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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the what we do and all just sarah is trying to find those 2 stories and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into money, see the, [000:00:00;00] the other one already full. so this is a news outlined from the coming up in the next 60 minutes at least 95 people acute and then a series of blogs to the ceremony marketing for years since the assassination. it'd be ready in general customs that i'm on it, as well as the, the house on us run
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a promises a response to the assassination of a senior official a group of nations including united states. one is humans who sees to stop their attacks against shipping in the red seats will face the consequences. and the war in gaza, rages on israel continues its attacks across the street. the be, be getting this news out in iran with president abraham re c and the supreme need to add to la la, i'm in a have both vowed a harsh response of the twins law school at least 95 people in the south of the country. the explosions happened at a cemetery in the city of carmen during a ceremony at the tomb of the senior radian general costume study money. michael apple has the nicest. the ambulance is rushed to reach the wounded off to 2 explosions. route through a crowd of mon is in the city of cattlemen in southeast,
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in the wrong video, shows dozens of bodies with some by stand is trying to hope. survive is while others rush for safety. tens of thousands of people head flocked to the burial side of one of the runs most prominent military commodities custom. so the money he was killed in the us most all striking it off for you as a good cause has been edited for you living on his beloved lita praise. so the money calling him crucial to the so called excess of resistance against these ro and said his memory remains influential. and you know, by some, so they money today costume. so the money is present in every aspect of this war. and what we're seeing today are the fruits of this great leader,
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the sacrifices he offered for over 20 years. no one has taken responsibility for the attack. meanwhile, the u. a state department is branded as ridiculous. any suggestions that either it's o israel is responsible? buddy runs president abraham, right. you see is unequivocal warning, what he calls the zionist entity that it will pay a price for the cabman bombing. a speculation regarding who is responsible is right . my personal gathering is that this has been history of this has been most thought definitely for me. this completely clear considering base events in the last 10 days, the terrorist attacks they started in damascus, then they can be rude. now, in a run, how does urge portion until investigations all complete isis have shown that it, it is willing to do that. israel might have wanted to, uh,
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move an escalate that goes to yvonne to force it to do something. uh, that might escalate things and get a drag van ida states against yvonne who runs government to create the thursday a day of morning promising that the country's reaction will be swift and overwhelming. like level o d 0. well, here i spoke to truth, a policy who's executive vice president at the quincy street in washington dc. he says around response will depend on who it finds responsible for the explosions. unclear who could be behind it, but you put your finger on some of the potential carpets. of course, we have seen an escalation between yvonne and israel or the course of the last few weeks just about 10 days ago or so. these are at least did assassinate and move on in general and certainly obviously difficulties. ready have attacks, he's really ships and the frustration initial docs. in their view, yvonne has been able to get away with
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a lot of measures against us. but you also have ices related groups who have conducted the terrorist attack to move on in the past. none of this scale but never the less of similar kind is and you also have the m u k. terrace organization who used to be on the us as. ready you service this but we're taking all the reasons they. ringback having. ready extensively and terrorism side of the law and they also work closely with these ladies, particularly when it came to use us in the nation of on your side to. so if it turns out that is the n k, then the question is was 0. so it is really damage in, in the end, the case offers. well, i suppose, depending on who it's found to be will, to some extent determine the nature of the writing and response. but the senior, any leaders are promising such a response. what kind of shape might that take? again, very much depends on who they conclude that it is the audience do have a ballistic missile capability that has become increasingly accurate. they have
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targeted specific buildings in houses around the middle east, in a box serial. now square in the past in which they say the terrorist cells were hiding that have committed access her against you on as well as lita, how something us rela has said tuesdays assassination of a senior. how much the official in beirut will not go on onset cooling it? flagrant is really aggression. so hollow rate was killed in a drum striking 11 east capitol, along with 6 of the house members. israel has not acknowledged responsibility for the strike that says, oh, how my sweetest target. following me october, the 7th attack, as well as has block would not remain silent till i go. and yes, if the enemy thinks of waging well and 11 and we will fight without restraint, without rules, without limits and without restrictions, a lie, they know what sort of main menu effect. so whether consider is going into war against us, will simply regret it. and then a will against us will be very, very,
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very costly. we have so far been consider towards the situation in lebanon and 11, these national interests. so if it was wasted on lebanon, then the lebanese national interest obligate us to go into war until the end without restrictions. what on the was they know how to is in be route with more details on what has on us are all, i have to say. you said that this crime will not go on, punish the assassination of mazda. the 2nd in command seller who was to in, has followed strong hold. but at the same time, it was a very delicate balancing act that has been no swell up. first of all, he talks about the front in southern lebanon, has the law is engaged in a low intensity conflict with the israeli army, a long death border. he is saying that it will continue both sides really have been calculating their attacks, ensuring that it doesn't become a trigger,
