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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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the people in power investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a dizzy to the the other one hurry full sufficient is then use our life window coming up in the next 60 minutes there on dallas. a harsh response for at least $95.00 people are killed in explosions at a ceremony mocking the assassination of the radiant general custom sort of money. the leader of hezbollah has some nice rela, promises the depth of senior. how much commodities and b route will not go unpunished and one's ero anymore, 11 on income at
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a very high cost. there's no less how soon is where the strikes across gaza forces intensify. the apartments of central and southern areas within a 100 people are killed on wednesday. a group of nations including the us phones, humans who sees to stop its attacks in the red sea or face the consequences. ukraine and russia exchanged hundreds of prisoners, officials say it's the biggest swap of the world the we begin this use out in iran with president abraham r i c. and the supreme leader i told her already come in a have both found hush. response of the twin bloss costs killed at least 95 people in the south of the country. explosions happened at a cemetery and the city of carmen during a ceremony at the tomb of a senior rating. general customs study money, michael apple reports the ambulances rushed to reach the
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wounded, off to 2 explosions ripped through a crowd of mon is in the city of catamount, in southeast, in your video, shows dozens of bodies with some bystanders trying to help survive, as well as rush for safety. tens of thousands of people head flocked to the burial side of one of the runs most prominent military commodities, custom. so the money he was killed in the us most all striking it off for you as a good cause has been edited for you, living on his beloved lead to appraise. so the money calling him crucial to the so called excess of resistance against these ro and said his memory remains influential. you know, by some, so they money today costume. so the money is present in every aspect of this war.
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and what we're seeing today are the fruits of this great leader, the sacrifices he offered for over 20 years. no one has taken responsibility for the attack. meanwhile, the u. a state department is branded as ridiculous. any suggestions that either it's israel is responsible, buddy runs president abraham, right? you see is unequivocal warning, what he calls the zionist entity that it will pay a price for the cabman bombing. a speculation regarding who is responsible is right . my personal gathering is that this has been his real, this has been most thought definitely for me. this completely clear considering base events in the last 10 days, the terrorist attacks they started in damascus, then they can be rude. now, in a run, how does urge portion until investigations all complete isis have shown that it,
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it is willing to do that. israel might have wanted to, uh, move an escalate that goes to yvonne to force it to do something. uh that might escalate things and get a drag van ida states against yvonne who runs government declared thursday a day of morning promising that the country's reaction will be swift and overwhelming. mike level o d 0 united states had already said that neither. no, israel was responsible for those bloss, and in the last couple minutes there's been a sort of development to explosions. according to a senior abided by the administration official that killed nearly a 100 people and wounded scores of others at that ceremony looked like a terrorist attack of the kind of ice this has been responsible for in the past. so that's the latest coming out of washington area i spoke to, to parsi, who is the executive vice president at the quincy institute in washington,
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dc. he says iran is responsible, depends on who is found responsible for the explosions. it's unclear who could be behind it, but you put your finger on some of the potential culprits. of course, we have seen an escalation between yvonne and israel, or the course of the last few weeks just about 10 days ago or so. these are at least did assassinate and move on in general, and certainly obviously difficulties who have attacked these really ships and the frustration in israel dobbs. in their view, yvonne has been able to get away with a lot of measures against us. but you also have ices related groups who have conducted the terrorist attacks in the von, in the past non of this scale. but nevertheless, of similar kind is, and you also have the m e k terrorist organization who used to be on the u. s. as in the service list but. ready checking all the reasons they haven't. ready extensively and terrorism side of the law and they also work closely with these
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various, particularly when it came to disaster nation of the volume scientists. so if it turns out that it is the n k, then the question is, was there also is really damage in, in the case operations? well, i suppose, depending on who it's found to be, will, to some extent determine the nature of the writing and response. but the senior, any leaders are promising such a response. what kind of shape might that take? again, very much depends on who they conclude that it is the audience do have a ballistic missile capability that has become increasingly accurate. they have targeted specific buildings in houses around the middle east, in a box and serial now square in the past, and which they say the terrorist cells were hiding that had committed access her against the wrong well as the laws lead us as the assassination of a senior, how much the official and the lebanese capital on tuesday will not go announce that house on us are all that cause it? a flagrant is really aggression is in a hold of reports now from basic of israel's war with some us has reached the
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southern suburbs of baby boot the fight targeting. so la, rudy. the groups mainly during the ban on and the political and military stronghold of hezbollah. israel crossed a line. the lebanese armed groups leaders says the crime won't go unpunished. the n y name aplus just saw that this was a serious incident, a crime. they hit the root southern suburb for the 1st time since 2006. this was an is really message, even though it said it wasn't targeting hezbollah and 11 on who believes that in howards believe that hezbollah is already a tour with israel along lebanon's southern border, where they have been exchanging cross border fire, the lebanese group, open the front to help relieve its ally hum us in gaza. but according to industrial, the fighting will continue to remain calculated and confined to the border. that
