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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the colors so many watching the of the news on line headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the at least 3 people are killed in a series of glass sort of ceremony smoking full. yet since the substitution of a rainy in general costs, and so the money goals for responded,
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scroll down to cost palestine and let them following the coming of a senior mazda official, saw a movie in babies. and the role in gauze rages all these while intense funding satisfies the cost of the strip molded $22300.00 palestinians have been killed since the conflict began. desperate scenes of hundreds of thousands of palestinians struggled to survive in her wrist at conditions with nickel, food. most of all medical supplies, the welcome to the can we begin with breaking news coming out of the wrong word. officials say at least 103 people now have been killed in 2 explosions at a cemetery in the city of cut them on the south east. the blasts took place during a ceremony to on the assassination devaney and general costs instead of money. of the news and
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170 of the people were injured tuesday box for us as a senior general was killed in the us. trains like the air force in baghdad in iraq . iran president has condemned the laws. cooling is a terrorist to turn around is declared today of moving on tuesday was to book a shim is the radiant political on that list. he says that there are children amongst the casualties. there have been a couple of curious attacks on the past that ends up in the symmetry of the city after long a few 100 yards away from the burial trace of march, the general investments like money. um, well, apparently, uh 73 people have been bought. it a 171, others up and when the numbers put rise about among those jill, our children, a number of children had been killed well of the burial of the ceremony. the
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anniversary of news had and its been done peacefully, but there are are, there are also unconfirmed reports that they could have been if they're gone that have been defused by elaine. the security guards, most of those that have been killed. and this attack, so far, had been reported from to be from disability is no military or no official who has been reported that i mean a few 100 yards away from the bus. and so the money is very ill place. you have for so many people to come, it's like our button, but call them we'll check it's they distribute drinks and spoke to the people so they have been civilians. most of them, if not all of the so let's say, you know, i'm groups on levels has bloss calling fault retaliation,
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following the assassination of a senior, a mazda official. so i believe it was killed in a drive and striking that either these capital through a route on tuesday, the deputy chief of homos is political be, or he was also found of its military being the cause. i'm brigades. israel has also acknowledged responsibility for the strike, but it says that all how must be dissolved targets following the october 7, the time. palestinians have been holding a general strike and voting for rudy and occupied east jerusalem. and in the occupied west bank. many shops, banks, and public offices have shut down a boss as coals the protests of the acts of resistance against israel. thing guns that nothing has changed is randy asked, right? it's continued to pound the strip where the palestinian death toll is known as the past 22300 hundreds of thousands of displaced people having tobacco with wintry conditions with little today food, water, or medical supplies. that's cause i about to get ahold of to joins us now from by
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region of calls that have be these sort of low level intensity, the attacks and skirmishes over the southern lebanese and old and israel. both of them worries about whether that could a, this assassination could exacerbates the tensional ready on the bolt of the, of the well, no doubt, the assassination of how masses made the leader in the 11 on how much is number 2 saw that ruby was an escalation serious escalation by, as well as the law says that this crime will not go unpunished. in this statement late yesterday, they called this a dangerous development. and in a short while, we are going to hear from the secretary general of the lebanese arms who pass on his speech was plans before the assassination. but of course, it takes on a whole new meaning. what will he say? a few months ago?