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a full blown conflict. he's saying that that's will continue. but at the same time, he's saying that that doesn't mean hezbollah is not ready for war. and that israel is as well decides to launch a full scale offensive. hezbollah will fight back with his full military capabilities and threatening this way. it is such that they will pay a heavy price, but has the most run. the also kept talking about the strategic national considerations that each of the so called resistance groups and this access of resistance across the region have to take into account and in loveland on how some the sort of the news that is real can destroy this country. as rarely ministers have said that they will level phases that they will level the southern subjects of baby for half a 1000000 people live. yes, as long as it has the strongholds, my husband has faces and offices, but it is also a residential neighborhood for half
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a 1000000 people live. where will these people go? so in many ways, his hands are tied, but at the same time, the reiterating that as well as not the afraid of war, and that if it, if it comes to that, it is ready to wage a confrontation. the right to salute is, and i'll keep bodies, jerusalem, enjoying just live from the now i'm the, obviously, these really is on a, let's very keenly watching for signals from this most rela speech. what do you think they might have detected a whole lot. there's been, no official is really reaction really for the last 24 hours, no comment on the targeted assassination of saw. they had already invaded and no comments on how so no sort of list speech, but you can be assured that they were watching quite closely. all of this comes is the is really army chief of staff,
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hurts see how levy actually visited israel's northern border today for a situational and operational assessment. and he said that these really army remains ready. they have actually raised their readiness to the highest alert and she says it's quote at its peak when speaking to nice, these really armies spokesperson daniel, how gaiety referencing hertz, the whole evie's visit to the northern border. he said that these really army is actually drawing up plans for both offices and defensive measures for what's going to happen next. however, they also said that the situation in the north, as it stands, is actually something they're hoping to change. and they're using this as an opportunity to change the security situation as they see it on the north. remember, there have been tens of thousands of people there who have been evacuated as per orders from these really are me. but these really are still quite on high alert in
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the north as some experts speaking anonymously to is really media have said that they are awaiting some sort of response. and remember, we don't fully know the capabilities best as bola has in terms of long range weaponry. and some are saying that perhaps that's something they can expect or even attacks. it is real as well, but there has been this cross border fire since october, 8th, the day after the war began. and the most recent of those exchanges of fire was actually today on wednesday. and these really army said that they had several, his boatload targets with fighter jets and other types of and munitions. but the reality of, on the ground there is a waiting game has on most of the less said that if these really are choosing to launch some sort of larger war and wage or regional conflict, then they're going to fight back with no rules. these really say that their focus right now is on fighting him us,
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but they're preparedness for the northern border is at it's all time high. all right, honda, thank you. honda civic that in occupied east jerusalem. now the united states says it was not given any advance warning of the striking bay route which killed that top hum us official, but it's now saying it is ro did to carry it out. let's go straight to she have real time see who's at the us state department in washington dc. um she had an hour ago. so when we were talking, you were making the point of those distinction between what seemed to be being brief, privately to major us media organs. and what was being said publicly, i understand your team has been in touch with us military. what are they now saying to us as well? yeah, i mean, just, just to give that background, it seemed that that today wednesday was the moment for the administration to have it spokespeople 1st time they faced the preston's in the new year to put themselves on the rack will just say they did not know who was responsible for the assassination in buried matthew miller. here at the state department, we have no assessment as to who is responsible,
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but we weren't informed doing phones. and then john cubby at the white house special security council spokesperson saying, we're not in a position to confirm a specific reports on how it happened or who is responsible. i basically don't have any great detail on who was responsible, no indication as well was responsible. so that way i was all on the record, but then just in the last hour, we finally got a response from us central command, which is the, the, the military come on in charge of them, at least amongst other, among other regions. i often use ask here in dc, it actually helps him over 24 hours ago to say, well, do you have any information about the assassination? they finally all suggest in the last hour. and it's a matter of fact. good afternoon. the strike was ms. riley strike, please refer to the questions to idea very respectfully, some co media of this. and so this would appear to be thought about passing that, but certainly the anomalous officials are the name on the list or sent to immediate us. but anonymously, they all, were you thinking that i mean it's pretty clear i know exactly who carried out this
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assassination. but on the record line is we have no idea. and so i got your tone cubby that when he was an aust, a follow up question. while you're actually trying to investigate who was responsible and he said he wasn't aware of any investigation, say whether whether the sent home email was positive, a brand strategy shaping the narrative, or just simply a bit of callousness. well, history will have to tell, have that story perhaps. well indeed, at least we have something on the record. a load perhaps wasn't the best, kept secret in the world. thank you very much. you have her time. see there in washington, dc. style around me, cory is a distinguished public policy fellow at the american university of a root and all through the lines in the sand. he joins us live now from boston. um, if we can just wanted back to that speech that said piece event from house on us. probably just 24 hours off to this attack of a striking baby killing this very senior. how much figured out? what was interesting perhaps, and that was that the most of threatening words coming from house on us rather what