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could change if israel launches all out or new effect, whoever thinks of a war with us. in one word, people regret it because of war with us will be costly until now we are taking into consideration the situation in loving on a national interest. but if war is launched against living on, it will be in the interest of lebanon that we enter the war with our full military capabilities. hezbollah strategy has been a delicate balance of waiting a war without wages one that could cause lebanon, already in financial ruin, to pay a high price. israel has threat to turn baby boot into another garza to say stripe was a 1st time is rose, hit the 11 east capitol since its last 4, which has been lost in 2006. it was also the 1st time as well. so deep inside the country, since it's late phillips, these with the group triggered by the warrant because of the gun 3 months ago,
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row has been threatening a large scale operation in lebanon. if hezbollah doesn't pull back from the border, i ruiz assassination. doesn't appear to be a provocation, but it violated the rules of engagement, which means hezbollah will need to restore it's the terrence center for their elders. ita bailed. meanwhile is ready as drunk is killed for hezbollah members in southern lebanon. it happened in the kora 5 other fighters of the lebanese group were also killed in separate strikes on wednesday, a total of 9 members were killed in the past 24 hours, making it one of the deadliest days across the board of fy. since the beginning of the war on gauze honda salute is joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. and to let start on that speech by how something us relevant kind of messaging, he was sending israel's way. what do you think was being detected on these very side of the bullet? there has been no official reaction from these rallies. all know,
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sit on the speech, but you can rest assured they were watching quite closely given the exchanges of fire that are continuous on israel's northern border and lebanon, southern border, the army chief of staff. first, see how levy on wednesday was actually visiting the northern border. it's just the day after the assassination of how this leader saw, if liability, on lebanese soil. he says that's the readiness alert for these really military is at its peak and he was holding situational assessments. there to go over above defensive and defensive plans for what these really might want to do next. he also stress that the current situation is an opportunity for the israel is to change the security status quote that is on the northern border. remember, there had been tens of thousands of people who have since been evacuated since these changes. the fire started on october the 8th, and we're just the day after the war began. but remember,
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these rarely as have been saying for months since the war broke out, but no matter where, how mess leaders are, they weren't going to target them. and that policy was not going to be exclusive to gossip, but it was also going to take place in lab. and on algeria, turkey, i thought wherever they might be, they want to get rid of how mass is political and military leadership entirely. but something else that is worth noting is that his bola had previously said they were don't going to tolerate any sort of targeted assassinations on lebanese soil. so these really say they're ready for anything and they are prepared for the worst possible outcome. well, indeed, on a very delicate situation on his rose northern border. what, what do we know about these latest strikes that would be made in southern lebanon as well? you know, that is really strikes on a 3 story building in the southern lebanese town of nikoto has killed at least 3
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members of his beloved that according to lebanese media, has bullet itself, not confirming since the beginning of those exchanges of fire. you're looking at a $139.00 has bullfighters who've been killed since october the 8th, when this all started. but remember, these really have been saying, but for any sort of rock and fire artillery, fire, any sort of groups of fighters, they detect to be a drones that they are going to strike. and this has been the policy for around 3 months now that for tally ation, the exchange is a fire continuous. and these really are me actually releasing a statement just moments ago, commenting about some of the other strikes they had carried out earlier in the day . and loving these territory, but no comment yet on this strike that has killed at least 3 people in the hold on . okay, how does that and occupied easters and thank you very much. palestinians across the
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occupied westbank have staged a general strike to move on the killing of the senior hon. i see to sought out other ruin in his hometown of iraq. his family as being remembering a son under brother knew that abraham reports from ara, north of ramallah, of 2 decades behind bars. and 13 years in exile sole. i had already spent more time away from his family home. then in 81 years old, the ide, what is mother has not seen him since he was the port that from the occupied westbank in 2010 a. m. uh surely he asked me, would you rather me stay in jail or did the person i said living in other countries, you wouldn't be able to get married and have children. he had to god's done one boy alone to israel. he was a terrorist to palestinians. he was indeed there the man who found it how mouse admitted to wing the assembly gates in the occupied westbank to his family. he was
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a son and a brother who shoulder the burden of living under israel's occupation as probably she it wouldn't matter who the most difficult was when they arrested him him for months. we didn't know anything about him. we couldn't even get them to allow our lawyers visit to how does he wasn't military interrogation and started to confinement. and last 45 kito 6. my mother almost collapsed when she saw him, then this is the family says, choosing the path of resisting the occupation meant that his days were numbered. in october, his home and i wrote a village near the law was demolished, morton by palestinians across the territory. the further party called for a general strike to come home or at his desk and put them his assassination in the occupied westbank for he was born and raised not only is remembered as a, i'm not the seen on restoring national thomas city in unity. i'm working