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no smell of himself said that he warned as well against targeting any leader of the so called access of resistance, whether 11 needs of have a sent in an iranian on lebanese soil, saying that this there will be a response. this pro hezbollah video says a red line has been crossed and that the rules of engagement have been broken. but the question is, how far is hezbollah willing to go for the time being? it has been trying to avoid a full blown conflict with, as well calculating it's moves in southern lebanon, calculating its attacks as well to, to a certain extent. but israel, as of late, really has been stepping up and intensifying it's attacks with many fearing set. what israel wants is to try has put law into a full blown for. so in a few minutes we are going to hear from us, or i love to see, you know,
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well how far the organization is going to go. and it's response to this is austin ation and said it wasn't more analysis from you as of when that happens. so that means that we hold it for a same day, right. let's go save it to cyber conrad, to join us now from tel aviv reaction in israel, obviously is muted to a certain extent after the success the nation. but i'll be saying anything. the tools are so yeah, we haven't had any official confirmation, at least on the note from the prime minister, or the war cabinet or the government itself. but we have heard from the most side chief david's vanya, who, earlier in the day, while attending a funeral, said, that's any one the plans or took pots in the october 7 attack had signed away. but just lawrence. so saying also that they will go off to those that did. and this
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also ties into what we've already heard from is role a number of times. they said that they not only just going off to become a spices in gaza, but also against the lead is and they said they would do that even if they weren't in the gaza strip, even if they're in other countries, they've named lovelyn on. so key costs are as some of those countries, so to see that it hasn't come as a surprise. but it's also interesting, lee, this is all happening. and it happens actually as the prime minister had met with some of the families of those being held captive still, almost 3 months in gaza. now saying that sees file talks were ongoing and really sounded somewhat optimistic that something may come out of this. whether that will happen, no, no, it's still not clear, but this is certainly being seen as a victory,
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despite the cabinet. so secretary of putting out an edict to say that those in the government shouldn't talk about it publicly. we did have from a few ministers here in this whether it was with local media or on social media, seeing this as a victory. and it certainly will be seen by the public as that because the majority of his re, the support, the war in gaza and supports getting rid of him us not just militarily but politically, as well as far as what i presume that, you know, we have to make that assumption that israel is, is not taking any chances that will be preparing for a potential retaliation of some sorts from a militant group. us yeah. sudden we will rise. the hubs from the is riley army spokesman. the said that the country is on high a lot, and they'll expecting any possible scenario, whether it's defensive or offensive. namely, really,
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they're looking that knowles and boards with southern lebanon, where the has been a lot of rainy invite group is predominantly stationed in those areas. and they have been carrying out daily attacks on that. no. then, for the casualties haven't been. hi, simply for one reason. $65000.00 residents along that board have left on the government instruction, but also involuntarily. lots of the ma, hey, instead of eve in hotels, they can't go back even though they said they are used to the real kids. this isn't the 1st time, not just during this war, it's been happening over the years, but then not used to the idea of that. possibly as being an infiltration. they want to see the government push them back further. these riley's have said several times that if, if the international community doesn't push has bala, but they would consider the minutes reaction. and we know a few weeks ago that they had been training tens of thousands of soldiers along the
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buddha to be ready for any kind of scenario. and this potentially could be that just in the last couple of hours, we seen another attack by his butler this time, this time using up become miss solves, which are, are much heavier. uh, choice then, well they've already been using since the war sausage, whether we'll see any further escalation, it remains to be on seen. but certainly we know that they will be continuing because they said they will continue a talking but northern border unless as well as stops of war and gaza for the uptake from tell of the things that require it for us, the well palestinians holding a general strongly can morning for irene and occupied east jerusalem and in the west bank, many shops, bangs on public offices of being shut down. a mouse is also called for protests of the acts of resistance against israel basketball. and i bet it's smith is in ramallah and occupied westbank. it just brings up to speed on what the response was that as news of his killing became evident for sale this
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as well. so our rory is from me, was born just outside ramado and 1966 just a year before the 6 day war, the sole israel occupying the west bank there were protest said last night spontaneously after news of his killing emerge. and the wind protests of the process during today throughout the occupied, westbound on the why the opposite general striking really out of respect on the morning and the general's dry clothes down universe days, banks, government offices and shop summers pretty well reserved across the major towns and cities have from ramallah to bethlehem to have grown to novelist, and he's a home village, although he's home village of aurora is mom on his sister's. i've been receiving bonus a, a probably she it wouldn't matter who knew the difficult moment in his life was when he was arrested. he was tortured. he lost 45 kilo's, and we didn't even recognize him when we saw him. he was in the jail for a long time,
