, he has aaron something that the lease, uh,
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he wants to say probably to these really is that uh he has done some reprisal attacks in bay road in dom s isn't it the long bucks at the same time? the strategic target seems to me to be escalated natasha's in the region. that has been lots, nothing y'all and his army in the sock. they've been doing. i'm moving cabinet and hair in order to escalate the tensions since a few weeks ago about because they want to bring the united states and their europe and they do a back chairs into this conflict in order to escape this. the speech and failure in gauze off and in order to continue this war. so, so far, fair ones are shown reservations and it's after spring. but so i do believe that half their the market in the z, a general, a z last week as well as today's events,
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so which was attracted to the and killing uranium citizens. i'm a mass murderer paul, there will be a response definitely. and there will be dire costs for these release. okay, stuff. causation, thanks very much for taking the time. speak to us the uh from the test run. lets now do i know a guest on set him a home in chicago? he joins us in the studio. he's a professor of conflict resolution diplomacy at george mason university. these were huge twin bloss in a very crowded area. i'm many, many people that to commemorate the death of cast some sort of money in this city of correct and come on. what do you think happens as well? so 147, see not it was number one. this is northern accident since the good on in all thought it is. have said it is a title attack. so there are certain indicates that the, that it was,
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it has been when planned will exit cute and hopefully ration not getting the facility against us them. so they many or hayes some besides this, but this is for some pro location of the how long. and they think we have to ask the question, who should or who can benefit from this reaction or what ability action from an on . and i think since october 7th, the ideas of declined to be part of this conflict despite the, you know, classes between his beloved hammers. okay. generally on notice. so the new crisis with hotels in the south of famine now and that's a neil has spent 3 months waging a war and goes up trying to the populate that strip and took the name in a promise. 3 months later, the, the eighty's and the west them something sizes with them are asking, what is the checklist? how are we doing nothing?
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you know, we wouldn't the answer to a specific question. is his strategy for a friend and they always fix it and go no. is it capable of releasing hostages through a swap puerto exchange with a policy and prisoners? no. so there is no the romantic venue or diplomatic platform that's can be sort of a okay, that's kinda administer the next phase of this. what, what he does, he changes the focus instead of focusing on the solid. let's also open a new phone on in the northwind. how much with the hezbollah as we witnessed as the day, the kid and the final day in a boat. and today 24 hours later we have 2 explosions. and i think that the toner would go to the old one hundreds. so this is a huge open ration that's with in some of the get on is and then on. so i'm going to have a special occasion culmination of their main hero. i'm not sure of the hero who was
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link to the other quotes, but it gave them boats for so if we put to enter to get there is a link along here can link between what happened and who can benefit from it. i see the links, but is it not to any control those kind of conclusions because as much stuff it was saying just in the past hour when we look at the previous anniversaries, commemorations of send him on his desk. it was dice, it was i so that was disrupting those processions, we have a tax, we're not finger points that it's the bus where i've put in. so what i'm saying, idea was on the table and a in conflict resolution analysis were always the result to deductive reasoning, which means bring in several elements together for them. and them of put them in, in a context and see if you can little so my, as i think of this specific time, the keening of more than 100 people are the 4th anniversary of cause. and so their
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mind is that there is more, there are more questions to ask a visa v, the connection with the word and it goes more than any other people in the middle east. yeah. okay. we will certainly continue to talk about it and analyze the situation. the moment mohammed, it's a kind of way, thanks very much for joining us. that's bringing mohammed warranty. he's had of the american studies at the university of town and joins us now live from the a rod in capital. i mean, is the pets would be very targeted explosions, killing a large number of people as we were saying that at the commemoration of the customs to the amount is death of me at the sight of his grave. can you festival? just tell us what your hearing has actually happened. there were 2 explosions and the there was a very large crowd. there wasn't near the ceremony itself. and since there was the
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proud was so large large, it spilled over into surrounding areas. and so the 2 bombs managed to create huge numbers of casualties and perhaps so, so 100 people have been killed. do you agree that it's likely to have be a couple of forms that were decimated remotely? that seems to be the prevailing at line that is coming out at the moment so that we're not seeing any hard evidence of anything. yes, i don't know about that. we'll have to see. but i think what your audience are looking at is the fact that this did happen on the anniversary of dental sony money . and it came a phase after a new rodney in general was murdered in syria, a general who was deeply involved in supporting from us and this time,