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and internal divisions, senior defense actually there to do between as you joined protesters and drama, he didn't speak to the media, but so the idol with you as a loyal sites are for policy time for who dedicated his life to serving the cause. both he en oddity would enrolled into conciliation talks between 5 to have him off over the years even before the how mazda attack on southern israel. on october, the 7th, i already talked israel's hip list. he was the group, 2nd most senior official, but to many palestinians here. also a son, and a respected leader. me that, but to him i just need to do the occupied westbank. the us state department of said it wasn't given an advance notice of the strikes that killed top home us officials set out a re but in an e mail to alj a 0, the department of defense has said it was on his way. the strike is ro,
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hasn't acknowledged responsibility for the attack she 100 times. he has more now on this from the us state department in washington, dc on wednesday was the moment for the administration to have it spokespeople 1st time. they faced the precedence and in the new year to put themselves on the rack will just say they did not know who was responsible for the assassination in buried matthew miller. here at the state department, we have no assessment as to who was responsible, but we weren't informed to advance. and then john cubby at the white house, national security council spokesman saying we're not in a position to confirm a specific reports on how it happened or who is responsible. i basically don't have any great detail on who was responsible, no indication that as well was responsible. so they, we, i was all on the record. but then just in the last hour, we finally got a response from us central command, which is the, the, the military come on in charge of them, at least amongst other, among other regions. and use, ask here in dc, it actually helps him over 24 hours ago. say would you have any information about
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the assassination they finally on? so just in the last hour, and it's very matter of fact. good afternoon, the strike was ms. riley strike. please refer will questions to ideas. very respectfully, some call media of us. so this would appear to be part of the past, and that certainly the anomalous officials are the name on this or send call immediate us. but anonymously, they all, were you thinking that, i mean it's pretty clear, i know exactly who carried out this assassination. but on the record that the line is we have no idea and i got your tone cubby there when he was an aust followup question. if at all you're actually trying to investigate who was responsible and he said he wasn't aware of any investigation for whether whether the centcom email was part of a brand strategy shaping the narrative, or just simply a bit of callousness. well, history will have to tell, have that story peps as well. andrea dessie is assisting professor and international relations and global politics at the american university of rome. and he's joining us from that. now. thank you very much for
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joining us again in this news. our um, when you obviously hear that from our correspondent in washington dc, a confirmation to the americans at least that it was in his really striking no great surprise. i think to anybody uh, not least has but uh, what did you make of house on us as well as speech and what does it say about the potential next steps and this conflict? do you think of a small thank you very much. i think the speeds on one level, so the definitely the steadfastness and strength of the resistance on how staging down has the loss is not afraid of a war. ready israel, on another level, however, there was definitely, uh, a note of caution. a note of restraints or a careful balancing act between not being to the excessively kind of being dragged into an actual conflict. because the stakes are very, very high for 11 and for, for the region. of course. and for the population of level, i'm especially has been out there for uh, i think to calculate,
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did very well or carefully as words with how to respond to this. the warning of the revenge is going to come. i think that however has, but i will, these fights are calculating in terms of when and how to respond to this specifically because it does not want to be dragged into a major regional confirming at the same time we've heard now further uh, targeted strikes against as below fighters and we should remember that over a 100 has the last slide has not been killed since the 8th of october. and therefore this front is already an active front and active waterfront. there are being daily exchanges of fire across the 11 on these. ready borders and therefore the escalation, the risk of a conflict is definitely buried there. and very, really, at the same time, not wanting to be goaded into an excessive conflict, i think is the number one issue or number one i am interest of has been a lot the moment specifically because it does not want to distract necessarily attention from what is happening in god's that which is the heart of the issue and
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therefore does not want to call in some respects and anthony aus bloss on this attack. or when you say it's, it's a very, it's a hot situation across the border. and just in terms of what's happened on wednesday, 9 has block fights is killed, making it, i believe at the deadliest day, all these exchanges. so 54 has blah, i mean, it does show that whatever the messaging from either side, these things can sometimes have them and some of their own and escalates just through shared domino effect are absolutely the risk of miscalculation the risk of a domino effect or on a or targeted strikes which get out of hand and therefore dragging further responses and therefore further escalations. this is what is on everyone's mind. and i think it is on the foremost mind of the united states of the binding administration, which are slowly being issuing a number of statements which are slightly a bit more critical with regards to israel. although we are very far away from real