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conditional conditions on the event of israel launching an all out war. does that mean that the immediate threats of a major escalation may not be so immediate? or i think sorry, i don't think there is an immediate sort of major rest away from, but small escalations for tab moves. but the thing to remember here is that what the israelis did is to break the rules of engagement that had been a, pertaining for many or most of the stuff to type in spectrum. and that's one of the 18 years or whatever it is. and they attacked some of the docket and the southern suburb of beta and which is and they are very aware as well as heavily located both of their facilities and their people and whatever uh, their communications and media and everything. so they uh, fax up. these matters one into the da here with this, and then this attack and the about it reminds a lot of people that 2 years ago,
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how much has on the struggle for these journeys? if you go into the attack, we're going to go into that would be of an attack. now, whether that's actually going to happen, but of course we don't know. but the point about the speech is that has a strong oh man, it, oh, he was, he was like an engineering professor giving a lecture. i'm pointing out the, i think it was searching punch of. fortunately, can't remember the number of all the different things that have happened since october 7th and almost all of them, virtually all of them were the things that were separate actually is really just the point to that. so clearly why where and how is your head failed to achieve and subjective? where is in a bit of a fine. and the reason is because he explained the coordination of all the extra support systems come as well. uh, on sutter long. yeah, i'm, i'm, i'm brooklyn, at rack and syria supported by your and how they coordinate together. so this is
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a really strong, clear, a forceful affirmation, that's how much, how it has butler with others. they have a capability, technically a little bit early to start for me do blows against israel, and they will only do that if it becomes necessary. there's plenty, there is this enormous awesome will with tens of thousands of missiles that obviously are on the how much immediate control but so everyone really believes that the launch orders would come from tyrone if they were to come. but the very fact they have this huge deterrent capacity. this big playing cod once they've played it. it's, it's of a really, i mean it's, it's a full warren and that's is likely to be very seriously depleted both in terms of its being fired on, in terms of it's being destroyed and is ready responses. so it's, it's almost a catch $22.00 once they use it, it's gone. maybe yes, maybe you know,
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the way you're describing sounds to me as like something you'd reading an american newspaper as well as the vendor. this is what's going to happen. the run out of ammunition. i've mentioned that so simple look at the map. so let's go from there. so time. true. alright. romney corey, i'm sorry. we've lost you there. i believe the what do you see? it is just broken up too much. so gonna have to move on, but we think remington, we, the in boston obviously needs across the occupied westbank has staged a general strike to more than the killing of the senior. i'm us, lead us. i read it is hometown of iraq. his family remembers son and the brother knew that abraham reports from ara north of ramallah, the 2 decades behind bars and 13 years in exile. so all i had already spent more time away from his family home. then in 81 years old,
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i read his mother has not seen him since he was deported from the occupied west bank in 2010 in the m. uh, should i, he asked me, would you rather me stay in jail or be the person i said, living in another country, you would be as possible able to get married and have children. he had to god's done one boy alone. to his rule, he was a terrorist to palestinians. he was indeed there the man who found the time off as minute through wing the assembly gates and the occupied westbank to his family. he was a son and a brother who shoulder the burden of living under israel's occupation. a solve the issue of whether or not to come to the most difficult was when they arrested him him for months. we didn't know anything about him. we couldn't even get them to along with lawyers visit. he wasn't military interrogation and sort of take confinement. and last 45, keen or 6. my mother almost collapsed when she saw him, then this is of the family says choosing the path of resisting the occupation meant
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that his days were numbered. 2 2 in october, his home and i wrote a village near i'm a law was demolished morton by palestinians across the territory. the further party called for a general strike to come on murray to his desk and put them his assassination in the occupied westbank for he was born and raised not only is remembered as a, i'm not the seen on restoring national thomas city in unity. i'm working and internal divisions, senior defense actually there to do between as you joined protesters and drama. he didn't speak to the media. but so the i told you was a loyal psyched or for palestine who dedicated his life to serving the cause. both he and r duty would involved into conciliation talks between 5 to had him off over the years even before the how mazda attack on southern israel. on october, the 7th,
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i already talked israel's hip list. he was the group, 2nd most senior official, but to many palestinians here. also a son and a respected leader. need that, but he just need to do the occupied westbank. let's be no let up in gaza with israel intensifying his bombardments of central and southern parts of the strip. rough uh has been the hit hard buys when he strikes, residents have been searching through the rubble for survivors. and con eunice, i've also been sho, engine, palestinians, and the bodies of the dead have been brought to the apple yourself on the jar hospital. in rafa, within 22000 people have now been killed in gaza since the start of these really offensive on october, the 7th. we'll talk about as soon as in ralph hot in southern gaza on tarka another day of continuing strikes. tell us what's been happening. us
