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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the iran vows the harsh response author, at least 95 people are killed in explosions at a ceremony. mocking the assassination of iranian general customs solely, man, has him speak of this is i just need a life from dell ha. also coming up. the leader of hezbollah warns israel and he will, and 11 on will come at a very high cost spot to the killing of
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a how much come on the inmate, a garza over $100.00 people are killed in his writing strikes on wednesday as the world food program wants, everyone in gaza is hungry. the threat to navigational rights and freedoms in the red sea is a low b challenge and necessity. mobile responses. the us us the un security council to do more to the, to humans who these over at tax on commercial ships in the red sea. the iranian president, abraham, right, you see and supreme lita, ayatollah ali. and they have both vowed a harsh response of the twin bloss killed, at least 95 people in the south of the country. the explosions happened at a cemetery in the city of command during a ceremony of the 2 of the senior iranian general custom. so they, many, michael,
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apple reports for ambulances rushed to reach the wounded off to 2 explosions. route through a crowd of mon is in the city of cattlemen, in southeast, in your video, shows dozens of bodies with some bystanders trying to help survive, as well as rush for safety. tens of thousands of people head flocked to the burial side of one of the runs most prominent military commodities custom. so the money he was killed in the u. s. smith. saul striking it up for you as a good cause has been edited for you, living on his beloved lead to praise. so the money calling him crucial to the so called excess of resistance against these ro and said his memory remains
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influential. i know by some so they many today cast them. so the money is present in every aspect of this war. and what we're seeing today are the fruits of this great leader, the sacrifices he offered for over 20 years. no one has taken responsibility for the attack. meanwhile, the u. a state department is branded as ridiculous. any suggestions that either it's israel is responsible, buddy runs president abraham, right? you see is unequivocal. warning what he calls the design this, the entity that it will pay a price for the cabman bombing. a speculation regarding who is responsible is right . my personal gathering is that this has been his real. this has been most thought definitely for me is completely clear, considering the events in the last 10 days, the terrorist attacks they started the damascus,
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then the invade route. now you may want others urge portion until investigations are complete. isis have shown that it, it is willing to do that. israel might have wanted to, uh, move an escalate that goes to yvonne to force it to do something. uh, that might escalate things and get a drag of a in either states against yvonne who runs government declared thursday the day of morning promising that the country's reaction will be swift and overwhelming. like level o d 0 has been leslie that has something else that are less said the assassination of a senior. how much the official in the lebanese capital on tuesday, will not go on on, said he, cold in a flagrant is radiated question. then i caught a report from bailey, israel's were with him, us has reached the southern suburbs of baby boot the fight targeting. so i rudy,
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the group's main leader and nothing on the political and military stronghold of hezbollah. israel crossed a line, the lebanese armed groups leaders says the crime won't go unpunished. the n y name, the atlas just saw that this was a serious incident, a crime. they hit the root southern sub for the 1st time since 2006. this was an is really message, even though it said it wasn't targeting hezbollah and loving on. who believes that in howards believe that hezbollah is already at war with israel, along loving on the southern border, where they have been exchanging cross border fire, the live these groups opened the front to help relieve its ally. hum us in gaza. but according to no, stella, the fighting will continue to remain calculated and confined to the border that could change if israel launches all outdoor menu effect river thing, civil war with us in one word,
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people regret it because of war with us will be costly until now we are taking into consideration the situation in loving on a national interest. but if more is launched against living on, it will be in the interest of loving on that we enter the war with our full military capabilities. how's the strategy has been a delicate balance of waiting a war without wages one that could cause lebanon, already and financial ruin to pay a high price. israel has threatened to turn big wood into another garza to say, strike was a 1st time as well. had the 11 east capitol since its last floor was, has been locked in 2006. it was also the 1st time as ralph hit, so deep inside the country since the slightest from the seas, with the group triggered by the warrant because of the gun. 3 months ago. israel has been threatening a large scale operation in lebanon. if hezbollah doesn't pull back from the border, i ruiz assassination doesn't appear to be a provocation,