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efforts to restrain israel. and these are the guys us at the same time, i think that the by doing this ministration is getting particularly worried about the risk of. ready regional conflict and this would be devastating for it for of course the region, the populations of the regents, but for an international setting in the international community. i am and, and holes. and absolutely, i would say also that the responsibility for such a adventure while it would be also phone to the by now administration because of its continued the backing and blank checks given to is rolling over. now we're almost entering the forest model. so the goal of the war on god's us, uh, this is the issue. this is where there needs to be diplomatic efforts. put in play . there needs to be pressure put in place. also on the european union side. joseph bradley, european unions for administer high representatives, mentioned today or in a few hours ago in lisbon that the world must impose a solution to and the guy is a conflict. this is where we are head. ready i would also add that it's not only
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the gaps or conflict, but it is rated by the student and conflict more broadly. and therefore these really occupation 56 years of occupation. this is the, the key issue that needs to be addressed or needs to be addressed diplomatically, not through targeted, surprised starting to get ceilings or war. that's a switch attention. is that the to what took place in iran earlier those 2 explosions coming scores of people. um there's also being a message coming a more definitive one from the, by the ministration in the last half hour. so saying that that already said that it was not a us or is really involved attack. but now saying that it seems more like an assistant style attacking that have been such attacks inside iran in recent times. what do you make of that? well, there's no doubt that this is a devastating attack uh there of mean for a outgo rings of, of the condemnation for this attack, it is definitely a terrorist attack to those targeted civilians. and this is the number one kind of
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important issue to, to, to mention over a 100 dads and, and therefore this is another indication of how high the risks are and how high the, the escalation is across the entire region. it is too early to tell us with regards to who exactly carry this out. i'm sure we will have a lot of investigation, a lot of speculation as well on the on who carried it out. there are a number of possibilities. eyes. this is of course one. there are also other possibilities. the n e k mat k is another possibility, but i would not exclude also the p u case, which has also been engaged in a number of activities with any rand in any event. uh, i would expect to definitely as soon as the, the opiates are, are identified a significant response on the side of the round. because this is a, a very serious attack in a very important day as well. commemorating the murder of some of the customs with the money, and therefore there will be a response on this issue as well. it is too early to tell, however, to, to,
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to indicate with clarity who, who is behind this. all right, andrea, just say thank you for your insights and your time for me. right. or thank you. let's be no less up on the ground in gaza with israel continuing. his bombardments of central and southern pots of district. the southern region of rough law has been hit hard biased when he strikes. plumes of smoke could be seen from the makeshift refugee camp. the residents have been searching through the rubble for survivors and hun. eunice have also being shelled the engine palestinians, and the bodies of the dead had been brought to the abu yusef, i'll not jar hospital in rough uh, more than 22000 people have been killed in gaza since the start of these really offensive on the 7th of october dark i was, is in rafa in southern gaza and has this report 7 palestinians have to report to killed after being directly hit by and is really military driven. me saw you as an upper residence, also have been injured in this attack,
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being driven to an adar hospital to get the treatment. and the tax to day happened in 2 separate locations inside roughly in the north and in eastern areas of the district. alongside with similar ongoing attacks, but with more high intensity bombing in con you, in a city where 20 palestinians have been killed by the is verify is in these areas and on an ongoing repeated attacks by the are, is very ought to be shooting. in con, you just along side with the middle go for an age of cause a step now in the cause, the refugee can palestinian fighters. these moments are crashing with these really military troops who are trying to uh, to supply the middle coordinates into separate regions. just to have a full control over the over needs of the gaza strip as they have been doing in the know the right part of the territory of destroying more than 70 percent of the residential buildings. the also,
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the tax continued to take place in the notes that part of the goals are stripping to found. you refuse to come this time despite the withdrawal of the usability of military troops from specific areas of, from the north, but 20 palestinians. they have been killed in japan yet refugee camp off to destruction of a complete residential neighborhoods. square residents are still trapped in the parts of the gaza strip alongside in the central areas of kansas city. now the neighborhoods of kansas city had been also, i see its a foot confrontations, but we palestinian scientists. and these really so we just and these ongoing military attacks today have resulted the death of more than 120 palestinians alongside with more than 260 others who have been wounded. and of course, as the work progresses, humanitarian medical situations along site with the security one. as you can see clearly here, right now, the sound of it is very fine to just send the surveillance of drones will definitely get much more difficult and bloody as the east valley military officials