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yes, absolutely. another day that is full of military attacks by these very forces, especially in the solid parts of the kansas trip, starting with rough, i'll have to save southern where hundreds, thousands of house thieves have been evacuated to since october. the 7th have been also a center for the years when the attacks today were 7 palestinians have to report to killed up to being directly hit by and is really military drone me saw you as an upper residents also have been injured in this attack, being driven to an adar hospital to get the treatment and the tax to day happened in 2 separate locations inside trophy in the north and in, in eastern areas of the district alongside with similar ongoing attacks. but with more high intensity bombing in con eunice city, where 20 palestinians had been killed by the east verify is in these areas. and on an ongoing, repeated attacks by the are, is ready to,
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to re shooting in calling you this along side with the middle governance of cause us to know in the cause the refugee can palestinian fighters. these moments are cashing with these really military troops who are trying to, to supply the middle coordinates into separate regions. just to have a full control over the overnights of the gaza strip as they have been doing in the nother at part to the 2 or 3 off to destroying more than 70 percent of the residential buildings. the also, the tax continued to take place in the notes that part of the gaza strip into a bound. yeah, refugee come this time despite the withdrawal of the usability of military troops from specific areas of, from the north, but 20 palestinians. they have been killed in japan yet refugee come off to destruction of a complete residential neighborhoods. square residents, us tow truck in the parts of the gaza strip alongside in the central areas of garza city. now the neighborhoods of kansas city had been also a see. it's
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a full confrontations between palestinian scientists and these really so we just and these ongoing military attacks today have resulted desks of more than 120 palestinians alongside with more than 260 others who have been wounded. and of course, as the world progresses, humanitarian medical situations alongside with the security one. as you can see clearly here, right now, the sound of it is very fine to just send the surveillance of drones will definitely get much more difficult and bloody as the east valley military officials are also keep waving with the options of extending, i'm getting ready for pro long fighting inside guns on right tara was in the, in rough and southern gaza. thank you very much. now. so the north sea is where the army has dropped. what appears to be wide phosphorus in the se right in central garza, the chemical substance is often useful military purposes. and in fact, severe burns on people and produces fix. smoke is forcing promised indian families
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to flee the homes. and how do we has more now, from new se route? not only that, is there any forces are throwing the leaflets on the people inside the force and come back to work, but they're also firing as far as gas farms in different areas. and in the concentrated areas, forcing people to evacuate, we have been seeing them hear hear more corresponds more of as far as boss. while you're on people living in that area close to introduce building hundreds of thousands of people, but that's evacuated from the north north to here. and other people have been already living in the opposite. is there any forces evacuating this area and asking people to go to that? but as you see, all of the people are rushing so fast trying to be under
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a prior we have been hearing constance and list are totally re sending out. as you see, people are taking their, taking their walk through time because they know that they will find them anywhere . they're taking their black kids or taking their got this woman carrying her baby trying to leave for a safe area. but at the end of the day, so you know, that's no way and there's no place say people are still evacuating day after day. more areas have been caused by that is where the forces to evacuate and the situation is escalating. this isn't included in for i just need to say it out. well in a televised address for my mother in the occupied westbank, the palestinian prime minister mohammed stay spoke of the da humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. gabanos the yes had no milk babies in gaza. some of these babies have lost their mother's children and gaza stood in long cues for
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a piece of bread. we didn't get that to $89.00 days of starvation was full thousands to die of hunger. while the others road was put pressure on his route to open the crossings to allow food enough as because one enters guys or does not exceed a sense of his people's real needs on the board must stop focusing on the numbers and humanitarian conditions. and rather, must force his route to go no further on the still ahead on ologist era rescue efforts continue in japan after at least 73 people were killed in a powerful let's click on new year's day. the highlight, we've got to move on certain weather coming into northwest and perhaps a few of us solely just some of the little dry as we go through the weekend for the
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time being those fairly unsettled much if you're single, it's a plant brain showers, some of them wintry in nature, this is what remains of best storm hank. and now moving across denmark, heading towards the baltic states and very strong winds blasting away across northern germany potent pushing towards those baltic states that are coming in behind where we have best. and i'd like to see if that was coming back in across the northwest bull rain the just around the positive for us towards the low countries. but i'm not the middle system just rumbling through the channel. the latest that full sized by the rank comes down across a good part, the frost will. spain and portugal best of the sunshine will because central past often, but it's friday and for now now about what to weather as we make our way through friday. that'll turn to us nosy pumps into the cold, or we have got some snow coming in across the alps again, as you can see in central balls. but the members of the met could say, some very heavy showers, possibilities some flash drive is if you move on into the we can say mary,
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economy will bring some increasingly wet weather across the prices are proto pot solving rock, cuz that runs up for northern areas of iraq as we go through friday elsewhere, it's not the dry. the examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of everything international filmmakers and wealth cost. john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience, isn't somebody policy is way what there's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era hard hitting the entities as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on. my question to you