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away for 10 years. but he has strong belief in the difficult thing was that he was seeing his brothers and companions being assassinated and killed. it was hard for him to send him prime minister. i'm a how much tired and a statement said that the palestinians had lost one of the unifying figures who was always called for, you click 4 people getting together and strengthening national unity in the face of occupation and the all for these condolences to come us and to a role res from that is with that for us in room. i think you know, just owens oliva is a member of the lebanese problem and she says the assassination has the potentials withdrawal her country into a broader complex. this is a war that is uh that is put on us that is forced on us. and this is extremely,
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extremely dangerous. i think the sovereignty of the country has been breached. it's very important to actually document even at the united nation, the bleaching. and the attacks of the, of the, of is, are going on on our territory. whether they go into to, to a direct condemnation at this moment or later on. this is important to pursue important to document an important to follow through. well, as we mentioned this be, know, lots of and also with his rel, intensifying his bombardments of central and southern guns. that nebraska has been hauled hit by as rarely strikes. residents have been searching through levels or any survivors the by law on han eunice have also been show, well injured palestinians. the bodies of the dead have been brought to the abu use of founding the shell hospital in rough on a 2 year old child was amongst 3 people killed when the house was bound in
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a televised address, the policy name, prime minister, and i mentioned that spoke of the di, humanitarian situation in the cons district. far as the yes had no milk babies in gaza. some of these babies have lost their mother's children, and garza stood in long queues for a piece of bread. we didn't get that to 89 days of starvation was full thousands to die of hunger while the others load. mister put pressure on his route to open the crossings to allow food enough as because one enters guys or does not exceed a sense of his people's real needs on the board must stop focusing on the numbers and humanitarian conditions and rather must force his route to go no further on the items that he's really home. he has dropped at pains to be want to false risk bolton's industry it in central cancer. the chemical substance produces fix, smoke, use the military purposes, but could also have a risk injuries as pulsing policy. meantime is to flee the homes. hidden country
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has moved from districts is not only that, but is there any forces are throwing the leaflets on the people inside the force and come back to work. but they're also firing as far as gas farms in different areas. and in the concentrated areas, forcing people to evacuate, we have been seeing them hear hear more corresponds more of as far as boss. while you're on people living in that area close to introduce building hundreds of thousands of people, but that's evacuated from the north north to here. and other people have been already living in the opposite. is there any forces evacuating this area and asking people to go to the as you see, all of the people are rushing so fast trying to be under prior we have been hearing
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constance and just are totally re sending out. as you see, people are taking their, taking their walk through time because they know that they will find them anywhere . they're taking their black kids or taking their god. there's this woman carrying her baby try. you do please for a safe area. but at the end of the day, so you know, that's no way and there's no place say people are still evacuation day after day. more areas have been caused by that is where the forces to evacuate and the situation is escalating. this is included in for i just need a new site out us more than half a 1000000 vaccine full childhood diseases, including peddler needs also being delivered to gaza for the 1st time since october . the 7th. you and agencies are being bullying of the risk of diseases. funding amongst causes 1900000 displaced palestinians power. and so heading to health
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centers in the southern city over alpha to get to vaccinated for the children. let me go see him sherry for pulse him. on code 3 has finally made it to a health center and dropbox to have a baby vaccinated across your those have been suppose you was delayed because of the ongoing full of to being displaced from cause or city. a mom has struggling to find the clinic. the disco, the vaccine, the finish or vaccination, was delayed because it was never brought in. or it was brought in, but in, in sufficient quantities. because the children of the whole guys a strip have to come to the sofa. there were some in hon. eunice that got dispatched to it off hundreds of thousands of bringing the instance in children to this center for vaccinations. the united nations children's agency genesis says it has delivered at least 600000 doses. that seems to casa, the agency estimates nearly $17000.00 instance have missed one or more routine
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vaccines. and it's really blow, okay, during its own go, in bold, has prevented crucial supplies, including medicines, from entering districts. the, the ones that were brought in include the oral polio vaccine given by mouth. it is for polio vaccine that treats duma local to monia and the vaccines are measles, rubella months as well as to where to los is these are the vaccines that have arrived. the maxine supply has entered garza to develop a boulder with egypt, is sufficient for nearly $300000.00 infants and children under the age of 5 over the coming year. we how most of a resident of ro fox is rushing to the center to have a month, so they be vaccinated. the vaccine is 18 days late and i'm worried about the girl because of diseases. so when i heard that the vaccine is available. yeah,
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i came quickly because it is delayed any food that the child could contract any diseases, the much needed vaccine supply comes as a threat of infectious diseases, cruise in distress. the challenge health officials phase is to administer vaccinations among the displaced living in temper beach filters across the touch tree and the consumption leave on to caesar recover as a miss hayes for us that live in raw fine southern garza until ricky. now we often talk about how difficult the day is all certainly when people are trying to find supplies and, and hide from the bombing is just as difficult when the sunsets of the yes, absolutely. this is a challenge for palestinians of the struggles as every day. the needs of they are in a very desperate need for food, for water, just to let the family survive as policy and of course, called a strip on and to celebrate costs. in particular,