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but it violated the rules of engagement. which means has the law will need to restore. it's the parents center for their i was just data data out. i mean, well, and his really, as drake has killed 4, has bullfighters in 711 on the attack happened in the quarter. 5, all the fighters of the lebanese group were also killed in separate strikes on wednesday, a total of 9 had been killed in the past 24 hours, making it one of the worst days of cross for the fly since the war on garza began. i'm the son who does live for us now and occupied east jerusalem. so how does that? how has the speech been viewed in israel and the there hasn't been any official is really reaction to no settle of speech on wednesday. but you can be assured that these really is we're watching every single word quite closely because of the escalations on the northern border. and remember,
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they still haven't said anything officially about the fascination of the, from us official on lebanese soil. now that's because israel's cabinet secretary gave a directive for all is really parliament, members to not speak about the issue. but all of this comes as these really army chief of staff. hersey, however, was touring the northern border on wednesday and said that the situational assessments, according to him mean that these are always are now drawing up a new plans, both on the offensive side and the defensive side. and he said that the situation is actually an opportunity to change the security status quote on the northern border. he says that while they're at the peak of their alert level and preparedness, their focus still remains on how mass and gone so. but remember, there's been rhetoric from is really officials for months for 90 days. now since the war began, that they will re thomas leaders where ever they are especially 11 on where we just
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saw this targeted assassination. and she's the head previously said they were not going to tolerate any kind of activity like that on their turf. so this situation now means there are a lot of unknowns for what these really is, could experience when it comes to retaliation, because his bubble himself, in his speech said that this is a quote crime that will not go unpunished. and that as there are 4 things well, more is riley strikes and on $711.00 on now what more do we know about that? is just a continuation of the exchanges of fire on israel's northern border and the southern lebanese border. the latest is really striking, killing for members of his bola, in the southern 11 east town of no food of reportedly all members of his butler and one of them. actually, according to lebanese media, was quite
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a senior official in the southern part of the country. these really army released the statement saying that they had been targeting his bottle of sites in the southern part of 11 on. and then they were going to retaliate. however, they saw fit since the beginning of these exchanges a fire on october. 8th, you're looking at around a $143.00 shows. bullfighters who have been killed and at least 11 is really soldiers who have also been killed in those exchanges of fire. but again, these really are me says that they're alert level is raised to the highest possible level on the northern border, and they will continue to attend the lebanese territory as they see fit and the sun hoots an occupied east. jerusalem, thank you. are the us state department has said it wasn't given advance notice of the strike that killed the top hamis official solid liability, but in one email tag is here to the department of defense said it wasn't his really strikes as well,
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has not acknowledged responsibility for the attack earlier she habitats, he explained the situation from the us state department in washington, dc on wednesday was the moment for the administration to have it spokespeople 1st time. they faced the precedence and in the new year to put themselves on the rack will just say they did not know who was responsible for the assassination in buried matthew miller. here at the state department, we have no assessment as to who was responsible, but we weren't informed to advance. and then john cubby at the white house national security council spokesperson saying, we're not in a position to confirm a specific reports on how it happened or who is responsible. i basically don't have any great detail on who was responsible no indication, but as row was responsible, so they, we, i was all on the record. but then just in the last hour, we finally got a response from us central command, which is the, the, the military come on in charge of them, at least amongst other, among other regions. and use, ask here in dc, it actually helps them over 24 hours ago. say would you have any information about the assassination they finally on?