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all the good coups i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito, in the security council, this is a may just something go because it did excess to hear the story on talk to how does era the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching. i'll just remind the about top stories, the sound president abraham racy. i'm just a pre nita tele, ollie holiday about a cost response of to $95.00 people were killed in 2 explosions in iran. it took place during a ceremony tomorrow because of the full sound of us,
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3 of the assassination of the senior general customs sort of money as well as the the house on the throttle says tuesdays assassination of a senior sufficient, they root will not go one officer pulling it flagrant is really aggressive, so i really was killed in a drug striking lebanese capitol along with 6 of the i'm us members. inside garza is where the strikes a continuing strikes to be reported in the south and the sensor including anthem, a gauzy refugee turn. 82000000 palestinians are facing winter conditions with little water for medical supplies. i mean, i have nation security council has been debating the ongoing conflict in the red sea where it was the fight as a targeting ships they say are links to israel from switch holds the rotating presidency of the council called the meeting calling. baker explains what these disruptions mean for the shipping industry. as the new year begins, commercial, maritime traffic on the suez canal is down by nearly a 3rd compared to a year ago. and 2 thirds of container ships cancel their suez bookings just last
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week, as who days continue their attacks on commercial vessels. major firms have stopped using the canal. so where are they going? many are sailing around the southern tip of africa. container ship traffic at the cape of good hope has nearly doubled, but vessels carrying oil liquefied natural gas, metals and grains are also diverting to the southern passage. and that's not only due to the conflict in the red sea traffic at the panama canal, half a world away has also been reduced due to drought. if you, for example, we're talking about the containers i so that was coming from agents. you go to that usually takes $35.00 days to go from asia to europe. i so i think i'm of it. then chelsea's on top of that means both the faces between asian, you are going to be less on a year. so that means that the cutting capacity of the vessel and the company as well is going to drop. and that kind of cutting capacity is appropriate because
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that's how the shipping companies are making money, selling around africa to avoid the red sea ads over 3500 nautical miles, 10 extra days, and millions of dollars to a trip between europe and asia. a fuel mix up half of, of vessels, operational costs and more fuel means more emissions. and that's just as the european union is charging new tariff edit sports to curve them. and for us more expensive goods, just as governments are trying to use inflation. developing countries that rely on food commodities already diverted due to the war in ukraine, could be hit again. because another thing we have to keep in mind is that when all the vessels are going to, i mean 20 days from today, because at the moment they're taking a detour and they diversifying, i don't know if it got. but when all those vessels are going to live into the ports, then maybe we're going to see some kind of a congestion of a that's following the 1967 arab israeli war, the suez canal was closed for 7 years. in today's more connected world,
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these few crossings are even more valuable. but under a dusky is assistant professor and international relations and global politics at the american university of rome, and he joins us live now from the italian capital. thank you very much for joining us. i'm so that has been this new warning from the united states and its allies in this operation to try to interdict the, who's the attacks in the red sea warning them of consequences if they continue. um, what do you make of that? is it more of the same kind of messaging, or are we looking at as some kind of a ramping up of the international response as well? i think on some level there is a definitely a rounding up of international response. we've seen not the un security council in france just taking over the presidency. tabling already at the beginning discussion on the, on the issue of the red sea. we've seen the escalating attacks by the who with these. but also most importantly probably the escalating responses by the us naval vest. ready in the area, uh, just
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a few days ago the time these were were killed in a number of vessels where song. so the escalation is an ongoing in the area. um, we know also that it is not only ships that are marked as going towards israel, which are being attacked, a number of other ships are being attacked so it is becoming an an ever so lauren, international maritime issue, an international global security issue. i'm. busy european union levels of the use, the foreign policy chief adjuster, but and my husband has mentioned today and his speech and lisbon that he is in his intention is to bring to the european union a proposal to, to put in place. so you neighbor mission in the red seats, this neighborhood mission would be separate from the us led one and also the case one which is connected to the us, us and, and a number of european countries are, are getting more active on this, on this, those here what's the europeans are quite adamant on are quite interested in is to maintain a degree of operational independence from the us led nation and the u. k. one as well. uh, this is because,
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uh there is quite widespread knowledge about not only the risks of, of, of, of engaging the who sees not only b c, but also individual analogy of having to, to, to targets was a targets in yemen which could drag in uh, these, these states european states, but also the us in to a new regional conflict and we should not forget as well that the german as is in a dire situation already due to it. so civil war and only recently there were improvements, diplomatic improvements and nicholas the asians to end this war. and therefore on, on the side of the european union on the side of also the united states. there is some hesitancy. absolutely. it's of getting dragged into another conflict more broadly. however, i would say that the key issue remains of the gods of the gods, a war, israel's relentless attack, and bombings on god's us. this is the key issue which kind of led to this, a new escalation and the spreading out of the, of, of tensions across the region, including of course, in the red seats. and therefore,