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extra hard and has the law uh in, in the resistance and also uh, yeah, yesterday the murder of senior hum us officials who are responsible for supporting the people of palestine and the resistance inside inside palestine itself. so many believe that there's most probably a connection. even if i say this was involved, because general, so the money defeated isis, and he let the, the one isis and the combined one, isis and see, or any rock and isis despises and deeply. but the fact that this way, these did have connections with isis. we have to remember that during the 31, syria up alongside the golden heights, the ice had bases on one side of the, the, on the one side there were out by this. and on the other, there was isis. and every time in the way of these worth supporting them to
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artillery, to it strikes and also treating their wounded. so there is a connection between elements, at least devices, and this way, the regime and this could have been, therefore, isis could have been, therefore used by this rarely machine to carry out this attack. we don't know yet, but there it, it is either this riley's or isis, or both. the board woods is well gain from provoking yet and now the front in the region as well. there are 2 ways of looking at it. um, there are 2 theories, perhaps after all the run has been supporting hum us and its allies in gaza. we know that the defense capabilities, the tunnels where all that came from. and the same is true, of course, and 11 on which is probably which has probably much greater defense capabilities because it's not surround is like casa and the admin and elsewhere. so if there's
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way the machine that say wants to, or elements in the regime or the united states wants the war to come to the end, despite the wishes of nothing, yahoo! then maybe, informally, they can say we hit the ron. we assassinated a senior official and have my us, we assassinated a new ronnie in general, and this is victory. we flattened gaza. of course, it is a strategic defeat for as well, but they would try to sell it to the public to end the war. and to make nothing, you also look good. there was an alternative theory of course, and that the find through these assassinations and through the bombing and iran, that is why the regime is trying to expand the war and to make it turn it into regional war. because this benefits nothing. yahoo personally, we all know that if nothing y'all, the war ends nothing. yahoo will face criminal charges, but also he will be blame for this historic defeat in gaza. so there are different
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ways of looking at it. i don't know what the thinking is in tel aviv, but i think it does prove the point that a point that the iranians have been saying for years. and that is, that is rather issue is not just and menace to the people of palestine and to the people of gaza to genocide, some killings in the west bank. but it's also dangerous to neighbors that constantly attack syria. it's a by they'd set loving easy has space, it attacks the lebanese and it carries out the assassinations and bomb attacks, any rottenness we've seen regularly over the past few years. so as long as this apartheid regime remains in west asia, west asia, it simply cannot half piece. okay, now how many monday many thanks for taking time showing us the from the tap on the
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how to sit in on the groups and has blo in lebanon, according for retaliation, following the nation of a senior homeless official. so a really was killed in a try and striking the lebanese capital berries. on tuesday, the deputy chief of hamas has political bureau. he was also found of his military waiting custom brigades, as well as north acknowledge responsibility for the strike, but says oil how mosley does a targets following the october 7th attack? now, several of whom asked members were killed in the attack, including 2 leaders of cas um brigades. the drain struck the building and the southern berries of, of da here have masses condemns the attack. cooling as a terrorist act, as opposed to continue is resistance against israel. ali how some reports. it's been. yeah, since the root has experienced a talk like this, how much this policy can office in southern bay root toner plot and some of its high profile di this kills. and um, drones, stock,
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2 floors of the building on tuesday night from us as deputy lee. the father had already was killed instantly along with 6 others. at about 5 30 pm, we heard the sound of an explosion. then another blast followed by a 3rd explosion. a few seconds later, the smoke was rising heavily. the explosion shook our office on the and how to do was one of the founders of the groups of rang because some brigades. he had been living and exhausted, and 11 on after spending 15. yes. and then his reading changed before the war on guns began on october. the 7th is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu had threatened to kill the recent weeks out of what he has played default and the release of captives things on how mass condemned his killing. as a college the sedation, the. a a, so the only we affirmed that the assassination by the zionist occupation of the great brother and national slicing leader shakes, allow, erie,
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and his brothers of the movements leadership and teams on the lebanese land is a complete terrorist that a violation of lebanon sovereignty, an expansion of israel's hostility, against our people, a nation book design, this nazi occupation is responsible for its repercussions. yeah, that is one hasn't taken responsibility for the i thought what i do, it is us as a nation, is seen as a game change on the region. the lebanese government says, is when, when face repercussions while the on group has the law has also about to respond for weeks here in southern lebanon, has the light is red. i've exchanged fire has, below, has said in the past, it will not leave an attack on the many signs without the response. and the question now is, what is this low intensity boxes here, the board to spill into an all out war hash images it on the quarter southern level to speak now to of course one's in baby. it's a in a honda and zane a leader of has the is types of speech late. so what do we expect him to say?
