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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the other one, how are you folks, if this is the news i live from the coming up for the next 60 minutes at least a 103 people are killed in a series of bloss to the ceremony and mocking for years since the assassination of a rainy, in general, cut some sort of money. flagrant is really aggression on a route as well as the the custom estrada promises
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a response to the assassination of a senior. i'm a sufficient palestinians in the occupied westbank rally cause it to condemn the killing of cetera. all our re in beirut, businesses across the entire retreat shots in front test, the war and garza rages on israel intensifies. it strikes across the strip within 22300000 units. i've been to since the conflicts, the guy, the, we to getting this news out in iran with president abraham. right. see and supreme, nita, at least i'm in a have about a hush response of the twin bloss killed at least a 103 people in the south of the country. explosions happened at a cemetery in the city of clermont during this. i'm sorry, many of the to the senior erosion in general,
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custom started many the a more than a 170 people have been injured. wednesday mocks for years since the senior general was to the us drone strikes you, the airport and the rocks capital back died. president abraham, i see it has now canceled appliance trip to to q. and a day of mourning has been declared for thursday. well, treat the policy is executive vice president at the quincy institute in washington dc and he joins us live from that. so i guess that the big question is who might have done this? there's been a clear rebuttal of any suggestion, all of us or, or is really involved in from the us state department that had been some attacks in the recent past by i still linked groups. sunny was waiting groups. what's your interpretation of what's been going on? this is a further evidence, of course, is unclear who could be behind it, but you put your finger on some of the potential calls. it's of course we have seen
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an escalation between yvonne and israel for the course of the last few weeks just about 10 days ago or so. these are at least it assassinate anybody in general in syria. obviously, difficulties who have attacked these really ships and the frustration initial dogs . in their view, yvonne has been able to get away with a lot of measures against us. but you also have ices related groups who have conducted the terrorist attacks in the von, in the past. non of this scale, but nevertheless of similar kind. it's uh and you also have the m e k terrace organization who used to be on the west is that. ready you service there. ready taking all the reasons they. ringback how big. ready extensively and terrorism side of the law. and they also work closely with these various particular when it came to disaster nation. vanya scientists, or if it turns out that it is the n k, then the question is, was, there also is really damage. and the case offers, well, i suppose,
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depending on who it's found to be will to some extent determine the nature of the writing and response. but the senior, any leaders are promising such a response. what kind of shape might that take? it's again, it's very much depends on who they conclude that it is. the volumes do have a ballistic missile capability that has become increasingly accurate. they have targeted specific buildings and houses about the middle east and the bottles serial . now square in the past in which they say the terrorist cells were hiding that had committed access her against the wrong. so we might see that the question isn't what country would this be targeting honest on where some of these ices haven't been able to find refugees wouldn't be targeting, evolve, saying that it is, is really targets inside of a box or would it go even further for me see so far from the audience or stuff as much as they are definitely involved in those scale. a consultation with israel.
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they've been very reluctant to allow that to go into what sir. no one is very well that they use a lot of the advantages of being in such as but given the nature of this attack, given them pressures and now. ready exist, bought for uh the government to do so. the question is if it turns out that it is these various will be volumes extensive is easy. how exactly what a data and do you uh, if we step back uh, a sort of concentric circle here and look at the slightly bigger picture. you are concerned on your, not about a, a real escalation and a regionalization of, of the will that as long as the being constructed to cause a and to a lesser extent, the northern border with lebanon. a survey. i think this is one of the most dangerous moments that we have experienced in the middle east for quite some time, projecting mindful of the fact that from these vainly perspective there doesn't appear to be of interest. and then marching to war. uh for the righty of reasons. one of them being that they actually hop on in the us right now,
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the president that has been more deferential research. ready the security needs than almost any recent and non compressor. and so the objective that these various i've had for quite some time to get the us to go to lot of these ratings may be close or at least perceive themselves to be closer to achieving that object. and so if you're talking about the reluctance of iran so far to, to really step things up another notch, i mean, there is a bit of a, a catch $22.00. iran has the, these tens of thousands of missiles under the ownership stewardship of hezbollah in lebanon. that is a major deterrent, but once those miss all stopped being used in a big way, then not the parent can be dissipated, potentially destroyed on sites pretty quickly. so there is this the 3rd ready for use,