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the focus should also remain on gods or remain on diplomatic efforts and pressure on these rules. to halt it's a, it's a tax is relentless attacks and also less, more a enter into the strip. lindsey, but them just concentrating on what you said better about the risks of a so the risk relation, i mean it's uh, some of the sort of leaks and mediated warnings being issued about special forces being used. i mean, already we have seen one us attack on pretty vessels that we're trying to attack the emotions shit. uh, what are the risks? i mean what, what specifically could trigger some kind of escalate, rely to if there is more forceful international action against that? who is the fighters, as well as if a, if there's a serious attack with the serious numbers of that's or there is a continuation of, of a semi blockade in the red sea. and we heard from your reports, economic consequences of this are not related, are not limited to only 2 year men into the red sea or to egypt, which is losing a lot of money for its uh,
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its transfer fees through the switch can have it is becoming a global issue, so this is why there is more focus on it. if there is an event which leads to uh, hosted stay games work for serious desks or, or, or, or series military clashes, this could easily escalate into a, on the one hand complicating if not undermining completely the fees, thoughts on going between saudi arabia and yeah, man, and the who is these there would lead to further attacks, also on the, on saudi arabia and other countries in the persian goals from yemen. and this would represent a, an expansion of escalation which we are already seeing. unfortunately, i see about from what he's really is doing and gets out towards the seeping out to 11 onto iraq, to syria, to jordan, to the west bank. the occupied west bank. and of course, also the young man in the red seats. the situation is very, very delicate, and therefore international players in the us is finalize the european union. our, our, our,
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calibrating their reactions are calibrating their positioning of troops and enabled vessels of quite carefully. because i need miscalculation any over reaction on the, on either side. could really lead to up to. busy a further conflict and further dragging in of us of the national players in the region right under at the see, thank you very much for the analysis and thank you for joining us from right. thank you. you crane and russia have exchanged hundreds of captive soldiers and what is the largest swap in months? the exchange shows that even as the war intensifies talks between the 2 sides are continuing. i said, bank has more now from key. if, as we understand this is the largest prison exchange since the start of the war, and that the previous present exchange took place in august last year between ukraine and russia after which, according to ukraine authorities here russia stopped the process. and then the alleged attempt to turn to families of prisoners of war against the ukrainian government and we understand 213 ukrainians have been exchanged for 248 russians
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amongst the ukrainians. we understand the members of the board to guard the national guards, the minister of defense, the navy, as well as some members. some civilians. now it presents the landscape posted on these telegram channel, referring to those ukrainians, saying i was a home and you sent the soldiers on the front line. going, going to say that the more russians are take captive, the more effective it is in negotiations. now, at least for russia, the soldiers will be returning in time for orthodox christmas, which is on the 7th of january. but what it shows is that despite the heavy bombardment that we've seen here over the last few days, that negotiations can and all still taking pace. us like big a to 0 chief, a former sierra leonean president, ernest by colorado. my has been off a temporary exile in nigeria is capital a butcher. is part of the deal brokered by the regional blogs, the economic community of west african states, chrome. it has been charged with treason over a failed to with november when government attacked community barracks and the
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prison freeing around 2000 and nice and killing more than 20 people. he will leave on thursday if the deal is approved by the sierra leonean presidency. that's bringing abraham albuquerque. now, a buckley near you now, sorry, the director of the decor institute for the social and economic research in monrovia in liberia. he joins us from there. thank you very much for joining us. so still there isn't it. if it does require this approval, what all the chances do you think of this deal going through and what are the consequences if it does a what is situational in serenity on these guys, not quite di, city, and this would mean that president chrome, uh, what is that to live in so renewal and enjoy the effects of the benefits of a former president. lou, joy within destroys australia and but rather you don't enjoy this in my judy because the do is requesting that it'd be moved to nigeria and then you'd be our guest, the inside durham,
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and white and like julia and what are the stakes in sierra leone. and i mean, what, what is the potential sort of tensions that might be exacerbated by, by this, if it doesn't happen, as well as well it's, it's not likely to resolve the part of the change on the tourette's leo. and because, well this i didn't really know it is now beyond the politics is not driving into it . and this, such as the 2 political parties are structurally divided between the law and the sound of the country. so brenda approval, last exit is not just saying as a follow up president implicates it in a change, but he's saying no of the lead on the blog or original blog was been so i guess it . and so, rather than rejoined the evidence around this case, the support for the coma from the northern part of the country rather interpret this. it's, i guess, on the political leader. and so this is
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a situation that must be managed to present the distance a renewal and requires a lot of negotiations. a lot of dialogue for stability, even for the pro, by himself, needs to speak to the country and explain to his people what is happening. and showed them all of his commitment to the legal process and encourage them to support this process because this situation for potentially do generate dental eclip prices and so early on, which i've taught them already over the past few months. many, many probably just shows from didn't know or dose on this. all see this as of price is between the northern part of the country and the southern part of the country rather than it rather than the national process. all the legal process do the kitchen all in for us to get you to change the field on november 26th. i mean, some service might think that, you know, a court case with all of this is evaluated and assessed and adjudicated upon might be what is required to get to the bottom of it. but you're saying that the,