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are also keep waiting with the options of extending. i'm getting ready for approval fighting inside guns. i'm still ahead on i'll just hear a desperate scenes as hundreds of thousands of palestinians struggling to survive in terrific conditions. was little to another. food was a medical supplies, the hello. i am pleased to say that the weather is now quite adding down across eddies to sort of a straight exceed the show is that brought the recent spell of severe weather and time storms. that's now just pulling away surprises, guys coming back in behind. so excited to share every right down to was the, the southeast to raise the low pressure just running through here, high pressure in the tasman, keeping it dry, inducing the for the time being. see the west of weather that comes into southern
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parts of new south wales across that a scenario of victoria? no, just not just why a little further north, which as we go through the rows they into friday scattering the showers further west as well even into the interior space halting dollars at 40 degrees celsius temperatures around $32.00 celsius. the full past couple of weights generally drive it some bits and pieces of fright, a possibility and one of 2 spa sliding across and out of both a little bit of weather coming in to south australia. some of the channels have some shelves into that eastern side of victoria and the shell store, as they are ramping up. you know, it just, once it gets just around that is the side of the new south wales pushing towards the person in the gulf coast to possibly see some localized flooding coming in here . show us will make my way across new zealand. meanwhile, we'll see some wet weather and some winter weather, grassy, making his way across japan. and eventually tony dry. the latest news as it breaks,
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time maybe has been under the rubber for more than 10 hours. this is not the only area targeted by that is there enforcement with detailed coverage the wolf is keeping source away palestinian business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. exclusive reports many here say they refuse to give up on hope in the middle of the killing suffering and pays. it's the $16.00 left for them . i marry him shaheen and has been making films about since 2006. when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38, your occupation by israel, people were hopeful that their lives would improve. their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains are of the last chapter, dreams on out you 0. the
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the you're watching i'll just remind her about top stories this out there on president's paper here i see on the screen lita, i tell her i'm in a about a hush response of the 95 people were killed into explosions in the wrong it took place during a sermon each month, so cool, kind of us reduce estimation. are there any in general, custom selling on it, as well as the the house on us rollers says tuesday's assassination of a senior sufficient, they root will not go on on some sort of a re, re, is killed in the lebanese capital. along with 6 of us, i'm us members. the us department of defense is told i'll just say rate was and is ready strikes. it is real, has not claimed responsibility. more than
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a 120 pounds of citizens have been killed in gaza on wednesday. as israel bon bonded, the strip major strikes were posted in southern gauze. these ready homie has dropped what appears to be wide false for us in new se right in central garza, the chemical substances often use the military purposes, inflicting severe buttons on people on producing fix. mike is forcing college to be in families to flee the homes, and quarterly has more now from this era. not only that, but is there any forces are throwing the leaflets on the people in the site are forcing some of the dr. wake but they're also firing as far as gas farms in different areas and in the concentrated areas, forcing people to evacuate. we have been seeing them here. here more corresponds more of as far as boss. while you're on people living in that area, close to and salutes building hundreds of thousands of feet,
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but that's evacuated from the north north to here. and other people have been already living in. is there any forces evacuating this area? and as soon as you see, all of the people are rushing so fast trying to be under fire. we have been hearing constance and list are totally re sending out. as you see, it's okay. people are taking their taking their water tanks because they know that they will incline them anywhere. they're taking their blankets or taking their gas and there's this woman carrying her baby trying to leave for a safe area. but at the end of the day, she knows that no way and there's no play safe. people are still evacuating day after day. more areas have been caused by that is where the forces to evacuate and
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the situation is escalating. this is included in, for, i just need to say about moving to half a 1000000 vaccines for childhood diseases, including polio and measles have been delivered to gaza for the 1st time since october. the 7th un agencies have been warning of the risk of diseases spreading among causes 1900000 displaced people. veterans heading to the health sensors in the southern city of rough uh to get in some specs and they did. let me call some shareef reports. an emotional code 3 has finally made it to a health center and dropbox to have a baby vaccinated across your, those against pull you was delayed because of the ongoing full of to being displaced from cause of city. a mom has struggling to find the clinic, the disco, the vaccine, the finish or vaccination was delayed because it was never brought in. or it was brought in, but in, in sufficient quantities. because the children of the whole guys a strip have to come to our office. there were some in hon. eunice that got
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dispatched to it off hundreds of thousands of bringing the instance in children to this center for vaccinations. the united nations children's agencies unit says, says it has delivered at least $600000.00 doses. that seems to casa, the agency estimates nearly $17000.00 instance have missed one or more routine vaccines. and it's really blow okay during its own go. and bolt has prevented crucial supplies, including medicines from entering districts. the, the ones that were brought in include the oral polio vaccine given by mouth. it is for polio vaccine that treats duma local monia and the vaccines for measles were bella mums, as well as to the closest. these are the vaccines that have arrived. the vaccine supply has entered garza to the rougher boulder with egypt is sufficient for nearly 300000 infants and children under the age of 5 over they come here.