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but at the same time deciding to use it could be an extraordinarily risky thing for iran and hezbollah. oh certainly. and what was the you there is no longer in the charleston you are inactive for. and i think again the volumes have played a long game, they are destined to be challenging as well. but they have preferred to do. ready in a low intensity in direct way because that is how they. ready find a symmetric advantages if this ends up becoming a direct confrontation, they know very well that it will dramatically increase the risk of the us getting involved with the war. and that would change matters quite extensively for the box because the consultation between the us in the box would be extremely costly and what else for the us, but it would be even more. so right. treat the policy you joining us from washington d. c. thank you. very much for your time as well as lita, how something else robert has said tuesday, the fascination of a senior. how much sufficient and they root will not going on said pulling it
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flagrant is really aggression. solid hollow rate was killed in a drum striking lebanese copies along with 6 of the i'm us members. israel has not acknowledged responsibility for the strike, but it says all how most leaders targets following the october the 7th attack, as well as, as, as well that would not remain silent. the secretary i do. and yes, so if the enemy thinks of waging well and 11, and we will fight without restraint, without rules, without limits and without restrictions, why they know what sort of main menu effective. so whether consider is going into war against us, will simply regret it. of all against us will be very, very, very costly. we have so far been consider towards the situation in lebanon, and the lebanese national interest. so if it was wasted on lebanon, then the lebanese national interest obligate us to go into war until the end model without restrictions. what was in a honda is in baby with more details on what has on us for all. i had to say,
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you said that this crime will not go on, punish the assassination of mazda. the 2nd in command seller who was to, in, has followed strong hold. but at the same time, it was a very delicate balancing act that has been no swell up. first of all, he talks about the front in southern lebanon. has the law is engaged in a low intensity conflict with the israeli army, a long death border. he is saying that it will continue both sides really have been calculating their attacks, ensuring that it doesn't become a trigger, a full blown conflict. he's saying that that's will continue. but at the same time, he's saying that that doesn't mean hezbollah is not ready for war. and that israel is as well decides to launch a full scale offensive. hezbollah will fight back with his full military capabilities and threatening this way. it is such that they will pay a heavy price,
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but has the most run. the also kept talking about the strategic national considerations that each of the so called resistance groups and this access of resistance across the region have to take into account and in loveland on how some the sort of the news that is real can destroy this country, is rarely ministers have said that they will level phases that they will level the southern subjects of baby for half a 1000000 people live. yes, as long as it has the stronghold where it has gonna have spaces and offices. but it is also a residential neighborhood for half a 1000000 people live. where will these people go? so in many ways his hands are tied. but at the same time, the reiterating that hezbollah is not afraid of war. and that if it, if it comes to that, it is ready to wage a confrontation for it. let's go to live now instead of these,
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and i'll correspondence, sarah. hi, right, i'm sorry. and the also most of the attack on, on a route 24 hours ago or so that will leaks. and these really media suggesting that is really specials and move a tree as senior bras store. but any response was likely to be compatible in that terms, by hezbollah. do you think the that sort of assessment still stands up to what we've heard from us on australia potentially? yes. so the key was, i think what he said was that if israel was to wage a war, so he didn't say that they would be the ones to strike fast. and so far, what we have seen of since the beginning of this war is that it has been measured fast. what we, we will all selves with that a couple of weeks ago on that northern border. and we saw for ourselves how usually what would happen has follow would launch rockets,
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so missed styles or drones across the board, the in israel, and then israel would strike back. and in fact, that's what just happened a few hours ago. way you had, has butler said that they had launched a few rockets onto the northern border and then the minute trade is riley military confound that. it finds bach i know. so hit several targets with its fight subjects in terms of how this will be perceived here. it's still nothing official from the is riley met at 3, but what we do know is that the all me cheese has been speaking to the northern. come on all, not for the with lab and on a speaking to the troops saying that they already have the highest a lot. that's been the case since that time. assassination of i, rudy yesterday including the military chief confirming this saying that they are on the highest levels of a lot and that they are ready for any possible scenario. all right, so all right,
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the and telling me thank you very much for that. i mean, out of state says it was not given advance warning of the strike on a route which killed a top com us official. the comments came from the state department which also denied any us involvement in the bloss in iran earlier on. so let's go straight to she hubbard times the who's lives at the us state department in washington dc. uh, what are the top lines coming out of this state department briefing she hop on on their own is as you say, they say it's too soon to have any real understanding of what the, what the cause was. however, they say the white house was built involved anyway, as you say, and they say there's no reason to blame the as riley's for it either. they say they have no information that makes them feel that these rallies were involved. and they've spoken to these are these, i speak to these are these multiple times a day, but they have no information to suggest that these right of these were involved.