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so just in the last hour, and it's very matter of fact. good afternoon, the strike was ms. riley strike. please refer will questions to idea very respectfully, some co media of ask i so this would appear to be part of the past and that certainly the anomalous officials are the name on this or send call immediate us. but anonymously, they all, were you thinking that i mean it's pretty clear i know exactly who carried out this assassination. but on the record that the line is we have no idea and i got your tone cubby there when he was an aust followup question. but all you're actually trying to investigate who was responsible and he said he wasn't aware of any investigation. so yeah, whether, whether the centcom email was part of a brand strategy shaping the narrative, or just simply a bit of callousness. well, history, we'll have to tell, have that story perhaps we'll say is that the original email, the us state, the us department of defense while that has written to i just need to again, to clarify that quote, this was not
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a us strike the email referred us to the is ready for us is for further questions. this has been no let's up the in the, on the ground in gaza with israel continuing its bombardment of central and southern parts of the strip. southern region of rough i has been hit hard by is rarely strikes. plains of smoke could be seen from a make shift refugee camp. the people have been searching so rubble for any survivors did it. but i am hon. eunice have also been shelled injured palestinians and the bodies of the dead had been brought to the apple uses in a job hospital in rough, far more than 22000 people have been killed in gaza since the start of these really offensive on october 7th thought i was doing reports from russell in southern guns . the southern palestinians have to report to killed after being directly hit by and is really military driven. me saw you as an upper residents also have been injured in this attack,
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being driven to lead to our hospital to get the treatment and the, the text, the day happened in 2 separate locations inside 12 block in the north and in, in eastern areas of the district alongside with similar ongoing attacks, but with more high intensity bombing in con you, in a city where 20 palestinians have been killed by the east. verify as in these areas and on an ongoing repeated attacks by the are, is very ought to be shooting in con eunice along side with the middle governance of cause a strip. now in the my cause the refugee can palestinian fighters. these moments are clashing with these really military troops who are trying to just to supply the middle coordinates, into separate regions, just to have a full control over the coordinates of the gaza strip as they have been doing in the nother at part of the territory of destroying more than 70 percent of the residential buildings. the also the tax continued to take place in the notes that
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part of the goals are stripping to found your refuge account at this time. despite the withdrawal of the usability of military troops from specific areas of, from the north, but 20 palestinians, they have been killed in japan yet refugee come off to destruction of a complete residential neighborhoods where residents are still trapped in that part of the gaza strip along side of the central areas of kansas city. now the neighborhoods of kansas city had been also, i see it's a foot confrontations between palestinian scientists and these really soon we just and these ongoing military attacks today has resulted the death of more than 120 palestinians alongside with more than 260 others who have been wounded and of course as the what progress is humanitarian medical such patients along site with the security one. as you can see clearly here, right now, the sound of it is very fine to just send the surveillance of drones will definitely get much more difficult and the bloody as the east valley military officials are also keep waving with the options of extending,
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i'm getting ready for pro long flight thing inside guns on i said i had on a 0 last month hello. saw the most illegal crossings can record if history is an under mitigated disaster of catastrophe. us republicans threatened to block government funding and blame president joe biden for a migration crisis on a trip to the southern board. the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that. and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is and has declared war on okay. parts people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story
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on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fact runs through what happened as independent. we won't be i won't read them. we don't have to leave them in the policy. um, it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no $1000.00 service at this point and you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the see
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the the again, you are watching. i just, yeah, reminder of our top stories this out iranian leaders have about a harsh response of them. 95 people were killed in 2 explosions any wrong. it happened during a ceremony to mock the full sign of us with the assassination of the ron, in general, custom so many as well as lead a hassle unless unless as tuesdays killing of a senior, i'm a sufficient and a root will not go on on some solid lot already was killed in the lebanese capital on the 6th of the how much more than a 120 palestinians had been killed in guns on wednesday. as israel from bonded district, major strikes were reported in southern guns of the united states has cooled for a global response to attacks by the ronnie and back to these in the red sea,