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we haul most a, a resident of ro, fox is rushing to the center to have a month, so they be vaccinated. the, the vaccine is the team d league and i'm worried about the girl because of diseases. so when i heard that the vaccine is available. yeah, i came quickly because it is delayed any food that the child could contract any diseases as much needed vaccine supply comes as a threat of infectious diseases. cruise in distress. the challenge have sufficient space is to administer vaccinations among the displaced living in temporary shelters across the country and the consumption leave. under caesar, united states has again called for a global response to attacks by the radian back to seize in the red sea. the group is disrupted maritime come to us since shortly after the war on guns have begun targeting ships, it says a link to israel on wednesday, the united nations security council debates of the ongoing on rest. the us,
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which formed a maritime coalition to the terror attacks last month. cool on the council to mount a global response. these attacks post grave implications for maritime security, international shipping and commerce. and they undermine the fragile humanitarian situation in yemen. damaging the ability of the international community to deliver assistance to more than 21000000 people in need. it is vital that the council speak and speak now on the need to uphold international law, as well as navigational, rights, and freedoms. even as we continue to demand that the, who, the stop these attacks, which are clear violations of international law, we must not overlook the root of the problem. your ron has long enabled these attacks by the who these colleagues, the threatened navigational rights and freedoms in the red sea is a global challenge and necessitates a global response. but coming back,
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it takes up now what these disruptions have meant for the shipping industry. as, as the new year begins, commercial, maritime traffic on the suez canal is down by nearly a 3rd compared to a year ago. and 2 thirds of container ships cancel their sewage bookings just last week, as who days continue their attacks on commercial vessels. major firms have stopped using the canal, so where are they going? many are sailing around the southern tip of africa. container ship traffic at the cape of good hope has nearly doubled, but vessels carrying oil liquefied natural gas, metals and grains are also diverting to the southern passage. and that's not only due to the conflict in the red sea traffic at the panama canal, half a world away has also been reduced due to drought. if you, for example, we're talking about the containers i so that was coming from agents. you go to that usually takes $35.00 days to go from asia to europe. i so i think i'm of it. then chelsea's on top of that means both the base is between asian,
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you're going to be less on a year. so that means that the cutting capacity of the vessel and the company as well is going to drop. and that kind of cutting capacity is appropriate because that's how the shipping companies are making money, selling around africa to avoid the red sea ads over 3500 nautical miles, 10 extra days, and millions of dollars to a trip between europe and asia. a fuel mix up half of, of vessels, operational costs and more fuel means more emissions. and that's just as the european union is charging new tariff edit sports to curve them. and for us more expensive goods, just as governments are trying to use inflation. developing countries that rely on food commodities already diverted due to the war in ukraine, could be hit again. because another thing we have to keep in mind is that when all the vessels are good to live in 20 days from today, because of the moment they're taking a detour and they've actually finding out enough it got. but when all those vessels have been 5 into the ports,
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then maybe we're going to see some kind of congestion of, of that. following the 1967 arab israeli war, the suez canal was closed for 7 years. in today's more connected world, these few crossings are even more valuable. the still ahead on how to 0 rescue efforts continue in japan. after the 73 people were killed in a powerful as quick on new year's day the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the right, let's take
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a look at some of the other news from around the world. and ukraine and russia have exchanged hundreds of captive soldiers. and what is the largest swap in months exchange shows that even as the war intensifies talks between the 2 sides have been continuing. i said, bank has the latest from keith. we understand this is the largest prison that extend since the start of the war, and that the previous present exchange took place in august last year between ukraine and russia, after which, according to ukraine authorities here russia stopped the process. and then the alleged attempt to turn to families of prisoners of war against the ukrainian government and we understand 213 ukrainians have been exchanged for 248 russians amongst the ukrainians. we understand the members of the board to guard the national guards, the ministry of defense, the navy as well as the members. some civilians now it presents the landscape posted continues to the ground general referring to those ukrainians, saying i was a home and you sent the soldiers on the front line. going, going to say that the more russians are take captive,
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the more effective it is in negotiations. now, at least for russia, the soldiers will be returning in time for orthodox christmas, which is on the 7th of january. but what it shows is that despite the heavy bombardment that we've seen here over the last few days, that negotiations can and all still taking place as like big a 0 chief diploma sierra leonean president ernest by corona has been off a temporary exile in nigeria is capital a butcher is bought of a deal brokered by the regional blocks, the economic community of west african states, chrome. it has been charged with treason over a failed cube in november when government attacked the military barracks and the prison freeing around 2000 inmates and killing more than 20 people. he leave on thursday if the deal is approved by the sierra leonean president. that of saddam's power, military rapids support forces in 10 year on the latest leg of his african to mean to secure regional support. mohammad hummed on delgado met with a kenyan president william router in the capital,
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nairobi. the discussions focused on the fighting between the r s s and the student is ami, which has been raging for nearly 9 months. routes are expressed confidence that the ongoing talks could bring lasting piece to see don catherine. so it has moved from already. as the leader of the raw paid support forces has been on a tom offensive. he's been to the board. see if you, you've gone to and now kenya. and here he spoke with a president, william, brutal about the need to have a peaceful resolution to the conflict in so done. and if you, if he had meetings with the civilian coalition in so don and t 3 a to read said that he is open to peace talks. but all of this comes on the background of this folks that are being negotiated by