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they have sympathy for sympathy for the victims. as for the fascination developed really in, in, in very like as you say, i'm with this has been linked to the press on choose day as well. they said that they have no advance notice and that they have no assessment as to who is responsible, but they will leave it to the israelis to speak for their own actions, but they added it's nothing has been of interest to escalate, but not more informed to advance, i did actually say about the several news outlets on tuesday, but what's various, i'm names, american officials that also tell several american news outlets. they said it was, it was raining so we did it. that's not something that prepared to go on the record with today with the state department spokesperson. i mean the, the inference them that the new york times the washington post and actually also said the very hard from us officials definitively tell them that it was the as right. these are responsible is that station where they're just making it up all. or what i don't know, but anyway on the record,
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matthew miller of the state department says he has no assessments as to who was responsible for the fascination on separately, there's been another warning given by the united states and its allies in terms of the operation in the red sea to combats and to, to, to see attack. so is it more of the same word or does it represent the stepping off of that campaign? i think, i mean it with the what was the 1st me this huge announcement on civil christmas and some of the i change i think it was of a new task force operation prosperity called you. and that by the united states multinational coalition, i think it was widely seem to have been a bit of a dumps with really, i mean, once the announcement finally came, having a days of being told, wait for this is going to be amazing. yeah. it was like 20 nations, i think hall. so they wanted to remain anonymous. countries like the netherlands and what we would like to have 6 people, maybe a various other i like i said, look, we don't want even to be involved with this. we'll have our own operations sir, and especially often must,
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could be enormous carrier just in the last 24 hours. so they were once again seizing operations to the red sea. perhaps they felt they needed something to another. another bit of sabre rattling, so we have this joint statement from the governments of the us, australia, ball reading, belgium, canada of denmark, germany, actually japan, netherlands, new zealand, and the u. k. talking about the broad consensus against the who fee of tax condemning them ongoing, who the attacks from the red sea are legal, unacceptable, and proudly and profoundly disliked buzzing rather than mess. there's no big here. we close to the immediate end of these attacks and release of unlawfully detained bustles increased for who receives will bear the responsibility of the consequences . should they continue to preston, lights i whether this will have an effect on companies like less, but what we'll have to see. but right now this will serve any questions about what exactly the us as organized as under this umbrella of operation prosperity going here. all right,
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you have your time today in washington dc. thank you very much. i. so let's go on to rome now, and andrea dusty, who's assistant professor international relations and global politics at the american university of rome. he joins us live from the now. thank you very much for joining us. that's. that's one things back a bit to that long speech by the has, but i need to how something us, charlotte, what's, what was your assessment of what do you have to say? what, what do you mean? thank you very much. the speech was definitely a very long speech, a very well thought out speech. it was definitely also a speech in which she carefully calibrated his words and his response as being stands now. busy it is too early to tell if there will be an immediate response. most likely it will be more calibrated response or more calculated response. however, absolutely the assassination in, in the suburbs of a root is definitely a, a further escalation. we are increasingly climbing up the ladder of escalation and the risks are that of a full blown regional conflicts. and we've known very well about as well as
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military's capabilities. of course, the israel's capabilities as well. but for us, as things started today, we still are in the, in the, it seems to, in the tit for tat escalations and, and, and, and in the shootings on our, across the borders. but anything, anything can happen in the coming days in the coming months and absolutely, we are on the brink of, of an increasing regional escalation and a wide ending of the conflict. what did you saying? he chose his words carefully and he did promise a response saying that his attack would not going on. so, but at the same time he, he kept his biggest threats quite conditional, saying this is right. launch is a war, then that would be no rules, no ceiling to it has the response. so does that potentially less than immediate concerns about a, a major escalation on israel is northern border with lebanon as well. it is also um, definitely uh step back from, from the brings on the side of heads. but uh, it is not. this doesn't seem like there is going to be
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a direct uh escalation in the coming days. however, the threat is there, uh, the reaction will have to come at some point, especially because the inability of his belie and our satellite is on the line given that to in the previous speech, you have said very clearly that for any assassination, any targeted killings of the leaders of the resistance of the so called access of resistance in lab and on it wouldn't be a match with a response. at the same time, of course, the stakes are very high for 11 on and for his blog within lebanon as well. not has the responsibility for the entire and lebanese population as well, and does not want to be seen as dragging the entire country a country which is already on the brink of economic collapse. and this is also lacking. a government of presidents does not have blog does not want to assume the responsibility of starting a major war because the consequences, as has been said repeatedly by these really governments in terms of flattening the root in terms of making their roots into god's us are very very dire and very,
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very severe so it was things stand today. it seems that there will be a response of the response will be, however calculated. and it will try and see do not drag on the whole country and also. ready israel into a full blown conflict on the coast already has been an escalation of a different type for the south and the red sea. with these you'll see a tax on shipping and on global trade. more generally. we have now this latest sort of unified warning from the members of that coalition that are being various reports about the potential of special forces in the british media being talked about in terms of attacking c vessels and the like. what's your assessment of, of how this operation is going and, and whether there is a way of, of confronting this, these, these repeated attacks as well as things. so now is we heard also from your reports from, from washington and from the new york. the situation is still