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they've disrupted maritime com, us targeting ships. it says a link to israel on wednesday, the united nations security council debated the ongoing on rest, the us for the maritime coalition to the tyler tax last month to these attacks pose grave implications for maritime security, international shipping and commerce. and they undermine the fragile humanitarian situation in yemen. damaging the ability of the international community to deliver assistance to more than 21000000 people in need. it is vital that the council speak and speak now on the need to uphold international law, as well as navigational, rights, and freedoms. even as we continue to demand that the, who, the stop these attacks, which are clear violations of international law, we must not overlook the root of the problem. your ron has long enabled these attacks by the who these colleagues, the threat to navigational rights and freedoms in the red sea is
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a global challenge and necessity. it's a global response. i'll call them back to explains what these disruptions have meant for the shipping industry. as the new year begins, commercial, maritime traffic on the suez canal is down by nearly a 3rd compared to a year ago. and 2 thirds of container ships cancel their sewage bookings just last week. as who days continue their attacks on commercial vessels. major firms have stopped using the canal, so where are they going? many are sailing around the southern tip of africa. container ship traffic at the cape of good hope has nearly doubled, but vessels carrying oil liquefied natural gas, metals and grains are also diverting to the southern passage. and that's not only due to the conflict in the red sea traffic at the panama canal, half a world away has also been reduced due to drought. if you, for example, we're talking about the containers i so that was coming from agents. you go to that
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usually takes $35.00 days to go from asia to europe. i. so i think another $1012.00 base on top of that means both the base is between asian, you are going to be less on a year. so that means that the cutting capacity of the vessel and the company as well is going to drop. and that kind of cutting capacity is appropriate because that's how the shipping companies are making money, selling around africa to avoid the red sea ads over 3500 nautical miles, 10 extra days, and millions of dollars to a trip between europe and asia. a fuel mix up half of, of vessels, operational costs and more fuel means more emissions. and that's just as the european union is charging new tariff edit sports to curve them. and for us more expensive goods, just as governments are trying to use inflation. developing countries that rely on food commodities already diverted due to the war in ukraine, could be hit again. because another thing we have to keep in mind is that when all the vessels are good to live in 20 days from today, because of the moment they're taking
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a detour and they've actually finding out enough it got. but when all those vessels have been 5 into the ports, then maybe we're going to see some kind of a congestion over that. following the 1967 arab israeli war, the suez canal was closed for 7 years. in today's more connected world, these few crossings are even more valuable the let's take a look at some of the other news from around the world. us republicans have threatened to block government funding over a migration crisis at the southern border. they're blaming on president jo biden's policies, how speak of mike johnson and 60 for republican representatives for the board. on wednesday, they met with border officials in eagle, pos, texas, and cooled the conditions there. chaos the us as seen a surge of migrants crossing from mexico,
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mexico with every month breaking records. today, we got a 1st hand look at the damage in the chaos. the border catastrophe is causing and all of our communities. the situation here and across the country is truly unconscionable. last month alone, we saw the most illegal crossings in recorded history. it is an unmitigated disaster, a catastrophe. what's more tragic is that it's a disaster of the president's own design. let's talk now to how does your castro, who has more on this. so heidi, this has been a major phonetic a political flash point in the us for months. now, what more can you tell us about this visit by republican politicians? right. the speaker of the house today has um, went on to say that what he witnessed was a quote may have now that's despite the fact that this week, the border crossing numbers along the southern us border is only about a quarter of that of last month. so there has been
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a dramatic decline. we'll have to see if that last but the house republicans that my jobs a lead they early or last year passed a very strict proposal to make it much more difficult for asylum seekers to seek asylum in the us. now that bill has been pending and in the senate it has not been taken up. rather there's been a bi partisan effort to negotiate a deal there where you crane funding would be coupled with funding for the border. there's still a lot of uncertainty where that legislation will end up, but what we do know for certain is that we are now in 2020 for a presidential election year. and we just saw those house republicans make this dramatic gesture by visiting the border. and there is certainly seizing on that the border and immigration as a point of weakness to a task bite and, and other democrats, regardless of that, the other news of the day is biden's, department of justice to the state of texas with his republican governor. for were