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e. good. the regional block both are assess and the army led by general bullhorn have said that they are happy to have this book. they won this book, but then we've conditions. now the army, for example, i say that the, that talks should not be peg by it to any political negotiation. the talks should instead be military a tool. it will be very interesting to see how this e got talks play out because previous books have not yielded much fruits. cathy sawyer, all the 0, nairobi a tribute to use hosting thousands of refugees from yemen, an easier. yeah. well, in total displacement, food and security and economic hardship, rule contributing factors to the large numbers of people seeking refuge migrants across a pause in the east african nation as they seek safety and
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a new life in other countries. russel sir reports now from the port town of full book in jupiter. life and this makes shift pants is tough, but effigies will cause them home say the heart of this month already you have to come when the so the next question began booming human mission. i meant for that and was placed in mackenzie refugee camp exhibited with her 5 children. this task a steed unit, so she says are worse than organs. summers temperatures here exceed 50 degrees celsius. she has been in this camp for 6 years. now she wants to leave because she says her children have no future if they stay, since like you had you had, there are lots of problems. the things in me and around me died. i lost funding to members in yemen. the others are in prison. i want a new life for me and my kids. her sister lives in the united states that she hopes
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to one day into us near her. but other migrants apart arriving in this concert to the funeral award between the forties and do you guys is forcing people in yemen to find safety by crossing departments bound up straight to reach you beauty? also the tool pm's for the complex and the power to in the country. those from human are trying to get to west some countries why the top young's are aiming for gulf states. these movements are for the conflict and poverty in a to up here. they're heading to him and hoping to reach out with the or maybe a suit engineer. i'm just going to a sofa is from the to a because i'm have a region drones bumped his house to somebody sold what was left a fort. he's joining the can take up to 2 mountains to work for this to get his last destination, the toner, full book, before the board in a small boat to coast above and went up straight. guessing the lift hill country.
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and i don't know what will happen to me. i don't know if i live in the listed. ok. we, i know in your body close to the scene. i want to go to sonya. it'd be in find a job every year. poses of to appears like me scanning attempt adventurous integration vote from the horn of africa course in the gulf of ogden through human, into saudi arabia. dozens had been killed by both the gods for wife trying to cross the suit on small state boats. exhaust is from a month from challenge, enjoying it with little food and water does make things whole. they want me estimate are and best, or sab dash 0 to 0 for bulk to 40, to rescue assets in the west of japan, and been hampered by intense off the shops and bad weather. hundreds of buildings collapsed in the area following the 7.6 magnitude quake on new year's day and prime minister for mucous sheeta has one that is a race against time to save those still trapped so far. at least 73 people are known to have died just as units came,
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traveled to hard hit area in the north of notes open and see the region still ways and come much needed supplies. us, on our way to the most affected areas of know to a peninsula, were met by a road closure now and driving on local roads. i'm not sure how long it will take along the way. we see several homes abandoned and leveled and lun line at patrol station sirens, sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she reese to rescue people in need of me. a warning for help. there was a 5.5 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrived at north po, some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people call home. they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with
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so many structures needing to be 0. it feels like home to home number, your husband kites. utica is one of the lucky ones. though his barber shop, the 5 decade sustained some structural damage and the water is off. it's still standing after a massive earthquake. and so you know me warning on monday had heated with the and his wife race to a shelter their only just coming to check on the shop. he says they'll stay and he helps other as well as well. are you going to cause i will get that means were cleaning up outside my toes and not damaged when the water comes. i think i might look a little longer. i'm 81 and a half years old. now. healthy a my hands too big. so my cousins, the semester, tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble and the magnitude 7.6 tremor . and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. in some areas are inaccessible due to demolished roads. in susie with one of the highest casualty,
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counts supplies are so low that this evacuated says he's only had one cup of water in 3 days. leaders have appealed for help to get here faster. elsewhere in the city, a man watches workers carry out his wife's body from what has been their home, a loss that cannot be undone by the line of ambulances and fire trucks. finally into the disastrous and eunice kim alda 0 know to japan. 31 migraines to a kid not in northern mexico and saturday, have been rescued. a presidential spokesman said the victims including women and children, were undergoing medical examinations. gunman took some migrants from the bus across the border from texas. the region has seen an increase in kidnappings. as record numbers of migrants trying to reach the us are asked to politically turbulent 2023 . latin america is gearing up for another round of presidential elections this year . much like the rest of the world. this region has struggled with post time dynamic
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inflation, growing poverty and increasingly polarized societies often leading voters with a few choices at the polls from mexico city. juliana julia yano has the outlook for the upcoming elections campaigns. ards, whose throttle across latin america had a presidential elections in 2024. at least 6 nations from uruguay to the dominican republic are due to a leg new leaders. i mean, the small regional economic growth is what i say to them that the many collecting are not the biggest challenge for latin american. the short term is preserving democracy despite the economic and political inverse of these, especially as polls show disenchanted citizens support democracy less and less. fear that was uh, you know, sell the door and in bold in the you book, it is expected to peruse to re election as president after circumventing constitutional restrictions that forbid him from running supporters adore him for