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a bit complicated that we do not really see this big a coalition of international countries joining together in the red sea to, to actually put together this, this coalition. we have heard a number of statements. so definitely a growing statements of condemnation against the the attacks however, of this, they are the same time we have not seen have the problem is the major 20 and the nation correlation take for or actually getting to gears. what we see is the united states military assets and also the case military assets being particularly active in the area we've seen. of course the, the ceiling up time would be fighters and the thinking of various ships of who the ships seeking to attack naval vessels at the end. the red seas. we also for just today from joseph. but as the representative for the v on, unions for and policies was mentioned in a speech in lisbon, that's a tomorrow you will be presenting a plan to the european union, the 27 member states of the european union, and will be seeking a boxing
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a unanimous backing from new missions to the red seas. ready these are the elements that could come into play. however, of course, any military mission, especially at your new york in union military mission does carry a lot of risk. first of all, it needs to, it requires a username and t, so 27 member states of the european union need to be agreeing on sending military vessels and having a mission there. on the 2nd hand, there is also a significant escalation risk. and in this, it is also for this reason that a number of european countries have been somewhat hesitant of joining the us led mission because they would like to maintain the operational independence and have the command of this nation under a you flags rather than a us led mission because any escalation, any movement into a heating back on who the targets within yeah might include spiral of control and also creat another kind of scenario which would lead which could lead to a further military's engagement. so further, military conflict in which the european states are,
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but also the united states and others would be dragged in and would have to respond . okay, 100 rick jessica in room. thank you very much for joining us and for your time to see that as we know less up in gaza with israel intensifying its bombardments of the central and southern strip. rough uh, has been hit hard by is where the strikes residents have been searching through the rubble for any survivors. the hon. eunice have also being show injured. promised indians on the bodies of the dead have been brought to the abu yusef alma john hospital in rough. uh, well then 22000 people have been killed in guns. it seems to start to these really offensive on october. the 7th part. how about zoom is in rough or in southern gaza for us now? entire. can you bring us up to date on exactly what's been happening during the course of the day? i yes, um, of course there was new laptop and fighting noise in the military. it's really a tax as the as well. the forces are expanding the military defensive, of course,
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call us during the past couple of hours. more rates have been conducted and carried down from the southern pause, which was in a very intense rate in rough and eunice and the middle coordinate of gauze. and i was talking in rough square 7th house. these had been killed off to a group of residents have been directly hits in 2 separate strikes in the eastern and another in parts of russell district on the numbers of those who have been injured, being transported to on the door hospital to receive treatment. and also hun, you'd, a city had been, or the main focus for the military ground operations and also for the usability of bombing campaign to during the past hour with 20 palestinians at least have been killed in this city. i'm at home going, renewing of military confrontations and fight exchange the between the palestinian fighters and he is very so just bear with me. one of the main key attacks that had been carried out today was on the vicinity of the nicer hospital which residential building that had been hit. of course, it's ongoing. also,
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expansion of military attacks on the metal coordinates of calls, a strip which had been completely on the ongoing shooting by the onto the revamp. but this is the new, this time is that the, another at pots had been hit today were 20 palestinians have been killed into valia refuge account. now we only have, remember that devalue a refugee camp had multiple been hit by the use of any forces. i'm an ongoing operational activities of ideas about the forces in the course. the goal is a strict. but right now we've been hearing the sounds of these very trends in roughly which also give me a lots and concerns regarding possible attacks that might be carried up within the coming hours on this very densely populated this trip in the southern part of the territory. right, the topic up was in the, in rough. i thank you very much for the update. more than half a 1000000 vaccines with childhood diseases including polio and measles have been delivered to gaza for the 1st time since october. the 7th. you and agencies have
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been warning of the risk of diseases spreading among guns is 1900000 displaced palestinians veterans and heading to the health sensors in the southern city of alpha to get in from the facts night to michael. some sherry for reports emotional co, 3 has finally made it to a health center and raphael to have a baby vaccinated across your, those against pull you was delayed because of the ongoing full of to being displaced from cause of city. a mom has struggled to find the clinic, the disco, the vaccine, the finish, or vaccination was delayed because it was never brought in. or it was brought in, but in, in sufficient quantities. because the children of the whole guys a strip have to come to the sofa. there were some in hon. eunice that got dispatched to it off hundreds of thousands of bringing the instance in children to this center for vaccinations. the united nations children's agencies unit says, says it has delivered at least $600000.00 doses. that seems to casa,