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controversial new state law that would make crossing the border illegally a state crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. the federal government saying that this law is unconstitutional because immigration, and border security is in the jurisdiction of the federal government, has them. how does your castro alive 1st there in washington? thank you. how study one migrants who were kidnapped in northern mexico on saturday had been rescued. government took the migrants from a bus across the border from texas to region and seen an increasing kidnappings as record numbers of migrant try to reach the united states for us. president donald trump has off the supreme court to review a decision banning him from the colorado primary election states. top court remove trump from the republican party, primary bows because of his role in the 2021 capitol hill attack. they disqualified
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for president, accusing him of insurrection. fox was also appealing a similar band in the state. the main sate also in the us. any man has been shot and killed outside of a mosque in new jersey. police are investigating the attack on hassan chevy, who died in hospital from his wounds jerseys. attorney general says, there is no evidence so far to indicate the attack had anything to do with religion . to are you crane? and russia have exchanged hundreds of captive soldiers in what is the largest swamp in months. the exchange shows that even as the war intensifies talks between the 2 sides, all going on, i said, bank has the latest from key if we understand this is the largest prison exchange since the start of the war and not the previous present exchange took place in august last year between ukraine and russia after which, according to ukraine, thirty's,
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head rest and stopped the process. and then the alleged attempt to turn to families of prisoners of war against the ukrainian government to navigate to spend 230 ukrainians have been exchanged for 248 russians amongst a ukrainians. we understand the members of the board to guard the national guards, the ministry of defense, the navy, as well as some members, some civilians, now it presents and let's be posted on these telegram channel, referring to those ukrainians, saying i was a home and you sent the soldiers on the front line, going, going to say that the more russians are take captive, the more effective it is in negotiations. now, at least for russia, the soldiers will be returning in time for orthodox christmas, which is on the 7th of january. but what it shows is that despite the heavy bombardment that we've seen here, over the last few days, that negotiations can and all still taking place. i start vague, a 0 chief of a video has the most of an optic prison in russia, well positioned liter. alexei, nevada,
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it has been transferred the polar wolf calling the lie some 60 kilometers north of the arctic circle. it's a full my us fullness soviet gulard can. nevada and these allies are saying it was specifically chosen to come in the found the offer me is lawyers and supporters. that's it for me with us next inside story. after that, the the color we, they still have some, are all the one, several, whether waking is way across, depends of size of something drivers it go through the next steps i'd say were you were cloudy. so she did with this go from one from system to the larry of low pressure that will pull it out into the open waters. shala's do just talk their way back in behind. some of them will be wintry in nature coast that western side of hong shape. but as we go for thursday into friday, it is
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a drawing up process of where you will see some snow just coming to northern parts of the country that kind of seeing some snow, a little bit of wet weather set in place because northern areas of hardship for the south standard troy, as is the case for the korean peninsula, i had a good parts of china. well, that was central and southern past that was the southwest. you might just catch a shout to see the possibility of the art show just creeping into the eastern side of vietnam. but from lots of indo, china is driving the usual scattering of showers across the philippines, malaysia, indonesia, which is where the once again, driven in on the northeast the month. so we'll be able to, we'll 7 pots of them like potentially into some, entre still. so whether affecting solving parts of india, it will be pretty heavy at times. but the main thing to focus on over the next few days is the ongoing dentist woke up tools to move into buck is done. but right, we'll move in the, the, the latest news as it breaks, echo is,
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is not only concerned about the possibility of more causing the region as well. right? it could approximate, with detail coverage, less than 2 weeks. central office being criticized, behaving more like a name for that. a precedent from around the world since the start of the war. a vast number of small a voluntary groups have sprung. it's a big, they don't have the result of big organization. the will, the assassination of the top come off to the end. they route to change the close of one garza as well as time to choose the beginning sound a little bit and has all a stronghold and another means capital. so what will the reaction be? this is inside story, the


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