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which is now the most densely populated parts of guns are due to the admins evacuation waves that have been made since october. the 7th, where people here are really are forced to live in comparable, inc, comparable also. conditions of that b, r a, in a very desperate need to afford essential food supplies as they are forced to line up so known. i was in such complete days to have a very partial access to food towards us and even to medical supplies. i also the women inside kansas strip of piecing very drastic conditions as around 60000 at pregnant women. insight goals are facing a very notable deterioration of the medical conditions due to the absence of full essential hygiene conditions and services inside goes up. what is the component of protons that right now on the, on, on balancing bombing of the charge, what we use that the most afford food to survive box with a new consent and fees, invest and triggered by the united nations in terms of that 40 percent of goals as
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population now and the risk of finding palestinians are really receiving the very respect to the human to terry and access it during the last couple of weeks, despite view and resolution of increasing the capacity of the numbers of the humanitarian 8 trucks into garza. but what right now, policy is that doing is that the trying to afford um, to set you all kinds of possible food supplies to the families. as adults inside the southern parts of garza are forced to for going meals the day just to ensure that children are receiving ones as they are also have been getting through completely difficult. i don't see any human conditions, but people in the number of parts i didn't central areas of golf decision. now this portion of the policy and i've been doing a very catastrophe conditions as there is no. any humanitarian aids have been delivered to the parts of the gaza strip, due to the is where the unrelenting plumbing and the ability of the humanitarian organizations inside garza to oprah rates in these areas. as they have been
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attacked by the is very military. and also the human intelligence, a troops that have been allowed to get to the know the record must be respected by the is released. so just the last patient, wholesale law had dean road, the main linking road. we've been north, the southern parts of gauze capitalism that for us in rafa. thank you. the that is that he's the head of citizens power ministries, rapids full forces in kenya on the latest like of is on for control or, i mean physical, regional support. but having done decarlo met with the canyon and present when they retire in the capital. nairobi. the discussions focused on the funding was in the are as i found the sudanese on me, which has been raising 499 months to express confidence that ongoing tools could bring lasting piece to sit on the cycle side which conference. so who's following
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these talks in nairobi i read the gate general speaking to ahead of states. 11 does what's going on. but yes, right now we have been waiting for press call for us. i was suppose to be addressed by the general. but that did not happen, it's not clear why. but then he has been on our tom offensive. he has been troubling us with the widow and he went to the booty gun die he went to, it's still c a and now he was here in kenya. and he had pokes with the president william roots so a where they all agreed. the reason needs to have a piece of resolution of when it comes to us done it of cost. these comes on the background of this e gods, polk, the regional tool. they see good regional talks that are supposed to happen this month. both sides,
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both the rock pete response of forces and the army a lead by general ball hon. i have agreed that they will have the stalks a we have hard from met him, etc. who in the e c o p a, i said that he is open for a ceasefire and he also says that she wants the side the all the warning side of that is that the army to all, to declare that they will have these a ceasefire. now we have been hearing, so from a su, done that fighting is still going on. and we are also being told that. 5 both sides, it, it appears that both sides, both these generals, we have face to face talks uh,
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in that meeting in january. so it's going to be very interesting to see what happens because previous folks have not used that much. of course, we'll come back to you as of what we know the press comes is happening, submitted confidence solely that for us. thank you. i don't see what it goes. ex president is buying corona has been charged with treason ever failed. could move and the government attacked a military barrack sunday prison finger on 2 selves been made some coming more than 20 people. 11 others have been charging for using ex police and correctional offices as well as a former cause i'm a bunch of guns. now rescue work is i'll continue to search. full survive is after a magnitude 7.6 as quake it west in japan on new year's day. yeah. it was also rocked by a powerful after shop early on wednesday. at least 73 people with that and dozens more bleeds to be trumped in hundreds of buildings that have clamped into chicago
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prefecture mold and 30000 people in evacuation centers. japanese ortiz will well, major estimates could follow in the coming days. rescue a night efforts have been hunted by rain and damaged roads. like you to rob, want to live in to know what, how some the throttle or the leader of has belong 11 is speaking. let's see what he has to say. and blessings be upon you all will allow. so kind of what the secret, the g a law says. ready in the know book or on and the name of god's most compassionate, most merciful as something good happens to you, something bad happens to them. i mean, in a lie and we are hearing these versus today these versus that were brought down 1400 years ago. but today, we can see them translated in our countries in our territories. if something good happens to you, something bad happens to them. if a tragedy be falls,