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the agency estimates nearly $17000.00 instance have missed one or more routine vaccines. and it's really blow okay during its own go. and bolt has prevented crucial supplies, including medicines from entering district the, the ones that were brought in include the earl polio vaccine given by mouth. it is for polio vaccine that treats duma local to monia and the vaccines are measles. rubella mums, as well as to where to los is these are the vaccines that have arrived. the maxine supply has entered garza to the gulf or boulder with egypt is sufficient for nearly 300000 instances. and children under the age of 5 over the come here we home most. so a resident of ro fox is rushing to the center to have a month, so they be vaccinated. the, the vaccine is the team d league, and i'm worried about the girl because of diseases. so when i heard that the
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vaccine is available. yeah, i came quickly because if it is delayed, any food that the child could contract any diseases, the much needed vaccine supply comes as a threat of infectious diseases. cruise in distress. the challenge have sufficient space is to administer vaccinations, amount of the displaced living in temper beach filters across the touch tree, and the consumption leave on just these are still head on al jazeera rescue. so let's continue in japan, offer at least 73 people were killed in a powerful escalate on new year's day. the, the hello. we've got to move on the side of the weather coming into northwest and pops a few of us. so it just sounds like a little dry as we go through the weekend for the time being those fairly unsettled,
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much if you're ups single supply of rain showers, some of them wintry in nature. this is what remains of best storm hank. now moving across denmark, heading towards the baltic states and very strong winds blasting away across northern germany, poland, pushing towards those baltic states that are coming in behind. well, we have bass, the legacy of shy was coming back in across the northwest bull rain the just around the positive for us to was the low countries, but i'm not stupid. will system just rumbling through the china of united staffel 1st i the rank comes down across a good part. the frost will spite poets cool. best of the sunshine will because central past often, but it's friday and for now, how about what's the weather as we make our way through friday? that'll turn to us knows it pumps into the cold or we have got some snow coming in across the alps. again, as you can see in central balls with the members of the met could say some very heavy showers, possibilities some flash flooding. here you move on into the weekend. same area crowd. all right, we'll bring some increasingly wet weather across the prices are proto pot. solved
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and rough, cuz that runs out for northern areas of rock as we go through friday elsewhere. as long as you try the what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you're saying i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in different countries and policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust the community often as the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the
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pursuit of truth power. it finds out loud. we live here, we make the rule. not the people empower, investigate, expose this and question. the youth and the business of our around that go on out just there, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching. i'll just a reminder about top stories this out. officials in iran say at least a $103.00 people are being killed in 2 explosions, curious harmony to mock, the full sound of those rates for the assassination of a senior general customs that are not in the last struck is hundreds of people gathered here. his grade science in the central city of clermont inside garza is
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what he strikes continuing, they being reported in the south and the sensor including them across the refugee time. this has hundreds of displays. palestinians are facing winter conditions with little food for the medical supplies. as soon as in the occupied westbank had been holding a general striking mornings a senior on us officials selling our rates. the deputy chief of on us was assassinated in a drug striking. they read on tuesday as well as lead up how something us product such uses. this estimation will not go unanswered, pulling it flagrant is really aggression a let's look at some of the previous how nice leaders assassinated by israel. yeah, yeah. i ash was the groups alleged chief bell maker and leader of the west bank battalion of the custom brigades. he was killed in 1996 by a booby traps mobile phone. and all the founder of the cassandra gates celestial had a, was killed in 2002 and
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a 16 were planes on his house. i just seen the founder of hamas was assassinated binders ready helicopter gunship in 2004. i disease, i'll run tc. the co founder of i'm us was killed in an attack on his car in 2004. i'm sorry, i'd say i'm was one of the top come on does if i'm us as well as the palestinian interior minister. he was killed in 2009 and it is really at right on his brothers home in jamalia not, not just own sleep. i is a member of the lebanese bottom, and she says, the assassination of seller really has the potential to draw elaborate on into a broader conflict. this is a war that is uh, that is put on us that is forced on us. and this is extremely, extremely dangerous. i think the sovereignty of the country has been breached. it's very important to actually document, even at the united nation,
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the bleaching. and the attacks of the, of the, of is they're going on on our territory. whether they go into to, to a direct condemnation at this moment or later on. this is important to pursue important to document an important to follow through. because we've been reporting, palestinians have been holding a general strike in morning for us that are really, you know, keep bodies through some and in the west bank, many shops, banks and public services shut down on us has also called for protests and other acts of resistance. against israel, bernard smith has moved from ramallah in the occupied west by this is, was lori is from he was born just outside ramado in 1966, just a year before the 6th day was that sol as well occupying the west bank. there were protest said last night spontaneously after news of his killing emerge under been protest of the prizes during today, throw out the occupied, westbound, and a widely opposite general striking,
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really out of respect on the morning and the general strike close down universities, banks, government offices, and shop some was pretty well reserved across the major towns and cities have in ramallah to bethlehem, to have grown to novelist. and in his own village, all the rowers home village of aurora, his mom and his sisters. i've been receiving mona's a, a sub issue of whether or not to fund who need new the difficult moment in his life was when he was arrested. he was tortured. he lost 45 kilo's, and we didn't even recognize him when we saw him. he was in the jail for a long time away for 10 years, but he has strong beliefs. the difficult thing was that he was seeing his brothers and companions being assassinated and killed. it was hard for him. in house sydney and prime minister mohammed tire and a statement said that the palestinians had lost one of the unifying figures, who was always cold for the people, guessing together and strengthening national unity in the face of occupation. then