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the potential for divisions being so the wedge to part by such a good case. it could be very dangerous compared to the, to some kind of political smoothing. others was seeing here as it did. and that's because of the political context, the social context of what is happening to all this is brenda, i'm pretty much doesn't representative political ideology is representing the political 5 to that this representative of the wrong doctor. we always do a surrender. similarly, for them, b o is not represented, and a political ideology is the head of this william people spots it, which presents itself of the political formation representing the southern part of the country. as on this has to be judged from the position of social cohesion and engagement. the facility is dialogue if to bring both sides of the country politically and so strongly don't, we are not dismissing the fact that the government of the testing depending on the
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nature of this case, they both have the right to do so. the constitutional and all laws are for the most to be on the get is need 4 bits of dialogue and negotiation on isabella among the 2 political functions. so as to establish the conditions for peace moving forward in surrender. alright, abraham, about creating a, joining us that from one roses. my dear, thank you very much for your time this evening. or the head of saddam's power, military rapids support forces in kenya on the latest leg of his african to aiming to secure regional support. mohammad, how does the gallo met with a kenyan president william root, so in the capital, nairobi the discussions focused on the fighting between the recess. i'm assuming these ami, which is being raging, send you the 9 months route. so expressed confidence that ongoing talks could bring last in peace to see don katherine, so it has more now from that right,
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the leader of the rock pete support forces has been on a tom offensive. he's been to the board. see if you, you've gone to and now kenya. and here he spoke with a president, william, brutal about the need to have a peaceful resolution to the conflict. is to don any to be a he had meetings with the civilian coalition into don and c, 3 a to read said that he is open to a piece of talks. but all of this comes on the background of this folks that are being negotiated by e. good. the regional block both are assess and the army led by generals bullhorn have said that they are happy to have this book. they won this book, but then we've conditions now the army for example,
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i say that the that talks should not be peg by it to any political negotiation. the pulse should instead be military a took, it will be very interesting to see how this e got took a play out because previous books have not yielded much fruits. catherine slowly, alda 0 nairobi. as for us, give us, it's in the west of japan, have been hampered by an intense by intense off the shocks on bad weather. hundreds of buildings collapsed in the area following the 7.6 magnitude of quake on new year's day. and prime minister formula casita has one. it was a race against time to save those still trapped so far. at least 73 people are known to have died. i'll just here is eunice, can travel to a hard hit area in the north of north open into the region still waiting for much needed supplies on our way to the most affected areas of know to a peninsula were met by
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a road closure. now in driving on local roads, i'm not sure how long it will take along the way. we see several homes abandoned and leveled and lun lines at petrol. stations, sirens, sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she reese to rescue people in need of me. a warning for itself. there is a $5.00 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrive at north coast some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people call home . they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be 0. it feels like home to home and i mean has limited. kite utica is one of the lucky ones, though his barber shop the 5 decade sustained some structural damage and the water is off. it's still standing after a massive earthquake and see now me warning on monday,
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had heated with that and his wife raised to a shelter. they're only just coming to check on the shop. he says they'll stay and he helps other as well as well. where are you going? because i will get that means were cleaning up outside my toes and not damaged when the water comes, i think i might work a little longer. i'm 81 and a half years old. now. healthy a my hands though, they still are kind of these and that's tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble and the magnitude 7.6 tremor and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. in some areas are inaccessible due to demolished roads. in susie with one of the highest casualty, counts, supplies are so low that this evacuating says he's only had one cup of water in 3 days. leaders have appealed for help to get here faster. elsewhere in the city,
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a man watches workers carry out his wife's body from what has been their home, a loss that cannot be undone by the line of ambulances and fire trucks. highly in to the disaster, them eunice, kim alda, 0 know to japan. thousands of junior doctors in england have started a 6 day walk out. it's the longest strike in the history of brick has national health service that demanding a gradual pay increase. rising to 35 percent to make up for below. inflation pay rises for the past 15 years. the british medical association called the strike after a breakdown in tulips with the government last month. senior doctor's a covering emergency services, which means thousands of routine services like planned operations being canceled. a still a head on al jazeera in sport, round the drill,
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extend the on the run to 18 gas. the car is here with that story and all the
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the the think about the type of support now with far thank you so much. harry ra madrid. have held onto top spot in the spanish league one went over, may archimedes, they'll stay ahead of their close. as ronald serona mark, i hit the word where twice and this game, but rail roads are locked to expand their on being one to 18 games. antonio, rid of there is late, had, are proved to be the decisive moment. their own at are currently in action against that medical center. and the latest score in that came is during the 3 athletic o t. o. during international you to use of ap, how has been given an 8 month suspended prison sentence,