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you and they will say that a blessing has befallen them, and they will be joyful. he will see you then uh, i will say nothing will happen except that which is written by a law for he is our lord. and the believers must rely on him. will not be no. then for some aim. when the bus will, because say, our enemies look upon us and we look upon our enemies so that god strikes them down with sought the ring by him or by our hands. while the he, you know, a lot also says in the know book for on the moon in the moon that come if you suffer, so will they suffer law. he my resume. you will pray to
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a law and they will not a lot as indeed truthful in move our in this blasted gathering today. i'll follow what i will be addressing a number of topics. first off, can you met to melissa? i will be offering my condolences on 2nd laptop. i will be talking about those whom we celebrate today. and then i will be addressing the battle that is raging today and goes up palestine and all over the region. and lastly, i will be addressing the situation and 11 on the battle and 11 on from 11 on against 11 on as well as the latest attack and they route southern suburb and you and we'll get that 1st off. and we can now as email, once again, we offer our congratulations and condolences is given the martyrdom of
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those whom we celebrate today. our noble murder has cost them so like money and his companions, the other rang and murderers who were with them and who fell with him and by the bad as well as the great commander, murder, hodge boom, and the other one does. his brothers and his companions, the iraqi brothers, who fell as martyrs with him on the airport road and by the dead. we offer our condolences to all of their families. and once again from 11 on, we offer our deepest condolences and our sincerest congratulations. we offer our condolences because we have lost loved ones and we offer our congratulations because they received the greatest blessing from a lot of them. asia, why was another thing that is relevant to today's occasion is the events that
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transpired transpired today in an area adjacent to the final resting place of has caused some like money where the people who are visiting his resting place and celebrating the occasion, including men, women, and children were targeted as a result, a large number of murders fell. and according to the latest update to i've received, we have over 80 murders and 160 wounded people. and we offer all of their families our sincerest condolences. they are murders on the same road. they are the murderers of the same cause of the same battle that was being waged and fought by commander has cost them so like money then these days, grief is mixed with joy. however, this is how we've always lived and this is how we will always live the are you done mula to say you didn't miss,
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we celebrate the birth of jesus christ. peace be upon him with our christian brothers and our muslim brothers and everyone as well. his return to the world is a beacon of salvation to all those who are oppressed in this world with jimmy. we also like to congratulate everyone on the beginning of the new record in gear. and we call upon a law to aid us all and help us all to overcome the various challenges we face in our daily lives, security challenges, political challenges, economic challenges of the law. and we hope that this year will be a better one compared to all previous years. let me, let me see, ma'am. we also offer our congratulations to all muslims,
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particularly to all females in our nation for the birth of our lady. fought to my nephew say you that was the daughter of the most noble of prophets and messengers who was and will always be the most charlotte. that number one is a lady of the world and paradise. and now condolences that can we offer our condolences as a result of the loss of a dear brother and one of the founders of our blessing march. he is the murder of jihad, the murder of resistance. hazard mohammed yeah, the booster name that we offer our condolences to his family, what we offer our condolences to all of our brothers and sisters,
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particularly to our people in the because the region whom he spent all his life serving and here i must know that as will last so you'll have to then hezbollah will be organizing a celebration on friday afternoon is almost tied up. and if a law allows it as well, and what we're set that can, i will be at everybody's service. and i will be speaking at the celebration, and this will hopefully help me divide up the various topics that i wish to address today. in order for me not to take too much of your time. as a result, i will be addressing a number of the topics i was wishing to address on friday it's been a long absence and during this absence, we let the field, the battlefield do the talking. but today i will be splitting the topics i will be addressing between today and friday. i also offer my congratulations and
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condolences for the martyrdom of our brother. i saw you the most that we who felt as a martyr a couple of days ago in damascus as a result of the h. i n s. air strikes. he was a friend, he was a which i had time us. and we have known him for over 30 years during which he was with us as a him, which i had as a supporter as a back or a new level. and had him had the in the past, he always love to be addressed as the servant of the resistance and the servant of our glorious march. we offer congratulations and condolences to email many to his noble family, to our dear brothers in the i r g c. command and iran to the dear people of iran who are offering sacrifices and who have not stopped offering
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murders since the beginning of their revolutions in the early sixties. until today, how do you know, i believe with as the speaking of the latest event, we offer our congratulations and condolences in our brother, the great commander chaise, to select deputy had of the how must move and political bureau as well as his companions, the godrays and the commanders of from us who fell as martyrs yesterday, as a result of a blatant is really aggression against the roots. southern suburbs has applied us on the same night to wear hodge cost them and hush apple man d. that was also felt as murderers. i offer my condolences to my brother is my you and the and to all of our companions in the how much leadership, the son leadership and palestinian resist inspections as well as the palestinian