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he opened his condolences to thomas and to a roll res, from the right. let's have a look at some of the other world news now. and you created russia, have exchanged hundreds of captive soldiers and what is the largest swap in months? exciting shows that even as the war intensifies talks between the 2 sides do go on . i said bank has more from 2. if we understand this is the largest prison, the exchange since the stopped of the war, and that the previous present exchange took place in august last year between ukraine and russia after which, according to ukraine thirty's hair, russia stopped the process, and then the alleged attempt to turn to families of prisoners of war against the ukrainian government and we understand 213 ukrainians have been exchanged for 248 russians amongst the ukrainians. we understand the members of the board to guard the national guards, the minister of defense, the navy,
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as well as some members. some civilians now it presents the landscape posted continues to the ground general referring to those ukrainians, saying i was a home and you sent the soldiers on the front line. going, going to say that the more russians are take captive, the more effective it is in negotiations. now, at least for russia, the soldiers will be returning in time for orthodox christmas, which is on the 7th of january. but what it shows is that despite the heavy bombardment that we've seen here over the last few days, that negotiations can and all still taking place. i started big, i just 0 chief that incidents power military rapids support forces in kenya on the latest leg of his african to aiming to secure regional support. while i'm at home on dallas. got it. we met with canyon president william root. so in the capital, nairobi the discussions focused on the fighting between the recess and the sudanese army which has been raging for 99 months. router expressed confidence that ongoing
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talks could bring lasting piece to see don katherine, so it has more now from nairobi. the leader of the rapids support forces has been on a tom offensive. he's been to the board see if you, you've gunned and now kenya. and here he spoke with president william, brutal about the need to have a peaceful resolution to the conflict in so done any to be a he had a nice things to be the civilian coalition in to don and c, 3 a to read said that he is open to a piece of pulse, but all of this comes on the background of this folks that are being negotiated by e. good. the regional block both are assess and the army led by generals bullhorn have said that they are happy to have this book. they won this book,
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but then we've conditions now the army for example, i say that the that talks should not be peg by it to amy political negotiation. the pulse should instead be military a took, it will be very interesting to see how this e got took a play out because previous books have not yielded much fruits. catherine slowly, alda 0 nairobi. the former sierra leonean, president honest by colorado, is expected to go to a temporary exile in jewish capital on thursday. is part of the deal broken by the regional blocks. the economic community of west african states groman has been charged with treason over a failed coo and a vendor, when government attacked community barracks and a prison freeing around 2000 inmates and killing more than 20 people is the volunteer needs to be approved by the sierra union president rescue efforts in the
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west of japan have been hampered by an intense off the shops on bad weather. hundreds of buildings collapsed in the area following the 7.6 magnitude escalate on new year's day. and prime minister myoshi to has one that was a race against time to save those still trapped so far. at least 73 people in order to have died just as units can travel to a haunted area in the north of north opened into the region still waiting so much needed supplies. on our way to the most affected areas of know to a peninsula were met by a road closure. now in driving on local roads. i'm not sure how long it will take along the way. we see several homes abandoned and leveled and lun lines at petrol. stations, sirens, sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she reese to rescue people in need. of me. a warning for there is
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a $5.00 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrive at north coast some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people call home . they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be 0. it feels like home to home and i mean has limited. kite utica is one of the lucky ones, though his barber shop the 5 decade sustained some structural damage and the water is off. it's still standing after a massive earthquake. and so you know me warning on monday had heated with that and his wife raised to a shelter. they're only just coming to check on the shop. he says they'll stay and he helps others will as well. are you going because i will get that means we're cleaning up outside my toes and not damaged when the water comes, i think i might work a little longer. i'm 81 and a half years old. now. healthy a my hands,
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the victim. i kind of these less tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble and the magnitude $7.00 tremor. and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. in some areas are inaccessible due to demolished roads. in susie with one of the highest casualty, counts supplies are so low that this evacuate says he's only had one cup of water in 3 days. leaders have appealed for help to get here faster. elsewhere in the city, a man watches workers carry out his wife's body from what has been their home, a loss that cannot be undone by the line of ambulances and fire trucks. highly in to the disaster, them eunice, kim alda, 0 know to japan. to beauty is hosting thousands of refugees from yemen. and if you, if you, the migraines costs pause in the east african nation, but ahead of a safe refuge and opportunities in other countries. russell sort of reports now