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crushing the country scan. the critics say the move to mentioned as an autocrat, tired of decades of violence, salvadorans have overlooked accusations of human rights abuses in exchange for peace. continuity is also what mexico's ruling party is looking for in jew selection. said to be the largest in the country's history, history will be made no matter who wins. here as 2 women faced each other on the ballot, mexico's 1st female president, unimportant landmark, and one of the most dangerous countries for women in the region. for the south in venezuela pull suggest opposition candidate money, according to my child of overwhelming lead over president nicholas, my daughter would few believe mother will relinquish tower no matter what the ballad se noise from the sea on as there are no democratic conditions in venezuela for a competitive election,
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basically the ruling party when not will be that the country remains the source of record number of migraines, reaching the us border. hundreds of thousands of latin americans have already made their opinions clear long before the poles open, by risking their lives on the journey north to the united states. but in the region still heavily affected by us politics perhaps just as influential to latin america this year. will be the race to the white house in november, gal. yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico see. thousands of junior doctors in england have begun a 6 day strike over pay and working conditions is the longest industrial action ever in the u. k. is national health service, so i'm gonna go has the details. it is the busiest time of the year in hospitals up and down the country in winter, when hospitalizations normally peak the pressures on the health system or at the highest level. but after years of unprecedented strain, no end in sight,
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the long running pay dispute for junior adopters. it is weighing heavily on those working in the public health system. strongly connections net but a good thing. no one wins from strike action, but it's the only thing that brings the government to the table to talk about the critical issues that are facing doctors allow us to move and 1200000 medical appointments packed to be rescheduled because of the strike action that took place that box there is still going to be emergency services provided as well as critical cancer care as hospitals attempt to catch up with ongoing delays. health service managers and charities say it is the patients, especially older ones who will bear the brunt of the strike. a message echoed by the health secretary, who for now is rejecting calls to increase stop to salaries. it's just very disappointed when the junior adults has committed 2 weeks out to fall negotiations
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and include the strikes. we know that they have a very real impacts of people, including of course, the 88000 appointments were canceled in the last 3 days of industrial action. just before christmas junior adult to say their action is aimed up saving the health service from the decline and the coverage those working here to remain rather than leave the country for better opportunities elsewhere. sonya jago out his era london in recent years, ice ok has been growing in popularity in the north of india, where freezing temperatures enables cases to play on frozen lakes and ponds. but now this emerging support is facing a huge obstacle. as tony chang reports, the mountains of the dock filled with the glassy is the the, the in this river. the stunning backdrop for one of india is fastest growing solo by talking but then literally skating on thin ice here, caused by the impact of global climate change. i think it does impacted the way
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that the season has gotten shorter, and the that also means less excess twice. so there, there are, there used to be a huge number of players who used to play for longer do is, and that is, that is deduced out on the frozen palms begin to struggle to find the food and it's quite a bumpy ride. even so the experience cases that holds melting in the surface pools of water around the edge of the and provide drink. some of india is professional players who build rings of their own to practice. putting the skills away from the crowds for the time and temperature. and also in that they've, we used to have almost 33 to 4 months to pay the sport starting from november, ending in the march. but because of climate change, we are hardly get getting the time to pay the sports field. this officers best infrastructure, investment and sponsorship are
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a challenge that might have bus and international standards inc ahead. we don't have an international standard. think when the players go to play in other nations, the players of the practice, although they don't have natural eyes, they have facilities if an ice wouldn't get good infrastructure, allowing them to practice throughout the. unfortunately, the situation is unlikely to improve rising temperatures. a melting the glasses, which in turn means that sees no wins passing over the himalayas. don't cool as much as they should are. these in the main clause is global warming, the temperature is increasing. and because of that, the, the glaciers are mass thing, ice are not of food on the water bodies. and the, there's not enough snow winters have been becoming miles and miles are good. ice hockey is a sport that the bombs, griffin determination and the skate has
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a kashmir onto about to give a tony chain, which is there. and that's it for me. harry force it for this to use our, my colleague has, i'm sick and will be here in a moment with more of the dice, the sleeping under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy source, their own tri, hoses down to. so the panels on his roof for decades, the number line on diesel, shipped in a great expense with crowds from the australian government. the island built itself a so the great, now they can capture and store full the energy tying on states its future of fossil fuels, no renewables. the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power stations burning co, shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china. but the government remains committed to colon guess it is a tenant of turn,
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produce objective these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of his randy, public discourse, anti war voices persist, sales calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, we don't simply focus on the public itself, the conflict. it's the consequence of war, the human suffering definitely the 4th time. it is one of the most serious spouts of violence. in recent years, we brave bullets involved because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides, the rejecting decades of internal conflict, the farmers of columbia, as peace communities remain neutral and on but refusing to leave their villages. i
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set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter trick. in an active defiance they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy's territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to the iran vows a harsh response after at least 95 people are killed in explosions at a ceremony. mocking the assassination on the wrong, your general cousin so that i meant the


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