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people. i offer my condolences which i saw less noble family, enter the noble families of all the murders who were with them and fell with him. i offer to them my condolences and my congratulations and may god grant them patience and fortitude, and they have shown that. and may allah accept all of our martyrs with his great mercy and blessings. have you set that? i will be going back to the assassination incident and the martyrdom of shakes i left later in my talk. so i saw that was a great the jihadi leader who spent his youth and spent the majority of his life since he was a teenager. until his final day has spent most of his life in jihad, he spent both of his life and resistance in combat. in captivity in she had until finally, a law,
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the almighty granted him this blessing granted him this great martyrdom. oh, then i remember when you had on the bus. so last time i have to remember was murdered in the cables that was sent in by email. how many he said, the greatest thing that man can wish for, or the most noble thing men can obtained, is why the young man for him to be killed by whom, by those who killed prophets. and this is the case for our murders who are following these days. also in the 1st and start, i must offer my condolences and my congratulations to the families of all martyrs, the murders of guys, civilians, women, and children, men, the elderly, as well as the combatants. the heroes of the resistance to the west bank. well, to the murders of iraqi, of one and a man who failed as
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a result of the american aggression against steam, which i had the dean of the islamic resistance and iraq, to the murders of syria, the murderers of the military and disability and murderers who are falling as a result of israeli bombardment in syria, the land of the resistance to given to the murders of the sea, to have the invite to the great and noble martyrs of the sea. the 2 are murders in the lab, and on the murders of the resistance all resist inspections, the murders of the lebanese army, the civilians, and all the wounded to all these murders who fell on the road to jerusalem, to all of their noble families. and said that the one that remain steadfast, dead, remain resilient dead, remain faithful and remain reliant upon god. this is our situation in lebanon and
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guys, in the west bank and palestine in syria and iraq, in iran, in yemen. we are hearing the exact same language late last night and today we heard the mother of shay saw that we heard his brothers and his sisters. we are hearing the exact same things. people are relying upon god. people are accepting god's judgment and people are expressing their willingness to sacrifice. they are expressing their pride in these murders here, 2 and 11 on. this is our situation. this is what we're hearing from the fathers and mothers of our murders from their wives, from their sons, from their daughters, from the wounded, who remain steadfast in border villages, from those refugees who have been displaced from the villages and from the heroic combatants who continue to wage battle on the front lines,
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and i tell you contrary to what is claimed by the israeli army, our combatants are still waging battle at the border. the hey to all those. we pay tribute. we express our appreciation. we also express our love are and the ration and our pride in them in their face and their steadfastness, their resilience and their sacrifices. and we tell them, be sure, be certain that your blood, your sacrifices, and your patients will only yield great results, less than results that will bring good things to palestine. lab a non syria, iraq human iran and the entire region and the entire nation, including those who did not take part in the fight. and now to the 2nd part,
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i'm going to jump on hopefully on friday we will have more to say to the families of our martyrs, the families of the displaced and those are remain steadfast. because on friday, i will be addressing the lebanese situation in depth. the let's uh, let's see. so i have one that we are looking today at what is happening in gaza and all the battle fields of the world. and in every battlefield, we remember has caused some slight manny his image. his name has sold his pride, his enthusiasm, and his ever stronger presence of mind. the martyrs who fell today and cut them on. remind me of what he ma'am, how many one said, he said,
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it seems that murder caused some sleigh mind me. you'll see you for 200 scares, some of the colonial forces and design is a lot more then cost them so like many when he was alive today, we see cost them so they might need the murder. and that is why they are still pursuing him. all the way to his final resting place and they are killing his visitors. awesome. so they might need the murder, whose martyrdom made his life stronger, more effective. so i'll do more present. we see him in every battlefield. we see him on every front. we see him in the faces of our commanders, art combatants, reminders. we see him in our rifles. our missiles are rockets, are explosive charges. we see him in children's tiers. we see him in the patients of our women. we see him in this mythical resilience were offering today, cost them so they might need is, is present in every aspect of the score. and what we are seeing today are the
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fruits of the sacrifices of this great to hide the leader, the sacrifice as he offered that for over 20 years since he assumed the leadership of the eclipse force and the i r g c. the eclipse fours, which is responsible for liaising with resistance factions and resistance movements representing iran, has caused some of course, in previous occasion, on previous occasions, we said a lot. however, i would like tonight to address 2 main things in order for me to segue into the remaining topics and talk about double maggie as well. the 1st thing that i would like to talk about is the support that was offered to resistance movements in the region as well as the countries of the resistance access. however, the main focus was on resistance movements all over the region to his
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face. his approach were as follows, offering support the resistance movement, strengthening them, offering them equipment, offering them training, offering them expertise, offering them manufacturing capabilities of the i'm any hidden, move our man. and he was so sincere in his efforts that he made sure that all the resistance movement accomplished self sufficient sufficiency as you know, when countries support movements some countries in order to continue assuming control over these movements, do not allow them to reach self sufficiency in order for them to maintain control over their options and their decisions, however, has cost them so they might need talk to everyone. he laid out the programs he laid out the plans in order to make sure that every single resistance movement achieved self sufficiency. and to make sure it's relied after a law on its own capabilities,