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from the pull down of all book ingenuity life in this makes your pants is tough, but effigies will cause them home, say the heart of this month, or do you have to come when the so the next question, boot camp on the human mission i meant for that and was placed in mac is the refugee camp exhibited with her 5 children. this task steed unit. so she says are worse than organs. summers temperatures here exceed 50 degrees celsius. she has been in this camp for 6 years. now she wants to leave because she says her children have no future if they stay all night. so you had you had, there are lots of problems. the things in me and around me died. i lost family members in yemen. the others are in prison. i want a new life for me and my kids. her sister lives in the united states, and she hopes to one day lead into us near her. but the other migrants apart
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arriving in this country to of the c o, a war between the forty's and do you guys is forcing people in yemen to find safety by crossing departments bound up straight to reach you beauty. also the tool pm's for the in complex and the power to in the country. those from human are trying to get to west some countries why the top ends on a forgot states. these movements are for the conflict and poverty in a to up. yeah. they're heading to him and hoping to reach out to or maybe a suit engineer. ms. gunner sofa is from the to a because i'm have our region drones bumped his house. somebody sold what was left a fort. he's joining the can't take up to 2 mountains. he walked 4 days to get his last destination, the toner, full book for board, and a small boat to cross the bottom end of the street, guessing the lift hill country. and i don't know what will happen to me. i don't
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know if i leave it to you. okay. we are now in your body cross through the sea. i want to go to solid. yeah, it'd be in find a jonas every year. poses over to a pianos like me, scott, an attempt at dentist mcglatian wrote from the horn of africa course in the gulf of ogden through human being to saudi arabia. dozens had been killed by both the gods or was trying to cross the suit on some old state boats exhausted from a month from challenging junior, with little food and water, just making his whole. they want me to estimate or end for sab dash 0 to 0. for bulk to party authorities in mexico, a searching for 31 microns kidnapped from a bus near the us border. they were taken on the road across the border from texas . the area is considered one of the most dangerous in mexico because all adoptions by criminal gains. after politically turbulent 2023,
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latin america is gearing up for another round of presidential elections in 2024 months like the rest of the world. this region has struggled with post pandemic inflation, growing poverty and increasingly polarized societies often leaving voters with few choices as opposed to the yano. as more campaigns are, i've seen throttle across latin america hit a presidential elections in 2024 at least 6 nations from uruguay. to the dominican republic are due to a like new leaders. i mean, just more regional economic growth. because if i say to them that the many collecting are not the biggest challenge for a lot in american, the short term is preserving democracy. despite the economic and political inverse of these, especially as polls show disenchanted citizens support democracy less unless the, you know, sell the door and in bold in the you book, it is expected to peruse to re election as president after circumventing constitutional restrictions that forbid him from running supporters adore him for
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crushing the country scan. the critics say the move to mentioned as an autocrat, tired of decades of violence, salvadorans have overlooked accusations of human rights abuses in exchange for peace. continuity is also what mexico's ruling party is looking for in jew selection, said to be the largest in the country's history, history will be made no matter who wins. here as 2 women faced each other on the ballot, mexico's 1st female president, unimportant landmark, and one of the most dangerous countries for women in the region. for the south in venezuela, full suggest opposition candidate money. according to my child of overwhelming lead over president nicholas, my daughter would you believe mother will relinquish tower? no matter what the ballad say? noise on the ceiling as there are no democratic conditions in venezuela for a competitor deflection because basically the ruling party, when i'm not,
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will be that the country remains the source of record number of migraines, reaching the us border. hundreds of thousands of latin americans have already made their opinions clear long before the poles open, by risking their lives on the journey north to the united states. but in the region still heavily affected by us politics, perhaps just as influential to latin america this year will be the race to the white house in november, galle, i know i'll just euro mexico see. donald trump is appealing against a decision in the us state of maine that these disqualified him from the presidential primary election. the states top election official removed from from the republican party pallet because of his alleged role in the 2021 attack on capitol hill. they say he violated the constitution by inciting uninstalled direction. the former president's lawyers reject the accusation. soon, the us, the mississippi river is drawing out for the 2nd year in a row due to a severe drought. it's dropped to historically low levels,
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causing salt water from the gulf of mexico to threaten drinking supplies. i was just curious, how did your castro has more now from the new orleans in louisiana? the mississippi isn't just a river. it's a super high way of commerce connecting america's midwestern gray fields to its southern c port and the world's consumers beyond. the river is shriveling up. again. that makes a major difference for river traffic. last year, ships ran a ground in mode that was previously underwater. there's tough issue, there's a lot of a harbors are not being able to be used and a lot of those running the ground. as a result, farmers have had to hold back some of their harvest for fear of overloading barges that have less water. to float in this river is the artery, through which 60 percent of us grain exports past. and all of that comes here to new orleans before it's shipped off to the global market. this river is
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a live line of i exports. we have a $150.00 petrochemical plants that fees the stock to the world that come back to us involves the phones in the camera you got in this, these are as it's dna somewhere out of louisiana, or this was the space, the ship roll product, see it as the transfer to those right and bends over there and feed the world. however, current us, we'd exports our at a 20 year. lo and federal authorities have been forced to act. the u. s. army corps of engineers is dredging the river bed deep and navigation channels. a project they say will continue for as long and as far as necessary. although even that may not be enough, you only have as much depth of the river as what you create through dredging and, and management. and so as the waterfalls you start to lose that distance between the top of the water and the,