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well yes is expected just under 2. ringback hours, this was a plan to address before, you know, has a media is reporting that the assassination violated the rules of engagement should cross the red line few months ago, the throughout the himself made it very clear and warranted as well as office would face a serious response if a series of any assassination against a leader from the so called access of whether 11 he's or or on 11 on so late yesterday saying that this time will not so but at the end of the day if it does not respond, then it's credibility. he'll be on the line as
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a defender of the call as a member of the mass. of course, being part of that is also said just as a saw, a red line has been sort of how dirty was killed in has been a strong whole southern suburbs and it has full justice response. it's a trigger, a full blown conflict that could have devastating consequences, of course, has the luck and also a loss of damage to israel. it's has rocket section hits anywhere in, in this situation is very delicate. we do expect him to say that there will be that's how to make some steps. and the steps really is based on the strategy. and it just took a little bit about the language that and very off to the strike and also a middle of the coal store. it's highly ace. well,
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no doubt people are concerned. people are worried that the country should be in the house for opening a house to help. 5 ministers is expressing concern he wants to try and this is the low intensity conflict as well. but it has been stepping up it's attacks because it's wants to pressure has to move away from the border. so people really are concerned that is rolling one way or the other wants some sort of estimation each time for talks does not come out. so
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you know, all out conflict has to have last night says that this is the interest development of the ongoing, the enemy and the axis of the systems that have full law can avoid this funding force response here. ok, so i know how that brings the latest that from very thanks very much say now the senior advisers feels ready. prime minister says i will raise assassination. was not on attack on the lebanese state, but not wreck of told that the us knew that use network. i'm assembly see that as well. just also have a history of talking when he calls terrace on for foreign soil. so we can speculate if you large but let's, it'd be clear is what has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear, israel has in the past, of course it does we terrace when they're in foreign countries?
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and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief and stuff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre. there is a legitimate target. so heart joins us out from it tell of even saw it says what other actually being thing from israel of this assassination the laura we have not seen had any official statements yet so but so we have hubs from the most odd cheese. david bonnie, who pretty much says very similar to what mot greg of said, that those that took part in the type of 7 attack, signed the death warrant. and it's not a surprise really, that this could be israel, even though they haven't admitted to it. that has been unconfirmed to scrum, the us speaking to us media is saying that israel was behind this box in terms of
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previous threats from israel's prime minister, as well as the ami, saying that they will go off to those in charge. they will go off to the high must be just that it wasn't enough just to carry out this will in goals or in killed the spices. but they needed to end for the ticket politically and militarily. and of course i really was the 2nd and come on. now the country is on the high a lot. we know this because the minute tree chief confirms it overnight saying that they are also ready for any scenario. and of course, that isn't just in reference to the real keeps coming from from us into israel, but also the northern border. we know that it's another from israel said it doesn't want to turn into a will with 11 on, but it says it won't be warrants or schedule to use. it's military force a few weeks ago. tens of thousands of its troops. well, during a loss of training,
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in case any such scenario happens in case there was an escalation from the lebanese side from the uranium, but group has by law in southern lebanon. and in the last few hours, we have seen some real kit missed solves that were sent over across from his by lot . now the ministry has confirmed that it has responded by hitting some of the infrastructure. that's no surprises. this is what's been happening every day. whether we will see an escalation spa that is yet to be seen, but we do know that the un forces in 11 on have wounds against any escalation and also the french presence. emmanuel, i'm a cronan, and a telephone call with bunny guns. one of the war cabinet members also saying the same, not to escalate it any further. okay, so hard at joining us that from tennessee for the latest. thanks very much sarah. would have been protesting the occupied westbank over the killing of a roaring as it is march and several times including have gone to show that anger
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over the killing of the top come off. the official feelings group has cooled. people across the region to rise up and resistance against as well as it is also holding a general strike in morning full hour a while as well as intensified as bombardments of central and southern gone. so rafa has been hit hard by his wally strikes. residents have been searching through the ruffles to survive as darrell bhalla, the con units have also been shelves and just palestinians, and the bodies of the dads have been brought to the album. joseph, on the job hospital in rough or a 2 year old child was amongst 3 people killed when the house was formed. within 22300 people have been killed in garza since the solve of the as really offensive on october. the 7th talk assume is in rough in southern gaza, so it's hard to tell us more about his latest strikes and the casualties. yes, um,
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today you do use valley military has expanded its military offensive. of course, the goal is as transfer out intensifying the strikes on the onto the re should he of course, uh, because of strep. now, starting from han units were 15 palestinians have been killed since the early hours of today's morning. i've got a series of strikes that leveled to the ground keys, civil impress, drop to the alongside with i'm part of residential house as those pointing that we in the past and appliances under use where the ministry so which is that continued on the trends, mentioning that there is a new attack, had been carried thoughts in default and those of gauze, in particular, engine value refuge account where 20 palestinians have been killed in the past hour off to a destruction of a complete residential neighborhood. where at the off it's made by civil defense teams that continue to search for. so finally because, um, it's very her rough exceeds have been imagine from this small area which had been multiple hits since october the 7th. now they disassemble like.


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