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a french court found the nice player in guilty of inciting a religious hatred. in october, i told shared a video on social media about the war on gaza. he's since apologize and to leave the post. the 27 year old has been suspended by his club, but look, set to play for out jerry at the upcoming applicant compensation. no bad job which is 43 match winning streak in australia is over the well number one is struggling with injury. but fuzzies hope fail. he'll be fit in time for the 1st grand slam of the year, jock of which was playing for serbia on united cap in perth to spend an ongoing risk problem. he was beaten by home player alex to me in our in st. saps chocolate last last in australia in 2018. you know, certainly an open gets underway in melbourne on january the 17th. probably not going to be at my 100 percent. physically, emotionally, mentally gain was in the opening week of
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a season. neither did i expect that neither of these i want that to be honest it's, it's all part of the build up for a stay and open. you know, so that that's where i want to perform it. my best a rather than adel is back and retaining the sands after a year long injury absence. the 22 time grand slam champion held in open practice session and australia as he gets ready to take on at home player. jason cooler in brisbin. the 37 year old dominic team and his come back match on tuesday. monday omeo sock has come back. the tennis has suffered a setback. the 4th time grand slam champion was knocked out of the griffin international by carolina, plus about in round to this was a soft his 1st tournament for 15 months. that when recent years, ice hockey has been growing in popularity in the north of india were freezing temperatures, unable skaters play on frozen lakes and ponds. but now this emerging support is
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facing a huge obstacle. as tony chang reports, the mountains of the dock filled with the glassy is the the, the in this river. a stunning fact drop for one of india is fastest growing sports by talking. but then literally skating on thin ice here caused by the impact of global climate change. i think it is impacted the innovative that the season has gotten sorta, and the that also means less excess twice. so there, there are, there used to be a huge number of players who used to play for longer do is, and that is, that is deduced the house on the frozen palms begin to struggle to find the same. and it's quite a bumpy ride. even for the experience cases that holds melting in the surface pools of water around the edge of the in for vice ring. some of india's professional players build rings of their own to practice. putting the skills away from the crowds,
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the time and temperature notes in their favor. we used to have almost the 3 to 4 months to pay the sport starting from november, ending end until the march. but because of climate change, we are hardly get getting the time to pay the spot. feel this on servers best infrastructure, investment and sponsorship are a challenge that might have bus and international standards inc ahead. we don't have an international standard. think when the players go to play in other nations, the players of the practice, although they don't have natural eyes, they have facilities if an ice wouldn't get good infrastructure, allowing them to practice throughout the. unfortunately, the situation is unlikely to improve rising temperatures. a melting the glasses, which in turn means that sees no winds passing over the himalayas. don't cool as much as they should. but even the main clause is global warming,
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their temperature is increasing. and because of that, the, the glaciers are messing ice are not of food on the water bodies. and the, there's not enough snow a winter's had been becoming milder than mother. could ice hockey is a spoilt at the mom's griffin determination. and the skate is of kashmir onto about to give a tony chain, which is their indians have ask, are produced and astonishing. dave tests much crickets day one of the 2nd test in cape town called the fall of 23 wicked stuff. after bows out for just $55.00, and you went on to lose 6 weekends for no runs at the end of their 1st things. south africa were batting for a 2nd time as the day ended still trailing india by 36 runs. you know, after a 112 tassel, australia is david warner's plane and his final match for him is higher. so to find that he had a bit of luck at the end of day, one of the 3rd tests against pox on his fairly reply to box on his 1st and he's total of $313.00. okay, and that is all your support for now. back to you,
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harry. sarah, thank you very much. that's it for me already posted for this i'll use, i'll be back in a moment with more of the days news. i just also the other side, this branch the using music and as a form of resistance during defaults and you're in the ninety's actress. i mean, the most each performs for children and sorry about each for many, both means it is very easy to empathize with the people. the gods. less than a month ago was changed to performance and we quoted pain and cut off. i felt not just the duty but an enormous desire to raise awareness about toward garza. either both knew and act or is joined, an initiative by the after theater, a non profit, public opinion, ensemble, base, and paramount luck. as the people who lived in the side who survived the siege will
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survive that direction. i think that all would obligation to be the people will always be the 1st for a 0 voice stands in front of the, sorry, of a city hall, a well known monuments burns down in the water. it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but the psychological scars of the war are still visible here in the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a cold type to what is happening now. it says it's cold thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads, profit with offers world permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk those to safety
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and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to the the other one hurry for successes and use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. they're on vows a harsh respond software, least $95.00 people killed and explosions at a ceremony, mocking the assassination of the reading and general custom. so the money, the leader of hezbollah has some nice relative promises the depth of senior. how


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