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and the river bank. the drought exacerbated by climate change has made the work that much harder. rain is the only real solution. heidi joe castro, elder 0. new orleans louisiana. the still ahead on al jazeera in support after a year out. so tennis,
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russell and the dog is the center of attention in brisbin are, is here with us to the, [000:00:00;00] the book about turning off the sport with our hurry. thank you so much. now that jocko,
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which is $43.00 match winning streak in australia, is over the world, number one is struggling with entry, but since he's health, so he'll be fit in time for the 1st grand slam of the year jock, which was playing for surgery on united cop in perth spend an ongoing risk problem . he was beaten by home player alex to me in our in strange sense. stockbridge, last, last in australia in 2018. the australia opened gets underway in nelson on probably not going to be at my 100 percent to physically, emotionally, mentally, game wise in the opening week of a season. neither did i expect that neither of these i want that to be honest. it's, it's all part of the build up for a stay and open. you know, so that that's where i want to perform it. my best probably to dial is back entertaining the fence after a year long injury absence. the 20 to 10 grand slam champion,
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held in open practice session in australia as he gets ready to take on home player . jason hibler in brisbin for 37 year old dominic team and has come back match on tuesday. but now we will, soc is come back to tennis, a separate a set back before time. grand slam champion was knocked out of the brisbin international by carolyn of cisco. that in round to this was a soft his 1st tournament for 15 months. during football, international use of apple has been given an 8 month suspended prison sentence, a french court, and found the nice player guilt, even finding religious hatred. and october i'll tell, shared a video on social media about the war on gaza. he since apologize and deleted the post. the 27 year old has been suspended by his club, but look, set to play for algeria at the upcoming and compensation. that when recent years, ice hockey has been growing in popularity and the north of india were freezing. temperature is unable skaters to play on frozen lakes and ponds. but now this
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emerging support is facing a huge obstacle. as tony chang reports in the mountains of the duct filled with glass is the, the, the in this river a stunning fact drop for one of india is fastest growing sports by talking but then literally skating on thin ice here, caused by the impact of global climate change, i think it is impacted in a way that the, the season has gotten sorta, and the that also means less excess twice. so there, there are, there used to be a huge number of players who used to play for longer do is, and that is, that is deduced the house on the frozen palms begin to struggle to find the feet. and it's quite a bumpy ride. even for the experience cases that holds melting in the surface pools of water around the edge of the improvised ring. some of the indias professional players have built rings of their own to practice. putting the skills away from the
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crowds, the time and temperature notes in their favor. we used to have uh, almost the 3 to 4 months to pay the sport starting from november ending end until march. but because of climate change, we are hardly. i'm getting, getting the time to pay the spot. feel this on servers best infrastructure, investment and sponsorship are a challenge that might have bus and international standards inc ahead. we don't have an international standard. think when the players go to play in other nations, the players of the practice, although they don't have natural eyes, they have facilities of an ice, wouldn't get good infrastructure, allowing them to practice throughout the. unfortunately, the situation is unlikely to improve rising temperatures, a melting the glasses, which in turn means that sees no wins passing over the himalayas to cool as much as they should. or these in the main clause is global warming,
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their temperature is increasing. and because of that, the, the glaciers are messing ice are not of food on the water bodies. and the, there's not enough snow a winter's had been becoming milder than mother. could ice hockey is a spoilt that the bombs, griffin determination. and the skate is of kashmir onto about to give up tony chain, which is their the indian south africa produced an astonishing day of test match cricket day. one of the 2nd test and tape towns found the phone was $23.00, which is sometimes cover pulled out for just $55.00. india went on to lose 6 wickets for no runs at the end of their 1st and whose south africa were batting for a 2nd. time as the day ended still truly and yet by 361 testament after a 112 tests, australia is david warner's plane and his final match before he retires from the format. he had a bit of a locked at the end of day,
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one of the 3rd tests against pottstown, australia i would find xbox on 1st, and the total was $313.00. that is always worked out back to you. harry, thanks a lot for and that's it for me for this news. our that'll be more in a moment. the the phrase christmas is quite literally coming early this year. it's decision to move away from both adults calendar to one of their lines with much of the rest of the world meant christmas day itself being brought forward to december the 25th. for the 1st time, the children have been lining up to meet nicholas in person. the original santa claus says the most common christmas wishy his is for peace. christmas
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shows the combined festive themes with a big serving of traditional ukrainian culture. offer an escape if only briefly from the realities of 2 years of full scale will, as with last year, they'll be no large scale events or fast jamal christmas because of the war. most ukrainians will be celebrating the holiday on a different day to most questions. it's beginning to look a lot like a western style christmas. israel has now impose a complete fees on god's at so how do they survive? if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of 2000. and one is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on out of their
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unique perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we go no more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is your, the, at least a 103 people are killed and a series of laws to the ceremony mocking for years since the assassination of the radiant general custom setting on the,


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