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its own manufacturing, its own men, its own experts, its own trading. there is its own instructors, platters its own mines, and in order for them to no longer required the support offered by the islamic republic of iran. this is how he worked. and this is how he continued to work, to take some examples from today because there are certain topics that we must not address. however, in palestine, for instance, particularly from 2000 onwards from us, the atlantic shihad and other resistance factions, but mainly from us and the islamic jihad. this is no longer a secret. our brothers and from us and the islamic jihad are announcing that on every occasion and every single day, the support in terms of weapons in terms of the equipment, in terms of the expertise, transfer, exchange of expertise, a capacity building,
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training, and so on and so forth. today, those heroic accomplishments that we're seeing those epic accomplishments that we're seeing on the ghost battle field. we're not, are not the fruit of today, are not the fruit of what happened a year or 2 years ago. they are the fruit of sustain action that has been taken place over 20 years and the fruit of efforts being made by how much the islamic jihad and other palestinian factions accompanied by hush costs and other i r g c advisors. another example is the resistance in iraq, the as lumnick resistance in iraq. after the year 2003. when several factions and groups made us directly use, took the initiative and decided to wage war against american occupation forces. they found in house costs. and so like money and the goods force
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a supporter they found in the shelter they found in them, they found in him someone who never hesitated to offer support support in terms of weapons in terms of capabilities in terms of ammunition, training, transfer of expertise. and so on, and here on, i'm the murder commander of mac, landers. and here we're talking about the period before the establishment of the popular mobilization forces were stuck in 2003, 2004 of them had the other one. this was a key figure along with the highest costs, and so they many in coordinating the activities of resistance forces communicating with them and supporting hodge cost them and liaising with the resistance forces in iraq. those forces that eventually manage to accomplish a great and historical victory. i'm saying
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the same period in 2011. the american occupation forces left erect. of course they said that they left the wreck as part of an agreement with the iraqi government. however, what forced them into that agreement was the resistance that took place between 20032011. this resistance, the strong and capable resistance, and those who waged it are known and its main supporter is also known. and he never stopped supporting the iraqi resistance, even though back then the americans made all sorts of threats against them. they said that they were going to bomb the outputs for stage q and iran. they said they also said they will be the bombing, one of oakwood, sports camps, and the city of cut out and that they will kill hodges, cause them wherever they find them. however, not once, did he hesitate in continuing to offer his support to the iraqi resistance that
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made this victory. and those factions of iraqi resistance that made the true core of the popular mobilization units. the popular mobilization forces when isis, which was manufactured by the united states, was very close to invading iraq in an attempt to avenge the american defeat and iraq and bring back the american occupation into iraq. these are examples and you all know what happened in lebanon and other countries. the other thing that has caused some focused on in his efforts, which was something quite creative and very important as well. well, you just had that that should be the boss and what was forming these strong links,
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forming these truthful links. how are these genuine links between resistance forces and movements all over the region? this is yet another proof of his sincerity. and the axis of resistance was built over the past few years. now we can talk, now we can talk about the resistance, friends, or the axis of resistance. call it what you will. this is the general framework. this did not exist a number of years ago. this axis was for and was established with the blessing of a number of parties of this access however has cost them. so they might need was the key figure who provided communication, who provided networking, who made sure to introduce everybody to each other and who ensured constant coordination and communication amongst all parties. why am i saying that this is another proof of his sincerity? because any country that manages by is
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a large number of these movements and has a general who's in charge of all these movements might actually see it fit to keep all these factions separate and to manage these relations with them through this. so the central figure, however, has caused some did not do that. he made sure to build direct to ties, direct relationships, to genuine relationships between all versus the inspections and lab and on, and palestine and syria and iraq and young men and other countries as well. and he did so by organizing meetings, by ensuring constant coordination, collaboration, exchange of ideas, exchange of expertise, and establishing a joint strategic vision of the region, the future of the region and the vision for the conflict in the region. and this was quite a productive effort. and for that reason, the excess of resistance on the highway, and this was something that
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a lot of people don't know the acts up resistance is not similar to other axes that are managed by a single person or a single authority that gives orders assess and 8 here at tag there, um, escalate their de escalate there. this is not how we operate the axis of resistance. but even if that has as is the way that i just described it and this is something that was accomplished by has costs. and so like mind the, the axis of resistance is based upon the strategic concept strategic principles. and here i would like to echo what was said by how she was saying. so allow me at the funeral of say you there are the most so we in the hold on and he also present that the same ideas are the same understanding. of course there, there are clear concept. there is a clear strategic vision and the access for existence and it means are well known
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friends are well known objectives are very clear. we all know what is our final vision of the region. what are the interests of the people of the region where it's security lives, where it's safety lies, where it's dignity lies, where it's sovereignty and its independence lives. all of these things are clear. we have our vision of the united states of the is really project. we have our vision of the region. however, every resistance movement and every country in the excess of resistance acts upon their own will they make their own decisions. they decide whether or not they should open new friends or close friends. they are the ones who make decisions to go into truth or to go into war in line with a strategic vision and in line with national interests and national principles. because each and every one of us exists in a country,
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the lebanese resistance operates and 11 on serving resistance operates and syria. the same goes for era, for iraqi resistance, you have any resistance palestinian resistance and so on and so forth. i have been show you as per this creative formula, nobody dictates anything to anybody else. nobody issues orders or comments. we talk amongst each other. we exchange opinions, we exchange advice, we learn from each other's experiences. however, we make our own decisions in our countries in a manner that is in line with the strategic vision and in a manner that is in line with the interests of our country and our nation. and this is what is happening right now and the accept flooding battle, which i will be addressing shortly. unfortunately, in the arab world, the number of politicians, a number of writers, a number of media figures cannot seem to comprehend this fact. and for that reason,
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they continue to offer air in this analyses and aaron dispositions, why? because their positions and analyses are built on false information. for example, whatever on side of law, when ever our brothers and young men or whenever the great and brave commander abdul malik, and who is the, makes the decision to wage the red sea battle in order to break the siege that is in both imposed on gaza. they cannot comprehend that the one thing they can comprehend is that iran asked mr. abdul malik to do that. and this is not true at all. when has the law open a front on october 8th in support of guys? the only thing they could comprehend, the only thing they could envision is that iran contact the principal and asked us to open the front and support of guys. and so when iraqi resistance come back to and started their operations against us occupation basis and iraq and syria,
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the only thing that was people could envision, is that the run must have asked for all of this. why? because this is the way the world works. this is the way that people think, and we cannot blame them, but not i like any country in the world that supports resistance movements or national what's to struggle with movements and offers them. money offers them weapons, how we know, and how would that be a deliberate place or not? they always end up turning these resistance fighters and these resistance movements into lackey's into tools, or extorted with money, with support, with weapons. and they are always threatened that their support will, and if they don't do this, if they don't say that if they don't respond to instructions and this turns them into leads to the country that is supporting them in the excess of resistance. there are no slaves,
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there are only no boat people and commanders martyrs who the achieve victory for their nation. this is our formula and this is what they can not seem to comprehend that all of my yeah, i love that the. yeah. the movements operating as part of the axis of resistance, lots of that minutes to make their own decisions, decisions based on their priorities and their vision. and this is the models that we follow today and the axis of resistance in our region. it is a unique model in the history of mankind and not just in this day and age. it is a model without any precedent. and for that reason, we actually haven't been great hopes on this model to help us accomplish victories
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. and it has indeed helped us deliver victories. michelle haven't met. what does that mean? this is the road that the access for existence has chosen and for that reason and my 1st speech after october 7th, the famous friday speech. when i set that august, flood was a purely palestinian decision, was a fairly palestinian battle and a fairly posting objective that we did not know of. i was not, we were not trying to distance ourselves from our flood and we have not done so. and the proof of that are the murders that we're offering every day and the battles that we are waging every day. however, what i wanted to accomplish since that in a moment, is to say, make sure i'll accept floods. and the objectives of this historical battle remain isolated from your delusional assessments and, and that will seize particularly when you link everything to iran, the united states and the arraignment influence and the region,
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and so on and so forth. while you have that in mind, has had the brothers and sisters. this is the road we've chosen. this is the approach, the creative approach that we've chosen. second, assess the last time i have to remember. and most of the credit for this approach goes to see my, how many of the in my different while, and how just costs and who was faithful to that line of thought was faithful to that culture who was faithful to all practical steps. who was, who was faithful to that model and ensured not to introduce any subjective thing to that model because there was nothing subjective about it. he always but his focus on is lot on jerusalem on those who are oppressed, he did not care for cost them. so they might need cost and so they might need to not focus on cost them so like many. and this is the truth that we saw from my clothes. and for that reason,


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